The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 15, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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''Local News
V: "IN 11 -iday's I :i iU .
K. A. Kii kpatrick of Xehawka was
in the city tolay attendi'icr t scveial
n. utters in the county court.
in: K. I). Ourr.mins i-nmo down this
r.ftt-rnoon from Lincoln to look after
l.i- business affairs here for a sii'-rt
A. 15. Fornoff r,f near Cull..m was
n the city fu- a short time today look
ii.;' after -orr.e with the nier
(... r.t-.
.Mioses Pauline an.l Fay OIlham of
Murray were in the city yesterday to
av.end the funeral of their aunt, Mrs.
I'.ra Mioie.
Mrs. M. (I. Kime and sister, Mrs.
Harmon ,f near Nehawka. were in the
city today to atcni the hearing in the
' :' iV coi:i t.
L. A. Meisinjrer came in this morn
ihir to spend a few hours, in th?
city att'-r.;in?r to .-ome trading with
ti merchant:?.
'ii'TL-c M. Porter, representinpr the
Omaha Pee. came down from Lincoln
today to spoil a short time in the
ii;y with friends.
Prank P. Sheldon, the Nehawka
iv.'-rchar.t was in the city today at
tending to a few matters in the coun
ty curl in which he was interested.
Miss Vera Oldham of Peaver City,
N( arrived, yesterday to attend the
funeral of her aunt. Mrs. Dora Moore,
which was held yesterday afternoon.
Mr?. Ida Trit.-ch and Mrs. F. Wehr
heln wer- amontr those poinsr to Om
aha this morninsr, where they will en
joy a visit in that city with friends
for the day and look after a few mat
ters of business.
A. A. McReynold; and wife and
mother. Mrs. (Icorire McPevrolds and
) Klrm-r McReynolds. and Elba Dobson,
of near Nehawka, were in the city
today beiny called on some matters of
business in the county court. While
lere Mr. A. A. McReynolds paid the
.0' o;Vae a pleasant call.
Mrs. F. I. Howard of Sac City. Ia.,
who has been here for the past two
wc-ks visitin:: at the home of her
daughter. Mrs. R. P. Hayes and fam
ily, depaited this morning for her
home, called there by a mas-s-aire an accident to Mr.
Howard, which resulted in his receiv
ing a sprained ankle.
I"! Saturday's I':ii!v.
W. W. Hamilton, the contractor,
was in the city for a short time to
day, en route from Murray to his
home in Omaha.
lame- T. Reynolds came up lat
evenimr from his home near Union to
attend to a few matters of importance
ir. the county seat.
ius. Carlson of Havelock came
c: wn this morning from his home to
enjoy a short visit in this city with
5 1
and relatives.
Ir. (. II. Gilmore of Murray was
in the city yesterday afternoon, being1
called as a witness in the hearing in
the Robert Rirkpatrick estate.
Adam Mei.-inger of rear Cedar
Creek was in the city today for a
few hours 1 .okir.g after some matters
of irs.-iness with the merchants.
Philip Campbell and Will Richard
son, who are attending the state
university at Lincoln, came down last
evening to visit over Sunday with rela
tives an.l friends.
W. T. Adam? departed this after
i :oon for Omaha where he will visit
nis daughter, Mrs. Dick Pittman at
the hospital in that city where she
is recovering from an operation.
Mi-s Margaret Gibberson, of Weep
inir Water, was here for a short visit
with Miss Eda Marruardt, and de
parted this morning for Albia, la.,
where she is to teach in the high
school in. that place.
Albert Fickb r of Stanton arrived
last evening to visit with his relatives
and friends here and will not remain
1'fhe wrestling match on account of
unpoitant business at hone. He came
flown with stock and returned home
Foter Kinsma-t of Peaver City,
Nth., who has been serving with the
Fourth Nebraska regiment of the fed
eral militia, was here over night vis
iting with his friend, E. G. Shallen
bcrger and family, departing this
morning for his home.
R. C. Oldham, of Didsburg, Alberta,
Canada, who was called here by the
illness and death of his sister, Mrs.
Dora Moore, was a passenger for Elm
wood this morning, where he will visit
relatives and friends for a few days,
ar.n will then go to Reaver City, where
he will visit for a few days before
returning to his home.
The K. S. society will hold their
annual mask ball on Saturday evening,
January 20th, at their hall on West
Locust street. The very best of music
will be furnished and prizes will be
ofered for the different class of cos
tunes. Remember the date and pre
pare to be present.
