The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 07, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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1 v. L
i l
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If anr of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or item of Interest in
this vicinity, and will mall
same to this office, it will ap
pear under tbU lieadinjr. We
want all news ltems-EDlTOB
Insure the
Haooiness of
Your Little Ones!
Any parent charged with neglect of his children naturally will be
come indignant. Still there are some parents who, through carelessness,
teglect to provide for their welfare.
The little ones must be protected. There is no better protection than
a bank account.
If You Haven't an Account Open One Today
For the Children's Sake
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Elmer Hallstrom was a Nebraska
City visitor Tuesday.
Dr. Brendel was looking- after some
business matters in the county seat
Minford & Creamer shipped a car
of hogs to the South Omaha market
Tuesday evening-.
Chas. Uoedeker drove up to Louis
ville last Sunday, where he spent the
day vith friends and relatives.
7. r. Hansen and Harry Valentine
tin -ve to Nebraska City last Sunday
here they spent a few hours with
f riend.
Mrs. Hanna, wife of Dr. Hanna.
former pastor here, but now residing;
in Ornaka, is ery sick at her home
in that city.
Ellis Good, of Peru, and member of
the coming; Nebraska Legislature,
brother, Elmer Good, banker of Peru,
and formerly of the Murray State
Bank, was in Murray last Sunday
making- a few hours' visit with Dr.
Vallery & Cromwell, the rustling
real estate men, are still selling; Per
' irs county land. This week they sold
160 acres to Louis Meisinger and 160
cres to Glen Vallery. They are mak
g another trip to the west this week.
The Murray elevators arc filled with
Dm. and the shellers are all stopped
this community, owing; to the fact
: t the railroad companies will not
r ish cars for moving the crop. The
?e is high, but what help is that to
'-e man who has corn to sell, when
e cannot r?ach the market.
Henr - S.mds, from Stewart, Wyo.,
h2s been in this vicinity for the past
few days visiting with friends and
relatives, departing for his home in
the west on Wednesday of this week.
Henry has been living on a homestead
:hat he took up a few years ago, and
is now in a position to prove up at
any time. He has been doing nicely
in the western' home.
Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen,
if you are insured by J. W. Holmes.
J. W. Holmes was visiting with
Murray friends Wednesday of this
W. S. Smith and wife were visiting
with Plattsmouth friends and relatives
Mrs. L. D. Hiatt departed Monday
evening for Peoria. 111., to attend the
funeral of her sister, Mrs. Bruce
Everett Suddeth, who has been here
working for Frank Moore for the past
summer, departed Monday morning
for his home in Dunnegan, Mo.
The annual electiin of officers will
be held at the Woodman hall on Thurs
J day evening, December 1th. All mem
bers are requested to be present.
The Ladies' Aid Society and The
Sunshine Band deserve the credit of
furnishing the new hymn books for
.he Christian church that will be in
use next Sunday.
I Jesse McVey, who has been in Mur
ray for the pat few weeks, departed
last Saturday morning for Kansas
City, Mo., where after c few days'
visit he will return to Illinois.
Wm. Nickels and sen, Lee, and
daughter?, Mrs. Frank Albin of
Creighton. Xeb., and Miss Etta Nick
els motored to Plattsmouth Saturday
afternoon for a short visit with their
There will be one film of Hudson
moving pictures at the Puis & Gans
emer hall next Saturday evening. This
film will show the famous Hudson
' Super-Six car climbing Pike's Peak,
two and three-fourth miles above sea
level, and a distance of 12 1-2 miles
in just eighteen minutes and twenty
one seconds. This will be a very in-
. teresting reel, and will be shown in
addition to the regular moing picture
show given on each Saturday evening,
making five reels in all. Do not fail
to see it.
We are Showing Some Very Beautiful
TabB Loud
60c to -$1.50
EDS at
The Holiday Line
of useful presents is ready for you, and as
always, the best things to be found on the
markets are at this store-
George E. Nickles was visiting
friends in Omaha Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Boedeker were
Plattsmouth visitors Monday.
T. S. Barrows, Henry Creamer and
Ben Dill were Omaha visitors Tuesday.
Lee Farris, from near Union, was
visiting for a few hours Tuesday with
Murray friends.
