The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 18, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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M-terious Mrs. Vi-tonti Tells OTtccr
She Will Appear Today.
Wa.-hinirton, D. C Jan. 17. Mrs
Rj-h Thoma.n Yisconti has promise.
.. appear before the note leak com
i..itt..- :.ti,J the hou.-e today author-
i ..-.! that body to mploy counsel ai
. . .. ,n!':r t h-i .1 the hearing here
(vvwhcrc. The t l.-fv)u re may I
;-i : ctrcft. New Vnrk. Consent to
:. ::d the life f die committee thirty
:.iv- was granted.
hades Evans Hughes. Samuel Un
t. im. v.T nod Charles V. Lehman are
...!' ihosf sueevsted tor the cum-
v :! tee's co'inscl.
Arrives Home Calmly.
Tie mysterious missing woman
i n-e l.nk to her apartments ealmly
!a-t flight and agreed that she would
:.) pear
to testify betore tru comnm-
The committee expects her to ver
ify or deny Thomas V. Lawson's tes
t;rr.'y that she informed him V. W.
Pi ice, nfv.-p:j!cr man. was a go-be-in
leak profits for Secretary
Tt multy :'!-.d others, and that !",000
v : Pi ice's share.
The committee has many questions
to .-hoot at this woman of mystery, in
the that her knowledge of pub
lic nun and newspaper men will lead
to a real revelation.
Tumulty and Trice have been exon
erated in sofa:- as I.avsoi;'. knowledge
i- concerned.
Indications are that this little wom
an knows persons who might know
much about news leak- and. perhaps
tock labb!ing based on such
A Spectacular Life.
Her frien is say her life has been
one spe.-tacular incident after an
other. Included, in the
in st-.-n-t service and :
concluded with weddi:
chain is work
romance that
r an Italian
she lias been
in touch with
was close to
a second woman wno
r.e-.vs sources, and who might know
where valuable stones from Wash
ington originated.
A resolution is to be introduced
by the committee extending the time
rf the hearing and it seemed likely
action would be taken to engage coun--d
to condui t ti e fin thei- ex.-imina-t
Thomas W. Lawson's revelations
have stirred up the committee and it
probably will po to the bottom of
I-wson declare? that the woman's
information came to him voluntarily,
that he never paid a cent for such
rev.s in his life and that she appeared
to be entirely rational and reputable.
When J. I'. Morgan and other big
f.rareiers will appear in a matter of . though it seemed likely they
would be in at an early moment.
Different Kinds of Coughs.
to different kinds of
ci ighs "dry cough," "winter cough,"
la grippe cough, bronchial cough,
: -trniatic row ah. and racking, painful
mjgh to raie choking phlegm. Enos
Ha'.b.Mt. I'aoli, Ind., writes: 'l
roughed, continually, could hardly
sdt p. Foley's Honey anil Tar relieved
me, curing my cough entirely." Sold
Henry C. Creamer of Murray was
in the city today for a few hours look
ing after some business matters.
County Judge Bceson was missing
thi morning from his office in the
cf urt house having been compelled to
remain at home and struggle with an
attack of the fashionable malady of
the grippe. The judge has been feel
ing the effects of this ailment for
yorne time but it reached its height
today and compelled the genial judge
to seek treatment at home.
There will e a dance given by the
turner girls at the K. S. hall on Sat
urday evening, February 3d, to which
the public is cordially invited. Music
bv the Flattsmouth orchestra.
The date for the annual mask ball
of the Eagles has been announced as
Saturday, February 17th, and a
splendid offering of prizes will be an
nounced later. A grand good time
will be in store for all those who at
tend. The Plattsmouth orchestra will
furnish the music. The date as an
nounced in the Journal Saturday as
the 11th was an error and the date
will be Saturday, the 17th.
