The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 04, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5
1 . N PL-A TTSMOUTH MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1916. MI.WEEKLT JOURNAL. PAGE 3. i i I v 5 t I r r - - iw"ms r.j & car .TV ..Ik ' -"Til V Fc3pTiomt. ii5 ev CHAPTER XXI. You Cannot Leave Me Now." rt ill two l::ys .inil two nights t!ic jri rl fought cu r.lone j'.aiiist tin." ui.tcry of her l.ciit inilil .'!io recognized the lu'.i'.ity f it, ami then she ordered Ii;!i:tiuie to be saddled. And Miriam l;nrreH, sihtwi l?ar!uira's fat as the latter wheeled toward the hills. Oew lr :.i her window to scratch off a note M Garry her third note that day, for she seeinoil always omitlm? nit)st im 1 rtant things whi- h iseeiTod sayinc:. " it s coiiie,' she scrawled in delight ed hs::e. When are we oin to lc married":" Once be f -re I'.aibr.ra had ridden thai road v.iih hii;: alone in her thoughts .w she realized that she had loved him then as she must have loved him always and in.'.rvelod at swell biiml r.o-s. O.ico. or. that other day. she l::ul told her-elf all ignoble and unworthy coin pardons of herself and hini were done and gone. Now she Vid not ntvd sin h reassurance, when her bps were tremulous. : Sfie prew pensive at times. At times in an abandon of jrr"ty she chattered ba k at a quarrel -ome squirrel in the tlii l:cc. She could rest later, and if she corud not to him immediately at every step the horse took was brinainir them for a little while closer together. And her tomorrow was only one twilight and one dawn away. Her tomorrow would be his as utterly as M as she herself. I us'; came, and regretfully sl'.e told herself that she must be turnin?: back b"ine. Two lille shots, sharp and star tlincrly close, whipped through the quiet of that la7:y afternoon, but they meant i. thin? to h.-r. She had reached the height of land, where he had found her the day her roan mare strayed ofT while she sat mooning on a lop. Shb was holding out both arms toward the spot where the valley of Thirty Mile must Lie when a team of heavy horses broke around a turn iu the road, slowed to a trot at the siuht of her and came to an abrupt standstill. When the prill rode nearer to them, merely surprised and curious at first, tht y snorted and show ed the whites of their eyes and shied back nervously. SoTnetliinp; chill clutched at P.arbara's heart while she spoke peremptorily to Kfiirtime who was dancing in synr pathetic panic. There was nothing U Tc 11 her, but sfefr knew that these were Big Louie's horses. And Iiig Louie was a dreamy incompetent. lie had left them for a moment, that was all and they had become frightened and bolted. Jnt Ilig Louie never neglected Lis tea 9 they were not wet they had not been running far. And their fright became less when sheTlismouut ed and approached them, soothing them with her voice until they let her touch their sleek sides without rearing away. I'uk had come and gone, for It was growing dark. Uncertain, more and mere unnerved as she stood and gazed at the forbidding, black shadowed ridges beyond her, the girl had to Cght suddenly against an impulse to turn and race back to the lower country and Morrison and home. Lven then the riile shots meant nothing to her and pride would not let her run. She remounted and rode on a rod or two ami stopped to look back at the team which .jvas watching her. She pressed on and rounded the curve. Itagtime reared and snorted there, and she bare ly stifled the cry which his strange be havior brought to her lips. Because of her senseless panic she punished him the more severely and sent him on. And then she saw what the horse had already peeu. A b!u? shirt cd figure lay half in the r:ad. half in the undergrow th that fringed it, one arm crooked under him and his face prone in the dust. A bulkier mass wis stretched wholly within the trail and she recognized him too. Big Louie's face was up turned, and the explanation of the two lifle reports and the tlriverless team vas here, for Big Louie's hand still clutched the handle of a canvas pail. They had stopped to water the horses; they had been shot down from behind. And first of all, unable to move, while horror pa relied her lips, the girl re i.'einbered words which the limp one. half in the road and half in the under brush, bjd spoken to her in a moment of sternness. "Hi has fired upon e from cover," t': man who loved her had said. "He has been taking money from a man who was bent on beating me at anv price!" "Blood sickens me I" she whimpered aloud. "Blood sickens me!" But she managed to turn him over upon his ba k. With brown head against his heart she listened listened and would not believe that her tomorrow might come too late. And then she caught tiic slack