MONDAY, JANUARY 22, mi?. PLATTSMOTJTTT SEMT-WTFTCLY JOURNAL. PACT. 3. Children Cry V4 r a: lie rind You Have Always V'irj t"v e 1 : 1 01 I E.J uce for ever over 30 years, has borne the signature of - and has been made under his per f sjJ--? sonal supervision since its infancy. arys. 4cx.uu,Z Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations' :.: :r:: :::::t3 that trifle with and endanger the health cf and Children Experience aeainst Experiment. wriat is UAb l UKiA Crtr:.- is harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Paregoric-L::.-cs and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains r .-icher Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its r. jc is i;s C'--rantee. For more than thirty years it has ly.n in constant use for the relief of Constipation", Flatulency, V: ind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising th-.r.frc-r., and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids ibi: aiiralation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. z.zmwE CASTOR! A always Bears the J ri tmmm MJT Ulmmy,n hi Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought UNION Ledger m mm m 4r- - H. vr... is in-on on i hc 'V w v.eois is l- e n:i.-t I .t!r. lit -i V...V i'.t --etM-r.el unu his tu Omaha : in thi- M-n.i: .V to it'.- 1 IlH- e. .PL' il i lh. tr.e - ' n"c a -h in.!- fuj- r ; --entat! e n .Mondav lion thall befo!-e. I.. ;. Todd went He; to 1 Li; nioininT. He ir:i'f tt i"..s eXv'ae iol' .U'o, .1 l . ; e : . ee ifii 1 1 ill.. 1. L. Si. '-t make! C;- Xt b., this ir. 1U' ti.:- r : u i .-rr.i:1."- I Pei . I o;-,i .,-!. ;.uui.nL. tr.e elevator tlleie. lott!--r i.- no" fi i 1 1 i) a s . t . . ( Il'.e' Win. a.- w.-i! . r. to re!! o;. ii aiul there- is ith innri: his fri Ve t ": h.V His rred Oo ( i .- rt tent is i, now t inie of -n-"!.e 7th .f I.'n-.-oin to- , ..' he was ' He! .7. day. yoi fa ?e. to lo terd; I', r. .rr.o -- c. t o;.i t o lo : . I He !.a-- .-urt y with this e:- Hail left ; witri g' a a the le la- bunch year. for Wis-. 1 ret i.-ir. ves- 'o Ii'IV - kind milch cattle. As cattle th':- are .'.r.era'dy jiretty I. .: ree- i. i i ni.'iif j." ,hn .. -d b 1 a' d fo fortisr.e :,; r.-ii expect to tret ::mi .an a car lend th:- tin e. Gri:V:th. who hi tie en em y C.e-irge Shrader as a farm' O-sie Oldham, of Alberta, Canada, r s'-me tinv.-. had the mi--'was called to Plattsmouth on account f havinsr a horse tear up in jurinir . and fall on him Fridav nicrht, Listen I &?f:1 Make an Automobile Out of Your Ford! Ford Owners Head J. ens a:i and : Mu Co . who i-'-nresent Pick- t r.-. eiM!' jiie met hi with I : it u-y m ii!"ir' distre a peculiar sing" accident of Bradford, en trut of wi ai. , :t live It seem id bh-w off r.n:-"s eas. that a su! his rat and he let jro of fnrtunate'v in attempting; to catch it the steering; wheel. Un at that moment the wive!-: -t'uck a rut, turtle r.s it slid into inir Mulford beneath the car turn eel the ditch bury it.. etc. The most valuable accessory yet brought out for the Ford car. Re moves the strain of driving. Gives complete control of car. over lotno sold to date, your car is next, come to a real machine shop and have one put "n. try it if you don't like it, we will take it off and refund your monov. Price Western Machine and Foundry Plattsmouth, for Fletcher's Bought, and which has been and Tust-as-good " are but Signature of liim so h.xily that it was necessary to rennAe him to a hospital for treat ment. At lid latest reports he wa.'r.s easy as possible. p.-rwooi! left for the border 9 ELMWOOD. A '-I- Leader-Echo. