The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 15, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    -. ' I
pact: 2.
Address Delivered Before the Early
I'i;nc r-.' AsM-iation ;f the Stale
By lion. K. 15. Windham of
This' City.
..'ii .-'.it.
At the
. i - i .i 1 1 . .
meeting of the Ncbia-ka
Tt .-ri'i.rlal I'ion'-er.-.' association held
: l.;ri'-o!n
n days this wci'K
h re were present a large number of
i'..' m-:i who in the eaily days, dating
: ;- .". I to l-'.7, a.-.-istcd i'i form
ir th- t-riitMry that was later to
i,t,,:i,e .n.- f the ra-i.-t pi ogre, sive
,.f 1 1 . - v.. -tern -tates i'i tr." Union.
.V tins m-tir:g il'-n. II. B. Windham
tl.i- city, pre:
-i i-rt of the associa-
that is vci y
i:;-' ! (, a it li ings to light many of the early hi-tory of the
-t.i'e a.".'i territory. It is well wortli
i;eiifiir :i it point out the genet al
is tnat pn-vaiU-d m tne stale
to the
Ncbra.-ka entered the
I ,., in 1 gives tin- part that Cass
I'.ty played in that vent. The ;.d
; r-.--s of Mr. Windham follows:
".Mt mbcr- of the Territorial 7'io
Association :;:.d Feilow Citi-
!,: In the -c;inr.irig of my r.ddress.
I wi-h hi.-f, to felicitate the mcmber?
" tie- ji-oeiatiori who have b-en -o
lde-t with le allh and .-trr.gth as to
ei .:!! t'nem to he present at this
leeet ing.
This ar marks an j vh in the
h:-ti'- of NVhra.-ka. loanling out
a it .!..(
half eeni'o v
stalt hood.
: !-:i:
lo ide and sorre
l.aidnt i :i v.e may now speak of our
,-;(. a IJieat c n i nv 1 1 w i a 1 1 h , .-hin-:c
out hri'ihtiy among the most bril
liant stars iu tie- constellation of
lo t territorial iiionei-rs
f IS".!
to r-t-,7 belongs the t ' eiht of !
i.i- the fo ,r. iation unoii which
v i i i g
h they,
i!'.ir -ou-. ar.d their son;' -.01
bud? so g: ;.t a .-t rud'tre.
'It i-i a matter of cr'-;.t pcrs-.ia!
i):. i-t to me that in celebrating Ne
braska's til'tiith anr.iei .-;. of stale-
i. that I am al-o o-iebratii";- my
t'ifti: th anr ivc'-ary of re-idem-" i:i t Ii--!ae.
I came to X hraka in the fall
f 1";. r turned to (ie r.wnod, Ja.,
uiu ic I was raised, runit:;: ha-k a.ein
in the sp'in of 1 sr,7. Iocaiinu;
I'hitt.-n-.owt Ii. then one of the he.-t
towns in the t'nilory, a:'.d, now, if
Jiot the hest, 01
tate of its da-
of the he.-1, in the
I am j:!;1 I eaine
to X hra.- ha. and am jk'd I located
iu I'iatt.-mouth, loth have liornred nie,
and iu return I hae always aimel
to faithfully li rhaiKe every trust
imjio-ed. What I am of worth., or
what I may haw accon; pli.-hed i; the
iotet ts of my state I ;rive creiid
larjeiy to the inspiration
from frontier association-
rcct-ive 1
arid en-
11 ortments.
"I was n ;t yel Jl years of a'e wiuri
1 took up my residence in Xohrask;;,
and h"i e I Vast my first vote and have
ever since exercised the rij;ht of fian-
"In l-'.7 the estimated population of
the ik v.- Mate- was less thn n S'O.O'M),
h-. jited princ;ni!y in the river coun
ties, and in th main th.ey were a peo
ple of intelligence, and jn--.-essed of
meat (oarage. Thiv were indu.-trious
me! (t.e
all helpful
and Sflf-sa'Tificin in th- interc t of
a h th r. iilir.irly hearir't; fne and
another' i ounii ri. It was thu-- th.ey
v.oo !" il-'ei to create home.-: in tin.'
