The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 11, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Cbc plattsmouth journal
Catered at rostoffice at Plattsmouth. second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher .
Let him who has a grievance
againt his fellow descend into
himself and seek whether he
has nvwr heen good in the
j(rc-t life of that fellow. For
mj;-elf I hae neter met any
one by whose side I have felt
my inisibk goodness besting
itself without he has become at
that very instant better than
mvse!f. Maeterlinck.
Beautiful Winter weather.
It may j-rove a weather breeder.
Why not macadamize the other ave
nues. :o:-
Fr.le.-s put there by the right
V'.man. a man does not care for a
f! i-er in his coat lapel.
Wheii your conscience will not al-
h-'.- you to sju-ak good of a neighbor.
d-:i"t speak of them at all.
Experience tcr.ches that the person
who is always searching for some-
tri!:r better seldom finds it.
Yi:; oft', n find a person who pre-fe-.-
a cheerful liar to the person who
ir.-i-ts on telling the plain truth.
Kei y couple sk'udd have witnesses
at their marriage. They come handy
"u' eii the diree sidt i- instituted.
If a ftllow a:i!s to m!I you a sure
winner, k-ep your money in your
! k t. lie ha.-::'t get it or he would
k it him .-elf.
Not being aide to swat all the lit
tle irritat! -ns of life, as we would
.-uat a fly. it is a good idea to try to
i ;-e rdnive them.
yung couples. elope in onler
r'it to find themselves overstalked
with ak'.rm clocks following a con
ventional wedding.
.t the beginning f the war every
body trembled, because the financial
experts e. timated that a year of light
i:iT would eo.-t ",oiM. It did, and
a lot more.
Since some of the railroad man
agers have expressed a willingness to
sell their roads to the government,
many of thoe who have been asking
for government ownership are inclined
to wonder if this is a good time to
buy. That depends on whether the
Moads will sell at actual or inflated
v ah-iation, the writer would think.
It is amusing to hear some of the
"protectionist" newspapers howling
for investigation of the high cost of
p ipe;-. So long as it wa.: high-pricvd
food, fuel, rlothi :rr, etc., these papers
believed in hiirh prices, but when the
.-1 u" begins to pinch their own feet,
they hwl for relief. Hut let us have
the investigation, anyway. When the
price of a commodity rrr.i'le from
: j ! i;ce trees doubles in cost in one
year, it is time to take an inventory.
Let us agitate the .matter of ma
cioiamizing ( hicaco and Lincoln ave
n;:es. It can be done at one-half the
price' that the work can be done
w ith bri' k, a nil we have the rock right
hcie at home, and the men and teams
to place the rock on the avenues. All
w - need is a the crusher, and we can
pun hare a good second-hand crusher
very cheap, and guaranteed to do the
work. And after the avenues have
been macadamized, then we can do the
work on son.e other principal thor-
noghfaies. This kind of business will
g'o employment to out- laborers, and
those " !i" 'vi'l p"il';!p- rv'd the en
Is it possible that our pedagogues
are neglecting the memory of so im
portant a personage in our national
history as the revered emancipator?
Most of us may have thought of
such a possibility, but the allied Grand
Army posts of Omaha seem to have
conceived the idea that our schools put
in so much time teaching the young
about Caesar, Cicero and their ilk that
no adequate time is given to the in
spiration that lies in an intimate
knowledge of the life and works of
Abraham Lincoln.
Pei haps the suggestion will startle
the average adult. Those of us who
are old enough to have been in touch
with Lincoln's time and career will be
hardly able to conceive that any child
can have escaped a more or less elab
orate comprehension of what the ven
erable railsnlitter was and is in Amer
ican history. His memory is so deeply
ingrained in American politics and
Amciican history that it must be in
deed a dull child that does not en
counter enough of the love that all
men entertain for his memory and
achievements to awaken in him an in
clination to know more of the savior
of hi.; country.
Of course every product of the pub
lie schools should go out into the
world with a ready speaking acquaint-,
ance with Abraham Lincoln's career.
