The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 11, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5
PLATTSMOUTH OXDAY, DECEMBER 11, J916. SKMi. WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 5. r V 7 t t 4 i n i LiTili rr i i 'il i - i . .il - THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS rrj CHAPTER XXIII. In Real Life Too. - IIEIIE was no longer any ob jection raised by Miss Sarah, and Barbara spout every fc , - - i uour ol ner uus wim uiu. It grow warmer with aging spring, and almost inmiediately lie was able to sit with her and watch the stream of logs coming in over the line from Thirty Mile and beyond. Miriam and Carry were married in that week which followed directly Steve's lirst days of convaieseenco. 'teve and Barbara were at the win dow together, Steve outwardly still a little pale and hag-'ard, lut for the rest his old serene self again. He man-' aued not to smile at her small and seii nus face. "It certainly has not strengthened my vanity a little hit. either." said lie. "to r::rn how smoothly tilings can move a"ng without me." Dny I'.v day the girl was linding her way deeier into that innermost heart oi him which lie had never shared with :lier woman or man. Hour ly hour she was learning to know him hotter, ai:d yet his whimsical gravity still co-iM docAvc hershe was sometimes thoughts behind his thoughts. Hard upon his reply her eyes flashed with in-d'-nation. i'ooir." she scoffed. "Pooh! Most any o'.d clock will run after somebody's wound it iii!" It was a trick of speech that she had learned from him. but his employ ment of parallel, lazily amiable for the moi-t part, had never been so hotly par tisan as was hers at that moment. And suddenly self conscious, suddenly confused and warmly disconcerted at the quality of his gaze, she had to hide her head. But she hid it upon a shoul dn't' most conveniently at hand. SpriDg gave way to early sumrqer, and now Steve was able to be on his feet again, so absurdly uncertain of b ilancoat first, however, that she ridi culed him unmercifully one moment, only to rush to him in a panic, of so li itude the next. There came long walks and longer trips in the saddle; crime hours of silence that were the ii aire wonderful for want of words hours in which, in a hushed vcice, sIk? gave him shyly of her plans. But al ways, pjo, the interruptions grew more ami more frequent and insistent. Fat J! and McLean and even Ilardwick Flliott made more and more pressing demands upon his time, until finally ho insisted that he could no longer play shamelessly the invalid. He must look in upon the works up river if only for the moral effect which it would have upon the men. She assented grudging ly. It would be but a day or two, and then then he would come back to her. The next morning, at the moment wlnm Barbara and Steve were mount ing their horses, for she wanted to ride with him a little way. 1,'exter Allison chose to disclose something which had hi en but lately in the process of prepa ration. He joined them at the edge of the lawn before the white columned Louse on the hill. "Hasiiig bock into harnes. I under stand." he began, not quite comforta bly, however, for he was aware of a leant of disapproval in his daughter's e;. es at this interruption. "Wei!, there'3 lio great rttslt. but it's wise no doubt to Me that tilings don't lag." He hesi tated and shifted heavily to the other f..ot. "We'll want to start through to the lu nlcr by fall. I suppose." "We'll be ready." Steve had to laugh tit his lack of ease. "No doubt no doubt." Again Dex ter hesitated momentarily. And then th re came to the surface that prone r -ss to accept men for what they were ! Ju a man's world which had long be fore convinced Caleb Hunter of A11I- pin's inherent bigness. "Elliott resigned the