The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 08, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Eleven State Officers of Democratic
Faith Are Inducted Into
Legislature Adjourns Until Tuesday
When Real Work Will Be
;oernor Keith Neville, North
Lieutenant Governor Edgar IIo -ard.
Secretary of State Charles Tool.
Attorney General Willis E. Reed
Auditor William Smith. Seward.
Railway Commissioner ictor Wil-win-
of Stromsburg.
Land Commissioner Grant Slium
vay. Scottb!ufT. t
Treasurer George Hall, Franklin.
State Superintendent W. II. Clem
mons. Fremont.
Regents I. L. Hall. Lincoln; Harry
Land is. Seward.
Lincoln. Neb., Jan. 4. Democracy's
triumph in the state became complete
todav when eleven state officers of
that faith were inducted into office.
The oath of office was administered
by Chief Justice A. M. Morri?ey of
the state supreme court.
The proceeding was simple and
i-hort. Members of the legislature in
joint session looked on, and so did
thousands of friends and relatives
who had thronged here from all over
the state to witness the ceremonials
A reception was held tonight at
which incoming and outgoing state of
ficers and their. wives were in line.
and at which the legislative members
:nd their wives and the public gener
ally was made very welcome. It was
a very simple affair with good, old
fashioned handshaking prevailing and
with light refreshments and some
rood music on the program.
At its conclusion the legislature
which got under headway on Tuesday
txk an adjournment until Tuesday
afternor.n. At that time both house.-
will reconvene to take up the real
work of .the session.
Messages ot the outgoing and in
coming irovernors were both read and
were listened to closely by all offi
cials and all people present. Governor
More-head, who concluded four years
of honorable service, was roundly
cheered when he took his place to
read. No less hearty were the cheers
which greeted Governor Neville when
he arose to make his maiden effort
tx'fore the as-sembly.
Scattered among the hundreds that
looked on were Mrs. More head and
Mrs. Neville and relatives who had
come with them to see the scepter of
state government pass from the old to
the new executives. A number of
young- men from North Platte were
here also to see their comrade, Keith
Neville, take charge. And Frank
WfMxlard. wealthy Richardson county
land owner and the man who obtained
the first job John More-head ever held
in this state, was here to see his old
friend step down and out. Mr. Wood-
ard was here four years ago to see
Governor More-head take charge.. lie
has Ik-ch his lifelong friend and al
though a republican in politics has
been one of the governor's stant-hest
losteis through all the years.
Governor Morehead. in his valedic
tory mcssace, urged the con ti nu ante
of th policy of business economy.
establishment of good road--, and use
of convict labor on them. He compli
mented the printing commission and
Migirested certain regulation; pointed
to the necessity for a better capilol
building, and urged a shorter ballot,
lie again urged the selection of the
thief justice from the state at large
and the asociatc justices by districts,
criticized the primary law, discussed
the schools and advocated the teach
ing of the life ar.d works of Lincoln
in the public schools. Conservation of
water power, discussion of veto power
and new legislation were other fea
1 u res.
Sessions of the legislature were
brief today. Both houses met in the
morning. The senate listened to de
county senato bict
fenses made by the four Douglas
county senators who were assailed in
a statement made on the opening day
by Senator Ed Howells, also of that
The house also accepted the resig
nation of Leo Metcalfe, first assistant
thief clerk, who was yesterday made
secretary to Governor Neville, and de
cided not .to act at once upon the se-
lection of Walter Weise of Hebron as
his successor. .
The senate drew particular atten
tion because of its airing of Omaha
affairs. The four senators whom Ed
Howell had charged with high crimes
and misdemeanors administered a
verbal castigation to their colleague,
Senator Howell.
As soon as the formalities of the
opening of the third day's session
were disposed of, Senator John F.
Moriarty, the Douglas county dele
gation leader, arose to a point of
personal privilege.
"If those charges are true," he de
clared, at the climax of his remarks,
"drive us out of the senate in disgrace
all four of us except Howell. Call
in the attorney general and start pro
ceedings right away. We are in the
contempt of the senate and the peo
ple of the state of Nebraska."
The senator said he had hoped that
the remarks of Howell, made in heat,
would be retracted by him after sober
consideration. Since they were not,
he said he felt it his duty to the sen
ate and the people to rellute them.
