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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1917)
H I 3 Neb SUU Historic! io n 4 r wk TOL. XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, -MONDAY, JANUARY l;17. No. i: ma mm k. a. J COMMERCIAL CLUB HAS A 0090 MEETING Election of Officers and Tine Address I!y J. V. Gamble of Omaha, and Gd Attendance. F:-ri Fr;.lay'- I;. i:v. The annual election of officers of the Commeroial club was held last even ing as a part of the proceedings of the January meeting of that organiza tion, whieh va held at the auditorium of the Carr.egi.' library. Tne meeting was ui.-s filled with much interest h-'th i:: the selection of the excellent anay of Hirers for the ensuing year and ir: the enjoyment of the able ad-dre.-s o-Iiv-ered by J. Y. Gamble of Omaha. I'Pf of the live wire-- of the m;.ha Cr rr.mercia! clu!). Ti:e men-ting was called to order hy President Wescott, and the settlement r.f the roatine business of the orgui: i nation taken up by the members. Chief of Police Barclay, who ra chi-.rge of the lookout committee, re-l--.t-.-d that in the pact two months tuenty-vight families have moved into the city tii make their homes, all of which was very r-.Ieasir.g to the rep resentatives of the club, as it indicat ed I tie :l'f 'i 'n steady city, rre.-idc". rid continuous growth of the club, following ,. j .-no; i ca1 it fo? th:1 nomine - r.s i oi- the officers of the- club, and flice take tin was that of fir: 1 re-w-R b tier- i y 1 -; id"!;t. .1. P. Falter in a few i-hj.-ii; words placed "William A. . ; i-or. in nomination for the of (f president, and he was elecU i i unanimous vote. The newly el ? re-i ient was compelled o v. rjv.'d to the demands for a speech, when he expressed hi appreciation of the honor extended him and promised to all possible in the ensuing ;'.r ', promote the l est interests of th' c:;y and also spoke, of the neressitv ir.e hearty cooperation of cr. h of the c!r:i tc make it U12 V. es? that 1 .-.auld le in the fli i'o r the office of vice president of the club the name of. Frank M. P. - t.r was presented by T. H. Pollock, and the nomination carried by the t'.'.ardniou- ote of the members pies- t. K. A. Wuil presented for th" diffi cult and strenuous no? it ion of secre- t; t v r f the ( 1 A. Sv.hneide the name of Henry who has been one cf the live vires in the club work in this ciy during his residence here, and it was with pre at enthusiasm that Mr. S- hr.eid.-r was elected for the position. Mr. Schneider stated that while he appreciated the feeling of the club rrirr.hers in the matter he would have ir..- :i more pre ferred to have some r ?,- else selected, but that he would do ail in his power to assist the club, and urged t'ne co-operation of all cf the club member? in making 1117 a big year in the club work. The nom ination of Mr. Sehnei ler was seconded hy Philip Thierolf in a short and very 'easir.r sneech, and despite the oppo sition of rIr. Schneider he was piven t position of secretarv. In compietinsr the list of officers Amrust Y. C' oii It was nominated for t easurer of the organization by Frank sto'-, and was elected by a unani mous vote of the bo ly. President Wescott at the clse of the eh-ction of orTirers took the oc casion to congratulate the club mem Krs or. the pentlomen selected and rave a short review of the past year in the city, which had been one of the mo.'t successful in every way of any previous year for the last twenty five years in lines of trade, as well as building improvement. The num ber of men employed in the shop had been greater than for many years and the pay roll of the Burlington here the best for several years. He ex tended to the new officers the best wishes for future success and urged the active aid of all the members in their efforts for the improvement of the city and the business conditions. After the close of the election the members of the club were riven the opportunity of heanng an address hy J. W. Gamble, who is a former Platts mouth and Cass county man and whose visits to this city are always enjoyed to the utmost by his many j friends, with whom he had spent so I many pleasant years. Mr. Gamble J look r.s his subject a discussion of business conditions after the great world war, both in America and in Europe, and carefully analyzed the situation as he saw it of the affairs c-f the world in finance and industria lines following- the coming