presidency of Ihe Fast ('oast company last night." The statement was brief to actual li-pnoss. "I mereiy tell you this so 1 t you can begin to lay tentative plans accordingly, because in view of the immediate, need of filling that va--ca; y I feel sure that there will be too many demands rron your time h?re at the Morrison office for you to plan on much field work for yourself in the fu ture." To Barbara at the beginning the st -cecli seemed merely another of her j'a'her's rather involved, entirely la bored attempts at the facetious. But v 'icn she saw the blood steal up and Main Stephen O'Mara's face she re that it was the very sort of v,4gPstion from which on her lips be J': 1 turned roughly away. Coming from the lips of her father, Steve ac tepted gravely, with a 'matching brief irT'vs that could not hide a surge of tri i::i)ph. She rode with him that day until he told her that it was time for her to turn back. With Kagtime standing ouiet. she laid her face against his and complained that he had promised her sL fcliouid never allowed to so more than arm's length away from hirn cuce fclje was hi&. 'This is" the last time, he told her lu a voice vibrant and low. "This la the last time for you and me." He held her closer for a moment. ' "You will be ready when I eonio back?" She bobbed her head. "Beady and waiting," she said. The next night, In the cabin up river, after Miriam had left them alone to what she termed their complacent si lence, Garry Devereau and Steve sat a long while before the former raised a face alight with his rare mirth. '. "Well, here we are," chuckled Garry "I, poor, but honest, already in the toils of matrimony, and you, a pluto- 5 iff i!? IMattsmouth, Neb., Dec. o, 1'JlG. Board met .pursuant to adjourn ment, present C. Li. Heebner, Henry Snoke and Julius A. Pitz, County Commissioners; Frank J. Libershal, County Clerk. Minutes of previous sessions read and approved, when the following business was transacted in regular form: County Treasurer this day instruct ed to refund John C. Kna'oe the sum of $o!).10. the amount of personal tax paid under protest on account of being: doubly assessed on $9,000 mort gage notes in rsenuwka precinct.' County Treasurer this day instruct ed to refund John Bukacek the sum of $2.91 being the amount of personal tax paid under protest on account of being doubly assessed on $120.00 of personal property. Plattsmouth Citv 2d ward. The following claims were allowed on the general iound: C. E. Heebner, suly & mileage. $ Julius A Pitz, do Henry Snoke. do & phone calls C D Quinton, sa!y, Oct. 191G Julius A Phz, phone calls. . . . Lincoln Telephone Sz Telegiaph Co; rent and tolls lemir.gtcn Typewriter Co, rent of machine Co Judge o.OO Ci ozier Bros, to P Gl astro o.oo II McMaken, repairing walk it C. I J "I am so happy," she whispered. crat in sudden danger of a government investigation, I'm told, and hovering on the brink!" "Here we are!" echoed Steve. And that was as close as either of them came to outspoken emotion. With a lightness somewhat self conscious. Garry had alluded to the property which Caleb Hunter had turned over to Steve. There was a trace of like humor in the hitter's reply. "I certainly am oppressed with the cares of sudden wealth," said he. Only her father and Miss Sarah and Caleb were present when they were married. And then, and not Plone be cause she knew he wished it, but be cause it was the dearest wish of her own heart, they turned their faces to ward the cabin ou the balsam .knoll. lie dismounted and lifted her to the ground, for suddenly she wanted to go the rest of the way on foot. She let her weight lie against him. the top of her head scarce higher than his chin, and sighed a little. ''Tired ?" he asked with that gentle ness he saved for her alone. The bright head