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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1916)
I PAGZ 3. I IB" T HI' -'-LT JOURNAL. TfeLsAt. titter ir.o. 1 CP First I ecurity Bank CEDAR CREEK, NEBR. Sound, Conservative and Progressive THE BANK OF THE PEOPLE THE BANK BY THE PEOPLE THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE AVe are anxious to assist the farmer in feeding and handling his live stock for market If you have anything for tise in the Journal. First Security bank pay? on time deposits. Mr. and Mis. Anton Meisin family were Sunday visitors at tie j homo of Mr. uz;d Mrs. John Uusche. J. F. Vu)i? and Ed. Wnt-uer drove! U; Omaha Sunday afternoon where a lew hour.-, with ; 3 per cent. r . 5 il- '-C 1 i ujttiey made friends. m and i UltUE'd 3 Si WE S-SsSl 8 i !r !T . . !W5 Miss Cora Rnr-rle, of Plattsmouth, ami w; came ov.L Friday eveniut: visit with id friends t the home of Mr, lines. 'J-Li (' at tlie ) ! Reames ai d V.vt. S. .1. ! VV-f U.-wted Slatts Collets SI 2 1 , S$v Jfirreise of S! J,7-i1.? in lista! Ytar. Wa-ddm-ton, Ii. C. J"ec f.. Pre- in rciitvai asne: it: in the United Lai ' CO Deposits In This Bask are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska, "which has reached nearly $, 000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you! OFFICERS: WM. SCHNEIDER, President W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President T.J SHANAHAN, Vice-President J. F. FOREMAN, Cashier i BYD-iEOIOEIS II! f ?i ft 5 m I - ti, f hi s ? 8 ii! !!! Cedar Creek James Johnson spent Thanksgiving; in Omaha. For the finest of oyster stews see S. J. Reames. First Security bank pays .1 per cent on time deposits. For good, fresh Candy, Fruit and Nuts, see S. J. Reames. J. F. Foreman took Thanksgiving: dinner with home folks at PaplllioV.. Ed. Gobelman went to Omaha last Thursday where he took Thanksgiving dinner. Dr. Duff went to Plattsmouih last Thursday to spend Thanksgiving with friends. Mrs. John Rusche spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Meisinger. Mr. and Mrs. Lou "Myers spent Thanksgiving in Omaha, truest? at the home of Jerry Frey. John Busche and family spent Thanksgiving: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sprieck. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keil and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meisinger drove to Plattsmouth last Friday. Miss Anna Thierolf, cf Omaha, came down last Wednesday evening to spend Thank sgivir.g with relatives. Creek Tirst Security bank pays 5 per cent on time deposits. Mrs. John Gauer is repotted on .he sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wolff were Om aha visitors Friday. See Reames for Christmas cards before buying elsewhere. Farm Loans, Insurance and Real Estate. See J. F. Foreman. Mr. ard Mrs. Albert Schafer and family spent Thanksgiving in Omaha. Mrs. S. J. Reames visited Sunday afternoon at the homo of Mr. ard Mrs. John Gauer. John Larson went tr Omaha Tues day whore he had some business m ni ters to look after. Miss Mabel Meisinger went to Plattsmouth last week, v. here she will remain for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scybert ard family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ardy Thomson. Mrs. Elmer Mei-simrer. Bona Law Refuses Invitation of Kins i.f Form Xcw Ministrv. London, Dee. ('. The Westminister Gazette says that A. Bon n- i.a.v " -clir.ed the invitation of thf: 1 ir.u- - i-, .(jsi ?e11fi-t'. d by income tax Heel ions of i?i 2-i,07,2;.t;l for tlie V. '.al yea- -n ? : ; i-t June ''), 191"., an inc. ea 33 of :.