The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 11, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    1'AGE fi.
Shtfdrcsi Cry
The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use fur ever over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been mad3 under his pel-
xr44V"7 sonal supervision since its infancy.
S -Gtv: Allow no one to deceive yt-u ia this.
All Counterfeit!., Imitations and " Just-as-gcod " are but
Lr.:rier:ts th-.t trifle with and endanger the health of
liilucts arid Children Experience against Experiment.
C; r.t'-Tu-: a harmless substitute fur Castor Oil,
Dr-?s arc Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. . It contains
ucither Opium, rphine ncr other narcotic substance. Its
r.c;e is its f,uarante: For more than thirty years it has
Tj.'fn ia constant ur for the relief uf Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Cclic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fevcrishness arising
tl?crcf:cm. a?d by regulating the Stomach and Bowel., aids
th;- a:simila.ti )n of Food; giving healthy and aaturil letp.
The Chiic.ien'j Panacea The Mother's Friend. 1
,; Bears tne
4 T,
For Over 30 Years
t kAnd You Have
i:j5nnrn flPJ I IDT r lOlJ
i JaifHC J LULlAjM Lii'Jll
A , . ry ,-, :. h apr-; echited New
Y :ir ;;,.:t;:! v.-a- civt n l.y Mr. and
Mrs. J,.hn Mei -iii rer of iuar Cedar
;o i!-vi- ti;-. i- in hi;;;or
t!ir- n :rii':-r year, and it is that
.,:.:! in- f the irreatest tiossildo va'ite
l tt:v i ;( ipicnt.-. The ;:ii t ;. i -tv.- i ;
o:" .lo! j a-h t eavh c-f thv ':.:: l.-en as t
liny ;-a;h. ! i.r.i-r t!-e iuei:;:d :.of ! I" vant a couht medicine that
t.. s'i-.i tiu- d;iy. arl it i; ?:erdies Kive-; itiek and .uro action in healinjr
f. say O.a: li.e -ift Wi.s ry rv::ii ! -"-dsf coughs or croup, ret Foley's
a-i:-eviat.'d l.y tr- child- . A r 1-' Hor.ey and Tar. It heals inflamed
.v;.-i-;:a-er. Mrs. Philip S( h".-"er, .Mrs. , rr.einhranes in throat, chest or bron C.-.;--r. M-.-. Da v. Jardir-.', Mr. ! c-"hd '"!u-: breaks up t i rh t coughs,
F'a- k Sals'r. arc' I,,.;iis M v' -:'-rer. ! ''-"'se'-, s phiefirnt. makes breathing: eas
This v.M t:.y coiiple, who !:av- rearei! ; tickling in throat. Contains
5uch a splendid f;-.mily f -u:i : a yw it "i '-i's. .old everywhere,
deal of atlsfaerion in making the
rift -a- a r eo'.T.ition of the plea -u re Cilmoiv of Murray was
that ilnir children ltave been to them J in t!"'' ( i;y today for a few hours en
in all these years. home fioni Omaha where he
. i had beL-ii called witii v.v of his
new book on canci:::.
,j Andy Seybeit departed this morn
lhis book '-ives a most cemnrehen- ,-.. o v t '
m;- lor ( ullom, where he expects to
sive ext.!-' ti i ion of car cer ami its sue- ! , , P. , , .,
. , . , , . ! .eok after some work out on the iarm
cessfal trt-atment the knjfe. ; r j. , lt . - , ....
... , . . . "or a le-.v (tavs that is lemanlinr his
.ael on actual cxnc-i i-nco oi more, ..
' , , ! attention,
than sixteen vents and laboratory re-
search c-oveidmr more titan ten thou
sand cases. The b ,ok will be sent
free by addressing O. A. Johnson, M.
!.. Suite ."2", l."-JA Main St.. Kansas
City, Mo. Send f r a copy today and
h-arn some facts about cancer.
Worth Attention of Women.
When you feci too tired to work,
wake up weary, have backache or
pains in sides, when you sim'er rheu
matic twinu-. you may be sure the
kidneys are di -ordered. Kay Shciiurr,
All, Mo., writes: "I had kidney trou
ble two vear. Nothing did me anv ;
voo.j until I ?j,ot Folev Kidncv Pills.
Two r.ti- bottles cured me." Fold v-
civuhfre. 1
Itehiny: piles p; ovo'.a- profanity but j
vrofa-ity w.-.t remote th: m. Doan't ;
()ir.tna-t!t is i .-c'rr.mended tVr I'cfiinjr,
1 leciiin;' or prct! ii'imi; ;:!'-. .oe :i
a.n d store.
