The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 11, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5
r"1 i t. v f ft v f i 1 TjUItSUAY, JANUARY 11, 1917. Z7 Schmarter is in the best form of his career not having lost a match this season. He has met Woods on two previous occasions, the first about a year ago, when Schmarter lost to Woods. The second contest resulted in a draw, after two hours battle. This, the third contest, is for $100 side bet, and will be a genuine battle. Do not miss this one, as it is going to be an event long to be remembered. CY. S- SHERMAN, (Sporting Editor Lincoln Star) Referee. ADMISSION Ringside, 75c; General, 50c; Ladias Free TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL Ei LI TO BE GIVEN AT THE FSVE BIG PRIZES FSVE EVERYBODY INVITED MUSIC BY HOLLY'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION Gents 50c, Ladies 25c, Spectators 25c PUBLIC SALE 'l !k ini.icr.-ined will sell at Public auction : the Martin farm, one-half mile eaTT arid a quatter mile south of Murray, commencing at 10 O'clock sha:p. -n Thursday, January 25th, the following descril-ed property: One i rel horse, coming: I years o; 1. weight l.i'i'O. (; v I-hick lior -j, coming 1 years i.:.'. vci-ht !,."." i. One i'-.xwn ma:e, coming 12 years old. weijrht 1.2o0. Oi '- rofd milk cow. Or.c I-months-okl calf. o t tun-rev.- stalk cutter. One s'-ven-foot disc. One three-st-ction harrow. On1- iV-t-re riding lister. One i 1-irch walkinir plow. One l''-i:'ch ridins; plow. Or.e waikinj? cultivator. Oi-f Udosier .-eeder. Or e Deerinr mower, line six-foot McCormick hinder, in r!y ?u-w. (f tvtflv-fi)t 1 leering hay rake. Oim- SH-foot 'nay iack. Cw wart-n with. hox. One low-wheel warron with box. The Nehawka Wills rc now Rolling and Manufacturing the FLOUR! Tlie Popular Cass County Brand of Flour EVERY SACK GUARANTEED! Also a Full Line of By Products! C. D. ST. JOHPS, Prop. JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller. For Sale by Hatt & Son, Plattsmouth, Neb. and Puis & Cansemer, Murray, Neb. ii 2 VL- of Louisville, II ir L 5 One spring: wagon. One thirty-frallon kettle with stand. Two sets of heavy work harness. Four work collars, and many other article; too numerous to mantion. Lunch will be served at noon by W. A. Scott. Terms of Sale All sums of S1U and under, cash in hand; on sums over ?10 a credit of six to nine months will be given, purchaser giving note with ap proved security drawing 8 per cent in terest from date. All property must be sctled for before being moved from premises. Everything will be sold to the highest bidder. j. m. Mcculloch, owner. W. R. Young, Auctioneer. W. G. Boedeker, Clerk. T I. FOR SALE. V Improved farm, northwest -4. of 13-20-6. Boone court y, Ne- I braska; two and a half miles I from Albion; $16,000.00. Easy terms. MICHAEL V. KUIHJY, . Albion, Nebraska. ,..T..i.MilnT 99 H ivi I 3J j Li mwiiiTTT t mr- 3 K B U Q Neb., 175 !bs I HE Cyynsl Platli-mouth. Xeb., Jan. !:. i'.'iT. Doard n;ct in regular sesivn. Frec ent. Henry Sr.oke, Juliu- A. Pitz and C. K. Heebner. county conmissio;ur; Fiank J. Libershal. county clerk. Minutes of previous session.; read and appiovt-v!, win n ih following business was transacted in regular foi m : Upon application th.e following banks were designated as cou:i:y tie pes'tories by the board: The Nebraska State bank oi Weep ing Water, Neb. Th Plattsmouth Stale l ank, Platts mouth. Tiie Hank of Murdoch. Murdoch, Neb. The First Security bank '" Cedar Creek, Nob. The 1-irst Nati'Mi.-'.l ia?ik, (ireen wood, Neb. The Farmers State leak of Oreen wood, Neb. The Bank of Avoca, Avoca, Neb. The Farmers State bank, Vahah, Neb. The EIniwuod State bank, L;, Neb. American Exchange ban!:, Eimwood. Nei. Bank of Union, Uni:n, N-:. Bank of Commerce. Louisville ?eb. ; Murray State bank. Murray. Nb. i Bank of Earr'e. Eatrle, Ne The Fi-st National bank of Plaits- j mouth. Neb. Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. Neb. The Farmers State hank, Avoca,; Neb. j The Manky State bank, Manley. Neb. ! The county judge hied his report of ; fees for the fourth quarter," K'i. to the amount of s' j County Clerk Frank J. Lihersha! fded his appointment of M. A. Jirou-; stk as deputy in his office at a salary j of .1,00 per annum, to be p il i o4it of 1 the fees of the fhee, and same was , approved by the board. ! Mike Trit.-:ch, county treasurer, filed i a request with the board akirar to j be permitted to retain W. K. rex in j his office for the month of January ' and some was gram'- ' by board 1 he eountv cl "k v .-..-, in-tru'-te'l to call for bid. ows: Cwir.t;. print ing; burial of pauper poor, and for county physicians for the phy sician districts. Bids to be received up until noon on Monday, I tbruary .o, 3!)17. The following -xtin:ate of expens? was made for the coi'nty for the year 11)17: For ordinary courity lereaaic to be used, for general par poses, including the sup port of poor and poor farm of the county ? .o 7.0(H) For Bridge purposes .',500 For bridge pur pores mer ge n cy) IVr road purpo-es '.,.",! to !'ihi For soldiers relief fund, of th , county 1,200 For mothers' pension fund of the county 1,000 i Total estimate .S14S.700 As advertised, bids for the painting of the second f l or of the court house and all -of the rulside woodwork were received from :.-.e f ' Ho virer Benl & Pecpler, Idattsmouth. Ne' G A. Thompson Contracting Pa m-! .F PLATTSMOUTH EVENING JOURNAL. wnia JfemA frfcr,i..tfSfiai irir. i d--ffiifl off 0C5 S3 I I". I!. C.'i.'lxi.n. T,iattsiroath, N ? . I T!u ' 1 ids .ven opened an--' alt i c:nnpIiod with the ei'l! of the county eK-.-k as to ni.-hir? fC i i.e ! .i'cc!:. v.iti- f t, exception of t. . . ; i.f i. A. " h.-m.-or. Contract'iiz ! 'a, ..-.l 'f ( p : l a. in i; ti n o' ' Vm;n.sioner PI;.. c;o:ii!'d i-y C ;n r.:..-siont.'r Hee'-Kr. . the c-nt vavt was awarde.! to F. l. ' ; ivivl'i.:::) -f Pkitt-Tnotah. he beinz , ti:e lowest cr. p-.nsibie '.."dder. On mo- ti'-.n the cunty attorr.ty was instiucl- i t tJ prepa-e and d; aw up the neee-J ::'y cisiitra.-t. ! (Vuiuv .iihiue Alien J. Ueeson tiled j l.'s appointmetst of Marie Svoboda clerk in his -?:ee at a salary of 2.oi; per year, payable according to V.w. Said appointm'.nt approved i-y the board. The following bonds were approved :v the board: Bond of Fred Patterscn, county sur-'V(;-. !m! f S. M. Co, roail over.-ecr. Fin.VM.od jirecinct. Bnd f C. F. lieichard, constable, Louisville precinct. 'Jon I of the First Naibuia! J.ank of ( i reenwfiiM !, county d. posit(ii y. I. iiii of the First Xa:;or.:d Iraid. Piatt sniouth. county depository. Comity treasure- this day instructed to refund to John R. Meisinger of Plattsmouth, Second ward, the sum of -7.S1. being the amount of city tax ; : cu'ously a?-sessed against his per-.-i vutl property belonging in Platts r.:fi:tii p'ecinct. ApIication. petition and license fee '" ."JO for oj.vating a Pool and bil liard hail in the village of Nchawkn. N ;.. received bv the countv clerk ' s-orn Nds Andeison. On motion the b a: i voted to grant lieen-e. and t!ie count' clerk was instructed to is- ;je said license for a period of one year, fr.-m January 1-, 11'IT to Jan- ! uarv 12, 11(18. Cent; act made and entered into be- ! ween Frank R. Gobelman and the i Boar-1 of Commissioners of Cass ! for the paint'ng of the second' r1)(.r 0f the court house and all of ;he autside wood work. The following claims were audited and allowed by the board: General Furtd J) -. (;. H. Gilmote. insane case Fred Krecklow . $ S.0) i lit 'I" . J. E. Ieuglas. do Ja.ntts Robertson, do C. J). O-.dnton, do W. O. (lil'.