shook. "Happy?" he asked again as gently. She swung around and clung to lijm then. "I'm so happy!" she whispered. "Do you suppose 'that any one will ever be as happy again:" There was ineffable content in her question. Whimsically her own phrase rose to his lips. "Maybe," ho said, "maybe some time -in books!" She lifted her face then. He had the Jusky glory of her eyes. "Maybe." she echoed, her voire trcm uloos some time but this time in real life too." THE e;.d. Money in Eggs. Eirirs are not bankable but the money from their sale is. This money is yours for the effort. How do you treat the hen that lays the Golden Eggs? Dr. B. A. Thomas' Poultry Remedy will keep the poultry in good condition and increase the yield in eggs. We guarantee this and refund your money if rot satisfied. II. M. Soennichsen. Puis & Ganscmcr. W. A. ROBERTSON, . Lawyer. i East of Riley Hotel. Coates' Block, Second Floor Victrolas $15 to $150. needles. J. W. Crabill. Records and 10-17-dw, .",0.90 4-"..")0 30.15 1 lo.S 1.2S 30.GO oson "can. let fever ... W R Egenberger,V0'al" ' ' '.' ; -7 T).,ftnn K" - . Rlllk- S7 and Worden V- Weepir.g Water Repuv,j printing to Co Supt Kroehler Brosrepairs to pump and smoke stack at farm . . Louisville Courier, printing to county L Rotter, labor at C II Waterman Lbr & Coal Co, coal to C II C W Bavlor & Co, coal to Jail 15.00 19.50 9.00 1.(30 78.85 G6.31 were allowed iv V Clark, mdse to .Mrs ave Allen Louisville Courier, printing to Treasurer ' John Kopia. muse Mrs llavir. . M Massie, director, S I) No 80. room for electi on, general ard primary in Mt. Pleasant precinct .' 1) IJ Ebersole. financier, room for general election. Ports mouth, .'id ward !ninn STrvrinl MllK v.rv.-n -fiV i.00 .OO 22.50 5.00 The following claims on the Road fund: Tom Smith, R V, R D, 10 $ Will Baker, R W, R D 27 John Busche; do 2 G S Ray, do 27 Geo Harshman, jr, do 13 A B Kraeger, do 10 56.59 Johnson &. Jones, blacksmith work, Ii D. No 13 Johnson & Jones, do 9 J II Foreman, do 0 The Olsen Quarry, powder and dynamite 'to dist 13 F W Nolting, R W, R I) 1 John Ivcrson, blacksmith work Kill Carl R Cole, lumber for culvert R D 10 Bestor & Swatek, wire to R I) 1 William I? r ot h we 1 1 . b 1 acks m i t h work. R 1) 10 R B Lvfiler, R W, R I) 9 A J Engelkemeier, do 10.00 The following claims were allowed on the Dragging fund: Tom Smith, dragging dist 10.$ 20.22 John II. Busche. do 2 10.50 L II Young, do 9 12.3S Wm Atchison, do 10 10.07 Frank Grauf. do 27 7.50 c vi iveau, uo x .i.u George Jorgensen. do I I 3.0U On motion the board adjourned to meet Wednesday, December Oth, 1910 FRANK J. LIBERSHAL. - County Clerk. 32.00 12.10 141.15 12.50 18.95 1.0 3.85 30.00 45.2 3.20 14.50 17.70 1. 1 o 7.50 79.43 Murtey, do & Coal Co, in a north westerly direction through and across said north west quarter of section 8-12-12. On motion said pe tition was ordered received and placed on file. The following claims were allowed on the Bridge fund: Wm II Rush, bridge work $ Henry Wessel, nails and wire 1 om Smith, bridi-o work . . - " Krapo-ov i.,.;,i 1. Frehlich. do 1001 aumun & material . Waterman iv do Avoca Lbr Co, do . " John II Busche, do wor L Neitzel, .do material Bestor & Swatek. do " J II McMaken, concrete cui. vert. Granite street E J Richcy, bridge material . General fund: D C Morgan, envelopes to Co. .$ 32.88 Warga & Schuldice, mantles to C II LoO Remington Typewriter Co, tvnewriter to recorder's office 59.10 ' Klopp & Bartlett Co, supplies - to Co Judore 1912 81.00 E A Wurl, mdse to Hobson $10, Monroe S15 25.00 A G Cole, salv and exp. Nov 1910 114.33 Mrs Clara Owens, care of dep children. Dec. 1910 15.00 Fred Patterson, surveying and office work 41.65 Neb Lighting Co, gas and elec to Co 9.12 George W Kirk, land for road way Local News In the County Court of Cass, Neliraskti. In the matter or tne es tate of Hans C. Nielsen, 1ccu.sp1. ;mon Social Llub, room election Liberty pet . . . 