-'-l-i,73-,-l:'1. 'f" t:ve Jr.Sf'.i'i'l.T'S.c' c I'K-tf! in ll'I.I, ae eu:;ii!!'.': to trr- rei.ori -.f Secretary cf '.lv- Trc-n-r.:-y McAdc-;, mrule puLik to .;ay. Of this amount, co'.lectior.s of per sonal inc-me tax:-s anioui. 0-i-'L-lu-J. ta:es s crea ;c; 1S:.17, and of corpoi-atio;: mecme r.t',,(;7L'.72i.i'-5. J hose of ?J.i.8:;7,13.'4 and i . eh". 17,V2 m- I'iooi o: tin report, ; corpo'-ation ret and that presumaoiy moutn, Oi came out last Saturday and spent Sunday with he' parents. The box supper jrivan at the Keil school house was well attended aad the proceeds r.moun-d to ? OX Mr. ar.u ?Iis. Busche ar.ii far-?!;. drove io PL.ttn-outh in their new Mitchell car Tutsday morning. There were finite a number of Ced;r people in attenda:ico at the Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Roberts drov3jpiay in Plattsmouth Ivlonda;, The Thankscrivir.'j: dinner to Plattsmouth List Thnrs!;n- tn tl-o i Thanksfrivingr dinner with the home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson, of Oma ha, came out last Wednesday eveninjr and spent Thanksgiving with frier th; and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schneider and family, of Plattsmouth. spent Thanksgiving- at the home of Mr. an. Mrs. Wm. Schneider. The new farm residence of Louie Henninsrs is nearinr completion and it is poinp; to be one of the finest little homes in this part of the country. e vein per. riven by form a cal.i David Lloyu-Gcorp-e will be called r-n. The Exchange Telegraph compa: v 5. ays it has authority -for the state ment that Mr. Bonar Lav.- lias declined the offer to forM a ?roernmer.t. The kin;.? has sent for Mr. Llovd George. Tl-.e ublic is await ir e with t!-.e greatest interest the next step in the political crisis. Ordinarily the sei'v tion by the kirtfr of a leader such as Mr. Bwrar Law to form a row min istrv would be taken as a soluti n. hvt from the first there was some dorbt ' evneral prosperity, says ip. the fart that, although income:- ha so increased jiicatiy, v.a:;C' l ave liven inised in indusu !es. ! undarr.i r.tal Ccndit irns Sound. Fundamental ci or.omic cenditiar.s never wcv morj' a-.-un-.l. Secretary McA:!oo cent-rues. T!u United States has. l)cen irai-ro: rr-ed f rum a d-.btcr turn wita toe i..:;..-.?st h-hl l ail, cov.T-try into a ccilitor oi o e 2.70t haveec ",.o- :. Cred :re than is count r so a rc Wit' ro- sult that va amounts of credit have .en e::tnded to other count t ies. Fe'ioral rcsc:-vi' bardas row rave re- whether he could command the sup- : port ot a majority m tne oouse e commons i: lie oiu lorm a caoinei. t The nationalists, who withdrew j their suport ' fror.i I'remier Arquith ! because of his failure to carry ov.z the I axvement made by Mr. L!oyd-Geor; e j for brmjrm.a: home rule into lorce irr.- ':....! ,.,1.1 u 1... li'. ,l,. . . fol! w a cabinet of which the unlc-v: ' .source?, ol t-':oU.(.il"J.0t"J, reserves are ceed in the task assigned to him or ; TV,M,. .v.i;a (:a, on-, r-.. m .rL'oO.OOM Ah'.') additio!:::! is held bv fed- i eial re.-e!'ve agents a3 special security fT' federal reserve notes. The re eve banks Iwtve a!cut one-fourth of ;ly. al reserve bank nt was rcoaiire-.l i to mawe no .-pec: farm crops. the ciuatry's jro'd ; j, Owin to the fc.'.e: system, the ;'cvt". nmc ;-os!ts mover order was the caiet r.r.'l in wr.itn Edward Carson, was included. It h been su jested th !