pound of his pulse. From there on she was less panic . f 'l ichen. She gained control of facul-t.:-s shocked Tor a time Into ueless-n-is. Method marked her acts delib cratiey. mechanical, but sure She wa3 I the m. k fi-y coWAtir horribly afraid of Eig Louie, but she finally disentangled the handle of the pail from those loose fingers and ran to the brook which babbled near at hand. Hettiming. she drenched Steve's face with icy water. She lifted Lis head and propped it as comfortably as she might upon one thigh and opened his flannel shirt. The ball had passed through, for back and front the shirt became immediately wetter with fresh blood. Blood sickened her, but she whipped off the coat of her boyish rid ing habit and wrenched the sleeves from her linen blouse. They were des perately scant, yet they provided pads with which to check that dreadful ooz ing. And when they were in place she turned again to bathing his fore head. A folded sheet of paper came to view when she tried once to ease his heavy body from the position which was numbing her leg. and she seized upon it fiercely. It was only a brief line, bidding him come to her. but it bore her name. With instant, bodiless clai 4y which had marked all her mental processes so far, its purport was hers. She had not written the hand that had traced her signature had been un strung 'for once. She understood, though such knowledge seemed of lit tie moment now. She kept the pads cold and wet. She went for fresh water and stumbled and fell more than once because of the treacherous footing i the deepening shadows. But she was no longer afraid of the dark. She had grown to fear Big Louie less, even though there was no help for Big Louie any more. It was the first time that Barbara had looked upon the face of a man who had died in violence. Big Louie's face was trrowing indistinct now. but she knew that he "as sinning knew tuat au; eyes were dreamy and mild. Death like life, had been a quite incompre hensible puzzle to that slow witted one who had no name. But he had smiled seldom in life. In death his smile was almost childish, almost sweet and questioning beyond all elseN Alone with him who still lived, the pallid girl sat and waited and wonder ed how long or how soon it would be. When she bade him wait until she could bring the team he nodded his comprehension, lie was watching for her retwrn. And he came to his feet with a reaul.:urss that made her heart lean with hone. But he fell twi.-e be fore she lifted him, half with her hands, half with her voice, to the seat. She crawled in beside him, and the next moment she had to struggle mad ly to prevent his returning to Bij Louie. "IIe will wait quiet until we come for him." she protested. "There isn't room for Eir Louie and he won't mind" Her logic made an impression upon him. for lie smiled. There was no se quence in his acquiescence, however. "BLr Louie never could find his way alone, be mused, "and that is strange, too. for he was bom in these hills. lie was always getting lost" And with that he must not desert Louie! She had even more trouble with him this time. "He will lose his head." he ex- Iostulated mildly his old. unfailing at titude of uentleness toward her. "He will lose his head and waste hi strength in running from things which do not exist.' "Big Louie will find his way this time." She was whimpering again in her helplessness. "He is already home." There- she learned that her voice could control him when her arms avail ed not at all against even his dead weight. And so she talked as steadily as she was able while she drove. Once j he lurched against her. When he pull- ed himself together he was so sanely apologetic of a sudden that she search ed his face with hungry eyes. But he was talking now to himself. ,"I must not touch her!" he stated firmly. And then, drearily: "I am sick. I have never been so sick before." With that he subsided, but Ids silence was far more dreadful than his wan derings had been, and as fast as she dared she pushed the heavy team on, with Iiagtime following behind like a dog. He slipped back against her al most immediately, and this time he had not the strength -with which to apologize nor lift himself erect. With his head heavy in the hollow of her arm, they came at length to the open pasture hills. They topped the rise and faced the loops on loops of high way that ran down to Morrison at the river edge. And so she brought him home. At the sight of his "city" she sobbed aloud, but be. sunken and slack was conscious neither of distance cov ered nor change of country. He climb ed down from the seat, however, in re- spouse to her urgiugs when the team halted before Caleb Hunter's white columned house. He turnedUnd start ed stubbornly back the way they