'ftiP14''7E3 DF8 I O :tl:rmi' irls at the K- S- hall on Sat-E-niUil-v
!UJ O i iLLvJ I uniay evening, February .'3d, to which
'fi"1"-(',:i""r""l',"'A :
vJ-'vV4 '".,, ia ...ia r..-...,ASV I
- niv f vnttr V
I - y it-fs.-'-'- rt tit .xrir
t rrj '! r.K t I'll. ;..r
f'.lD CV llGfilSlS LVL1: WMz !
Drs. Piiach & K3aoh, Th9 Dentists
The largest &nd best equippetl dental offices in Omaha. Specialist in
charze of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices. Porcelain filling,
just like tooth. Instruments carefaby stemmed alter using.
Send lor fhek sampie Oi 3aai-i )or
FiSQ FISTULA Pay After You Are Cured
9 1 f mild system of treatment, hzt cures Piles, Fistula and other
Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform
Ether or other general anasthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac
cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on
Kectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been permanently
cursd' DR. TARRY Bee Building Omaha.
' -J-, -s j j Tr. iMi- -tsii
for Fletchers
Signature of
.Always Sought
! 'ri-5s m"ns: Willis Eaton cf near
, L'tdcn. aiiJ Miss Ik.rtha Iivi. of .Mi:r-
i.iy vm'l' united in wed Kiel: at the
!i '!.;t i f use by County Judco iJeeson
i !n hi.-; i-sual pli m ilkier. The
c(-r.-?--;-.y was witnes.-ed ,y Mrs. John
l! v-!'. I'f-tliei- of tin bride. Al'ie-the
! 'A the y..uu-- j.-c-opie Vetm-nt-d
I "
What 'to Do For Had Colds.
i putier.ts.
Mrs. Bennett Chriswisser was a vis
itor in Omaha yesterday with Mr.
Chii wisscr at the Presbyterian hos
pital, and reports him as jxettinp;
alonvr very nicelv with his treatment.
Nicholas Holmes of Weeping Water
was in the city loday for a few hours
looj.-iny after :ome matters at the
court house and callincc on his old
K. J. HenninjTS drove in yesterday
afternoon from his home in Eijrht
MiV Ctove to visit for a few hours
in this city looking after some trad-
ir.'r with the merchant
For earache, toothache, nains. burns.
scalds, sore throat, try Dr. Thomas'
K!(..t;c oil, a splc
mlid remedy for
i There will be a dance piven by the
the public is cordially invited. Music
by the Hattsmouth orchestra.
Oood furnished room for rent
heatedreasonable. Phone 200.
i-yorrne- iremmenv.
3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA
Local News
From TiiepOny's Pally.
(Jeorire R. Rhoden drove in this
morning from his farm to look aftc
some trading with the merchants.
Dr. G. II. Gilmore of Murray was in
the city for a few hours today, com
inr up to attend a .session of the in
sanity board.
Mrs. Mary Owens of Montana is in
the city enjoying an extended visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ii
1'ryan and family.
Ed L. Leach of near Murray was
in the city for a short time today at
tending to a few matters of business
at the court house.
John II. Busche of near Cedar Creek
was in the city today for a few hours
attending the meeting of the board of
county commissioners.
Frank K. Vallcry, of Murray, was
in the city for a short time today en
route from his home to Omaha to
v i i t with friends in that city.
P. A. Meisinger drove in this morn
ing from his farm homo to spend a
few hours looking after a few mat
ters of business with the merchants
P. T. Pecker was among those go
ing to Omaha this morning, where he
was called to spend a few hours in
that city looking after some business
j . K. .ueisinger was among tnose
going to Omaha this morning, where
he will snend a few hours in that
city with friends and looking after a
few matters of business.
Miss Pearl Dugay of Murray de
patted yesterday alternoon in com
pany with Miss Honor Seybert for
( ullom, where they will eniov a
week's visit at the Seybert home near
that place.
Joseph Fetzer and daughter. Mrs.
Jack Patterson, of Union and Mrs. T.
M. Patterson and daughter, Miss
Jeanette. were among those going to
Omaha this morning to spend a few
hours with Mrs. Joseph Fetzer at the
Clarkson hospital.