-spie, witness do... E. W. Thimgan, witness do. tat Jou-al Co., supplies to '-') t. k L ' ) ' j "jjjj (h-ti iet .iud:-e Dr. G. II. Ciiiire re, insan'.- ca.-e Mary Baedeker J. E. Lou ;r! as. do James Robertson, do....T.... I. C. (uinton. do W. W. Wasley. auto livery U fh'-nlf Waterman Lumber and Coal Co., coal and lumber to CL'Tity .'. Crozier Bros., Mfise. to Glasgo 0: Mr'Jirids, $10 K.-B. I'rinting Co., sujtplios on claim No. Remington Typewriter Co., rib bons to county John Wey;-''. h, carjicnter work at court house C. W. Baylor & Co.. coal to 1UV2 o.on n.oo o.oo -7Q U I . I J.O'J .or 20.0 r4. 81 o.o: Brandt, Worden, Dillehay, Iiavi- . . .,. .' 18.00 Julius A. Pit::, salaty arid milt age 10.40 C. E. Heebner, do .20 A. G. Bach & Co., Mdse. to, Headley and Dille hay ' 2 1.00 C. E. Heeluier, telephone calls for the year, P.'IO 4.71 Dragjring Fund J. M. Hoover, dragging rli-trict 1 Stanton, Meb., 135 lbs ! IliiJe Fuiul ; Chus. Allen, biidire work ! Iload Fund i Keystone Pipe Co.. concrete 1.20 tubes for ro:d district No. 27 1U2.0' '.)'. n'.Dtiop. the board adjourned to r.t 't Tuesday. Ftbruary '. i.'lT. FRANK J. LIBKKSHAL, C-.iuitv Clei-k. AL0 NEWS ITEMS . Keith v. ent to l.incoii! Wedt !;'-'- Ilr'ph Uhiey visite at the House j home Sunday. j Mi s Ed Ca.-ey spent Tuesuav with Eil r..v rt.turju,i from Omal i v. anesvaiy evening. Mr. and Mi.-. Chas Wool ent to I . ; i ; c o ! n Wednesday. Chi is lb-canicr was a jassenger to Lincoln Wednesday. diss Alt"4 Linch was shoiping in Lincoln We Ine.-dav. "has. Goubey and family were Lin - n !:i visitors I'riday. M. B. Griffin left Friday for a cou I le of days at Valparaiso. Mrs. A. I. Bird and son, Wesley, were in Elmwood Tuesday. Mbs Emilie Griffin spent Tuet-day a:: 1 Wednesday in Lincoln. Liorn. January 5. P.'IT, to Mr. and M:s. P.oy Chapin, a daughter. Mrs. E. M. Stone visited her son. La Verne, in Lincoln Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Front v -returned from i Lincoln on No. 14 Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. George Brown wart to Unadilla Tuesday to visit relatives there. Mrs.. Chas, Snavely went to Lincoln Tuesday to visit for a few days with relatives. W. E. Casey was in town Tuesday, returning to his home in South Om j ana on So- i4 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Curyea and daughter spent several days in Omaha during the Xmas vacation. Mrs. Isela Kennedy and nephew, Vernon Hinebaugh, went to Omaha j Monday to have his eyes treated, j George Foreman was in Lincoln ; Tuesday to -ee his son. Lorn, w ho is not so well at thiiv.riting. Mr. and .Mrs. Orville Quellhorst went to Omaha Tuesday evening, re turning Wednesday evening. MPs Ruth Vincent returned Tues day from Washington county, Kansas, where she has been the past two months. Born, January o, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chapin, a daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Johnson, Jan. 7, a daughter. Warren Bird and Wi'l Kitr.el shipped stock to South Omaha Wed nesday. Both men accompanied the rhipment. n Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Uptegrove and Rev. Wight and Prof. Miller were dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Timblin's. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Foreman of Lin cola vi-ited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Foreman, Tuesday night, returning to Lincoln Wednes- cay. Will Westfall has moved back to Nebraska again from Texas, where he lived last year. Mr. Westfall likes Nebiaska best. He is now located at Wabash. Mrs. Ciatence Curyea and daughter, Lillian, entertained the latter's father, John Wood, and sister, Miss Grace Wood, "at dinner the latter part of ST-" 15th. of Miss Grace Bailey went to Lincoln I Saturday. Bert Kitzel was a Lincoln visitor Saturday. About the wolf hunt Alonday. Forty-two men none. Mrs. Polly Vickers is visiting rela tTves and friends here. dame- door shipped a car'of cattle to South Omaha Tuesday. Bern, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chapin, Thursday, January 4th, a girl. Ed Jannes of Elnrwoud isited at the Hen.y Miiler home this week. Mrs. Frank Coed, and children came home Wednesday from Weeping Water. Mn Lewis Herman's mother, Mrs, Kear, returned to her heme in Lincoln after a few weeks visit. Civs. Godeee p.jy Turner McKennon shipped stock to South Omaha Wed nesday, accompanying the shipment. Mrs. Andrew Christensou accom panied Mr. Christen-on to Lincoln Monday to the hospital, where he is to underero an ooeration. P.os-. oe Bird returned Saturday fiom i Mankalo, Kan., where he visited rela i fives. His sister, Mrs. Hughes, came 'name with him for a visit. Tuesday, January I!, being George Curyea's birthday and their fortieth wedding anniversary also. Ruby Woods a:-J Bei nice MickeFs eleventh biithday. Mrs. Gciee Cuiyea and granddaughter. Lizzie, gave thepi a pleasant surprise in the form of a de licious dinner at the ferrner's home, which all enjoyed very much. Claienee Buckne'd and Miss Chris-ti'-'e Ro-trow of p'mwood, were mar tied Saturday at the home of Rev. J. W. Ernbvee at University Place. Rev. M. A. Keith performed the ceremony. I "- nausea. Too stoat persons wcl Mr. and Mrs. Buekned came in on ! eome the light feeling they bring. Sold No. 14 Wednesday to visit the for mer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Buckneil. We extend congratulations. FOR SALE. Fine six-acre tract, close to city: goJ house, bain and outbuildings, plenty of fruit; a bargain at SO.-aUO. Call on Tom Bow?r. i3isiin Make an Automobile Out of Your Ford! 1 1 i mSjii -jTrtni. Ford Owners isad Jack Mulford who represent Pick ers & Co.. traveling his territory in an automobile met with a peculiar and (i Jessing accident about five miles east, of Bradford. It s'-cm.-: that a sadden gust of wii.d blew olf his hat and in attempting to catch it he let go of the steering wheel. Un fortunately at that moment the wheels struck a rut, the car turned turtle as it slid into the ditch bury ing Muifoid beneath it., etc. The most valuable accessary yet brought out for the Ford car. Re moves the strain of driving. Gives compiele control of car, over 10,ooo sold to dute, your car is next, come Vj a real machine shop and have one put on. try it if you don't like it. we v.-ill take it off and refund your money. Price Slo.00. PAGE 3. f if 1 -4 D n V CAL WOODS, Stanton2 Nebraska n t I la I Mil U.I ! Poultry W anted m v 7.- I .1 V,. ; T y r " rt- ! Wanted A car load of live p ul'ry to be delivered at car near Buriing'on depot at Plattsmouth. Neb., on Tue--day. .1 an e,;' ry P'.'.h. one day n-ily, for which we will pay in cah as fol lows. lit !i -. i ! lb Ilk" .Ml youne- roosters !."c hl r..ters !'c lucks Pk- (Jeese l-c Beef hide F'C Horse hides, eacii ('..:. t V. E. KEEEJEY Signs of (load Health. Bright eyes, clear skins, ale; t brain--and energetic movements are signs of good health. You don't have them when digestion is impaired and fer menting, decaying food clogs the in testines. Foley Cathartk- Tablets set you light. Act without pain, griping everywhere. FOR SALE -"-r. Ik. use; city water in house, electric lights, well and cis tern; 1 lot. Inquire of Harry Messer smith. 12-lo-tfd STALK FIELD For cattle and Horses. E. R. QUEEN. IKKLVKKSir.I.I- MOKM Steering Gear for Ford Cnr W Vv I. I I f - ? Off Foundry nine eno M i i ' ers, Omaha, Xeb. No. 3 2i.2-5 last week. Plattsmouth, Nebraska "ST r i!