Rev. F. M. Druliner, formerly the
pastor of the Methodist church of this
city, was a visitor in Plattsmouth
Sunday evening and this morning,
meeting his friends or as many as he
could in the limited space of time al
lowed to him during his stay. Rev.
Druliner, who is now located at Red
Cloud, brought his little daughter,
Alberta, to Omaha where she was
placed in the Methodist hospital to
undergo an operation for appendicitis
and is now doing nicely with the
brightest prospects for her recovery
from the ordeal. It was a great pleas
ure for the Plattsmouth people to
meet the genial clergyman who found
time to drop down and renew ac
quaintance's with his former associates
in the church and the other friends.
The Journal recehed a very pleasant
tall from our old friend as during
his stay in the city he was numbered
among the warmest friends of the
Journal force ar.d has in his heart a
warm spot for the paper as well as
for Plattsmouth in general. Rev.
Druliner is one of the men who makes
friends wherever he goes and likes his
new charge very much as it is a field
that gives him the opportunity to ex
ercise his great ability in the upbuild
ing of the chtweh. He returned to
Omaha this afternoon and will remain
with his little daughter until it is pos
sible to take her back home.
'social Vance.
l- To be given at the Puis and
Gansemer hall at Muriay, Neb.,
V Saturday evening, January 20th. -
- Everybody cordially invited to
attend. Music by Holly's or- J
chestry. Ladies free. Gents 50c. -I--J-
Dr. J. M. Patton of Omaha, the
specialist, came down yesterday to
perform an operation upon Miss Verla
Pecker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.
H. Pecker at their home west of this
city. The operation was for a gather
ing in the ear of the young lady that
has been giving her a great deal of
trouble and was performed by Dr.
Patton assisted by Dr. E. W. Cook of
this city. The operation seems to
have been very successful in giving
the patient relief and she is now get
ting along very nicely from the
The date for the annual mask ball
of the Eagles has beer, announced as
Saturday, February 17th, and a
splendid offering of prizes will be an
nounced later. A grand good time
will be in store for all those who at
tend. The Plattsmouth orchestra will
furnish the music. The date as an
nounced in the Journal Saturday as
the 11th was an error and the date
will be Saturday, the 17th.
W. S. Scott of Murray has arranged
to furnish lunches at all sales
throughout the county where it may
be desired, and will see that the needs
of the hungry are looked after prop
erly. Anyone who is desirous of hav
ing lunch served at any public sale
should call on or address W. S. Scott,
Murray, Neb. tf
We oil vour harness for $1.00 per
set, and now is the best time to have
it done. Also first-class repairing of
all kinds at reasonable prices. Ten
per cent discount on horse blankets
and robes. John F. Gorder, Platts
mouth, Neb.
There will be a social dance given
by the members of the W. O. W. on
Saturday evening, January 20th, at
the M. W. A. hall. There will be
good music furnished and everybody
is welcome. Admission, gents, 50c;
ladies free; spectators 2rc.
ad to Wargo Funeral
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease, ureatly in
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
in order to cure it you must take an
internal remedy Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is taken internally and arts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed ly one of the best physicians
in tills country for years. It is com
posed of soine of the best tonics known,
combined with some of the boat blood
puritiers. The perfect combination of
the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is what produces such wonderful
results in catp.jrrhal conditions. Send for
testimonials, free.
y. J. CHKNEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo. O.
All Drufrgists. 70c.
Hall s Family Pills for constipation.
Highly Improved Apparatus Used
In Austria.
Physician, Employing Latest Machine,
Can See Foreign Substance In Hum;n
Body With One Eye While Other
Guides His Operating Hand Profes
sor Holzknecht the Inventor.
The discover r of u new method for
remoiiiir: foreign substances from t tit;
human body Ly the aid of X rays is
announced by Professor Guldo lb'Uk
neiht of Vienna. The machihu for
this purpose lias been set up iu the
clinic of Professor Liselbeii; in that
city, and the method is described as
follows :
The new method permits the s-urgeon
to see t lie field of the operation with
one1 eye. under ordinary conditions,
while the ottier eye sees tbe same
held, under Roentgen, ray illumination.
Tills method of double vision is made
possible by the so called "Grashey
monocle.'' constructed by Dr. Gral:ey.
The Poentgen machine itseif is si.uat
ed below the Hour, in a room under the
operating room, if necessary, iu a cel
lar, and it I connected by means of
a speaking tube with the operating
room. The surgeon is enabled to see
on the picture in the Koentgeii ma
chine how far his probe is removed
from the obj t.
