The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 04, 1917, Image 3

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    1 T
B L,--i.j.m jm-jmj-jji,iJii I im i I n iiiib m i I I" -ggaaBiiiii ibb becs;i i mm . i mi ,i i i
1 i
' " '
Prepared in tbe Interest of tLe People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers
mall lut the
tin services
r m
on i Carry
hoist a
Great Roll of
If you have made a few hundred dollars in a business deal or a lucky
The possession of a large amouHt of currency is a temptation to spend.
You Will Not Be So Ready to Draw a Check as
You Will to Spend the Ready Cash
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
'F-.r Insurance of all kinds see J. V. ! Mrs. W. A. Brown has been quite
Ilohr.-s. f,,.- r .i-,-.-
- ix-ix w vtjt-".
I Miss Men Livingston entertained a
I ....
company o! lr:ends at a party one
even in g last week.
Miss Leora Drown gave a party
for a number of her young friends
one evening la.t week.
I'. A. Wils. i: and wiiY were Platt.--n:-r.:h
visitors Tuesday.
l.l".vd Cliln-.ore made a business trip
PLtttsn'o'.itli Tuesday. H.-bseheidt was helr.inir Fr;-.nk
Si vi -'.d with hi butchering Tuesday.
James Loughridge has been visit-
P. P. Nickels and s.;i. A. F. Nick- in1; with friends in and around Mur-
w el ;
la .
nou'.h visil
Sat-' ray f r the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schaefer de-
... rt Your.?.' and carpenters are!,,arted last week for Calif. .rnia where
thev will remain for a vear.
M it ;! .. I . i: racier i
this v.eek.
M:-. J. Y. Pell, of (JieiiWood. Ia..
i l it : i.ii- i'..r .-i.-ter. .!;s. t,. M. Mm
f-!d. c.i'iiitr the holidavs.
Miss Ola Minford returned to M r- "nd Mrs- S- - hitman will
P;'M-.!n Tuesdav to resume her stud- I ,eave turciay ior amornia, wnere
ti.ev will make a number i months
Dick Pitman was an Omaha vis
itor .Monday, spending the day with
j .Mrs. Pitman at the hospital.
i- in the I'niversity Scho.,1 .if Music.
M -. Ihr.ry Ost. of Memphis Neb.,
-j.. ' r Sunday :." il e ! iv:e Mr. end
Mr-. Pi own. .---uth of P'mtts-
-:rs. l.. i.. laetn a::J daughter,!
M:- Pea; ! Puiray aiv spending the J
l:..-;day w ith Mrs. J.-e Campbell and
rehit ives.
M:-. P-bt. Shrader and children.
v.i..p !.ae been visiting friends in Lin
i ir. ;(,r the ast few da s. returned
ll'Hit- Tuesday.
T'.Ps. Rhoden. Mrs. Krutrer. Mrs.
Prei'ulel t;ni Lee Kniss servd refresh
m.iits itt the library last Saturday.
'J here was a -rood attendance.
Tr.e Library A.-sociation met Tues
day .-venin.c with u:te a number in
attendance. The must important
ha-i;u-.-s transacted was the motion to
buy .-"I", more in books.
The following members if the li
:r;iry wi'.! serve the lunch next Sat
urday: Miss Mai trie Walker, chair
man; Miss. Livingston, ?diss Loutrh
. I'r--. Miss Livinyston. and Albert
Pe sure to come, a tro-xl time
wi!! be in .-t'i-e for v.".:.
The Oldham Stock Farm- shipped
to North Dakota this week, also to
Illinois. They are shippnr in pairs
out of their fall pies.
Wm. Brown, of Stratmore, Can
ada, :s in Murray v;sitinr his pareots,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Prown and other
relatives. Everyone is frlad to see
! Will back to the old home. He re
ports everything in e;ood condition in
Mrs. J. Y. Pitman was taken to the
hospital in Omaha last Saturday
morning, where she was operated on
Monday. While the operation was
not serious the many friends will
deeply rejrret to learn of her sickness
and trust that she will soon be re
stored to her former health.
