The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 18, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
L 0, TAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTIT SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1917. The pi - Ai r r. nt v& ra a HAY SPRINGS EDITOR PAYS A VISIT TO THIS CITY NK ROBBERS GET SENTENCE To Have Flowers Blooming Indoors All Winter Long ? ! m et A nt rn' M n. in n ml m argains ' A Hi BA Real Suit Ha Didn't Scare. .n I1 Pronch slmcrua Uer. whom it rr.f r ported nothing could friuliten, vr:;s pi:t to the test by two young men. One of tli'in pro tended to bo dead, and the oilier, go- ! " i ;Vv-CvC maker, induced i i 111 to sit tip "with the s u p p o s e tl con 'so. v The shoemaker was in a hurry : i ji,H -with some -work k y ivrt-tii he iu1,1 i,rumi;;ea . 1 .v. -". ,v i to nae complet JOT ed the next morn ing, so lie took his tools and leather - oiirl Iiomii work. iuu beside the corpse. About 12 o'clock j. i : alt.iv Brow, at nUiit a cup of black co (Tee "was 1-r- i;!.t X l.fTi him awako. lie drauk :t and resumed his work. About 1 '..k. the coffee having exhilarated Mr::, forgetting that he was in the of death, he commenced sing-Jr-g a lively tune, keeping time with L- hamper. , s-Id-idy th eorj.-o arose and ex-tlairs.'-d in a hollow voi-e: L 'ii a n:au is hi the presence of d' :.rh should in-t siu-I" The shoemaker started, then sudden ly d il: the c-rj c a 1o::lti:v blow o:i the Peel witli his hammer, eXi laiming i; s L did so: W'l.u a uinn is dt-ad he should not Fpe.t kl' li w;t th lat time they tried to s.aro the shoeiaak'. r. A Little Sin, a Little Rain. A ' su'i. a htt! r.n;:!. A v.-ir..! M .r.r fn.-i th wes v. '.: 1 I'; ! ;-: .rv nv-.-r aviaiii varraUi t. .u.:.i t'.ie ia. ujna:n' S ' r.r. ! i. t;.- :': '.-i v trt.ol. S .;'i -t!i !.v o .! !':": Iir fra:ne. Ti'i t:..-usitil vt-ars h.iv dawned anJ .r l siiil her ii:aii: is the same. A !::; love, a, little tri;st. A - ft i :ti ; ! a .-a-i irea:n, A" 1 !.'e as tiry as tl.-s.-rt oust 1 frvsiitr t!.uri a i..a:ituia sireatn. Fi T'- i t' l.a:t i f m s. rv.i'Iy f .-.v l. o a:''l ; .''. T- ' f.:.-.i: 1 ( r s.i.. it I'.-uan itrit ii "ii!i.:er ti"..w : 1 'Jr.iOt-utiilcd. Felicitous Coincidence. .i! ? j iro at a bautpiot ivf n In ccle- lr. tt the cmpl) ; of t!'o (.'I:i--- !".ird o t ia lo bui'iihi M;:yor J I '.r. i-oTi. ;.. r, in.i'ie a llowery s;- t h. in the c"'.re f f wh;.-h ho said, "1 :u.i pn.ud f the 2'u' t that I was l-'Hi ia the year that the locomotive "was I:. vented." i i.t T.eit ddres v. a tj-a'.de by l'm cry st'-rrs. naii' a::!iy t-elvbra'. d for hi-; Wit. ?lr. Sioj-rs sai'l. I a.-Vi-o Avi;!i M. .y... Harrison ja d '.laiir. it a fe li.i. -v. :.!'!. U' that he and the hx-iio Iv "Were b' rn the siiiae year. i c 1- tli have be n Mou h.z .i'f steam .- fi:iT." l'ittburv!i Chrcnlclo-TVl- Did He Get GK? Tb'" famous Mdib ii. v. Lo, with S'-ott. Ci-::ipi'eJ'b-il ai.d' lexicon, v.. s b-.iri f h:-ii'-hur h coih-e. Ox f r I. It wa whi -; . red in regard to tie ie; oi j'..:it MibTH providi'd the -id S .tr the brail"--. A younjr -ii" ! r .r.-.o! -v.i I o was hah-tl before the ! ..a ;--r soi:ie ir Uth ;;i":'i:nr. "I hear, .Vr. . i!i.;t yo i have a pretty wit f-r i:.:j roiiiptu verse." said the dean. 'if o:x write on j mi the lexiion I v ii'. It t : o:i The yonnj; man " Tl o'-ht a !;. !:: nt Jii.d then said: T .- r. s a. :i w rilii-n by- I-ithKll and t- .- f i.'s ?. a::.! ::.-,::. f- r it's not. T.v ihat i t'..iJ va WMiieji by s it. Tho 5- it t"mt vn- vi!i'.:i ly Li.ldell is : i. CcnrV'e Recover. h Id's t .-ta'tra'-.t, ::!jci t. 5'ir ILe f-l'i "l-i -atab iriir h -U-e ill a ra t'-Jia. Mi l i i i :;i:!c ti-..' repata? i"U of bo ivz the h'.-ho-t ri cl re--taurant in lho wo.-: !. Its t :i;r"iK in. lo.ded sport 3 t, m ;i sital ambier-i. If I hey won t'.ey t "Mi l :i:"t-1 t" ;,y tl priies; if Ih-y b-t 4':ici"' v. ere other catiu; ';i; t.eM w.