Professor Eiselberg said there were
undoubtedly many cases in which for
eign bodies could be removed without
the new apparatus, but the new meth
od enabled the surgeon continually to
keep the Kkly sought in the field of
vision while conducting the operation
himself. The result was less manip
ulation of the probe and the finding
of foreign bodies which formerly could
not le located. (
Dr. llolzknecht, in speaking of his
method, said :
Difficulties Overcome.
The removal of foreign bodies, even
with the aid of X rays, often lias met
with great difficulties. The surgeon,
although he sees the object in the
i Roentgen picture, has difficulty in Jind-
... . rr
mg it in lue actual cieraiion. io ex
amine tins problem the course of an or
dinary ojeratioii of this kind was fol
lowed by means of a small chr.vsto
scojie without disturbing the oie ration
iu itself.
It was of the greatest interest to see
the number of movements of itistru
ments and the destruction of tissues
necessary in the course of the usual
operation before the foreign body om!l
be definitely located. It was showu,
therefore, to be necessary for a method
to be devised by means of which the re
lation of the foreign body to the instru
ments of the surgeon could be ascer
tained at all times and the position of
the foreign boiy always kept in the
field of vision. It was found that the
change in tension of ttie tissues occa
sioned by the incision caiwd the for
eign body to move even while the op
eration was in progress. The new
method makes it impossible for the sur
geon at any time to lose sight of this
i Remarkable Invention Will Follow
Ship When It Changes Its Course
and Wreck Propeller.
Considerable notice has been given
of late to a marine toriedo which is so
constructed that its movements are
guided by the sound waves issuing
from the vessel serving as its target.
The instrument is eiuiiiied with so
called mechanical ears, says Popular
Mechanics. Before the weajon is
launched the latter are tuned to re
ceive the vibrations produced by the
KIecific craft that is the object of at
tack. With this relationship establish
ed the toriieelo's profiler whirls and
the rudder adjusts itself so that the
missile darts throush the water Ht its
enemy. Its sjieed is twice that of the
fastest navy vessel, while any ehiinge
in the enemy's course causes it to shift
its direction of travel correspondingly.
If its approach is observed and the en
pines of the vessel are stopped, the tor
pedo's profiler also ceases revolving
and the instrument submerges safely
out of reach. It ascends and contin
ues the pursuit when the engines in the
ship are again started. Thus escaie
from the weapon, even when it is sight
ed, seems highly difficult. Normally
the toriK'do would e-arry an eighty-five
pound charge of jruncotton and strike
the stern of a vessel, blowing a hole
in its hull. Py lessening the charge,
however, it is claimed the weapon
could be rnade merely to wreck the pro
pellers and rudder of a vessel.
A Wild Auto.
L. A. Clog of Pdddeford. Me., was
much dismayed on coming out of a
store lo find that his auto, which he
had left at the curbing, was gone. He
notified the polie-e. a search was insti
tuted and the car found where it had
rolled dowu the hill, around a corner
and brought up against a tree.
;g f --3 ' S 45 JJ -3? '5 $ a 5
C $3O,000,003,OC0 SPENT BY
i In sending his rcent pea.-e
Z' note to the warring nations Pies-
Ideiit Wilson, It is s:iid, to-k into
k? Consideration the enormous stuns
spent in prosecuting the war.
S Washington has K-en tiguring
the cot of the war. and it docs
3 not believe the bcliig -rents will
be able to hold out long under
present cemditions. Th" oit a'- O
ready reaches .n'NOn x m k U " h .
England's w::r liH'i reach SL'O.- J
fiooM'JO, and her I'.UT bills will
add another r?lt.nio.ftM"iMt.. 2
France has spent s 11 0. h h u -
and IJusia. which had entirely O
to munition and supply her army, E
even more. Italy's expenditures !
run into billions. O
The war has cost tlermany 3
ip'.inio.(0iM!iM; Austria. .SIm.inmi,-
jiMi'.mtu: Turkey. s."..ihk,imm).(mi; t
Bulgaria. Sl.'Mi.od'MMN). .3.
These ligures include only a"-
1in;l cost of war ai d do hot 3
touch property or business 5
loScS. 3
? ft 3 9 3 2
Tube Could Be Laid on Ocean's
Bed, Work Completed In Four
Months, Says Inventor.
