MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1917. - r A BUSTED BOGIE A human alarm clock the baby. CHEAPTR PAPER PERHAPS. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, . Che plattsmoutb journal PUBLISHED SKMI-WECKLV AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Catered at Tostofflce at riattsmouth,' Neb., as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher CBSCRIPTIO.n PRICEl PEH YEAH IN ADVANCE THOUGHT FOK TODAY T every man there come -I -I- noble thoughts which pass v across his heart like great white birds. Maeterlinck. :o: A little cooler the lat few :o: Time will cure snoi ing, but tu le daytime. :o: A fat woman never ha? any luck in pining away. Lincoln people stem to be tired of the commission form of government. :o:- It is not the size of the paper that counts, l-ut that which is in it is what the people want. :o: Some people are helpless as lone; a- they can tret help. You have noticed that, haven't you? :o: Men in the trenches are not per mitted to relax their efforts in order u listen to peace negotiations. :o: The strangest part of it is that none of the advocates of peace at any price want to move over into China. :o: This the glorious land of liberty. in which we merely pay our money to the trusts instead of giving our loy alty to a sovereign. :o: A man never feels quite so con spicuous a.- lie does on a cold morn ir.g down the street with a gill wearing white shoes. :o: There is sai! to be a famine in wedding rings in England. An even more serious outlook, there is report ed to be a famine in bridegrooms. :o: Talk about th high cost of living, how about the political pie at Lincoln. Plenty of wall flowers hanging around to grab a piece? when the opportunity is offered. :o: The people who complain most bit terly about the scarcity of eggs may be the same ones who find fault with their neighbors for keeping hens in their back yard. :o: Two years ago 1,'.00 bills were in troduced in the Missouri house of rep resentatives, and SOU in the senate. They must have put in the entile winter introducing bills. :o: The Journal extends its congratu lations to its friend, Gene Mayfield, upon his success in securing the ap pointment to the position of member of the board of control. He succeed: Jndge Kennedy, and will prove a good man for the place. 1 o '. The mo.-t flagrant exhibition of the genuine "yellow streak" is displayed by the fellow who forgets the fellow who put him in a nice fat office. The f.niy difference between such a fellow and a skunk is that the skunk has a white streak down its back. :o: The bank reports of Plattsmoutl: t - now ui) in i;r,c fine shape. The three banks in this town ;ue institutions to be proud of. The building and loan associations and also the local insur ante companies are in prosperous con dition, and all seem pretty well sat isfied with the business of i!lf. -:o:- Possibly the marriage ritual may be revised, in the future, to include this pledge from the bridei- "Do you promise to keep the living expenses of you! home down to forty cents per day per capita?" And the blushing me. trained down to the minute in hou-ehold ecoiiora , a confident "Yes." Hi ie-i-ora .it!' THE FAIR AMI OPEN MIND. If you want to find out what kind of person a public man is it is a pret ty safe rule to inquire, nnung his i, ighboi s. The president pro tern of the Nebraska senate, John Mattes of Nebraska City, has been held up to the state recently as one unfit for the r!iice. This is what the editor of the Nebraska City Tress i republican and prohibitionist has to say of him: "Criticism of Senator Mattes as l iesi knt pro tern of the senate is t aay te make, but not to substantiate. We v.l o know him in hi; horns town, v. n.'ihcr we agree with t:rt on all top ics or not, realize that his character is g "a d, his record as a business man una -salable and his characteristics a a rertleman equalled by very few others. He is open and aboveboard 'n iiz fighting and his stand on a question is not covered up by a lot of useless language and oratorical ges tures. He doesn't bury his thoughts with a dictionary. That he has al ways fought in the open is one reason he has so many friends. The present writer doesn't agree with him at all upon the subject of liquor regulation, but that has never served as a damper to the friendship which has existed be tween the few- men for several years, and this trifling disagreement as to the best method to curb an evil