of peace between the warring nations. He jointed out the conditions that had followed other great wars in the shifting of trade balances from one nation to another, of how the wars of the early half of the nineteenth century m Europe mm resultea in making Kngland the leading trading nation instead of Holland, that had held it for many years, and as a re sult of the war and devastation in Europe during- the present struggle Mr. Gamble saw the opportunity of the United States, which has become u.e greatest exporting- nation on ;-arth, to remain as the great trading nation of the world. TKe piosition of this country has been greatly changed by this conflict, as the speaker stated, and the United States has become a world power, with new duties and re sponsibilities imposed upon it by that tact. The conditions, in this country toward foreign nations must be so regulated as to give the American manufacturer and producer the oppor- I tunity to meet the competition of the nations who would adopt the system of government buying1 at the close of the conflict. In speaking of the financial situa tion, Mr. Gamble stated that the end of the war would bring a higher money rate in this country as the na tions in Europe who are now at war would require a great deal of capital to rebuild, and this would afford the surplus of American capital an at- 1 ti active field to work in, and which would of necessity make the money rate higher in this country. The ad dress of Mr. Gamble was filled with the spirit of feeling that greater opportunities- awaited the American na tion in the future in developing- the traJe and business expansion of the nation. It was a very clear and inter esting address throughout and dis ployed a great deal of thought along l the lines in which Mr. Gamble has devoted much time, and g-ave his hear ers an insitrht into the future of the business world. At the close of his address Mr. Gamble was greeted by the old friends and spent a few min utes very enjoyably with them. The auditorium of the library beine: such an attractive spot, the Commer cial club has decided to hold its meet ings there hereafter, as the rental is very reasonable and the place ideal for such fatherinjrs. The retiring crTcers of the club. President E. II. Wescott, Secretary T. j II. Pollock and Treasurer R. F. Pat terson, have labored very faithfully fcr the best interests of the organiza tion durinc: their term of office, and certainly are deserving of the appre ciation of the members of the club and the business interests of the city for their faithful service. Mr. Pat terson has served as treasurer for the past few vears and has been active in the work of the club, while Mr. Wes cott retires after seven years of serv ice as secretary and president, and for the past two years he has served as the presiding head of the organization. Mr. Pollock has served in the capacity of secretary and as a member of sev eral of the most important commit tees in the club during his member ship, and on the good roads commit tee has been especially active in se curing results. FAMILY REUNION AT HILL HOME IN HONOR OF MOTHER I'lnni Friday's Daily. The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hill was the scene today of a very pleasant family reunion when a num ber of the relatives of the family gathered to observe the birthday an niversary of Mrs. Thomas Hill, mother of E. C. Hill. The event was a com plete surprise to the guest of honor as she was not aware of the intention of the family to tender her the pleas ant surprise. Those who arrived to day were: Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Hart zell of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dinges of Atlantic, la., uncles and aunts of Mr. E. C. Hill; Mrs. V. W. Glenn of Wymore, a sister, and Mr. and Mrs. George Wood of Wota, la. The everit was one filled with the greatest of pleasure to every member of thc family. Dawson Will Fix It. EATH OF ROBT. H. FRANS OF UNION The Deceased Was One of the Highly Respected Citizens of Cass Count v. From Sjitunlay's Daily. Robert H. Frans, one of the best known residents of Cass county, pass ed awav last night at 10:10 at the home in Union after an illness cover ing- several years of suffering1 from paralysis with which he was first stricken three years ago. Since the time of the first visitation of the pa ralysis Mr. Frans' health has been failing- and compelled his retirement from