The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 18, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5
J-1 THURSDAY, JANUARY IS. 11)17. PLATTSMOUTn SOU WEEKLY JOURNAL. Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People ol Murray and Surrounding" Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers oosi i arry ti r a a Great If yon hzxc made a few hundred dollars in a business deal cr a lucky .peculation DEPOSIT THEM IN A EANX AT ONCE. The possession of a large amount of currency is a temptation to spend. Ycu Will Not Be So Ready to Draw a Check as You Will to Spend the Ready Cash Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. fslURRAY STATE BANK For Insurance of all kinds see J. W. So'.nies. "!"s. F. M. Young, sr., has been t:y ill for the past week. F.I Scotton and Albert Young were Omaha visitors Monday of this week. Mrs. Anna White has been num bered with the sick for a few days. Ol-ihams" shipped cr.e male Duroc to -.u. 111., and two to Colorado this e:4.. Albeit Young is visiting with friends and relatives in Plainview, Neb., this week. The little sur. of Mr. ami Mrs. Andy Campbell has been numbeied with the ick for the past week. .i rs. ,J . (. Oldham of Ianvar, Colo., :i a one-day visitor at the Oldham lioire in Murray the past week. Mrs. Kittie Craig of Kansas City fptnt a few days with Mrs. Oldham a: 'i daughters in Murray this week. Tin- usual lunch will be given at the Iibraiv on next Saturday, and a pood one at that, so be sure and come. Filison Oldham of Omaha and Dick Oldham of Canada spent one day at the Oldham home in Murray the pa;t week. H. C. Creamer, who has been suf feiing from a severe attack of stom ach trouble, has been improving this wet k. T.e iittle bdiv of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reed has been quite sick for the lat few days, but is improving at thi.- t:nic. M. and Mrs. James Rrown were in Plattsmouth Tuesday evening, where they remained over night at the Zack Drown home, owing to the death of Mis. Brown. F. R. Queen was in Plattsmouth Tuf-.-duy of this week making preparation- for his public sale, which will be hr! J pt his home on the Churchill pl:tc- on Friday. Fobiuaty JUh. El be't will quit farming for the present. EXTRA SPECIAL OFFERING IN which it will pay you to investigate! Medium size, extra heavy 20c Regular " " " 25c Colored border and stripes, big sizes 35c Extra large size and heavy 50c Wash Rags 8 and 10c men don't overlook the big bargain Kiki SJiirts, extra heavy cloth, $1.00 We handle "Ball MURRAY, : : oil of Money! John Farris has been numbered with the sick for the past few days. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Tigner, on Tuesday of this week, a ten-jKmnd baby girl. Hi Gruber of Wayne, Neb., has been in and near Murray for the past few days visiting with friends and rela tives. Miss Margie Walker was visiting with Plattsmouth friends Tuesday evening leturning home Wednesday morning. The second crop of the ice harvest is now on in this locality. All the houses are expected to be filled during the next few days. Elmer Hallstrom, who was suffer ing with a seige of the grippe last week, has -returned to his duties at the Murray State bank. Bert Crawford of Laurel, Neb., who has been in this locality for the past few days visiting among old friends, departed for his home Tuesday morn ing. Mrs.' Ed Gansemer, who is still in the hospital at Omaha receiving treat ment, is improving slowly, but will not be able to return home for some time. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Philpot went to Omaha Wednesday morning, where Mrs. Philpot will make a visit at the hospital with her sister, Mrs. Ed Gan semer, and Mr. Philpot went on west to his ranch in Custer county, where he will spend a few days looking after some matters of business. Jim Hill, who has been suffering with appendicitis for the past few days, was taken to Omaha by Dr. Gil more, where he was operated upon Tuesday morning. The patient's con dition was quite serious at the time of the operation, but he rallied from the effects of the same and was feel ing quite well at the time Mrs. Hill left the hospital, Wednesday morning, to return heme. Tutt, Band" ovsrshoes : NEBRASKA. Towels - Grandma McYoy has lcen on the sick list' this .