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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1917)
plattamnioutb ontn TOL, XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JANUARY ir, 1917. No. 10.",. BANQUET OF YOUNG MEN'S BIBLE GLASS The Sixth Annual Meeting One of the Most Successful Eter Held hy the Young Men. From Fri.lav's Tnuly. The sixth annual banquet the Young Men's Bible cla.-s of the Meth odist church was held last night in the c hurch parlor?, and added another , to the list of successful events which this organization has offered to the mm c I ntt moiiTh in tnp 1 51 sr. siv , . - , i . .i. i vears. and was most en lovable to the I crowd of 175 men and bovs who as sembled to take part in the banquet. The church parlors had been arranged in the class colors, rod and white, whkh was displayed in streamers of bunting festooned from the center of the room, while on the walls at the rear of the speakers' table appeared the emblems of the international adult Bible class movement of which this organization is a part. The ladies of the church had the tables beautifully arranged with sparkling silver and china and the color scheme was fur ther shown in the use of red candles on the tables, which added a pleasing touch to the scene. It is hardly necessary to dwell on the chief feature of the banquet, the dainty menu which the ladies of the church had prepared, as it was as us ual right up to the minute in the ar ray of good things to eat and lots of them, which placed the banqueters in the proper mood for the feast of rea son which was to follow the dinner. The ladies not only demonstrated that they were right on the job in prepar ing the menu for the ecasion but also served it in a most pleasing manner to the guests of the evening. During the serving of the banquet the Holly orchestra gave a pleasing program of music, which kept the crowd in the best of spirits and was a feature of the program thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. For the position ri toastmaster, Judge James T. Begley liar' been se lected, and in this position the genial judge was at his best o? he "ntro duced t'v? different sneakers of the? evening. Judge Begley in his opening remarks paid the members of the class a compliment on their arrangement of the banquet and bring' ig together so many of the young men of the city, and stated that the event was one : f the greatest of enjoymer.x to him t; pa:ticipate in. and it was the third banquet which he had hj 1 the pleas ure of attending that had been given by the class. As has been the custom A the class ore "f the11." members was selected to cfTi-r the opening address, and on this occasion Flmer Ilallstrom was dele crated for the service, aiv4 gave a very pleasing address during the short time j virtues nem oy .ur. 1'onara as essen assitrreJ to him. Mr. Ilallstrom ex- j tial to the successful life are those of tended to the guests a hcr.sty welcrme ; truth, thrift, honesty and perseverence, to the banquet, and gave a "short his- ! which would, if practiced, bring to the tory of the organization, from April ! young man undoubted success. To lfH't", when it was first proposed that the clas of eight boys join in the adult Bible class movement, then just in its inception and for .hi i p'li pose the boys held their fnv-t meeting in the furnace room in the basement of , the church and selected Paul Morgan j as the first president of the class. The j present class room ha 1 been prepared j through the efforts of the members ! !e pleasure was necessary, air. roi of the class by hurd !acr. and. b.av- S lard stated, but he did not think those ing secured their p:-e?;n- quarters, had increased the memnorship to forty-eight. The class, through the study of the Bible sought to bring the teach ings of brotherly love to the mem bers of the class and to serve their fellow man each day in ihe daily walks of life. The second speaker on the tosst list was R. Glen Rawls of the Young Men's Bible class of the Presbyterian v,,,wVi ieVin thp pi'lnpr-t for his remarks, "Manliness," and touched on the ideals of what manliness con- sisted of the man of strength and physical courage and the man of moral courage, who stood for what he be lieved to be right under all circum stances. This moral courage was really more essential to the real man than that of physical courage, the speaker declared. Manliness was so- cured through many sacrifices and the chief attributes that constituted real manhood was truth, honesty and, a