The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 11, 1916, Image 1

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you xxxiv."
No. l.'G.
f '
Recommends Constitutional Amend
nient and Also Law to (live the
Clerk of State Printing Bu- .
reau Real Work.
From Friday's Daily.
State Auditor W. II. Smith recom
mends in his biennial report to the
governor, a constitutional amendment
abolishing1 the office of commissioner
of public lands and buildings and the
substitution of the state auditor as the
one to perform the duties now devolv
ing upon the state land commissioner
He also recommends a statute taking
from the governor the state printing
bureau and consolidating that depart
ment with either the office of secre
tary of state or state auditor. The
clerk of this bureau, E. A. Walrath,
receives a salary of $1,500 a year.
Mr. Smith says the clerk put in
only half his time in performing his
duties. Others would place it at one
tenth of his time. Mr. Smith suggests
that the corporation clerk in the of
fice of the secretary of state or the
bond clerk in the auditor's office could
perform the duties of the clerk of the
printing bureau. The governor is now
head of the printing bureau. Mr.
Smith does not say plainly that he
would take the bureau from the gov
ernor, but he suggests "consolidation"
of the bureau with the office of secre
tary of state or auditor, and this is
supposed to mean that he would have
either the auditor or secretary of state
at the head of the bureau with ap
pointive power.
G. L. Shumway of Scottsbluff is the
state land commissioner-elect. It
would require four years to abolish
this office by a constitutional amend
ment, but the clerk of the printing
bureau could be changed by a statute
at the next meeting of-the legislature.
Auditor Smith's Plan.
Some profess to believe that Aud
itor Smith's plan is something in the
nature of a back-fire upon the short
ballot plan, which would make all
state officers appointive offices under
the governor. The statute provides
that the auditor should make recom
mendations for lessening public ex
pense, and he has done so in this
"In defining the duties of the state
auditor section 5545 of article 3 of the
statutes provides in the fourth provi
sion that he shall report to the gover
nor 'such plans as he may deem ex
pedient for lessening the pub
lic expense, for using the public money
to the best advantage, for promoting
frugality and economy in public office
and for securing uniformity and
efficiency in the levying and collecting
of taxes.' Accordingly I submit the
following, based upon an observation
of conditions in connection therewith:
Land Commissioner.
"It is my belief that the interests of
the people of the state would best be
served by a consolidation of the de
partment of the commissioner of pub
lic lands and buildings with that of
the state auditor. At the time the
board of commissioners for state in
stitutions was created by the adoption
of a constitutional amendment in 1912
s. large part of the work of the com
missioner of public lands and build
ings was taken over by the board. He
is still the custodian of the records
pertaining to Nebraska's educational
lands and funds, but these could be
filed with one department as well as
another. These matters are under the
supervision of the board of educa
tional lands and funds, a constitu
tional board, and the board for the
commissioner of public lands and
buildings. The consolidation would re
sult in a large saving annually to the
state and simplify the keeping of the
"To effect the consolidation would
require approximately four years. The
departments are executive, created by
the constitution. It would be neces
sary, therefore, for the incoming leg
islature to submit to the people to be
voted on at the general election in
1918' a proposed constitutional amend
ment combining the two departments
If the amendment should be adopted
by the people the 1919 session of the
legislature would be called upon to re
vise the laws of the state affecting the
two departments. As my term of pub
lic service will have expired prior to
the time the consolidation could be
' brought about, it cannot be asserted
that I have a personal interest in the
The Printing Bureau.
"The printing bureau, as it has been
handled for years past, has not given
satisfaction. It has been the custom
for the deputy commissioner to give
about one-half his time to the work,
The salary is $1,500 per annum. I be
lieve the bureau should be consoli
dated with the secretary of state's de
partment, or with this department. A
printing clerk could be provided, as
the corporation clerk is now provided
for in the secretary of state's office to
handle the corporation records and af
fairs, or as the bond clerk is provided
for in this department, to handle the
bond work." Lincoln News.
From Friday's Dailv.
The public improvements for the
year 1916 in this city are about com
pleted and one of the last of these
that has just been finished is the Chi
cago avenue sewer that J. II. McMak-
en has had the contract for and has
finished up the job in first class shape.