active business life. He has long been one of the leading business men to Cass county and his mercan tile business in the town of Union was one of the largest establishments of its kind in that section of the country. His activity in business life as well as in the politics of the county has guven him a wide circle of acquaintenances who learn with the greatest regret of his passing. Mr. Frans during his lifetime was 1 follower of the democratic party and held high in the councils of that organization and for years he has been a warm personal friend of Wil liam Jennings Bryan. During his lifetime Mr. Frans has been identified with the religious work having joined with the Baptist church when a boy of seventeen and since that time has been active in the support of the church as well as in Sundav school vork and in his labors for the Mas ter found a great jov and pleasure .vhich reflected in his upright chris tian life. He was for the past seven tenn years a member of the M. W. A. order. Robert II. Frans was born March li, 1S."4, at Plum Hollow, Iowa, where the present town of Thurman is located and was reared to manhood in that locality and in the hardy life of the pioneer boy built up a rugged and strong character that was to make him later a man of force in he community where he lived. In 1S7G Mr. Frans came to Cass county Nebraska, and made his home here for a short time. He was united in marriage on October 1-1, 1877 to Miss Jennie Fitch and a year later the young1 couple moved to Buchanan county, Missouri, where the parents of Mr. Frans were residing1 and here thev made their home for five vears. n 1SS2, R. H. Frans and wife re-J turned to Cass conty and located near the town of Factorvville. where Mr. Frans established the store that has now grown to such proportions and year later was joined by his father, William Frans, who associated him self in the business interests. Dur ing the residence of R. H. Frans at Factoryville he served as the post master holdinp this position for sev eral years. In 1SS7 the business in terests of the Frans family were transferred to the new town of Union and since that time has been the leading business house in that place. For the past few years Mr. Frans has been assisted in the con duct of the store by his two sons, Ray and Rue Frans. who with the widow are left to mourn his death.. Mr. Frans is survived by three brothers and six sisters, Augustus Frans, Kingfisher, Oklahoma; Harry Frans, Union; Colman R. Frans. Plattsmouth; Mrs. Joseph Sans and; Mrs. Wyett Hutchison, of Rock Bluffs; Mrs. Robert Cogrdill, Union; Mrs. M. L. Thomas, Palmyra, Ne braska; Mrs. W. W. Wolf, of Berkley, California and Mrs. Emma Cross, of Trolock, California. One brother, Charles W. Frans, residing- at Wyom ing: preceeded him in death two years ago. The funeral will occur tommorw (Sunday) at 1 P. M. at Union. 1 SUFFERING FROM GRIPPE. From Friday's Dallv. Miss Margaret Hodgert has been confined to her home on High School hill for the past few days suffering from an attack of the grippe, but she is now reported as being somewhat improved. This is very pleasing news to the friends of Miss Hodgert, who hope hope to soon see her up and around as usual. Da wson Will Fix It. JOHN H. BUSCHE MEETS WITH SERIOUS ACCIDENT From FrMav's T:iitv. The friends of John II. Buche throughout this section of iho county will regret very much to learn of a misfortune that befell that gentle man a few days ago and which lias kept him confined to his home since that time. Mr. liusche had taken a horse to Cedar Creek to have it .shod, and while the operation of shoeing was going1 on the animal became rest less, and while they were quieting the horse it stepped on the right foot or Mr. Busche. fracturing several of the bones and he has ..since been confined to his home Celar Creek. on the farm sou: of 1 I CENTER PROPOSITION GAINING INTEREST From Friday's T;!i!y. The community center movement which is being so urgd by teachers and thin!.e; for the closer unity of the residents of eomniurities and which has adopted t lie neighbor hood school house as the cnimunitv center, is gaining ground in ('as- county and near tr.;s city one of ire community clubs has been formed.. This is at the Tris(h school, Fairview, eleven miles west of this citv, and the residents 01 mat iccaiitv nave Pec-mo verv entnusiastu over tn idea that i destined to be so much bene" it to their community. There are bold thirtv enrobed in the club md thev propose to nold meetings and socir.i gatherings as often, as p .s.