be- lief in the teachings of Christ, who the world held as the ideal of real manhood. Rue Frans of Union was present at i the banquet and was called up on to j respond to the toast, "In Union There ! is Strength." Mr. Frans made a very pleasing talk, which was devoted to a number of humorous stories on dif ferent members of the gathering, but in the serious phase of his remarks touched upon the good work that a j Bible class could do in bringing to gether young men and placing before them the proper teachings and exam ple, which would be of lasting benefit to the community, and urged the men present to affiliate with church work and the efforts of the Bible clases of the city. The new pastor of the Methodist church. Rev. Thomas A. Truscott, was assigned the subject, "Gentlemen," and gave, in his five minutes of time, his ' ' ideas of what constituted a real gen tleman. Possession of great wealth did not bring with it the right to be termed a gentleman, Mr. Truscott stated, nor did the personal appear ance of a man, but it was in his daily walks in life that the mark of a gentleman was to be found, and in his action and speech it could best be determined what a man really amount ed to. One who would not take ad vantage cf the infirmities or misfor tunes of another had in him the ele ments of the real gentleman, and through his aid of his fellow man he demonstrated his worth. Association with a church was another mark of a gentleman, Rev. Truscott stated, and he held to the audience the example of Jesus Christ as that of the gentle man whose love of His fellow man had been the greatest in the world. Love of mother was another of the at tributes held up by the speaker as that necessary in the life of a real gentleman, who despite all else in the world would love and respect his mother until the end of time. The Plattsmouth quartet, composed of Jennings Seiver, Don York, Frank Cloidt and W. G. Brooks gave two numbers which were heartily encored, and the members had the greatest dif ficulty in getting the opportunity to be seated, so enthusiastic was the en cores received from the delighted audi ence, and they were compelled at the close of the program to respond to an other number. The principal speaker of the even ing was Hon. Ernest M. Pollard of Xehawka, who had as his subject 'Elements of Success," and in his half-hour address brought to the at tention of the young men the things that in his opinion were necessary to a successful life, and to attain which it would be necessary to possess cer tain virtues to insure the success hoped for by the young man. In his opening remarks Mr. Pollard stated that too many devoted their efforts to ward success to the gain of money without the thoughts of the spiritual side of life. The organization of church and Sunday school created bet ter conditions in the world and made it better for the human race. The practice these, Mr. Pollard explained, it did not require great ability, but the ordinary boy or man could easily attain success and in fact the leaders of the business life of the world not en oi brilliancy, tout merely tnose oi oidinary ability, and their success had been largely through the perseverence end self-denial of these men. Reason- - . 1 A 1 . pleasures that left boys and men feel ing less able to command their mental facilities were the kind to be indulged in. The speaker also congratulated the audience on the fact that prohibi tion had been adopted in the state, as in his opinion the practice of using liquor was destructive of the best in the men of the country, and in fact it was getting so that the great business ; interests of the nation had joined in 1 the fight against the use of liauor. He gave a number of examples of the I successful men of the country, includ ing John D. Rockefeller, as those who by long hours and perseverence had scored success, and that Mr. Rocke feller, aside from his connection with the oil interests, was best known by his church work. It was close to 11 o'clock when the , banquet closed and the guests depart ' ed homeward, feeling that it had been a pleasant ocacsion and an unusual opportunity to enjoy several hours pleasantly with each other. THE LAST SAD RITES PAID TO A NOBLE LADY Remains Were Laid to Rest in Oak Hill Cemetery, Attended by Many Relatives and Friends. From Friday's Dally. The funeral of Mrs. Dora Oldham Moore was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the late home on Chicago avenue and a large number of the old friends and neighbors