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 John Hoover shipped a ear load of js to Xthvaska ("ity the first of the j v. et I loirs h.ave been ove r the Kk this week. n'a.rlv On la-t Sunday a fine habv bov was r. I Mrs. John Woods. Jr. IJoth mother and ba'ny are dointr iy and tiv.' parents are re.-eivir ir the Loiivrat ulations of their many friends. r -. Jcr.r. .iJifi id. v.'io stJiae time i.iro fell and brtke her leir was able to up for t!;e firt lin.e on Tuesday. M vs. V.'-.-p.::, d' Crete, Iter mother, is h.ere earing for her. C. S. Hart received word on Thurs day of the serious ilintss.. of his sister, Mrs. Love of Kansas City, and that there was no h"pe fur her recovery. Mi-. Hart It-ft for that dace the same-da:-. Mrs. Nor. a Kilmer of St. Louis. Mo., who has been visit intr her parents, .Mr. ,.!.d .".Irs. A. YV. Ntihart. at this place. left M onday for fer Topcka. Kas., anti l short visit before Lansas Citv ming- home. L. A. Tvs-'.n, of this place is one of the speakers at the district meetinp of I. O. O. E. which meets at Xehawka this Friday evening". He was assigned an important subject and we are sure ). O. i: that he will do it justice. of the sickness and death of his sister came to Elmwood Friday evening" for IRREVERSIBLE WORM Steering Gear for Ford Cars Nebraska g few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. (1. W Worley. He is law. havintr married their their -on-in- olt'est daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas of Jor dan, Mont., arrived Saturday to visit at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Ceoifre Osborne. Frank Hirdon who has been visiting in this country for some time is also visitinjr them. YVm. A. Clark is living: at Jordan and they say he is eloiny fine in that country. YV. E. I'armenter has returned from a visit to Hot Springs, Ark., where he spent several weeks for the bene fit of his health. He is now at work ajrain at his blacksmith shop. He feels that he has derived some benefit by the trip. He reports the weather conditions fine there and that he picked violets while there. On Wednesday morning C. C.. Bailey received a telegram from Mil- ford anouncini"- that his uncle, II. Y . Hailey was very low and not expected to live. Mr. Dailey left on the morn ing: train for that place. No further news has been learned up to the time of going: to press concerning his uncle's condition. Ii. C. Hailey was a former Elmwootl resident and is well known here. -l- LOUISVILLE Courier -I Miss E. Viola Everett visited with friends at Murdock Sunday. Xed Walker spent Sunday at Wa ho. with Jeir Carrett and family, re turning" home Monday morning-. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Schliefeit vis ited in Ashland over Sunday with the former's sister. Mrs. Fred I.orn man and family. Otto Merrill, of Draymer, Mo., ar rived I'riday to visit his aunts, Mrs. Sarah Cutforth and Mrs. J. J. Twiss and other relatives. Virgil Haddon anil Edg-ar Pankon in went to Auburn Wetlnesday evening- to attend a state meeting" of vol unteer firemen as representatives of the Louisville tire ilepartmeni. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hopkins, from near Pueblo. Colo., who have been visiting relatives in Cass county were g-uests at the home of their niece, Mrs. Ed ward Steinkamp Sunday. E. E. Steinhar.s was down from Omaha Tuesday calling" ,n his many Louisville friends. He is holding: down a g-ood position in the big Foit! factory and says with his work. he is much pleased Virgil Haddon is having; a c ellar dug" under his house preparatory to installing" a furnace. Ho says lie finds a hard coal burner insuilicit-nt to