C. C. Weseott will depart this even
ing for Chicago to attend a meeting
of the board of directors of the
United National Clothiers, and while
there will look over the market to
trnthcr up some snaps for the patrons
of his store in this city.
W. R. Young, the auctioneer, was
in Omaha yesterday for a short time
attending to some matters on the
stock market.
Mrs. II. K. Dunbar of Ashland ar
rived last evening to enjoy a visit
in this citv with her son, Frank II.
Dunbar and family for a short time.
County Commissioner C. E. Heebner
returned to his home at Nehawka
this morning after being here in at
tendance at the meeting of the county
board yesterday.
Mrs. Frank Ohm of Omaha, who
tas been here for the past few days
isiting with her friends of the Wood
man Circle, returned this, morning to
ter home in the metropolis.
Frank Vallery of Murray came up
this morning and departed on the
arly Burlington train for Omaha,
where he will spend the day attending
to several matters of business.
Thomas L. Murphy and sister, Miss
Jllian, arrived last evening from Om
aha to attend the wedding of their
sister, Miss Josephine, to Dr. W. F.
Wild, which occurred this morning.
Louis Leiner departed this morning
for Lincoln to visit his daughter, Miss
Caroline, who is ill in that city, but
who is showing signs of improvement
over her condition of the past few
County Attorney A-. G. Cole depart
ed this morning for Lincoln, where he
goes to attend a meeting of the coun
ty attorneys of the state which is be
ing held there, and to confer wdth At
torney General Reed over a number
of new laws.
One way to relieve habitual consti
pation is to take regularly a 'mild
laxative. Doan's Regulets are recom
mended for this purpose. 25c a box
at all drug stores.
John Coughlin and wdfe, who have
been here for the holidays, visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Soen
nichsen, parents of Mrs. Coughlin, de
parted last evening for their home in
P. A. Ilild of the Murray reihber
hcod was in the city for a short time
today looking after a few matters of
importance and visiting wdth his rela
tives and friends.
We oil your harness for $1.00 per
set, and now is the best time to have
it done. Also first-class repairing of
all kinds at reasonable prices. Ten
per cent discount on horse blankets
and robes. John F. Gorder, Platts
mouth, Neb.
J2L srv
is Worse at Nkht
The simplest and quickest way to .c-t
rid of a wearing, racking night coufch,
tickling throat, bourse, wheezy brci.lh
ing is to take
Foley's Honey and Tar.
In it, you et the curative intiiK nee of
the pine tar I'.nd otl.i-r healing ingredi
ents, together with the mollifj ing and
laxative action of hoaey.
.ti'.tor C. T. Miller, C.innrlron, Ind. (ICn
qiiirer) writes: "1 w:ia troubltd with bron
chial affection nml coughed consti-Mly dav ar.d
night. 1 took Foley's Honey :u:l Tar und (!.t re
lief. It is (treat (or colds and coL.rhs. '
Li firippe- and bronchial coughs, eroi;p. boarse
nebb, tickli.-ifi throat, are nil quickly relieved.
Lincoln, Jan. S. As an indication
of the increase in the automobile busi
ness in this state, the figures given
out by Secretary of State Pool : how
an increase of over 71 per cent for
191(1 over that of 191") in the number
of licenses issued.
In 191 f the number was .";.l 40.
while in 19K5 the numbers ran up to
101,201, which dues not include dupli
cate numbers of motorcycles.
Taking the population of Nebraska
to be a million and a uuarter, five peo
ple in a family, it would mean that
there is one automobile to every two
and one-half families.
The people of today are continually
at war with their stomachs. This de
plorable fact leads to constipation,
flatulence, headache, megvin. netvous
tiess, loss of appetite and encigy, gen
eral weakness, etc. Make a durable
peace with your otormuh! Clean out
the bowels and keep them clean by the
help of Triner's American Elixir of
Bitter Wine, the only trustworthy
remedy for stomach troubles. It is
uepared from bitter herbs, roots and
arks of highest medicinal vahie and
t pure, perfectly matured, natural
red wine. Do not take alcoholic
stomach bitters, which weaken the di
gestive organs, while Triner's Amer
ican Elixir of Bitter Wine strengthens
them. Price 1.00, at drug stores.
Where a peace is impossible, as for
nstance with iheumatism or neural
gia, chase away the torturer with the
aid of Triner's Liniment. This rem
edy is unsurpassed also in accid.ra ,
prains, swkdlinjrs, chilbhines, etc.