Mrs. C. E Carroll and Mrs L ,v
Alex were visiting with Plattsmouth
friends Monday.
Dr. B. F. and Jake Brendel were
Plattsmouth visitors for a few hours
Tuesday afternoon.
A. L. Baker and Fred Warner took
in the play at the Parmele in Platts
mouth Monday evening.
W. H. Puis and family were Sun
day visitors in Plattsmouth, and were
guests at the Hans Tarns home.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Root were look
ing after some matters of business in
the county seat Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ost, from near
Memphis, Neb., are spending the week
with friends and relatives near Mur
ray. N
Light Brahmas I have about thir
ty Light Brahma roosters for sale. G.
S. Ray, Murray, Neb., R. F. D., No. 1,
Phone 1324
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, from
west of Plattsmouth, spent Thanks
giving day with W. A. Stoll and fam
ily, near Nehawka.
Take dinner and supper with the
ladies of the Presbyterian church at
their bazaar next Saturday. Every
thing good to eat.
Remember the Bazaar to be given
by the ladies of the Presbyterian
church, on Saturday, December 9th.
Dinner and supper wil be served.
Do your Christmas shopping at the
bazaar next Saturday given by the
ladies of the Presbyterian church. All
kinds of fancy work will be on sale.
S. O. Pitman, of Nebraska City, is
doing the tin and plumbing work on
the new residence of Glenn Perry,
north of Murray, having commenced
the work this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Sans, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Wehrbein, Mr. and Mrs
Albert Whreler and Mr. and Mrs. Alr.
Gensemer took Sunday dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Barrows
Walter Smith, who has been work
ing for Frank Schlichtemeir for the
past summer, will move with his fam
ily to Ottawa, Kas, where he will
make his home in the future on the
farm of his father-in-law.
Dr. Gilmore made a professional
Miss Bertha Nickles was an Omaha
visitor Monday.
Mrs. Harmon Beck has been quite
sick for the past few days.
Plattsmouth was well represented
at Lewis ton Thanksgiving day."
W. R. Good and wife were calling
on Plattsmouth merchants Saturday.
Mrs. John Hendricks and son, Vern,
were Plattsmouth visitors Saturday.
Miss Pearl Dugay of Peru spent
her Thanksgiving 'vacation at Lewis
ton. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Leach has been quite sick for the
past few days.
Frank Vallery was looking after
some business matters in Plattsmouth
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davis attended
the play at the Parmele in Platts
mouth Monday evening.
Mrs. E. R. Queen, who is teaching
at South Bend this year, spent
Thanksgiving at Lewiston.
Miss Ida Good attended the Thanks
giving at Lewiston and visited Miss
Bertha Nickles the week end.
Grandpa Hendricks, who has been
quite sick for the past few weeks, is
able to be up and around again.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Wiley has been numbered with
the sick for the past few days.
Will Hutcheson of Randolph, Neb.,
arrived Wednesday for a visit with
his parents, W. P. Hutcheson and fam-
Erwin Crorser, who has been visit
ing her grandparents, R. R. Nickles
and father, left for his home at Wood
River Friday.
Mrs. Frank Albin, who has been vis
iting at the home of her father, Wm.
Nickles, left Monday for her home in
Creighton, Neb.
Mr. and. Mrs. Glen Boedeker and
Mrs. G. H. Gilmore drove to Omaha
Monday evening to attend the "Bird
of Paradise."
Miss Mary West was visiting with
her mother in Plattsmouth for a few
days the past week. She returned
home Monday evening.
Tom Cromwell, the all around good
fellow, and real estate man .associated
with Frank Vallery, was in Murray
Gailen and Glen Rhoden were in
town yesterday afternoon from their
farm in the Murray neighborhood, and
while here Gale related a little of his
experience as a trapper this fall on
me i arm. tie naa noticed some
strange looking tracks near a straw
stack in one of the fields, and decided
that he would try out his luck with a
few traps to see if it was possible t
land the animal that was prowling
around the farm. Gale set the traps
all right, and lo and behold, the next
morning there were two nice fat opos
sums in the traps and the secret of
what was making the tracks was
solved. This good luck decided Galen
to make further efforts, and a number
of traps were placed along the creek
that flows through the farm, with the
result that several muskrats and a
racoon was added to the list of vic
tims, as well as a fine specimen of
the mink that was snared in one of
the traps. The success of Mr. Rhoden
in the trapping line led him to pre
pare to set out a number of others and
he is in hopes of being able to secure
several other 'possums, that will fur
nish the chief feature of a fine feast
Gale has not had much experience in
trapping but is coming right along.