heat him home and will have a fur nace installed immediately. C. E. Metzgx-r, formerly of Mur ray, but, row with Roberts Pros. L Poe commission company of Omaha, accompanied by his brother, Albert Metzger, president of the Anchor bank at Merriam. Neb., paid Louis ville friends a visit Tuesday. Mrs. E. A. Slander, who has not enjoyed very g-ood health this winter, was able to ride own town Saturday and spend the tlav at the home of her son, P. ('. Stander, while her daught er. Miss Alice, was at Omaha for the day on a shopping: tour. DR. BLEICK. Dr. Bleck, World-Herald build ing", Omaha, --.peciaiist in eye, ear nose and throat disease, will be at Plattsmouth every Tuesdav, at II. A. .MCLievain .jeweirv store. t.e "tias-t- r T 1 T " . . es scientifically fitted. 1-1 '.-.'!td2tw kly i W. A. ROBERTSON. Lawyer. East if Riley IIoteL Coates Block, Second Floor FOR SALE. Fine six-acre tract, close to city; g-o-xl house, barn and outbuildings, plenty of fruit; a barpain at So,-"00. Call on Tom Bower. 1917 Calendar Pads at the Journal office. W. R. Young-, the auctioneer, came in this morning" from his home near Murray and departed on the early Burling-ton train for Omaha to visit for a few hours. Fred Horn of Hay Sprinps, who has been visiting; with his friends in the city for the past two days de parted this morning" for Omaha. Mr. Horn has been with the Sheridan county boosters and took the occasion to visit the friends here. Dr. G. II. Gilmore of Murray was in the city yesterday for a few hours attending; a meeting; of the county board of insanity, of which he is a member. a Stop! Look! Listen! You may nerd an Auctioneer if so iv. r. num s still in the ring You will find on the Murray Exchange. Reverse All Galls! SatisfactionGuaranteed Rates Reasonable Address Platismoutii, Nebraska Route No. 1 .x. NEWS. I-H-H- -KH Mrs. Blair Dale is numbered with the sick this week. John StefTens and sister, Christene drove to Lorton Sunday for a visit with home folks. W. F. Patterson of Alliance, came on Friday for a visit with his friend Alva McKeynolds. Mrs. P. C. Alford came down from Elmwood today, for a visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Vilas Shel don. Ceorg"e Tate, who has been work inir in the rock quarry at Meadow is shaking: hands with old time friends in Xehawka. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McFarland left Monday morning" for Syracuse, in answer to a call to the bedside of Mr. McFarland's father who is seri ously ill. Prin-e Stone ami family arrived from Duvale. Wash., the latter part of the week, where they have resided the past year. They will make their home ag:ain in Xehawka. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Pollard and members of the family invaded Hall Pollard's home with a sumptuous elin er in honor of his birthday, January lo. To say that he was agreeably sur prised upon his return from town is n eiely stating: the fact mildly. Tiie friends of Fank Allen will be . ' id to know he has acquired an in terest in the Fulton blacksmith shop, md is so much improved in healtb l be able to stand at the forgv again. It would appear from thai tlvat Frank is a hard man to keep down. Knock outs overtake him occasionally, but he is soon on his feet again ready for the next jolt. . WEEPING WATER REPUBLICAN. Mrs. Will Spanler visited her mother, Mrs. Steven Wiles, at Platts mouth, from Friday until Monday. Mrs. Cara Badgdev returned Satur day from Genoa, where she had been at the home of her brother, Greg" Da vis, since the holidays. Siren Larson left Monday for Texas, where he has land near Houston. He went