Sheriff Quint on was out in the vi
cinity of Greenwood yesterday where
he was cuJled by a message announc
ing that three mules and two horses
had been stolen from the farm of a
man named Keil in that locality. A
search of the locality by the sheriff
disclosed the fact that the animal
had merely wandered away from
home and were found within a few
miles of the owner's place. It is need
less to sav that the owner of the
horses and mules was very much
pleased to have them returned to
Cleveland, Jan. 17. The belligerent
European nations will declare a truce
within three months, if a prediction
made by Dr. Jay W. Hudson, charter
member of the league to enforce
peace, and instructor in philosophy at
the University of Missouri, is fulfilled.
"I believe Germany entered the war
for conquest, but I believe she will ac
cept almost any terms the Allies will
now make," said Dr. Hudson. "The
Allies will insist upon and Germany
will consent to the restoration of Bel
gium and the payment by Germany
of a large indemnity.
'"Alsace-Lorraine will be divided ac
oiding to neutral boundaries, the
German-speaking portion going to the
fatherland and the French-speaking to
ranee. Poland will not be restored
to Russia nor will England insist on
Russia's getting Constantinople.
"This opinion is based on my belief
in England's fear of Russia as a fu
ll re commercial rival. England will
prefer Constantinople to remain Turk-
Dr. Hudson declared President Wil
son s peace overture should nave been
ent long ago.
"It will carry great influence, which
s all this country can hope for in the
peace negotiations, he said. " llson
will never be called as mediator. But
oth Germany and the Allies are glad
the note has been delivered. Thev are
oth ready for peace. England's in-
ignation is largely feigned."
Experience is the Be-st School.
Only fools do not learn by ex
perience of other people. A wise
man forms his judgment upon a rem
edy from results communicated in
newspapers and calls it to his memory
if the need conies. Read what Mr.
Dimitru Drig, looO Monroe ave., De
troit. Mich., writes about Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine: "I
have suffered badly from stomach
troubles for S years. I took various
medicines without any result. Finally
a druggist gave me Triner's Amer
ican Elixir of Bitter Wine and now I
am again strong and in best health."
There is r.o remedy that will give more
prompt and more satisfactory results
in i-ni.iiiijiniijii, IKlLUlVIHf aim Utllfl I
ness. change of life, general weakness
and loss of appetite. Phice $1.00. At
drugstores. Thousands of former suf
ferers know the value of Triner's lin-
iment for rheumatism anel neuralcia
This excellent remedy irives a sure and
quick relief. Have it at hand also
for accidents, snrains. rhilhinin. Mo
Price 2."S and ."0c at drugstores, by
mail 3r and COc. Triner's Golden Cal
endar is a fine wall decoration. Send
10 cents to cover mailing expenses.
Jos. Triner, Mfg. Chemist, 1333-1309
S. Ashland ave., Chicago, 111.
NOTICE, A. (). U. W.
All A. O. U. W. members of No. 8,
are urgently requested to attend the
meeting Friday evening, January 19,
1917. Business of importance. Oyster
r a a . t
supper aiier ine meeting lor men
members only. COMMITTEE.
Day or night service.
D. C. Pickenpaugh.
Phone 3R0;
A lazy liver leads to chronic dis
pepsia and constipation weakens the
whole system. Doan's Regulets (25c
per box) act mildly on the liver and
bowels. At all drug stores.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly In
:iuenceJ by constitutional conditions, and
in order to cure it you must take an
internal remedy Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is taken internally and acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed by one of the best physicians
In this country for years. It is com
posed of some of the best tonics known,
combined with some of the best blood
purifiers. The perfect combination of
tne ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is what produces such wonderful
results in catarrhal conditions. Send for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo. O.
All LiruKisists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Teuton Raider Plays Havoc With the
English and Trench Ships.
London, Jan. 17. Eight British and
two French merchant vessels are be
lieved to have been sunk by a German
The ships sunk by the German raid
er are:
British Dramatist, Radnorshire,
Minieh, Nethorbyhall, Mount Temple,
Kinir George, Georgic, Voltaire.
French Nantes and Asmeres.
The steamships St. Theodore and
Yarrowdale were captured. Then-
whereabouts is unknown.