Christian Church.
Bible school at 10:00 a. m. The
superintendent has appointed a com
mittee to look after the Christmas
The sermon topics for next Sunday
will be "True Greatness," and "A
Young Man Who Preferred Duty to
The new hymn books seem to take
well with the congregation. Come
next Sunday and help us sing.
United Presbyterian Church.
Tuesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Vance Pittman and bath school being
little daughter and Mrs. O. A. Davis morning sermon.
Rev. W. M. Jackson, who had been
assisting his father, Dr. Jackson, in
evangelistic services for ten days, left
on Friday night for his home in To
peka, Kas. He was accompanied by
his little son, Lawrence. While here
Mr. Jackson preached eleven times,
one of his sermons being given Thurs
day morning, a very appropriate
Thanksgiving discourse. Dr. Jackson
preached Saturday afternoon, also
Sunday morning and evening, and dis
pensed communion after the morning
At the United Presbyterian church
next Sabbath the pastor will preach
both morning and evening, the Sab-
held before the
drove to riattsmouth Saturday after
noon for a short visit with relatives
and friends.
Chas. Nickles and wife spent a few J
days last week visiting his father,
Wm. Nickles and family. Mr. Nickles
was on his wjiv tn Golnrado. whprp he
trip to Omaha Monday, at which time j will take charge of a round house.
Mrs. OIlie Wilcox was taken to the j John Klaurens and family, who have
hospital where she was operated on ; been visitmg the past two months with
x utsuay. .u rs. ncox was accompa
nied by her husband and Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Robt. Shrader has been quite
sick at her home in South Omaha.
Her sister, Miss Gertrude Long, who
has been with her for the past few
days, returned home Monday morn
ing at which time Mrs. Shrader was
reported as improving. Chester
Shrader also returned to the home of
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Long
Lovell Massie, who has been at
tending the state university at Ver
million, S. D., was home for a few
days last week visiting with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Massie, in
Mt. Pleasant precinct. He made the
trip in his Ford car from Vermillion,
in just ten hours actually driving a
distance of over 200 miles. He re
turned home Friday morning accompa
nied by Wilson Gilmore, who will make
a few days' visit with him.
John Ost, of Stockton, Calif., who
has been for the past few weeks with
his brother, Henry and family, near
Memphis, arrived in Murray Monday,
and will make a few days' visit with
friends here, being a guest at the
home of Herman Reike and family.
Mr. Ost has been in California for
the past few years, where he has been
engaged in the butcher business at
Stockton. He will return to California
about the first of the year.
Wm. Puis, sr., and daughter, Miss
Laura, are now driving a fine net
Super-Six Hudson auto that was pur
chased last week from the Louie Pjl
agency in Murray. Dick Pitman, Fred
Hild, Louie Puis, Wm. Puis and Adam
Hild drove to Omaha last Saturday
a..d returned with the new car for
.'Tr Puis. Louie also drove down
another car of the same kind that was
so'd this week to Chas. Engelkemeier.
The present price of the Hudson
Sv.pti-Six is $175 higher than last
month, thus the cause for many taking
advantage of the low price.
his sister, Mrs. Chas. Swabb, and Nick
Klaurens of Nehawka, left Wednes
day via the auto route for their home
in Menlo, Kan.
There was a large attendance at the
mask ball given at the Puis & Ganse
mer hall in Murray Saturday evening
and a most enjoyable time was had
by all. Mrs. Carl Sattler, of Platts
mouth, took the first prize, and Her
man Gansemer captured the second.
Plattsmouth was well represented by
many of the young people who enjoy
The Thanksgiving dinner at Lewis
ton, given by the ladies of the K. N.
K. was one of the most successful
given by the ladies; the day was ideal,
the dinner was of the finest, the crowd
was the largest of any year that these
dinners have been given, 240 dinners
being served at noon. C. A. Rawls
gave a splendid talk on the Thanks
giving theme that was thoroughly ap
preciated by the large crowd present.