-eek. L. M. McYey was a Plattsmouth visitor last Saturday. Morris Lloyd was a county scut visitor Wednestlav afternoon. Oscar Campbell has been on the I sick list for the past few days. j Chester Shrader has been r.;:mle!cd ; with the sick-for the past few days. J Mrs. Fiank Campbell lias been numbeied with the tick for the- pa?t few days. ThtHittk' son of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Shrader has been Uite sick lor the last few days. Mrs. Lulu Loughridge is nursing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Todd this week. Ed Burke, from over in Iowa, has I been here for the past few day vis-j iting with friends. j t v latuie .lct ice Has heen numooreu . ... . - . .... . 1 anions the .ick in this comnvjiiity for the past few days. L. H. Puis was looking alter some business mattery in Plattsmouth Wed nesday of this week. Mrs. E. S. Tutt went to Platts-Urn. attend mouth Wednesday evening to ; the Eastern Star lodge meetinar. Iiaillioii it". K i;;i.s weeo no i:i e i t j with the sick for the past few davs, ; suffering with a siege of the grippe, j II It 1. 1... . 1 1 Mrs. Chas. Carroll met with a pain- I fui accident Monday evening, bv fail- . . . i and quite severely spraining ner fo,:. Billy Barker went down to Avoca this week where he has 1 em- p:oym heme. nt and will make his future Mr were md -Mrs Hernial! Gan.-.emer Mu ! I'll" quests at the home o Mr. and Mrs. Louie Puis. Louie Puis has taken possession of his new property, the old hardware ?tore. and has made a driveway into the same for the storage of cars. Ben Noell. Otto Puis, Fred Mei singer and Will Reiiner were in Plattsmouth Monti u v evening u t tend ing the so-called wrestling match. Walt Minniear vent up to Bancroft this week, where Mrs. Minniear is visiting with friends and relatives, owing to the sudden illness of their little baby. Earl Lancaster was in Plattsmouth Tuesday of this week looking alt ' the advertising of his public saie, which will be held at hi.-; present home or. Wednesday, February 7th. Mrs. Wm. LaRue went over in Iowa Tuesday of this week where .-oe will a few days' visit with friends and relatives, and attend a welding given by members of her family. Green Pigtrott returned home from Rosalie, Neb.. Monday evening, where lie was visiting for a few ikiy;; with relatives and friends. lie stopped in Plattsmouth. to attend the wrestling match. W. G. Boedeher. who lias been wrestllrg with a seige of the grippe for the past two weeks, is again look ing after business .matters, but feels rather weak after the tussle with the "old winter friend." The Murray school rooms nv.-ived a thorough fumigating this wee!;, just simply to prever.t the spread of any ami all contagious germ.-, that might t 11 t . i te iu riving amunti t nose wir.ier . months. This precaution is taken' every few weeks. j Remember the big wolf hunt 'n' i '. t Monday. The start will bo made one mile west of Murray and will lakcj in five miles square. Everybody com"! out with their shot guns, !ut leave! all rides at home. The hour for meet-j iiig will be about l':-'JU, be on hand at I this hour. j W. ' '. Brown, who hus b en here! visiting amoi.g relatives and fiiends for the past two week.-, has gone to Council Bluffs ar.d Yalisca, la., for a few days' visit v Ith relatives and friends, but will return to Murray for a few days' visit before taking up the journey for his home in Canada. Dr. P. F. Brendel was called to South Bend Tuesday to investigate whatN was feared to be a case of smallpox but after thorough exam ination the doctor found the rumor to be without fundation, and it. was sim ply the usual scare. But at that it is always best to be safe in such cases. Gus Lowther of Laurel, Neb., has been in and near Muprray for the past few days visiting with friends and relatives. Mr. Lowther has been very prosperous in his new home in the northern part of the state, and the best of all, they are happy and contented and enjoying the bright side of life, but like .m occasional visit back to the old home. If arr or tli readers of the Journal know of any social event or item of Interest in this vicinity, ami will mail same to this office, it, will ap Iear under lliis heauinjr. We want all tie ws items Editor John Far is is visiting among the sick this week. Robert Nickles was a Plattsmouth visitor Saturday. Wayne Lewis, of Union, was a Sun day visitor in Murray. H. C. Creamer has been numbered among the sick this week. Frank Lilly was delivering corn to the Murray elevators Thursday. Given Piggott was a county seat visitor Wednesday of this week. Mrs. George Wagner has been num bered with the sick for the past few days Mrs. Ray Davis, who has been quite i1' for the past few weeks, is improv ing Th re were quite a number from this Iccality attending the Decker sale near Plattsmouth Wednesday. George Jenkins, who has been sick .