does not deter the editor of the Press from 'bawling out' the half-baked fanatics who see in John Mattes a personifica tion cf His Satanic Majesty, hoofs, horns and caudal appendage. They are looking through glases with jaun diced eyes and their livers' need fix ing."' This is a refreshing exhibition of the fair and open mind. If it were the rule in politics rather than the exception, our public life and political campaigns would be different from what they are, and people would be able to vote much more intelligently. Of all the deadly foes of good gov ernment the partisanship that is nar row and jaundiced and speaks nothing but evil of an opponent is by Ion odds the worst. World-Herald. -:o:- No city in the state of Nebraska is more proud of its public schools than P.'attsmouth. And the only thing that prevents its progress onward and up ward is a durable and up-to-date high chool building, that will reflect credit upon the various .departments and demonstrate to the outside world that the people of our city desire to keep up with the procession in educational lines. :o: Many farmers are awaiting the opening of the farm loan banks, when there is plenty of money in the local banks that could be borrowed as ad vantageously as the money of the government. We never was in favor of the government going into the banking business so extensively. :o: Will Maupin, of the York Democrat, says he is in favor of government ownership of the paper mills. Here, too, '-Billy!" :o: Such big sums are being paid into the conscience fund these days that a poor man will begin to feel that he cannot afford a conscience. :o: It is said that a single drop of nico tine Nill kill a rabbit in three and a half minutes but who wants to kill a rabbit? -:o: Great care is necessary in pre par ing diplomatic notes. "Excuse haste and a bad pen" will not cover deficen cies. :o: Some chaps are so easy that the only person they ever turn down for a loan are members of their own fam- iiy. Perhaps we may hear a great deal about the solid south in the next na tional election. It is a morsel from which many seem to find it impossi ble to get away. But in the next elec tion it cannot truthfully be said that so far as the popular vote is con cerned, it was the solid south that en abled the democrats to elect a presi dent in 191G. Of course it can be said again, just as it has often been said before, with more or less truth, as it was said on suspicion in the last cam paign, and as it has been said since election without a shadow of truth. There are few states in the north that have been as sturdily republican as have the southern states been democratic. There are two states contemplated in the term "solid south," Missouri and Kentucky, that are not solid by any means. Eliminating these two states from the solid south, and eliminating from the rest of the states those that are unreasoningly and habitually repub lican, one finds that in the states that are subject to change in party allegi ance 22,000 more votes were cast for President Wilson than were cast in the same states against him. The solid south may be interpreted to mean the following states, which gave Wilson the majorities indicated; Alabama, (59,000; Arkansas, 72,000; Florida, 42,000; Georgia, 115,000; Lou isiana, 73,000; Mississippi, 7t,000; North Carolina, 47,000; Oklahoma, 51, 000; South Carolina, G0,000; Tennes see, 37,000; Texas, 221,000; Virginia, 53,000. The total majority they gave Wilson was 910,000. On the other hand the states that are always republican gave majorities against him as follows: Iowa, 59,000; Maine, 5,000; Massachusetts, 21,000; Michigan, 52,000; Pennsylvania, 182, 000; Rhode Island, 4,000; Vermont, 18,000; Wisconsin, 28,000; a total of 309,000. It will be seen that the so-called solid south gave Wilson 547,000 more votes than the solidly republican states of the north gave against him. But Mr. Wilson was elected by a pop ular vote of 509,000, receiving in the doubtful states 22,000 more votes than his competitor. Lincoln Star. :o: Is the ice harvest over? Maybe. :o: After all, it's generally as we see it. :o: "Blessed are the peacemakers" when they make peace. :o: If you have a forgiving spirit you will enjoy perennial sunshine. :o: The man who pays as he goes us ually has something to go on. :o: "American flag torn to pieces by Villa men." Another typical Mexican victory. :o: Although beauty is only skin deep, it pays handsomely when transferred