The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 08, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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- WBmF-Mmmrnmmwm r j, i mm
tott ! ri n ri :i wi-i rv. n izzst '"r 'missm U'uu vujx "'1 v i i: tro
; : . spss. a m f sas r e n BS H EFP - - .' fc:
j ggg- tf-y "g (Q; jjcg ! )Q f BBBaiE2SE fcL
I . Wrlv t 5vr LHnCn hM If OriA - , :t
H MU H I ' iJ u BESi il Nil kJ UULJL-a LI LJ li 4, V
I Framiik Sciiinarter vsD ai Woods n
of Louisville, Neb., 175 lbs of Stanton, Neb., 195 lbs J
I Coates. Hall9 Monday Jaraaar y i 5th
Ail v U
Schmarter is in lhe best form of his career not having lost a match this season. He has met Woods on two previous occasions, the first about a year ago, when
Schmarter lost to Woods The second contest resulted in a draw, after two hours battle. This, the third contest, is for $100 side bet, and will be a genuine battle. Do
not miss this one, as it is going to be an event long to be remembered.
CY. S. SHERMAN, (Sporting Editor Lincoln Star) Referee. ADMISSION Ringside, 75c; General, 50c; Ladias Free
of Stanton, Nebraska
itf t ii ir.
rja,1!1 WliS-n- W-T"!'!"! J"
7T rw :
'.Maitsmouth, Xib.. Jan. 2. li)17.
ISuard met pursuant to adjourn-nu-nt:
Tiestnt, t E. Heebner, Henry
Si-.wke and Julius A. Pitz, county com
missioners Frank J. Libcrshal, coun
t clerk. Minutes of previous ses-si-n
read and approved, when the fol
lowing business was transacted in
vitrular form:
SlK-rii. C. I). Quinton, filed his re
) -rt of fees earned for 4th quarter,
to amount of $30.25.
Register of Deeds, A. J. Snyder,
iiled his report of fees earned for 4th
quarter. H1. to amount of S350.70.
t'ounty Clerk, Frank J. LibershaT,
li!ed his reprt of fees earned for 4th
q-.'i'.rter, lflf). to amount of $250.00.
Boiler inspector, James L. Foord
liled a report on boiler at court house.
Application reieived from J. II.
T.u.i.- ve;uestinc to be re-appointed
superintendent of County Toor farm
for the year March 1, li)17 to March
1. l'.i at a salary of $100 per month.
Said J. II. Tarns areeinjr to furnish
all necessary help and perform all
work. On motion said application
w ; 1 s accepted and appointment made
1 y the board.
County Judft-e Allen J. Beeson filed
iiplicatioris renewing the pensions of
Mrs. Edith Duckworth for $25.00 per
month and of Mrs. Dora Denson for per trtonth and same were ap
proved by the board.
County Jude Allen J. Deeson filed
hi- appointment of W. M. Barclay as
con.-table for Cass coupty as ' pro
vided by law and same was approved
by the board. M. Archer. Justice of
tin- Peace for Plattsmouth City filed
his appointment of V. M. Barclay as
Constable for Plattsmouth City as
provided by law and same was ap
proved by the board.
The following bonds were approved
by the board:
Bond of C. D. Quinton, for Sheriff
of C;!ss. county.
Bond f Allen J. Beeson, for
county judjre.
Bond of W. M. Barclay, for con
st;lU appointed by the county judfre.
Bund of V. M. Barclay for con
stable, appointed by M. Archer, Jus
tice of the Peace of Plattsmouth City.
Bond of II. G. Schwind. justice of
the peace, Center precinct.
Bond of R. G. Glover, justice of the
peace, Weeping Water city.
Bond of R. G. Glover, police magis
trate, Weeping Water city.
Bond of R. G. Stewart, justice of
the peace, Greenwood precinct.
Bond of C. G. Bailey, assessor,
Stove Creek precinct.
Bond of C. T. Richards, assessor,
South Bend precinct.
Bond of Wm. Hummel, assessor,
Plattsmouth precinct.