- f Iwi l.- jif" lti mt 1iai J lAtitfinil '"" v'1 ...,,. i , i.-, ujJum- .-nie better at this time. A. I). Crunk, who has been visiting in Missouri the past few weeks, re turned heme Saturday morning. Mrs. Wocdfdrd and son, from West- Neb., were visiting at the home icf Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Young in Mur- vy the past week. ,jc W. F. Moore and wife went to dar Creek Thursday to visit their urhter, Mrs. Hessenfiow, whose :lldren have been seriously sick. !h. B. O. Young came in last Sat- evening from the western part .' ti e state, where he has located for t'.e purpose of establishing a medical practice. He will make a few days vi.-it with home folks. Richard, the little son of Dr. and Mrs. Jake Brcndel was quite seriously i'.! Tuesday evening of this week, suf A ling from an attack of stomach trouble. Dr. J. W. Brendel was called in consultation from Avoca, and after a night of careful attention the little fil'ow was somewhat improved Wcd '.;!. -day morning. The dtk of the Farmers Elevator Go annual meeting at the Puis & Ganse n.or hall, on Monday of last week and transacted the usual yearly business, among which was to make the selec tion of their officers for the ensuing year, which was as follows: W. D Wheeler, president; J. R. Yallery. vice president; W. H. Puis, secretary; G. M. M inford, treasurer, with John Edmunds. IT. C. Creamer and C. D. Snangler. additional directors. Albert Wheeler was re-elected as manager The annual dividend was declared, hut will not be made until after cars are furnished the company so they v. ill be able to unload some of the grain thov have in the house, which is ii !! to the roof, and thus clean up the yearly business atlairs. lhe com pany has closed up a very prosperous yetr and are in excellent financial condition. CHRISTIAN CHURCH NOTES. Services for next Sunday: Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. rn.; seimon topic, "The Paramount Yalue of Christian Education."' The subject of the evening discourse will be, "A Great Man, But." -AT MURRAY- IWt"fctW'.i.W..Wi 1 The 2nd episode of Lioei in two reels Her Mother' Sweetheart a Laemele drama What Darwin Missed a Victor comedy PUIS & GANSE&'ER MESS Ufa iu Esa Edsi B Saturday Evening f IIP IPOMIFs: ty Coughing Tires the Old Hard winter coughs are very tiring to elderly people. They mean loss of sleep, and they deplete the strength, lower vi tality, weaken and wear out the system. Foley's Honey and Tar stops coughs quickly. It is a standard family medicine that contains no opi ates, and is noted for its quick effect on coughs, colds, croup, bronchial and la grippe coughs, and the chronic coughs of elderly people. J. B. William. Trenton, Ga., over 73 yean old say: ' I have used Foley' Hooey and Tar for years with the best aad rarest result." John Hobschiedt was a Plattsmouth visitor Wednesday. H. C. Creamer put in his ice for the coming year Friday. For Sale at very reasonable price, a square piano, fine instrument and in good condition. Mrs. J. B. Jackson, Murray, Neb. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preaching at 1 1 : a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school at It:tU. All cordially welcomed to these services. Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock a committee of Omaha Presbytery in stalled Dr. J. B. Jackson as pastor of the United Presbyterian congregation of Murray. Rev. A. L. Gredfrey, of Dunbar presided ar.d preached the sermon. Rev. Hugh B. Speer gave the address to the pastor and Mr. W. G. Ure the address to the people. Mr. Speer and Mr. Ure are both from Omaha. FOR SALE o-r. house; city water in house, electric lights, well and cis tern; 1 lot. Inquire of Harry Messer smith. 