Most of these boats when last re
ported were in the south Atlantic, in-
dicating that the German raider has
been at work off the South American
,.,..f it VavMI- lic nbrbt ibm-o
was picked up a wireless warning that
a German raider was off the Brizilian
coast near Pernambuca. last r riday.
The message, addressed "To all ships
placed the raider in latitude 7 degrees
south and longitude 2." degrees west.
The German vessel was described as
a ship of about 4,000 tons, well armed
with ttrnelo tubes. bhe had one
black funnel and two masts
Lloyds shipping agency announces
that the Norwegian steamers Sedvang
and Otto have been sunk.
The Solvang, 2JiO tons gross, was
last reported as arriving at Leghorn,
on December 17 from the Tyne.
The Otto, 3,2.,S tons gross, sailed on
December loth from Schiedam for
Barry, according to the latest marine
report on her movements.
The Voltaire and Georgic, long
overdue, had been virtually given up
for lost. The Voltaire left Liverpool,
November 28 for New York and was
not heard from again. She was be
lieved to have been sunk bv a mine or
a submarine. The Voltaire was a ves
sel of S,oT8 tons gross, 48-" feet long.
38 feet beam and built in Glasglow in
1907. She was owned by the Liver
pool Brazil and River Plate Steam
Navigation company.
The White Star freighter Georgic
sailed from Philadelphia December 2
for Liverpool with a general cargo.
The White Star agents said some time
ro that her destruction must be con-
cetled as she had never taken more
than fifteen days to cross the Atlan
tic in winter. Her gross tonnage was
10,070. She was ",7 feet long, f0
feet beam and was built in 189-".
The Dramatist, .",421 ton;; gross.
110 feet long, was built in Glas
gow in r..;. bne sailed lrom beattle
November 0, and San Francisco No
vember IS, arriving at Colon, Decem
ber 19, the last report of her move
ments. The recent movements of the Rad
norshire have not been recorded. She
was a Roval Mail Steam
Packet I
sieamsnip oi 4,.o- ions gross, sne i
was 3S."i feet long and was built in
Sunderland in 1913.
The Netherbf Hall, 4,401 tons gross,
1S1 feet long and was built in
at Newcastle. She belonged to
the Hall line of Iondon. When last
reported she was on her way from
India to Cuba.
The King George sailed from Phila
delphia on November 24 and Wilming-
ton November 29, for Manchester, be
in" lke! for a return trip to Phila-
111 1 Tt a
aelPnia - ffross lonnage was
852. She was 350 feet long, was built
in 190H and owned in Glasgow.
The Minieh 's recent movements are
not recorded. She was owned in Lon
don, was built in 187G and was 351
feet long, of 2,890 tons gross.
The Mount Temple sailed from
Montreal previous to December 3 for
Iondon. She was owned by the Can
adian Pacific railway company of
London and was built in 1911 at New
castle. Her gross tonnage was 8,790.
She was 485 feet long.
The Asnieres was a French four-
masted bark of 3,103 tons gross, built
in 1902 at Havre. She sailed from
Bahia Blanca on November 29 for
The three-masted French bark Nan
tes, 2,079 tons gross was built in 1909
at Rouen and owned in Nantes. She
sailed on Oct. 9 from Iquique, Chile,
for London.
The St. Theodore, which has been
captured is
a British steamship of
4,992 tons gross, 40G feet long, built in
1913. She was owned in Liverpool.
She sailed from Norfolk, December
5 for Savona, Italy.
The other captured steamship, the
Yarrowdale, 4,G52 tons gross and 390
feet long, was built in 1912 and owned
in Glasglow. The "last report from
her was her arrival at Havre from
New York previous to January 3.
The following anouncement was
given out here officially today:
For some time past it has been as
sumed that the following British and
French merchant ships which had long
been overdue, had been sunk by a
German raider: British Dramatist,
Radnorshire, Minieh, Netherby Hall,
Photograph Shop
for pictures of the
or anything photographic!