to Plattsmouth to join a party from there who are bound for Texas. Earl Kearns of Neligh, who had been visiting- ten davs at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Isaac Wiles, left for his home Tuesday morning;. Mr. and Mrs. I). II. Balcom and lit tle son left Tuesday morning; f jr Red- field, N. Y., to visit Mr. Balcons old iiome and his fathc", who is eniite pc orly. Ben Gibson, one of our prospeiou? laimer hoys, ieic Ir.esdav morning1 f 1 California fo-- v sig;ht-seeing; trir and a visit with his siier Dr. Kathe ry;p Gibson of Lo Angele S' rre excitement prevailed for a Monday moruinj- at the' J. Tce-.n den home by l.i ; breaking; of a water pipe in the furnace, which filled tS? basement with ste? 11 until it was h ii'i to toll whether lh? hou?e was on h- e 1 r what was going- on. At Henry Meyers' Tuesday tho h " r team broug-ht $1 Zv. This is the hi:,h st price paid for a team of ro'-es at any of thi rales this fall ard venter. One sinsri- hor.t sold fo" ?'''-7..r0. Everything; brought a gooel price ?.nd was consid-""-e! a good sale. "he wolf hunt soati east of town Monr.ny was participated in by about 2C" nt-n althoug-h the seemed not to dp well enoug;h org-ii'i'.e J. to drive the wolves out of the brush and a number wvrv throuirh the line.-:. There were tif- wolves killed in the hunt and r-(--re3 of rabbits vert bagget!. One of those littl.? letters arrived in town Monday announcing" the ar rival on January 9, 1017. of a little Miss Grace Catheryn Joyce at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jaires Joyce in San Francisco, Cal. So if you see Grandpa Charles Joyce stepping- hirh it O. K. for she is the Irst grand child and the first great grandchild. PUBLIC SALE The undersig-ned will offer for sale at public auction at his home on the Bennett Chriswisser farm, two and a half miles west antl one and a quarter miles south of Murray, five and a quarter miles north of Xehawka on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1917. The following; de-scribed property to-with : One black mare, nine years old, with foal, weig"ht 1,'00. Six g-ood milk cows, will be fresh in the spring. One heifer, two years old, will soon be fresh. Two fine young; bulls, ten months old. Eight calves, coming: yearling's. Four brood sows, bred. 22 head of shoats, wt. ."0 lbs. each. FARM MACHINERY. One Western Belle lister, combined. Two walking- cultivators. Two wag-Qns with boxes. One hay rack. One hay buck. One 1-horse drill. One bug-g;y. One feed bunk, 14 feet long". Two sets of heavy work harness. One set of sing-le harness. 00 feet of new pine lumber. Nine galvanized chicken coops. Many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 10:00 o'clock a. m. sharp. Lunch will be served at noon by W. A. Scott. Terms of Sale All sums of $10.00 and under cash; all over $10.00 a credit of six to nine months will be g"iven. purchaser priving; frood bankable paper bearing; eigiit per cent interest from date. All p-operty must be set tled for before being; removed from the premises. EARL LANCASTER. W. A. Young;, Auctioneer. W. G. Boedeker, Clerk. PUBLIC SALE The undersig-ned will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der on the Levi Churchill place nine miles south of Plattsmouth and four and a half miles cast of Murray, commencing- at 10 o'clock a. m. sharp, on Friday, February 9, 1917, the follow ing: described property, to-wit: One black horse, 4 years old, weight 1,.T0. One bay horse, 7 years old, weight 1.200. One gray mare, smooth mouth, with foal, weight 1,150. One gray mare, 2 years old, weight 1,000. One black horse, 2 