had come. She ran after him and clung to his arm. "You promised, that you would coaa back to me." sue cried up at liiin. "Oh, vou cannot leave me now!" That halted him momentarily. "I must go back to my bridge," he explained, plainly nonplused. "But then I'll surely come back to you. She pleaded with him raged at him. "I must go back to my bridge," he reiterated, grufUj- now. Her arms went around him in des peration, and -then, with one swing, Ce had swept her yards away, reeling before his blazing wrath. "Take your lingers from my eyes. Ilarrigan," he gasped in sudden agony. "I am going to kill you now, and she is looking on!" The girl via afraid of hjm. She dared not try to hold him. She scream ed wildly for help and screamed again. And he had gone on and wavered and crashed over upon his face when Caleb Hunter and her father came running heavily across the lawn in answer to her shrieks. Between them they lifted him and carried him into the house. (To Be Continued.) L. WALLACE, FORMER PIONEER, VISITS HERE From Saturday's Daily. Lewis Walter, oi Smith county. Kas., is in the city enjoying a visit at the home of his nephew. Judge INI Archer and family, and the Rcauaintanee with the old friends of pioneer duvs. Mr. Walter came to counr3' tit an early Way and ocnted on a farm in Ekrat Mile Grove where he enga.ced in ftirminp but was rot ve'-y successful us he met wit hard iuck in being hailed out several seasons. Thirty years ago he removed to Kansas where he has since resk'.ea and here has been very successful and row has a number of fine farm? there that will compare with any in the state. Mr. Walter while an uncle of Judge Archer is two years younger than the Judge and they seem more like brothers as a great part of their 2ar!y clays were spent together. Mr. tValter will jro from here to Murray to visit at the home of his trrand nephew. Ed Sloeum and family and view the old familiar scenes where he spent so many years. He is enroute ,o Chio where the family originally came from prior to locating in Ne braska, and will enjoy sometime in the Buckeye state before coming back to Kansas. The occasion of his visit here was very pleasant 10 Mr. Walter as it has given him a chance to visit the few remaining: pioneers of this lo calty. TO MOVE INTO CITY. I Vo'.l Si. t :'T i;i 's Dili!. v. L II. F.cjker, one of the lcuoMr.g" farmers in the Eight Mile Grove nei'rhboihood is arranging to cloc out his interests on the farm ar.d will move into Plattsrnouth with his family to make their home in the future. Mr. Becker and family will make tpplen did addition to the city and will re ceive a hearty welcome from the good people of the city. The change will be made after the first of the year. OR, JOHNSON'S LEC TURE AT THE PARMELE Fiorn Sri 1 1; nln 's Daily. The lecture fiven by Dr. Andrew Johnson at the Parmele theater on Thursday evening wai one that was most pleasing" to those who heard this talented gentleman. The address was very amusing an entertaining as the speaker possessed a fund of rich humor that kept everyone entertained, while woven through it was a thread of keen philosophy that was well worth hearing, and it is to be regret ted that more of the public did not avail themaefvco of the opportunity of hearing this able gentleman as it was one of the best numbers that will appear on the high school lecture course this winter. It was-high clas:-: and elevating in the extreme and so well balanced and entertaining that for two hours he held the closest at tention cf the audience, and it was with regret that the auditors tok their farewell of the speaker. The next number that,, appears on this course is that of Judge Alden, one of the able speakers on the lyceum platform today and who will he fully as entertaining as Mr. Johnson. Judge Alden is a direct descendant of John Aldcn of Colonial fame and is a gen tleman who is well qualified in every way for giving the people of riatts mouth a rare treat in the lecture line. LOST Between Weeping Water and Plattsmouth, a gold friendship bracrelet, 9 links, finder pltlase leaveJ same at The Journal office and receive reward. 12-4-wkIytf I am a contestant in the Daily News Tractor contest, and would appreciate your votes. Tne best magazine club of the year included. Or send your , subscription direct to me. JESSE DOMINGO, Weeping; Water, 12-4-3twkly Local Mews From Friday's Daily. Ralph Larson came in from Louis ville Wednesday evening and Spent Thanksgiving with his parents. Dr. J. B. Duff of Cedar Creek was in the city vesterday for a few hours looking after" some "matters of busi ness. Miss Julia Kerr came in from Wa bash Wednesday evening to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Kerr's moth er, Mrs. S. E. Kerr. P. A. Hild of near Murray was in the city for a few hours today vis iting with friends and looking after some matters of business. