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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1917)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 3. vllpnRiMTFfiB Of I wLSV a I !t in n'.inin 'i'cik, School Head- Educa lioiial Nvtrds in Nebraska. Kural high schools an t the elimina- n of norma! training- courts in the . i-ak-.r unii;, of .--..rdy in city high ! .-, .:;!.- were a .'vocuted by State Sup ei i-.ur.dc rt Ciemmcns. in his address '; lore the county sUjvrintendents of at tiie Lirdell hotel Thurs- i cit vouths should I :! ani'- opp t uniti'-s fo'- aj , . , i J-- . aid. pJ u: get: more unity between country a-..' city schools and more thorough i: -tr.ict'on in common branches. I 7hv average high school graduate, l.K- said, is rot old error; gh in training i.p i iudgrneru to studv teaching, and r.: advee '.tr-'. thai normal be j r .-. r o-t-,-' a iuatc work in the high ..t: . -i-y i ' be undertaken after a ... i..." ' 'oar-ycrir course is completed. .-.ip;vji,u-:Kie.:t Clem.mons has little j consolidated rural hoo-:. He dee favor, however, the ris-.didaticn of ivral districts for ! r-h schoe! wok. lie wotikl leave the j n.atier of trae! io and from these j Bil,Ic by the seo' e of l!4 to 1'.'. :---!-.C'-: en.ireiy up t-J the farmers of ; jhc par.u. throughout was very in-ran.t-ni.y. i leresiing and the high sehooi boys, c : -t ntl. Ti v ii; ch-sc with a ! lat-jn,r :livantac- of the ovei -ct n.1; - .-a.i. V ;.la t ; eii jo: . wLcre! i f tuc p.W.teriaiis. were soon .ommt; uly cerue-.- wa. i.-e -t 1 bv Super interaievt Aud.e pa::g:er oi (. aase cojt:. ljC-v' an' i -:r - x:U Suf rr" -n'Km B:ee.v o I cy.i-v-, count : stato exhd it-, ivy (. 'tru-ie L. oon .-! w;.,;tr curry; and, acy cer- r'-' club work, by Suneria . ndent W 4.r..w : j-.o.: Wi -1 : .. T : r, . , . .. ii :.,.,r 1 I. i n-e-re county. L.r.corr. r-rar. j OF SICKNESS IN GUY AND CQUMTRY 'i';.. past w we. ks has b nought a ; , ;.; ,!e i! "i" slcknc to t!i- city and : . re is -.rdly a Ironic in which the re 1 ;; some sick lAl suflerirtg from ::-Tt"- ""d other maladies peculiar to t! : of the year and it has thc physicians of tire city busy I. ..:. n: after tium. A number of e. do re.; in the south part of the city hai been uAeu v ith slight attacks o:" dinthria i.ut the.-e cast.- are n t ft st.-t adi rrg : n.'l oo r. t seeiu t( " more than, usual in a city of this si-re. Tiie e Sorts f tire school auth.r i;iis ar.d patents united should be ab'e to cireck this disease from .-preadinrr among tiie children in that seciin 'f the city. A great many peiso:i- always enlarge upon these cases of contagious diseases and make it ;. great deal worse than it really and it can be assured that what i', w ca.-es tl'.c:e ;- existing will be oa , :'u'!y w; t, ,eed to j.rwent them ciiarr. Tile p,ubii-- shou'd assist it ecry vay in seeing that the cases : utagi-ii'-; disease are not spread i.r.ii assisting in he. the ouar-a:'l.- tegruktions wlr ich have been e-rauli-licd for the protection and then there v. i 1 1 U little danger of o i it cases de eloping. C KI OF THANKS. . o ,:e t- that;k our kind fn-uds iiP'i n irrbboes who so kindly assisted ,!-; r. t'r - Y, of l."-c averrent an 1 4rh o:- ei- bcb.vr.I ";.ther. C. F. . M. an i io, t! ,- h:'i!' (s- 1estow-d l as duri:'.:- t! ' time of the fu jMi.u. and ais for- th'.ir leautiful fh .:! rihate-. . s and Ikuighter- of Mr. C. F. ... FOB SALE. ;: iii i.n-'! oak po-t. : a l'"v, b'-do lot-; 1 iVlarid- liina m de hog, -Jt) po.-.i,ls; 1 Shorthorn bull; la head shoots, 1 to mouths old. I 'hone No. JU'.!:h C. E. Schwab, Murray, Neb. l-Ui.'-ytwklv Money in Eggs. Eggs at e irot bank: bic but tiie l'.o.iey frotti their sale i;. This money i. jour for the effort. How do you treat the hen that lays tiie Golden 1; -.,? Dr. B. A. Thomas' Poultry Bemedy will keep thc poultry in good condition ar.d Increase the yield in eggs. We guarantee this ar.d refund your money if not satisfied. II. M. Soennichsen. Puis & Gansemer. Cwul furnished room for icnt Lcated reasonable. Phone 200. THE OWNERS TO REBUILD WEEPING WATER MILL ''esidcnts of our neighbor 'ty of Weeping Water arc greatly oring tercsted in the plan.