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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1916)
PLATTSMOUTH SE.Ml-YTrEKLT JOURNAL, MOZvDAT DECEMBER 4, 1916. PAGE 6. iLJL in Doubt What to Give! gar.- ssss We ill will be acceptable. VJlOVCS carry a complete line in ncsrlo hir frloves. as PPi-.A 4 , i,,!. ..'j.;'--'rL".".''---!.'t1' well as dog skin, grey suede, and heavy pV JN black and white silk gloves. We also have the new shades in the cape glove with the new style fastener. These are all excep tional values and the prices range from r l7 w n rr7Traror;r?r-rrnT'irtirrTiT-uTra $1.0!) to $2.00 1 (Iff ' iY'' 5'' . scarr and Lao deu : 1 :; Kow about getting a scarf and cap set for that school girl or best friend? We have one cf the largest assortments in both the sals and caps. Also an exceptionally good selection of scarfs alone. The styles are right and so are the prices. HUGE ATTACK rlfSSINRESCO of wm IA Leather T A leather bag is another item that never comes in amiss and especially now ov.'ing to the heavy advances in prices of all leather, do we feel that we can offer you exceptional values. Our line embraces everything in the staple bag and we also have some of the newest ideas in the new Art Leather, which are excep tionally good looking and artistic. Prices from $1.00 to $6.00 H M SOENNICHS EN 5 Call phones 53 or 54. We like to serve. I tr:vt T.r.i'.isvilU' ivj.n!e tl'o tot on the . . ! 1 ... market ior trio small uisnussmn price cf ami 10 touts. LOUISVILLE Courier mm A Tl.e Violvcrth Ptr.i quarry shut tcmj r;;i ily Saturday. Mrs. ('has. Ah! :inJ two son; are vi.-:tiir relatives at Wakeene y. Kas. The new Kiln at the Kaliler IVitcry plant is almost completed and will enable that eonipany I" c'ou'ule their output. Mr. ami Mrs. Fn-l Yai:T.ei ef South lU-i-J. are rejoioinir over the linival of a little daughter that ar-ri-.ed Thursday. Xoemler '2:1. IOH'k Mr. ami Mrs. William Hennin.cs aro i t-.-eiviiT' the corv'ratulati ns of their fii-mls upon the birth of a son. Thurs day. Nov. S.). lllo. Simon Johnson, who has been v.oi!: inir at the Ah.lanl sarul pit has been laid up the past week with an injure.! fool 'but will soon be all ri.uht airain. t"." A. Riehey closed down his sand pumping works west of town for the winter lat Saturday. This is neies s.irv every v inter before the river freezes up. The elam shell loading continues, however, and will not close down as lonir as the weather will t rniit. Mis Kdna Krnisse has leased the Joyiand picture theatre and is new in fall char-.'o. She s::vs she is uoir. Lo The Keiser family held a reunion October S. 1. ami 10, lil:i at which time the ten brothers and two sisters were present. A remarkable fact of this family of brothers and sisters is that for 7-1 years, no death had oc curred am.emr them. The family tame to Nebraska in ISoS, and settled near what is now Ithaca, in Saundiis county. MASK TALL AT I i'DAIi CIIKKK. There, will he a mask ball ,uien at Sayies" hall. Cedar Creek on Saturday eve Hint:. December i'lh. ami the public is cordially invited to bo present. The date is chanced from the l'.'th as originally announced and everyone who can should attend. A voed time assure'!. Si rim SES KNIFE KILL WILSON Drink Crazed I'hiladelphia Man Causes Panic Overpowered by the 1'olice. London. Dec. C. Hussian and Roumanian armies aie striking ter rific blows at the derma nic allies in an effort to check the invasion of Kou- niania. ihey are enjraed in a t'reat oifensive alomr the wIk.1, i.r h., i;,. from the southern Carpathians to the Idack sea and have made aiiis at sev eral points. I'etronrad reports that in the Car pathians and on the TV: frontier the Russians are slowly push ing ahead in the face of bitter oppo sition. In southeast Roumania . Rus sians have captured the western end of the irreat Cernavoda bii.?..o In Iobruilja the invaders were forced to jiive ground. The Roumanians before Rucharest, 'ein forced by Russians, have driven he enemy from the villages of Ko- mona and dostinari to the south of the capital. The oliicial statement is sued in Petrojrrad today asserted that ill enemy attacks hat! been repelled in the li.iihtim? south of the capital. The statement admitted, however, that the lefenders to the west of the capital uul been