This improvement on the south side
goes a long ways toward the better
ment of the appearance of Chicago
avenue as well as the increasing of
the property values along that thor
oughfare. The sewer just placed ex
tends from the main sewer at Pearl
and Seventh street out past the old
bridge on Granite street and does
away with this antiquated bridge en
tirely. This leaves only a little over
a block or two yet of the creek to be
filled and then the south side will be
well provided with a fine sewerage
ysstem and the old creek that for
years has been a landmark will pass
nto history. It is a vast improvement
n every way and one that all good
people will appreciate. The sewer is
made with the Keystone Joint con
crete piping and this certainly fills
the bill for work of this kind and the
company manufacturing the piping is
ocated at Union and the sewer pipe
was manufactured right on the jump
for the Chicago avenue work. The
city will at once start in on the fill
for the job and complete it before cold
From Friday's Daily.
Last evening the basket ball team
of the young men's class of the Pres
byterian c'.niWM journeyed down to our
neighboring town of Nebraska City to
taiie on the :vV.h club team of that
city in the great nid-winter pastime.
Tr.e boys, while they lost the game by
a score of -17 to 20, put up a great
game against the veterans of the Ne
biaska City team and from start to
finish there was excitement and inter
est in the game. The locals are all
fast in their playing and kept things
going Usx the team of the Otoe county
metropolis. The Plattsmouth team
made seven foul goals against fifteen
for the Athletic club. For the local
team Frank Marshall and Kronstedt
were the chief score makers, while
Cline of the Athletic club was the
chief gainer for the Nebraska City
team, as more than half of their
scores were nabbed by this fast play
er, and aided in cinching the game
for that organization. Despite the
odds against them the locals showed
the best of form in their playing and
throughout, the game was one of the
best they have played. The lineup of
the Presbyterian team was as follows.
J. Marshall and F. Marshall, forwards;
Kronstedt, center; Speck and Larson,
guards. Collins and Neal were put in
the game in the second half to replace
Speck and Larson. For the Athletic
club the following were used: Grass-
man and Cline, forwards; Stevens, cen
ter; Long, Hill and Crawford, guards.
The game was refereed by Jones of
the Peru Normal, in a manner satis
factory to everyone and with marked
fairness to both sides.
The Presbyterians will play a fast
team from Council Bluffs in this city
next Friday night and it will be
staged at the roller skating rink. A
good fast game is looked for by the
followers of the sport.
FOR SALE Poland-China boar and
one yearling Jersey heifer calf. C. E
Babbitt, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Remarkable Growth of City in Past
Year Very Preoeptihle to
From Saturday's Dailv.
While at the Burlington station a
few days ago, a remark was made by
a former resident of this city who is
now located in the northwest and who
was making his first visit here in sev
eral years, "Well, the old home cer
tainly looks good and has advanced
wonderfully in the last five years, and
really, has grown to be a 'regular
town' both in the improvements and
the people who are in the city." This
is the way that those who have not
been here in recent years view the
matter of the progress of Plattsmouth
to the front ranks of progressive cities.
The showing made in the past year
or two is very gratifying as it shows
the awakening spirit of pride and con
fidence in the city in which we all re
side and which is the home of every
one within its limits. The good peo
ple of the city have with but very few
exceptions been active in promoting
the public improvements and in taking
a hand by making their own private
property be what it should in appear
ance, and thereby have added to the
value of their own property as well as
that of their neighbor.' The extension
of the sewerage system, and the pav
ing and curbing and guttering show
the public spirit of the people in gen
eral, who, regardless of their circum
stances, united in the common cause
of making Plattsmouth a better town
to live in and one that would take its
place with the ot"ner towns of the
There is one thing, however, that
the year. 191 6 has .riot seen .that is
vital to the welfare of the city in
every way, and that is the modern
izing of the schools and providing a
proper and fitting place to house our
highest educational institution jn the
city, the high school, as well as the
equally departmental grades where
the boys and girls are prepared for
this work in higher education. It is
something that everyone should feel
interested in and while to many it
might be a temporary hardship in the
cost, still it will be something that
will be of the most lasting benefit to
the community. It gives to the boys
and girls of today and tomorrow the
promise that they can receive as good
an education in this city as in other
towns of the state. To erect a build
ing that is adequate save for a few
years would be wrong to the com
munity, and this view was taken by
the board of education in the plans for
the building. To refuse to allow the
building to be made adequate in order
to temporize would be very foolish
and seems an injustice to the taxpay
ers, who would later face, the same
proposition over again. It is to be
regretted that the spirit of united ac
tion has not been shown in this regard
as in school buildings in Plattsmouth
there is a lamentable lacking.
From Saturday's Daily.