Rev. W. A. Taylor delivered a very
fine and eloquent sermon. Mrs. E. R.
Queen favored the audience with a
solo. The Plattsmouth male quartet
was present and gave several numbers
in the evening that added very much
to the pleasure of the evening. The
tables were tastefully arranged and
decorated with beautiful red and white
carnations, which were the gift of Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Hesser of Los Angeles,
Cal., and each guest at dinner was
presented with one of the beautiful
flowers as a remembrance of Lewis
ton, and many old friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Hesser were present and received
a flower that was prized Very highly.
Mrs. Will Oliver and Mrs. John Hur
dicks, who had charge of the needle
work, had many beautiful pieces for
sale and received the neat sum of $45
for the trouble; the ladies received in
total $135, and take this method of
expressing, to each and every one who
contributed in any way, their earnest
appreciation for their kindness in help
and giving. I
The ladies of the United Presbyter
ian church will hold their annual
bazaar Saturday and will serve splen
did meals at noon and in the evening.
They will have on sale many articles
suitable for Christmas presents.
R. R. Nickles was visiting in Platts
mouth Saturday.
LOST Between Weeping Water
and Plattsmouth, a gold friendship
bracelet, 9 links. Finder please leave
same at The Journal office and receive
reward. 12-4-wklytf
For cattle and Horses.
For Insurance of all kinds see J. W.
Peg 0' the Ring
the 1 1th episode of this
great serial.
"Base Ball Bill"
a Laemmle comedy
The Toy Soldier
a Rex comedy
The Super-Six
climbing Pike's Peak
in one reel.
Saturday Evening,
Show Starts at 7:45 Sharp
That's a sure combination.
Thousands upon thousands, tens upon
thousands of perfectly browned Thanksgiving
will come out of air-tight MONARCH Ovens
the festive boards of happy families this coming
giving Day.
If you want to insure the success of your
giving Dinner, replace that old range now with
tens of
to grace
a MON-
Hardware am Implement Co.,
Toledo, O., Dec. 5. With more than
a mile and a quarter of Pullman
trains composing the six special sec
tions which brought in the first squad
of Overland dealers, parked in the ex
tensive yards of the Willys-Overland
company, began yesterday the biggest
industrial convention in the history
of the world.
To this convention came dealers
from seventeen states, including Idaho,
Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming,
Texas, Colorado, Mississippi, Louisi
ana, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Ten
nessee, . the Carolinas, Nebraska and
Iowa. Many of them are clad in
grotesque costumes, the Lbuisianians
with sugar canes, the Georgians, Ala
bamians and Mississippians with kum
quadts and statsumas; the Floridaris
bearing stuffed alligators and oranges,
the Iowans with brass band and all
sporting varicolored " hatbands and
armbands. -" ' .V '
Eevery man was here to learn some
thing of the . new' Overland ,Iirre ';for
1917. Sales methods and service ideas
will be discussed. Twelve hundred
and ten dealers and boosters arrived.
Omaha and western Iowa contingent
numbered 650.
They went on tours through the
Overland factory with its 103 acres
of floor space, listening to lectures and
sales talks by officials, and were guests
at a banquet and entertainment. They
will be replaced by new dealers on
The convention program, which will
be repeated for a new squad of deal
ers every other day, will last until
December 23rd.
There will be a shooting match at
Murray, Neb., Wednesday, December
20, for turkeys, geese and ducks. Blue
rock and target rifle shooting. All
shooters are cordially invited to at
tend this event. Campbell & Shrader.
Fancy stationery in different vari
eties at the Journal office. Come and
,3t, when you want Stationery.
Stop! Looti! Listen!
You may need an Auctioneer
if so
17. R. -'..YOUNG
is still in the ring You will find
on the Murray Exchange.
Reverse All Galls!
Rates Reasonable
Plailsmouib, Uobraska
Route No. 1
Watch This Space for Our
Big Holiday Goods
We have a. large and complete line and
want you to see them before buying.
Puis Sr Gansemer,
Ointment K0.'f aW' cfrr
tir I no iivnmwin iin
rn vptv nmi.
tors. Price. SI .00.