The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 04, 1917, Image 1

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No. 104.
rionet-r Resident of Plattsmouth
Passed Away Lale Saturday Aft
ernoon After Ixing Illness.
Another of those who have braved
the hardships of the pioneer days in
the great west passed to the Great
Beyond after a life filled with useful
ness to his fellow man as "William 1).
Jones sank peacefully into the sleep
that knows no awakning. Saturday
afternoon at 4 o'clock, at his home in
this city.
Mr. Jones has been one of the best
known men in the community and his
residence of fifty years in this city
has leen a record of which his friends
and family can well be proud. His
life has been unselfishly devoted to
the helpfulness of his fellow man and
there are few in the city who could
lioast of more loyal or steadfast
friends than this kindlv and lovable
j " " '
' i '
jli ? ;
William DorcLAS Jones.
pentleman, now pone from our midst.
In the sunshine of the love of his
family and friends he was the flower
and vine but in the storms of life
his character was as the sturdy oak
that breasts the trials of the wind and
"William Douplas Jones was born on
May 'J. W.) at Sparta ,Tenn., where
his parents, Riley Jones and wife had
located when the family moved from
their ancestral home in the Carolinas.
The Jones family was amonp the first
settle is in that section of North Caro
lina, near the present city of Ashville
and here they assisted in the forma
tion of the colonies and in the strup
ple for the independence of their
state and nation. One of the members
of this family, Cadwaller Jones, has
won a hiph place in the colonial his
tory of our country, and who be
friended the younp man that was
later to take an active part in the
Tptory of this country, John Paul
J'.-nes. and it was In honor of the
kindly acts of C'aldwaller Jones, that
the preat naval hero of the revolution,
adopted the family name of Jones.
The family of William I). Jones, set
tlinp in Tennessee in a vry early day
took part in the struggles that were
a part of pioneer life and when the
subject of our sketch was but three
years of ape he was taken by his
iiients to the state of Iowa where
they settled. After spendinp his boy
hood days in the state of Iowa Mr.
Jones was sent back to Tennessee to
complete his education and spent his
school days there later returninp to
the family home in the state of Iowa.
On May 18f Mr. Jones was united
in marriage at Fairfield, la., to Miss
Nancy Catherine McGaw, and they
continued to make their home near
Fairfield until ISGfi when the family
removed to Nebraska and settled at
Plattsmouth where they have since re
sided. Durinp his residence in this
city Mr. Jones has taken a keen in
terest in public affairs and was for a
lonp period of time one of the active
leaders of the democratic party in
Cass county and at a time when to
be a democrat in the state of Nebras
ka was to face defeat and entailing
mar.v sacrifices. In these years Mr
Jones upheld the standard of his faith
and several times allowed himself to
be sacrificed for the principles he
held so dear. He served as council
man in this city for years. In the
business life of the city he was also
verv active and for the past fifty
rears has been identified with the
business interests of the city.
It was not until the failing health
made his retirement from active life
necessary that Mr. Jones laid aside
the cares of business life. For the
past six years his health has been fail
ing and for the last three years he
has been a confirmed invalid and for
the greater part of the time has been
confined to his room. During all this
long period of suffering this kindly
gentleman bore his burden without
complaint and his cheerful disposition
and desire to spare those he loved
from suffering was marked and until
the end his thoupht was of those he
loved and who had ministered to him
with such tender care durinp his ill
ness. Mr. Jones has been a member
of tlje Masonic fraternity for many
years and while able took a keen in
terest in the affairs of the order.
In his death the community has
lost a valued citizen and one that will
be hard to replace and the family a
kind and loving husband and father
and in their loss the family will re
ceive the deepest sympathy of every
one. To mourn the passinp of this
prand pood man there remains the
widow, oYie daughter, Miss Olive
Jones, of this city; one son, Gardner
I). Jones, of Chicapo; and a sister,
Mrs. Mary McGowan, of Los Anpeles.
From Tuesday's Pally.