-:s 1 v. z the veranda r.i SiLtrhiy ra' riii:. .after h'.s unmhlin L"'!-' Ii.'d Mt.'.'ered one of the M(.-s:t J... - .f its bi-to;y. hhV h" w:is parading 'lex i renet c .w in Auto:.! ' Sperling man, came tip v ;dk. Well. l.os." lie sai-1. w'A'n mo. k so Ji' iiodo. -they tell me the boys trim laod th ? far- bank lat niuht." -lh-y did." t:nweied Cantk-M. -The t. '.; closetl Si::,i"i lo.-er." Oti. that'll be :dl lihi."' lrenet fai-hoL "I'rii oin in r.ow to buy half a canttioupe." Now York World. A Diplomatic Satire. The kJui of .Mu-kitrao, bein eniaed Ja a dispute "nh the kiu of 15'jrne-jH.-ar, wrote liioi s follows: T.cfre prtxeedincr 1' net her in this raatter I demand the tfall of vour minister from my capital." ;ieatiy enraod'by tids imjiossihle ierjanJ. the kins of Doniega-scar ie I lied: "I shall i;ot recall my minister. Moreover, if yo'i do iat immediately retr.'et ronr demand I tdiall withdraw Lim." Tlds threat co terr!f"(-d the kins of "! jd'CTio th:'r i'l h''eOir o ''niply hn fell over his own fecf. bri kins llo Tbirl CVnimaiidiaenr. I'reio "The Col lect t-J Works of Ajubrose IJlerce." IP people living in cities knew how easiiy they mi-Jht have llowors blooming all winter every home would be cheered by these love liest of decorations. The requisite ar ticles a up one or more boxes, a sprayer, some g'5d soil and the plants. The box should be about eight inches deep by ten wide and of any required length. The material may be pottery, which is handsome, but somewhat ex pensive, or iron with false bottom for drainage. Wooden boxes are as good as any if painted inside and out with two coats of some neutral color. Place in the bottom of the box an inch or two of coarse stones, broken pottery, etc., to facilitate drainage. A tin pan to set the box in will keep the brackets neat. It can be secured from a tinsmith. The box can be mounted on bracket or on a portable stand; the latter is preferable because it permits the box to be moved easily from room to room for spraying and also to be turned with its best side outward. The chief ditXieulty with house plauts is lack of moisture. Howevfr. if thj plants are well soaked once week y placing the boxes on their sides in a bathtub of warm water for ten min utes the roots will have suflieient mois ture, and by spraying the foliaue well with water every other day and occa sionally with kerosene emulsion the plants will be free from insects. Obtain a good top soil from a florist. Make four inch pots from strong brown paper and put a plant in each pot. tilling the pot with soil, put two inches of soil in the bottom of the window bos over tiie broken pottery, place the potted plants on this Pel of earth and pack the spate between the pos with soft soil and luo-s. This heiiis to retain the moisture and keeps the soil damp. Satisfactory riant for winter bloom ing are eyclamen. ::erai:: ::::. helio tropes. i!..v.erii:g maple--, e;i!;.-, tuiips. prP.u'tU nar-i-i. ot. Some iro-'d climbing i!a'.it ate IiiK.--lis'i and :erma:i ivy. eo'...i':i, .Fapanc-e hops. sz::i!.ix and marietta vine. When plants arc wat.te.1 for ":::te; blooming thev mu-t n t be allowed r o.....,u ,;.! d;::i.:.; th oi .-. - f.i-r A f.-w pi improve i ;gh the s;;t.iiacr: th-:r i.-td ; sea --on lii i r be pl-i' bed 'at- dr. : np: ing over the froof n.-c of ii... p... Tra le .mi ia. sum r.;;:l n :.h thnr are suit. Th o :!y ea: spi aying. wh Kn::l: !i :vy, sweef a'ys d :at:( ::.o a i'e'V ' this pca-j-.-c - le oil a-i-h' lrom very important. le b av. soaking i a f..iiiv i.v. :; a- til re. from ." to t,r, deg-c s i;i dvyt '.;::. rti'd net h-s that! .".:) degree-- si r i i -h'. If ni::t!i. r ! very c l 1 cover tin-tu at night with a few newspapers.. Admit air o:i li'.i! 1 days, but re:r.o e i:i!.i.s v some diitari e h'.ie window.