T)f!w. )"l. iril 0. if .lrlT tiT"- 1.'
Ilt '.'V 41I1V.4 i"V .4b HIS.., ...
mail, 35c and COc Have you the
charming Triner's Golden Calendar?
f not, send 10c to cove!- mailing ex
penses. Jos. inner, ..Manufacturing
Chemist, 1333-1 :!::.) S. Ashland Ave.,
Chicago, 111.
Ivan J. Belfour of near Union, and
Thurman Frans of Nehawka. who
were here la.-t evening to attend the
meeting of the Masonic lodge, took
tdvantage of the occasion to visit the
Journal office, and enrolled for the
Semi-Weekly for the coming year.
Both of the young men are among the
progressive farmers of their locality.
Mrs. Frank Weinegar of Burlington,
., is in the ctiy for a visit at the
John Ilobschiedt homo, being called
liere by the death of Miss Mary Hob-
chiedt. Mrs. Winegar and Mrs. John
Ilobschiedt are life-long friends, hav
ing came from the same locality in
If you have anything for sale adver-
ise in the Journal.
inally Relieved by the Old Reli
able Thedford's Black-Draught.
Traverse City, Mich. Mrs. J. W.
iMw.-jjT.i5. rvf thi tmm. sava: "I suf
fered for about 18 years with liver
trouble, and doctored with many tiu-
fvrpint rpmpdip!. At. last. I WTas tolcJ
that an operation was the only thing
that would help me, but I heard of
Thedford's Black-Draught, and took
six 25-cent packages and it cured me.
I can recommend it to all who sutler
from liver troubles..
I have influenced several of my
neighbors to take Black-Draught
Liver Medicine, and I give it to my
I can safely say that I owe my life
frt Pl?ifk-rraniyit:. n5 it. Tiut TY1P on II1V
feet after everything else had failed."
You know that you can depend upon
Black-Draught Liver Medicine for
quick and permanent rener in an dis
orders of the liver, stomach and bow
els, such as indigestion, constipation,
biliousness, headache, sour stomach,
tired feelinir. and many other common
ailments;- because, in the past 75
years, it has helped so many tnou
sands of people, whose troubles were
similar to these.
Safe, gentle in action, and without
bad after-effects, Black-Draught is
rum to benefit both young and old.
Bold everywhere. 25c a package.
Coats only one cent a dose. NCB4
lO 3 IV
The Plainsman Possessed Muiy Inti
mate Friends in Nebraska and
Friends All Over the
William F. Cody, known over the
world as "Buffalo Bill," has answered
the hist roll call, passing away yes
terday morning at 11 o'clock at the
home of his sister in Denver, and one
of the best known men in the world
is removed from this earth to his
dual reward. Colonel Cody had been
the associate and friend of kings,
princes and plainsmen and his death
will be universally regretted. The
news brought keen regret to the old
friends of ti e famous scout in Omaha,
among whom are numbeied Colonel
W. F. McCune, Colonel Thomas Swobe,
Richard Kitchen of the Paxton hotel
and General John C. Cowin, the emi
nent attorney of the metropolis.
The sketch of the life of Colonel
Cody is given by Colonel McCune, who
was associated with him in the life on
the plains; in early days, and will be
of great inteiest to the public as it
touches on the personal side of the
famous western scout:
The "Buffalo Bill Wild West show."
which Colerud Cody an 1 "Nate" Salis
bury organized in Omaha in 1x3. was
distinctly of Omaha and carried the
name of this city all over the country
and into the courts and coliseums of
Colonel M.-Cune. who resigned a.
position as sergeant of police to go
with the show, remembers well its
To Go to Rome.
"This show will never 'top," Col
onel Cody p.odicte.l. according to Col
onel ?dcCu:; . "ii!l it n-nches the
coliseum in Koine."
Alter having made, given away and
t M'vcral fortunes "Buffalo Bill"
ha.i been planning to start out next
-:nii: C with the bbrgest show of his
life. Colonel McCune already 1. as-
started negotiations for Indians to
::iv(ir.r.ny it and ha 1 wiitten to "Ibr.
American Horse,". "I. one Bear'' ana
other Indian leaders at the Pine Ridge
reservation. South Dakota.
One of ihe ir.n.-t st. iking an 1 pic
tuiestie caret.-..- of American history
i- thr;t of Colonel ( 'o iy.
Was Barn in Iowa.