he-t in-e of the word, or or ;'a tiir.e
1.: ety. at:d I ti litr into n-.i-T.ii
ipc.l. county, and territorial r;v
trr,r.;i'i,i , con-titutin.'-r the foutui itioi:
f oi.r ;u-e- '-;tr -j-re it comnnotrw call u
n"v. v i;li a m:!!o)u and a ipmrtei- pop
Wiai i'-m Ou - r .irv clous deveiopnu-tit
r ' -eh i-i I-i-o
lie; t in;,
rr at- i ;:rl li.-e a icu'lu r:-,
,!:. e,eep.. ciil ITlt ei jit i ,i ' ,
i! ad ancena :it and in manv
ihi r ways has challenircd the atten
tion of ti.e ountry at lare.e. We
;:nd al :,---i !e the ;ncater states of
the I'oiou.
"In the early yat ; of the st-ttle-mt-ri;
of (he t en-it ory, prohaldy the
two mo t impoitant factors in the or
ganization of society were the pio
neer Methodists and the newspapers;
th.ey were h th o-inciderrt with the
vliite fieredatiou. ' .c. ehurch hrouht
to hear vv at p-oia! tuid spiritual force
often cmpha . ie.l in e;icat ramii-
tifllT - ; Ihey Were the rtli.uioils life
,.i everv ni-'v community; they
1-elirvc.i iti open, i.ticornfHomisimr, vig
orous Pirht with (ho devil, asking Tin
ouaifer and i im..- none. Frank llar
; i-on while recently writing up pio
neer !ays in Ca -s (dunty for publica
tion, ran across an entry in an old
record, which he stat'-d, was evidently
the first pronoun' id temperance movc
inent in Xetitaska. It stated that at a
(p.iartcrly meelinjr h'-'d ia Rock IdufTs
Sent em! er 12th. 1"'.".. tie prcs'dincr
lder jirf.or.jr o!her nn---'iouH asked if
there were i'ny cemrdaint s ; in re-
: ponce, one brother aios-j and said,
V: he had a complaint to make
acainst Hrothpr Thompson, that he
wars indultrincr to excess in the use of
spirits.' Brother Thompson, who was
present, arou and acknowledged the
charge, and agree! not to drink to
exce's any more. It seems that
Ih-other Thompson had heen a local
preacher. It has been suggested that
the result of this incipient advance on
the ciifKy, culminated in Nebraska's
going dry at the recent fall election.
'Tile newspapers occupied the po
litical field, and were also the medium
through which all news of every va
riety and character wa deceminated.
Papers were started early in the set
tlement of the teritory, at Ilrownville,
Nthrai-ka City, Plattsmouth, P.ellcvue
and Omaha, b"ing followed quickly by
the o.-tabli -hment of others in other
localities as the country filled up with
population. Jt was a pungent and
virile press that led and instructed
the eaily pioneer in the work of ad
vancing civilization and in the laying
of the foundation upon which has been
constructed the present great common
wealth, of which all Nebraskans are
justly proud.
-When I came into the state fifty
years ago. while there were many well
established newspapers, my attention
was mere particularly challenged to
the Omaha Herald, then edited by Dr.
Ceorge I.. Miller; the Omaha Repub
lican, edit'd by St. A. I. Palcome,
arid the Nebraska City News, edited
by J. Sterling Morton. Mr. Palcome
was only connected with the Repub
lican for a few years, but he was a
n . i . i i e i . . e : . .
man guicu Willi a nign onier o; m-t-
!i-'"c,:;c' and great force of char
;:ct r, and impressed a strong person
ality on the renders of his paper,
which at that time was the leading
representative influence of the repub
lican party in the .-tate.
"Ii is only necessary to make rrun
ti'.u of the name of I: Ceorge h.
Miller and !. SterHi-ie; Morton, and
the work of their lives pas.-es bef -re
us a i a paru rama, they having ir.ndc
liu-ir imnrint en mo t every jcige of
N( lu a -ka's hi.-t.-: y during their active
livts, and the influence of both wa
nr.ti";;: wide.