-: are ope::. PLANTING LILIES- Why and Plow They soidc! Ea Plarted In th.3 Fad. M. st lilies tl i be-t plantf 1 in the au tumn. If left until spring the planting is very likely lo be done too late iu the sea.-on. It pays to take pairs in makinir a lily Led. and if best res id Is are vanp-d for small he's remove eighteen inches of s-ih Turn over the bottom -f tin bed with a arden fork and coer Mils sill with six indies of the go. d p p solh On ti e topsoil spread two Inches of dried sheep or stable manure s-1.1 by seedsmen. Turn this over wnh a garden fork so as to thoroughly incor porate the manure and layer of tep i"o;l, leveling it with a rake. Tins done, cover the "whole evenly with six inches of coarse sand. Place the lily bulbs ou the sand, setting them a f ot t or more apart, each way. When the bulbs are all in position cover t lit in to a depth of six inches with soil. Never use manure so it will tome in contact with the bull's. How to Have Homemade Silver Clean ers Without Elbow Grease. To . lean siiver by the electrolytic method ii is not no os.-ary to buy any of the expensive' pans ami plates for sale. Any aluminum quart cup, sauce pan or dishpan you may have will do well. Add a lcaspuonful oC kitchen salt and one of bicarbonate of to a quart of water. Place silver in pan when water boils and be sure it. touches the aluminum utensil and. is not ju-t Veld in the water. An inexpensive; silver powder ii whit ing. Ten cents" v. orth at any paint shop will list about a year. A tea. spoonful of whiting dissolved 5u half a cupful of water, then rub on all .'diver to be cleaned. Pegin again with the first piece and rub oir with a Sjit of llannel. In case of deep earving rinse the article if neocsarv. Why Pillows Should Nat Se Too High. "Of all the thousands of patients I have seen in bed 1 have never met with one who arranged his pillows hy;;ienieally." said an eminent do' tor. "All too high, far too high. High pillows curve the .spine, bend th" n- U and thus prevent the free circulation f bhyd in the brain. You can never pet the full value out of a night's sleep unless you lixyour pillow so low that the head .and neck are just on a level line with the spine." How to Get i Trua Cia-, Too To rhlahi n true bl:i5 pivoo (p, rmte "r1al fat m the cutMng t il -e ; i. with a n!er or a yr.lsi-h k b:'d -r'--s ?' cxi:er d''ar a line w ?th -; ::!k or col ored pencil.' Use tlds line for o gijido 4n 'T.tiing. Liiuolii Shippers Notified Shipments (o Points Kasl of Chicago Not Acceptable. Vincoln, Jan. 17. Lincoln shippers received notice Wednesday morning of an embargo on freight shipments on the Burlington to points east of Chi cago, effective January 17, at mid night, until January ill, at midnight. It was by far the most drastic em bargo ever placed on the Burlington line here, local officials said. Owing to the congested conditions on eastern, it was found necessary to order the embargo, the officials declared, in order to prevent ears being tied up by eastern lines to catch up with the shipments. According to the orders issued, the Burlington will accept carload ship ments consigned to Chicago only on it- own tracks. Carload shipments for Chicago for switching or connec tion with other lines, or to points cast of there will not be accepted. The only exceptions to this rule are live stock, perishable freight, coal, oik and less than carload lot merchan ts HESBYTERIANS MET DEFEAT LAST NIGHT Tiie basket ball team of the First P'cshyttrian church of this city ku-t evening became Cntangled in the ma chine of the Town.-end team cf Omaha r.i .the rciici riak and lost, by the : cere oJ :14 to - I. The Omaha boys from the start of the contest showed cla.