(!! fuport nr.; ir do:'- ana was eve by jrrani r tea r d : n c I rt lend said Sir Edward v. as a party to ir but the Nister leader iu-e.rapheI i his su porters ir. Eeh'ast a den: at of lI report, sayirjc: "'The proposals attributed to me ai men limi ted lovaitv i. ! The :.ew f i i port, v.-ill ir. ' "(is- Io?rz-tirr . I'm el the credit- Ace .ys ti:e re )f fa r:.-. L-r, reserve i-'-v y; j of rix months I over f-n'.nc ! the foimer is e.i . i r i VI::i the ultural pa rt urity an ad van -i pa- or, in tha; for : edasCouut bv re ar 1 n-. tin; -.1, the L-.d u:cs A:U Society v.-as wei: patronized, tlie total receipts bein about $-i7.U0. AuL-ut Keil and family and IV.e Schrocder ar.d family spent Thanks. -crivin at ti;e home of Mr. and Mis. Philip Stoehr. Don't forget S. J. Reames when you are in need of paper napkins, paper plates, ice cream dishes and all kinds of crepe paper. John Busche and son, Clarence, John j Gauer. Otto SprieoK, Frank So!sb?re; r.:v v:e i hem." Ar other difficulty v.-as prcseMtr d b the labor party who.--? loader. ie re Waru'e. announced ye.-tt rday the i: tor ion of the labor members in 1! la.use of ccmmo' S to support Mr. A: ';tii;h. They are rKetin? to final decision. The Manchester Guai dian wldch irt derail r v. i;es the ci:, v. c e-.!era; rce is e:i.:'ii'ie v. her. of Ti:e ::!.;)- va naricaa! bar and at ti.e farm- time .iclual ca ii iio:,.:r --f; -, er. The tv.v'.e federal ban! her IX held $11 1,148. -UtO. the fiscal yar, uvoant.M to ks and the lorme. c-.i re ac ouat s' maturiiy. d total of :?ll.r;t;2.- ip. i a n 'o .JO 1.11,' .. J . ' 1 , baidcs' S".-i;;0. :-m- m tig m m tittit "tfet iiis m. Will Soon Be Here! Y on Know ihe as? aa -uiinstmas r eater Than Ever Journal Quality Cards Year Make Your Selections Early! aa aa ci'ti aa r." -v' - 1 tj j wv j -t-j -v j ctvj tc- cr-. oc-r trs the must has p-one for expensive struc tu:e.: in small towns and localities v.hc-re thry were not needed. Tlie secretary urees separate bills to cover each building after investi- T " tor j ci ': t ; custtms re- 1 '.",S lo.;;j an in of the provincial members. ex- j increase of s"t.;;i:'Xl7.':. i2. Internal pressed the opinion that Mr. i!nnr,r revenue receipts were ? 12.72-J.2S7.77. Law would be more likely to Mr. and Mrs. Simon Clark, oil ar.d Dr. Worthman motored to Lin coln last Wednesdav. where Jo'r.n Plnt . 1 j. TT- 1 day evening and spent Thanks-ivini? j re. viitchen car"s at tne home of tiieir daurhter, M r and Mrs. Robt. Stivers. V, ortaman bought ,1 They were of the Mr. uan:v :-ar. There were a number of Codar Creek people who drove to Murray last Thursday to attend the mask ball. The social dance piven at the Sa;, les hall Thursday evenirar was well at tended. The next number which will ! cheil car that Dr. Worthman has be a mask ball, will be uriven on Satur- i owned which demonstrates that he is lic ht --:x V, no Gauer has the Mitchell agency for this territory and has been selling them faster than c;.is can be secured, aiid there are quite a number now in serv ice hero, ard stem to be giving perfect satisfaction. This is the second Mit- day evening;, December Oth. satisfied cvvr.oi WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF t. - rw r- s nnJT-tE m ! - a and can make you attractive prices on Pi3crBi4or and Ssjpsnor Press DriSis, Henney SuggSos, Birdsei Wagorss and Wagon Soxes, Steei VheeS Trucks, King and Hamilton Steel Grain Dumps, Empire Cream Separators. WOLFF Lee Puncture Proof and Firestone Tires ard Accessories Studebakcr Agents CEDAR CREEK, NEBRASKA u combination which the house moms would support t'na'- Mr. Llrd- Gccree would be and ; dd;d the?