-ib!e 1,- no re luilv ueveloi e tne c-mnumiTv dea that is now just in the bud. At the last meeting a very interest ing- program was enjoy d hy tne clut. number from this city attending and king part in the entertainment of the evening1. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. iawls, Mrs. E. II. Wescott and Mrs. William Eaird taking: part in the pleasures of the meeting Mrs. Wes cott grave a number of deliirhful vocal olos while Mrs. Btiird contributed everal of her always enjoyable read ings to tne program. Mr. C. A. Rawls gave an interest ing address on rural schools and the ommunity center movement that . 1 in was enjoyed to tne utmost and 1 in -nished the members of the club with r.uch inspiration for the continuance of their work in the future in devel oping1 the community spirit. Mrs. J. W. Tritsch and Miss Barbara Ptak. teacher of the school assisted in the program with two vocal numbers. The work of the community center is one that should be taken up in every school district and in the dis cussion of the common needs and wants of the community the members can accomplish a great deal of co-.d for themselves as well as their neigh bors. The meetings held at the school house draws the members closer to one of the vital elements in American life, the public school sys tems and a clear understanding of the needs of the schools will give the rural communities a system of schools equal in all ways to that of the towns and cities. "PERCY" DEPARTS FOR KIRKVILLE, Percy B. Dimmitt, the expert roller skati-ng1 man, who has been here for the past two months assisting in the management of the Crystal Star roller rink, departed Sunday morning over the Burlington for Kirkville, Mo., where he goes to join the C. M. Lowe ! roller rink, which opens there this week. It has been two years since Mr. Dimmitt left Plattsmouth and it was hoped that on his return he would remain in out midst, and it is with much regret we part with "Percy," as he is known by all, and we hope that by good fortune we will again see him back in this city in the near future chasing the "little rollers." Dr. Eleick, 53G Worid-Herald build ing, Omaha, soecialist in eye. ear, nose and throat diseases, will be at Plattsmouth every Tuesday, at B. A. McElwain pewelry store. Eye glases scientifically fitted. l-29-d&w MASKED BALL AT GERMAN HOM 5- 1 A B!8 SUCCESS The grand mask bail given at the (iermau Heme Saturday eeninj; by the Plattsmouth Turn-Verein was one 1 fill affairs of its riven in the citv in.i has hen i- this season, both in attendance as well tumes displayed -n the rr.aske: -. The P'ir:t of the large as ariety of cos the dance floor by merry maskers i;: the facinations .-pent sever d h- ur. of the dance and the spectators de- lived much ph asuiv in attempting to tv of the different ones the l.ien on the floor, and a great deal of en- .'."'inent was found in this pastime. The ma-k.- were ordeieu removed at 11 o'clocl;, following the grand march, when the were awarded to tho.-e who had been selected bv the : udge.- Will Mason as L'n am received the first prize, and the sec ond prize w;;s captured by John Vran ;.k as "Mutt." For the first ladies' prize Miss Krrr.a Rakow was given the honor, he1' costume being "Ger many, tne second prize was awarded to Mrs. Harry Meisinger as "Old Mother Hubbard." Folliwing the king the floor was thronged un til the close of the dance with the jolly crowd of young and. old, who v.Iiiled away thc time dancing to the music furnished by the Holly orches tra. The was a great success in every way and one that was most ihuhtfu! to every one present. GETTING READY TO BEGIN PAINTING THE COURT HOUSE The work of preparing for the repainting a nil decorating of the county court house is being pushed v ; -"ii t along by the contractor, Frank R. Gebelman, and this morning the workmen are engaged in moving in the paint and equipment to commence the painting while others are washing the walls and ceilings which are cov ered by the dirt and grime of many tears. The first office to be painted will be thr.t of the county treasurer : nd then the commissioner's room, the office of the county clerk, judge and i egi. ter of deeds will be visited by the painters. The job is one that will considerable time owing to the extremely eii'-ty condition of the walls and ceilings and the woodwork which l.