-s v . science and their work, had the 1': t -byterlans guessing all the time, even with the tocom! squad of the Townse'nis' playing in the game. It was a goo J game through out, however, and enjoyed by the ci 1 who v. ere in atUT.uCT.ce, and while the Prcibytc-rians met with de ft. .t t:i y I'clt well pleased with the sliowi: ; n r. le against the Omaha ag gugatioi;. The work of Bechtold the ccr.ter. :r..d Hum-en, right forward of ti: n U' featured the game. Tl:.' lire;') was as follows: n;i:suYTi;iUAXs:. towxskxds. La:.;-- J. . iar.-'r.ail.. r. r.Ia: shall Xc;; .;.!". .'. ,..T .F. I..F. . . . C. . . Al.G. KaT. .L.O. L.G. . . . . Hansen . Balder j-on . . .Bechtold ..Moskovish . . . Willard HvS. T. K. sMiill IMPBOVIXC;. Mi.-. V. K. Smitii of this city, who was (.perked on at the liv.manuel 1:0: ;.it:d a few days ago is reported as d-ur-g nicely and is seemingly on the. higliway to recovery which is very pleasing to the members of the family and the friend-. It is thought ihat if Mr.--. -Smith continues the present rate of impiovemont that she will be able to return home by the first of next week. CAK1) OF THANKS. To the kind friends and neighbors who assisted us by sympathy and loving- kindness at the time of the death and the funeral of our beloved mother, Mrs. Z. T. Brown, we desire to re turn oar heartfelt thanks and assure them that their deeds of love v.ill be cheri.-hed a long as. life shall last. THE CHILDREN. N1AV DKFLTY COUNTY CLFBK. I'i'Mii's Iaily. Matt Jirousek, the new deputy county clerk has comenced his duties in the oii'ue of County Clerk Libershal and was on the job yesterday morn ing for tiie first time. Mr. Jirousek is still assisting .Mr. Thierolf in the inventory of the stock in the clothing store for the first of the year and as soon as this is completed will be ready to sail into tiie work at the clerk's office in leal earnest and will make a most efficient aid for the county clerk. 1 OBDS AUK STILL SELLING. y- L'i-r,-s'l-iy's Daily. The Ford agency has been busy the past week, and three, new machines of the make that has made Detroit famous have been sold to three of the residents of tiie county, J. W. Her rington, residing west of Murray; P. II. Meisinger, jr., residing west of My nard, and John S. Stander, residing northwest of this city, having joined the ranks of the Forcl J)Mners.- Young married man wants work on farm by the year. Good worker. Pre fer separate house. -Inquire at the Journal office. Office supplies the Journal office PJ17 calendar pads at the Journal office. George E. Benschoter, editor and publisher of the Hay Springs News, was in the city today enjoying a short visit with his brother, J. S. Benschot er, at his home in the north part of the city. Mr. Benschoter is a mem ber of the party of Sherman county boosters, numbering 167, who are vis iting the eastern section of the state, and on the occasion of their visit at Omaha he came down to see the brother for a few hours. Mr. Ben schoter returned to Omaha this aft ernoon to join the boosters, who are to be shown through the packing plaits at South Omaha and take in the sights of the metropolis before returning home. While in the city Mr. Benschoter paid a fraternal call at the Journal office to look over the plant and enjoy a very pleasant chat with the force. THE LADIES OF THE EASTERN STAR ENJOY PLEASANT MEETING The ladies of the order of the East ern Star last evening enjoyed a visit from Mrs. Anna Sampson of Omaha, associate grand worth v matron, who as the representative of the grand lodge of the state made the official visit to Home chapter. There were a large number of the members pres ent at the lodge rooms to greet the distinguished visitor and to take part in the meeting which was filled with much interest to all of the members. After the session of the lodge the members were ushered to the dining K-oin where a most delightful ban quet had been arranged by the ladies of Home chapter that certainly proved