An interesting scheme for a subma
rine pipe line to convey oil is propot-d
by an Irish inventor. Th" flexible pipe
he has designed for the purpose is ou
trnctel of mild steel ribhon on the
helical lui'e principle, the helicals being
packed with asbestos twine. The steel
ribbon is coated with a protective me
tallic alloy and is of such a thickness
as to render the completed pipe capa
ble of withstanding an internal pro
sure of L'.MX' pounds anl an external
pressure lot u poun !s per s.piare
iiicli. Fin-illy a cotton (: :ig is w v.-:'
over the outide of the ; ip" and I
with proervat ive compound.
To gi longitudinal strength a
standard steel cable or hawser i-; put
in-Me the pipe. Th-- inventor coiivid-
rs that a pipe line !! wit F.ngl inl
and America could be laid iu three or
foil r months. The course won! 1 be di-
idod into twenty sections, and as many
la ing ships would be employed, sc.
that each would bae about 1 .".'' miles
to iay. The ships would be provide 1
with sulli'-lt nt steel ribbon on reels,
.villi cctto'.i. cable and ;ln r rc;ulrc
tncnts, to complete their allotted di--tam-e.
and each would carry a tube
forming and sleeve weaving apparatus.
The former coiisi-ts of a cross fr.'.i k
carrying reels of tibl-on and asbotes
and the forming and bending rollers,
the whole being rotated round a steel
mandrel. As th frame rotates the
rollers press the steel ribbon to the re
p:ired shape, inclosing the a-bestos ?.n
interlocking the edgis of the ribbon,
and, linally. the cotton casing is woven,
on. the preservative compound being
applied at the sam tii'io. The opera
tions take place round the- steel cable.
I y means of which the pipe would be
fed into the water. The apparatus is
designed to produce :.t leat sixteen
feet of pipe a minute. When beginning
work each ship would attach its pipe
cable to an anchored buoy.
Judge Heeds Children's Plea For Pres
ent For Their Father.
Two children, one a boy. seven years
old, and the other a girl, nine, entered
tlij Hamilton comity court recently,
says a report from Cincinnati, and ask
ed to see Probate Judge Tueders.
When brought before him the older
child told ti e judge that their mother
was dead and that they had inherited
some property froln her. They asked
if they might be allowed to have a
part of the income from this source
to purchase a Christmas present for
their father.
When Judge Tueders asked the na
ture of the proposed gift the gill ex
plained that her father, who had been
injured and bad lost thereby the sight
of one eye, needed a glass eye to re
place the missing optic. The judge
granted their request.
Berkeley (Cal.) City Fathers Provide
Funds For Institution.
Appropriation for a policemen's col
lege has been made by the city coun
cil of P.erkeley. Cal.
Dr. Albert Schneider of the Univer
sity of California is to be dean, and the
faculty of fourteen will include eight
professors and instructors from the
university, who will give lessons in
physics, physiology, anatomy, micro
analysis and criminology and other
The school is modeled after the Uni
versity of California and will tiffer
credits ami diplomas.
He Only Wanted the Seeds.
The good natured proprietor of a
Ceorgiu seed store adopted a novel
method of extracting the seeds from a
special variety of watermelon winch he
wished to introduce and of which he
had a number of sjocimens. The mel
ons w ere cut. and a great crowd cf ne
groes were invited in from the street to
eat their favorite fruit free. All that
was required of them besides eating
melon was to save the seeds.
saves mm LIVE
Serum From His Veins Averts
Service of Dan and His Fellows Pre
vents Terrible Disease From Follow
ing Warning of European Fighters.
Animais Not In the Least Injured by
the Treatment.
Wh'.'ii the army surgeon at the field
hospital ou the French front stands
over a soldier maimed and torn bj
shrapnel at.d lifts a shining needle tip
ped instrumer.t and tills its tube with
tetanus antitoxin, he may pur it into
a liquid that came from the veins of
ban, mi old retired New York city fire
horse, which lives on the health de
partment sanitarium farm at Otisville,
X. V., says the New York Times.
In the last five years, since ha was
discarded by the lire department, Dan
has supplied diphtheria antitoxin and
tetanus serum which would have cost
its users ?11' h)(m in the oik-u market.
At least Euroitean soldiers, it
is estimated, have been treate'd with
antitoxin tak"!i from the veins of this
old horse. lie has been so inoculated
with tetanus germs that he now pro
duces the serum periodically and will
so long as he lives.
City Sells Antitoxin.
.Since the war started the New York
city health department has been sell
ing tetanus antitoxin to the lighting
nations at the rate of ?"o.ik worth a
year. In the first months of the war
a shipment of the antitoxin was sent
to Austria, but it is not known whether
it ever reached its destination ; the
rest of the antitoxin sold has gone to
the allied nations. lan and four other
horses retired from the lire and street
(leaning departments have- produced
this serum, from which was made anti-toxin
which has brought to the
health department about STO.OOO.
