The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 11, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    MONDAY. DIXTJMEER 11, 1316-
PLATTSMouTir 2E:,ii-v;Fi:r::.r journal.
g 1 ' L " . rTik. i. r-- f-w mL....... m mma FiV R fFWir ft r
the Best Lady of
Silks for waists ana cresses waae m
Christmas. Gifts!
v.'-. ! --
k : ; V
(.'...; j- ri
.!-. - . 1 ..e:r.j .
Never have taffetas been so popular as
they have been this season, and forecasts
for spring are that taffetas will be worn more
than ever before.
We have just received some new pat
terns iii fanc3r taffetas, also some new plain
shades chat make up into the lovliest dresses.
These fancy taffetas come in stripes with
two r.nd three color combinations and plaids
hi v.nv.suil coloring and designs.
Plain taffetas, 38 in, per yard $1.65
Fancy taffetas, 38 inches, per yard. . 2.00
Fo en evening dress or a smart blouse
we hnr'c rl! the pl?.in shades in Georgette
Crepe r nd Crepe da Chine.
Crete us Chine, 40 inch, per yard. . . .$1.50
Georgette Crepe, 40 inches, per yard . . 2.00
As accessories for either dresses or
waists we radium nets, gold all over
lace, Scld end silver lace, wool trimming,
hh colors in silk ficss for embroidery, etc.
Call phenes 53 or 54.
TrlvlT u7e7or comphTmT on f IIOTIFE FOR SALE-Inquire of
hich prk-es of eatir.ff. Try W.wVl Mrs. Jennie Sass, at old McMaken
L'.V dimu-rs ar,! sm-p-rs. rkue. 1- 4-td
For Hen Hou;. l-::rn. -v.: build- There is r.o cause for complaint on
irnrs ar.l three acres ro;:r M. P. depot, hijrh prices of eatinjr. Try Warner's
F Y Frar. Pi 1 1 -V . 12-0-:td , dinners and suppers.
I fl
1 ASS Week Special 1
y v& 11 3 &c&j& 8 aSiiiealSa feasts
6 All Short Orders 20 per cent off.
1 f
i n I
S Chicken. DexcEi and Fried H
y Oysters
' 2Sc 1
N Take a look at our windows for all that is
I good to cat.
It' !
McCall Pllein No. 7551
We te to serve.
Information of Priceless Value
Every I'lattsmouth
How to act in an emergency is
knowledge of inestimable worth, and
this is particularly true of the disease
and ills of the human body. If you
suffer with kidney backache, urinary
trouble, the advice contained in the
following1 statement should add a
valuable asset to your store of knowl
edge. What could be more convincing
proof of the efficiency of Doan's Kid
ney Pills than the statement of a
Plattsmcuth woman who used them
and who publicly tells of the benefit
derrived ?
Mrs. Harry Kuhney, Eighth and
Pearl Sts., Plattsmouth, says: "I
couldn't say anything but good in
praise of Doan's Kidney Pills for I
know from personal experience that
they are all that is claimed of them.
I use Doan's Kidney Pills whenever
my back aches and my kidneys are
not acting as they should and they
never fail to give quick relief. We use
Doan's Kidney Pills in our home
whenever necessary for kidney
trouble and they always give good
Price SOe, at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for kidney remedy" get
Doan s Kidney Pills the fame that
Mrs. Kuhney had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Prop., Buffalo, N. Y.
Touring Car $360 Runabout $345
Sedan $645 Coupelet $505
with $22.05 freight added.
Wc have adopted the Ford schedule of charges for all
repair and overhauling johs and have engaged Ray Hitch
man and Guy Recfc to look after that branch of our business
which insures to all Ford owners prompt and efficient service.
We carry a complete stock of Ford parts, automobile
Supplies, Tires,, Tubes, Chains and Radiator Covers!
Buy your Ford now and pay for it as you use it
if you wish. Call and investigate our plan. We can
make immediate deliveries of Ford cars.
