The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 11, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1917.
PA GF 3.
Murray Department
Prepared in the lnteret of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any stx-ial
n ent or item of inn ieM. in
this vicinity, and will tnali
same to i In-, oflio-. it will ai
lai' under t hN tieudii'.'. e
w&nl all news items Ken ok
Don't Carry
Abo tit a
Great Roll of
If you have made a few hundred dollars in a business deal or a lucky
The possession of a large amount of currency is a temptation to spend.
You Will Not Be So Ready to Draw a Check as
You Will to Spend the Ready Cash
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Oar deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
For Insurance of all kinds see J. V.
I". K. Katon wa visiting friends in
.I'll ray Friday.
Mi.-s Etta Nickles was an Omaha
visitor Saturday.
Ji hn Yanhorn is a nt-'.v phone ub-.-.
: .:n r this week.
Mrs. Trac is sewing for Mrs. (I.
II. ' i ; 1 ; .;v this wee!:.
J. W. Holmes, of
Monday in Mur-
M v. and .Mi
l'latt.-rroiit ii. .-pert
W. II. (;(,u and wife attended the
"Birth of Nation." at Plattsmouth
II. ('. Creamer was an Omaha vis
it'!' Tuesday where he was locking
after his health.
-Miss JVirl Duirgav
. .1 ..' UiiJ'S.
H. R Heed, of Wt
v-as m-jddir.g in about Mur;
..y in his "Tin Lizzie."
s visiting
old classmates in Plattsmotuh
eping Water, j
The Murray merchants are all busy
this week with the annual inventory.
Mrs. C. Tracy is sewing at the
home of Miss Etta Nickles this week.
The library asociation will serve
lunch Saturday afternoon as usual. lie
sure and attend.
Mrs. O. A. Davis visited Saturday
with Mrs. Dick Pittman at the Pres
byterian hospital in Omaha.
Nelson Berger and family were
among the people from Nehawka to
see the "Birth of a Nation."
Ben Dill, who was a delegate to the
A. O. L". W. meeting last week will
make a report to the local lodge at
the next regular meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Creamer en
tertained at dinner Sunday Miss Ger
trude Long and Mrs. Anna White and
son. Lee and Nickles.
Mis. E. S. Tutt. who has been vis
iting with her sister. Mrs. Nimms of
past ten
McP.eynoIds. who has
Mor.- ' Kansas City. Mo., for the
! days returned home last week.
Corn at 87 cents per bushel
i it .i i . i. .
ievii ouite sick for the past few davs. i ?welIintr ine Elevators, ana me snort
i Improving at this time. " I are of cars is causin- muth -riof to
i ?itr
a i o
i the local buyers and farmers. When
wno nas neen suner- ,,.;n ;f
t III f, . w 4 . i i v x
r the past weei-c witli a seiire of
ri'ippe. is aide to be up and
d a '.rain.
Hi' Reike. of Union, was
Murray. Mnriday the meet-in-j
of the Farmers Elevator Co. He
lias !et-n spendinir some time in Cedar
county with friends and relatives and
ir:w- a C!'(-od report of northern Nebraska.
L ' I
is i
.- i st
V. .
Hallstrom has been confined
s I" me in P' -n-wiith for the
few days. sufeiii:LT with a siere
- irrippe. Cashier Boedeker, who
; i'l'tn sutferinir vith 1 i.e jrrlppe
i-'e of the bank with the as-
f Mrs. Boeo'eker. While
s j-ee-i on the job he is a lonjr
a v. el! man at that.
1 l:
Vera Vorman. niece of Mrs. Ruster
h.oltz. returned from the hospital in
Omaha last week, where she has been
for treatment of her eyes. She is
somewhat improved.
The Farmers Elevator, or Murray,
I held their annual meeting Monday
afternoon in the Puis i: Gansemer
hall. The. attendance was as usual,
but we failed to jret the names of the
new o;T'c?rs elected.
The bir wolf hunt west of Murray
retted the hunters five coyotes and
Ed. Murphy's hounds. The shooting
of the hound was purely accidentl.
The next hunt will start six miles
west and extend east to the town of
Murray. Come out with your shot-jrun.
u ft hU
Towels -
which it will pay you to investigate!
Medium size, extra heavy 20c
Regular " " 44 25c
Colored borderand stripes, bigsizes 35c
Extra large size and heavy 50c
Wash Rags 8 and 10c
Men don't overlook the big bargain Kiki
Shirts, extra heavy cloth, $1.00
We handle "Ball Band" ovsrshoes
Mrs. Wm. Hendricks is still very
Fred Gondon is numbered with the
sick this week.
Miss Bertha Nickles spent Sunday
with Miss Ida Good at Murray.