driven hack to the Anres. river. The flankinir movement directed by the Russians at the Jablonitza pass in southwest Bukowina is the most seri ous menace to German positions in Roumania. Surrender of the Austro-Gcrman forces at Kirslibaba would not be sur-j prising in view of the Russian claims of domination of this important strajretic position and railroad center (hrouirh control of the heights about it. REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the Bank of Murdock CHARTER NO. V.78 Of Murdock, Neb., Incorporated in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business, November 17th. !li. KEsor i :t: Ioans anl discounts t CTlriif is liankirii.' Iiouse. f iwnit uic :iikI fix tures C'iirr'i.l e peiws. i axes arni inu-rt't I '.lid Due from nat'l and i-.i.ue Imulcs f.'i"".".'"-'? (i4 CliecUs and items of c- eliiimre . .'..' Ciirii'iiey .ii.'n m (Jold coin ;,o Siler. iiiekfls uiid eints. 41.". ;i f !::.i,io :r, ti. t?A 14 Total. ci, :.(.:! vI'.n;.;;!".!! blAlill.lTH.S Capital stock paitl in !.". oeii 00 Surplus fund I.."iniimi Undivided jirofiis J.l'Jl ,1 I ml i v id mi I deposits sub ieel toelieelc r.".:.'0 :;.) Time eet tif leatos . of de posits i oo .!: Cashier's eliei'ks out si auilhiir c:i-I r''.'?i:: i:: I ei'o.-'Uor s truaraniy I n ml I.jiil or." Total ci'.'i;.:;i.o c, STATE or NI'.l!!l.SKA ' Coiinly f Cass 's I. II. A. l.i ul IniKiun. Cashier of the above named bank,- do hereby swear that. 1 he ulne statement is a eorreet ami true ropy of the reiort made l I lie stat ItanUinir IJo.inl. II. A. C. i'tmman.n. Cashier. Attest. Henry A. Tool, director. .1. E. ( i til ha) nun. director. Subsei iled and sworn lo before me t his Ut! h day of November. I'.'l'i. .Ikukv E. .M !lt o!i. Notary Public Seall My eoimuissioii expires March . I'JOO r-4 VI 9 T,r or me oys Amas You will find our stocks complete in Coaster Wagons, ARUESIEG lii TRYING TO REiGH WiLSCfi AT BMET New York, Dec. A man civinv: the name of Jacob Acks, 2:, who said he was an Austrian by birth, but h.ui t lived in this country for eighteen l'.OX SOl'IAL IX DISTIIK'T CiO. There will be a box social priven at the Cullom school h.ouse.-ia School Dis trict o'. i-ii e.tuitiay ever.iiiir, Decem ber 1. Kverybody invited. Kthel Seyl ert, Teacher. For Kent House, barn, outbuild ings and three acres near Missouri Pa- cilic denot. K. W. Frar.?. Phor.e 10o-V. 12-2-Std i T ;"Kvi. - 'i.i..t.i-.- " j ' .-" .'K l-,s. Touring Car $360 Runabout $345 Sedan $645 Coupclef $505 with $22.05 freight added. Wc have adopted the Ford schedule of charges for all repair and overhauling johs and have engaged Ray Ilitch nian and Guv Rer.-c o look after that branch of our business which insures to all Ford owners prompt and efficient service. We carry a complete stock of Ford parts, automobile Supplies, Tires, Tti&es, Chains end Radiator Covers! liRlXG YOL'R TORUS TO USJ-'OR Rl-RAIRS AXD OVKRIIAUL1XG. .- t- . i i r Tt. tSLiv vour rora now ana pay ior n. as you use ii if you wish. Call and investigate our plan. We can make immediate deliveries of Ford cars. T. H. FOLLOeiCy FORD DEALER, Office Tel. No 1. Shop Tel. No. 58 Plattsmouth Philadelphia, Ta., Dec. 3. Crazed by drink, a man flashing a larjre earv iivj knife, with which he said he would kill President Wilson as he passed through here this afternoon, attacked a pedestrian in the Reading: terminal, sent hundreds of travelers fleeing to rafety, and eniratred three policemen before he was overpowered and ar rested. The prisoner pave his naniL" as Jona than Kraus, no home. The man appeared before the presi dent's train arrived at 1:30 o'clock, but made a mistake in stations. Draws Knife; Chases Man. Matted hair fell over his shoulders and he continually muttered to him self. Suddenly he drew the knife, leaped upon a man leaving the sta tion, and shouted: '"You're the president! I shall kill you!" Dropping basrerajre and hat, the stranger went down the steps three at a time, his assailant close behind. Women and children rushed in all di rections, screamimt for help. Three reserve policemen leaped upon the man, but he fought for ten min utes before handcuffs could be ad justed. "I prayed on the steps of this city hall," he said, ' before I started out on rr.y mission to kill Wilson." "I'll pet him yet!" shouted