"Re fore the ink was dry with which
I signed an oath before God that I
owed my election to no illegal influ
ences before that ink was dry I,
with my colleagues, was charged with
contemptible relations with corpora
tions, with perjury, with disgrace. I
cannot let it stand.
"We are held to the scorn of the
senate and of our constituency by the
press of the state, taking up and pub
lishing the unfounded words of this
"I owe my election to no corporation
or influence. I know no officers of
public service corporations. I was
never in the Budweisor saloon in my
life. Further than that. I made no po
litical speeches, attended no meetings,
handed out no cards nor paid for any
political advertising.
"I happen to know the president of
the Willow Springs brewery, an hon
orable man. lie's a friend of yours.
Howell." he said, pointing to his re
calcitrant colleague, "and you have
sustained business relations with
Senator John M. Tanner, against
whom Moriartv pointed out the
charges were made in his very hou'
of affliction, just after the death of
his wife, was more bitter in his refu
"It is intimated that we are bucca
neers and ship scuttlers," ho said.
"The charge happens to be made by
one who has been ringmaster of these
buccaneers for twenty-five yens
ringmaster of 'the gang' he la'.k.-
about irS controlling this delegation.
"Wait until the end of tke present
session, he declared. liu-n compare
this man's record with the others he-
makes charges against!"
The senator remarked that many
jokes were made matters ot record
in the senate journal, and this was
one of them. This one has taken an
unbecoming turn, and he thought it
ought to be expunged only out of
kind charity for Howell.
Senator Bennett pointed out his
long residence in the state, many
years as a citizen of McCook and then
his twelve years' residence at Omaha
Jie declared that he had been in
dorsed by all manner of improvement
and other clubs during the campaign,
but that he had not solicited the sup
port of Tern Dennison.
"If Mr. Dennison supported demo
cratic candidates this year" he said,
"it was because the democratic plat
form appealed more to him than did
the republican platform."
Mr. Bennett had the
others, that they were here to repre
sent the people of Douglas county and
not any particular clique or clan or
corporation or insidious influence.
Senator Strehlow indorsed the
words of his felbnv senators and de
clared that he, too, had come down to
Lincoln to listen to the voice of the
people, not of any . favored class.
Representative George Liggett of
Seward county sprung on t lie lower
branch of the legislature Thursday
morning his proposal lor a voluntary
limitation of the number of bills to
be introduced at this session, not ex
ceeding five for each member. The
suggestion came in Hkj form of a reso
lution, which went over for one day
under the l tiles, and was not, dis
Expressions of opinion on the prop
osition indicate that the house will
not agree to the it-strict ion absolute
ly, although many members realize
that the number of bills introduced
at every session has passed all rea
sonable limits. Mr. Liggett recently
made a canvass by mail among his
fellow representatives and fifty-one of
them answered favorably, but it is
realized that the lid cannot be put
on effectively, inasmuch as the state.
institution gives and member the
right to offer as many measures as
le sees fit to.
Tre esthetic soul of Mr. Gormley,
representative from Kearney county,
revolts at the spectacle presented by
rows of heavy bridge timbers along
he south and east sides of the house
chamber, placed there to insure the
safety of the members. Some legis
lators think that anything which con
ceals the walls of the chamber is an
improvement, but not Mr. Gormley.
He offered a resolution requesting
the board having charge of the capitol
to cover the scaffolding over in some
suitable and artistic manner," just as
though an imitation railroad bridge
trestlework could be made artistic.
The" resolution was forthwith adopted,
and the board has a job on its hands
which some people would not care to
The committee on house employes,
accounts and expenditures has added
the following to the list of employes:
E. L. Vogt, St. Paul, bookkeeper
and timekeeper; Edmund Carlson,
Ceresco, and Arthur Howard, Lin
coln, stenographers; Henry Clayburn,
Monroe, custodian of the gallery; J.
M. Fowler, Sarpy county, custodian of
the cloak room; Robert Craig, Lin
coln and IIoss McGasson, Lincoln,
At the conclusion of the inaugural
ceremonies Lieutenant Governor
James Pearson, who presided, chanted
his own swan song and that of the
people's independent party.
"I am the last of my kind." said
Mr. Pearson. "My party lived for a
purpose, and when it achieved that
end it passed away, but if there is
ever need for it again it will be found
and brought into existence again."