years old, weight 1,000. One cow, giving milk, will soon be fresh. Farm Implements. One 12-inch John Deere gang plow. Two 14-inch walking plows. One Bradley riding lister. One John Deere walking lister. Two Jenny Lind spring trip culti vators. One Avery cultivator. One tongueless cultivator. One Deering binder. One three-section harrow. One Rock Island corn elevator, good as new. One grapple hay fork and 150 feet of rope. One hundred and seventy-five feet of rope. One Janesville disc. One McCormick mower, 5-ft. cut. One McCormick hay rake, extra heavy. One 3 V -inch wagon. One .1-inch wagon, good as new. One new bob sled. One top buggy. One new Case corn planter. One hand corn shelter. One 30-gallon kettle with stand. One set of inch and three-quarter harness. One set of inch and one-quarter harness. One set of single harness. Five tons of timothy hay, baled. Two galvanized hog troughs. One self-player Angelos piano, good as new. One wood base burner. One kitchen cabinet. One 12-foot table. Three iron bedsteads, with springs. Other articles too numerous to men tion. Lunch will be served at noon by W. A. Scott. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash; all over $10 a credit of six to nine months will be given, purchaser giving good bankable paper bearing 8 per cent interest from date. All property must be settled for be fore being removed from the prem ises. , E. R. QUEEN. W. R. Young, Auctioneer. W. G. Boedeker, Clerk. For Sale A few choice brood sows. Phone Johnson, No. 3525. l-ll-3wklj'2 PUBLIC SALE The undersigne-d will sell at Public auction on the Martin farm, one-half mile east and a quarter mile south of Murray, commencing at 10 d'clock sharp, on Thursday, January 25th, the following described property: One sorrel horse, coming 9 years old, weight 1.C00. One black horse, coming 9 years old, weight 1,550. One brown mare, coming 12 years old, weight 1,200. One good milk cow. One 4-months-old calf. One two-row stalk cutter. One seven-foot disc. One three-section harrow. One Deere riding lister. One 14-inch walking plow. One Hi-inch riding plow. One walking cultivator. One Hoosier seeder. One six-foot Deering mower. One six-foot McCormick binder, nearly new. One twelve-foot Deering hay rake. One 8xl4-foot hay rack. One wagon with box. One low-wheel wagon with box. One spring wagon. One thirty-gallon kettle with stand. Two sets of heavy work harness. Four work collars, and many other articles too numerous to mantion. Lunch will be served at noon by W A. Scott. Terms of Sale All sums of $10 and under, cash in hand; on sums over $10 a credit of six to nine months will be given, purchaser giving note with ap proved security drawing 8 per cent in terest from date. All property must be setleel for before being moved from premises. Everything will be sold to the highest bidder. J. M. McCULLOCH, Owner. W. R. Young, Auctioneer. W. G. Boedeker, Clerk. O. F. Herold who is employed in the Sharp Machine works in Omaha de parted this morning for that city after an over Sunday visit here with his family. Mr. Ilerold is planning to remove to the metropolis to reside Arthur Sullivan, one of the leading farmers south of the citv was in to day called here by the death of his uncle, Joshua Murray, whose body ar rived this afternoon from his home at Pender. iians lams, ,wno is engaged in some carpenter work for the Burling ton at Gibson, was a Sunday visitor in this city with his family ant friends, returning this morning to his duties. M. L. Freidrich departed this morn ing for Omaha in company with Mrs J. G. Lohnes who will consult a spe cialist in that