-'.s for. 1 to i.e thoroughly cleaned ue le paint can be applied. ENJOYS CHE? (LAME. Mathhew Coring, of Plattsmouth, was in the city yesterday on business connected with the Enyr.rt estate. i-p'-esent ing some of the heirs. While hero he looked up his friend Dr. C. P. Crudup and they at once began a series of chess games. Whether they are yet through is hard to deter mine as their method of playing re quires several hours for a game Ne braska City Press. Mr. Goring is an enthusiast of this facinating game and despite his ex tensive law practice finds time to en joy a few games with his friends and ranks as a real player as those who have played chess with him can vouch for. DAYS THAT SUIT US ALL. When the frost is on the windows and the kitchen pail is froze; when the little icy needls come with every breath that blows: when the chilblanes make us sick and cold feet give us pain, it's safe to bet we all wish for summer days again. For while we sweat around and fume in summer clothes, it is an easy thing to cool off, as everybody knows. But it's differ ent in the winter, when the world is full of ice, and the weather is as hard to beat as a pair of loaded dice. We may talk about our climate and about our spring and fall, but the balmy days of summer are the days that suit us all. Mrs. Oscar Larson of Scranton, Kan., who was called here by the death of her sister, Mrs. C. S. John- ! ton, departed this morning for Omaha ) to enjoy a short visit in that city with ' her sister, Mrs. J. D. McBride and ; family. P. A. MEISINGER INJURED ASSISTING H, E. BECKER Last evening P. A. Meisinger met with si very pa;riful accident while he was assisting II. E. Becker and fam ily in moving into their new home in the Wise property in the Second ward from their farm home west of the city. Mr. Meisinger was looking after sr. me of the work of arranging t he household goods and while out in the yard had the misfortune to fall and in doing so injured his right ankle in ii very severe manner. 1 he ankle be came very much swollen and it was impossible to determine whether it was sprained or broken until the swelling goes down. Medical assist ance was summoned and the injured man made as comfortable as possible, aPJiough the injured member still gives him a great deal of pain. He was compelled to remain in the city at the Becker home to receive treat ment and will stay here until the ex act extent of the injuries can be as certained. LOYAL SONS AND LOYAL DAUGHTERS ENJOY EVENING Friday's I.iily. The Loyal Sons and Daughters of Chirstian church enjoyed a very pler.sant time last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Briggs and the occasion was one of the most interesting that the members have enjoyed for some time. One of the main features of the evening was the debate on the subject, " Resolved, that good intentions never made better lives" and in this the Loyal Daughters, led by Mrs. P. F. Rhin. representing the negative side of the question proved the win ners against the Loyal Sons who were led in the debate by P. F. Rhin. County Attorney A. G. Cole had been invited to address the young people and gave a very interesting address along the lines of a travelogue, cov ering a journey through tne natural beauties of Colorado. Yellowstone. Park, the Pacific northwest and the lands of Southern California and in which the speaker gave a great many interesting experiences during his visits to these localities. Mr. Cole stated that the most beautiful scene however had been on returning to Cass county he had viewed the green fields and the bounteous crops grow ing in the heart of the great agricul tural empire of the west. Daring the evening the Plattsmouth male quartet composed of II. G. McClusky, Bert and R. W. Knorr and Herman Hough gave a number of delightful selections which were received by everyone with marked approval and warmly en cored to which the quartet graciously responded. The gathering throughout was one of pleasure and enjoyed to the utmost until the time for the members to de1 part homeward. FINED FOR WHIPPING A CHILD TOO SEVERELY Saturday evening Melvin Newlin, residing in the vicinity of Elmwood was arraigned in the court of Judge Beeson on a complaint field by County Attorney Cole, in which Mr. Newlin was charged with having whipped his stepson, Elmer Watts, in a very severe manner. The boy who is in the neighborhood of ten years of age, had