Bern on a t'.rm in Scott county,
Iowa, February L'f, IS It', he became a
pony express rale", scout, slayer oi
buffalo, soldier, howr.ian. capitalist,
builder, reclaimer of desert kin. Is and
yet died leaving but a trifling estate.
He made .oin,(n)0 at the World's
fair in Chicago, and in 1SS7 at Karl's
court, London, had made a fortune.
Colonel McCune estimated that Cody's
earnings during the last thirty-five
years ran into millions of dollars
exactly how much it is impossible to
estTmate on account of "Bulfalo Bill's"
rather reckless methods of handling
his own funds.
Colonel Cody is known to have
given away more money to needy
actors, actresses, showmen and others
in straightened circumstances titan
any other one man in the world, with
the exception of those philanthropists
who have organized their charitable
(Jives Little Cirl $:00. ,
Colonel McCune remembered today
that in 1S07 olonel Cody gave $300
to a little girl who asked him for alms
in an Cmaha hotel. He spent vast
amounts in financing stranded shows
and in "starring" actors and actresses.
Cody spent .c';o,000 to make Mrs.
Katherine Clemmous Could, wife of
the millionaire, Howard Gould, a
stage star. He sue'd her for that
amount, which he claimed he lost in
the unsuccessful venture, but the suit
was withdrawn and never tried.
"The only stranded show which
Colonel Cody helped which afterward
made good," said Colonel McCune,
"was that of Mdntyre & Heath,
now famous black-faced comedians.
When they went broke at North
Platte he started them out again, and
Mdntyre paid back the money eight
een or nineteen years ago.''
Sinks Fortune in Mine,
Colonel Cody's many investments
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot re;ich the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in
tluenced by constitutional conditions, and
in order to cure it you must take an
internal remedy Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine Is taken internally and acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
"system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed by one of the best physicians
mi this country for years. It is com
posed of some of tiio best tonics known,
combined wim some of the rjst blood
pir;licrs. The perfect combination, or'
the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is what produces such wonrterfu'
results in eatr.i rha.1 conditions. Send for
1 stimonials. free.
F. J. CiinNKV .- CO., rrops.. Toledo, O.
All Drunsisls, 70e.
Hall's l'uuiily Pills for constipation.
came way every day, it is a cooking machine. It is the
finest cooking machine known, the most beautiful range
in the world, and, belongs in every kitchen in this land
of ours. -VMV&n
Scrap that old range get a Copper Clad.
turned out badly in the latter years of
his life. He sunk S"7,00 in one oh
His home, Scout's Rest, near North
Platte, comprising nearly !,."() acre
dually had to Ik.' sol.'. Only a short
time ago it was acmiired bv Dan
"ains of Omaha from Pawnee, Bill
one of Cody's last partners in the
how business, into v. hose hands it
hat! fallen.
About nine years ago Colonel Mc
Cune. in vain, tried to induce Cody to
invest $100,000 in Omaha downtown
real estate.
"Too slow, too slow," said "Buffalo
Since that time Omaha property
has vastly increased in value.
On" of the big construction jobs of
Colonel Cody's life was proving the
feasibility of the "Cody road" through
Shoshone canyon to Yellowstone Xa
tional Paik, in spite of declarations
by engineers that it was impossible
He took a party of United States
;i-r.iv officers through the route
which h'i pointed out. The road was
built and also, what is said to be the
highest dam in the world, which cost
Although the original wild west
-how of 1SS; was rather a novel idea,
it carried with it about 175 persons,
in Chicago.
Retiring temporarily from the show
in loO.'l, Cody lived on his ranch,
where he devoted several years to
icelamation of arid lands in Wyo
ming. He turned the Big Horn valley
from a barren, sun-dried waste into
a fruitful wealth-producing country.
He was president of the Shoshone
Irrigation company.
The first three partners of "Buf
falo Bid" became millionaires. They
were: "Nate" Salisbury, James W.
Bailey, later of Barnum & Bailey's
circus, and W. W. Cole.
Enlists as Scout.
Colonel Cody enlisted as a scout
and guide, in the Seventh Kansas regi
ment in the civil war and served in
the union ranks until the close of hos
tilities. March 0, 18G0, he married
Louisa Fredei ici.
He acquired the name "Buffalo
Bill" when, in 1S07, he contracted to
furnish all the buffalo meat required
to feed laborers engaged in construc
tion work for the Kansas racific rail
road. In eighteen months he killed 4,280
Great Indian Fighter.