"Among the promi'':it men. asid--f,
n' the edit. u-.; of whom I have just
made mention, ar. l who occupy the
political Ibid, and t'rst attracted my
attention, were the Hoi T. M.
(p.f tte, Samuel Maxwell, Cen-
eial II. P.. Livingston and Major P.
H. Vhviler of Ca.--. comity; O. 1'.
Ma on. C. W. Seymour aral .Judge
iai.l ( of Otoe ceu.ity; Hon. ii.
W. Furnas Hater on governor). United
States Senator T. W. Tipton, lion.
Samuel 1'ailey, eongj (-ssman of Ne
maha county; .Fudge Kimci S. Dundy,
hi-'ge Ish 'm Keavis (father d' our
pi e i .-it congressman), Jiuige J.
Weaver, of Ri. -hard -on county, (!ov
ei nor Sr.under-, United States
Senator .John Thayer, Hon. .J. X.
Wooi worth, Hon. A. .1. Poppleton,
Hon. Phir.e: s W. II it ckcock, Hon. .John
I. Pcdie?;, Hot;. A. S. Pad lock t later
on l.'ruied States senator). Judge
CcM-.e P. Fake and Judge Fberie'.er
Wai.eley, f Douglas county; Judge
Loranzo Cnainse, Hon. John Taire,
coneres .-nan f Washington county;
(fovertror D i id Puller, Thomas K.
Ki unard and John (iillespie weie not
only prominent, as stale oil'tceis, but
a iso ny reason ot having heen con
stituted the commission, that later on
located th" capitol oft he state on the
'lien bh ak lu air i-js, where it has now a beautiful home city, a com
mercial metropolis, nnd educational
c iiter, and is the pride of every wor
thy No'nra-kan, and which was given
the charmed name of Lincoln, a name
that will not perish.
''I v oul'l not. have it. under-tood that
th"? g'-nthmon named were the only
active fore":; in the new fb-M of effort
wo thy of mention, for ther e were
otho'-.; -is uomiiK nt, ar.d many nearly
;n every live community, helping
to solve the problems confronting both
church and Mate in thi- rapidly grow
i.'.' ci unt-y. I have simply mentioned
those in- ii to whom my attention was
direi ted as leaders. As organizers,
as legislators, as judges on the bench,
as -oiil.iei.iii -. arid as statesmen, Ihey
launched the new ship of state rui a
.-lire wa" of suse--.s, and today in
our greatness as a commonwealth we
do them homage.
Only one of the men whose names
I have mentioned i alive today to
enjoy the wonderful results of the
fifty years of statehood, and that is
Hon. 'Ihcmas P. Hennaed, the first
secretary of state, now a resident of
Lincoln. .
"As apropos to the celebration of
the fiftieth anniversary f Nebraska
statehood, I will now relate an in
cident which occurred iu the fall of
lSt'.Ci at the general territorial elec
tion, at which time the momenteous
question as to whether Nebraska
should become a state; or remain a
territory, was among other things
voted upon. As a party the demo
crats were opposed to statehood, while
the republican party v.-as in favor of
statehood; also a state constitution
was voted upon, and there were full
stale, congressional and legislative
tickets in- the field, and it was appar
ent from the firr-t that the contest
would be a close one, and probabiy
no more exciting election was ever
held, and .the struggle was so nearly
equal that the final result depended
on the counting or the not counting
of a single precinct in Cass county.
When I crossed the river at Platts
mouth in the spring of 18o7, although
statehood had become a fact, there
was still great tension, and feeling
was running high, and the 'Rock
lilutis fraud,' as it was termed, was
the only exciting subject that attract
ed my attention, the republicans
claimed there was fraud in the way
the election board conducted the elec
tron, alleging that' persons living in
Iowa were permitted to vote; that the
list of the names of those purporting
to he voters at the election was not
certified to by the board; that when
it was dinner time the board ad
journed, going to thirir several homes,
and that one f the judges took the
ballot box and contents with him, no
two of the judges being together dur
ing the noon hour, and the returns of
the elee-tion to the county officers were
rot signed by the board, and other
irregularities were complained of. The
democrats claimed the vote was fraud
ulently thrown out.