to a movie film. :o: The man who is willing to forgive his enemies, might go one better by not making any. :o: With some people eye glasses serve principally as an anchorage for one end of a heavy black ribbon. :o: Setting the clock ahead and saving daylight seems to be about the limit of sane people's idea of economy. :o: Our notion of nothing to worry about is what the world will do for news when the big war is over. :o: There are certain phases of the Zeppelin situation from which no com fort can be drawn by looking up. - :o:- If the Farmers' Union of Nebraska goes into" politics, as is most likely there will be something doing in fu ture elections. :o:- We don't understand why some peo pie want to get chesty. Why, in a hundred years from now you won' have any chest. :o: Thaw has thawed out again by try ing to kill himself. It would have been a blessing to his family if lie had succeeded. :o: If you can say statistics you are sober. :o: We have noticed since childhood that the admired "busy bee" loafs all winter. So do some others. :o: Both the in-coming and out-going governors recommending the short ballot, which ought to help some. :o: It is understood what is meant by new foes with an old face when the coal man drives up in the ice wagon. :o: There are also those who feel cer tain that the town needs everything that our citizens are able to get for it. :o: The undertaker is a good citizen and ordinarily a cheerful person, but ic just can't be expected-to brighten up a sick room. :o: After listening to a man who pro posed a way to end the war, we made up our mind that he didn't know whether Buda Pest was a breakfast food, a patent medicine of a substi tute for gasoline. :o: It is claimed that there have been only eight cases of typhoid fever in the United States army the past year. t therefore appears that it was only i matter of vaccination to eliminate the dreaded disease altogether. :o: The state capitol building was erect ed during the sod-house period. Now give us a state house in keeping with Nebraska of today, one of the most prosperous states in the Union, and the sod house has given way for com modious residences. :o: Senator Howell got in on several good committees, and the chairman ship of one, notwithstanding his bail weak in the first few days of the sen ate. Ld is a pretty nice fellow, anu only needed "fixing," that was ail. :o: Any bill introduced in the house or senate by a member from Douglas county, no matter how worthy it might be, will never meet with ap proval of the old State Journal. That just shows how pernicious and blinded by prejudice the Journal has become toward the metropolis of Nebraska. :c: Hon. John Mattes is not only chair- mon of the committee on banks and currency in the senate, but he is also a member ot tne committees on legis lation, municipal affairs, miscellane ous subjects, and live stock and graz . . ... V ing, and last, but not least, a member of the committee on committees. :o:- We do not expect anything else but that dene Mayfield will be confirmed by the senate. It is due Governor Ne ville and justice to Mr. Mayfield. lie is a native Nebraskan, a gentle man and a scholar, and well fitted for the position as member of the board of control. :o: From present indications, when spring opens thex will be plenty do ing in this old town, from that time until snow flies again. We all be lieve in riattsmouth and her institu tions, and where a community i har monious and stands up f:r its im provement and for the welfare of it: business institutions, educational and otherwise, you can't down it. :o:- Gene Mayfield will be confirmed by the senate tomorrow, from present in dications. There seems to be some lit tle opposition to the retirement of Judge Kennedy on the board of con trol, but it iooks "to a man up a tree" as if the governor should have a right to appoint whom he pleases, and it is the duty of the senate to confirm his uppointments. The Habit of Taking Coid. With many people taking cold is a habit, but fortunately one that is eas ily broken. Take a cold sponge bath every morning when you first get out of bed not ice cold, but a tempera ture of about DO degrees F. Also sleep with your window up. Do this and you will seldom take cold. When you do take cold take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and get rid of it as quickly as possible. Obtainable everywhere. The greed of the paper manufact urers is likely to prove a