Kraus as he was led to a cell, "and J. P. Mor pan. Rockefeller, and all those fellows. j They're keepinp the cost of living hic-h and the war groinp."' Victim of Drink. Lack cf Food. After a preliminary examination by ; police surpeons, Kraus, bound and handcuffed, was transferred to the 1 Philadelphia hospital for observation Physicians believe he had eaten no food for several days, and this, with drink, affected his mind. President Wilson's train did not po within two miles of the Readinp ter minal. The only stop the executive's train made was at North Thiladel phia. Dcrlin (Via Sayville Wireless) Dec. 3. Fiphtinp between Teutonic and Russian and Roumanian forces in the Carpathians and on the Transylvania frontier is still in progress, with the enemy suffering heavy losses, the war ooice announced today. On Field Marshal von Mackensen's front a hip battle has developed. The preat Roumanian army, which otfertd an enpapement southeast of Pietsi, has been broken throuph and defeated,' the statement declared. "Russian and Roumanian attacks in the forest of the Carpathians and alonp the Translyvania frontier moun tains continue," the report continue!." "Yesterday's attacks were especially directed apainst our positions on Raba- ludova, Cuerarucada and east of Dor-n-'.vatra and Trotosu, and also in the Oytos valleys. The attacks were with out success. The enemy sulTered heavy losses. The German troops at one place in their advance in the forest of the Car pathians made more than a thousand prisoners. . "Enpapements around Ilalachy have ! developed into a larpe battle. The irmy winp which left the mountains southeast of Campulunp pained pround by fiphtinp in the forests and mountains on both sides of the Dam niobita sector. years, was arrested at the , j. Astoria hotel Saturday nipht when he tried to make his way into the ban qaet hall where President Wilson w;:s dininp. The man insisted he hud a "letter to deliver to the p redeem." The arrest was made by Lieutenant Rapan and another olheer assigned to duty outside the hall. The president and none of the diners knew of the incident. Acks appeared first about 9:30. He was lurried away, but returned ai d told those at the doors that he see the president. Questioned closer he said ho had a letter lie wanted to pive him. and finally started such a disturbance that he was quickly ar rested and taken down a back stair way to avoid attractinp any atten-j tion. ; lie was taken to the second branch detective bureau, where he was ques tioned lifter midnipht. lie said he was a manufacturer and pave ids home as 10 East 1 i'tth street. Ses, Riollei Skates, Air Rifles, Pocket ICsiives .3 ' -- S of v vs ef i : : - i r "1. 5! R IR 1 The undersipr.ed will sell at public auction at 'his home, one-half mile north of (),.!; Hill Cemetery, eommen cinp at i ::',! o'ch-t k )). m. sharp n Monday, i)i:ci::mi;i:r is the foiowir.p Iesci'ihcd property: 0;x- bay mare, : e:iis old. weipht 1200 pounds. One bay peldinp. 0 years old, weipht l."o:t jounds. One p::1.-- mare, smooth mouth, wt. 1 !'') pernios. Oi.e bay ir.are. cominp 2 years old. Th.iee pood miik cows with calf, some pivinp milk. Kip! it head of hoe's. ." months ohl. I'ive dozen brown Leph.-rn chick- e: One s"' of harries Two farm wapons. Ore mower. One )low. One hay rake. Two sets of bu'-.e-y ha nit Two t i at ji s. O-e lister. One drill. One 2-seetion harrow. 1 !-'' inch. One cornstalk chopper. Two cream cans. One cream separator. One rack'. One bnppy, new and in po d con ditio.!. Ore wutron box. Many other small articles. Terms of Sale All sums under cash. Over .-.'10 six months time, pur chaser pivir.p note at 8 per cent in terest. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. MAX PF1TZMEYER, Owner. Wm. R. YOrXO, AuctijT-.eer. )l. V. PATTERSON, Chrk. JUNIOR (iL'ILD NOTICE The Junior Guild of St. pari-h will meet with Mrs. Luke's Frank Cummins Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock sharp. All members are re quested to be present. CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children Ui Use For Over 30 Years Always bean the Signature of CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR .MEETING FOR SALE. Seme are fond of books to read, oth ers dote on candy; "Baps, I know appeal to everyone, and these will come in 'Sohandy.' St. Mary's Guild Christmas Shop, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 8-0. 