a delightful feature of ihe evening. The tables were very handsomely decorated with candies whose soft glow added to tin beauty of the loom aril here the feast was enjoyed to the -utmost. Following the discussion the menu by the ladies a number of lo.ldresses were given ineludirsr one by Mrs. Sampson and different of tiie local members along the lines of the work of the order that were very much enjoyed and added to the interesting features of the evening. Mrs. Snrrpson returned this morning to her home in the metropolis, being the guest of the members of the older over night. TO FLOAT QUARTER BILLION LOAN IN THE UNITED STATES New York, Jan. 17. Another new British loan, amounting to $250,000, 000, will be floated in this country by J. P. Morgan & Co., that bsnking fiim announced tonight. This is the third floatation, including the Anglo French, of iJritish loans in the United States since the outbreak of the wa: The new loan, secured by high giade collateral, will take the form of oV- per cent convertible notes, dated February 1, 1917, $100,000,000 to ma tuie in one year, and the balance in two years, according to the announce ment. A countrywide syndicate, composed of banks and trust companies, bank ing houses and bond dealers, has been organised to offer the notes to indi vidual participants. The notes will be convertible at par at the option of the holder prior to maturity in a 5V- per cent bond of the United Kingdom, maturing in twenty years. sun i:ks a bruised fooi. Helen, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Libershal, met with quite a painful acident at the post ofiice building Tuesday evening. She was starting out through the revolv ing doors on the east side of the building and a number of persons had just passed out causing the doors to revolve rapidly and as she attempt ed to step out slipped on the floor and her foot was caught in the door bruis ing it quite badly and making it neces sary for her to remain at home for a few days. Eighty-Seven Years Old. II. II. Adams, Springfield, Mo., writes: "I had a severe attack of kid ney trouble. I am getting old, 87 years. I tried different treatments, but none did me so much good as Foley Kidney Pills." Foley Kidney Pills build up weakened kidneys, help rid the blood of acids and poisons, and relieve bladder troubles. Sold every where. Cash for all Amick's Garage. Transfer Work. 11-21-tfd. Assman Convicted by Jury at Fre mont While Partner, Calcord, Pleads (iuilty. Fremont, Neb., Jan. 17. Louis Assman, charged with the robbery of the Winslow bank, was convicted of the crime by a jury today. He was sentenced to the penitentiary for three to fifteen years. Thomas Calcord, charged jointly with Assman in the bank robbery, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to from three to ten years by District Judge Button. Mrs. Louis Assman, 21, young wife of the Winslow bank robber, on trial here, on the stand today told a sor rowful story of her husband's ruin by the use of morphine and whisky. Mrs. Assman said he suffered mental lapses under the influence of drugs and talked strangely. She struggled al most alone to keep up the drug store at Omaha, opening the store at 7 and staying until late at night. She with stood a rigid cross-examination well and made a good impression. Charles Pipkin, an Omaha defective, iccalled by the state today, testified that Assman told him the Sunday after the robbery he knew "a ceitain guy tipped off the Winslow job to the police." At that time Assman also said Calcord fired shots in the bank, when the young cashier tried to rlam tbo vault door, "scaring the kid to death." The Assman jury dcliferalcd j:;.t twenty minutes, r tiring at ') this aft t : noon. Considci ation was given the fact that Calcord saved the county e prnse by offering a plea of guilty. Dr. A. S. Pinto was introduced in an effort to show that the defen iani is mentally urbalanecd. In response i; hypothetical question, involving te statements made by Mrs. As-man. Mrs. Nicholas Asnman nr.