Last night the village of Alvo re
ceived a visit from burglars, who en
tered the general store of P. H. Weide-
man and secured twelve pairs of shoes
as well as several spoons which were
in the showcase in the store. The rob
bers secured entrance to the store
through a transom over the door which
they forced open by the use of a home
made "jimmy" improvised from a
broken brake spring which they had
evidently secured along the railroad
tracks. The work seems to have been
carried out by some traveling hoboes
who were passing through the town,
which is located on the main line of
the Rock Island, and after committing
the robbery they made their getaway
in the same manner by hitting some
of the freight trains for a ride. As
far as could be learned the robbers
did not secure any money or other
articles beyond the shoes and spoons
Hampshire boars for sale; Inquire
of C. R. Todd, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Falls City, Neb., Dec. 7. All em
ployes in the Missouri Pacific shops
went on a schedule of eight hours'
time today. Not long ago a general
raise per hour went into effect. The
rate is now 25 cents per hours but
the cutting down of the time to eight
hours per day makes the total income
per employe somewhat less than it
was before the vaise. The cause of
the retrenchment- has not been made
public. The employes in the round
house are not affected by this re
coupment as the roundhouse must be
run on full time both night and day.
The Journal has received a letter
from our old and valued friend, John
N. Schwartz, the veteran Cass county
painter, who has Just returned home
from Smithfield, Neb., where he has
been engaged in some extensive paint
ing jobs in that locality, and it was
mighty hard for Mr. Schwartz to get
away from his friends there, who were
anxious to have him stay and take up
other work, but he feels that his old
friends and patrons in Cass county are
entitled to some of his services and
will now look after his work in this
locality. Mr. Schvartz has not been
feeling very well since returning home
and has been compelled to keep quiet
since, but will soon be all ready
to take up his work as a painter,
which he has followed in Cass county
for the past forty years. On his way
home he stopped for a short visit with
his son, Walter, who is employed by
the Union Pacific at North Loup, Neb.,
and to -whom he spending the Jour
nal to keep him posted on the Cass
county happenings.
From Friday's Daily.
The Degree of Honor last evening
held one of the most interesting and
argely attended meetings of the sea
son at their lodge rooms in the A. O.
U. W. building and took into the mem
bership of the order two new members,
the initiatory work being in charge of
the drill team under the- direction of
the captain, Mrs. Lottie Rosencrans,
and was very beautiful and impressive
to the new members. The chief busi
ness of the session was the election
of the officers of the lodge for the
ensuing year and the following were
selected: Past chief of honor, Mrs.
Elizabeth Thomsen; chief of honor,
Mrs. Minnie Pickard; lady of honor,
Mrs. Ruth M. Grybsky; chief of cere
monies, Mrs. Alice Fritchmann; re
cording financier, Mrs. Jennie John
son; usher, Mrs. Barbara Snyder; as
sistant usher, Mrs. Aline Franzen; in
ner watch, Miss Anna Seivers; outer
watch, Mrs. Anna Pitman; musician,
Mrs. Anna Svoboda; captain of team,
Mrs. Lottie Rosencrans; trustee, three
years, Mrs. Anna Ulrich; trustee, two
years, Mrs. Minnie Bulin; installing
officer, Miss Anna Hassler. After the
closed the members were invited to
the dining room on the first floor,
where very delicious refreshments had
been prepared and were served by, a
committee consisting of Mesdames
Rosencrans, McDaniel, Ulrich and Svo
boda, and it is needless to say that
the ladies enjoyed to the utmost the
pleasant treat that had been arranged
for them and which made the eve
ning one of the rarest enjoyment.
From Saturday's Daily.
August Kaffenberger, one of -the
young farmers of Eight Mile Grove,
has become the proud possesor of a
fine new Overland "Four" which he
has secured through John Bauer, the
local agent of the Overland company.
The car is one of the excellent model
of the famous Overland make and will
be the source of a great deal of pleas
ure to Mr. Kaffenberger in the future
in his traveling to and from his home.
The number of Overlands in use in
the county is quite large and all are
I very popular with the automobilists.
From Saturday's Daily
The new deputy county treasurer of
Cass county has been de(.(U.d upon
and Treasurer-elect Mike Tritscv, has
decided that the office will be fe(j
John E. Nemetz of this city, and for
mer city clerk. This appointment 3
one that will be of great benefit to the
ritizens of the countv as it gives them
the services of an able and well qual
tied gentleman to assist in the work
of the office. Mr. Nemetz made a fine
record as city clerk during his tw
terms and his business experience
makes him a very valuable man on th
job. During the recent campaign Mt
Nemetz was the democratic candidate
for the position of clerk of the district
court and in his race made a splendid
showing and become acquainted with
a large number of the taxpayers and
voters, and the news of his appoint
ment will be very pleasing to them
as he will undoubtedly prove the right
man in the right place. Mr. Nemetz
will on assuming the office dispose of
his business interests in order that he
can devote his entire time to the posi
tion and the interests of the county.