gathered to render their tribute of respect and esteem to the memory of this splendid lady who had gone from their circle of friendship. The services were in charge of Rev. II. G. McClusky of the First Pres byterian church of which the deceased had been a most devout member dur ing her residence here. The pastor in his remarks paid a splendid tribute to the upright Christian life that had been so noticeable in Mrs. Moore dur ing her lifetime and of her devotion to her duty to her fellow man and to the faith that she had espoused. In speaking of the faith in the future that the departed had felt in the promise of the Savior to them that believed in Him Rev. McClusky stated: "Our sister knew because she trusted in God and had pledged her confession before the worid. and was not ashamed of Christ. We know that she knew because her life responded in loving kindness and in this was a copy in part of the Master. The sor row that we witness todav in the loss of Mrs. Moore is a mainfestation of oving hearts. It is a healthy indica tion of the soul. To love is the greatest virtue of the soul. How we ought to lo"e one another while it is day, for the night comes when we will not be able no manifest the love, one for another. It is also an indication of the good life of her whom God has called to Himself. Goodness always wins friendship and love. They are the eternal qualities which live on." During the service a number of the dearly beloved songs that had cheered the heart of Mrs. Moore in the years gone by were given by the choir from the Presbyterian church. At the close of the services the body was borne to Oak Hill cemetery where it was laid to rest in the familv lot. Miss Dora Oldham, daughter of Jackson Goodman Oldham and Polly Abbott Jackson Oldham, was born February 21, 1849 near Brunswick, Mo. Here she resided with her par ents until 1866 when Mr. Oldham, the father, moved to the state of Nebras ka and located on a farm east of where the present town of Murray is located. Here Mr. Oldham purchased the old tavern or stage station that was used by travelers' from Platts mouth to Nebraska City, and which is now one of the landmarks of the road between the two points and one of the oldest homes in the county. The father of Mrs. Moore after pur chasing the home did away with the stage station and used the house as a private residence for himself and family. Here it was on May 19, 1881, that Miss Oldham was united in mar riage with Joseph B. Moore, but the wedded life was doomed to an early parting as two and one-half years after the wedding Mr. Moore passed away leaving the wife to mourn his untimely death. Mrs. Moore contin ued to reside at the old home until 1892 when she moved to Plattsmouth and resided for a number of vears in South Park until she purchased her present home on Chicago avenue. Of late years Mrs. Moore has not en joyed the best of health and this has kept her from mingling with the friends as she might have wished for but to those whom she came . in con tact she was kind and loving and in the last days her cheerfulness tended to make the burden of waiting less hard to bear. The meetings of her church friends at her home was al ways pleasant to her and much en joyed. She continued to grow weak er day by day until death came to her on Tuesday, January 9, 1917. Mrs. Moore leaves to mourn her death two brothers and two sisters, George Oldham, of this city with whom she has made her home for sev eral years, R. C. Oldham, of Dids- burg, Alberta, Can., Mrs. Cuzza Bak er, of Meridan, la. and Mrs. J. W Connelly of ban t rancisco. A num ber of neices and nephews are also left to mourn her death. Those of the family from abroad to attend the funeral were, Mrs. M. L. Craig, Kan sas City; Miss Vera Oldham, Beaver City, Neb.; R. C. Oldham, the brother, of Didsburg, Canada; E. L. Oldham, of Omaha; Mrs. J. J. Oldham, of Denver; Ed. Burt of Adair, la.; .Mrs. II. E. Snyder, of Fairfield, la.; Misses Pauline and Fay Oldham, of Murray. All of these with the exception of the one brother, are ntk-es and nephews of Mrs. Moore. SUES ESTATE FOR $1,500 FOB NURS ING THE DECEASED From Friday's Daily. The time of the county court was occupied this mornii g in the hearing of the claim of Mrs. Mollie Berger against the estate of Robert Kirkpat- rick, deceased, in which the plaintiff sought to recover the sum of SI, 500 which, it was claimed, was due for nursing and care of the late Mr. Kirk- patrick. The deceased, up to the time of his last sickness, had made his