The Fourth Nebraska regiment of
the federal militia that has been
stationed at the Mexican border
since their call to the colors in the
early summer months, is once more
back in their home state, arriving
Sunday from the southland. The
special train which was run in two
sections reached Kansas City Sun
day morning at 4 o'clock over the
Missouri Pacific and was transferred
there to the Burlington and reached
Omaha shortly before 3 o'clock. The
two sections of the train passed
hrouch this city and 1 :,"() and 2:00
o'clock vesterdav afternoon and the
soldier boys pave a hearty demon
stration of their happiness at being
back in the home state. As the spe
cial trains crossed the Burlington
iridge and the soil of Nebraska was
eached the boys pave vent to their
eelinps in cheers and songs as they
passed through this city, the first
town in Nebraska they touched on
their return trip. The trains were
sent over the Burlington short line
direct to Fort Crook where the mem
bers of the regiment will be quartered
in the barracks there pendinp their be-
inp mustered out of the service. Rep-
esentatives of the Omaha city com
mission and several societies and
bands were present at the Fort to
add to the payety of the reception
and relatives of the members of the
companies from Omaha were on hand
to extend a wlcome to the warriors
from the front. The. fourth regiment
has been very fortunate in losing only
one of their members who was
drownded while swimming in the Rio
Grande, and the relatives and friends
of the boys were well pleased to see
them return home without the neces
sity of participating in real warfare.
The training received in the camp
will be a valuable lesson to the mili
tiamen and fits them to be the best of
soldiers should the occasion demand.
From Tuesday's raily.
Saturday afternoon at Atchison,
Kan., occurred the marriage of Mr.
Marvin Allen and Miss Florence M.
Shaver, both of this city. The happy
couple sprung quite a surprise on
their friends by proceeding to the
Kansas city, where the wedding cere
ir.ony was performed. The newly
weds returned home yesterday after
noon and will make their home here
in the future. Both of the contract
ing parties are well known here and
held in high esteem by a large circle
of warm friends who will join in wish
in gthem a long and happy wedded
A. F. Vroman of Yutan, Neb., who
was sent to Aurora, 111., by the Bur
lington company to get a pile driver
to be used in the completion of the
new bridge near Yutan, stopped off
in this city for a short visit With his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Vroman
Funeral at the Home, and Many Old
Friends and Neighbors Follow
the Remains to the
Silent Tomb.
From Tuesday's l:iily.
Yesterday afternoon the funeral
services for Henry C. Miller were held
from the late home on North Ninth
street and the concourse of sorrowing
friends that gathered to pay their last
tribute of love and esteem to the de
parted was very large. Those who
gathered at the Miller home repre
sented every walk in life to render
that last sad farewell to the departed
friend and neighbor, and it was with
a sorrowing heart that the old friends
saw all that was mortal of the one
they had held so dearly laid in the
silent tomb.
The services wero conducted by Rev.
J. H. Steger of St. Paul's Evangelical
church, and the pastor in his remarks
brought comfort to the hearts of the
soi rowing relatives and friends, hold
ing out to them the prondse of the
Savior, of the time when the loved
one might be near them in the better
world, where the pain and grief of
parting would not be felt. The serv
ice was in both German and English
and the remarks of the pastor served
to bring clearer to the hearts of the
sorrowing friends the beauty of the
comfort and hope of the Christian
life held in the promise of the future
years beyond the grave. The choir
of the St. Paul's church gave twt.
of the old and well loved hymns.
Nearer My God to Thee" and "Asleep
in Jesus" during the services that
came as balm to the grief stricken
ones. At the close of the sor ices
at the home the body was tendeily
borne to Oak Hill cemetery, where it
was laid to the last long rest, the
service at the grave being in charge
of the Odd Fellows' lodge, of which
the deceased had long been a mem
ber. This order was present in a body
at the home and acted as the guard
of henor to the cemetery.
Henry C. Miller was born March
11, 18G4, at Ehrenberg, in the King
dom of Saxony, and there made his
home until his eighteenth year, when
he came to America to make his fu
ture home. Locating in Cass county
he had since made his home in this
community. He was united in mar
riage to Miss Mathilde Pollard and
since that time had resided in this
city, and were universally loved and
respected by all who had the pleas
ure of knowing them. Always in the
best of health until the last five
months, the illness of Mr. Miller came
on him very unexpectedly, and it was
with the greatest regret that his fam
ily and friends learned that his re
covery was very doubtful. The treat
ment at the hospital failed to give
him relief from his suffering and he
passed away Friday afternoon at 3:30.
Beside the wife he leaves one son,
John H. Miller, his aged mother, one
brother and one sister, residing in
Germany, and one brother, Gustave
Miller, residing at Madison, Neb.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Order of Eagles together with their !
families enjoyed one of their de
lightful gatherings on Saturday eve
ning last at the club rooms in the
Coates block and a very large number
were present to enjoy the event. Dur
ing the evening games of all kinds
were indulged in that served to add
greatly to the pleasure of the gather
ing and for those w-ho desired danc-
ing this was enjoyed for some time.