There are on the Otisville farm about
twenty horses. Under the New York
city laws the health department pro
vinces the antitoxins for distribution in
the city, free f charge, to hospitals
and those who cannot afford to pay
for them. The law also provides that
if the health department produces
more antitoxins than are needed in the
city it may tell the surplus, the reve
nue t" be used for health department
; urposes. Up to the beginning of the
v. ar most of the serum produced at
Oti.-ville was for diphtheria antitoxin,
there being verv little demand for tet
anus antitoxin in New York city.
When the war started the depart-n-i:t
had a surplus of tetanus anti
toxin, which ir. sold in Furope. and.
inasmuch as the expense of producing
:::ore was not large, live horses instead
of m were set to manufacturing the
life guarding :'uid. Tide department
has been supplying its European mar
ket and now has about quarts in
Many Thousands Saved.
Dr. W. II. Parks, head of the city
health department laboratory, said
that probably as many as 4UXo
wounded soldiers had been treated
with the tetanus antitoxin the depart
ment had sent abroad, with the result,
he was sure, of the saving of many
thousands of lives. Dr. Parks explain
ed that the horses suffered almost
nothing. lie said the diphtheria inocu
lation made the animals a bit groggy
and perhaps might shorten their lives,
but that the horses treated with the
tetanus germs were all in the best of
health. Animals in very poor shape
when taken to the farm" have soon be
come sleek and handsome, despite the
germs they carried around. The ani
mals do no work and are well fed.
Pr. Parks said that it was practica
ble to have a horse produce two se
rums at once: that there would be no
quarrel among the germs. But he
said that in practice, inasmuch as old
horses were easy to get, only one se
rum was made by one horse.
The animals are inoculated with the
germs of either diphtheria or tetanus,
and the dose is gradually increased,
ihe animal's system all the time man
ufacturing antitoxin a sort of super
vaccination. When a certain stage has
been reached the blood vessels in the
animal's iiclIc are tapped and an
amount of taken, from which
the antitoxin is made in the health de
partment laboratories. Diphtheria in
oculation must be made more often
than that for tetanus serum.
No Pain Caused to Animal.
It was after Dan had turned out
many quarts of diphtheria serum that
the war turned him into a lockjaw se
rum plant. He was "fed up" before
the treatment was started. It took
about three weeks of inoculation treat
ment before his blood was in the prop
er state to produce the best serum.
The tetanus germs caused the making
'f antitoxin to counteract them, and
gradually Dan"s blood came to the
point where he could make a very
large amount of antitoxin needed to
combat the germs shot into his veins.
He is now regularly led up to the sta
bles, and the blood is taken from his
neck. The doctors who do the work
say that he suffers very little pain.
Dr. Parks said that the example of
the horses at Otisville was a consum
mate example of service which no hu
man ever excclleel.
Ha Rustles, He Drinks Too
Much, and H's Flabby.
For Further Information as to His
Shortcomings Read What E. E. Rit
tenhouse Has to Say About Him.
Then Help Him Mend His Ways So
That He May Live Longer.
The composite average American
a physical sham, and h doe' n't know
it. He is trying to crowd two life
times into one. He feeds on a lot of
tasty junk and seriously overstrains
his heart, arteries, kidneys, nerves and
digestion. He drinks about nineteen
gallons of booze a year. He is partial
to suicide. He is easily winded, weak
and Uabby muscled, stiff Jointed and
lacking in agility and endurance.
Purtherniore, he will probably die at
forty-three1 years of age, but he car
ries more life insurance than the com
posite average citizen of any other na
tion in the world.
All of which and a great many other
facts were told recently at the tenth
anniversary convention of the Asso
ciation of Life Insurance Presidents in
New York city, where executives rep
resenting aliout fx per cent of the 'JJ,
1 m i,m m , h n old line insurance in force
in the United States gathered for a
discussion of business, patriotism, eco
nomic preparedness and other nation
ally vital topics of the day more or
less directly redated to life insurance.
Tells Us What We Are.