Do not forjret to attend the supper
at the library next Saturday evenin.r-
The family of John Lloyd has been
numbered with the sick for the past
few das. ,
Miss Leora Brown returned to Lin
coln Tuesday, where she will take up
her studies in the state university.
Dr. Jackson contracted a lu-avy
cold whi!e;absent week before Tiut at
tending a funeral at Brokimr, S. D..
and that with an attack of la errippc,
has kept him out of the pulpit for
two Sabliaths, He now expects to
preach both morning arid eveninr next
Sabbath. Tlu
riic-et as usual
this session booklets will be iriven by
the pastor to the scholars of the lower
classes who have attended every Sab-
Sabbath school
;.t lo o'c!o
.Mrs. Kay Oavis nas oeen quite sic-Kjbath of xuVf.mi,er lint )ecender. II,
for the few days past with pneumonia. I ; . a,Si ,,.ltlii;,, a i;i;;,t.,i l'r,-s hate, ian
Grandma McYey has lietn o,ui;e j , ;:int, ,.Mik fl. t ht. yt.., ,. in rV(.,.y fa, ;,
Mrs. D. A. Younr departed Tiuirs- j JIv. These, besides furnishimr li ief
day morning for Moorehead. Ia.. to be j comments on the Sabbath school U-s-with
some of her relatives who ai'es,,ns for the year. rie t he statistir-s
seriously ill. ;,f the denomination and other valu-
The regular luncheon served at the , able information.
Librarv last Saturday was j The trustees announced
very successful, and atrain netted the j
organization a neat sum.
Mrs. II. C. Lonir arrived home this,
week from over in Iowa, where she
has been makinjr an exteiuled viit j
with relatives and friends. j
Mr. and Mrs. James Brown enter
tained at dinner last Sunday. Wm.
Brown, of Canada, and Mrs. James
Loutrhridtre anil daughter. Miss Mae.
Mrs. Wm. Dull and little Mis?
Gladys Mrasek. who spent the holi
days visitinr with friends and rela
tives in Omaha, returned home Monday.
Mrs. E. R. Queen, who has been '
last Sab
bath that the conyreL'ation entered on
the year RUT without a dollar of in
debtedness. Wednesday, January 17. has been
fixed as the date for the installation
of Dr. Jackson as pastor of the con-
i srretration. Ihis service will be nm
j ducted by a committee of Omaha Pres
ibvtorv. Rev. A. L. Godfrey, of !)!'-
The Keystone Pipe company yester
day :rfternoon held their annual meet
ing at the offices of the company at
Union, to discuss the affairs of the
company for the past year, and every
one was well pleased with the showing
that has been made by this new com
pany during the time that it has been
in existence and the outlook for the
coming year is very rosy indeed, with
a great amount of business in pros
pect. The Keystone patent joint man
ufactured by this company has at
tracted a great deal of favorable at
tention throughout the country where
will I Ur 'ritractors have had the oppor-
aP(! at ''''"ij "i u-.o; ii, uii'i v.m icvei li ii-ii
has been found very satisfactory in
eery way. The Keystone people have
just completed 4.'00 feet of three-foot
sewering in Kansas City, ami have
also had their patent tiling used on
the Chicago avenue sewer in this city
with the greatest success. The meet
ing decided among other things to
have the capital stock of the com
pany increased from SI 0.000 to $100,
OOii. to care for the growing business
of the corporation, and also decided
to lay the matter of the election of
the officers of the company over until
the meeting on January -4. when they
will be selected.
i eh
p is'or i
preside ar.'l prea
sermon. The addiess to the
I will lie by Rev. Huirh P.. Speer. pas4 or
j -f the Central United Presbyterian
! Church of Omaha, and that to the
! people wiil be by Mr. W. C. U re. as
! elder in the First United Presbyter; :i;
church of Omaha, and who has just re-
tired from the treasiireivhip of both
Douglas rour.ty and the c ity of Omaha
which positions he has filled for fve
years. The installation services will
in-'jin. at - o'clock, and every one is
invited to these services.
The Woman's foreign Missionary
Soc'ey of this congi t-'jat i"n will ho':l
its first monthly meeting of this year
on tiday afternoon with Mrs. W. S.
Miss Carlson, trained
Omaha, is looking after
Mrs. Ray Davis, who is
this time.
nurse ti
the care
erv ill
Bennett Chriswisser departed yes
terday for Omaha where he will enter
the hospital in that city for treatment
spending the holiday vacation with
friends and relatives near Muira;.
turned to her school work at S
Bend recently.
Mrs. Ernest Carroll, from near
Weeping Water, is visiting in Mur
ray this week, a guest at the home
of Mr. Carroll's parents. Mr. ami
Mrs. Chas. Carroll.
Miss Pauline Oldham went to
Plattsmouth Monday evening" owing
to the serious illness of her aunt. Mrs.