9.00 8.00 7.0.) 5.00 11.00 5.O0 Nels Anderson, do Nehawka Pet Mogensen & Hart, do, W. W. d ward James Laugh ridge, do, W Rock Bluff Gen and primary.... Ed Kellv. do Center pet W Bavlor & Co, coal to Mrs llavir Lorenz Bros, mdse " to Mrs Mcore E Hartford, coal, Mrs. Wor den $3; O'Neil $7; Baker $3.75 W White, mdse to Mrs Owen rank J Libershal, saly ard expense C E Hartford, fuel to Co farm Hans Sievers.'salv and laundry Neb. Institute' for Feeble Minded Youth, clothing and shoes to Alex Hamilton.... a C .Marquardt x o, mctse to Mrs Cottingham Mrs Edwin- Metcalf, mdse to Alice Allen, Oct, Nov. Dec J II Thrasher, baliifs certificate Plattsmouth Water Co, water to C H and Jail 0.52 Morgensen & Hart, mdse for S J Nichols lo.oO 2.00 13.7.) 1 ').!'! 213.S2 30.51 78.00 24.S0 lo.oo 18.00 8.00 Eda Marquardt, saly and exp. 144.10 Opal Fitzgerald, clerk hire Co Sunt and Attorney 40.00 Dr Geo II Gilmorc, inebriate case John Thamann 8.00 J E Douglass, do 3.00 James Robertson, do 4.75 Wm Barclay, do 4.20 Aucr Bach, mdse to farm .... 43.80 H M Socnnichsen, mdse to Kinker ?7, Worden $0.50, Kushinsky $5, Meiscl ?3, Col lins S5. Clerk 75c 27.- Johnson & Gaitcloian. meat to Co faim . . P. 15 Dr E W Cook, insane ca.-c Shirlc Miller 8.00 J E Domrlas, lo 3.00 1 James Robertson, do 5.25 Dr. Geo. II. Gi'.more, insane case Oscar Eledge 8.00 J E Douglas, do 3.00 James Robertson, do 5.25 Ray Eledge, do 2.00 Dr Geo II Gilmorc, insane case Mithilda Matschullat 8.09 J E Douglas, do .".00 James Robertson, do 5.00 C D Quinton, do 1.95 Mrs M Timmas, do ........ 2.10 C A Rawls, do 2.10 J II Tarns, saly for Nov 97.50 Mrs. Stella Persinger, euro of dependent children, Dec .. 25.00 Mrs Dora Denson, do 25.00 Mr. Edith Duckworth, do 25.00 Mrs Margaret Leland, do .... 20.00 Mrs Lillian Baker, do 20.00 Mrs Belle D Grassman, do 10.00 Mrs Ida Schlieska, do 25.00 Ms Clara Matzke, do 25.00 Mrs Sigrid Schmr.rler, do 10.00 Mrs Emma C Miiler, lo 15.00 Mrs Virgil L Frady, do 25.00 Mrs Edna Denson, do 20.00 Dr B F Brendet quarantine and trip to Earl Keller, scar- Plattsmoutii. Neb., Dec. 0. 1910. Board met pursuant to adjournment witn all members present, when the following business was transacted in regular form : County Sheriff C. D. Quinton filed report of fees earned 3d quarter, 1916, amount $57.50. State Examiner, Edward E. Clark, filed report of collections and dis bursements of the olliee of County Treasurer W. K. Fox from dav of April to the 13th day vember, 1910. County Judge Allen J. Beeson 57.00 14.85 13.65 20.12 86.09 29.10 3.60 193.39 1.20 164.79 12.80 9.25 .50 12:1.7: Dragging. Wm II Rush, E P Letts, do C S Johnson dragging dist 10 do 10 . 250.00 7 '00.85 M.oO 0.75 . 22.50 . 16.50 8.2 4.50 the 3d of No- fil ed an order with the County Clerk di recting the board to pay Mis. Clara Owens the sum of S15 per month for a period not exceeding six months for the care and support xi her three de pendent children. On motion same was allowed as per orders of the court. The matter of the petition of C. E. Meizger filed with the county board, August 3d, 1915, requesting the board to open a public road on section line between south one half of section 34 and the south one half of section 35, township 13, range 13,- came up for the consiredation of the board apd dis posed of by adopting tho- following resolution : Wiikkeas George W. Kirk, the own er of the cast half of the south oast quarter of section thirty-four (34), township twelve (12), range thirteen (13). Cass county, Nebraska, has consented that a highway be establish ed forty feet wide along the east side of said tract and it being shown to the satisfaction of the county board of Cass countv, Nebraska, that the proposed road is