The most frank of all the speakers
was K. I-'. Pittenhoiise, commissioner
of public service and conservation of,
the Equitable Life Assurance society.;
who dissected Mr. Composite Axerage
American most searchingly in a paper
on "The Pelationship of Life Insur
ance to National Physical Prepared"
ness."' He came to the conclusion that
the call for national physical prepared
ness of the individual is urgent; that
the evidence of declining physical en
durance of the American people em
phasized the need for immediate ac
tion. "A marvelous increase has occurred."
he said, '"in wealth, in time saving and
labor saving devices whi' h have rad
ically changed the living habits of a
vast number of people. Physical ex
ertion has materially declined, while
the per capita intake of food has in
creased, much of it overrhh and in
jurious. "A sudden demand for physical ex
ertion hnds the average individual eas
ily winded, weak and flabby muscle 1.
joints stiffened by disuse. He is lack
ing in both agility and endurance.
The mortality rate from wear and
tear of life is abnormally gaining.
The low powered or substandard group
of our. iiopnlation is apparently in
creasing. To check this vital waste is
an imperative national duty."
To facilitate matters Mr. Pittonhouse
visualized the physical American, and
some of the things he said about that
individual were as follows:
"He is amazingly prosperous. In two
generations his wealth has increased
r4 per cent. He looks smootli, pink
and healthy. He is a good liver. He
hurries. He has no time to waste.
The age at death of the American peo
ple is about forty-three. His hair is
aged, and he is getting bald. Nature
asks why hirsute protection is needed
indoors. His eyes have been strained
by close focus and inside work, hence
the eyeglasses. His teeth put up a
good front, but they need attention.
More Defects.
"His digestive organs have been giv
en too many new and arduous duties.
Under exertion he is short winded, due
to lack of exercise or a bad heart. He
is designed as an erect outdoor animal,
with feet and legs for service, but he
not only lies down by night, but he sits
down by day. His 4X) muscles are vir
tually all soft and weak from lack of
use. He never walks "when he enn
"He would not think of mixing
bricks or scrap iron or eravel with
the fuel for the furnace, but he does
not hesitate to follow this plan in fur
nishing fuel for his body. He seems
to think 'auto intoxication is some au
tomatic way of getting pleasure. lie
should note the insurance records,
which show that, with those above
forty years old, having lifteen to
eighty pounds overweight, the excess
death rate ranges from 9 to 1Z per
cent above the average.
"He harbors the erroneous imprcs
fion that our gain in conserving life
has overcome all adverse conditions.
He points to n decline in the general
death rate and says our vitality there
fore must 1h gaining. The elecline, In
stead of indicating an increase in the
strength and sturdiness, simply shows
that we have learned how to avoid cer
tain enemies, as we would step around
a dangerous beast chained in the street.
An abnormal Increase has occurred in
the death rate from disease due di
rectly to life strain, the direct results
of the heavy burden of service put
upon the vital organs of the body."
Abandon Celebration.
Dexter, Me., has given to charity the
money which it had voted to use to cel
ebrate President Wilson's re-election in
place of having the celebration. 1. OTHT.
In the- Count v Cuurt of ":is. fount v,
Sl;iU- of N' bl J ;di J.
t '1 .11 n 1 v of ";i ss.
To )dS'!,s iiiterosterl in tl.c
!;!! of I oiil .JI;im Mo. if.-, !."'(-.
Cl le.i.linu tic- petition of li'iiiU''
.!;: ksOli !.U:;i!il .rjl.V iliU th:it tlie jn--'
i';'ii'"iit Ilkil ill tliis tmirt on t!i- l.'.lli
f aiiiKiiv. j:iIT. aiel purport it.--; to
l.e t 1 lu-l will mih! l.-stanienl "I If
-ail 'ieci a-'.!, m.i.v t,c pruvd am! :i I -low.-.
I, iir.-l 1.. on!. Ml as tl..- l.if-T will
j . 1,-1;!iij.-i,t of I), Oldham Moor.-.
0.1 : that ;ii.l insti urn-lit I..
1. lilt.-. I to .i .l.;i t .-. and tli- admin i-t 1 .1 -lion
of s;iid .-.-Lite he uiant.-d to (t.-oiu.-,l;n
k.-mi iildiiiim as e-cii tor. It is
!:',-. -l-v old. it-d tlut you, and all !.-!--0-I--
i:it.-r.-.-t-d in -aid matter, mav ar.d
d... appeal at the C u n t v , 'o U I t I-"
I . id in and f 'l .-aid count v, t :
!, .'ay of pvi.n.ary. A. I'. l'.'K :i t 1
o' 1 i. K :. i.'i . to .-Mow a us'-, it a'i .
t l : . I.e. r, V l::e prayer "'I' ' ic I" '- ' "
lio-,,1 .- I o i ! .1 not I i;i anted, and n:t
iio'i...- of tl I.clid--n ;.- of s;-id petition
and I' lit tic- l.e;, r ill'- thereof lie I . I
to , p. iM.ns intei.-sted in said
!. i l.v tm Id i-ii iter a ep.- of tiii- order
in !' fla 1 1 .-lie., t !, Journal, a ' 1: ! v
n--u - pa p'T printed in said eoi.nt', ;,
t. i , ,- - it,-. .- w.ids pi im- lo .-aid
:a of !i.-a ring.