Bond of M. Mauzy, city assessor,
Plattsmouth city.
Bond of J. W. Brendel, assessor,
Avoca precinct.
Bond of Georjre S. Smith, assessor,
Rock Bluffs precincts.
Bond of Emery Hathaway, road
overseer, Dist. No. 11, Liberty pre
cinct. Bond of Wm. M. Hoover, road
overseer, Dist. No. o, Louisville pre
cinct. Bond of Geo. W. Ilaishman, road
overseer, Dist. No. 13, Avoca precinct.
Bond of Wm. Sheehan, road over
seer, Dist. No. 8, Center precinct.
Bond of Walter Byers, road over
seer, Dist. No. 27, East Rock Bluff.
The following claims were audited
and allowed on the General fund:
Opal Fitzgerald, salary clerk
for Co'Atiy and Co Supt. .$ HUH)
E SturzencKKer, mdse to Kuhn
$18, Capsey $12, Peterson
L Rotter, assigned to W K
Fox, shoveling snow at C II
Julius A Pitz, saly and mileage 24.10
C E Heebner, do
Henry Snoke, do
Mrs Edna Denson. care of de
pendent children for Jan..
Mrs Emma C Miller, do
Martha A Haddon, do
Lillian B Baker, do 20.00
Belle D. Grassman, do 10.00
Virgie L Frady, do
Mrs Stella Pcrsinger, do ....
Mrs Clara Matzke, do
.Mrs Sigrid Schmarter, do
G Rhode, shoveling snow at C
John Bauer & Son, auto livery
to county
Eda Marquardt, saly and esp. 103.1b
Benj Windham, assigned to W
KVFox, cxp taking C J
Baker to hospital at Kear
ney Mrs Dora Fleisehman, care of
blind man for 4th quarter
lf IB
II Seivers, saly, laundry and
extra work at C II and jail.. 83.00
II M Soennichscn, mdse to
10. oo
The lehawka Mill
arc now Rolling and Manufacturing the
The Popular Cass County Brand of Flour
Also a Full Line of By Products!
C. D. ST. JOHN, Prop.
JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller.
For Sale by Hatt & Son, Plattsmouth, Neb.
and Puis & Gansemcr, Murray, Neb.
Brandt, Meisel,
Worden. Collins
Neilson Jean & Co., coal
Baker and Ilobson sisters . .
Frank J Libershal, salary and
James Robertson, salary and
fees, 4th quarter, 1010
J II Tarns, salary for Dec ....
Lorenz Bros, mtl-e to Bress-
Hammond &. Stephens, sup
plies to Co Supt
C E Hartford, coal to poor
farm and J Monroe
II B Ash, care of Geo Everett
Fred Patterson, otlice work,
surveyor's ollice
II M Soennichscn, mdse t
to poor farm .
C D Quinton, , mileage
C D Quinton, saly for Dec . .
C D Quinton, jailer fees for
C D Quinton, lvarding county
prisoners for Dec
C D Quinton. boarding county
prisoners for August. 1010.
W K Fox, postage
K A Stanfield, bible for count v
L B Etrenberger, .mdse to
county and jail . .
Mrs. Edith Duckworth, care of
dependent children for Jan
Mrs. Margaret Leland, do ...
Mrs Dora Denson, do
Hatt Son, mdse to Lambers
J P Sattler, trip to Swai low
hill for man believed dead..
A (i Cole, saly and expense. .
James Robertson. State vs.
Edw Bashus ct a!
Dr Geo H Gilmore, inebriate
case Robt. B. Windham....
J E Douglas, do
James Robertson, do
W M Barclay, do
James Robertson, State vs.
Carl Huston
C D Quinton, do
James Robertson, State vs.
Harry Eppetvon
James Robertson, State vs
C I) Quinton, do
James Robertson, State vs.
J Austin
Mrs. Clara Owens, care of de
pendent children' for Jan...
The following claims weic allowed
on tho Road district funds:
Wm II Rush, road work, load
district No. 7....