Rev. Robb, of Lincoln, is in Murray
this week in the interests of a Ly
ceum course. He is meeting with very
rood success, the citizens are sub
scribing very liberally to the sup
port of the same, and it now looks as
thoutrh. Murray will sure have a
i spring course.
cf the steadily increasing prices by shoe
manufacturers we are still able to give cus
tomers might good values and prices:
Men's Work Shoes
$2.75, $3.25, $3.75, $4.25 and $4.50
Ken's Dress Shoes
$3.75, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.50
Boys', Misses', Children's and Ladies' com
fort shoes at corresponding low prices.
lfTake a tip, you will do well to get a sup
ply of shoes right now and save money.
iatt . Tutt,
Philip Hild was in Murray Wed
nesday. Philip Keil was doinjr his winter's
butcherinr Monday.
John Weslik was a Plattsmouth vis
itor Xew Year's evening.
The ice harvest is the order of the
day here at the present time.
Henry Creamer has been on the sick
list for the past few days.
Henry Creamer bouirht a car load
of calves in South Omaha last Fri
day. There has been sickness in the fam
ily of A. J. McXatt for the past few
Mrs. Lulu Loujrhridtre was visit inp
with friends in Nebraska City last
Wm. Oliver, of Plattsmouth, was a
Murrav visitor Wednesday of this i
Mrs. Wm. LaRuv and daughter.
Mrs. Taney were Omaha visitors last
Porn, to Mr. and Mrs. (leorjre Adams,
a son. on December 27th. All
n ice 1 y.
Mrs. Frank Mailer, jr., has been
numbered with the sick for the past
few days.
. Minford & Creamer shipped a car
load of stock to South Omaha last
W. Ci. Poedeker has been surTerinjr
with a seitre of the grippe for the
past few days.
Mrs. Frank Dill has been
with an attack of the rrippe for the
past fw days.
Lee Nickels ar.d Al. Partlett were
in Mar.
sas City
r si.-ter.
and M r-
:-tite sic!:
Minford & Creamer were on the
market last week with a car of hotrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Spanjrler were
Christmas visiters with h .n e foil:--.
Frank Schlichtemeir shipped a car
load of cattle U South Omaha h.-'t
Mi.-s Edith Ranre. of Platt-.mouth.
was visiting with Murray friends
Uncle (ieor.tre Shrader was isitinjr
v. ith Murray friend- Wi.n".-day of
tii is week.
Mrs. E. S. Tutt is
this week visitintr 1
Mrs. IL E. Ximms.
The little baby oi
Elmer P -edeker has
for the past few days.
Lee and John Farris were
after some matters of bu-.'ness in
Omaha last Thursday.
The directors of the Farmers' Ele
vator Co. held their annual
here Tiu-sday afternoon.
Mrs. F. M. Votintr. sr.. rave a fam
ily Christmas dinner, and 1!. . Youtvr
and Arthur Younr were the only
c'lildivn not present.
Ted Harrows returned home fr- ni
M; "el.. Prid:iV eVe'linf' w!
lie lias been making a kolid:
witn h:s parents. IK
t'iintr in that loc:tlity lookin-r tine, isn-i
Mr. and Mrs. Farrows wel! and e:.-j- li fc .
P. P. Smith, of P.loomfield. Xeb.,
w'r.o has been iir visit imr with fri-.-iuls
ri,l reiativs lor u.e uw
ilcpiiried Tues!:. y for ids hoiiu
The atteiidiiiice was
inter -r was u'ood :tt
The pastor will uive his Xew Year's
message to the church next Sunday
lii'i'-niiiL:'. ('on-e and hear about the
'"Forward .Movement" in which every
Christian should be interested.
The topic will be. "The Yic-t-.iio;:.--
Narrow Escape.
Pay Chriswisser came very near
meet in. ir v.ith a t rious. acident Tues
day of this week. He was workinjr
i!o,ind his (:! with a torch and a
raso!ire can. the latter bei.utr uncier
his aim and the torch in hand, when
the t-.'.'o dantrert.Us enemies came lo-tj'etl'.ci-. an explosion followed.
T!ie cyr: v.; is blown from umier his
a nil. sevt .d feet
damage and Pay
battle without i
T.u.-i.v l'. v."
. with r,o serious
came utit of the
i single scratch.
Market Cood Chickens.
,v tie re
Ce-. Pay went to Plattsmouth Mon
day with a number of his fine Litrht
Prahma cliickens arid when we say
rood en;, we mean it. They were cliickens ami just, thirty-one
in the lot. and they brought him
s.;i.::i, or about $1.14 each. They
were .-urc some chicken-;, and cer-
n;v demonstrates tnat .Mrs. iav is
eood ;ou!trv raiser.