Colonel Cody participated in more
Indian battles than any other white
man. in tne oartie oi amiuu viecn.,
about 1870. he killed the Cheyenne
Indian chief, Yellow Hand, in a hand
to-hand fight.
Codv also was once a politician,
havinc been a member of the Ne
braska legislature in 1S72.
"One of the proud moments of 'Buf
falo Bill's' life," said Colonel McCune,
"was when he met Queen Victoria,
the Prince of Wales, who afterward
became king, and the princess. The
wui stnorpfl in the parks of
Buckingham palace by royal invita
tion. and members of the royal party
took the places of the cowboys in the
performance, sending the rough riders
to the errand stand.
When Cody was presented to the
prince, instead of kissing the princely
hand, be held out his hand, saying:
"Hello, prince; glad to meet you."
Prince Edward shook hands warmly
and in a few minutes the two were on
the best of terms and remained
Cass Camp No. 332 will hold in
stallation of ofneers Wednesday night,
January 10th All members are urged
to be present.
J. E. SCIIUTZ, Counsel.
Copper Clad
This range is designed
for the women who
takes pride in home and
harmony. For the wom
an who appreciates beau
ty and goodness.
The Copper Clad
Range is to make cook
ing a science and as it
does the same thing the
Eighty-Seven Years Old.
II. II. Adams, Springfield, Mo.,
writes: "I had a severe attack of kid
ney trouble. I am getting old, 87
years. I tried different treatments,
but none did me so much good as
Foley Kidney Pills." Foley Kidney
Pills build up weakened kidneys, help
l id the blood of acids and poisons, and
relieve bladder troubles. Sold every
where. W. Ii. C. NOTICE.
The Woman's Relief Corps and the
G. A. R. will hold joint installation
at their rooms at the courthouse
Saturday afternoon at 2:.'J0. l-ll-2td.
Day or night service.
D. C. Pickenpaugh.
Phone 380.
I will sell at public auction at my
home, seven and one-half miles west
of Plattsmouth, a half-mile north of
Louisville road, five miles southeast
of Cedar Creek and a half-mile north
of Becker school house, on Wednes
day, January 17th, the. following de
scribed property, to-wit: .
Twenty Head of Horses and Mules.
One span gray horses, weight, 3,200,
4 and 5 years.
One span brown -.horses, weight,
2,800, 7 and 8 years.
One span carriage horses, weight,
1,100, 10 and 15 years.
One black horse, weight, 1,500, 5
years old.
One gray mare with foal, weight.
1,250, 11 years.
One dark gray colt, weight, 1,100,
2 years old.
One dark brown colt, weight, 1,150;
2 years old. 1
One black brood mare, weight, 1,150,
11 years old.
One sorrel brood mare, weight.
1,000, smooth mouth.
Eight Duroc-Jersey sows; bred.
One horse, weight 1,000, 4 years. ;
One mare, weight, 1,475, 8 years. '
One horse, weight, 1,500, 3 years. ,
One horse, weight, 1,350, 3 years. .
One mare, weight, 1,575, 13 years.
One suckling colt, 4 months old.
One span of 3-year-old mules.
Eleven Head of Cattle.
Eight head of good milk cows.
Two heifers. ;
One Short Horn bull.
Farm Machinery, Wagons, Etc. ,
One corn elevator and power. t'ie
press drill. One self-binder. One corn
planter. One disc harrow. One Mil-:
waukee mower. One 12-inch gang
plow. One 16-inch sulky plow. One'
16-inch walking plow. One 4-sectioiv
harrow. Two walking cultivators. One;
6-shovel riding cultivator. One ma-i
nure spreader. One corrugated roller.
One smooth roller. One bob-sled. One
3-stroke hay press. One small wheat
drill. One 2-section harrow. One
sweep feed grinder. One carriage.
One top buggy. Two lumber wagons.
One hay rack and wagon. Four sets'
work harness. One set buggy harness.
One DeLaval cream separator. One
Old Trusty incubator. One big butcher
kettle. One horse clipper. One post
drill. One forge. Tools of all kinds,
household goods and other articles too
numerous to mention. Sale com
mences at 10 a. m. Lunch served at
Terms of Sale All sums under $10,
cash; over $10, one year's time will
be given, purchaser giving note with
approved security bearing 8 per cent
interest from date. No property to
be removed from the premises'untir
settled for. IL E. BECKER. '
W. R. Young, Auctioneer.
C. G. Fricke, Clerk.