Office Tel. No 1. Shop Tel. No. 58 Plattsmouth
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Georjre O. Dovey entertained in a very
pleasing manner at their home for a
number of friends, in honor of "Toby"'
Allen of Lincoln, the event beinp: in
the nature of "Michigan" party. The
evening was spent in playing this fas
cinating: game of "Michigran," at which
uch pleasure and enjoyment was de
rived by the merry party. At a suita
ble hour very dainty and delicious re
freshments were served by the hostess
to further heighten the pleasures of
the occasion. There were some ten
guests in attendance.
The new home of Judge J. T. Begley
on North Fifth street is now nearing
completion and it is thought it will
be ready for occupancy the latter part
of the week. The residence has been
arranged in a strictly modern manner
and has been prepared with a view of
comfort to the family. The family of
Judge Begley is residing at the Hotel
Riley pending the completion of their
new home.
There will be a home talent play
and box social given at the Eight Mile
Grove school, district No. 25, on Fri
day evening, December 15th. Every
one cordially invited to attend. All
ladies are requested to bring boxes as
there will be -no plates of refresh
ments served. Don't forget to 'come
to see "The New Housekeeper." Ad
mission free.
MAE BARKER, Teacher.
IU if
SiHWfmt' Onirt Unanimous in Derlsir
inK Law Consfitutioiial With Ex
ception or That Part IN ftr
rini? to Appointments.
The supreme court of Nebraska has
upheld the act of the hist legislature
providing for the appointment of a
court commission comprising tiiit.e
member;-:, but declares void that. part.
of the act whirl: limits the court in
choice of commissioners to nom
inees proposed lv ihe governor. I 'io
ourt says the legislature and the
governor cannot, thu-? interior with
i co-ordinate branch of the state gov-
rnment any more tlt;n the court
could appoint ollk-ers or employes- for
the house of somite.
The last lev islai u re passed nn act
or tl.e appointment o! a court com
mission to assist the court in dispos
ing of cases. It made no appropria
tion for the pay of such comniission-
rs. The court .selected three com
missioners from nominees proposed by
the governor, as provided by the act.
ind appointed Messrs. Parriott, Mar
in and McCJerr. who are serving with
out pay. The court now says the act
; an authorization by the legislature
r the appointment of commissioners
or referees, and no appropriation hav
ing been made, the legislature is lin
er moral obligation to compinsate
hese authorized assistants.
This i;; the third decision of the su
preme court upholding the validity of
court commission. The lirst deci
sion was in 1S9., upholding a commis
sion on the ground that the commiss
ioners are not judges and their opin
ions were of no foiee until examined
ami approve;! !v the court, l-ater a
imilar decision was given for a simi-
ar reason. 1 he l.alitornia court nas
ince upheld a similar law.
The holding of the court at this
time by the entire court. The va-
idity of the commission lav having
been attacked m several cacs the
court deemed it proper to render an
It had been alleged that the ac . was
oid because litigants were deprived
f the right to be heard in the court of
t recoit. Ihe conn now hoids that
he court exercises its judgment in
uh case and also in the cases of mo-
. i i i
ions jor rer.eai ir.g, xnis ueir.g c,or-o
by the court on reports of the com
mission. It is hel.l mat the commis-
ior; rentiers n judgments, muhes no
orders, e'-ercises no judicial functions.
The decision of the court contains
le following:
"Justice delayed is often justice de
nied. The serious condition in which
the people of the state have been
placed by the absence of restriction
upon the right of appeal and the con
signment delay convinces us that it
was tor the public welfare that me
ourt be not unduly sensitive as to
clear and undoubted constitutional
ight to ignore or reject all reeommen
ations for the appointment by whom
soever matte, and the names oi lit
men were suggested to make ap
pointment from the list. The work
of the commission has justified the
selection made.
That portion of the act which at-
temps to confine the right to appoint
two nominees of the governor is clear-
7 void.