U'.ln. - in v land and s.-al of .-aid
..out. tl.i- l.'.lli d.iy ot Jaunai.v. A. I',
! '.' I 7 .
ai.i.iix J. i:i:i:st .
i I I i'hiIIi'v J i d -.
1-1..-17 1st p aidii ati..n.
i.r.;i. Miriir.
Stat.- of Nel rns-ka,
! S .
I'oimty of
In Comity Court.
In t'.e pinfer of the e-tate of .tosejdi
II. Kl.hns. .teeeas.'d.
Now on this Ill'i dav of .la una rv.
TUT. t! ere was lil-d in tl.i- emit t '
p. tiliori ,.f .I'.ili.i Ih Kulm.-. widow ot
sa;d de,..-a-.-d, a 1 1 --l: i n -; therein that l'i--aid
J'.Mili II. Kuhti- la- departed t I , , -
Ml.- in:. -tiit- and was a n-idept aid
inhabitant of .-aid fonntv of fa.-.- and
.a- seized of the I'ollowitii; d.-.-ril.e.l
real .-tat.-, to-wit: The south halt !
lotw l, ' and in I. lock ). in V h i t '
W.diti'on to tie City of 1'Iatt-l.iout h.
X. I.hii,.-ka. which was oiupi.d l.
v.-rd de.e.i-.d a- a home-t.-ad and of
ics- a!ue than two thousand J .'."
dollar--, and that niider the iuw t ti e
.-'tat- of Nelua-ka -aid real estate H
e.-ipt from at ta hm.-nt. execution -other
in.-nse piot, and not liable for
the pa.tuent of anv debts ..f said lc.
ceased: that said deceased b-lt sur
viving as his sole and h-iis
fit law and the only p.-i-on i n t - res t ... ,
in said .state .lulia i:. K'uhns. widow,
re-id -nee, I 'h, t tsim.ut h. Nebraska. :iv
.-.s; llohelt K. KllhliS, Soli. re-ld.-nce
1.. s Alltel,-.-. California, aire :'.;: shitle
K. Macl'.eth, son, residence I."s Aii-v-el.s.
California, at;.- .: and .Mauley
i; Knl ns, son. residence. I Ma 1 1 - rnoiit : .
Nebraska, aire '.'.'. and pi a v inn for n
hearinu on said p.-tilioti and that cpoii
sia-h h.-iir inu an order be enter, d di--
i, c:..-iiii: will, the regular a d a i i ri is 1 i :i -ti..n
of said estate and a tinal de. ie.- he
em.-red . lesion;. tiriir th- sole I .-us at
ii. w and coniirpi in sr. the title to said
real c-late to -uch h.-irs
it is ti i i:t:r.i' i:i : i:td:i:i.i that
a hearinir be had upon said petition be
fore this con't ia the Coiritv Court
Ih.otn. in the Citv of I .a 1 1 - ircii t h . Ne
braska, on th- 7th dav of I-V a r .
1M7. at K-ri o'clock A. M. and lha! all
pei-oiis interested i ri said e-tatc ili
.ludiior creditors, if anv. 1- i, otitic. 1
of siK-b hearing I'V the public;, timi of
this oi.l. r for thtc- weeks pi ioi to said
...iv of hearinir. in tie I !a 1 1 -nc u t h
.Journal of said county.
I'.V the Curt.
Ai.t.KN .i. m:i 'N
1-1 .".-17 w.-.-ks County .Indue.
in tiii: iiiTitn t i it ir tiii:
rui n i' m:iihk.
A. I.. Tidd. I'hiintilf.
Simpson lhitrh. r. ot ah r.-f.-r. Vlt.t".
A. nice of . uW lo luiet 'lilli.
To t! - d .-f ' r, d v. t :- Simpson l'.ut.her:
the unknown l,.-iis.
personal representatives and all ott,.-r
persons bale re-'e.l i:, tie .--tale of
i:so-i ilutch.r. deceased: .h'l'll I-'.