Dora Moore, whose death occurred at
o:00 o'clock Tuesday morning. j
Grandpa and Grandma Hiutt, who T) .)tt..n.!-.
have been visiting with their daught- last Sunday th
er, Mrs. A. M. Cole, in Weepm- rr .V(I.., Sardav--. M,
Water, returned home last Tuesday. ym .,t j,;,
accompanied by Mrs. Cole who w.II j() ni
spend a few days in Murray. j i'j.e:u.,..v, ;:t n a rA t
timer L,nge'kemeier. the seven-. i0 ;tt Power."
yer-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Entrel- ; "rlo evening t pic will be
kemeier. received a severe f-ealp Kjan Spake Like This Mar."
wound last Sunday evening while y,.,, vu iK. welcomed at all
playing in the hay loft of the barn. ,jces
Several stitches were required to re
pair the injury.
Dick Oldham of Didsberry. Canada,
is at the home of George Oldham in
Plattsmouth. arriving Monday to be
with his sister. Mrs. Dora Moore, dur- j
ing her last illness. Dick Oldham is j
well known in this community, where
he lived so long.
Miss Esther Rice who has been at
the Presbyterian hospital in Omaha
for the past two weeks, recovering
from an abscess operation near the
ear, returned home Wednesday. Miss
Esther's many friends are glad to
welcome her home almost recovered
from her illness,
sick for the past few days.
Dr. B. F. Brendel accompanied H.
C. Creamer to Omaha Tuesday for
the purpose of consulting a specialist
in regard to the condition of Mr.
Creamer's stomach, which has been
causing him considerable suffering for
the past few weeks.
The Ladies' Aid Society and Li
brary Association will put on a four
number lyceum course, the first num
ber beginning January 17th. The
tickets are $1.00 for adults and 7."c
for children. The single admission
will be 2-" and 3-c. This course con
sists of two musicales and entertain
ers and one lecture. The numbers w'C
be given in the Puis & Gansemer hall.
Last Saturday evening closed the
great serial picture "Peg O' the Ring"
at the Puis & Gansemer movie show
and on next Saturday evening "Lib
erty, another great picture will be
t .tit l y ' i i i i
starteu. tnree reeis oi wnicn win oe !
given. Remember that the first num
ber should be seen to appreciate
the whole picture story. It will be
interesting from the start to the fin
ish. L. II. Puis, the Mrurray garage
na-ii, has purchased tne old Muiii y
Haidware an I Imp'etnnt Company
building on the upper end of Main
street from the late owner, O. A.
Davis. The deal was closed this week
and Mr. Puis will take immediate pos
session. He will fit up the back part
of the building as a dwelling for his
assistant in the garage, and the front
will be arranged for the storage of
cars. Wm. March and family have
moved fo the McDaniel property near
the livery barn.
lias been
we see
''.'.r.dav at
x x
The stockholders of the First Na
tional bank of this city at their meet
ing on Wednesday, selected their offi
cers for the ensuing year, and the
present officers were all re-elected to
the positions they have filled so well,
as follows;
President 11. N. Dovey.
Vice President Dr. E. W. Cook.
Cashier F. E. Schlater.
Assistant Cashier G. O. Dovey.
Directors H. N. Dovey, f! E.
Schlater. Dr. E. W. Cook. A. G. Cole
and G. O. Dovey. Mr. G. Knapp, who
has been director of the bank for a
number of years, retires, and is suc
ceeded by A. G. Cole, making the only
change in the officers. The past year
has been a very successful one for the
bank and the amount of business han
dled is very satisfactory to the stockholders.
The funeral of the late E. B. Sperry
was held this morning at the home,
where a short service was held by
Rev. C. E. PerLee at 8:30, and the
body was taken to the Burlington de
pot, from where it was taken to Ilam-
services will be held this afternoon
and the body laid to rest in the ceme
tery at that place. The sympathy of
the entire community goes out to the
bereaved wife and little ones who
have had this grief and sorrow
'r j brought upon them so unexpectedly
for a short time in the hopes of bene
fitting his health that has been quite
Most disfiguring skin eruptions,
scrofula, pimples, rarhes. etc., are due
to impure blood. Burdock Blood Bit
ters as a cleansing blood tonic is well
recommended. $1.00 at all stores.
and which deprives them of the love
and protection of the husband and
father. A large number of the friends
and neighbors were present at the
home to take part in the last sad
rites over their former friend and associate.
a: yi'.'s iaa,aaj.v:' ir '.on it's
The 1st episode of
in three reels
"Hie Battle of
Chille Con Carnie!"
a great comedy
Saturday Evening,
Show Marts at 7:45 bharp
The funeral of the late Mrs. Wil-
Sjliam Stottler was held yesterday aft-
ernoon at the Mt. Hope church four
!milfQ niivllipust of 1'nirm m:ir lhf
tl, Stottler homestead w here the de
r? j parted lady had made her home for
(the past fifty years. A large num
tber of the friends and neighbors were
j present to attend the service and pay
i their last tribute of respect and es
; teem to this worthy lady. The serv
; ices were conducted by Rev. William
j Taylor of the Baptist church of Union
E assisted by Rev. G. A. Randall of the
j .lethouist church. 1 he sermon was
given by Rev. Taylor, who has been a
lifelong friend of Mr. and Mrs. Stot-
frg tier anu in nis remarns paia a iriouie
to the memory of the departed lady
' and spoke words of comfort to the
; aged husband and the members of the
family who had gathered to take their
last farewell of the wife and mother.