-e was no reason to believe Mr. Idovd-Gcorye had any ambitions for ti.e task. The Guardian which supports Mr. Lioyd Georpe. says that in a letter to Mr. Asquith he took the stand that a mar ctrect j tr.e jiTeatcst on com- i creased on tobacco eeord. Taxes ill iiou 0.1 soi t. Exnort to r-j,:i:';:,G;,s,,. 7C8, :j:o, an exctrt t i -. 1 : c rms il'- f crmented ci-' : 1; could not act both a member of the would nave to sit r an nrer.i'.c var council . , .1 L mot r.iirz aou u V." i ch 've il r- ninjr ard deal with the "terribly front" war problems. The hope is expressed r-eneraily that an election will be avoided on account of the delay ar.d interference with, the business of war. Should an elec tion become necessary it will be held under a three year old register so that -i.OOO.OoO new votes would be disfranchised. 107,SS..ol!, an increase 000,000. Dr;i Law is V, There we:e 2.7."4 t'tvti.i ef t!.e i la: 1 :.-.-n tlie venr. an I c.iff::cti ' ti;e :v amounfe i , an of '2, impc"is tot a hid ' about cai;cr.t. 1 viola- act during: of the law wr-. r.i.u ci:den o sti i-i.Tc: v dru" evi a- the it bv an trs.a t:e e- XOTICE TO COXTP.ACTOliS. Scaled bids will be received at the of: ice of the Cvunty Clerk in the Court House at Plattsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska, up to 12 o'clock (noooi cn Monday, January 8th, 2017, for the paintinc cf the second floor of the court house, and painting of ail out side woodwork, as per specifications adopted by the Board of Commission-j ers and cn file in the office of County j Clerk. j A cortined cheek for ?.20'..00 must i accompany each bid. j The Board of Commissioners re-; 1 serves the rijrht to reject any or all bids. FRANK J. LIBERSII AL, Dated. Plattsmouth, Neu., December G. 1010. sumerae court, .uure :c-i datioa i; cope with the is!o'l. An appropriation ir. ured for re pryme'Vit of tines raid by parties con- 1 victec. section s o: tne act, which was knocked out. Treatment by the -rcve? n incut of drug users is als.o recor.imc aded. Secretary McAdco recommends that no exr' ls spiared in the effort to uIscovj:- the cause of the mysterious and deadly poliomyelitis, known as ii' fantiie paralysis. Protest is made against porl K ban public buildin- bills. Of the $180,000, f00 rpnt for prcvernmcnt buildings in the last tweiii.v years, says the report, of war risk insuiance, vhich expires PHEPAHEDKESS How It Helps CcngLs and CcMs A want ad will bring: what you want. SK' i tirj i:i.. li'.J.M liI.lJ. A f- V'J "il-ciifSler ? fcbmoiij lirun.1 'j.-.A 70 - V. :n lir and .0;,t tv-.I, A TJ V0A N V-.-i) TnLv no .ihir V.ur of vanr v j" ft' l4-ujre.t. As : : J. IlKs-TEnS r 5eixsKTu.wnaiiiest.aieit.A;iavs!;e!U;.ie i SOLD BY DRUGGISTS ElLTiihTRt I t. Buy your bottle of Foley's Honey and Tr ntnv, and quickly stop ibe ccufchs and coltia of early fall. Early fall lirintrs crotip, bronchitis, asthmatic breHtliiiijr, trontles.oiiie niht coughs, whoopinij cough, Bad tickling, irri table throat. It K?ravatPS the distressing cocch of woak Junes, aud tua chroaic coughs of elderly iople. It fives "sau39s" to infants and children and provokes adenoids and sore inaaaied throats. Give Foley's Honey and Tar frpely. It Is soFoothingand curativo. relieves hoarsene.