of sufficient import ance to be opened and worked by the public, and whereas George W. Kirk tenders a deed for said roadway and atrrees to accept the sum of two hun dred fifty dollars in full for all call ages caused by reason of the location of said road. It is therefore ordered that a road be and is hereto' estab lished n and on the above described location. C. E. HEEBNER. HENRY SNOKE, JULIUS A. PITZ, Countv Commissioners. clerk instructed tor ha Deed from G. . Kirk et and filed with claim for by Commissioner bv Commissioner instructed tocall County Warranty al recorded said land. On motion made Pitz, and seconded Snoke, the clerk be for bids for painting all the second door of court house ar.d painting of all outside wood work, as per speei fication.s adopted this day and on file in the office of County Clerk. Motion carried unanimously. All bids to be filed with the County Clerk on or be fore noon of Monday, January 8th, 1917. -The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any 01 all bids. A certified check for !'200 must accompany each bid. Contract to be awarded to lowest responsible bidder. A petition was filed with County Clerk signed by J. IL Thomas and 55 other-residents and freeholders of Eight Mile Grove precinct, requesting the board to widen out the public highway, commencing at and on the south line of northwest quarter of section 8, town 12, range 12. running 17.92 30.05 Glenn Perry, do 10 J F Wehrbein, do 1 C F Yallery, do 1 John P Meisinger. do 1 T E Todd, do 1 Road fund: Tool, Nauman & Murtey, lum ber for R I) 7 Avoca Lbr Co, do 14.. Glen Perry, road work R D 10 Brandon Bros Lbr Co, lbr for n D 11 J F Wehrbein, road work R D 1 F Vallery. do John P Meisinger, do Commissioner Road fund: Keystone Pipe Co, cement cul vert, dist 14, Commr dist 3 144.00 On motion the board adjourned to meet Tuesday, December 19th, 1916 - FRANK J. LIBERSHAL. Countv Clerk From Friday's Daily. M. Fanger of Missouri Valley, la., came in this morning to spenu a lew hours looking after some business and calling on his old friends. P. J. Vallery departed yesterday for Lincoln and Havelock where he and his wife will visit at the home of their son, Will J. Vallery for a few days. Mrs. Henry Born departed this aft ernoon for Omaha, where she was called on some business matters, and will visit there with relatives and fiiends. Ed Rummell of near Mynard was in the city for a few hours today en route home from Omaha, where he has been looking after some matters of business in that citv. Joseph Nejedley of near Creighton, Meb., came in last evening for a short visit here with his rl.itivs and lends. He has been at Havelock Whevp Vic m ht:i. ii - .wo ois'.ci, jus. .MiKe tvarga, sr., is fcrv W.L- TtT,. , Joseph Droece departed this afternoon for Lincolnf where she wil, remain at Vu. h,.;!.,! ,..:v, m,. -a-jfii,i vt 1111 Ai 1 . Droege until he is able to return home r x .- i rvepons 110m ms l.o.Uia,. ;,!;,.., 1,,. is progressing luceiy an. will l.r. restored to his former state of health. .Lino.! anu - irvt 111m re turned home yesterday; afternoon from rrv 1 ,T i ...1, U . . , .1 . . 1 uiruu, v-f., n lie; e iiiej nave Ucfen in attendance at the meeting of the Overland dealers being held there at the plant of the Willys-Overland com pany and tlie gentlemen regard the trip as one of great pleasure and ex perience. 