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Foster and children of Union motored to this city yesterday morning and spent the day at the Larson home. Mrs. B. S. Ramsey departed Wed nesday for Lincoln to remain for a few days there with her sister, Mrs. William Foxwell and other friends in the capital city. E. S. Tutt, of Murray, came up this ir.orring from his home and departed on the early Burlington train for Omaha to spend the day there looking after some business matters. Chris Tscliirren and two daughters, Misses Ella and Ida, came in this 7norning from their farm home and departed on the early Burlington train for Omaha to spend the day. Herman Comer of near Union was in the city today for a short time, driving up to dispose of a load of poultry to the shippers in this city, a.nd for which he realized a neat sum. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kaffen bcrger and Misses Gladys and Goldie Kaffenberger. departed this afternoon for Humboldt where they will enjoy a visit over Sunday with friends in that l-ity. Mist Madeline Green of University Place was a visitor, over Thanksgiv v g in this city with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boeck. re tarr.iti" this morning to her home to resume her school work. County Superintendent Miss Eda Marquardt and her guest. Miss Helen Harp, of Prairie City, la., were Thanksgiving clay visitors in Lincoln taking in the football game between Nebraska and Notre Dame. August Stohlman, wifoand children of 'near Louisville, were in the city for a few hours today and while here took the opportunity of calling and' re newing for the semi-weekly edition of the Journal for another year. Miss Florence Valltry of Omaha is visiting at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Vallery of Mynard and attending the wedding of her sister. Miss May to Mr. F. R. Cun ningham yesterday at the Vallery home. v Adam Meisinger t-nd sons, Rudolph and Aithur, came in this morning from the:!" home near Cedar Creek and d-paid over the Burlington for Omaha where they will visit for the clay iooking after some business mat ters. J. W. Tritsch and wife of near Louisville were here over Thanksgiv ing, and while here were guests at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tritsch for a family dinner, Mr. Tritsch while in the city was a caller at the Journal olfice. Mrs. Simon Clark departed Wed nesday for Cedar Creek to spend Thanksgiving there at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Stivers and family and will remain for a few days. Mr. Clark who was in Omaha for the day" also made the trip to Cedar Creek. William Budig and wife and W. H. Ofc and wife and children departed yesterday morning for Gretna, Neb., where they remained over Thanks giving, attending a family reunion which was held there. George Budig and wife ar.d Paul Budig and family of Lincoln were also in attendance. From Sa t to day's Daily. L. A. Meisinger was in the city for a few hours today visiting with h'is friends and looking after some mat ters of business. Mrs. Dallas Gibson of Missouri Val ley, la., came in this afternoon to en joy a visit here with relatives and friends over Sunday. Frank Hawksworth of Denver is in the city enjoying: a visit with his mother, Mrs. D. Hawksworth and oth er relatives and friends. George Smith of Rock Bluffs was in the city for a fw hours today look ing after some matters of business and visiting with friends. Frank Finkle and son, Johnnie, a"nd Harry McCorroll, from the vicinity of Union, were in the city today for a few hours calling on their friends. J. II. Vallery drove in this morning from his farm home near Mynard and spent a few hours here looking fter some trading with the merchants. Henry Horn was in today from his j hoe in Eight Mile. Grove to enjoy a short visit with his many friends as well as to attend the week-end shop ping with the merchants. Mrs. Joseph Tubbs returned home this afternoon from Tecumseh, Neb., where she has been eniovino- a visit M , , , , , ,r for a few days with her daughter, Mrs. ' Jones end lamilj. I Mrs. Albertina Ost and daughter J Alma, and son, William, of Nehawka, nn,trw . , - , " lo cuy yesterday tor a visit with friends. They were pleasatlt ca,!ers at offi( . A. pi?ht was .n yesterdav after "T I 11,8 home near Mvnard. " lL illness and while not entirely recovery he .g abe to be around ana is icxiirK much beUer 111 KJlllUiia, v uc. iS a jrUes f the Ortman home in that t-itv and J 11 rot-irn tn"irnr.v i , I j ij UUIO- I mobile if the weather condition ;n I " permit. Philip M. Schafer, wife and lamily came in this morning from their coun try home and departed