- for the rebuild ing of the mill and elevator in that ! citv which was destroyed bv tire two weeks ago at a loss of 812.000, and the owners, of the mill are being given the greatest encouragement to rebuild at once. The owners of the mill are Panning to rebuild tne mill ana put u? a f,,st cla-s building with the lat- Cat equipment for handling the pro duction of grain, and expect to install the best and latest machinery in the plant when it is completed. Before buikbrrg they will inspect a number of the larger mills throughout the state and get. a line on the kind of machinery that is demanded in a mill of the size tney propose erecting. HIGH SCHOOL PRESBYTERIANS Lal t.v'nhitr o:i. of the best basket baji ames of the season was staged at tne royler skating rink when th riattsmcuth High school team trim- j mcj- lhe team of the Presbyterian ...5i,, ... n-,..t. le-c! th.-it it w-ns impossible for their opponents to f.'vrcomo. For the high schocd. Hilt ! U-i:dauin. Burdette Briggs and Johnnie SalU... Wl-ri. aide to secure sever ai , dIfik.ult .y, while Jur.o Marshall at ! fc .. v,a, 0.;e of eonuibuimg . . i i lactors to tne victory ny ms cie ei i j,:ayinir. which kept the Bd.le class on j the defensive the greater part of thej,- -. K. H. Fau-a. 1 . M. Yai '.time. The lineup of the teams were ;;vkc. C. W. Coved. J H. i ::v. urtky. as follows: ! HIGH SCHOOL. . BESBYTEKIANS. ' i Martin F.F. T.F. ... Krcnsteat Sattier L.F..L.F Larson Cecil F. J. Marshall C. C F. Marshall Elliott KG. K.G Neil Briggs L.G.'L.G Speck . In he girls' game the first high school team defeated the second team. J4 to 0. SURPRISED ON HER 1? Ev. LfcPV F 5.5 ftQ I P.U S f Hi&.ilLdl On Thursday Mis. John Bajeck was surprised by a number of her lady friends in a most delightful manner that will long be pleasantly remembered by the niemlers of the part-. Mrs. Bajeck was not aware of the plot of friends to give her the surprise and it was not until they arriv '. at the home that she was aware of the very pleasant treat in store. Each member of the party came with wcdl laiden baskets of the good things to eat which formed a very dainty four-course luncheon by the ladies. The evening was .-pent in playing progressive high-five and a great deal of pleasure was derived by the ladies at the facinating game of skill. The ladis also enjoyed the fleet ing hours in visiting and. a general social lime uniil a late hour when ihrv wended their way homeward feehrg that it had been a most event to ail. Those in at-U-ndance wee Mcsdames Joseph Hiber, Sr., John J. Svebod:;, Thunta: Svoboda, Harold Thomscn. Jamc Buiin, Ar.tim Trilety, Titn KahottU'k. K. B. Moffcl. J. W. Peters. E. A. Wiiil, Emmons Ptak, A. J. Snyder, Antony Nesdehik, John Bajeck and Mike Bajeck. KEEP LP THE !OG. Were you ecr kept awake at night by tiie howling or barkir.g of a dog? If you know bow it sounds keep vour dog iocked up at right. Put rum m your barn or outshod so that hii music will not make your neghbors say things which shoitid lie left un said. Keep bur up :o that your yard will not be filled with tin cans and lochs aimed at the dog poor mr.o- cetrt cteatuie. He is onlv moutningj for l is friend who has strayed into a sausage fictory. Lock him up friend, and you will not o:Jv add luster to your cn.wn in the hereafter, T ... .... .1 oit your neignbor will rise ur and call you F. J. Henuings and wife of Eight Mile Grove drove in Saturday frem ; their farm home to visit for a short: time attending to the week end shop-! ping. . i IN PLATTSMOUTH FORTY YEARS AGO. V V w,s, rir"W ii,w Andy Taylor shipped -1 bead of the finest kind of stcc-"s on Tuesday. Andy i- the b y who can do it and no mi.i.ake. J. X. Handle