The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 04, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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4, 191(5.
Services Were Vtry Interesting, and
Judse James T. Henley Paid a
Beautiful Tribute to the De
ceased 31 embers.
In loving memory of the absent
i. i others who no more will answer to
the tall of friend and gather in the
kindlv fraternal associations with each
other, the members of Plattsmouth
iod:re No. 7:j;. Benevolent and Protec
tive Order of Elks, gathered yesterday
afternoon at their lodge rooms in me
morial session to pay their tribute to
those of their brotherhood called home. the organization of the Platts
mouth lodge fifteen of the members
have passed from the scene of their
earthly activities and they come no
more to their brothers save in mem
ory's golden recollection hours. J. M.
Patterson, P. W. Apncw, S. M. Chap
man, F. W. Richey, O. C. Bookmeyer,
j v. Egenberger, F. J. Morgan, C. E.
C iTcy, D. Hawksworth, F. M. Richey,
Canon II. B. Purges?, F. C. Frink, H.
D. Travis, D. L. Amick and J. II.
The ceremonies at the lodge room
were in keeping1 with the ritualistic
services of the order and were carried
ut by the officers of the lodge and
the members in expressing: their grief
;;t the loss- of their loved from their ilvin" iVif vr:ir5 rwst. and as
i i, T T 1 ifnilSPK. I I
Sim rri.ii v .vii. a - ui' v " i
the names of those who will
rum e no more, tne tnou
brotherhood recalled the lives of the
ncs they had lost for a little while
and paid thei
.:K.r tribute to their
i ff t: I
memory. A trio, """i -
Verna Cole. W. 1'
Holly and E. II.
Sclmlhof rJaye.I very
. enfthr rinrino-
;he servii-c-. the funeral
marcn by I
Chop!':, ani
TK- Mplriflv in F" hv
During the services Miss
V - r 'vi -i Clement sang very sweetly, lu
Oh. Lord Have Mercv," and Mrs. J.
... . . wt . ...
U. r alter, "Uh JJ.vine Keueemer,' Dy r
d.ur,od. both of which in their im
pressive beauty ami added to the sol
. nines s of the occasion.
The address of the service was given
by Judge James T. Begley, who took
as his subject '"Memories," and paid
a tribute to the departed ones for
wh(.m the great fraternity each year
m.urn, and in his remarks touched
on the beautiful custom and the sa
eredness of the spirit of memories
such as is shown in the memorial serv
ices of the Elks each year. The ad
dress of the judge was brief, but one
f beauty and impressiveness and
brought clearer to the members of
the order the lessons of fraternal love
that the occasion teaches.
Chief Barclay and the members of
the police force were greatly excited
Saturday night when the report of an
automobile being stolen was sent to
them, when they at once got busy on
the search for the missing gasoline J
.. ill
wagon, it seems irom all tnat couia
be learned after several hours' of in-
quiry by the police, that a young man
from down in the country had come
in to one of the dances with a lady
f i lend, and desiring to enjoy an auto-
n-fbiie ride later in the evening se-
ered permission of a friend to use his
auto, which was parked on lower Main
st:et t. Here is where the mixup oc-
eurred as the young man in getting
rtady for the spin mistook the auto
bf'onging to Marion Thacker for the
ear of his friend and, cranking up the
r; thv.o. started out for the ride, and
the mistake was not discovered until
I.'tr when the friend of the young
man learned that his car was still on
the street and that the wrong auto
had evidently been taken, and this was
confirmed w hen Mr. Thacker discov-
i red the loss of his car. For some time
(here was quite a good deal of ex
citement, as it was feared the auto
thieves had selected this city for their
operations, but a.s the matter devel
oped it seems merely a mistake on the
pp. it of the one taking the auto. It
however gave the police force several
very unpleasant minutes.
Doing the Work.
W. T. Nanney, Noel, Mo., writes,
"Your I. A. Thomas', Hog Powder
is doing the work down in this part
of the world. It proved to be what
we needed to prevent and cure hog
cholera and expel worms."
II. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Gansemer. -
FOR SALE New upright piano; will
take second-hand upright as part
navment. Inquire at Electric Shoe
10 21-tfdSw
: core.
Yesterday the farm home of Joseph
Dietel in the vicinity of Mynard was
the scene of a very pleasant gathering
when a number of the friends and
neighbors gothered to assist Mr. Dietel
in the celebration of his birthday an
niversary. The day was spent delight
fully in visiting and having a .good
social time with the host and hostess
and to add to the delight of the mem
bers of the party dainty refreshments
were served during the course of the
afternoon. Those who enjoyed the
pleasant occasion were: John Engel
and family of Omaha, Ed Ulrich and
family Joe Wagner and family, Joe
Bierl and family, Alice Bierl, William
Otterstein and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Adolph Geise of this city, who
motored out to join in the pleasant
Last evening a mesage was received
in this citv announcing the death at
Peoria, III., of Mrs. Bruce Miller, at
her home in that city, after a long and
lingering illnes covering a period of
three years and iVr the last few
months of which she has been confined
to her bed, awaiting with patience the
end that was to bring peace and rest
after the long suffering. Mrs. Miller
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
1 y
lleinncnoi ims c.t a,,u
her home in Illinois since her mar-
. , . , A .
nape, and has many friends in thi
city who will learn with much regret
ot ner aeam wnue ei, m me nuci
f ii'ATvtn rVrvrl Fill fino t h loTlP
, ..-j.- u., k
momns oi mness itnuei mic
1.. - - . j- i i ?
lavished upon tne wile ana sisier m
LIlt; men. dmc uiiuiu -"-
. i t l -i, i , ,3 V...-
inose wno neiu nei "cai anu ucai
tne Piaster caning nei iu iu u.ur u
Pai" aim s,,c
klwn that-. If nows no awakeninsr save
" r , o t
in tne arms oi me genne oaviui.