on the early Burlington train for Omaha, where thpv will snend the day enjoying a t -visit with friends. Miss Hester Gilmour, who was en joying an over Thanksgiving visit witn her parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Gilmour and other relatives and friends at their home south of this city, departed this morning for he; home in Omaha. Mrs. Lydia Cole, who has been in the city for a short time visiting her son, County Attorney A. G. Cole and familv. departed this afternoon for Springfield, 111., where she will visit for a short time before returning: to !her home at Barnesville, O Mr. and Mr?. L. II. Heil of Mynard motored to this citv this afternoon tc attend to some business matters ano visit friends for a short time. While lipr Mr !T.-m1 tr.r.l: timp to call at this . . . . . . .i onice and have his subscription to tne Dailv Journal extended for anothei year. NEBRASKA HOBTiOUL- TURE OWES MUCH TO LATE ISAAC POLLARO I'ln'ii Siilrnlay's Ihiily. Nebraska horticulture owes much of its prosperity to Isac Pollard, the founder of the Nehawka orchards, who has just prone to his reward after a useful and happy life of eighty-six years, sixty of which had been spent on his original homestead in Cass county. Mr. Pollard was one of the first of the early settlers to appreciate the value of Nebraska land and to foresee its possibilities. As a youn;r man he had grcne to the California crold fields and had traveled over a considerable part of the United States. With an instinct that now seems mar velous he selected the valley of the Weeping: Water in eastern Nebraska as the ideal place for a home, and had often remarked that he never reprret ii ti ."u tvti U.i vw.i. .i.v.v.i. ilao lio pnntinno;! in Td:iit tif.?5 . . ... experiment with orchards for halt a . r- 11 - , , j 1 . ICIIIUIJ, lilldltji iiruiuii.ii:oiiu when the proper varieties are planted ,( i tf''' riri. 1 .a " f 1 1 i and arc eivCn close attention south- eastern Nebraska is one of the most favored places in the country for the production of sound and palatable fruit. Mr. Pollard was a true poet, many successful horticulturists are He loved his trees and when he dis- cusseu tneir qualities ana tneir carejin ,iu- i)i-trit t i mi. ? -f for their protection, he was as clo- qucnt as he was modest and unassum- in-. By common consent Isaac Pol- ;'!:;';;,,! Zufl'u lard now takes his place in Nebraska's tti-t ' or Ka ta ;:.-p a- conm ;. -. x--1 . ;.i- ii i, ..i a. .... oe i ,. -'.,t , o ,- o No- hall of fame. Lincoln State Journal. MRS. HANSON IMPROVING. From Saturday's luiily. Vord was received here this morn- 4V. r Aiihho "s a""' -" iPv-tiitjL t.i.iTt,.-,. IJ1 Hanson, wno underwent a seriou:; op eration at the St. Joseph hospital in Omaha a week ag-o, which seems to indicate that the patient is improving nicely and is OT1 the highway to recov ery, and will be able to return home in a short time. This will be very pleasinrr to the friends of the lady in thi3 city Milk in Winter. Why do your cows ive less milk) in winter than they do in summer.' Just because nature does not sup ply them with praises and preen food. But we have come to the as sistance of Dame Nature with B. A. Thomas' Stock Remedy which Con tains the very ingredients that the rrcen feed supplies in season, only, of course, in a more highly concen- t rated form. We cuarantee that this remedy will make your cows give more milt- aril hoftrr miR-' with i.ho same feed. H. M. Soennichsen. Tuls & Gansemer. CREAM, 37c, at Dawson's store, riattsmouth. 9-19-d:ttf in tiii: mi tv in irr or tiii: i oi.TV oi cass. m:iik Slv.V. In lie Estate of Jcr.p Kelly, Oettaseil. " Marv Kellv, wiilmv. Mai'tri -!, an. John Kelly, .K.Uvanl K. lly, .Wliit Kdly, William K My a ii:it ifst d: ml to iill jii'i'sons titic - :i 1 as ln-., lil.-.l th.- ill... vi- i-.uirl ?i,,,!'t.!rJ.1h" Xr"X"r! Vl'l ii.-.i tistai- on m..i,t .;.'i'i.;. aa - i n-nit'si inir il-nt an hi.-.l tin r.-wit h i.- ;iii.v ,-.i tin- last w.n l -s l a in n t ) saiU i i-p;is,'il. ;nr1 au- I'liucl t" ::-.liatf an, I tlia i.- it -is .-s! h tii"ii t a r .- issui- ta Marv Kc!!v :mi1 William SheHian, ii svf livt-lv nniii. iJ i-eout ri: an.i .'-", utoi' t lien !': that a li-arii. will 1-f l.jt.l i ; i ti saM i-;itioi t t lit- of t'i'-o i t ! if l ' u n t y . h ilc . Ciun t ll:ius.-, 1 Ma 1 1 smor, t h, lass O'wnlv, N-- raka, on liH-cmlur 11th. 1!"10. nt J K A. A'. t,(-lu!'c v:;iri imhi- ail ..!- thins Uii'i'tto ! file! anl at wl. tiniv oiu.-i's v- ill 1" nt. if,l in ac ''. la iicf wiili it. i' i: i,,: ! hps oi' the v. nit ifl'Cllll. My the court this Huh lav of Xnvou ' -', A. !., ltuti. .LI.i:. .. MKKSU.W t unty Jti'.lv . A. !;,i,t , IsuriM. ...A"" " ' I "st ; i,, ., t !,,, Nov. 1 :: wKs. i:iiii -k i. !i re ' '-at. s of Kzel'.ial W . K Am la K en to d , . I , , eased. Ortlt-r lor Mejtrinii. "Ti IMP dav ol Xovemher N..v V. I '.. 