Your First Move!
Mount Temple. King George. Georgic,
Voltaire; French Nantes and As-
i-emme iniormauoii nas now
hen received from Pernambuco con-
f"ming this assumption.
"n t,u evening of Monday the
T . . J T" 1
Japanese steamer l unison .warn ar
rived off Pernambuco, having on
board the masters and 2..7 men of the
crews of some of the lost vessels
which were sunk on various dates be
tween December 17 and January 12.
'In addition the steamer St. Theo
dore was captured and a prize crew
put on board, and the steamer Yar
rowdale was captured and sent away
with about -400 men, the crews of
others of the sunken vessels who were
to be landed. No further news has
yet been received of their where
Correspondent Tells of Dangerous
Shortage of Foodstuffs.
Stockholm, Jan. 17. The food
situation in Germany has grown much
worse during the last six months, ac
cording to the report of the Associ
ated Press correspondent who has re
turned from a trip to Berlin. Pota
toes are so scarce that this week's per
capita ration in Berlin was less than
four and four and a half pounds. This
is attributed in part to the farmers
withholding shipments until February
i; wnen higher prices will be per-
mitted and it is not denied that the
potato crop is insufficient to meet
normal demand.
No cheese has been on the market
since August and eggs are unobtain
able, except surreptitiously at sixteen
to twenty cents apiece. Berlin's daily
milk supply is about 350,000 litres
against a normal 1,000.000 and it is
impossible to buy clothing, shoes.
stockings or blankets except bv
mission of the police. This latte;
however, mav merely be a precaution-
ary measure, as the shops appear well
stocked with clothincr.
Chief Burgomaster Wermuth, a;
well as the heads of other cities, com-
plains that the larger towns are com-
ii l a- i i i . I
peueu to suuer unnecessary
because the system ot distribution ot
foodstuffs has failed in many respect;
In some cities, the situation seems to
be better than in others and a Berlin
business man told the correspondent
that he had spent Christmas week in a
Rhine city where he got plenty of I
meat and bread without being required
to showyi bread card or meat card.
Fancy stationery in different varb
tie at the Journal office. Come and
119 wbort nrt want stattonprr.
Gem Theatre!
Monday, January 22
Motion Pictures and lecture de
scriptive of the treatment for
painless child birth.
A Boon to Motherhood -
Vomen Only. 3:00 and 7:15
Men Only 8:45
Miss Bertha Bennett, Lecture,
Nurse and Dietician.
Lemuel Abel Foreman, eldest son
of Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. P. Foreman was
born in AIvo June ", 1SS2 and died
at his home in College View January
14, 1917, aged "1 years, o' months and
20 days. lie received his early edu-
i.iLHMi iii me rtivg .schools and was a
graduate of the Weeping Water
Academy. lie taught in Harmony
school district one year after which
he took a course in the Spokane Busi
ness college.. About ten years ago he
took up the insurance business, spend
ing most of his time in Nebraska and
Texas, and was engaged in that busi
nes until his demise. September 7,
1910 he was united in Marriage with
Miss Mabel Wake of Shickley. Neb.
and to this union one son, Charles
George, was born. On July 1, 1X!:
he became a member of the M. E
church of Aa and lived a consistent
enrisiiiiii me. ne was a member o
.1. . . i : it i
The Ciddcons, a Christian Traveling
Men's organization. Early in Novein
her, " as he was familiarly
1 . .... . A ... A 1 ! 1
miowii, coniraeieii a com wnicn (lur
ing' the holidays developed into a
vere case o: pneumonia lrom which
he could not recover. Brief service
were field in the chanol at the Castle
uoper v .i an news undertaking par
lors at Lincoln Tuesday morning, Jan
,i i- . i - i .i
nary in, aiier wnicn me remains were
brought to Alvo where the funeral
was field at the M. I., church at 2:()ti
o clock p. in., conducted by Kev. M. A
Keith. Interment was made in th.
Alvo cemetery.
Servant of God, well done!
Thy glorious warfare is past.