If the schools do not now provide it,
certainly it is time to suggest that
they should. Cut in providing it the
teacher must not overlook Caesar and
Cicero or any of the celebrities of
their kind in history. An ingrowing
education is as bad as an ingrowing
tovr.ail. It would be an uncouth pro
duct of any school who would go forth
into the world knowing everything to
bo known about Mr. Lincoln and noth
ing about Caesar and Cicero. Not
even the veneration of the American
veteran for the idolized war president
must be permitted to put the heroes
of. the classics out of history. Lin
coln Star.
Satan, we are told in the old pro
vcib, has little difficulty in finding
mischief for idla hands to do. But
when the hands are not idle, then it's
all off. There's nothing doing for
Satan. Proverbs, it is said, are the
crystalized wisdom of the experience
of ages. Whether this is true of all
proverbs, Thomas A. Edison seems to
have found it true of this one. Last
Sunday a New York preacher read
from his pulpit a number of answers
to the question: "What are the great
est safeguards against temptation?"
which he received from prominent
men. Here is the reply he received
from EHson: "I cannot answer the
question contained in your favor of
the fifth instant, as I have never had
any experience in such matters. I
have never had the time, not even fivt
minutes, to be tempted to do anything
against the moral law, civil law or any
law whatever. If I were to hazard a
guess as to what young people should
do to avoid temptation, it would be to
get a job and work at it so hard that
temptation would not exist for them.':
:o :
The banquet of the Young Men's
Bible class of the Methodist church on
Thursday evening, promises to be one
of the most interesting social events
of the se ason. The Young Men's Bible
class is something that is doing much
good among the young men of the
city, and these annual banquets have
become noted as social events of the
young men.
There are many laws that should
be stricken from the statute books be
fore any new ones go on.
Ker since the days of Samson
women have been able to make fools
of strong men.
Only a short time ago Attorney
General Reed said in giving notice
that he would enforce strictly the
anti-gambling statute:
"It is not up to me to mak the
laws. I have but to enforce them as I
find them. If they are wrong the leg
islature should change them. I shall
observe the laws of this state as they
are given."
But, surprisingly, we are told that
Mr. Reed refuses to enforce the public
warehouse act because, as he says,
"the act is unconstitutional, null and
Void and of no effect."
We may disregard the official's in
clination to pass judicially upon the
soundness of the warehouse statute.
But we cannot disregard the fact that
Mr. Reed insisted at one time that he
would enforce the laws as he found
them and then at another time refused
to enforce a law as he found it.
The warehouse statute was passed
by the 1915 session in response to a
real demond. It was made the sub
ject of a clear-cut democratic party
pledge in 1914. Many investigators,
both republican and democratic, have
since testified as to its desirability
and have stated that its enforcement
unquestionably means the prevention
of loss to farmers who store grain
in elevators of the state.
Until Mr. Reed obtains judicial af
firmation of his opinion, would it not
be better for him to accept the law
at face value and endeavor to carry
it out in the spirit in which he knows
it was enacted? World-Herald.
About all a father expects after he
leaches 70 is a change in the weather.
The man with a beanery appetite
seldom finds fault with the table linen.
And yet a lot of folk who get ex
cited following some leader in a cam
paign will wonder why the people in
Europe are at war at the behest of
R. O. Marnell, of Nebraska City,
has been appointed by Frank Ander
son, grand master workman of the
Nebraska Ancient Order of United
Workmen, grand treasurer of the
lodge, to fill the vacancy caused by
the death of Edward L. Dodder of
Omaha. Mr. Marnell is cashier of the
Merchants' National bank of Nebraska
City, one of the best men that could
have possibly been selected for the
We hope the legislature will soon
get clown to business and make things
lively. A hustling legislative body al
ways livens up things. There is one
member of the present legislature
that they all want to keep their hands
off of, and that is W. J. Taylor of
Custer county. He is a fine gentle
man, unassuming and all that, but he
will fight, and always knows what he
is fighting about. A ready debator,
and in almost every instance is John-ny-on-the-spot
to prove that he. is
right in his argument, lie is an in
cessant worker, and decidedly the ab
lest member of the present house.