1'.!.: ' "'iK-s ('; aril's h k . ii ;. .1 ami i.ies i i J . p"t ! t : n in this court a ! (J III a: mi - i..'iviai v.. i 1 1 i i , 1 y , a r.s.- :- of ':,' '. -ii i l'.iss i-o;::,- n the Hit: 'a :'l;a, t! a d i nt est a ! e la hi 'I'la r.v. 1 !"i . ,-(' ' ' : to !.,t t :. rec i :: i '"l!' of i 'la t ' sill, ia t ' : .!' the lee .-i..,,.; hloek t wen t y . if the vaiui e! I A.,,;. , .. , , i'onii-s Mao o i s a . , familv, and that t surviving: him as - 1 1 ! i !! .1 heirs at lr.w his v. ,.h v . . , n !, and three hii,'r. . ",, ; ... Si. '," Mlanche Northeytt, la-'.i :i , ', . i ami Charle.- I;. Kennedy, a ' ': ', ciial aet htil! t!;:t tu. a ; : ;. ; , . . ,, i ., "-er heeti made in the S'.,, ,, , i-raska, or eisewlo I" . for I :, aia ..... net) l of an administrator s . , late, ami that m-Mf- than t v .- ,ue -hl!i-e,l sinie the .l.ulll o i-a-ekia! V". K ti n ec', y : . t ! ai t on the 1 " ; "lay of Sept em her, l!oi'. for a valiia oiisidcr;; t ion, the three chMdieii al.iU' men tija.ed p; :t-(hi ir.-d ail their riihl inil i:. I. rest in th iLinn" ..h-seri he.i real -".ale t' Aimeda K. :in(.i : that on the .Mh ::y -f April. I'M':. Aim. -da Ken itUji dted intestate, st . d in fee simple f the ahve d'scTi hod n al estat", aii"! left si; rvi inu her as h. r sole ami ai,l' heirs at law the three children lhove nan.e.l. iviii -:; t' ihlri.'i noon 'he death of said .timed. i Kennedy he- .ame vt sted v. ii:i l ac ent ire o v. ere rs i r I ! Ci!i,i a bove ies( ; , oe(! ;i: :;::ses. inai j ,,e re-ii esi-e ai.cve -a rihcii is ivlio'ly exempt fr.m atlac! I:i":i t . t :ecu io'i oi- other ni sue proei -s. arol is not ia' le for the j,am-nt uf t ! th hts of -Hit', ilecc.lems. or i-.!i,i r ot mem. lie iays tlie cfui't for :. r oi-o.-i-'ug time aiol plac - tor a l--n rin.u n',"n sahl petition: thai the i;-i;!ar ;al i i n i.- 1 1 a t i'n !' sahl estates, an, I each f them, may he dispense. 1 with, j'nd 'or lindiiis of facts upon the alle- .'.ations m .-ani p. tiTion co:uai:ie,i, aioi 'oi- a decree of heirship. (MiKi: lu l'. 'l'on it is o,-.l,-i-e.l aao ;.,Ij,l,'K.'d h ;i t said ca;;s" he set down for hearing: in the iOt It ilav of !".. inhnr. .. ! '., i'.ilC, at the laoir of I ' o ,!o, k A. Ah Lt the ('niui'.y (' "lit ihioai in the I'ity i I 'la ; waon i h. i'.:s '.i!l!t". Xehiasha. :t1 that rll ier."!'s i n t r s t 'd in said .states may he :i.t iiie-l of sin h h. a.rin:; i.' pu oi 1 1 -a i :on it ti' is -! " lor tine -u: ( eossive e k - pri'o- .o sa:! day l 'i.aiins in the 1 'ia 1 1 sn..o t h .lowrnah a al newspaper puhlis!a.l in said "outity i; r.d ;Si a. le. and that if they ;iit ... itppear aioi e..;itest said petition, tla. aoiirt ma' i'i ii r a d.-ci o as askcl. r.v the eolM t. aij.i:x .i. j:ki:s x. JuO.pre r-f County Court of t'ass County. "-1' t a ha IKKAhM M. l:i:i:V, Attorney for I'ctuioner, 101 V. . '.V. I JIil ir., Omaha. l.V.ii i. mitici:. no,,, ., t(. of X i a i 'a.- s Co ii a t y. In lite "iiiiJ? ( mirl. In t!a- ri-.atl. r of the . stale if .Ian; Tiiolaas. U ,l h I )n read 1 1.:.-: and tih',- tj.,.- petit;..:; of .It! lia T'.aana.s praying ti,:t a-1 mi i i i -: ra : -" ti.-n ot said .--ta'.e iimy 1 . - vn n ; e.l t- Jaccli l(-...' as hi a t ra t or. (M'.h l id. that I lee; nil er L"a',. A. I ., 1 i 1 1; . at 1" '' h"k a. in., is a s-i -; m-.i fo- heat in."." said petition, we.r. al: p -ons interesied in sail! mait :- Toa - ap- I ..,.;,;;,( , ,, ; I ..- ( O .; 1 t i hi' ..'I'I ol i for said county, and sl ow a':-'- iVh; line iiiiiver ot leliiioner r'aa'hl ll"t i I irrant'-.i: ami that notii .- ,.t -ni I deli. '. of sai.T petition and t a ri ;. 1 1 - i n - Ml il'lHll ! "-!!n t" all 111 aid ni-i iter hv pu l d i - h i n;-" - i- in t he r.attsraoi.l h 'eck'y ii.'vsaa:"-r ;,:'inled .i..ia"i:i in cur ly, i'or ti r-' sac, e: s;e wef'kv, t ior to sal I 'la.', of I ,",i: I lali d Xnvem! a r i . 1 "i Ai.i.KX .i. i;!.i;' ix. I',".!., I", .iii'h:'-. :;-vks-Moii'.'.ay. In-. , 1 ! 1 1st i- ..'e. MITK'K nv ni:r?:i!;:c"' I ! 1 I l.:i.icnlir ! ranees i;mi 1'oihtiV. . pi a in lii MarLui Kt'a i ;.i.!ei,. t ah. .i. (.. h.;,i-. vera t'e,'. i: i'.. in a ai'.- e p-n.iins; iii .-aid I'aari. v. I 'leiti I'laio r: Jlattie 1'oi hird was Tilaieii'T. .;:.! I he f"" I , i ,- named wete defend;-ni -. t! mi.-: 'hir1"'! i-;tel ''.odd-.'!, I';;,!-!. : l'o:;ii... - (:, .M;m-ie ;.d.ien. N'r-tlh- C'ediri. lla.-l Tdariori Co. hi n, - ia' i-.!"l" h"hh-fi. 'iioai e IM in (h .hha. Sleli.i (h-doen Vt illiams. Charh-s A. W'dl'aio: . :, l .! .. !h lien, .i.ic -te.i u an-o-i -i He.!, as low i I, iles. i i ' ed j . -1 . f f i p i . 1 1 T, il, !'i'"n'l!,", aii ot - ! sitral'.d in c.i-s Coi-t.t.. Xeh-a.-ki. h.-v.ii: ''!,. north half ; ;;,e roilheas! (i:-ii i-t.