The lieutenant governor thanked
the people for electing him and as
sured them that he had done the best
he could.
It has come to light thaf there is a
well defined movement on foot to split
the Nebraska State Teachers' associa
tion into two organizations. The pres
ent association has grown so large
that none but Omaha can handle its
meetings. The location of Omaha
makes it tco expensive a trip for
some of the western teachers to at
tend the meeting of the association.
According to the proposed plan the
state association would be divided into
eastern ar.d western associations. Not
only would this make it possible for
the meetings to be held closer to all
the teachers of the state but the char
acter of the programs cauld be made
more suitable to those attending.
With the control of the association in
the hands of Lincoln and. Omaha the
piogiams are taid to be formed to
rvrxe best the interests of the teach
ers in those cities. The western teach
ers oftentimes rind nothing of real
value to their communities. It is ar
gue! that the programs as now ar
:anged are too extensive and could
well be cut in half as far as the bene
fit derived is concerned. There would
be plenty of money to handle two pro
giams of merit, it is stated. Before
another meeting of the state associa
tion it is believed that plans for di
viding the organization will be well
Discovery by members of the anti
nicotine association that the use of
cigarettes has increased enormously
in the state during the past two years
and that their sale has been wide
spread among youths of 18 years and
under, should carry home the lesson
which legislative leaders tried to im
press upon the public two years ago.
The present law is fractured wan
tonly and the very ones whom the
anti-nicotinists wanted most to pro
tect are the least protected under its
present provisions. The amendment
asked for two years ago, allowing the
sale of cigarettes to persons under IS
year or over, would not have changed
actual conditions but unquestionably
would have given law officers a stat
ute which would have been readily en
forced and which would have given
real protection to immature ycfuth.
That was the position taken by the
solons and by some of the most active
boy-workers in the state. Their in
dorsement of the bil providing this
amendment came from the knowledge
of boy life. They knew better what
legal steps were necessary to protect
the growing youth than did those in
experienced legislators who defeated
the measure. There has taken place
just what friends of the' bill said
would take place if the law went un
mod i 1 ic-d. Wo rid 1 1 e ra Id.
The eclipse of the moon last night
was witnessed by a large number of
the residents of the city who remained
up for that purpose or arose from
their downy couches to view the sight
of the silvery orb of the night veiled
in the dark shadows. The eclipse was
total at l:lo and remained so for sev
eral minutes before the shadow of
the earth moved from across the face
of the moon. The sight was a very
pretty one and attracted much atten
tion all over the west where it was
Paul Heil returned to Omaha tin's
morning after spending Sunday at
the home cf his parerts, Mr. tmd Mrs.
W. H. Heil, in Eight Mile Grove, and
wiii resume his school work.
No. 1914
At Plattsmouth, in the State tf Ne
braska, at the close of business
December 27, 1910.
Loans and discounts (except tliose
shown on 1 :ni(l c) -Jsfl 4S'i 73
Overdrafts, secured none: unse
cured i i.-,o si
U. S. tmnos deposited to secure cir
culation (par value). 50 000 00
Honds other than U. S.
bonds pledged to se
cure postal savings . f 3 000 00
Securities other than I".
S. bonds (not includ
iniirstocks)owned un
pledged 7 iH" 31 12 !V.5 31
Mocker l-ederal Keserve Hank 150
per cent of subscription)
Value of banking house (if unen
eumliereci )
Furniture, and fixtures
Keal est ate owned other than bank
intr house
Net amount due from
approved r e s e r v e
ape.nts In New York,
(Miicaeo and St.
I-ouis 10 OtW 0
Net amount due from
approved reserre
ajrents in other re
serve cities s 754 .'Si
Net amount due from banks and
hankers (other than included in
10 and. is)
other checks on banks in the same
city or town as reporting bank.
() ut side checks and other
cash items 4,")t 4r
Fractional currency.
nickels and cents "01 01
Notes of other national banks
Federal Reserve bank note
Lawful reserve in vault and net
amount due from Federal lie
serve Bank ...