Neither the legislature nor the gov
rnor has the right to dictate whom
the court shall appoint as the referees
or assistants. The court might as
well assume to appoint the chief clerk
or sergeant at arms of each house of
he legislature. The court, the lcg's-
ature, and the executive and co-ordin-
te branches of the state government
and under the constitution neither can
exercise powers conferred by the peo
ple upon the other.
The act, if strictly and literally con
strued is, in part, volative of some
constitutional provisions, but the void
portions may be and have been disre
garded as unessential and as con
strued by the court a valid act is
"The report of the findings made by
the commission is similar to the report
of a referee and is not in any sense a
The commission renders no judg
ments, makes no orders, exercises no
judicial functions. The act is an
authorization by the legislature that
the commissioners or referees may be
appointed to aid in disposing of the
accumulated work, and no appropria
tion having been made, it imposes a
moral obligation to compensate those
authorized assistants. - Such an act
is valid." Lincoln News.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Foster and
children of Union motored to this
city Saturday morning and were over
Sunday visitors at the Larson home.
They motored to Omaha Saturday
Learn That Two Sets of Books Kent
Py Tl. r.i Weif. and Three
Others Possess ! HO.OOO.Of.n.
Eggs in Storage.
Letter files at the Journal office.
Washington, Dee. 10. Special grand
jury investigation-; into Ihe hiv;'o cost
of living will lie begun in !)(. .-o:.., Chi
cagj New York the midd of next
wick, rpeciu!
eial Anderson,
a:iiiou!; i toda
iivsislan Alt i. '-lie Gen
ii clui i 'e of iii' pi.i)i-.
and added igor in tin
P' t-be aig ex net tod to
Chicago. Dec. 10. Acting -ii their
last, discoveries that four men cor'tiol
the egg supply of Chicago, and (be
middlewest perhaps, and that t'.wi st is
of bo :,:. have been kept by the cold
siotnge men. United States District
Attorney Ciyne and his assistant to
day s.-t about a. ranging their evidence
for the grind jury Monday.
Rail'oad embargoes tin foodstuffs
fe:le:al food
push prices
lower again today, although the storm
r.wetping the Missis iopi valley may
check tile decline temporarily.
The "big four" supposed to control
the egg situation are Meyer H. Eihen
giten, Charles !. Ford. Louis Keichter
and James E. Wetz. who recently ad
mitted he was the "egg king" of
America. One of these admitted to
a; distant district attorneys that he
'guessed the four of 'em had around
lxninp.OOO eggs."
With this admission the government
oalcials dropped their probe of pack
er.. activities tempoiarily and will go
after the speculators to the limit.
The alkgiation that the speculators
kept two sets of books, one for exhibi
tion in the event of such an inquiry as
is now on. and the other sot. radically
different, olll ials believe, for their own
accounts, will be probed immedi
ately. Grand Jury Activity.
Washington, Dec. 10. Attorney
General Gregory gave ofocial approval
of the grand jury probe of high food
pi ices tody. It is highly probable
thai gt and juries also will be called in
the immediate futu.e at Cleveland.
Kansas City and Minneapolis.
Fol'O'.ving the- "go ah -ad" orders of
Gregory, tekgi ams were dispatched
immediately to those points where
grand juries will be summoned, or
dering the wo: k '.o be started at one".
Anderson said today the grand jury
l ork lohaiov will he oi-
: ecte
n .sew
bv As.-
ant Attorney
Frank M. S'vacker, ji incipally against
alleged coal prUo conspiracies.
Andcr-on will confer this afternoon
with Secrciaiy of Agriculture Houston
regarding corn and food product out
puts for the year.
President Wilson is scheduled to
pass personally upon Anderson's plan
Monday. It was anticipated he will
O. K. them.
The food crisis is bringing forth a
large number of threatening letters
from cranks in different parts of the
country, it was disclosed today. Sev
eral senators and representatives have
received throuuh the mail threats of
bodiiy harm if they fail to support an
embargo measure or any other legisla
tion designed to curb coaring prices.
The mo.-t rabid letters have come
from the south.
Bovcott Butter and Eggs.