The committee in charge had arrangd
a dainty luncheon which was served
and proved a rare treat to the mem
bers of the party. It was a late hour
when the jolly crowd wended their
way homeward vowing that the event
had been one of much pleasure. The
Eagles at these gatherings have se
cured the most delightful socialibility
among the members and their fam
ilies and which certainly are enjoyed
to the utmost by all those who are
fortunate enough to be present. There
will be a number of these given dur
ing the winter months.
From Tuf-sdny's P:ii!'
Mrs. Mattie Wiles was hostess to a
family dinner Wednesday, when she
entertained her nephews and niece.
Mrs. Maria Gapen was present and en
joyed the day with her grandchildren.
It was a day enjoyed by all, the only
drawback being that the cousins who
lived far away could not be there to
accept the gracious hospitality. Those
present were: Mises Elsie Villa. Mat
tie, Helen and Edith Gapen. Anna,
Mildred and Laura Snyder, Fiances
Wiles, Helen Walden, Messrs. Oliver
and Oscar Gapen, Byron, George and
Ralph Snyder. Joseph Johnson, Glen
and Myron Wiles, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Wiles, Mrs. Maria Gapen and Mrs.
Mattie Wiles.
From Tuesday's Paily.
At the meeting of the official board
of the Methodist Sunday school held
on Saturday evening at the church.
the board took up the matter of the
election of officers for the ensuing
year, and received a written request
of Mr. C. C. Wescott, superintendent
of the Sunday school for the past
twenty years, that he be allowed to
retire from this position. While the
request was learned of with the great
est regret, in consideration of the
faithful work of Mr. Wescott, the
board accepted the request and se
lected as the new superintendent. Mr.
E. C. Hill, who has been one of the
leading workers in the Sunday school
and whose executive ability has been
shown in his work in the school, and
Mr. Hill will be found a valued man
in the position of superintendent of
the school. The Sunday school teach
ing force is moving in harmony and
with the able guidance of Mr. 1 1 ill
will be able to accomplish much more
pood in the chosen work. The feeling
of the board of the church is ex
pressed by the following letter to the
retiring superintendent:
Mr. Cliff Wescott, Plattsmouth.
Neb., Dear Sir and Brother: By direc
tion of the Sunday school board of the
Methodist Episcopal church of Platts
mouth, I am to convey to you their
appreciation of your long service in
the interest of the kingdom of Go.!,
an unbroken record of twenty years,
as Sunday school superintendent. We
regret the long pressure upon you ne
cessitates a present relief from the
duties you so lovingly and graciously
assumed and which vou have fulfilled
so faithfully. Many a boy and girl
of this city will carry through life
the memory of Mr. Cliff Wescott,
standing up by the desk as the mes
senger from God, pointing the way
to eternal life.
To say scholars and teachers "ap
preciate" you for your life, service,
and example, is not the word. Sir, we
love you for it, and pray that your
relief from the present office will but
add to your strength for a larger
place in the kingdom of our Lord and
Savior. We are, dear brother, yours
in the Master's name.
For the Board of Sunday School,
From Tuesday's raily.
John 11. Busche of near Cedar,
Creek, who has been road overseer of
Eight Mile Grove precinct for the
past few years, was in the city today
settling up affairs of the office with
the board of county commissioners.
Mr. Busche has been a most efficient
worker in this office and his accounts
and records turned over to the county
commissioners are right up to the
minute and show the clear record of
the receipts and expenditures for the
time he has held office. H. A. Meis
inger is the new road overseer and
will take up his duties at once.
Mr. liusche desires to express
through the Journal to the people of
his district his appreciation of their
good will and assistance to him during
his term of office and to thank them
heartily for their helpfulness to him
Henry Hirz was in yesterday after
noon from his farm home to spend a
short time visiting and looking after
some matters of business.
The Quarries Were First I)isco red
By White Men Oxer Sixty
Years m.
Frum W'e.liicsdav "s lniy.
The ancient llint quarries at Ne
hav.ka, ( ass county. Were first noticed
by white men more than sixty years
aero. Trappers and traders carried
down the Missouri a tide of a hill and
terrace on the Weeping Water with
extensive remains of diggings. They
were believed to be Spanish gold or
lead mines, and expeditions were fit
ted out to work them. In June. lS.'C.
a preemption was taken at this place
by Mr. issac Pollard, of Vermont, who
soon noticed the disturbance of the
surrace. So stroiiir Pecame Ins con
viction that this was the work of
prehistoric man that he made a trench
thru the remains, which extended a
hundred rods along the side of a hill
at the level of limestone strata.