Redemption fund w ith II. S. Treas
urer and due from 1". S. Treasurer
2 250 00
1 1 000 00
4 410 00
7 nt7 s
83 30
11 S.i
I -'40 17
!.7T 46
4 ,'() 00
400 CO
33 553 12
2 500 00
Total ? 4- :r::t 43
Capital stock xaidin
Surplus fund '
Fndivided profits . 12 S43 05
Less current expenses.
interest and tuxes
paid 7 -'sti ; 7
Circulatiiiii notesout.statidiii. . ..
Individual deposits subjeet to
Certificates of deixoit due in less
than :50 da.vs.
Cashier's checks outtandiiir
Postal Savin? deposits
Total demand deiKVsil.
I terns 33. 34. Xi. 3t. 37. 3S.
: and 4i li'.2 2S 47
Other time deposit
550 000 00
-'5 0('U (!0
f ;5i -js
50 (Wie O0
705 41
15 t;:;i o
5 4'JO oo
2 071 -i
Total ? 4 373 13
State of Nebraska ' .
County of Cass t's I. F. F Schlater.cashier
of the atM)ve-namel hank, do solemnly swear
that the aUtre st atenient is true to the l.esl of
my knowledge and iK-lief.
F. K. Schi.ateii. Cashier.
Correct Attest: If. N. Hovkt.
;, Knapc.
(iEO. . Povev,
I i rectors.
Sulscribed and sworn to liefore me this
4th day of .1 aiiuar.v. 1017.
A. L. Tit.P.
Seal Notary Public.
My commission expires October lo. l'.'rJI
The beautifuLnew home of Mr. ami
Mrs. E. J. Richey was the scene of
one of the prettiest parties of the
season, when on Saturday Mrs. Richey
was the hostess at a one o'clock bridge
luncheon, honoring Miss Josephine
Murphey, whose marriage to Dr. W.
F. Wild, of New Orleans, will take
place on January 10th.
White roses, narcisses and ferns
made resplendent the already attrac
tive home and the color' scheme of
green and white also was charmingly
carried out in the live course lunch
eon. Covers were laid for thirty
two guests at daintily decorated
tables. Bridge followed the luncheon,
the prize being won by Miss lone
Dovey and a guest prize being given
Miss Murphy. Those fortunate
enough to enjoy Mrs. Richey 's hos
pitality voiced the one sentiment,
'charming hostess.'' Those attending
were Miss Verna Cole, Majorie Ag
new, Margaret Donelan, Jeanette Pat
trson, lone Dovey, Lillian Cole, Bar
bara tiering, Dora Fricke, Mae Mur
phy, Mrs. Henry Ilerold, Mrs. J. A.
Donelan. Mrs. C. W. Baylor, Mrs. R.
W. Clements, Mrs. W. J. Streight,
Mrs. J. S. Livingston, Mrs. T. M. Pat
terson, Mrs. Earl Travis, Mrs. V. A.
Robertson, Mrs. J. T. Begley, Mrs. II.': U
4 1 -1 II.. . r T f I x?
ociiiieiuer, .uis. ei. i. lovey, -His.
L. O. Minor, Mrs. Henry McMaken
and Mrs. Mary Murphy, mother of the
guests were .Mrs. Tom .Murphy, nf!
Omaha, 'Miss Lillian Murphy of Oma
ha and Miss Ruth Steitz of North
Platte, Neb.
I ii win ! ii mm i KmmMmji
lovesso handy
for any man!
"Cold hands a warm hearf they say, but it is hardly
fair to freeze one's hands to prove affection. You
would like a pair of these dressy gloves.
Including in our displays are Capes, Mocahs,
English buck skin, either silk, wool or fur lined,
wi th embroidered backs. Chamois and wash
able leathers are also shown. Our prices are
practically the same as last year
$1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and Up to $5.00
Boys' Gloves, 50c to $1.25
Kid or Mocha Mittens, $1.00 to $2.00
Wescott's Sons
"Everybody's Store'
New ties every week!