The battle fought, the race is won
And thou art rrounpil :it ft
Those left to mourn are his wife
Mrs. L. A. Foreman and son. Chas
College View; his parents, Mr
and Mrs. Geo. P. Foreman. Alvo, an
sisters and brothers, .Mrs. L. E. Bob
bitt, Lincoln; Albert Ftn-eman, Ori.
Foreman and George P. Foreman, Jr.
Valparaiso; Joe Foreman, Stewart
Mrs. Dr. Paul Thureson, Chicago;
Noel Foreman. Lincoln; Charles and
.Miss Aurel l ore-man, Alvo; all of
wliom were in attendance at the fu
neral, and a host of friends who e--
4 , ., 1 4 1. -.. i 1 . .1
leiiu men- Mnccre smpainv to tin-
so now i n g relatives.
! riends :.nd relatives from out of
town who attended the funeral were
Mr. and .Mrs. Thornton, Shickley;
Mrs. Robinson. Edgar: sister of Mrs.
L. A. roreman; Mrs. Ed. Linch and
son Ralph, University Place; Mrs.
George Ryan. ( hapoell, Neb.; W. B.
Linch and John
P. Linch. Omaha:
M,v Tier .-md
on, Fred. ( )scco!a.
We desire to sincerely thank all who
so kindly assisted us during the sick
ness and death of our beloved hus
band, father, son and brother, Lemuel
A. Foreman, and for the beautiful
floral offerings.
J. H. Strocmer
this week.
Herbert Strong
is on
sick list
left Monday for
Chappell, Neb.
Mp fln(, Mrs JH, Vk.kevs wt.v ()m
aha visitors Fridav
Sam Cashner was
a passenger to
Omaha Wednesday.
Roscoe Bird went to Osceola Wed
nesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Wood were Lin-
coin visitors Friday.
Ccoige Hall h'-.s been on the sick
list the past few days.
V.s-s Vera P.-outy h-is been sick
v '.Vi tonsilitis the past wel
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Wood,
jr., January 14, 1917, a son.
Ralph Uhlejl came in Friday to visit
his wife and son, who are ill.
Several ice houses were filled last
week with a good grade of ice.
C rl Ganz of i'unbar w.w a Sunday
guest at the I. C. Boyles' home
J. P. Rouse was in Lincoln Wed
nesday having dental work done.
Mrs. Chas Sutton of Rising City is
visiting relatives here this week.
Therei is an unusual amount of sick
ness in this vicinity at this writing.
Chas. Rosenow spent Saturday
night with his parents at Elmwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Armstrong of
Ashland spent Sunday with the home
Chester Tuey of Omaha was an
over-Sunday guest at the F. M. Prouty
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Klyver and
daughter, Goldie, motored to Havelock
W. O. Boyles of Lincoln came down
Tuesday to attend the funeral of L.
A. Foreman.
Mr. Eickman went to Lincoln Sun-
to visit Mr. Christenson, who is
t a hospital.
Mrs. Joe Bird wont to Havelock
or the Icy
Try the Perfection Smokeless
Oil Heater!
1 The burner is simplicity itself. Nothing to get out
of order.
2 Somking made absolutely impossible by the pat
ented lock flame spreader.
3 The window frame of Perfection Heater contains
brass wire gauze, not the ordinary Mico.
4 The Perfection Heater is a "thing of beauty," par
ticularly in turquoise enamel finish, which never
rusts, and is fit to grace the finest home.
Monday. Robert Swacker was in Om
aha Thursday.
I ; e Prouty le' Vedne.-d;y f:.r Roy,
.V..-,;. to visit his hi-.' '(. Paul
jty and fa.iiy.
Andrew Chi i.-ten-nn was operated
upon in Lim-oin last Thursday and is
getting ahng nicely.
Mrs. C. M. Keefer of University
Place was here Tuesday to attend the
funeral of L. A. Foreman.
Mr. and. Mrs. James Foreman and
baby, from Omaha, visited at the J.