-s and puts a healiDs? coatiniron the inilamed mucous liuini; of the throat. It stops coni-b-irg eaily ana qtiirkiy and relieveacroup be fore this dreaded thiuar has a chance to really hirm the children or scare the parents. The last doae is just as pood as the first, and a less amount ii needed than of any other cough syrup. Bo see to it that yoti pet only the oricinal FOLK-Y'S HON KY AND TAB, for it id the only genuine, and contains no opiates. The government has been unable to oilect ?t"itC.r.33.40 cf the funds that .vcc advanced to Americans stranded i. Europe at the betcinnintr of the war fh? report says that some of thes "Olsons iaifiy reiuseu to repay Jrcie Sam. It cost 724.4:2.1':' S.f'O to run the :;'ovc: nrnent iiurinc the fiscal year, and receipts were $77f,tU--Lf-"2.4!, while the treasurv balance on June 00 was ''17,431.415.rS. The iepo:t states th. resent revenues will be insufficient meet the contemplated expenditures for the fiscal years 1817 and 101S. Patter Frauds Increasing. An increasing1 number of adulters th ms of butter is resorted. Most of these are violations ot the law pro hibit inp: the sale of creamery butter contr miner 1( per cent or more of moisture. Many cases were found v. here dealers purchased butter from creameries, added from 30 to 50 per cer.t of water and resold the adulter ated product as creamery butte Many other cases were reported where oleomargarine was colored, without paying the tax of 10 cents a pound and sold as creamery butter. In the last three years, evasions agr- rioatinr $."30,000,000 in the taxes or. corporations and individual incomes, tobacco, liquor and cleomarfrarine have been discovered, and of this amount ?22,o00..r7(.47 was assessed for taxa tion. V.'culd Extend War Insurance. Earnest recommendation for exten sion for another year of the bureau by limitation September 2, 1917, is mace. The bureau up to November 17 has written 1,G84 policies, covering in surance of 51G3,393,087, and the sur plus of premiums paid over losses amotnus to 2,3G7,G57.23. Losses amounted to fS33,924.G0, from which snlvao-o of 59.055.87 has been re ceived. The net amount of risk No vrmbor 17 was ?14.G10,345. While f 100.000 was appropriated for the bu reau, operating expenses total only 13.70. Unless the bureau is continued, says the report, inability to grant war risk insurance on American vessels and cargoes will seriously injure Amer ican commerce. Referring to the Pan-American Fi nancial congress in 1917, the secretary saya: "I cannot over-estimate the value of those conferences in promoting friend ly relations and enlarging trade and commerce with our southern neighbors." Victrolas $15 to $150. I needles. J. W. Crabill. Records and 10-17-d5:w. How Can the Vacuum Furnace Save of the Coal? VACUUM FURNACE (COLDAiB . COLO AIR . HOT Alft S V " ' ' It 4 1 ij&y&i :r -i 1 & mm mmw h 1 w F!4 tM n ?t J ' 1 M T II I M 1 Ii Are all the furnaces good that are sold by the other stores? Sure, but they use one-fourth to one-half more coal in the cellar where it is not only wasted but is detrimental to the goods stored there. See the outer casing on the Vacuum which keeps the heat in the upper rooms. Again we can put in the Vacuum in one day and cut just one hole, saving $50.00 on this alone. F, G. OAWSW,brark0a"th' Advertise in The Journal MJL' mm m Needle Work for Christmas! Now is the time to get needle work gifts for Christmas. We are showing a big assortment and with a little time you can solve your trouble. Our line includes: Stamped Pillow Cases, Bath and Guest Towels, Combing Jackets, Gowns, Slipper and Laundry Bags, Center Pieces, Table Runners and Dresser Scarfs. New Collars! A new assortment of collars just received, made of white flannel, orgardie and silk. Each. 50 and 65c Home-Made Comforters! We have a nice assortment of home made comfortables. made up of Silkaline and Twill, heavy weight, at $3 and $3.25 1 1 - t . u -.V