For Sale
-Two fresh milk
M. Meisinger, Mynard. Phone
The question of the deputyship in
the office of County Clerk Frank J
i.iuersnai was c;eciucu tnis
when Mr. Libershal announced the
appointment of Matthew A. Jirousek
of this city for the position. Mr
Jiroucek is among the best known anc
popular young men in the city and has
held several clerical positions in this
city. He was for a great many years
connected with the office of the store
keeper of the Burlington in this city
as clerk, and has, since quitting the
service of the railroad, been in the
employ of Philip Thierolf in the cloth
ing store. Mr. Jirousek is well quali
fied in every way for the position he
has just been appointed to and wil
make Cass county a most efficient offi
cial and an able assistant to Mr. Lib
ershal. The appointment becomes ef
fective at once and Mr. Jirousek wil
enter in on his duties. Since the
resignation of B. A. Rosencrans Mr
Libershal has been looking after the
affairs of the office, and will welcome
the services of the deputy to asist in
the duties. The new deputy has not
been actively identified with politics
and is strictly a business man, and
will he able to gie the taxpayers full
service in his new position.
The Z. C. B. J. lodge of this city
enjoyed a very pleasant social event
on Saturday evening, when their mem
bers were entertained at an old-fashioned
dance that proved one of the
most delightful that the society has
held for many months. The dance
was given at the T. J. Sokol hall and
the music for the event was furnished
by the Bohemian brass baruL The
merry dancers continued their pleas
ures until the early hours of the
morning, when they wended their way
homeward feeling that the event had
been one of the greatest pleasure.
This organization is a Bohemian fra
ternal insurance order and has quite
a large membership in the city and
ranks very high as one of the best
insurance organizations in the ., city
and state. It has a very large mem
bership among the Bohemians in this
section of the state.
The Farmers' Social Workers' club
will meet with Mrs. Sarah Gouchenour
on Wednesday, January 17th.
The man who was killed at La
Platte on Thursday night by Special
Agent Epperley of the Missouri Pa
cific when he risisted the order of
I the officer to hold up his h inds to be
searched, hrs bcon identified by Chief
cf Detectives Maloney and Detective
Devoresso as Frank K. Markiu. itin
erant, v. bo is known in police circles
of Omaha and h:;. liven lownd over
to th' di-!r:ct xuiit or. the charge of
highway robbery together with his as
sociate, Frank Moran. The dead man
was undoubtedly a gunman of expe
rience and had the Missouri Pacific
officer been a few seconds later in get
ting the drop on him he would un
doubtedly have finished the officer. It
was shown by the gun of Maikin that
ho had tried to shoot and the fact
that the gun had mised fire was all
that saved the officer. The inquest
over the body was held at Panillion
by the Sarpy county authorities, and
the officer of the railroad company
was released from all responsibility
for the shooting as it was clear it
had been done in self defense and in
the discharge of his duty. Owing to
the fact that it was impossible to get
in touch with any relatives of Markin,
the body was buried by the Papillion
.Mrs. Louis Leiner 'returned home
last Ps'ght from Lincoln where she has
been at the bedside of her daughter,
Miss Caroline, who was injured in
the wreck at Jib?on on December 23rd
:;nd ropnrt .-a that the young lady is
showing some: signs of improvement.
East of Riley HoteL
Coates' Block,
Second Floor
M-I-!' .I-M-I-1. 4.4..H..1. .M..i.r-.
Doing the Work.
V. T. Nanney, Noel, Mo., writes,
"Your B. A. Thomas' Hog Powder
is doing the work down in this part
of the world. It proved to be what
we needed to prevent and cure hog
cholera and expel worms."
H. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Canscmcr.
7T." ".aCOCTSs.
Setting the pace making 'em
hustle. That's what Clothcraft
clothes are doing to those who
would try to equal them in value.
And that includes every fea
ture of a good suit style, com
fort, fit, wear and price.
Clothciaft clothes are based
on one solid idea that of giv
ing the most possible value at
Clothcraft prices
$12.50 to $25
Philip chimci
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats
Car hart Overalls
Hansen Gloves
Bada SiwBe
n raa
r SkMB Fit! fpx iHrO
Why is it thai one will sometimes see ; shoe of
beautiful design in a window which, when tried on looks
shabby and unkcmpL? A great many times it is because
the shoe is made for style and eye-attraction, with no
thought given to its fit; After style, fit is the all-important
Style Shoes of Quality
Are beautiful to behold, not only in the windows, but
on the feet. Their designers know that perfect fit is ab
solutely essential to bring out their true style worth. Style Shoes of Quality fit the
beautiful curves of the feet smoothly. Consequently they look trim, and lend harmon
ious setting to stylish costumes.
Wear Style Shoes of Quality, and discover why they arc preferred by the fash
ionable. v