-! Nicholas Assman. the physician -aid that under the err. .'it ions described young Ass man could be suffe; ing from insanity. While the state rested tast night, it (.here! cue witness this morning. 'Vh r cos;! had Count v At tn " " ' wi .;-. '.: Charles th:' ("- : si ed for permission to v hi : :mton to Pip!-:;-, a en police force. rest so that olhcs man on could testify. DK. BLFICK. Dr. BL-ick, Mi J World-Hci iiig, Omaha, specialist in eye, ear, r.o: c and throat discsc. , w ill be at I'lattsmouth every Tuesday, at i. A. McFlevain jewelry stove. L'yc glasses scientifically fitted. l-In-3tu2twkly TiME FOU UAKNESS OIL. We oil your harness for $1.00 per set, and now is the best time to have it done. Also lirst-class repairing of all kinds at reasonable prices. Ten per cent discount on horse blankets and robes. John F. (lordcr, Platts mouth, Neb. rHi:;- and Five Cenls ! Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, enclose five cents to Foley - Co., 2So." Sheffield avenue, Chicago., 111., writ ing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs oil.U, i.nd croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets,. Sold everywhere. 'I'll A INS AKE DELAY III). The Puriington trains from tiie .vcs.t were rather late today owing Lo ;i .-mall wreck that occurred at Akron, Colo., when a runaway engine crasued into the locomotive of passenger train N:. 10 which was stamlir.g on a sid ing at that place. The engine of No. 10 was badly mashed up and the fire man ar.o engineer luatiy Hurt wane everal of the passengers were injured but not neriously. N. JO winch is due in this city at 1:10 a. m. did not reach here until 8 o'clock this morn ing and N'. was delayed sonic three 1 hours' by the wre' k. George Kearns, wife and babe de- pal ted this morning for Omaha where they will spend a short time and then go to Harding, Neb., for a visit with relatives and friends in that place. uui?- q- oJ3'.ioay 's-Jv: put; miv" jo oiuoi ouj It; b sba i!M.w pun jbs;sea aqi ;o ifiuout oi;; autpu3 -B 'auiliaAd SBl Xip Oqi Ul .lOpSIA b sba bjjiiiv: jo iinj, 's P3 '-lK W. A. Baker, the Rock Bluff's black smith, was among those going to Omaha this mprning where he will secure some supplies in that city. A want ad in the Journal will bring results. f 9 W-jv5cel 7n "1 m 'Everybody's Store New ties every week! Local cws rom Ch. Tiies.lay's l)aily. is Paikening drove in this aft- ei noon from his farm home to attend ie a few matters of business with the me: chant-". Mr. and Mrs. C. F. DeJung of My nard were visitors in this city yes terday afternoon and were pleasant caller -3 at this oflice. V.". J. Valhry and wife of Have lock arrived this afternoon to attend the foaeral of the mother of Mrs. Val Vry, M-s. Mike Warga. Joseph Nejeilley of Creighton, Neb., an Iced last evening to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Mike War ga, sr., which will be held tomorrow morning. Ralph. Haynie came in this morning from his home west of the city and departed on the early Duriington train for Omaha, where he will spend a few hours with friends. Archie Shepatdson of the vicinity of Murray, was in the city today, en 'elite to Omaha, wheie he goes to ac company James Hill of Murray to the hospital. .or.