blessing in disguise. The high price of paper has started the chemists to work and after several failures it is reported that a process lias been devised that will convert old newspapers into new material really superior "to the paper before it is used. It is claimed that old paper can be converted into new at a cost of $5 a ton. The process was invented by Prof. Thomas Jasp crson of Ncenah, Wis. The experi ments on a commercial scale wet;! made at the Combined Locks Paper Co., near Kakuana, Wis. The result brought out a paper a little whiter than the original. Three tons of the eld newspapers were thus cleansed and turned Lac!: into paper. All of the big paper manutaetur-; ! ers have rejected the new process and j the excuse they give is that at the j close of the war. 01 fas 0:1 everything. wiii droo ".i d il v.ou'd be them to .--tail 'P any 1 e'v Tile K!ier manu i'ac . u ." s ;tie 1. i-.-e: 1 n- terested at preset. t in u'i;.-' any : --v. cheap pro.vss ta';-j the ii'..ld, and a.-.-making so much that i-iey are in different about such a process. It is probable that men in other lines of business will take the matter up. It is said that mills will be erected in the larger cities where the raw material can be easily obtained with the market close at hand, and that the inventor is at present in Xew York conferring with capitalists concerning the building of a mill there. World Herald. :o : SHOULD t'ONTIRM MAYFIELD. Governor Neville is to be congratu lated for having found and recognized so capable a man as E. O. Mayfield for membership in the state board of c!. Gene .Mayfield ha-; spent the greater part of his life in Nebva-ka. His ac quaintance is about as nerriy univer sal among Nebra: leans as thai of anyj na'.n. The chai actor and quality of the men of mark in all portions of thei state who have asked Ids appointment is evidence that he stands high in the eteem of the best men in the state. There is not a blotch upon hi.s life's record. He has held positions of high tiust and great business responsibility and has acquitted hlnv elf well. It does r.ot seem possible that the senators with whom coniirmation of his appointment rests can be im piessed with the chev.p political piffle' b.diig urged against hi? eiid.r?cment by the senate. Without reflecting at a!l upon the retiring mm'er of the b.'ard, to succeed whom Mr. M;'y field is appointed, it is a subtci fuge to in sist that Mr. Kennedy is the only re publican in the state capable of hold ing this position. Those who believe in the American principle of rotation in office will not take kindly to any cf fc -t to perpetuate anycvic 177 the office-holding class. It is amusing to encetmler the sub tle suggestion that di a;lac-met rf Mr. Kennedy by Mr. Mayf.el.i ;:pon the forme: ':; retirement will be ar: c crt'i.-'c of objectionable politics ;n its composition. Law lequire.'. no. a Ti m pai tisan, but : hi -pi: rti.-rn : '.!".'. Ov member must be : i ( pi '. 11 ..a Mayfield h-a: the .':, io: ; at cf tM greater numle- of the mo.-l relive vr-.:-eminent republicans of t'ue t:t;;te. It is customary for an appointing author ity to accept the recommendations of the leading men of the party from which an appointee must come. Ncbrasknns have become somewhat used to the doctrine advocated in some quarters, "If you appoint anyone we do not want, it is politics." The sen ators should not hesitate, and prob ably will not hesitate, to promptly and quite unanimously cenfirm Mr. May field's selection. To do otherwise would be politics of the most reprehensible quality. Lincoln Star. :o- I5y making friends at home you will never want for friends. : 0: When it comes to work don't be afraid you are going to hurt your self. :o :- Many a gill ho looks is a genuine lemon. a peach dasldren Csry m NaiM if R H M pjuf Tho KlrA You tiavs Always Bought, and which has been in :-32 for over ever 50 years, has borne the signature cf -y r and has been made under his tipt- ( ' r.;'A-?rTfjr so-al supervision since its infancy. .y..i.i Allow no one to deceive you in this. 7 ' - jMtt. 'V uu iz i'.t iiixli with and endanger the health of C.M'drei: Experience s 'gainst Experiment. Lv're.rr-:. ..--orpins ii...