I Cam mill us a known as John F. Cum
mins: Mrs. .loin Cumminirs also
I I: tccv n as M rs. .i.d.n F. Cummins, t.r.-t
r.-al rnme unknown; the unknown
'heirs. .1. vis--es. legatees. 1,lrs..nal r.-p-
1 r es.-ntat i cs. and ad oilor i ei -oris in
terested in tie .state r.f .o t, F. Cum-
! minus also known a- .John Cumm,,,-,
deceased : the unknown 1 . i r .-. .b
b-vat.e.s. personal repr--.--n la t , v-s and
all other p.-rsoris i n t ere-ted m il.- es
tate of Mr- .John F. Crmnii iirs al--
know n as Mrs. .John F. "Cumin i n.- i, r-1 name unknown, deceased: S. N.
M.rriam. lirst real name unknown:
?lrs. S. N. Mi rriam. tit si r. a 1 naic- en
known: the unknown h.-irs, 'l-vi-.---,
h-irate.s, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in th- es
tate of S. N. M. rriam, first l a 1 name
unknown. deceased: the unknown
a- irs. legatee--, personal i. p-re-o'itat
i es and all oth.r ) r-nis in-ter.-st.d
in the estate of Mrs. S. N.
Mt rriam. first real nam - unknown, de
ceased: Fallen Howard; .John I H w -
i !-d. lirst real name t:ik:.own. husband
or widower of Kllen How aid: the un
lr owti heirs, devisees, le'-'a t -. pei- n
.,1 representatives and all other p. r -sons
interested in th- state of K'b n
Howard, dec used: the unknown he r-,
devisc-s. legatees, personal i. pres i, .
tativ-s and all other p-rsons int.r
este.l in the estate of .John !' How
ard fi.-st r.-al name unknown, d.-c.-a-- .1:
hmiij-.-a Miles: Kichard Roe Miles, tn-t
i-al name unknown, husband or Wid
ower of I.oui.a Miles; the unknown
heirs, legate-.-, personal l-p-re-eritatives
an l all other p. .sons in
terested in the estate of I .or. ''a Mib-s.
c ast-il; th-- t-t-known "ii . devices,
leirate.s. pelsotia! r. pl en t-, 1 1 es and
all other persons interested in the s
tate of Hbhaid !:... Mile--, tir-t real
name unknown. deceast-i: MiriiMrt A.
I'lumer: William I'lumcr: .b-hn I-Kef-ves:
Mrs. John I K eves-, lirst r -al
name unknown; tin- iinknown heirs,
devisees, btrate.-s. personal i-. pi -.-e r.l a -tives-
and i ll other persons inh-n -,!
in the estate of John I.. K.-eves.
t used : the unknown licit s. d-- i--.--.
':,! t s. j.crsonal repres.-r t 1 1 ,-.s i il
all other persons intere-ted in tie es
tate of Mrs. John I,. Keeves. lirst l--a!
name unknown, deceased: the un
known own. rs ji rid the unknown elahii
ants ,f lot seven 7i. iti bb. k eb-x. n
111. IMattsmouth, Cass )untv. Ne
Lraska. You are hereby notified that on
2th dav of Hecemb.-r. A. I .. KM':,
plaintiff 'filed Ids suit in the Iistrut
Court t f ti e County of Cass. Nebraska,
to ouiet plaintiffs title to the above
described lot, to-wit: lot seen III. in
block eleven 1 1 . Citv of IMattsta tit ! .
Cass fount y, Nebraska, hi a use of I. is
adverse possession by himself and his
p ran tors for moi e than ten euis pi .ot
to the commencement of said suit and
t enioin each and all of you from
havinir or elaimini; anv riirht. title, lien
or interest, either b-ual or equitable, in
or to said bd or anv pa t t thereof.
To re.piire you to set forth your ric.Lt.
title, claim." lien or interest therein, if
anv. either b tral or eunilahle. and t
have The same adjudged inferior t th.-.
title of plaintiff and for jreneral eoui
table relief. This notice is made pur
suant to the order of the court. You
are required to answer said petition
on or before February )'.. A.
I .. i:H7, or your default will be duly
entered therein.
A. I,. THT. I'laintiff.
A. U Tidd. ITo Se.
w. a. i ;oi ; K KTSON.
Attorneys for FlainttfT.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Most
"I have taken a great many bottles
of Chamberlain's Couph Remedy and
every time it has cured me. I have
found it most effectual for a hacking
cough and colds. After taking it a
cough always disappears," writes J.
R. Moore, Lost Valley, Ga. Obtain
able everywhere.