That the price of wheat, which be
gan to rise before winter wheat seed
ing time-says the Nebraska Farmer,
did not cause a stampede to wheat is
shown by the government report on
the winter wheat acreage. The in
crease in the country-wide area this
year, compared to last year, is only
2'j per cent. Winter wheat growers,
therefore, are not "tearing their
shirts" to ivercome the world wheat
shortage. In the fall of 1911, just
after the outbreak of the war in
the fall of 1911, just after theout
Europe, there was an increase of 11.1
per cent in the area sown to winter
wheat, compared to the fall of 191'J.
But in the fall of 191.1 the area
dropped back to ll..'l per cent, leav
ing the acreage just about where it
was in the fall of 1913 before the
war. The increase of 2M per cent
in the area this year is not a signifi
cant one All this indicates that farm
ers are following rather well estab
lished cropping systems, and are not
inclined to jump from one thing to
another with every temporary charge
that occurs, (u the long run that, is
the soundest policy.
Considerable sickness in Platts-
No. no, my dear friend, we don't
know everything, and neither do you.
Contractors say that several new
homes are already planned for early
Governor Neville was wise in se
lecting Lee Metcalfe for his private
There will be something doing
around the capital this week with
both branches of the legislature in
Unless the price of sugar drops be
fore the preserving season comes, the
sale of glass jars this year will not be
so large as usual.
' :o:
President Wilson was sixty years
old last week, and Ross Hammond of
Fremont, rises to remork that he ran
like "sixty" last fall.
One reason why we know that uni
versity professors know more than
anyone else is that we can't under
stand their explanations.
You can't keep a good town down.
and that's the reason our citizens are
preparing to "pull together" for the
eld town as soon as spring opens.
There are to be three total eclipses
of the moon and four partial eclipses
of the sun this year. One total eclipse
cf the moon has already occurred.
John M. Teeling, of Hastings, will
carry the electoral vote to Washing
ton, after sixty ballots. John is pro
prietor of the big hotel at Hastings.
Senator Howell has it within him
self to make friends in the pursuit of
his duties, or enemies, whichever he
chooses. If lie wants to run for
mayor of Omaha, he had better brace
i:p, join the procession and try and
be somebody in the senate.
As Carranza is so anxious to get
the United States troops out of Mex
ico, the administration should order
them out, and then watch how soon
Villa licks the stuffing out of Carranza
and his whole gang. Then he wilj find.
out on which side his bread is but
tered. -:o:-
There is something quite inconsist
ent with some of our elevated prices.
For instance bread is sold in England
for 54 cents per pound, while here it
ir, S cents. And the English bread is
made from American flour. Perhaps
this result comes from government
control of prices across the water,
while here it is a purely individual
:o :-
Hon. John Murtey has demonstrated
already that the democrats of Cass
county macbp no mistake in electing
him to represent the county in the
legislature. He seems to be making
himself a very useful member, and he
will make a most extraordinary mem
ber if he is placed as chairman on
some prominent committee like bank
ing, of which he is well fitted.
"Gentlemen may 'cry peace," said
the late Patrick Henry, "but there is
no peace." So the women of Illinois
may plead the single moral standard,
but no such standard exists in any
community. 'Why? Because women
themselves, swift to condemn a sister,
suspected of wrong doing, are at least
tolerant of the roue who is affable,
dreses well and makes a good appear
ance in the social whirl. Bixby in
State Journal.
1'"ioiu 'el nexilji y'.s lyij
W. T. Adams of this city was in
Omaha yesterday for a few hours vis
iting with his daughter, Mrs. Dick Pit
man, of Murray, at the Presbyterian
hospital in Omaha, where she was
operated on a few days ago. Mrs.