home at the Berger home, an 1 was taken from there to the hospital in Omaha, where he died. The case has attracted much attention in the vi cinity of Xehawka, where the parties have resided for mi.ny years, and a large number of the residents of that locality were called here as witneses in the case. The entire day will be required to complete the case as there are a large number oi witnesses on bcth sides to examine, and at noon the plaintiff's side of the case had not been submitted. Mr. Kirkpatrick had resided near Xehawka during his life time, was unmmaried, and of late years had resided at the Berger home. Through the administratrix of the es tate, Mrs. Harmon, sister of the de ceased, is contesting the claim for the nursing and board, 'alleging that the amount is excessive and not owing to the plaintiff. CEDAR GREEK YOUNG PEOPLE ARE MARRIED IN OMAHA From Friday's Daily. Among the marriage licenses is sued in Omaha appears one issued to Earl Terryberry and Miss Peirl Gregory, both of Cedar Creek. These young people are well known in this section of Cass countv where their parent are among our most prominent families and the bride and groom possesses a large circle ot iriencis throughout the county who will learn with much pleasure that they are to take up life's journey together in the future. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. C. Gregory and the groom a son of Mr. and Mrs. Pames Terryberry, bo', h families be ing among the best known in this section of the county. Both of the contracting parties are very estimibie young people and held in the esteem of those with whom they are best known. Thev will make their home in the future on a farm in the vicinity of Cedar Creek. FARMERS' UNIONS NOW HAVE THIRTY THOUSAND MEMBERS Omaha, Xeb., Jan. 11. Over 30,000 farmers in thirty-four Xebraska coun ties are members of the Xebraska farmers' educational and -o-operative union, accoiuLiKiu tc- - - state president, at the state conven- 1 , ' . , tion opened here yesterday. TV. i-N H lAnnl n-oc rvro m-7rrl in the state in 1911. and has grown to 1,024 locals at the present time. State purchase in the co-cperative buying plan reached $1,000,000 last year, in which was included 4,700,000 pounds I ant was arraigned in the court yester of binder twine. There are 750 dele-day and waived a preliminary hearing gates at the conventon. A warning against the attempt of "boss educators" to say where coun try children should attend school was sounded by President Gustafson. "After the federal government tells us we are the greatest producers of the wealth it passes the farm loan bank act, which shows we are not get ting all we produce or we would not need the bank," said O. F. Dorn blazer, national organizer. CREAM, 37c, Plattsmouth. at Dawson's store, 9-19-d&wtf JOHN W. SHERMAN TO APPEAR AT OMAHA From Sntrnlnv' Pa;lv. At the Orpheum in Omaha the com- ing week, a former I'lattsm juth voung tht? "Strict court in which lienjamin man appears on the hill is one of the F- Bu.-.h. receiver of the Mssouri iier.dlinc-r.:. This oung man is John j racific company seeks to have the de W. Sherman, a son of C. YV. Sherman, j fendant enjoined from the use of the for many years editor of the Journal, j right-of-way of the railroad in Weep ar.d the voung man was born in this; in' Water, where A. F. Jameson has city and educated in the choois of Plattsmouth. Mr. Sherman is ap pearing in a nhnlet. "Hvphens" with Miss Brenda Fowler, and has scored . a reat success wherever he has ap pea red This is the first opportunity that the old friends of Mr. Sherman have had of meeting him since his re moval from this city and a great many will make the trip to Omaha to witness his performance at the Or pheum. A ung man of great ability, Mr. Sherman has won marked favor on the stage in his offering and is an other of the successful men that have been turned out from this city. Ben-re taking up the dramatic profes si n Mr. Sherman was engaged in newspaper work for a number of years in Chicago. He is a brother of Charles Sherman, sporting editor of tho Lnco'.n Star and one of the best known authorities on sports in the wot. The old friends of the Sherman family will be pleased to learn of the success of the young actor and trust that the future may bring him further honors in his chosen field of endeavor. REGULAR PANEL JURY FOR FEBRUARY TERM OF DISTRICT COURT From 1 'rrlny's T.a'lv. The following have been selected as members of the jury panel for the February term of the district court