city in repaid to her health. WILL SERVE LUNCHES. W. S. Scott of Murray has arrangec to furnish lunches at all sales throughout the county where it may be desired, and will see that the needs of the hungry are looked after prop erly. Anyone who is desirous of hav ing lunch served at any public sale should call on or address W. S. Scott Murray, Neb. tf i tiii: imsthict nu ht or tiii ( Ol TV OK ( ASS M'lllt K A. In the matter of the Hiianliansliip of (leoriie T. Coleman. Frank K. Cole man. Kverett H. Coleman and Mar- KHrft S. Coleman, minor heirs Harry JO. Coleman, deceased. of Onler. Now on this 27th clay of December 191. this cause camp on for hearinfr upon the petition of Nannie 1-.. e'ole man. as tcuanlian of cieortre T. e'eleman Frank 10. Coleman. Kverett 11. Coleman and Martrart-t S. e'ol-man. minors, of the aee of sixteen, fourteen, twelve and eieht vears respectively, and minor heirs of Harry JO. Coleman, deceased, pravine for license to sell the South half of the Northeast Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty three i '") Township Thirty-two ( :1J ) Itanee Fortv-four (44) in Sheridan Countv. Nebraska, for the purpose of sec ui iiii' funds for the niaintenani mu education 01 ner saiu aris, anu for 1: e investment of the balance of the proceeds of the sale of said real estate for the benefit of said minor heirs, there not leinK sufficient per sonal property belonsiiiK t sn id minors for their maintenance and edu cation. IT IS THEUEFOriK OKHKIilOU that the next of kin of said wards, and all persons interested in their estate ap pear before me at the District Court Jtoom in the Court House at Platts mouth. e'ass County. Nebraska, on the l"lst day of February. Htl7. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. to show cause why a license should not be granted to said guardian to sell the above described real estate of said wards. Notice to lie given by publishinfr this order in the Plattsmouth .Journal for three successive weeks before date of hearing-. Dated this 27th day of December, 19 1 . JAMES T. BF.GLKY. Judije District Court. 1-22-1917-lst issue, a wks. I.KCAL MITICi:. In the county court of Cass County, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, ss. Cass County. To all persons interested in the es tate of William D. Hill, deceased: On reading: the petition of Franklin D. Hill, administrator, praying a final settlement ami allowance of his ac count filed in this court on the lsth day of January, 1917, and for a decree of distribution and diseharsre of said administrator. It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may, and do, appear at the county court to be hel.7 u fe-- 1.1 comilv, mi l!i :'M h day of .l ii'M i' " A. I ., HOT. al 1" o'i loi -k. a. in., lo .v.,v cause, if any l!il why Id- pi;i .' O!' tlli- pel i I jorii-r shoiil I not be n i;i ll I e.l, arid ih.-it notice of the pendency ,,f .-ini petiiion and lie luaitny: lleteol ! Kiven ii) all p.vsons interested in inid matter I.- u I ! i-1 1 1 n - a coj.v .i t.i- order in 1 1 j - - J "la t t s in o n t h .louinal. a etni-u eehl;. newspaper piinteil in .-aid eni.nlv. for one week il i.,r to said da of heat in?;. Date. I January IS, 1M?. .u.i.F.N .1. i:i:i:s. I Sea l.i Count v J 'el .I..s. I -1 !' 1 7 -1 St i-SIe. i.i.; i. Minn:. Tn the County Cunir of ''.i- Nebraska. Slate of Nebrasha. . Coll Ti t v of c"a To ail pci sons interested in tV- -- tate ,i I . i :t '".Main Moo'e, !. :. I i, : i o.Hli'a' tie- petition o' ;.-"i:-" .7 a k - o ii ! ; : . a i pi a i ti -; that t ' i ' --I runlet, t ti;.-. ij. t :: - . oarl "ll I I lay of ann.;i. I'MT. a'.d pn i port . t - ' be tte u.