Pitman is doing nicely and it is
thought will soon be able to be up and
around and able to return to her home
in a short time. This will be very
pleasing news to the friends of this
estimable lady throughout the county.
For Sale Two fresh milk cows.
John M. Meisinger, Mynard. Phone
3022. " l-2-3td2twkly
A. r.. Tula, Plaintiir.
Simpson Uutcher, et at, Defendants.
Xoliec- of Suit to Quirt Title.
To tlie defendants Simpson lSutclioi";
tin unknown lieirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
'persons interested in tlie estate of
Sinn son ISntclier. deceased: .lolm P.
( 'iiiuniitiurs also known as .lolm P. Cum
mins: Mrs. John P. Ciuinniiiis also
known :is Mrs. .lolm P. Cummins, first
real name unknown; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives, and all other persons in
terested in the estate of John P. Cum
ininRs also known as John P. Cummins,
deceased: the unknown lo irs, devisees,
letratees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Mrs. John" P. Ciimniiims also
known as Mis. John P. Cummins, first
teal name unknown, deceased; S. N.
Merrium, lirst real name unknown;
Mrs. S. X. Merriam, first real name un
known'; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of S. N. Merriam, lirst real name
unknown, deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
i esental i es and all other'nersons in
terested in the estate of Mrs. S. N.
Mtrriani, lirst real nam - unknown, de
censed: Kllen Howard: John I oe liow
i'ld. first real name nnk;.own, hnshand
or widower of Pllcii Howard; the un
known lu-irs, devisees. I v --'a t ees. person
al representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estatt of K'.leu
Howard, deoasod: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal repres.- ii
latives and all other persons inter
cited in ihe estate of John Ie How
ard, li.-st real name unknown, deceased;
I.ouizsa Miles: Kichard lloe Miles, first
real name unknown, hushand or wid
ower of l.ouj.a Miles; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all oil.i r persons in
terested in the estate of I.oniza Miles,
deceased; the unknown I -iis, devisees,
h i-,a tot s, personal n pii t''iit.itU'i's and
all other persons l n t err.-1 e in the is-
tate of IMchaid Koe Miles, tiist real,
name unknown, deceased: M a r.tra re t A.
IMumer: William I'lumer; John J..
Keevcs: Mrs. John I.. Keev.s, lirst real
name unknown: the unknown heirs.!
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and i ll otJ.i.'f persons interested
in the estate of John I.. Kcc'es. de
teased: the unknown heirs. d"vi.-ees.
I. L'ali ( s, .i ismial representatives Mid
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Mrs. John I.. Ie.-es. lirst rea!
name unknown, deceased; the un
known ownns Mid the unknown claim
ants 1 lot seven 7), ia hlock eleven j
(lit. i'lattsniouth, Cass county, ."e
i raska.
Vnn are !,eelv notjtiid that on t!ie)
UMttT day of l' -. I .. !!'l"..
I'h'intitT til. d l is suit in the Pistrict
Court of the County m' f'nss, N'elifaska,
in I'lliot 'da i n t i f; s title to the nhovo
i'.. set i 1 1 d lot. to-wit: lot seven i7. in
hlo' k eleven ill'. ity of I'lattsniouth.
Caf s Count t. Ned raska. hiiaose of his
i dverso possession liv himself and hi
planters for nioie than ' ii yean-; pi un
to the commencement of said suit and
t en.tojn ach am: all of you fr j.m
havinv.' r claiming any rinht. title, lien
or iniere-l. either ieua I or eiiiitahle. in
or to lot 01 any part thereof.
To rcipiiie ynii to set forth your riht.
title, claim, li'-n or intcies! tlarei'i. if
Mi. lither hal or cqnit ihle. :m! to
hae the same adjudged inferior to the
tit!" of plaintiff ami for general Cui
tal le relief. This i.otiee is made pur
suant to the order of the court. You
aie repiired to answer said petition
I .,
iv helore Monday, r f-oi ua i 1!'. A.
11117. or your default wiil he ilulv
t at
red Ihelcin.