II. Foreman home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rathbun left
Friday for Louisville to attend the
funeral of their little niece.
James Pilkingtor, returned from
South Bond Thursday evening, as the
weather was too cold for plastering.
Carl Grant of Chicago, 111., came in
on No. 13 Wednesday to visit his
nii'cc. .vi i s. Hei ne! t .woo re ami iamuy.
Judd Weaver returned Saturday t )
his homo at South Bend after spend-
in tr a lew lavs with cousin, .Mrs.
I. A. Shalfer.
.Mi-. Lincoln Dimmitt went to Lin
coln Wednesday to see Mr. Christen
son, wno is at a hospital. He is not
oing ery well at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Alford Newsham, Mr.
and Mrs Elmer Cederdahl and Miss
Ethel Newsham of Ceresco, spent
Thursday at the A. W. Mvers home.
Word reaches us that F. M. Grove
is seriously ill with tvnhoid pneu
monia in liayt-lock. Mr. ana .Mrs
Dan MeCurdy have gone to help care
for him.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Prlbow and
:airhter. Fern, visited at the hon e
of Mrs. Dolbow's grandnarcnts. Mr.
ind Mrs. W. G. Swacker. .Monday and
tt pday.
Mr. and Mrs. Flton Snrk- and chil
dren autceii ui) lrom near L'.agle .Sun-
v anu sp -n: n- uav witn tne tor-
-1 1 - 1 . 1 St
ler s sister, .Mrs. ,sam L.s;ii;r and
Mr Cashner.
Rev. Voight conducted a Men's
meeting at the M. L. church Sunday
at 3 p. in. and his wife conducted a
ladies' meeting at the Brethern church
nt the same hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bucknell,
wno nave been visitinir the tormers
parents, Mr. anel Mrs. C. C. Bucknell,
since Wednesday, returned to Univer
sity Place Sunday evening, where they
will make their home.
Paul Frohlick of Hastings spent a
few days last week with his tlaughter,
Mrs. C. C. Bucknell, returning to Lin
coln Saturday morning, where he will
spend seme time visiting with Mrs.
John Robotham, another daughter.
Rov Stewart came in on No. .r Mon-
Gents 50c, Ladies 25c, Spectators 25c
Bed Room
day from Des Moines, la., bringing
his bride, who was formerly Miss
Ruth Knouf. They were married New
Year's day at Des Moines and will
make their home on their farm south
of town. We extend congratulations.
What to Do For Bad Cold.
If you want a cought medicine that
gives quick and sure action in healing
colds, coughs or croup, get Foley's
Honey and Tar. It heals inflamed
membranes in throat, chest or bron
chial tubes; breaks up tight coughs,
loosens phlegm, makes breathing eas
ier, stops tickling in throat. Contains
no opiates. Sold everywhere.
Save middleman's commission. J
Write your wants fully; we will
publish them free of cost to you
in our bulletin, until your wants
are satisfied, sending you the J
bulletin, containing instructions
and large list of realty ex- J
change. R. A. Gipple, Mgr.,
Lock Box 1104, Nebraska City,
Boose your city, boost your friend,
Boost the lodge that you attend;
Boost the street on which you're
Boost the goods that you are selling;
Boost the people 'round about you,
Possibly they can do without you;
But success will quicker find them, if
they know that you're behind them.
Boost for every forward movement,
Boost for every new improvement;
Boost the stranger and the neighbor.
Boost the man for whom you labor.
Cease to be a chronic knocker,
Cease to be a progress blocker,
And if you would have your home
town better
Boost it! Boost it to the final letter!
270, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Worth Attention of Women.
When you feel too tired to work,
wake up weary, have backache or
pains in sides, when you suffer rheu
matic twings, you may be sure the
kidneys are disordered. Fay Shelburg,
All, Mo., writes: "I had kidney trou
ble two years. Nothing did me any
good until I got Foley Kidney Pills.
Two r0c bottles cured me.' Sold ev
erywhere. ANNUAI
y 'ft