-r . . .'t.i-o. - ' 1 - -;0 ''! d-'i-tr, ; ciears !he r A.' , ( -n '.tit' Use For Over SO Years ill Tho IVmd You Have Always Bought THE C NTRUl COM F Lc-oaS PSews Ernest Horn returned to Omalia this morning after an over Sunday visit with his relatives and friends. Will Kite was among those going to :naka lid- morning where he will spend 1 lie day in that city consulting a specialist. - John II. Meisinger was among the br.sine: s visitors in Omaha today go ing to that c ity on the early Builing toa t ; ai?i this mo: ni.ig. Henry Hir; came in this afternoon from 'his farm home to spend a few hours looking afler seme matters of business with the merchants. Mrs. C. L. Creamer and daughter, .Mi.-s Rose .Mae, were among those foing to Omaha, this morning to visit in that city with friends for a few hoar?. FiCvI L. Iiil.l f Mynr.rd drove to 'his city this morning to attend to acre business Kiatter? and visit with fiier.ds fcr a short time. He was a plea -ant caller at this office. Wiiliam Pcpei.stoek. state president of the Sons ileimon will arrive in the city this aftcinoc.n to take part in tla- special meeting of that order w! ie;i will he hchi this evening at the hall of the local ledge. Morris Staador. .v. ho ais been at the h.ospital in. Omaha recovering fram an operation for appendicitis was aide to return hoa;e this afier m. on. Ii" wa ' accomiianied by his father, George St under. Glenn Perry and wife drove in this morning fr-.M their Ik me r.ear Mur ray : rai eep; !'t;rl oa tile e.irly nur Hngton train for Omaha to sp-.-nd a. few ioais in tha city looking after some matters of bu- im -s. Paul II ;i! leturned to Omah.a tins ac: aiag -v5 . 1 ha wi'l resume i.ia studies in liiat cay in college after i.n e 1 Srod, -,- i.-it witli ids parents. Mr. and .Mr--. W. H. Ileil at their h-m- i t Ei'-.'.t Mih; (ina;:. SOUTH 11, EXPECTS YOU! SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA invites you. Every winter makes this locality more popular; every year brings a more holiday aspect to this land of beautiful hotels, 'per fect auto roads, and out-door life. Burlington tickets route you via. Denver in Personally Conducted tourist sleeper parties via Scenic Colorado oivia Denver and the Santa Fe, Grand Canyon Route. TEXAS, GULF COAST, AND FLORIDA Here is the other of America's winter playgrounds the historic south land. Theold weather is" sending here thousands of northern people' in various palatial through trains, via Chicago, St. Louis or Kansas City. Burlington circuit tickets include all these routes through the south. ah'.y 0 rr' Srf. -.- '.-2 '.J for Fletcher's est or Oil, Parcgorit;r it 13 peasant. It contains other narcotic wul:rt-ij..rc. I's nnrs xnzu thirty y.vri ij. has 7X11; cf CiJisrlpiilion, ..uiency, trio ionrji-. a joowels, aids ir-r,- healthy and nat'.trai ,1 JTf rt V" Signature of A M Y , NFWVOnK C ITV Stanton Wilders of Lyons, Neb., who was an over Sunday visitor at the C. E. Babbitt home, departed this morning for his home. Mr. Wilders has been in attendance at the Farm ers' Union convention at Omaha. Will Adams was a passenger this morning for Omaha where he will visit his daughter, Mrs. Dick Pitman, at the hospital and if possible bring her back home as she is recovering nicely from her recent operation. John Kaffenberger drove in from his farm home west of this city Satur day afternoon for a short visit with friends. While here he took time to call at this office and have his sub scription to the Daily Journal extend ed for another year. A SHOWING SOME IMPROVEMENT. From Satiinhiy's l;iily. Miss Caroline Leiner is reported as showing some improvement at the home of her aunt in Lincoln, where she has been since her unfortunate experience in the wreck at Gibson on December 2'J. The young lady has suffered a great deal since the wreck and for several days her condition was very serious and caused a great deal of apprehension to her family and the attending-physicians. Milk in Winter. Why do your cows give less milk in winter than they do in summer? Just because nature does not sup ply them with grasses and green food. But we have come to the as sistance of Dame Nature with B. A. Thomas' Stock Remedy which con tains .the very ingredients that the green feed supplies in season, only, of course, in a more highly concen trated form. We guarantee that thi3 remedy will make your cows give more milk, and better milk with the same feed. II. M. Soennichsen. Puis & Ganscmer. A want. :d will brinrr Trn i Kt it.A. ..... j 1 r jr vi ca fuijrti. Ask for Wnter Tours leaflet and Southern Lines literature. Let me help you plan one of the finest "See America" Tours. R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent L. W. VAKCLEY. Gcneidl Pdbcuficr Agent,