1 John Bauer, jr., and E. J. who have been at Toledo, tending the meeting of the Overland automobile company agents, came in this morning, having stopped at Lincoln for the Shriners' meeting. Mr. Bauer is the local agent of the Overland company and found the ses sions at Toledo rilled with great in terest,. Xot ire is lierebv Kivrn to t lie creditors r .said deceased, that heariims will l had upon rlalms tiled apaist tald es tate, before 1110, ounty J mine ot Lasii ounty. Nebraska, in tlie county i.iuiri ooni at I'litUsmoiitii, in aii county. on the :m nay of January, i : i . anu mi the Jd day of July. 1!17. at ten riot K 11 the forenoon, of rati) day. for ex amination, adjustment, and a I Iowa me , hat all claims must be hleil lu Kahl "curt, on or before said last hour or leaiuif?; aim mai any ami an iianns gainst said estate, not moo on or ie- fore said last hour, will be loiever barred. " ... Witness my hand and seal or saii ountv Court, at J'lattsmout h, in said ounty, this rth day of November, 191C. ALLEN J. IJI-.l-.SU.-s. Sral) County .Iude. wks, semi-wkly start Monday, 1J-4-10. good 17M 0.80 52.10 14.40 mtici-: riii:niioi:s. ic State of Nebraska, Cass C il 11 1 y, 11 (lie Coiiii( C'tinrl. th estate of John ! :i 1 he ma tt-r of Kellv, deeaseti. To the ereditors of .'aid estate: Voii are hereby notiliod that I will : it at the County Couit room in l'latts- mouth in s:sil county, on January !. lt17. mtl July !. 11)17. at 10 oeloik A. M.. on eaeii of said davf to reeeive and exaniine all claims auainst said estate. v i 1 1 1 a view to tht'ir adjustment and al lowanre. The time limiteil tor the 'resentation of claims against said es tate- is six months from the ninth day of January, A. I . 1117. and the time limited for payment of debts is one car from eleventh day of December, 1 !1:. Witness my hand and the seal of said countv court, this eleventh day of December, lUl',. ALLKN J. HKKSO.V, County juufre W. A. Kobertsoti, At torney. I'irst publication tl-ll-lOtr.. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned 'will sell at public auction at his home, one-half mile north of Oak Hill Cemetery, common ting at 1:C0 o clock p. m. sharp on MONDAY, DECEMBER 18 the folowing described property: One bay marc, i) years old, weight 1200 pounds. One bay gelding, t years old, weight 1500 pounds. One crrav mare, smooth mouth, wt l ion pounds. One bay mare, coming 2 years old. Three good milk cows with calf, some giving milk. Eight head of hogs, 5 months old. Five dozen brown Leghorn chick ens. Cine sot of harness, 1 1-2 inch. Two farm wagons. One mower. One plow. One hay lake. Two sots of buggy harness. Two cultivators. One lister. One drill. One 2-seclion harrow. One cornstalk chopper. Two cream cans. One cream separator. One rack. One buggy, new and in gu'jd con dition. One wagon box. Many other small articles. Terms of Sale All sums under $10, c3sh. Over $10 six months time," pur chaser giving note at 8 per cent in terest. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. MAX PFITZMEYER, Owner. Wm. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer. R. F. PATTERSON, Clerk. OTICK TO ClfKIJITOns. NOTIt K TO CKKIMTOHS. State of Nebraska, es. Cass County, In Co tin I Court. In tbe matter of the estate of Harmon I test nr. deceased. Notice is heieby uiven to the eredit ors of said deceased mat hearings win e had upon claims filed lpainsl said state, before me. County Jude of Cass County. Nebraska, at the County C oui t iiom in IMattsmouth. in said 'unity. tin the in nay 01 neremoer. i:io, mho on the 2ti day ol June, lHli, at 10 o'clock a. in., each day for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. All claims must be filed In said court on or before said last hour or neaiintc. Witness my hufld and seal of said County Court, at IMattsmouth. Nebras ka, this 27th day of November, 1S)1. ALLKN J. IlKKU.N. (Seal County Jude. First puHk-etion 11-27-1916-4 wks. ( ill TV col it r or i:ai(i c vs CO! NT V, Richey, O., at- Willys C. F. Vallery, road overseer of Plattsmouth precinct, was in today for a few hours looking after some busi- .iii i y ness matters witn tne mercnanis anu calling on his menus. Fioi.i Saturday's Daily. C. A. Gauer of Eight Mile Grove was here today lor