father- of the Handle boys visited our town on Monday. The old gentleman looks quite wee!, im proved really. Billy Weils started for Ids farm Tuesday. Going to build a barn fjr his team and go to plowing. "Who wouldn't lacvh to bee him following a plow. But he'll do it just the same. They are kaiscrnir.'ng and fixing St. Luke's church very handsomely. It needed it badly, nut whether the prayers that ascend will be avswered ar.v belter t km Midi the beautiful waiis. history leaves r.o record. Our i'rierd at the p ,- house ( r.ol an iramio b,ut Croft tiie boss), tells us that lie has eight regular boarders. Four inshne, tv. o vi'h c-r -umptino, ore with rheumatism, arid old Mr. Abbott, of old aire. He has some trice fat cattle i .., but r.e boards dun; out side. C:ra;'!:;in W'-iglit has been r.ial-ing .-erne of iJie bc-.-t avl mo.--t pe'-;nanent itn'o ctu-. nt of all o'Jf t Her:" ir uil: i b:s added eii;l 'et t ti'.e wf:-t eod of his house thereby na.king a i;ar.dsome adduional room ..l d gaining that much ir.o?e house ! room. Bedde.- he lu-.s built i i e v u:i-'c a r.! -ixed ttji m re nice things n ' --e !'.-., t!::tr one can hui.gine un!i o an.d see t.'er.:. Tin-: PisTiticr .c;ri:T . , . i ) ; . . i.aa v. w :m i.;.- rc 'o ' ,"s. .. ! uupu u!i !e:ic!i, (l. A. M uiicn. court rep m i. jhis desk. W. I.. Weiis. clerk, atrd C. i. thc LtV,t.,, . .. ,VJ W(. , ,v ,. ..; t .... jtil,.rty A Wi.t- hr. T. M ; j;, '. n s. 'smdm. S. M rdnapman. Id. B. W indiu.r.i. J. K. Mo!'- ! .dso-.t. 12. Ik Stone. Wdk-t I'otl'-nger. t ;-t i. .' grar.u jurors was called. ;t;u r t.;casinir ?uite a r.undci trie following weie cmpanra he... (.hatred by Cue judge, and sent t their room: T. W. Shvx.i-k. foreman: H. M. Bushneil, C. d. Hoffman. Jerry Hart man. II. W. Farley. James llrdl. J. M. Higgins. W. J. Laugldin, John Murlin. Jol n Kichanlsoii, Sam'l Stal nacker. (',. V. Sliryder. Alva Iivw. ilerrv Kirkhma. The pettit juty was then called and the following answered to their ; name: : j M. I). Abbott. J. W. Barr. Chas. !ikirr..w. Daniel Tbiugla.iu. -las. Mc- Andrew Pitman. 1 .. B. HorTm:.r.. F S. plej,-er. Ptter Coon. J. J. :!.. erts. Thos Hill. M. L. White. Theo dLite D. Buck. Austin Mutz. Atick.rsoa iiv.ot. David Gtahain. L. Fik u". D. Sampson, and Samuel Hector. The rest of the day was spent in arranging" tiie dorhet "J .il the jury eases might b cubed this week, so that jurors might be allowed t re turn home as soon as possible, leaving all cases in equity until the later nart of the term. That So Mrinv P'altsnieuih People Fail to Kecegnize Kidney Weakness. A oii a ' ;i l had. victim 7 Suffer twinge-; headaches, diur.y sped- 7 (in to bed tireii get up tired? It's siirp.t isiu.g h w few suspect the kidneys. B 's surprising how few hnow viiat L o d . Kidney trouble ik eds. kidney t-xat-mont. Doaii's Kidoey Pdk ;: !'. the kid neys only. Have convinced Pratt-moult: people of their merit . Hut's a Pin! L-moid h rii-c- I'latts-tp-iu t fi tesiirr.o:i . Kidney sufferers hereabouts should hi. I if. M-s. H. Ihinkman. Vine St.. P!attsm uth, sav: "Vc keep Doan's Kidticy Pills, in the house all the time and whenever occasion requires a kid-re-' rnedicirK'. th-y give good satis faction. I take Hoards Kidney Pills now and then, when, my ba-k bofhoiv, me, and they soon remedy the trou ble." Pru-e :U:, at all doders. Ilon't. simply ask for a kidircy remedy gr-t Doan's Kidney I'iil.s the same that M'-s. Bririkman bad. I 'o-ter-Milbur rt r- Props., Buffalo, N. DR. E. I). CUMMINS j wi'd be unable to be in Pkittsmouth .Wednesday to meet his debtors, but will be here February llith. There' will be no action taken to enforce col-, lection until after that date. J 1-29-tf d&w WK KW MST afiC EL31W00D. Leader-Echo. Bern, to Mr. ami Mrs. Simon Brack hage, on Sunday, a buby boy. The little son and mother are getting along nicely. A fine baby boy was born on Tues day to Mr. and Mrs. John Becker, near Murdock. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. F. Buckemeyer was on the sick list the latter part of last week and the rirst part of this week. He is rapidly improving -at present. Charley Stock, who has been work ing for Wiilard Clapp. left Tuesday for Virginia. He soid his fine bay driving riot se to Pearl Rover. William John has again been con fined to hi.- home on account of sick ness, lie had just uassed through a very severe siegv of blood poisoning and a nuvse has been employed to arc for him. Word from Edwin Jtary of Lincoln, Neb., and our former townsman, states that he is going to Cuba to spend a cw weeks of this winter weather-. Mr. Jeary has made the trip to Cuba veal tdnes before. Clarence Irons has rented the place former ly owned by James McCartney, which, thds summer, was purchased by his father, H. S. Irons, and will farm this in connection with forty teres belonging to Mrs. Lona Will t ock.-ori. G. orge McFar! of Brunswick, Neb., 'rrived last Saturday on a visit to his father. A. McFaii and other relatives. He r' tu.tred home on Tuesday. He .ays ihut crops in his section of the country were exceptionally good this yar. Tom McCartney of Grant. Neb., ar--iv'i Monday on a visit to his par r.s, Mr. and Mrs. James McCartnev of this city, and hi? brother, James, who lives southeast of town. Mr. Mc Cartney is wei! known here, having been :aised in this community. A ileal was made this week whereby John Colbert of Weeping water pur hustd the Lincoln Grain company ele vator at Wabash. Mr. Colbert was f' rmcriy owror of this elevator. We are not informed as to his plans fo1 one! ating'the elevator but Mr. Colbert is one of the best known men in this section and the people will be glad to know of the change. YV. M. Hunter, who was a resident of Elmwood thirty-three years ago. came to Elmwood last Saturday to vis;; f r a short time. He came to Lincoln from Sheridan county to at tend the farmers' exhibits at that uiace. and while there met William Otrrnn. They did not know each other a., it had been thirty-three years since they had met, but Mr. Hunter decided Io come on to Elmwood and mak Mr Ouinn and other friends a short visit before returning home. I EAGLE V Beacon ! V ,nf. ------ -. . Widle skating on the ice last Satur day Odiie. Trumble fell and injured ncrself quite severely. T. i. Lane, who has been with II. K. Frantz on the farm for the past sc. en ytais, is assisting at the Bank of Eagle. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Balderson of I Vdrrei!, Neb., are visiting at the home of iheir daughter, Mrs. F. W. Blomenkamp and family. Mrs. E. M. Standley moved in from the country Wednesday and is occupy ing the George Oberie property, which he recently purchased. Dan Wilson and family arrived here f i em Sox City, la.. Wednesday eve ring ;t!i! took charge of Weaver's restaur nr.. which Mr. Wikon recently nui -chased. Bo. n, in Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Sch wegman, who reside five miles south of Egk on Saturday, January 20, an eight-pound boy. The mother and h'ttie one are reported to be getting along nicely. The condition of Grandma Mick is. lepo.ted to be quite serious at this writing. During the past f'.w days ad of her children., six sons and five daughters, hae been with her for a few day:;' visit. Gt urge Ob: u le ami family moved out on their farm northeast of town the first of I lie week. After living in town for the past three years. George has decided that the farm is the best pla'-e after all. Mrs. Jo.