Louie Rheinackle and wife came up
this afternoon from their home near
Murray to attend the production of
Firth of a Nation" at the Par-
reports eve' - I " 1
i mele theater this evenintr
Jeif P i i f
jEruests of Mr. and Mrs
Friday eveniny.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Penjren has been tjuite sick for the
past few days.
Herman Richter has been (juite skk !
for the past few days, but is im- !
proving at this time. j
(ierald. the little son of Mr. and j
Mrs. Oscar Shrader. has been quite j
sick for the past few days. j
Troy, the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Linville fell from a horse last
Saturday and broke his fore arm.
A. L. Paker has been slitrhtly crip
pled this week from the eifects of a
cake of salt falline- on hi hip a few
days ajro.
Miss Thorpe, teacher in the Mur
ray schools, spent her holiday vaca
tion with friends and relatives in
Mrs. Wm. Rice was in Omaha Wed
nesday and spent the day at the Pres
byterian hospital with her daughter.
Miss Esther.
Miss Marie Davis, who has been
spendinsr her holiday vacation with
home folks, returned to her studies
at Pel u, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman, of Ne
braska City, were in Murray last
week, jruests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. O. A. Davis.
Carl Root, of York, Neb., who has
been here for the past few days vis
itintr with his trrandfather. P. A.
Root, returned home Tuesdav.
There was a la rye crowd in at
tendance at the dance at the Puis &
Gansemer hall last Saturday evening.
There will be another one yiven on
the 18th.
Ed. Kruyer. who has been liviny
in Murray for the past few months
moved to the Wm. Troop farm this
week where he will work for the com
ing summer.
Joe Creamer, who has been in Chi
cago for the past few months, look
ing after insurance businss, is home
for an extended visit with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Creamer, east of
Mrs. Ed. Gansmer was taken to
Omaha Tuesday evening, where she
was placed in the hospital for an
operation, one very serious in its na
ture, and the many friends will anx
iously await and will gladly receive
the news of her recovery to former
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Young enter
tained at Christmas dinner, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Oliver, sr., Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Gillispie, Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
Young, Mrs Adams, Miss Meral Hin
ton, Miss Pauline Oldham, Miss Clara
and Albert Young. A most delight
ful time was enjoyed.
Wm. Rice was in Omaha on Mon
day of this week and spent the day
with his daughter, Miss Esther, at
the Presbyterian hospital, where she
underwent an operation last week for
mastoid abcess of the ear. He re
ports the patient doing nicely, con
sidering the seriousness of her con
dition, which will be pleasing to her
many friends at home.
an an
:r.e to see tn
i -::ds. He is do;
uavs, i
Pete ! TtlCstla.V
1-.".! 1. .1 !l"
uai visit oadi to lee o.'o
l: i ir i i i. r ..Mil o' .
we'! ill tile nor! !,-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ilenton and
babe of Murray were visiting at the
h'-me of Mrs. Denton's parents. Mr.
and Mr-. Wm. Oliver in this citv on
in part of the
-tate out' at tr.e same
I o s 1 1 . e trios i ,.a-
to t . . e o;o
Don I a Good Driver.
..,'. :oi
tt. ,r
rT t T . 1
1 ne .journal man ma-a.1
trip t Murray this week, going
on t:e train, and bein;: compel
make the return trip via the
-lite, we ! eld some f-- v of y
b:a-k. Our work is such that w
lot put in the entire -:iv in Murray
as ef old. alt hoviyh we have alv.v.y-
-i joyed tki- day wi y much for iN
j t.i -t fou ' teen yea is. When il came
time to retinn home we caiied on ou
oid friend D. C. Rhodr n. t'ne Hverv
What to Do For Pad Colds.
If you want a cought medicine that
gives quick and sure action in healing
colds, couphs or cretin, get Foley's
Honey and Tar. It heals inflamed
membranes in throat, chest or bron
chial lubes; breaks up tight coughs,
loosens phlegm, makes breathing eas-
no;.s tickling in throat. Contains
k r,
;tes. Sold everywhere,
W. A.
Ezst f Riley HoteL
Coates' Block,
Second Floor
mar. w ho brought us t:j in the : U'.o.
Fiom the : hawing of th ice and mtni
dv roads we must confess that thev
were pretty slippery, but P n mai
led the wheel of the tru-ty old
"Henry T" like a veteran engineer,
and the trip was as pleasant as over
the roads in June. We ian i ow vouch
for the fact that Don is a good dr:er.