In the summer of I'.Mil Mr .E. E.
R'ackman. archaeologist of the Ne
braska state historical society, ex
plored the region, and a year later in-
duced some eminent scientists to visit
the place. These were Prof. N. II.
Winchell. president of the American
eological society. Prof. Warren lTp-
lutin. secretary of the Minnesota his
torical society. Prof. E. II. Barbour.
tate geologi.-t of Nebraska anil Mr.
I. . Brown, archaeologist of Minne
sota, explorer and author. Mr, Pol
lard's view was confirmed. The op
posite page shows the Pollard trench.
Mr. Pollard standing in it. This was
cluir sixty feet long into the slope of
the hill down to the undisturbed
strata, thru the debris of broken lime
ftT.e and surface wash. At the in
ner terminal where the stone had not
been disturbed, it is ten feet deep.
The lowest stratum torn out contained
a small percentage of flint in rounded
nodules, which the debris shows to
have been taken out. To pet the
flint, the ancient quarrymen were
obliged to tear out the solid limestone.
bre ik loose the masses of flint and
throw the limestone frapments back
out of the way to work further into
the hill. The limestone shows the
. i 1 T-il
marks m neavy nammering anci mere
were found piles of flint chips and re
mains of fires.
How did an early people manage
to quarry thru miles of limestone to
obtain flint? How long since they
worked? What tools did they use?
The works have been covered with
several feet of soil. Oak trees two
feet in diameter are growing upon
this ancient debris. Beyond doubt
they are the oldest evidences of man's
existence thus far found in the lim
its of Nebraska, and as such deserve
the attention of all students of Ne
braska history.
OF THE A. 0. U. W.
The members of the Ancient Order
of United Workmen lodges throughout
the state are turning their eyes to
ward Omaha this week, where the
special session of the grand lodge
convened by Grand Master Workman
Anderson is to convene today. This
session is to take up several matters
of great interest to the order and the
chief of which is on the rate question
The verv low rate at which all fra
ternal insurance companies sell their
insurance has begun to be felt by a
great many of the orders as their
older members pass away and the
death losses increase in great num
bers in excess of new membership.
There is not anyone insured in any
of these orders that pays anywhere
near what the beneficiaries are to re
ceive on their policies and as a result
after the membership begins to be be
composed of a great number of men
past fiifty-five the death rate increas
es correspondingly and makes it dim
cult for the orders to handle the sit
uation. The Workmen will have the
matter thoroughly discussed at their
meeting and hope to reach a plan
that will strengthen the order and
not be too severe on the old members
From Tuesday's J:iily.
Saturday afternoon Marvin Evinger
of the Empire Ice Cream company of
St. Joseph, Mo., was in the city for
a short time visiting with Lee C.
Sharp of the Western Machine and
Foundry company. The Empire com
pany has its plant equipped with the
cone making machinery that was in
vented and manufactured by Mr.
Sharp for this line of the trade and
which has proven very popular wher
ever it has been used. The plant of
Mr. Evinger is one of the largest in
the United States and the output of
cones has been greatly facilitated by
the use of the Sharp cone making ma
chinery. Mr. Evinger was very en
thusiastic in his praise of the ma
chines and his tribute to their effi
ciency is convincing that they are all
that has been claimed for them.
A common complaint from the vis
itors from the country districts as
well as a great many of those resid
ing in the city itself is that of a store
where ladies' suits and furnishings
ready-to-wear can be purchased. This
has been pointed out time and time
again by a large number of the resi
dents of the citv and is one reason
for a great many being compelled to
trade in Omaha, as they cannot find
what is desired in this city. To those
who have carefully studied the situa
tion this is the one great need in the
commercial life of the community as
the other lines are represented in
stores that would be a credit to a
much larger town than Plattsmouth,
but in this one particular line of
ladies tailored suits there is a decided
lacking and in this day and age it is
a very serious one too, as the de
mand in this line is constantly grow
ing, and as the purchasers are com
pelled to go elsewhere to purchase
them, other lines of trade suffer to a
greater or less extent. Only yester
day a resident from near Union
who was here, expressed the regret
that Plattsmouth did not have a
ladies' readv-made suit establishment
:is, he stated, his family liked very
much to trade with the business men
of Plattsmouth in their excellent
stores, but on account of the purchase
of the garments for the ladies the
members of the household generally
went into the larger cities to trade.