-epn Bar.'rtl of Phiinview, Tc arr'ved Ir re the hitter part of last week for an extended visit at the heme of her son. Claude and family. She has been spending the winter with her- son, Walter, in California. i W. Blomenkamp la- been busy this week moving the post office and drug store into his new building just south of the bank. He now has much better quarters, as his new brick t building is of the modern type and a i credit to the town. NEIIAWKA. NEWS. Merril Sheldon visited his aunt Mrs. Alford in Elmwood over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hennan Thomas made a flying trip to Omaha Sunday evening returning on the early morning train Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. West were passengers to Lincoln Tuesday after noon w lire they will visit their daugh ter, Miss Gladys. Mesdames V. P. and Geo. C. Shel don departed last Friday morning for Wayside, Mississippi, for a visit with Ex-Gov. Sheldon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpartrick moved into their gne new home this week, which is among the most artistic and modern dwelling homes n the county. Born, Thursday afternoon of last week to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hadley, a son of regular proportions and lung expanse. The mother and baby are getting along nicely. George Sheldon moved his office furniture and fixtures into thc pew building the latter par.t of last week. The Sheldon factory and office is now idl under one roof, and this makes it much more satisfactory in every way. The death of R. Floyd Anderson an old soldier who has long been a resi dent of Wyoming precinct, just over the line in Otoe county, occurred List Friday morning, after an illness of several weeks duration. The fun eral was held from the home of the deceased at ten o'clock Saturday fore t don. the services being conducted by Lev. G. A. Randal of Union. The temains ef the worthy old gentleman were laid to rest in Wyuka cemetery The Royal Neighbors held their Installation of officers last Friday afternoon. Jan. IP. as follows: O. Gertrude Carper. P. 0.. Alice Plyborn. V. O. May Stoll; C. Anna Fulton; M. Lena Anderson; A Recorder, Chlona Mae Lemon; I. S. M. Lucy Schafer; Allen; Receiver, Karine Bashford; O. S. Edith Duckworth; Manager, Fern Bates. A spelndid good time was had, and it was decided to have a big feed and an extra good time in two weeks. UNION Ledger John Lidgett -shipped a car of cat tle and a car of hogs t" Omaha Tues day. Abe Becker returned from Kansas City Monday, where he shipped a car of hogs. A. W. Propst moved his house hold goods from Mynard, last Friday to the Rev. Taylor house. Mr. Probst is the new Ford Agent. Messrs Wade and Poling of Ne braska City and members of the Key stone Pipe Co., of this place, were here yesterday looking after tlteir interests in the concern. L. G. Todd returned home from Lincoln Saturday to tpend Sunday with his family, and returned to his outier in the legislature on Monday morning. John Frans who was taken to Ne braska City last week for treatment lias returned to his home. He was injured by a belt breaking and hitting him while engaged in work anound a gasoline engine. Miss Isabella Shrader, of Omaha, was visiting with friends in Union, the fore part of the week. Joe Felthauser of Nebraska City was a guest at the A. L. Backer home Friday evening. The ice harvest is on in Union in full blast. C. F. Morton is putting up ice from the Weeping Water south of town that is measuring 2'1 inchs m thickness. This is realjy the best ice that Mr. Morton has been able to get for some years and gives rise to tho question, will we have an ice famine next summer? LOUISVILLE Courier Hiigh Armstrong of Omaha, travel ing lumber salesman, was the guest of Lawrence Twiss over Sunday. Miss Ruth Fitzgerald went to Lin coln Thursday to attend thc wedding of her friend. Miss Kathleen Doyle. Raymond Phelps of Spencer, la., visited his grandmother, Mrs. Charles Phelps, and other relatives in this vi cinity last week. Forest Hoover and wife and little daughter. Doris, are here from Peetz, Colo., visiting at the borne of Mrs. Hoover's sister, Mrs. ClirToixi E. Wood. John N. Petersen has accepted a po sition with the Nebraska and Iowa Grain company at Pleasant Dale, Neb., and will iTiovf his familr ti