which will convene in this city on Feb ruary "th: K. O. Hutchins, Avoca; S. K. James, Stove Creek; James Mur phy, Center; Clark Gonzales, Stove Creek; J. W. Batty, Avoca; G. E. Young, Xehawka; George H. Dennis, Weeping Water; J. C. Lohmeyer, Salt Creek; James Xiday, Liberty; Lee Cole. Plattsmouth precinct; J. G. Mc-isinger, Eight Mile Grove; Guy P.cese, Plattsmouth; Frank Shopp, Plattsmouth: D. B. Porter, Liberty; August Krecklow, Center; J. A. Hoov er. Louisville; E. F. Hurlbut, Green wood; F. A. Finkle, Liberty; E. P. Sheldon, Xehawka; Theo. Davis, Weeping Water precinct; Fred Spang lar. Rock Bluffs Second; William L. Kellev, Salt Creek: L. D. Hiatt, Rock Bluffs First; mouth. Ward Clark, Tlatts- CHARGES OF INGEST FILED AGAINST OLIVER TOWER Prom Saturday's Pnily. Another cse that seems to be of a decidedly disgusting nature was brought to 1 icrht yesterday when a complaint was filed in the county court by County Attorney A. G. Cole igairst Oliver Tower in which he is : ch-nged with incest with his daughter. i rum cne aue-acu ns m ne compu, n it seems that the affair has extended over a period of some two months and continued until the daughter left ome. The case promises to be one .,, , ' , , . that will be filled with features , uuu cerumuy caimu, uul -- that certainly cannot but dishearten ( dition prevails m the community. This I . j i , e u 4- is the second case of this nature that hno hAnn iM-Aiui-hf ta lirrnr tnn r n n n - tv attorney in the nast two weeks and 1 1 it seems it is about time that some thing was dore to stop any further practices of this nature. The defend- j and w , .i j- x c hmir.d nvpr to ine oisrnci court. Mr. Tower entered a plea of not guilty to the charge preferred against him by the state. WIDOWS' PEXSIOX CLAIMS. Postmast D. C. Morgan is in re ceipt of a letter from Senator Hitch cock, in which he states the Pension department advises him that if the in - crease of the widows over 70 years of age is not included in the January check, it will be paid by special chck as soon as possible thereafter. BRINGS SUIT TO ENJOIN MB. JAMESON OF WEEPING WATER From fraterday s rail An action nas been commenced in erected a plaining mm, Darn anu sev- 1 1 -Ill 1 eral other outbuildings as well as put ting up a fence on the property of th( railroad. The Missouri Pacific is j represented by J. A. C. Kennedy, the ttorney of Omaha. Ihe property m j dispute lies in Race's addition to the town of Weeping Water and along the right of way of the Missouri Pacific through that town. AUBURN WINS GAME BY SCORE OF 28 T0 16 From P;. tr r day's Daily. Two very interesting basket ball games were staged last evening at the roller skating rink in which or ganizations of the schools were the participants. The chief feature of the evenng was the Plattsmouth high school against Auburn in which the local team met defeat by the score of 20 to 1G. The preliminary conflict was between the Freshmen and the Sophomores of the local school and in this the freshmen were able to carry off the honors by the score of 23 to 11. Both games were pleasing to the large crowd present and much en thusiasm was created especially in the class games when the members of the rival classes cheered on their respective teams. The high school team is opening its schedule of games for the season and hopes to be able to develop winning form before the close of the season with practice. The organization of the high school suf fered considerably by the fact that last year the members of the team that made one of the best records for the school in years graduated, and made necessary the creation of an entire new team that has been car ried out and the prospects for the season are very good as the boys are getting busy on their practice and show great interest in the sport. DEATH OF MRS. MIKE 'WARGA, SR., SUNDAY Early Sunday the death of Mrs Mike Warga. sr.. occurred at her home in Havelock after an illness cov ering over a year's time, and during which she had been a patient sufferer from cancer. The relatives and friends have been ministering with gentle care to this estimable lady to lighten the burden of her suffering but know ing that the task was in vain as there were no hopes for her recovery. Mrs Warga was a resident of this city for a great many years and here she had spent her younger days, and was united in the bonds of wedlock in this city to Mike Warga. The death of thic lndv will brin? a most Drofound fit f'om the oJ friends and neigh -n community as the de ceased was a lady