-. Mollis KheinacKle ami cr.nuren, who hae been visiting in Omaha for ihe past several days with relatives am- friend-, returned home this after : -on on No. 24. Ton Crs:'.do ilie departed this morn ing for Graybull, Wyo., where he- will be employed by the Burlington as a blacksmith and where a number of j ir.e emr.'oves irom xne snops nere are siituncd. Charles L. Creamer and dauirhter. -l:-s Kose Mae, departed for Juliet, v.. yo., inn; auerneon, wnere ineywiu attend to some business matters for about a week. inev will also visit oilier points in Wyoming. Dr. C II. Clilmoi e of Murray was in the city this afternoon for a few hours en route frcm his home to Oma ha, wheie he woes with James Hill, J who will bo placed in a hospital in that city for an operation. i-'! i:i ro iirvi l;i I'ailv. lid Kummell drove in (his morning from his home near Mvnard to look a Tier .some trading with the mer chants. Will Jean and P. W. Livingston were among those going to Omaha this morning to spend a few hours with friends in that city. James Loughridge, w ho is employed as a traveliu" salesman out of Omaha, was in the city for a short time today calling en his customers. Charles Mason and family of Wat- son, ajo., who nave oeen nere visuingi i 1. 1: l r.: 1. .. d,,.r I Will! Itiaii.c.s aim jjienu.- mm a time, departed this morning for their i. , ' m ' r i' -m ,.f D.mb.r. vhJamPIe room s needed; the neck- arrived this afternoon to attend the fur.err.l of hef -cousin Mrs. z. 1- Ii l v II, VV 1 1 11 I 9 ttd i ic iki t'lio from the home-: W. F. Gillespie, the Mypard grain man, was m the city yesterday en route Tiome from Omaha, where he had been looking after some matters on the stock market. Ed Reynolds and wife of Havelock, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. Reynolds' father, B. J. Rey nolds and family, departed this morn ing for their home, going on the early Burlington train. .Miss Carrie fclhulhot . and ncice. Miss Zora Smith, were among those oing to Omaha this morning where! f mcv v in visit, iui ieie uav nun icici-i .u.. :n r i, .1 nu i.. I a tives and friends in that city. 1 1 THERE'S been a big advance in clothes costs these last few months. Quali ties that sold at $18 throughout the sea son are wori.Ii v23 right now. During in voice we found about 20 suits of blue serge and few fancy patterns that were $20, $25 and $30, but for the reason that the coats are trifle long for present style we have cut the price, to clean up, $12.50 and $17.50 They are all wool materials, silk sewed with serge linings. Most every Size 33 to 42. s 5oiis DH. COOK UNDER THE Y EATHEIi From V(-Iiif s.luy's Daily. 1 Dr. E. VV. Cook has been kept bu-sy the past two days in nirrsipg a large sized carbuncle on his neck, which is both painful and annoying and the doctor is kept from enjoying mueh of the joys of life while the annoyance is working overtime. It is to be hoped that the genial physician will soon recover from his affliction. Signs of Good Health. Bright eyes, clear skins, alert brains and energetic movements are .signs of good health. Y'ou don't have them when digestion is impaired and fer menting, decaying food clogs the in testines. Foley Cathartic Tablets tet you right. Act without pain, griping or nausea. Too stout persons wel come the light feeling they bring. Sold everywhere. DANCE BY W. O. W. There will be a social dance t;it.i by the members of the W. O. W. on Saturday evening, Janoa'v :.'0th, at the M. W. A. hall. There will be good music furnished ard everybody Is welcome. Admission, gents, oOc; ladies tree; spectators 2-h.-. SAWS. Hand, buck, cross-cut or any kind of saws filed and set at Weyrich's carpenter shop. IJasement Dank of -ss County. i i.ouis torn was in tne citv uxiav lor a tew nours attending to sonic trading with the merchants FT si : 1. losom Friends! The growing popularity of Lje gjg 'IS easily accounted for. For Ide shirts are away ahead i i . Qf tne average $1.25 and $1.50 . . SllirtS. -They arc cut full where band sits well and the sleeves are just the right length. First-class materials only are used in these Splendid sn;rts. . , , f Come in and select tc-day. zPhilip cihiardiit Stetson Hats - Carhart Overalls Manhattan Shirts Hanson 0 loirs 1 f I i V j, r4