a snort time at tending to a few maters of business. John L. Smith came up this morning from his home at Nehawka to spend a hort time visiting with relatives and friends. ' Albert Bauer of near Murdock was . . .... m the city today visiting witn nis many old triends in the county seat for a few hours. Miss Louise Lohnes who has been visiting relatives at Pekin, III., and vicinity returned home this morning on No. 5 after a very pleasant visit. Taul Heil rame down this after noon tor an over feunday visit witn his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Heil at their home in Eight Mile Grove. C. II. Vallery was among those driv ing in today from the country to spend a few hours looking after some busi- ... . ness matters and visiting witn nis many friends. Ernest Ilolmberg, who has been here attending the funeral of his father the late E. P. Ilolmberg, de parted this morning for his home at Deadwood, S. D. Mrs. C. II. Smith departed this morning for Aurora, III., where she will visit over Christmas at the home of her daughter. Mrs. R. E.'Shcchan and family in that city. George II. Becker returned, this moving from a visit of several weeks in Pekin and other sections of Illinois with his relatives and friends anil re ports a very pleasant time, C. II. Boedeker and son, Glen, of the Murray State bank were in the city for a few hours today visiting with their friends and looking after :;ome matters of business. V. F. Gillespie, the Mynard grain dealer, was in the city yesterday for a few hours enroute home from Oma ha where he had been looking after a few matters of importance. Uncle Ben Beckman accompanied by Louis Rheinackle, wife and son and two daughters, were in 'the city today for a few hours looking after some shopping and visiting with frionds. II. II. Stoll and sons; Freddie, Earl and Herbert and Joe Stoll, a brother of II. IL, were in the city today for a few hours motoring up from their home at Nehawka and visiting with their friends. Frank Finkle and sonv Jimmic, drove up this morning from their home near Union accompanied by A. F. Emge, an uncle of Mr. Finkle who Has been visiting at the farm for a few days and who is now returning home. In re estates of l-'zekial V. Kenned), Almcda Kennedy, deceased. Order for HenrliiK. No'A' on this lKth day of November, A. D.. It 111, comes Charles Ii. Kennedy and hies his petition in this court al levriiiK that Kzekial W. Kennedy, a resi dent and inhabitant of IMattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska, died intestate ni the :24th day of January. l'i."i. seized f the fee simple title to lot three C.t. block twenty cjOl, City of lMaitsmouth, ot" the Value of SI SOOOO which wax the hom. -.-t. ad of said deceased and his lHinil -,m hikI that the said deceased Jelt po-viviii him as his sole and onlv lous ;u law his widow, Almeda Kcn- tbree children known as L. Klancl.e Wuthcutt. Bertha L. Crabill and Charles U. Keiin.-dv. all now of lesal a !ln,j 1!lat ,,,, ., ,,,,, j,. l( ,i4S over been made in the State of Ne braska, or elsewhere, for the appoint ment of an administrator of said es tate, and that more than two veins have elapsed snm- the ibath of .v;,.l Ky.ekial W. Kennedy. ti1tt ,, n. i:,th day of September, t(,,. ., valuable consideration, the "three children above mentioned quit-clai'int j all tl.-jr l iuht and interest in the aboe ,,-, , ued real estate to-Alineda Kennedy that on the 'Otli day of April. 