that won all by , he ntlenes3 and'splendid traits of t character, and during her years of , , i , residence here she won a large circle of warm friends who will learn of her . death with much sorrow. Mrs. Warga ; foreman of the Burlington machine . . . . , 1 J i 11 .ll.nm TJi-vlllT At IKip lfl TA TV. All T1 , ' .J . . her death there remains the husband and six children, Mike Warga, jr. Plattsmouth; Mrs. W. J. Vallery, Julia and Clara Warga, Joe and Henry Warga, all residing in Have- I Irw-t- flnp hrntVipr .Tnfnh NpipdlPV ( , - x i - x 1 a. " T ! OI reigmon ami iwu sK,tCra, .u.s. William Holly of Plattsmouth and Mrs. John Buttery of Lincoln are also left to mourn the passing of this good woman. The body of Mrs. Warga will ar rive in this city tomorrow afternoon at 1:12 over the Burlington and be taken to the residence of her son, ! Mike, jr., where it will remain untu the funeral, which will be held Wed- i nesday morning at 10 o'clock from the , Holy Rosary Catholic church on West Pearl .street. THE COMMERCIAL CLUB IS TO MEET NEXT THURSDAY A Good Attendance is Very Much De ired as Many Matters of Inter est Will be Suggested. The meeting of Commercial club the Plattsmouth will be held on Thursday evening at the rooms in the IIote Riley Lock and tho;;e who de- sire to aid in the progressive work cf the city should attend this meeting and get in the harness for the year 1917, that is starting oi.t An association cf th's kind has r. ,reat power to aid all public movements and enterprises, to secure new indus tries and assist those that we already have in the city, and this is something that should interest every one who calls Plattsmouth home. At this meet ing on Thursday the club will elect its officers for the ensuing year and discuss a number of plans for work in the ensuing twelve months, when the city will have the opportunity to advance even more than in the past year along the highway of progress. The club is an organization that should have everyone who has any in terest in the city enrolled in its mem- membership, and they should be pres ent at each meeting to discuss the needs of the city and what can be done to make it better in any way. Another of the matters that should receive the attention of the Commer cial club in this city, as it has in a great many other of the the Xe braska towns, is that of the co-opera tion of the large towns and the ter ritory adjacent to them in this public forum. The farmers residing in the vicinity of Plattsmouth should by all means get into the club work as it will bring them all closer together and be of much benefit to eevryone. The interests of those residing near the city is fully as great as that of those who reside in the city itself, for as the city progresses and advances so will it bring a greater value to their farm holdings, and modern means of travel will put the farmers into closeer touch with the larger towns. The membership of the farm ers in the Commercial club gives the business men a clearer idea of the needs and desires of their neighbors and enables everyone to arrange a program of advancement that cannot help but be of the r-ost lasting bene fit to a1 clas "n ths city and coun ty. There are a large number of plans for the crming year in which those residing in the vicinity will be vitally interest?'? in and they should be in the Co-eTipl club to give their help in bringing them to the front. THE STORK VISITS THE HOME OF L. G. TODD .m PrfdaV- Onilv The her e o ?.!-. L G. Todd, jr., in the !: ,",:r, was visited morning, who : fr.c little nine and h:r. The nv thcr by the st -' left in their r a half-pourr' and little ors-. L. G. is fceVn -good fortune t' o:ng nice v anu t 'y proud o . the ha3 befallo.i them in the charming i'.tt'e daughter. The advent of the lit'b c r.? has been very pleasing to Mr. and Mrs. Will Rich ardson of Mynavd, grandparents cf the new Miss Todd, and they are feel ing delighted over the addition to their family, the little one being the first granddaughter. YOUNG PEOPLE WEDDED. From Saturday's Daily. A marriage license was issued yes terday afternoon by County Judge Beeson to Mr. Frank C. Lee of South Omaha and Miss Minnie Helen Han sen of Omaha, and the young people after securing the desired permit re quested the judge, whose fame as an agent of cupiJ has traveled over this section, to join them in the bands of wedlock, which he did in his usual pleasing manner. The ceremony wa3 brief and at the close the two happy young people departed for their home J in Omaha.