A. 1.. TI I d . ria int iff.
A. I.. Tidd, Pro Se.
w. a. l: if.i:i:TS' ".
Attorneys for Plaint ill'.
i.i;;i. mum 1:.
Not'.e to mm - re i'h 11 1 s difendants,
their heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all persons inter
ested in their est a t e.
To the unknown heirs, devisees. leU'
i;ti"S. personal representatives and all
persons interested in the estate of
I o i i s I'm ml;, deceased, and the un
known claimants of the east half of
the northeast onarter of section seven
teen ( IT) township eleven (111'i;
thirteen east tith P. M., ('ass county,
.V!.i aska.
Von and each of you are hereby noti
fied that Charles Cotitryman as plain
tiff, on the IJth day of I tecem her. hip!,
tiled his petition in the IMstrict Court
of Cass county, Nebraska, wherein you
and all of you are defendants, the ob
ject (i ril prayer of which petition, is
that the claim, interest, ritht. title and
estate of each and every one of you
in and to the northeast nuarter of sec
tion seventeen 1 7 J township eleven
(111 north rane thirteen east t'.th P.
M.. Cass county. Nebraska, be declared
invalid, and of no force and effect.
Thai the title of said plaintiff in and
to said real estate, and every part
thereof be ouieted as against you and
each and every one of yon, and against
any and all iaims of any person
through or by you. and that it lie ad
judged and decreed that each and all of
you whose names are above set forth,
if I i vin.iT. and if deceased, the heirs,
devisees, legatees, and personal repre
sentatives and all other persons inter
ested in the estate of each and every
one of you, have no ri-jrht, title, claim
or interest in and to said real estate,
or any part thereof and that each and
all of said defendants, those named,
end those whose unifies are unknown
and not stated, be forever barred from
claim in.!; or asertitm any riRht, title,
interest or estate in and to said real
estate, r any part thereof, and for
nidi "other and further relief as to
the court may seem just and equitable.
You and each of you are further noti
fied that vim are retpiired to answer
said petition on or before Monday the
'.th dav of".Tanoarv, PH7.
A t tnrncy.
I weeks hegiimiiiK ll'-ls-l'!.
NOTK i: TO CltlilMTOIt.
Stale of Nebraska,
' ss.
Cass Con rily.
In i ionil fMri.
In the mailer ot the estate f Harmon
P.c-tor, deceased.
Notice is heteby nivi-u to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
be had upon claims tiled against said
estatt-, before me. County Jude of Cass
County. Nebraska, at the County Court
,...,, in I M :i 1 1 sin o 1 1 1 I in said Couutv.
on the 1; f ; 1 1 1 day of 1 eceni bei , "P I , and
on the jth day ol June, i:i. 111 1 i
o'clock a. m., each day for elimina
tion, adjustment, and allowance.
AH claims must be tiled in said court
on or before said last hour of hcwrinjT.
Witness mv hand and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmout h. Nebras
ka this 7tll dav of November, PH'i.
(Seal! County ..'udC.
Pirst publication 1 1 -27-l!l(i-f wks.
We desire to take this method of
expressing to the many kind friends
and neighbors our heartfelt apprecia
tion of the sympathy shown us at the
time of the death of our beloved
daughter and sister, and especially do
we -thank the friends for the beautifi'.
floral remembrances.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hobsheidt and
Farm Loans, Insurance and Ileal
Estate. See J. F. Foreman.
First Security bank pays 3 per cent
on time deposits.
First Security Bank
Sound, Conservative and Progressive
Ve are anxious to assist the farmer in feeding and
handling his live stock for market
Deposits In This Bank
are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the
State of Nebraska, which ha3 reached nearly $1,
000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you!
WM. SCHNEIDER. President
W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President T. J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President
J. F. FOREMAN, Cashier
Mr. J. li. Strode of Illinois, a brother-in-law
of Hon. G. S. Smith, comes
to Plattsmouth to settle. He will be
found at Geo. Smith's office for the
present. .