-t Uj!! at.l le-talient ol !" it id "U-i cas'-.l. may be .toed ai d ..! i'.we.l, an-! i . -. . . i ii . -. i a ft,. l:-t k ; . I n ud t -slab-lent i.L Dora ;!!. am .l"'Oe. decease. I. -a.d I ' 1 s t 1 '. 1 1 1 -1 I I"- ." I -lliitted to probate, and lie- a . 1 1 M i .' i .- ' I . : -lion !' said i-.-tiH'l b.- u I a Ii ! I I ' ;:. .l.oks..b '.Dan: as , c 1 1 i . II ueeb oi.b-ied t ! .' t oU, itel a!' I I - -ons ib t !- I :i, .-aii i matter. I,i,n' I do. appear at t be 'outit t'..i:il ! beid in an.! for i.cnit1. on tie Kill day of l'.bi'iai-. A. D. 11T at I o lock a. in . In ,-l.ow i a ' i 1 . It aicp there be. vb t be j j ii .- r- of tin- i" ti- tioner -(Ollld ll"t be planted, all'! ;ia! notice of II. e ll.-hll'IM y of said i 1 1 i 1 1 and that t be hearing tj er.-i.f be ua-i-n to all pei-son-j i n t e i c-1 imI in said in. li ter bv jni bl i-bi n u a op;. ..!' ihi ..r. let in tli" I'lattsTii'.ntli .1 . 1 1 I . . 1 1 . a v.---kU newspaper J I i 1 1 1 - I ill said nuilil'., I"'' three sii.-cessi 'i weeks pi im- t sa.-l dav of li.-aliliir. Witness m ha tnl and seal of sail c ourt, this l.'.th iljy ol Jamiary, A. I .. 1!' 7. a I.L ion J. i:i:i:s 'V. I Sen l. C "..;i i.' : .1 ' . 1 1 ' -l.".-17 1st publication. l.VJi I. MU K i: State of Nebraska, County of Cass. In Co ii ii I Court. In the matter ti r the e-'tate of Joseph H. Kuiltis, deceased. Now on this lltb dav of Jari'iarv. 1017. the re was lib-. in this court t I petition of Julia 10. Knnri-. wi.b.w of said deceased, atleuini; Ii .-i.'iti H at ! . said Joseph II. Kuhn has d.-patl '.t ll .- life intestate and was a,i.,i aid inhabitant of sai l Count v of c"a-s and was sei.ed of the l o low i n n d.-s, . i b, d real estate, to-wit: Tie south ball "f lots 1. and in block I. in V. b 1 1 s XdditloU to the City of I I t - inoi.t h. Nebraska. which wa- ev said deceased ax a Jamie-tcad ad ! less value than two thousand -'. dollars, and that rind, r the l.nv : l : State of Ne I :. ska said nal est te i- exempt fnmi a 1 1 a ! i nn n t . ee,iit, .n ot other rnense pinifss iitnl not lial :..r the pavinent of any debts of sad de ceased; that said deceas.-d t sur viving; him as bis sole and onl. lens at law and the only peis.m i n t ! -t -. I in said estate Julia 10. Kuhns, w.h.w, residence. I 'bit t.-umnt h. Jsebraska. a.'--.".s; Kobett i:. Kuhns, son. i ,-1. 1.-n Los Angeles, California, n--- S- nh K. .Mai I'.illi, sou. residence Lo- An geles. California, age -j;: and ,--t in . v 10. Kuhns. son. residence. I'iat ' . Nebraska, aue JJ. and piavitit: '"i a liearinii on said petition and tl at cp"b sucli hearinir an older be enter,-, l dis pensing uitii the r.-uuiar a d in i n . -1 i . i -lion of said estate and a final ! l e entered designating the -oie .,- - at law and c . i . ti i -n i m the tit:.- t.. -aid real estate to -u. b i,. i: - IT is Ti 1 1 ; i : i : !" i : i : i ; i i ' ! : i " " a bearing be had upon -aid p-tiic-i be fore tins it in I'.' C ,t . ' t t Loom, in the Cit of l'h t.-i ,- !' . -bra-ka. on t h..- Ttn da' of !" v. I H 1 7. at ten o lo. k A. M. and ' ..1 ai! persons interested in -aid 'a cl'n'.ing en dit-'i- . if n'.. i" P"t ib'-d of such hearing b t he pu ol .it f this order for three wee!:- p. t..,- t.. -aid dav of hearing'. Journal of said i m th U!!.t . 1 '!.. I ' lie the Court, A 1. 1. ION J. v.i:i:s N 1-K.-17 " weeks C-.unt Judge. I Till: DISTIIK T Ol lT C "I IIC (IIIMV OF . .M. lilt . A. L. Tidd, I'laint.ri". v?. Simpson Dutcher, et al. rcf-ndnnts. Nollc-e of Suit t Unlet Till. To the defendants Simpson T.d.her; the unknown loiis. ib-v.