80-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. A splendid 80-acre farm, with pood buildinps, one and a half miles west of Mynard, for sale; $0,000 cash pay ment and balance first mortpape on said land for five years. Call at my effice for further information. -A. L. Tidd, Plattsmouth, Neb. Iwd2wsv The Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church enjoyed a very ir.terestinp meetinp last eveninp at the church parlors and one that Wiis quite larpely attended by the membership. The meetinp was led by Miss Eda Marquardt and the topic for the discussion was that of "The Consecration of Business Life" which was participated in by a number of the members with interestinp remarks in keepinp v. ith the topic. Durinp the services a quartet composed of Miss Marquardt, Mrs. II. G. McClusky. L. O. Minor and Rev. McClusky, pave a selection that added preatly to the interest of the meetinp. eve ninp meetinps are prowinp in favor with the younp people and the at tendance is constantly prowinp as the interest increases. Topics of interest alonp the lines of christian teachinp and inspiration are piven each Sun day eveninp and always brinps out many helpful thouphts alonp the lines cf uplift. Q. Z. NOTICE. The Q. Z. society of the Presby terian church will meet with .Mrs. Lynn Minor Tuesday afternoon. All dolls must be brought to this meetinp. FROM NEAR LOUISVILLE. 1 1-H. International Gas Engine mounted; 1 Keystone 2-hole sheller, mounted. All in pood running: order. Inquire at The Journal office. ll-29-2tvkly CALL AT Leonard's Photograph Shop for pictures of the FAMILY GROUPS, or anything photographic! Now is the ripht time to make a move for Christmas Photos. Your First r.lcvo! i Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Bluma and three children, from near Louisville, were in Plattsmouth last Saturday, cominp down on the train and returning in the evening. Mr. Bluma had some pictures taken of the children while here. He was a pleasant caller at the Journal office and enrolled his name for the paper. Mr. Bluma is not a very frequent caller at the county seat as this was his first visit in the past nine years. FOR SALE An extra fine roac horse, coming 4 years old. R. C. Cook, Phone No. 12G-J. ll-27-lwd&w Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATION'S, as they cannot reacn tne seat i me u.a, ; i , -i i a inn t rv.'i-t I v in fluenced bv constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must Jake an internal remsu.v uin cv.... - - cine Is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Halls Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians Jn this country for years. It is com posed of some of the best tonics known. .mhinoH with snmt of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal conditions. Send for testimonials, free. . . F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo. O. All Uru exists. 7fc. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. 8 mi &ih,raftp& f e& E?ffi&7i8i Its I M m lmhs III Blaenig ila i 3 l - .j sr. mj sj "ai ' m 9 mim&i 1 3 3 i t The gift with a personality that's the gift one makes. These are prized more than all others by real friends. Our stock of art embroideries are sure to appeal and inspire nimble fingers to start at once making the gifts they intend to give at Christmas. lOO Muck Towels 15c Turkish Towels. .25c up uowns 50c Silver eases, knives, forks and spoons. 50c 05 13 Dtampea u Scarfs Doilies . . . . Centers . . . . Pillow Cases Pillow Tops Of. up 15c up 25c up . . 50c . 25c-50c Luncheon Sets and Dresser Sets. Dexters Crochet Cotton white and colors, all sizes, ball 10c R. M. C. Embroidery Floss all colors, 2 skeins. . . . 5c Silkaline Art Thread six strands, vi colors, 2 skeins 5c Lion Brand Yarns! Superior quality, finish and color. Germantown, skein-. ; 15c .Sketland Floss, skein 15c Saxony, skein 12 l-2c Spanish knitting, skein 22c German knitting, skein 50c We carry a larrje assortment of knitted slipper, for ladies, children and infants, prices 59c, 85c and up to $1.25 G D ovey & Son VALUZ! QUALITY! SERVICE! L0-21-tfd&wl 20c gasoline at Dawson's. I W.K.rLUfA . Store.