T the Guiltv One-
In reyard to our broken plate glass
window, we only have a few words
to say, and that is we know that the
party breaking the same does not
live in Murray, but there are parties
living in Murray that well know who
did it, and if they do not walk up and
pay the damages within the next
few das. they may be given an op
portunity of being compelled to pay
ti e same by the hands of the law.
Peg 0' the Ring
the 15th episode of this
great serial.
"Brother Jim"
a Big U drama
It Can't Be True
a Powers comedy
Omaha's Noted Specialist
Will Spend One Day in
at the
January 1 0 From 10 a. m.
to 5 p. m.
He will examine all sick
and ailing free of charge.
This is a great opportunity
to obtain expert advice.
Saturday Evening,
Show Starts at 7:45 Sharp
If you ate suffering from any form
of disease that ordinary methods of
treatment do not seem to help, it will
be woith your time to investigate
this new and wonderful treatment as
administered by Doctor Barnes. If
you have any ailment that his treat
ment will help and you care to put
yourself under his care, you will not
ha e to wait months before you see
improvement. If your case is one
that he cannot help he will tell you
so as he treats no incurable cases. He
is the only physician in this part of
the country who is giving this new
and scientific system of treatment.
Doctor Barnes treats successfully
all curable diseases of tne ear, nose,
tin oat, lungs, stomach, liver, skin,
kidneys, heart, nerves, brain, blood,
catanh of any part of the body, bron
chitis, asthma, consumption (in early
stages), deafness, goitre, dispepsia,
constipation, piles, rheumatism, scrof
ula, ulcers, eczema, pimples, epileptic
fits, paralysis, neuralgia, sciatica, lum
bago, headache, dizziness, vericocele
and diseases peculiar to men and
Hotel Riley
Examination and Consulta
tion Free!
Remember, one day only, Wednes
day, January 10.
Offices, 513 to 520 Rose Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
' - - Ti'VirifT" m hi .i" inr't t- .f'i' . ' ( ' i T ! 1
That's a sure combination.
Thousands upon thousands, tens upon tens of
thousands of perfectly browned Thanksgiving Turkeys
will come out of air-tight MONARCH Ovens to grace
the festive boards of happy families this coming Thanks
giving Day.
If you want to insure the success of your Thanks
giving Dinner, replace that old range now with a MONARCH.
arriware and implement Go,
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the County Clerk in the Court
House at Plattsmouth, Cass County,
Nebraska, up to 12 o'clock (noon) on
Monday, January 8th, 1U11, for the
painting of the second floor of the
court house, and painting of all out
side woodwork, as per specifications
adopted by the Board of Commission
ers and on file in the office of County
A certified check for $200.00 must
accompany each bid.
The Board of Commissioners re
serves the right to reject any or all
County Clerk.
Dated, Plattsmouth, Neu., December
G, 101 d.
Signs of fiMid Health.
Bright eyes, clear skins, alert brains
and energetic movements are signs of
good health. You don't have them
when digestion is impaired and fer
menting, decaying food clogs the in
testines. Foley Cathartic Tablets set
you right. Act without pain, griping
or nausea. Too stout persons wel
come the light feeling they bring. Sold
poorly of late. Mr. Chrisswisser will
remain at the hospital for some time
until he can be given a thorough
This and Five Cents!
Don't miss this. Sut out this slip,
enclose five cents to Foley & Co., 28"5
Sheffield avenue., Chicago.. 111., writ
ing your name and address clearly.
You will receive in return a trial
package containing Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound for coughs, colds, and
croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley
Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere.
Olfer $100.00 for your car if stolen,
if vou are insured by J. W. Holmes.
Bennett Chriswisser departed yes
terday for Omaha where he will enter
the hospital in that city for treatment
for a short time in the hopes of bene
fitting his health that has been quite
Stop! Look! Listen!
You may need an Auctioneer
if so
s still in the ring You will find
on the Murray Exchange.
1 Reverse All Calls!
Rates Reasonable
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Route No. 1
Fitch's Detroit
(They Wear Like a Pig's Nose)
Big Overalls or Jackets
at $1.25
On account of our heavy purchases and
early buying we are able to hold our prices
on Rubber Goods, the same as a year ago.
Our Grocery Stock
Puis & Gansemer,