that olace. ' John Polk spent Sunday with thc home folks. The breeze voices how well John is making out up there. That is what a combination of wit and grit always does. John II. Busche, one of the prosper ous farmers in the vicinity of Cedar Creek, is having a Delco light plant installed on his place, and will have his house, barn and other buildings connected, which will add greatly to the comfort and convenience of the family. George Ringo was in town Wednes day with a smile on his face that ex pressed both pleasure and pride. He announced that the cause of his joy was the fact that he was made grand pa again by the arrival of a fine baby boy at the home of his son. Dr. Ray Ringo, at Minot, N. D., on January 19. Mrs. Charles Tbelps received the sad news Monday of the death of her sister, Mrs. Ellen Miller, at the old family home in Mount Pleasant, la. She died at 6 o'clock Monday morning from a general breakdown due to her advanced age, which was 79. Mrs. Phelps is in Jelicate health and was unable to attend the funeral. She now has only one sister living, who is 91 years old. The friends in this vicinity join us in extending sympathy. .K- v WEEPING WATER REPUBLICAN. Harvey Philips, who has been at tending the state farm school, re turned home Friday night and is tak ing work in the high , school , here this w inter. Miss Alice Crosier and her friend, Miss Anderson of Union, were Satur day visitors atithe home of Miss Cro zier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crozier. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Day and son. John, left Monday afternoon for a five weeks' trip to Florida. They are routed via New Orleans, with a boat trip from that city to their destina tion. Clyde Lacey of Colfax, Wash., ar lived today for a couple of weeks visit with her parents. It is five and one-half years since he left Weeping Water and he notices a number of changes here. County Superintendent Miss Eda Marquardt was in town today en- route to Lincoln to attend a meeting of state educators. She had been to Avoca to attend the Marquardt-Rc-walt wedding, at which event she played the wedding march. Will Sperry, jr., who has been vis iting here, left Tuesday morning for his homestead near Burlington, Colo. He was accompanied by his brother, Ed Sperry, who was going out to look at the country with the view of get ting hold of a piece of bind. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jenkins of Utica, who were enjoying a week's vacation, were Saturday and Sunday visitors with relatives in town. Mr. Jenkins returned to his duties Mon day morning, while Mrs. Jenkins re mained to extend her visit a week longer. John Yonko came in Sunday morn ing from Aurora to accompany his wife and the children home, who have been visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Morse. They will go to their new home at Crete where Mr. Yunko has bought a butch er shop. The friends of Walter Powers were very much concerned the first of the week when it became known that Walter had rented the Mrs. Sarah Gilerson property, and hIko, was busy buying furniture, but iheir excitement grew loss later on when they learned that Walter had rented the house ex pecting his father and mother to move here from Murray, la. Thomas Hiatt of Strong City, Okh. arrived Tuesday to visit his only brother, J. A. Hiatt, who has been confined at an Omaha hospital since his accident at the railroad bridge at Plattsmouth early last fall. No doubt these brothers will enjoy their visit as they hadn't seen each other for fif teen years. Mr. iiiatt of Oklahoma, Mrs. J. A. Hiatt and her daughter, Mrs. Orval Bill of Tabor, la., all went to Omaha Wednesday to visit the un fortunate man at the hospitals BENNETT CHRISWISSEK FEEL ING BETTER. l-'j-oiii Kri'biy's I v. Bennett Chriswisser, who for the last few weeks has been at the Pres byterian hospital in Omaha, taking treatment, has returned and is feeling somewhat improved, and it is needless to say that be is mighty glad to get back home with the good wife and members of the family. Mr. Chris wisser's many friends am delighted to have him once more with them and trust that he may soon be able to be in his former good health and enjoy the activities of life. Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Picture Framing. Frank Gobelman. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer for tale at public auction to the highest bid der on the Levi Churchill place nine miles south of Plattsmouth and four and a half miles east of Murray, com mencing at 10 o'clock a. m. .'harp, on Friday, February 9, 1917, the follow ing described property, to-wit: One black horse, 4 years old, weight 1,350. One bay horse, 7 years old, weight 1-200. One gray mare, smooth mouth, with foal, weight 1,150. One gray mare, 2 years old, weight 1,000. One black horse, '2 years old, weight 1,000. One cow, giving milk, will soon be fresh. Farm Implements. One 12-inch John Deere gang plow. Two 14-inch walking plows. One Bradley riding lister. One John Deere walking lister. Two Jenny Lind fpring trip culti vators. One Avery cultivator. One tongueless cultivator. One Deering binder. One three-section harrow. One Rock Island corn elevator, good as new. One grapple hay folk and 1)0 feet of rope. One hundred and seventy-five feet of rope. . i One Janersville disc. One McCormick mower, ."i-ft. cut. One McCormick hay rake, extra heavy. One Ghi -inch wagon. One u-inch wagon, good as new. One new bob sled. One top buggy. One new Case corn planter. One hand corn sheller. One 30-gallon kettle '.vith stand. One set of inch and three-quarter harness. One set of inch and one-quarter harness. One set of single harness. Five tons of timothy hay, baled. Two galvanized hog troughs. One self-player Angelos piano, good as new. One wood base burner. One kitchen cabinet. One 12-foot table. Three iron bedsteads, with springs.. Other articles too numerous to men tion. Lunch will be served at noon by W. A. Scott. Tei -nis of Sale: All sums of sit) and under, cash; all over slO a credit of six to nine months will be gien, purchaser giving good bankable paper bearing 8 per cent interest from date. All property must be settled for be fore being removed from the prem ises. E. R. QUEEN. W. R. Young, Auctioneer. W. G. Boedeker, Clerk. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned wiil offer for side at public auction at bis home on the Bennett Chriswisser iarm. two and a half miles west and one and a quarter miles south of Murray, five and a quarter miles north of Nehawka on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 1917. The following described property to-wit h : One black mare, nine years old, with foal, weight l,0l0. Six good milk cows, will be fresh in the spring. One heifer, two years old, will .-non be fresh. Two fine young buils, ten inontb; old. Eight calves, coming curling . Four brood sows, bred. 22 head of shoats. wt. ." lbs. each. FARM MACHINERY. One Western Belle lister, cornl in d Two walking cultivators. Two wagons w ith ho One hay rack. One hay buck. One 1-horse drill. One buggy. One feed bunk, 11 "feet long. Two sets of heavy wor k harness. One set of. singk? harness. 900 feet of new pine lumber. Nine galvanize.! chicken p-. Many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at lH;oo o'clock a. m. sharp. Lunch will be served at noon by W. A. Scott. Terms of Sale All .-urns of .Sl"." and under cash; all over Slo.oo ;, credit of six to nine months, will be given, purchaser giving good bankable paper bearing tight per cent inlet e ' from date. All property must be set tled for before being removed from the premises. EARL LANCASTER. W. A. Young, Auctioneer. W. G. Boedeker, Clerk. Ben Wiles was among those visiting in the city Saturday from thn count rv districts, attending to iMu week-end shopping.