Albert Tschirrcn, do
200.2 1
ID. 00
Fred Spencer, do work 18.50
Union Lumber Co, do material 174.35
J A Long, do work 2.05
August Krecklow, do 12.00
August Krecklow, repairs to
grader and charged to Com
Dist No 2.. 11.00
On motion the board adjourned to
meet Wednesday, Jan. 3, U17.
County Clerk.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Wednesday, Jan
uary 3, 1917.
Board met as per adjournment with
ail memoers present, wnen me 101-1
lowing business was transacted in
regular form:
County Judge Allen J. Beeson filed
an order with the county clerk re
newing the application of Mrs. Augus
ta Brandt for mother's pension for
the sum of $18 per month and same
was allowed by the board as per
orders of the court.
Clerk of the District Court filed
his appointment of Jessie M. Robert
son as deputy clerk of the District
Court for the month of January, 1017,
and same was approved by the board.
The following bonds were ap
proved :
Bond of A. (J. Cole, county attorney
of Cass county.
of Geo. I
(' V Valid v. d
John II Bu.ehe, do 2
Walter J ('louse, do 4
C, T Edwards, do JO
Union Li"bcr Co, !br for 15
J A Long, road work, 1
J B Ellio't, do 10
Charles Ward, do 0
J Adams, lbr for 10
Union Lumber Co, lbr for 15. .
Fred Spencer, road work, 11..
Joseph Lindsey, road work, 12
Fred Spencer, do 11
L F Hur'but, d., 0
August Krecklow, j oad niachy
repairs No. 8
The following claims were allowed
on the Dragging fund:
August Krecklow, dragging in
I dist No. 8
Wrm II Rush, do 7
Eddie Todd, do 1
C L Wiles, do 1
Charles Ward, do o 2.25
E F Hurlbut, do 0 4.20
II W Ward, do 14 11.25
.Ray Chriswisser, do 27 ,
G P Foreman, do 10
Walter J Clouse, do 4
I The following claims were
on the Bridge fund:
J Adams, bridge material ....
Robt Willis, bridge work....
John II Busche, bridge work..
Sullivan-Mead Lumber Co,
I bridge material
Cedar Creek Lumber Co, do..
of John C
, Dist. No. 5
Farley, county
Lomeycr. road
Salt Creek p re-
The following list of names was
selected by the board from which to
choose a jury for the next term of
the distiict court:
Tipton Precinct Fred Wulf, jr, Ed
Doran, E. D. Snoke.
Greenwood Precinct E. F. Hurl
burt, William Kitzel.
Salt Creek Pet. John Laughlin,
William L. Kelley, J. C. Lomeycr.
Stove Creek Precinct Clark Gon
zales, S. R. James, Leslie Horton.
Elmwood Precinct William 'Borne
meier, William Lau, II. V. McDonald.
South Bend Precinct James Bus
kirk, II. P. Long.
Weeping Water Precinct Theodore
Davis, George W. Towle.
Center Precinct James Murphy,
August Krecklow.
Louisville Precir.ct J. M. Hoover,
C. W. Martin, C. G. Maylield.
Avoca Precinct J. W. Baty, R. O.
Mt. Pleasant Precinct II. II. Stoll,
Z. W. Shrader.
Eight Mile Grove Precinct J. G.
Meisinger, Charles Hennings, W. H.
Nehawca Precinct F. P. Sheldon,
G. E. Young.
Liberty Precinct Frank A. Finkle,
D. B. Porter, J. M. Niday.
Rock Bluffs, First Precinct L. D.
Hiatt, Ben Dill, Lafe Nelson.
Rock Bluffs Second Precinct Alf
Nickels, Freil Snanglcr. ,
Plattsmouth Precinct Lee Cole, Lee
Fickler, Jack Sathfort.
First Ward, Plattsmouth Fritz
Fricke, Guy Reese.
Second Ward, Plattsmouth James
Rebal, Emil Walters, Peter Lair.
Third Ward, Plattsmouth Frank
Shopp, Mike Hild, August Cloidt, J.