The establishment of a store of this
kind in Plattsmouth by some enter
prising person would be a big step in
the right direction.
From Tuesday's Pally.
The case of William Rinker of this
city against the Ringling Brothers
circus company for damages in the
sum of $23,000 is to be placed on
trial in the federal court in Omaha
this morning. This action arises out
of injuries received by Mr. Rinker on
August 10, 1914, while he was in the
city of Omaha watching the street
parade of the Ringling circus, A
team of horses in the parade became
frightened and started to run away
and in doing so it is claimed Mr.
Rinker was struck by one of the
horses and knocked to the pavement
where he sustained severe injuries
that have since resulted in his being
almost entirely helpless as a result
of paralysis that has affected his
limbs and vocal organs. For several
weeks following the accident Mr.
Rinker was at the hospital in Omaha
and for some time his recovery was
considered very doubtful and since his
ieleare from the hospital he has been
unable to perform any manner of
work and has the greatest of difficulty
in getting around. Matthew Gering
is the attorney in the action for Mr.
William Heiner and family were
among those going to Omaha this
afternoon to spend a few ; hours in
that city attending to some matters
of business.
Hut Few Changer Only as lo Depu
ties in Several of tin Count
Today marked the commencrn cnz
of the new year for the government
of Cass county and all of the county
officials excepting the recorder of
deeds, Mr. Snyder, who has two more
years yet to serve in that office, were
sworn in. The oath of office was ad
ministered to the county ollicials by
County Judge Allen J. Beeson. who
was in turn sworn in by County Clerk
Libershal. There will be no notieable
changes made in the hourt house this
year as most of the officials have been
re-elected to their offices. In the of
fice of county treasurer, W. K. Fox
retires after four years of excellent
service to the taxpayers, an 1 is suc
ceeded by Mike Tritsch, who has been
the deputy under Mr. Fox. John E.
Nemetz becomes the new deputy 5n
the office, and with Miss Mia Gcing
will assist in conducting the affair' of
this office in the best possible way
for the benefit of the peopb' of th
county. In the office of sheriff and county
attorney there will be no changes
made, as sheriff C. D. Quinton and
County attorney Cole will retain their
offices, and in the office of Mr. Cole
Miss Opal Fitzgerald will continue as
the official stenographer for both the
county attorney and County Superin
tendent Miss Eda Marquardt, who is
also re-elected to her office.
County Judge Beeson will continue
in the office of county judge, having
been returned by a record-breaking
majority, and will "be on the job in
handling the affairs o'f this office.
Miss Marie Svoboda will serve as the
clerk in this office.
In the office of county clerk. Frank
J. Libershal, the present efficient offi
cial will continue to ocupy the office
for another two years. The deputy
in the office has not as yet been desig
nated by Mr. Libershal.
George L. Farley succeeds W. R.
Bryan in the office of county assessor
and will have the job of supervising
the taxing of the property of the
county during the next four years.
On the board of county commission
ers Julius A. Pitz, the commissioner
from this district, is re-elected and
becomes for another term a member
of the county legislative body. Com
missioner Henry Snoke of the Third
district becomes the chairman of the
board for the ensuing year.
From Tuesday's Pally.
Sheriff Quinton was called to Mur
dock Sunday evening by a message
stating that a farmer residing be
tween Murdock and Louisville, named
Fred Krecklow, had killed himself in
the automobile garage at Murdock. It
was found by the sheriff on his arival
that the man, who was insane, had
failed to end his earthly career, but
had made two attempts at suicide by
the revolver route. Mr. Krecklow had
come into iMurdock during the day
and toward evening was in the gar
age, when he was taken with a desire
to end his life, and, puling out a re
volver pointed at hi3 temple and fired,
but owing to his extreme nervousness
he was unable to complete the job as
the bullet flew wild of the mark. The
sound of the shot aroused those in the
vicinity of the garage and rushing in
they were in time to see him lift the
revolver an 1 fire at his temple a sec
ond time, but the bullet merely tore
a large hole through his cap and left
the man uninjured. The man was
then prevented from further attempts
at suicide and on the arrival of the
sheriff Mr. Krecklow was brought to
this city, where he was placed under
care to prevent his doing serious in
jury to himself, and, this morning,
was taken to Lincoln by Deputy Man
speaker to be given treatment at the
hospital. Mr. Krecklow has been sub
ject to these nervous spells and which
finally led to his rash attempt on his
own life.
CREAM, 37c, at Dawson's store,
Plattsmouth. 9-19-d&wtf