-r of si'-li'iii aia. te.-j, ((!), lown si.ip t tv. 1 ve 111'), poiah. rat:-ae nine (III. s a .' t ,;" '.' 'ii'i 1'. Ah, I "Ml!, on To--da. th. oi .laaaarv, I'i17. at ore- 0 cic j; I'. .Ah. al Ce ( 'a s (Viiii.h Court i;ni: ... ,n tic (',! "1 1 ': a t i -lion ' h. X' -Ira ha, 1 i a i i ! i 1 i vni'iii', to t!a .;..-! ' i;,o.- j oi e,i.. h, j. : ... ( ihc ah ,v,. d'sciihofi re;, I est lite, the ,-amc t ') ti. free atal clear of e'1 z: o i U, n" . T! ' rah- of iM. property is sahje. ; to the eoj;iii ma lion o! tli Court. J'o.--sessiori of i la- proper: v will he t;!veii .Marti' 1. 1 ? 1 7. The hind is v.e'l i:n- 1 nivul. Ahsttii'. t sluavifs K'""l title v.-ll! he fti-i'.ished. lu. A. AVJtnjlhXIIclhX. Jlh, JJeferee. A - h!a nil, XV lira k u . Morrin'-r tV Le!'.vn !, Atioi r..-vs, Lfm-oln. Xe- raska. r t n attki. ionTf;A;.; si.i-:. X'djee is Kiveti that hy virtue of a Cluitt?! Alorta-sitre, dalol Ausiifl iT.tli. linr., arid tiler! in ;"fiep f County Clerk of Cass t'liin!;.-, Ni-hiaska, fn I he same date, executed hy (h-oia-ve V. Ol son find wife piuI now due thereon S -a :; . " r : Default has hen rna''e in jf y ment of said sum and no suit at law has litep insiiTuted to re'-over iaid dflt; il,A...f... I u-tll tl A r.i-.r.r.,-t ! ;.f.T ri!ed. viz: l hay mare, aci- l- JrlsarS '.ariKss-. at mihlie- auetloii sit St h and Main ktreets'in I hat ismou t li on the Sth day ct Jjt-ceruLer, li16, at 1 o clock p. IT1' D. O. D WYE It. Mortgagee. rterl November 1.1, 1916. Fii.t publication. No-.-. 1ft. 191. 3 v--ks- j A want ad will bring what you want- mitk i: TO it:ii I OIIS In tie ('" Court t l a.-s i. i i . Nel.i a.-a. In the inatt.r ot il.e t;:t- (I llans C Ni"lfn, ileieasej. "m (. is . , i , i y pi f. to the le.iitors f .-ahl ili'iv.iM-,1, that hearings will il i ;tt! u;. on claims hud iiumihi s.iici -- rate, l.-l'ile Inc. CoUIilv .lll'lue of I 'a .-I! i '(.iinl v. .x-l-ra -kn, iu to'- '- ' t Ml I '. T.c.j! at 1'!:: 1 1 r I'lon I ! . i !i -'a i'l ' ,ii i :. Hil .in v "f .1 .i i ..a l ;.', 1 . . . hi- J i ..a y of" .1 u!y. J : i T. at t en n t : ,.- ; ol i- noon, ol ;.".! la . . .. lot on ... !. . . for -i , i . vv a 1 : at ! ; t It'll. : : I J u .- 1 1 . i c 1 . , . a I i I lia 1 it!; . ia !to ,a ' 1 he :' "i . . i. on ( . i.efoi s.i .l !; I i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,-. : a tl.i't a '. - an.t a 1 1 . !.:i"i estate. 1' t Ii .1 oil ! I-' .-:, hi la.-1 lt"l. !, he 1 ol e . ; t hand. !i .;, v.X a ?..! a :i 1 set -a i,, i . ("oiii t. a 1 I 'I ... I.- 1 ! h. ' " ,, lo:s ...... o. 1 ! '. .!.:.;:n j. it! :i n a '. ' , a : : t v i Xi :i,l:i . 1 . - I w i:. :--;.iy M'TK i; ! !ti;illT.IHS. of X. l'1-atka. .-t a' e ( 'a -In th s .'. unty. In I .in ii t i .:i r I . . !,i , !.:- I 1 i - ; a I e "!' i.h-si ,.i , .', fa.o U. A-'o; ;, is i.ii iii t(a'"i to t ' ,, of : a ,d , a j i a ! i ea I t he had .. . o.i .lair.' I'm a ira i . -la'c. !, f.oc trc. t'oi"i .l,eh.c ',.,. o ; ' - o a a s ha. a I t i ' a I: I . i . , i a -i .' e a I . : I loom i,i J ' I a I ; s I a o ! i ! a , : i on ! he ih'.t I: da v of ! i a on i I -',t h day of .1 . n n ( h U a . m.. each d a ' .aid i' n t , her. 1 'J ! '.. aid . r.uT. at i" for ". a i: . i a a - 5.1' ti. a . I 1 1 . s I m . hi a i id a - h-wr 'H'" All .!.' ii- a. t aha i a sa , I . 1- t. ..a or h. t .re sa m ,a l i c j ; i . .. . , m v -1 a' ii.; a ; .-..r.niy 'o'ii-t. a I .'.' " ' r a I eal .1! , I : . at "I .' :i '!,. N"'" i L'Tlh da-. "I ... 1 . I . ! 1 , I ' ' , . I ' ,KX .! . !'. I : ! '- -' N . A I. : t i ' 11 - ' 1 I 1 1 - L'T - 1 1' 1 - 1 h. ( ,. w i l .1 .. i i : r : .,,. hi". .ha , "., and M . i I h ,lo. ami .a. a ti ..a 1 1 a i d V. il ,. I. !"' 1'. a I -1 i v s ' , a in ; lal ! . . 1 1 . . . i o ! i . . I e i i 1 1 - 1 . !at : i- I a t . :. '.', ,' i : o , l . . ' . 1 a ! lia!;;.- i.t I '.o tn ;i n a ad , ! 1 1 .'! i . a - .- iu !. i ,. -i !. .I. .a.e .' :. t. . ., ,. , .".! t- h.a- ' ','i : I 'I". I .. - : I . I " :l.h I I 1 ' . . ' i . - i a ' i - '!: I ' . h !.. ' . - ' I ! ' . ' ' ' , . 1 . . ' ' , ' .hi. X Mi a i . . . - 1 .1 . 1 ' I' t " ' ' v K A I v '- '; . -. i . t 'la I I., ,. ,! : .-:, hi; I 11 ' ; "; . I. I h u - ha m : . '' . . 1. vim, her i John l.o. n:..-. -.. ...... ar.d Mrs. Kr; !. kr.nw n . his v. ... . oVt r : I "!a; l ie;; 1 : . devisees, U ra 1 e -, tives an 1 a:l j-er.-o: es : a t e. I i. C. I 'ea i !);-.aa C. I'lr.rson. T . i . i . ,. . ,h;laski II. I'l-atsi'ii. I. ! : f. .', aiai Iheir heirs, ii-viseeJ. nt'ieseritat i vi s wad , Sons interested ill t he est,.'. .; ' t . ,. n: i'i ! . C. 1'i .irmti, I . Matihi. ; Adalaka I !. Carson anil Ko.-a i , son, and the. unknown u.ii. i i i. iainiants of the followiny . . . ii a I estate, t.-Tit : A i I of lots and :. north of Pali Cic. k, in .