R. Kelley.
Fourth Ward, Plattsmouth John
Kopp, Ward Clark, Carl Kunsman, jr.
Fifth Ward, Plattsmouth George
Klinger, Jasper Young.
First Ward, Weeping Water S. J.
Second Ward, Weeping Water
Geo. H. Dennis.
Third Ward, Weeping Water Hans
The following claims were audited
and allowed on the General fund :
Mrs Cottingham 20.00
NjIs Sogard, coal to P Glasgo 3.75
C I) Quinton, mileage on ac
count of robbery at Avoca.. 10.85
Philip Thierolf, clothing . for
C J Baker 0.90
Dr B F Brendel, quarantine
case, w ard family . 10.00
.Mrs. Ida Schlieske, care of de
pendent children, Jan 25. 00
.Mrs Augusta Brandt, do .... 18.00
C D Quinton, mileage on ac
count of robbery at Cecar
I reek 3. 00
Warga & Schuldice, mdse to
county 4.50
Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph
Co, rent and tolls . 3 1.00
Bestor & Swatek, mdse to C II 1.50
Neb Lighting Co, gas and elec
tricity to county 27.25
Peerless Typewriter Equip
Co, carbon paper to County
J2. cut to 15.00
F G Fricke & Co, drugs and
mdse to countv 7.20
W R Egenberger, coal lo Mon
roe and to C II 101.0:1
Claims allowed on the Road fund:
C E Heebner, road work, road
dist No 12 18.00
August Krecklow, do 8 ....... 49.45
A C Munn, do 13 . .. 18.80
Claims allowed on the Dragging
Edwin Schoemaker, dragging
in district No 12 lO.lo
C! as Hall, do 19.5'i
Albert Box, do 11 .' 5.50
1 ne claim 01 L hi tieeoner on
the Bridge fund for bridge
work 12.80
On motion the board adjourned to
meet Thursday, January 4. 1917.
County Clerk.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Jan. 1, 1917.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment with all members present, when
the following' business was transacted
in regular form:
On motion of Commissioner Snoke
a vote was taken to determine
whether or not a census of the county
be taken to ascertain if possible the
population of said county. Result of
ballot. Heebner and Snoke voting for
and Pitz voting againt. On motion
the County Attorney was instructed
to prepare the necessary resolution.
County Glcrk reported that as re
quired by statute he had called for
bids for books, blanks and stationery
to be furnished the county -for the
year 1917, bids to be filed on or be-1
fore noon of Monday. January 1, 1917
and that bids had been received from
the following:
Plattsmouth Journal Co, on ( lass
'"B" Stationery, and from the York
Blank Book Co.. on Class "A" Books.
Above bids were opened and ex
amined. Motion made and carried,
that the contract for class "I!" sta
tionery be awarded the Plattsmouth
Journal Co. Bid on Class "A" books
was ordered held over until the next
Motion made and seconded that the
claim of W. R. Bryan filed December
by law. Same was approved by the
Whereupon the old Board adjourned
Sine Die.
The r.cwly elected officers assembled
in the commissioners chamber and
were duly sworn into ollice.
The new county board assembled
and proceeded to organize and did or
ganize as follows :
Henry Snoke, chairman.
Julius A. Pitz, vice chairman.
C. E. Heebner, junior member.
County board checked up the cash
and hank accounts of outgoing treas
urer, W. K. Fox.
N'. further business to come be
fore the Board they adjourned to
meet in regular session. Jan. 9. 1917.
County Clerk.
2 1.0 1
1.20 Mogensen & Hart, mdse to
Allen Nichols and Fowler
1, 1910 for back salary be held up
until a census of the county could be
taken to ascertain the population of
said county.
Mike Tritsch. County Treasurer
Elect, this day filed his appointment
of J. E. Nementz as deputy and Miss
M. U. Goring as -clerk in the treas
urer's office and same was approved
by the board and then: salaries fixed
at . 1.000.00 per annum respectively.