several large black and blue spots on his back, which it was claimed was the result of the whipping and the court after hearing the evidence in the case decided that it called for a fine of $25 and costs, amounting to $49, and Mr. Newlin accordingly was compelled to enrich the treasury of Cass county to this extent. The lad who had received the whipping it seems had furnished provocation for punishment, but in the opinion of the court, it had been more severe than was warranted by the circumstances. For Sale 7-room modern house with one-half block for $2,500. Could not be duplicated for $5,000. Wind ham Loan & Investment Co. 1-25-tfwkly THE PASSING OF A GRAND OLD LADY Came to Cass County in isft.'j. Married to Francis Young in IM'jH, an. I Lhed in and Near Mur ray Since. 1 esterday at where she has her home resided f in Murray r the pa-t few years since the death of her hus band, Mrs. Francis M. Young. Sr.. was called to her last long re.-t after an illness covering the pa-t three weeks. Mrs. Young was taken sick on the celebration of her seventy seventh birthday, January loth, and since that time ha? gradually grown weaker until yesterday when he passed away. The death was d to the contracting of a severe case of the grippe followed by a general break down and despite all that the loving hands of the children and medical skill could do she gradually contin ued to grow weaker until death came to her relief. Mrs. loung is one of the old residents of the Murray neighborhood coming there more than fifty yars ago and was a lady uni versally loved and esteemed by those with whom she was known through out the county. These old fiiends will join in the grief of the family over the death of the beloved mother and to the bereaved ones the sympa thy of the entire community got s out in this, one of the saddest hours of their lives as they part from them loved one and to await the reunion in another world more fair than this. Sarah Elvira Lewis was born in Platte county, Missouri, Januaiy Jo. 14.", and it was in that community that hhe spent her early girlhood days, removing to Nebraska with her par ents in the year IRGo, at the close of the civil war and for a number -f years resided on the homestead ea.-t of the present town of Murray. She was married to Francis M. Young, Sr., February 27, 1S08, and since their marriage this estimable couple has continued to make their home in the vi cinity of Murray, until the death of the husband a number of years ag- which broke the happy years of wed ded life and since that time the moth er has spent her time in the enjoy ment of the society of the children who remained to bless her 110 ing years of life. To bless the ut . -n of Mr. and Mrs. Young eight c'ildren were born, two of whom preceded the parents in death and six remain to mourn the tleath of the beloved mother, Mrs. T. J. White, Madison, California; Mrs. Lloyd Cupen. Mur ray; Burton O. Young. Murray; Mrs. Warren Wiley, Murray; Arthur Young and Mrs. Hairy Creamer. Murray. All of the children vote present at the bedside of the nvther when she passed away with the ex ception of Mrs. Creamer who is at the hospital in Omaha recovering from a surgical operation. Mrs. Young more than fifty years ago joined with the Christian church and has been a devout member of that faith until death. Her chris tian life will be an example for the family and friends to cherish as that of a grand good woman in her devo tion to duty and love of her fellow man. The funeral services of this worthy lady was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Christian church in Murray and a large numl-er of the old friends and neighbors from miles around were present to pay their last tributes of respect to her mem nry. The burial was had at the Y'oung cemetery where the body was laid to its last long sleep beside that of the husband and children. The pall bearers consisted of the two sons, Burton and Arthur Young, three sons-in-laws, Lloyd Gapen, Warren Wiley and Harry Creamer and one grandson, Oliver Gapen. Mrs.' F. A. Jones of Ruskin, Neb., who has been visiting here for a short time with her mother, Mrs. J. T. Baird and other relatives, departed this morning for her home and was ac companied by her sister, Miss Carrie Baird. Mrs. II. Thomsen was among those going to Omaha this morning, where she will visit for a short time in that city with friends and lopk after some business matters. A. i 1 -Ft- v