"The survival of the fittest," is an
old saying that applies to "The Bo
hemian Girl," which the Aborn Opera
Company will present with their spec
tacular production at the Parmele
theatre Saturday night. This special
modernized presentation, staged by
the Messrs. Aborn six years ago in
New York, has continued with unbated
attendance ever since that time, and
from reports of the large audiences
greeting it this season, it is prob
able that this "attraction will "continue
for a long time as a perennial offer
ing. And this is a sort of second
life for "The Bohemian Girl," for
this melodious masterpiece reigned
in the first rank of popularity for
several generations, during which
time other operas continued in favor
for a time but were all shelved and
were forgotten or at least revived
only occasionally. It was retained in
the repertoire of many opera compa
nies continuously, but the version used
was the old fashioned one. The Paris
Opera Comique reproduced it with a
new libretto and elaborated score, and
the Aborns used the same version in
their presentation.
The same elaborate equipment and
organization that has graced "The
Bohemian Girl" for six seasons will
be seen in its presentation here. The
cast includes Jeanette Wells as Arline,
Albert Parr as Thaddeus, Phyllis
Davies as the Gypsy Queen, Albert
Wallerstedt as the Count, Francis J.
Tyler as Devilshoof, Ralph Nicholls
as Florestein, Carl Burton as con
ductor. Babv Phillips as the infant
Countess, and the wonderful Tzigani
Arab acrobats.
While the Paris version used by the
Aborn company demands a more elab
orate production than the old one
and gives fastidious music lovers a
more musicianly score, it retains all
of the beauties of the original, in
cluding such gems as "Then You'll
Remember Me," "I Dreamt I Dwelt
in Marble Halls," "The Heart Bowed
Down," "Bliss Forever Past," "A
Soldier's Life," "The Fair Land of
Poland" and others.
From Friday's Daily.
A wrestling match has been sched
uled for this city on Wednesday even
ing, December 13th, between Frank
Schmarder, the fast Louisville
wrestler, and Gus Pappas, known as
the terrible Greek, and which contest
will be held at the Grand theater. The
match should be a good one as Pappas
is rated as a comer and Schmarder
is one of the fastest men in the state.
Anton Stecher has offered a challenge
to the winner of the match and if
possible this should also come here as
Anton is almost as good as his famous
brother, Joe Stecher, the world cham
pion. James Rishel and wife of Glenwood
were in the city over Sunday visiting
with their relatives and friends, and
Mr. Rishel returned this morning to
his home.
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon Charles Hath
away, Bruce Wolf and Verin Kenni
son, all of Union, were in the city and
were brought before Judge Beeson to
answer to the complaint made by
County Attorney A. G. Cole in which
Uhe three men, together with Thomas
I 1V i , . ....
ivues, were charged with having
epn in a Ktate of intoxication on
luesday, December 5th. The three
men were each given a fine of $10 and
costs, which is the amount fixed by
the state law for the offense of being
intoxicated, and the amount being paid
the three gentlemen were allowed to
go on their way rejoicing. Rhodes, it
seems, had made a getaway when
Sheriff Quinton journeyed down yes
terday after the boys and was not to
be located. The experience certainly
was quite costly for the young men
and should be a lesson to them to
avoid the pitfalls that lead to so much
Fritz Vallery, the son of Road Over
seer Vallery, met with a most painful
experience and one that was unusual
late Thursday afternoon a short dis
tance wast of his home on the Louis
ville road. Fritz was leading a team
of horses and was only a short dis
tance in advance of the horses when
suddenly an automobile coming from
the east came in sight and before the
horses could be gotten out of the way
the automobile had struck one of the
animals, causing it to plunge forward.
striking Fritz, knocking him down and
bruising and injuring him quite badly,
and since the time of the accident he
has been confined to his home.- The
horse, which was quite a heavy an
imal, was thrown several feet after
striking Fritz and hurled into a ditch,
breaking a leg, and will be practically
worthless for use hereafter. The auto
also suffered considerable and it was
necessary to have the machine which,
it is claimed is the property of Joe
Spence of Louisville, dragged back to
this city for repairs before- the occu
pants could go on their way home
ward. The affair has proven very
painful to Mr. Vallery both in his in
juries and the fact that the horse,
which is quite valuable, will be but
little good on the farm if it is not
necessary to kill it, as the veterinarian
does not think it can recover satisfac
torily from the accident.