Wm. Wettencamp is building one
of the largest and best farm houses
in 'the county. Chaj les S. Twiss is the
engineer (we mean carpenter) and
they (io say our friend William is go
imr to have a No. 1 residence when
it is completed.
Lewis Foltz of Weeping Water is
launching forth in a good direction,
lie is about to start a hennery, on a
large scale. He will keep every de
scription of poultry, and will be pre
pared in the future to furnish the
county with anything in that line.
Mr. T. J. Todd and wife will start
next week on a long visit east, for the
first time in over liftcen years. They
will vi.-dt relatives in Ohio and west
c! n New York, and renew their youth.
We wish them a very pleasant trip
and a safe return with renewed
.health and strength.
An attempt was made to converse
by means of the telephone between
Omaha and Chicago last week, the
telephone in the office of A. E. Touza
lin, manager of the Burlington, at
Omaha, being connected with one in
the office of the Burlington at Chicago.
The attempt was only partially suc
cessful, and another trial will be made
U. V. Matthews has bought the
corner lot on Main street, where
Schlater's jewelry store stands, and
will move his hardware store down
there. Mr. Schlater moves his store
west twenty-two feet and stops there.
This will be a great improvement on
Main street, and give us a new build
ing on Mr. Matthews' bid site be
sides. A son of W. A. Taylor net with a
peculiar accident, Sunday week ago
at Mm. Martins. He was swinging
when a horse was led by the boy
swung himself out and hit the horse
with his toe, the horse kicked but did
not hit the boy, but somehow got its
foot fat in the swing rope, throwing
Ihe boy out and trampling on his
temple and head severely.
Quite an Escapade.
Sundav the wind blew a perfect
n n
Our stock is complete and prices are
lower than the market. Wtih hides sell
ing at 18c per pound and shoes advancing
every day you will not regret a visit at
our store.
Ve have overshoes, also a complete
line of sweater coats and sheep lined coats
at right prices.
Get your butcher supplies of us, a
car of new salt just arrived blocks and
Cedar Creek
gale and the Ferry boat left this shore
about 8 a. m. for Iowa. In endeavor
ing to cross the head of the bar she
grounded and lay there until evening,!
when she at last floated off and down;
stream, finally landing her passengers
on the Nebraska shore about 8 p. m.;
Seme twenty of our people got aboard;
in the morning to go across for the
fun of the thing. Among the number
were Ed Buttery, Alex Schlegel, Sam
Long, Harvey Sage, Joe Buttery,
Thomas Thomas, John Shannon and
others of our young folks. It was the
longesfSunday they ever spent. About
noon the crowd procured some crack-'
ers and cheese from the other side;
and they had a dejeuner a la fran-;
caise in the pilot house. Sage and:
Long finally waded to the bar and got
a skiff to take them over to Iowa,
when they walked down to the trans
fer and thence home. The rest
toughed it out. Eatables were not as
"scarce as drinkables, nothing but Mis
souri river water. It was the best
red-ribbon crowd for that day, that
Plattsmouth has seen lately. As they
were floating down the river at night,
it is said that one of the victims com
menced a letter to his wife thus:
"My Dear Wife: I am floating down
the Missouri in this ferry boat and
God only knows where -we may land;
if I never see you again, take care of
the baby. Buy a new milch cow for
it and keep cool until you hear from
me again. If we should perish take
care of yourself and be a good girl.,
Yours Etc.
P. S. The brindle hen comes off
Tuesday and the old speckled one on'
this day week. Good-bye.'
First Security bank pays 5 per cent
on time deposits.
First Security bank pays 5 per cent
on time deposits.
Don't forget S. J. Reames when you
are in need of paper napkins, paper
plates, ice cream dishes and all kinds
of crepe paper.
! M"I"M"I"M"I !
East of Riley Hotel.
Coates' Block,
Second Floor
.M..I..I..I..I-I.4"!-1 I 'I"M"I"I-I'
Hi '