Kansas City, Mo.. Per. 10 It de
veloped here tcday that Kansas
Cityans are boycotting butter as well
as eggs,. Grocery stores in the resi
dence sections reported selling only
ten one-pound cartoons of butter in n
tlay where formerly fifty were sold.
The "official" egg boycott by the res
taurant men's association begins here
Servants in On Graft.
New York, Dec. 10. Here's what
New Yorkers pay for every time they
buy a bottle of milk, according to evi
dence brought before a state investi
gating committee:
Bonus to janitors who allow compa
nies to deliver milk.
Free milk daily to janitors and their
Boxes of cigars to real estate agents
for lists of tenants.
Cash annual retainers to apartment
house managers.
Cash gifts to servants of apartment
Cash for ball and outing tickets sold
to milk company managers by any
body soliciting money.
Money for tickets to servants' en
tertainments, i
Taxicab hire to take same servants
to hnd from these affairs.
One Brooklyn milk company alone
pays $30,000 a year for these things
and admits the ?30,000 eventually is
paid by the consumer.
" Detroit Boycott Effective.
Detroit, Doc. 10. Retail price of
eggs in Detroit dropped 10 cents per
dozen this week as the result of the
hou?ewives boycott. Butter and vege-
what to Os
the House for G
Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet
Set of Pure Aluminum Ware
Community Silver Ware
Keystone Knives and Forks
Pyrex Cooking Dishes
Self Basting Roasters
Fine Carving Sets
Shears of all kins
Electric or Power Washing
o illy
tables also show slight declines,
''rices 10 Per Cent Higher.
New York, Dec. 10. Wholesale
commodity pi ices are 40 per cent
higher than before the war, R. G.
Dun's weekly financial review declared
Dun's labie tf juices shows that
eggs, western firsts, have yielded but
1 cent to 13 tents a dozen during the
past week of boycotts and probes.
Creamery extra butter, on the other
hand, is quoted at 38 cents, against
i2 rent-- a week ago.
Miss Crete Briggs will have charge
of the Story Hour at the Carnegie
library Wednesday afternoon of this
week after school. The doors will be
open at 3:30. This Story Hour is for
the children of the 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th
grades but the other children are also
welcome. 12-ll-2tl
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the County Clerk in the Court
Iltmse at I'lattsmouth. Cass County,
Nebraska, up to 12 o'clock (noon) on
Montlav, Januarv Sth, HUT, for the
painting of the second floor of the
court house, and painting of all out
side woodwork, as per specifications
adopted by the Board of Commission
ers and on file in the office of County
A certified check for ?200.00 must
accompany each bid.
The Board of Commissioners re
serves the right to reject any or all
v County Clerk.
Dated. I'lattsmouth, Neu., December
J. lr'l;.
The Junior Guild of St. Luke's par
ish wiil meet at the home of Miss
Ma ;. Donnelly Wednesday arid
Thursday evening at 7:30. All mem
bers are urged to be present. 12-ll-2td
The people are wise who buy sta
tionery at the Journal.
Six acres, the best, most level, rich
soil. Almost new 8-room house. All
fenced hog tight. Some fruit. Make
a splendid chicken and fruit farm.
Buy from owner. Easy terms. Im
mediate possession. Close to Platts
mouth. C. B. Schleicher, 3146-So.
10th St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Tyler
opo. 12-9-3td2twkly.
A want ad in the Journal will bring
Photograph Shop
for pictures of the
or anything photographic!
Now is the right time to make a
move for Christmas Photos.
Your First Hove!
ingestions for
Do you realize that there is only one week and six
davs left before Christmas. We have a wonderful as
sortment of beautiful gifts on display and the following
suggestions will undoubtedly be appreciated by the giver
of useful presents.
This year, we have for sale a unusually large and
beautiful assortment of greeting cards, seals and stickers
at Sc and 10c. Come in and look over our stock and be
sure to ask us for a WEATHER CALENDAR. They
are now ready for distribution.
G. Fricke & Co.,