Bond of J. E. Nementz, deputy
treasurer, approved.
County Judge reported having ap
proved the bond of County Clerk,
Frank J. Libershal.
James W. Bnopst, Justice of' the
James M. Stone, president of the
Nehawka bank and of the Elmwood
State bank, is spending the week with
his son, Chas. S. Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raker of Im
perial, Neb., visited several days last
week with the hitter's parents, Mr.
aad Mrs. Henry Miller.
Mr. aad Mrs. Sidvey Mooie of Red
Oak, la., spent several days last week
visiting at the hitter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. F. Lttnghorst.
Mrs. J. T. Thjimas of Sterling, 111.,
arrived Monday to be at the bedside
of her daughter, Mrs. Lemuel Parish,
who has been very sick the past two
Grandma Mitchell died Monday at
the age of 91 years. The remains
were buried at Weeping Water. She
was known to all, being one of the
olde?t residents in this section.
A. C. Ferguson was a visitor to
Bui r, Neb., last Saturday to visit at
the home of George Howard. Mr.
Howard is the father of Mrs.- Fergu
son, and has been sick for some time.
He returned on Sunday.
Born, on Friday, to Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Hopkins, a fine ten-pound baby
daughted. The little one is doinR
nicely and both mother and father are
receiving a shower of congratulations.
Last Saturday, a baby boy was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller. The
little one and mother are doing nicely.
and the proud "parents are receiving
congratulations- from their many
Mr. Mateer, an old soldier, has ad
vertised his effects for sale and has
decide 1 to go to ths Old Sdldicrs
Home to reside. He has been sick
for some time and feels that he would
be better ofT at the soldier's home,
where he vill have plenty of friends
and can be cared for.
Arnold Powell and wife arrived from
Chicago Wednesday to visit a few
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. S. Stone. They are on their way
ro spend the balance of the winter in
California. Mr. Powell is n large
ranch and cattle owner of north -vest-em
Colorado. Mr. Powell and Mr.
Stone wvv 2 associated in the banking
business at Yumpa, Colo.
Bad Habit-
Those who breakfast at S o'clock
or later, lunch at twelve and have
dinner at six are almost certain to
be troubled with indigestion. They
do not allow time for one meal to di
gest before taking another. Not less
than live hours should elapse between
meals. If you are troubled with in
digestion correct your habits and take
Chamberlain's Tablets, and you may
reasonably hope for a quick recovery.
These tablets strengthen the stomach
and enable it to perform its functions
naturally. Obtainable everywhere.
We oil your harness for $1.00 per
set, and now is the best time to have
it done. Also first-class repairing of
all kinds at reasonable prices. Ten
per cent discount on horse blankets
and robes. John F. Gordcr, Platts
mouth, Neb.
FOR SALE 5-r. house; city water
in house, electric lights, well and cis
tern; 1 lot. Inquire of Harry Messer
smith. 12-15-tfd
sfj IVlake an Automobile Out of Your Ford!
ord Uvmojs Timl
Jack Mulford who represent Pick-
Steering Gear for Ford Car
ens & Co..
an automobile
and distress in
miles ea.;t of
that a sudden
traveling his territory in
met with a peculiar
r accident about five
Bradford. Jt seems
gust of wind blew off
his bat and in attempting to catch it
he let go of the steering wheel. Un
fortunately at that moment the.
wheels struck a rut, the car turned
turtle as it slid into the ditch bury
ing Mulford beneath it.7 etc.
Tlie most valuable accessory yet
brought out for the Ford car. Re
moves the strain of driving. Gives
complete control of car, over 10,000
sold to date, your car is next, come
to a real machine' shop and have one
put cm, try it if you don't like it,
we will take it off and refund your
money. Price $15.00.
mm I
47.08 !
105.35 J
Carl Hanson, land for change- : Peace of LouisvUle precinct., nieti 'its
in road ' 25.00 ' appointment of C. F. Reichart as con-
B C Marquardt & Co, mdse to stable for said precinct as required I
1 i? I- m rt
319 W
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
and Foundry