1 y 1 ; . Aim-da Ken nedy died intestate, seized in fe(. simple of the ah-jve described real estate, and left surviving ber as her so;,. H,,,i only heirs at law the three children above named, whicJi said cliildren upon the tleath of said Almeda Kenneth be came vested with the entire owene!Vi :p of said above described premises; that the said real estate above described p. wholly exempt from attachment, execu tion or other mesne process, and is not liable for the payment of I lie debts of said decedents, or either of them. He prays the court for an order llx iiiK time and place for a hearing upon said petition; that the rgular ad ministration of said estates,, and each of them, may be dispensed with, and for findings of facts upon tin; alle gations in said petition contained, and for a decree of heirship. (OKI) Kit) Whereupon it is ordered and adjudged that said cause be set down for healing on the 20th day of December, A. D., 19K., at the hour of 10 oeloek A. M. at the County Court Uooni in the City cf IMattsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska, and that all persons interested in said estates may be notified of such heating by publication of this order for three successive weeks pi ior in said day if hearing in the IMattsmouth Journal, a lo'-ra! newspaper published in said County and Uate. and that if they fall to appear and contest said petition, the Court may enter a tlecre as asked. By the court. ALLKN J. BKK.SON. Judge of County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. GKUALD M. DIJKW, Attorney for Petitioner, 1021 W. O. W. Eldg.. Omaha. i.i:;l .notici: The , Cass -tate of Nebraska, i County, , In file Ctm illy Court. In the matter of the estate of Janus W. Thomas, deceased. On reading and tiling the petition of Julia Thomas praying that administra tion of said estate may be granted to Jacob Hoffman as administrator. Ordered, that December 2::d. A. I ., 1910. at 10 o'clock a. in., is assigned lor hearing said petition, when all per sons interested in said matter may ap pear at a county court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the pra-yer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the p n deifvy of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the IMatlsmoutn Journal, a weekly newp"pe- printed in said county, for three successive, weeks, prior to said day 'if hearing. Dated November 2Mli, 1!I. ALLKN" J. HKKSON. County Judge. 3-wks-Monday, Dec. j, llHti 1st issue. no nt i; or m:ri:ii:irs pahii no.. salu, in In flic District Court f County, Nrlirankn. Lnucnnfrr I'liuices Jlattio l'ollurd, plaiuttlT. vs. Mari-m Kthel (lodden, et al., defendants. Notice is hereby given that Ky vlrii.i of a judgment and an order of i lit? Dis trict Court of Lancaster County, Ne braska, entered on the ;r.",th day of No vember, 1MU, in u cause pending in said O'Ul t, wl-erei n Frances llattie I'ol- ard was plaintill", and the following named were defendants, thus: Marion Kthcl 'ioiblen, Charles i'ollard, Kloreiic Maggie (.Sodden, Nellie 'Joddeti. Hazel Marion fSodden, Vera! Victor (Sodden. Ilorare Kdward (Sodden. Stella (Sodden Williams, Charles A. Williams, and John 11. Itell, directed the undersigned, lis referee to sell the following described property, all of which is situated in Cass County, Nebraska, to-wit: The north bull' of Ihe northeast ipnrter of section nineu en (liD, town ship twelve II:'), north, range niti- (!. east or ti e titb 1. Al., I will, mi Tues day, tin- tub of January, 1517. at one o'clock I. M., at the Cas Count) Conr. House, in ,e City of IMattsmouth, Ne braska, sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder for -ash, all of the above described leal estate, the same to be free and leaf of all encijmhi anee. The sale of this property is subjof t to the confirmation of the Court. 1'os session of the property will be given March 1, 1!17. The land ii well im proved. Abstract showing good titb; will be furnished. K. .f. WlCSGKNiiOKN. JII., lieferee. Ashland, Nebraska. Morning tt Ledwltli, Attorneys, Lincoln, Nebraska. CREAM, 37c, Plattsmouth. at Dawson's store, 9-X9-d&wtf Office supplies at the Journal ofilce. .L r A i Pt