"Under the law it wa the preroga
tive of the county clerk to appoint
a canvassing board, and P. Spurlock,
who was then county clexk, appointed
Hon. Issue Wiles and Hon. Willet Pot
t;iger. (It is interesting to note that
Isaac Wiles and B. Spurlock, although
advanced in years, are still alive and
active, and their minds clear as to
the facts conected with the Reck
Pluffs election.). As one of these men
stated to me, 'When we came to ex
amine the returns from Rock Pluffs
there was self-evident traces of ir
regularity in every feature' lion
Willet Pottinger, now deceased, :
c:y unique ponccr lawyer, expressed
him.-elf in the following terse lan
guage, 'Whether there was fraud
or not there was. such a damn good
ch.'.'.ue for it' and we threw the Rock
Piutf --. vote out. I am informed the
decision of
tiie canvassers was tested
in the court, with tlie result that the
action of the canvassers was sustained.
"The I'li'owing out and the refusing
to count
Rock Pluffs vote facili
tated Nebra-ka's admission into the
Unkm of strtv.-. giving the republican
paily two senator-, John M. Thayer
rnd Thomas ,W. Tipton; one congress
man, John Tilfe, state eilucer:, and
the certn 1 of the legislative branch
of the state, and elected the ropub
beari tiket in Casr, county.
"It is b.-t fair to state that the can
vassing board had no idea of the ex
tent of tile ; , -u 1 1 of throwing out the
Rnckjriu'Ts vote until after the elec
tion return.-, fre .n over the state were
all in.
''Evidently 1 ut for this unlooked for
incident the celebration of Nebraska's
fiftieth anniversary of .state-hoexl would
yet be some years in the future.
"It would be a grave omission and
a matte of severe criticism should I
close this address without mentioning
and giving due ere. lit to the pioneer
women of Nebraska, for what was
accomplished in territorial days and
since. As a rule the early pioneer
vomen made greater sacrifices ami
endured more than the men, and but
for their airl and encouragement the
country would have been much slower
in its development. As a rule their
lives were more monotnous than the
men; they were the home-builders,
and home-keepers. They could not
vote, or attend political conventions,
or sit in legislative halls, but they
could keep vigile over the home, train
the children in temporal and spiritual
matters, and as a diversion many of
then helped their husbands in the
field in the summer time and with the
stock in the winter season, and some
were ready handlers of the rifle when
the Indians became too aggressive and
were inclined to give trouble.
"It is certain that Nebraska could
not have been what it is today with
out the help of woman. The poet has
well expressed it in the following
"They talk about the woman's sphere,
As though it had a limit;
Tlure's not a place in earth or heaven,
There's not a task to mankinel given,
There's not a blessing or a woe,
There's a whispered yes or no;
There's not a death, there's not a
That has a father's weight or worth
Without a woman in it."
Money in Eggs.
; Kggs are not bankable but -the
money from their sale is. This money
is yours for the effort. How do you
treat the hen that lays the Golden
Eggs? Dr. B. A. Thomas' Poultry
Remedy will keep the poultry in good
condition and increase the yield in
eggs. We guarantee this and refund
your money if not satisfied.
II. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Gansemer.
If you have anytning for sale adver
tise in the Journal.
West Farnam District in Omaha
Startle-d by .Man in Scant At
tire in Zero Weather.
Clad only in a thin nightgown, John
Engedkemeier, aged JJO, of Murray,
who had escaped from the Presbyte
rian medical hospital at Thirty-fourth
and Farnam streets last night, fled
through the West Farnam district
while the thermometer registered
close to zero.
After a half-hour chase, in which
hospital attendants, police and neigh
bors joined, he was finally caught .in
the garage of the. Hotel Plackstone,
Thirty-eighth and Farnam, and taken
back to the hospital.
Dr. Alexander Young, his physician,
following an examination, eleclarcd
the patient will suffer no ill effects
from the experience.