From Saturday's Daily.
The members of the congregation oi
the United Brethren church south of
the city, with their choir last evening
enjoyed a very pleasant time at the
country home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius
A. Pitz, in that locality. The party
came for a real jolly time and proceed
ed to carry our their plans to perfec
tion with an evening of music. The
songs given were thoroughly enjoyed
by everyone, and several hours were
passed in this way, as well as in vis
iting and having a royal good time
until it was necessary for the party
to proceed homeward. The members
of the party came provided with a
tempting luncheon as is their custom,
and proceeded at a suitable hour to
enjoy a repast which was fit for a
king, and to which everyone did ample
justice. The residents of this locality
meet with each other at their home
in a delightful spirit of sociability and
it certainly is one of the greatest
pleasure to all those who are fortu
nate enough to reside in that neigh
borhood. Nothing in the printing line has
grown like the Christmas Greeting
card, and the Journal's line has grown
accordingly, until this year when we
have the largest assortment ever
shown in the city. We know our old
patrons will see them, but we' have
an assortment large enough for many
new ones.
CREAM, 37c, at- Dawson's store,
Plattsmouth. 9-19-d&wtf
Rumor About Gerard Declared to !)
Net Only False, But Dan
gerous. Washington, D. C, Dec. 10. Offers
of mediation or suggestions of peace
to the European nations have not been
made by the United States, and will
not be broached by this government in
the near future, unless there is some
quite unexpected turn in world events.
Those facts are stated authoritative
ly by one of the highest officials of the
government to counteract reports to
the contrary.
In official circles it is felt that the
increasing and apparently authorita
tive rumors that the United States is
planning some move for peace are cal
culated to destroy chances of peace
and to defeat their own ends. Accord
ingly an official denial has been con
templated, probably through the State -department.
The president, however,
has preferred to disassociate himself
entirely from any such announcement,
no matter how made, in order that ho
might stand untrammeUd on his orig
inal offer of mediation.
Two cardinal facts stand out in the
minds of officials. First, that many
such proposals originate in off.cial c ir
cles; second, that their restriction has
been driving allied statesmen to an ex
tremity of refutation from which it
would be very embarrassing th. m
to recede.
Without in any way passing on th.
ultimate outcome of the war, it is felt
here that Germany is in 'a position to
treat on the basis of her present gains
without subjecting herself to the inev
itable losses of men and money caused
by further hostilities.
The allies, on the other hand, have
shown that-they are absolutely op
posed to peace now. It is firmly be
lieved in official circles that an at
tempt at mediation by this govern
ment would subject the United States
to the charge of partisan interference
in the war.
Most embarrassing of all rumors.
perhaps, is the constant reiteration
that Ambassador Gerard is returning
to Germany with peace proposals from
the president. This is declared not
only to be false, but to be actually
dangerous. It is said to have created
a feeling of intense irritation among
the allies and of unfounded hopeful
ness amongst the German people, who
apepar to be well satisfied with the
war's results and eager for its end.
The government will watch an op
portunity to offer mediation. When
official reports from all sides indicate
that such a movement might succeed,
it will be scrutinized very carefully be
fore being attempted.
The spirit of Christmas is making
itself manifest in the city and the
business houses are preparing to ex
tend to the shoppers a cordial welcome
in showing them the array of suitable
gifts for the holiday season. With
only twelve shopping days until
Christmas the time of those seeking
Christmas gifts is decidedly limited
and from now on there will be quite
a rush made in securing the gifts for
the loved ones and friends. The busi
ness houses of the city have u..s year
a fine array of articles that will be
found suitable for all purposes and
at prices that wil suit every pocket
book. In making a gift at the Christ
mas time it is pleasant to give it witn
a realization that it was purchased at
home and the easiest way to find the
most suitable places to do your shop
ping is to look over the advertising
list of the Journal and follow up the
suggestions that the advertisements
give in malcing a present. Every
thing can be found in this city that
will do for gifts from an automobile
down to the tinyest toys and they are
just as good as the articles that can
be purchased in other cities ana gives
one the opportunity of helping build
up the town by patronizing the home
merchant. It is a good idea for every
one to follow and will be productive of
great benefit to everyone.
A want ad will bring you a buyer.