At the conclusion of the services the
body was laid to rest in the cemetery
adjoining the church.
Nick Frederich and Leonard Terry
berry of near Murray, were in the
city for a short time yesterday aft
ernoon attending to a few matters of
importance with the merchants.
Offer Sinn 00 fnr rrmr car if stnlpn
ggjif you are insured by J. W. Holmes, j
o to the Fact
that all steel goods in our line have con
tinued to advance, we were fortunate enough
to buy a good deal off our Spring goods be
fore the last advance. We would suggest
that you look your stuff over and decide
what you are going to need the coming sea
son. We are taking orders for Spring de
livery at guaranteed prices. . Remember we
carry a full line of
John Deere Implements,
Rock Island Gas Engines,
DeLaval Cream Separators and all
kinds of Power and Hand Washers
IpBefore buying let us figure with you.
Hardware M5 Iinplenienf Co,,
The basket ball game at the roller
skating rink last evening was de
cidedly one sidfd as the result shows,
and the Sidney Stags from Sidney.
Ia.. failed to show the form that they
had been credited with and lost by
the score of "1 to 14 to the Presby
terian team of this city. The vid;ors
at no time showed any po?;bdity of
getting dangerous and made the game
one that was very "soft" for the local
followers of tins -sport. The Pres
byterians were in their usual good
form and kept the Iowa aggregation
on the run from start to finish and
the visitors added in their own defeat
by poor judgment and reckless play
ing that resulted in their loss of
scores. The line up of the teams was
as follows:
Sidney Stags.
. r g Ward
1 g Thomas
.c Adle
r f Polk
Neil . .
F. Marshall . . .
est in th- slate. among
its si o kho'Jri s the gr ater pait of
the si.bstiirit i; 1 farmers of th coun
ty, and during its lifetime has h-n
very successful, nu-et inr every loss
promptly and givinir -he farmers of
the county insurance at a very reas
onable rate. The caieful business
methods of the officials has broiiLrh4
great success to the company in the
wdume of I.-.: -;pess ban iled. ar.d the
confide nce of the siockho'.dei s is shown
in their re-election to ollice of th" M
r.rTYers. Mr. Falter, the secretary of
the company, has been very active in
the promotion of the inti-rests of the
organization and has served in the
capacity of secretary since the founda
tion of the company. This is another
of thv h me'tutions of which the
citizens of Cass county can feel'id
as it is one of the best in the -t.ite
and is so situated as t be ;;!.'.e t.
meet all losses that might occur to
the policy holders of the company.
Different Kinds of (ii;h
Colds lead to dirTt e
coughs "dry cough." "win'er c'i:ii:li."
la grippe couirh, hr-mcl j1 couirii.
J. Marshall 1 f.
.... Freese ! a.-'thmatic
ra"K,!aT. pain
fid ,
The Cass County Farmers Mutual
Fire Insurance company, which has
just closed up another very successful
year of business, held its annual elec
tion of officers at the Vallery school
house southwest of this city a few
days ago and selected the new officers
for the ensuing year, as follows:
President Jacob Tritsch.
Vice President John H. Becker.
Secretary J. P. Falter.
Treasurer M. L. Friedrich.
Directors John Albert, John II.
Becker, A. A. Wetenkamp, Adam Hild,
Henry Horn, Philip Schafer and C. E.
The auditing and adjusting com
mittee selected was composed of Jacob
Tritsch, J. II. Becker and John Albert,
who will look after the handling of
the losses of the company that may
occur during the year.
This company is one of the strong-
cough to raise choking plvogm. K:io
Ha'bert, Paoli. Rid., wntes: -I
I. ii
sleep. Foley "s Honey and Tar relieved
me, curing my ecu-,
h entii
ei V.
Stop! Look! Listen!
You may need an Auctioneer
s still in the rinn You will find
on the Murray Exchange.
Reverse Ail Calls!
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Rates Reasonable
Plaffsmauiii, Nebraska
Route No. 1
(They Wear Like a Pig's Nose)
Big Overalls or Jacket
On account of our heavy purchases and
early buying we are able to hold our prices
on Rubber Goods, the same as a year ago.
Our Grocery Stock
& Gas