Engelkemeier has been in the hos
pital for several, days, suffering from
nervous trouble. He was not regard
ed as a violent patient, but even so,
the hospital authorities kept close
watch upon him. At 8 o'clock be
leaped from the bed suddenly and
into the hallway. There he shoved a
woman nurse out of the way and ran
Like an arrow he sped up Farnam
A long line of automobiles, bearing
residents from the prosperous dis
tricts towards the theatrical section,
was startled to see him in the clinging
white nightgown, outlined against the
darkness by the white light, of the
head-lamps. Several of the autoists
joineil in the chase, too, but Enge
kemeier proved nimble as well as
startling, and he led his pursuers :
merry cha.-e until he was finally over
taken. Omaha Pee.
One of the- largest crowds that eve!
attended a similar event in this city
was present at the T. J. Sokol hall
Saturday evening to participate in
the twenty-sixth annual mask ball el'
that society. The best of order pre
vailed throughout the evening and
from the start to finish there was com
plete enjoyment. The array of
masks was not as large as usual but
were well selected and made a very
pretty appearance on the floor cf the
dance hall. The music was furnished
by tiie Iloily ore-lustra and to the
.strains of the inarch the maskers
moved over the floor in the grand
march and the prize winners were se
lected by the judges. The first ladies
pri.e was awarded to Mrs. George
(lobelman. as a Mexican lady and the
second ladies prize given to the two
"Topsies" wiio were represented by
Misses Koubech and Seclloek. The
fuvst men's prize, was won by Den
1 Turner as a rube and second by Clyde
Thomas as a colored man. The group,
prize was secured by the turner girls
rf the T. J. Sokolky. It was a late
hour when the merry dancers ad
journed and wended their way home
ward after enjoying the opening mas
querade of the 1017 season and its
comolete success could not be doubted
in the least.
From S.i turti.iy's I'nily.
Yesterday afternoon the little
daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. O. A. New
ton who are visiting in the city at the
home of Howard Newton and family,
passed away after a short llness due
to grippe and complications. Little
Tluth Lucille was three weeks and
three days old and had been brought
here by her parents from their home
in Garden county. The little one con
tracted a severe cold and soon her
condition became very serious and
continued to grow worse until death
came to her relief. The funeral serv
ices were held this afternoon at 2:00
o'clock from the Howard Newton
home and the burial was had at the
Oak Hill cemetery. The death came
as a severe blow to the parents who
had come to this city to enjoy a visit
with the relatives and then to have
their loved one suddenly taken away
from them makes the" loss heartbreak
ing. Rev. Thomas A. vTruscott of the
Methodist church had charge of the
Doing the Work.
W. T. Nanney, Noel, Mo., writes,
"Your B. A. Thomas' Hog Powder
is doing the work down in this part
of the world. It proved to be what
we needed to prevent and cure hog
cholera and expel worms."
II. M. Soennichsen.
Pails & Gansemer.
arsd they're good Suits, EVJera!
At least that is the verdict of hundreds of :r.rr. v. I:o choose their
suits from the splendid offering we are making at this time at $15.
Some of these are suits worth much more.
ays rse
afisfied Wearer
"I used to imagine it was necessary to pay a big price to get a good
suit. But I heard so much about your suits at $15 that one day I
stopped in to see what they were. Well you know how long I've
been buying your $15 suit3 and you may be sure I'm never going
to pay anyone big money for a suit again. I'll save the difference
to jingle in the pocket of one of your thoroughly good suits for $15'
We can't force you lo come to this store! We can't compel you to
buy thsse $15 suits! But we'll wager that once you see them you'll
wonder how we can sell such suits for $15.