12-lo-tfd SOCIAL DANCE. I To be given at the Puis and " Gansemer hall at Murray. Neb., Saturday evening, January 20th. y V Everybody cordially invited to i attend. Music by Holly's or- chest ry. Ladies free. Gents T0c. WILL SERYE LUNCHES. W. S. Scott of Murray has arranged to furnish lunches at all sales throughout the county where it may be desired, and will see that the needs of .the hungry are looked after prop erly. Anyone who is desirous of hav ing lunch served at any public sale should call on or address W. S. Scott, Murray, -Neb. tf PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at Public auction on the Martin farm, one-half mile east and a quarter mile south of Murray, commencing at 10 d'clock sharp, on Thursday, January 25th, the following described property: One sorrel horse, coming D years old, weight One black horse, coming 9 years old. weight 1,550. One brown mare, coming 12 years old. weight 1,200. One good milk cow. One 4-months-old calf. One two-row stalk cutter. One seven-foot disc. One three-section harrow. One Deere riding lister. One 14-iuch walking plow. One lG-inch riding plow. One walking cultivator. One Hoosier seeder. One six-foot Deering mower. One six-foot McCormick binder, nearly new. One twehe-foot Deering hay rake. One 8x1 1-foot hay rack. One wagon with box. One low-wheel wagon with box. One spring wagon. One thirty-gallon kettle with stand. Two sets of heavy work harness. Four work collars, and many other articles too numerous to mantion. Lunch will be served at noon by W. A. Scott. Terms of Sale All sums of $10 and under, cash in hand; on sums over $10 a credit of six to nine months will be given, purchaser giving note with ap proved security drawing 8 per cent in terest from date. All property must be setled for before being moved from premises. Everything will be sold to the highest bidder. J. M. McCULLOCH, Owner. W. R. Young, Auctioneer. W. G. Boedeker, Clerk. F. D. Hill and D. W. Merrill of Omaha, were in the city today l"or a few hours looking after a few mat ters in the probate court in the W. D. Hill estate. Buy jour stationery at the Journal , office, where the line is the best and largest in Cass county. uccess m is the built-up result of a number of detailed improvements over customary methods. This is Januar y of a new year, the natural time for planning ahead; getting your line up for the Spring work. Look over your farm implements and if you are going to need any newones come in and tell us. Get our prices; let us figure with you; we may be able to save you some money. Give us a trial; we will appreciate it. We are interested in your success, be cause the success of our business depends upon the success of our customers. One best line for the man who wants the best the John Deere full line of agriculture implements, wagons and vehicles, repre sents more than 75 years of experience in manufacturing QUALITY GOODS, and we consider ourselves fortunate in securing the agency. -MURRAY aroware and MUHRAY, The hiehawka I1e!1s are now Rolling and Manufacturing the 66 FLOUR! The Popular Cass County Brand of Flour EVERY SACK GUARANTEED! Also a Full Line of By Products! C. D. ST. JOHP3, Prop. JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller. For Sale by Hatt & Son, Plattsmouth, Neb. and Puis & Gansemer, Murray, Neb. Advertise In Fitch's Detroit Special (They Wear Like a Pig's Nose) Big Overalls or Jackets at $1.25 On account of our heavy purchases and early buying we are able to hoJd our prices on Rubber Goods, the same as a year ago. IS FULL AND COMPLETE AT ALL TIMES Puls& Murray, 3c -a i Drs. EVZach & EYZacii, Tlis Dentists Th largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha.. SpfCia'.iiU la charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Vrlc e. Porcelain fdlinsa, just like tooth. Instrument carefuby .teniueu niier uir.. Send for nut sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment. PISs wcitc tns nnfu- o v Pir.i?; ivn DR. E. St. TARRY. .aa"W:aaaaaa-W.araar-p-r llja i I 1 I rr P "I.-1 fe a -arm-TP Wli'a-a Business plornenf Co., m NEBRASKA The Journal Grocery Stock w r if Nebraska. 3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA nSTULA-Fay When CURED All Rectal Diseases cured without a surgical operation. No Chloroform, Ether cr other ecu- vi eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED - to last a LI FK-TIME. CiTEXAMiNATios fsze. J nrrTA' .nKrPi wttj-t Tr.sTivnvni X. Onuhi, liibr.ka H