-oulhWest iUaittr of tie soulhta i.aarter of seetin 1'". the ie.uihea: inaiter of the sonilica. t iuarter of ..,-. lion "M, tla- mo t o a-.-t .pi.ii t-.-r of f.,, sell ast i;ii;ir:ii' an I I h . "" ipiar'.r of the so:;:;, ast .ti;iter of sect ion th-- so-.: ; I es t .piartei- of .-eetion -1. the o . t ! , . i s t ipiarter "if the north.;. -l euni tir oi sfalioii ), h nl the 1 1 . i i h "K e -1 . i a., i r of s . t ion 1' I . all in township ', i.iii-c . 'a - s Cmni-., 1 rasha. and any ; ltd all p. r.- .i.s ha i :n i :rr to La-..- anv 'i",t, title r m-te!e.-t 1 hi r-i a. - I e fetid , a 1 s. You. and e.-i' h of e,, , ... vt. lire!.y I 'a ,; thai 'Ml:. I 1' ? is. as plaint,!', has lile.l an acl.on a:;a;n.-t you and ea 1 1 ..I you, wi'h others, in t u- l-iaiiht Court 'for I 'ass Court,. Nehra- ha. the, L and I'lirpo!-.- of v. hieh aie ' pii.-t and toti li i i 1 1 in i ! piainli,' t! i ti I O al.'l possession of tlie f o 1 o i j . , ; !. rii.e.l real e:- tat", t..-ui: Alt ,.f ads .', r, ." and li moth oC Salt C-e. L in tin- so'ii I: v.-est ji..,'le!- of ll,o soi:; -ea- 1 ouaiter of .-ti i" I'd; t! .- tiort Ilea.- I ! i -i 11 e-1- of the s intheasl ip aru t of seel ion "(i; th.- : i " r t ; : v -t .paitu r el li.e .-(a; 1 i,ea.-t ipiail. r i;l.d th- soiilh eas I o na i ! r "f 1 he soot Least .,!.n lit .f s ' - t t ' 1 1 -JO; the S"I IhWiet "lait'lel o f s--. i i"M - : '.'i - ".. . !. v.". . t mi; a t 1 1 of l !,, l.arth '..-t'e'- "," -.itioa '1. ainl the a.'il h quart.-r of s.-.-tioti Ll: all in town-!.). IV, ratM'e !, Cass I'outitv, X.hra I.a; to caret ..rtaiti irttii larit h-s in the rec fd t it '- to said i esta ie. to remove oiords as' upon tl :'tle to said I'- a I i - l,iH , and t o ; r pet i :;. I : a . :ij in 'oil. and - j 1 1 of .n. and a:,. -.cue claiti'.H.' 1 y, tht'.uh i.ii'h r von, or ;i -i v of i,u, from itciv h, i 'a ; ;. ir ;. .-.-i t l i r, any ril t p. or i;;! ii -t in saal l'-a! e lute, or an- pa i t ' 1 et . .... or l ; .. j j,. t !a I ' of, a n-l tor ,-Il' !".'l! eoili'a'ae I'M. 'i t. at .-' I ". a. ' upon .u, al.d taei, ,, a, was ai ihori a d .v an or.o-r "t i , , lia-triii Court for c.v.s County, X. - hra. -;'. - Vou are re i ii i ! , t (., ai.-u-er - ,,) ;,, . lition on fir h.-fo.'e .Monday. i, . eti,,. r J .", 1 1 '. or said title will ,r. o a., t . u a lal the iclief ratltfd a it;:v. uT'lo t i -j ;t i : I Chi n.l.::. n. m !h"i iiMCiCs, W.'thoo. X' h. Ii'rst p;;h!i.-.-li..n 1! - J :: -1 : I ;. A Yt ). . Mini i: in ::i:im tons. S;at" of XehiaslvU, Cass Cii-Uy, I n 1 ia- p. a t ! i of t;.. ,. ; ;i . t. , ; j, ,u u t a n i 1 1 ','.', i i ea.a I . in ti e Coi.M v C ; . Xot U : i- hen - h . l- : t, ft : i , ... I "f said ilaiho-d that ,"iiriiu-s v : I a had upon claii-i. ',h.! a'-iain-i -..ih . -late, h, for.- me, O.nn'y .lad!.-" c; County. J'.'i i,::eii:i, ;, i Com,). Co,, ' in ia I'la l ;.-.i.joo : . in c,i:,,, o" 1 he 1 i i h da .' of i , . :n p, , . ., ,,, J Mi t'e !.ia , (,f .Iu.,.. 1 :. ' ; ,,i ii loc'i A. M . e:.. I. .1;, , to.- , Xll ,,, , ,, , ;"!.! us t ii ' a t and a I low a me-. All ilailas in u l.e a,., in Na,, e... on or he 1 ore said hi - t I ., i j of i . , : , :, itne.-s n;r liano .ii,, I -ai "I .-;.,. Cotintv Coo:l. at I'ia i ; mo ;, t ! . ,. :fa -ka this loih la.- of Xovem " t !'!', Af.hi;x j. i;i:i:sn i S ah) "..inty Jti !'-. i iia: ion IJ-l i-I'Mt. t.V.ti I, I !.. lii Hie on ii i tour. -t.i t- ef ;'eht asl;a, Coni ty .f Pass. Ill the .h-'t!.-r of Hi, K ui tz, de.-ea- ed. tale of sJI-" f I'IhmI Setflellienl. U pf rsons in-.-i, .. j,, s,,j,i , vp,i.. ai" her, hy n-ti'ie! that ii. day of Xo-.r m h.. , I'.'li;. ,-,.h in .M Kliu 'iii'i ! Is petition i t . ..Md Conn: ',,,,,-h!.-;.ir.'.; tmit lis j; ( .. ii'lmip.i.-t ra u aecoiir.I t.h-d la i:ip ; .. -.atp-M . :o.-..i, cat hr t. j.-,, - . r,-,,,,, i ll'USt fs a.lte in i--1 ra I or- ;,.,, ih,, i. real estate and t,,. .. ..,,1,,,, ,.i t,,.. , . rial proii'-rty he : ... liiiK-d hi ti p. - -"U. r.lith-'l tl.f ?e, i l,.- lav. T .' .. eai;;! Will he h;:,l upon - : I ; , 1 poif rid p.Mi'ion helorf 111- Co a i t in f. Court Hou.-e. at I 'hi t mo 1 1 I,, hi fid l" 't'Mtv. on the 11th .lav Of I'.-' l-n;!, h'l.:. and that if vo i fail to :u. i,, .' for. s. id Cuiirt ti - ol l l t i . ..... ..i' eoe:nhei, l!'lt:, sit ten o". )o It A. .!. a-,.; Mite.-t sail petitior:. the Court mw Ki'i'Ht the pravcr of aid I'.-titlo-i ar,,l m :T" sac1, other and further orilo -. !i.!!o anees and d.-crcrs as to this Caiil t 1 ai V S'-em lotp.r. to the end t: at !1 matters lie; 1 a in I n to sail --tal. mav . tinully settle.'. a',d ,1. Id itiai. ! Vi"ies. my haiid and the seal oi ' ; County Court of faid Cotietv thh, 10M-. day cf Xovemher. A I.. 1 : 1 i . .'.LLL'V .1 nrCSOX O'Ul:!'" J'r'I '. Frst publication X'fnemher '-'). 1 S 1 i . wks . .... j --.'j .1