We also feature
A V W LA LkwU fcW-f Y W W W m ft-
c ry w
SheriT Quinton received a me
from the superi.itcpdent of the 1 n-ea.-.ter
co.-r.Ly arm Saiurds-y evening
-as to he ii.--:.i.e man feu nil hist Isat
;ird.iy In Lhe v i ? i : , : i y of Alvi and
w'k: ii...- I)...-:-, ser.t To the -tate hos
pital at Hastings. The de-cripl'-''1
gi :i of the man I.diie.- wuh the per
son picked up here and who was
known as "'o. 7,
that lie would give,
merit nride by Ike
authorities it see'.a.-
the only r-ir.i'
From the M:if ;j
La.icaster county
tiiat the man I; is
been a resident of the county fa:r
of Lancaste r county and wasiv'e re.!
away from that place about two weeks
ago. His name i.: a mv.derv
here as
it was impossible to find any papers
that would give a clue to his identity
when he was first received from the
insane hospital where lie was orii'ined j
previous to being sent to the county
farm. The man i.s perfectly harri'ess
but wholly unbnlaP.ciM rnd wns n ;t
able to give any account of himself in!
any way beyond the fact tie was
"No. 7" . and how he received this
number no one knows. When 'he was
taken to Hastings anel ph'ccd in the
asylum there he was entered under
the number as a patient. In view of
the fact that lis was a ward of Lan
caser county it will be necessary for
county to take charge of the
?;rJ f K i
ocm rnn tujs
i c run hit.
Woods, the
Stanton wrest
ye . I erday aft-
le- r, iiitivcei hi mi -'' j
erneon t prepare
i or t.u wrestling
match that is carded fur Ihi- evening
at Coates' hall. Frank Schmarlerer,
who w.ts to have met Woods on the
mat will not be able to fill the date
and Kdwards. the fa.t young wre.stL-r
of Falls City will take his place
against Woods. Sclur.artcrer had his
shoulder injured in w resiling with.
Edwards at Falls City and this in
jury proved teo severe to allow hun
to take on the match this evening in
this city. Mr. Woods states that he
is' very anxious to wicstle with
Schmarter and wi'l post a forfeit with
him to wrestle any place in the slate
in the next thirty days. If a match
is arranged there will be a large side
bet placed mi the match. The wrestle
tonight shoulel be a good one as Ed
wards is a good fast man and Woods
has a stale wide reputation for his
successes or the mat and th.e lovers
of this spot ; can have their money's
worth this evening at Coates' Hall.
Young married man wants work on
farm by the year. Good worker. Pre
fer separate house. Inquire at the
Journal office.
$5.C0 Phonographs at Dawson's.
Overcoats at the same low
Everybody's Store."
The drawing for the Fold car that
was efTeitd by F. II. Dunbar at his
billiard hall for the last few weeks
was held Saturday evening and the
winning number proved to be No. 100,
which, was held by II. IJ. Seivers and
JO. 1). Golobay, jointly, and the two
young men were awarded the ma
chine, which is the latest model of
the Ford car and a beauty in every
way. The young men who were suc
cessful in the drawing are the well
contractors, and being partners in
business were also in on the car and
the machine iil be "fifty-fifty" with
the hovs. The winners were well
' eh I v.i'h the car and certainly
appreciate their good luck as they
held ihe winning number out of 000
chances on the machine. The winning
number had been written and sealed
ar.d deposited in one of the local
banks until the hour for the drawing
when it was opened and the winner
awarded the car. It is a very fine
piece of luck for the boys and they
i have a good offer for the Ford if they
1 desire to take it. The event attracted
a great deal of attention among the
ticket holders, and Mr. Dunbar is to
I Make this a winter of enjoy-
ment and comrort, oy puuing
on one of our Sweaters, in V
neck and shawl collars, in all
tie popular COlpfS. 1 riCCS
$1 .25 to $7
Just the thing for these cold
days. We have them in both
the flat and military collar, in
all the new shades, at
1 .25 and Up
Manhattan Shif ts
Stetson Hats
&:&Jl&&-r few P ---
3YgffiW flEwjW KWwWJW
be congratulated on the splendid man
ner in which the event was handled.
Editor W. H. Brown, the hustling
editor and publisher of the Union
Ledger, said in Nebraska City yester
day that he is about ready to quit the
publishing game in a small town; that
the continued advances in paper have
ripped his profits all to pieces and
made it unprofitable to operate his
plant. Mr. Brown has given the
Union folks a bright, newsy paper,
well printed and if he leaves the'm it
will be a blow to the community.
Nebraska City Press.
Bad Habits.
Those who breakfast at S o'clock
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dinner at six are almost certain to
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