-.e-. b.ate.s. personal representatives and ail other persons interested in the -tate of Simpson Hutcher. dcoase.l: .1 .. u I". Cummings also known as ...lm )'. c'ioii mins; Mrs J..I n I". Cutumings al-o known as OVIrs. John F. Cummin.-, Pi-t real name unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. -... i s , , , , , , ,p. resetitat ives. and all other p'i-,:is in terested ill the estate of Jonn I'. i-ci i-mine- also known a- Joi.u i". C -omu;- s, deceased: th unknown l.cir-. .b i-ee-. letratc-es. personal representative-, aid all other persotis interested in tne es tate of Mrs. John F. Crniinings also known as Mrs. John I". Cummin-, t'n-t real nam-' unknown, deceased: S. N. Merriam. first re al ii 'in- mil:ii" n. Mrs. S. N. "Merriam, t:i.-t nal p.!':" ; n known; the unknow n i.e. is, !, i-. e-, legatees, personal represent a t i aid all other persons interested in tie . t&te of S. N. Meiri.iiii, tirst re-ii n ui" unknown. deceased: th. unknown lie-irs. devisees, legatees, pers.iru l m and all other ier.-cu: n terested in the estate of Mrs. S. N". Merriam. tirst teal liatie' unknown, de ceased: lOlb ri Howard: John I " li'.w aril, tirst real name unknown, husband or widower of lOIIen Howard; t e un known heirs, devisees, leir.i t e e.--. p. ts.'ti al representatives and all other p ' sons interested in the state .f Ll'eti Howard, di'ii iisiil ; the unknown hi i-. devisees. legatees, personal r l i - i. . lativ-s and ail other p"r.-on mt.i ested in ilie estate of John J How ard, ii.-st real name unknown, d'-c a -ed ; Louizsa Miles: Lichard !: Mile-, tir-r real name- unknown, husband or w id ower of Loiiia Miles; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, pe i sonal rep resentatives and all other per-"us in terested in the estate of Louisa Mi'es, dee-eased; the urknown l'-ii, legatees, personal rejir. en t a 1 1 ud all other persons intereste d in tne .- tate of Liehatd Km' Miles, rir-! r.-a! name unknown, dece-aseel; Margaret I'lumer; William PI inner: Jo' ti I. K'-eves: Mrs. John K Keev.-s. til st r I name unknown: the unknown 1 it's. devisees, legatees, personal rep! se-n 1 a - tives and 11 other persons int. -re.--.,! in the estate of John L. Ki"'i. ceased; the unknown iieii --. .1-; i-' i-ru!o s, personal I epresep t 1 1 1 v. s i nd all other persons i n t ere-si e-.l in t " es tate of Mrs. John L. Ke. ves. lir-t na' name unknown, de.e-ase-d ; fcl un known owners find the unknown . .-ii. li mits of lot seven .7, in bio. k . leen till. Plattsmouth, Cass county. N.--Lraska. You are hereby untitled that on t ! . 29th dav of December. A. D. 19 1'!. plaintiff filed his suit in the Distrfc; Cejurt of the County of Cass. Nebraska, to riuiet plaintiff's title to the above described lot. to-wit: lot seven 7 . in block eleven 11, Citv of Pla 1 1 -in... t b. Cass Countv. Ne braska, beiause- of I is adverse possession by himself and I i-grantc-rs for more' than ten years pt no to the commenceme-nt of said su:t and to enjoin each and all of you ft-mi having or claiming any right, title, lie-n or interest, either legal or -n u i t a b! e. m or to said lot or any part thereof. To require you to set forth your right, title, claim, lien or interest therein, if inv. either legal or equitable, and t i have the same adjudged inferior to the title of plaintiff and for genera! equi table relief. This notice i mad" pur suant to the order of the- court. You are required to answer said petition on r l.i'foie Monday. IVbruiry A. D.. 1917, or your default will be dulv entered therein. A. L. TT DP, Plaintiff. A. 1... Tidd. Pro Sc. . a. l: i:j:i:ts n. Atlni-Di'ys for PiaiatitT.