E. P. Lutz, of this city, a sister, was
at the bedside when the end came.
To mourn the deatrT of Mrs. Miller
there remains the husband, and the
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heinrich, seven
brothers and sisters, Mrs. E. F. Lutz,
of this city, Mrs. L. D. Hiatt, of Mur
rav rinbert Heinrich. residing in
Colo.; Fred Heinrich, Havelock; Wm
Heinrich, Mrs. John Kopp and Henry
Zuckweiler of this city. The funeral
will be held at Peoria.
The county board of insanity and
Sheriff Quinton had a very lively time
this morning with an insane man that
the sheriff brought in last night from
the neighboring town of Murray. It
seems this man about dark visited the
home of John Lloyd, a few miles west
of Murray, and proceeded to throw a
scare into the family by his conduct
and remarks, stating to them that they
were about to be destroyed by a vol
cano that he discovered was about to
i ill ml . a
erupt near tne nouse. inis strange
talk alarmed the family, who locked
their doors and called Sheriff Quinton
I to the scene of action, but in the
j meantime the man made himself
scarce, but he was found later in Mur-
ray and was brought to this city with
out any trouble. This morning the
fireworks started when the sheriff
started to bring him over to the court
house from the jail in order to be ex
I amined, for as soon as Sheriff Quinton
entered the cell room the man pro
ceeded to launch a swift right to the
jaw of the sheriff, knocking him
against the wall and bruising his arm
badly and but for the timely action of
Fred Dietel, who is at Ine jail await-
ing deportation to Germany, the man
probably would have done more dam-
age, but t red tackled him as he struck
the sheriff, and although the insane
man tore the greater part of the
wearing apparel off of Fred, this di
version allowed the sheriff to get into
action, and the insane man was soon
under subjection to the officer of the
law. Just who the man is or where
he came from the board could not de
termine as his replies were wandering
and disconnected. He claimed that
someone was threatening his life and
would grow excited when this subject
was touched upon. The man will be
sent to the asylum as soon as possible
to be cared for as he is far too dan
gerous to be at large.
Good for Constipation.
Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent
for constipation. They are pleasant
to take and mild and gentle in effect.
Obtainable everywhere.
20c gasoline at Dawson's.
Autcmobile Owners Organize
Their Protection Against
The Omaha Police Department has
organized a "Stolen Car Department"
and placed efficient detectives in
charge, in an effort to kill the market
for stolen cars in Iowa and Nebraska.
Automobile dealers and garagemen
within a radius of 250 miles of Omaha
are giving their hearty co-operation.
Dealers and garagemen can make the
plan a great success by reporting the
sale of second hand cars in their ter
ritory, cars which are known to have
been purchased from persons coming
into our territory.
As the fake sale of a second-hand
automobile (a stolen car) knocks the
local automobile dealers, reliable and
authorized, out of a sale of a new
car, there is sure to be an enthusias
tic response from the dealers, garage
men, and othei-s connected with the
motor . fraternity here.
Prospective car buyers are warned
against purchasing cars from strang
ers. If the genei-al public will refuse
to buy from the stranger who steals
in one city and disposes of his goods
in another, the action will go far to
ward bringing success.
Persons buying haphazard, and not
knowing whether the car is a stolen
machine or not, stand to lose their
money, as stolen property reverts to
the rightful owner. Under the plan
now in operation, stolen cars are being
found daily.
Stolen car bulletins are being
mailed to dealers and garagemen as
fast as names can be compiled. Over
800 dealers are at present part of
the powerful organization.
Garagemen in other cities, upon re
port of a suspicious second-hand car
sale in their territory, investigate the
matter and take license and engine
number. Transient trade stopping
for gas and supplies should be in
vpstip-ated. It is no trouble for tin
garage man to take the engine num
ber of a car while making repairs for
it is by this method that the greatest
help will result. The auto thief will
have to stop somewhere in this
mile radius for gas or supplies, and
why not here in our city?
Rewards are ottered on nearly all
J stolen cars, by either insurance com
panies, auto clubs or tne owner, and
this should be an added inducement
r co-operation. The Omaha Auto
Club pays $25 for the arrest and con
viction of a thief stealing a member's
The general public can help also
in notifying police headquarters of in
stances where barns or sheds in their
neighborhood are being used as gar
ages by someone not known in the
immediate vicinity.
The motoring public is a mighty one.
It is getting wary and suspicious.
Dealers and garagemen should do all
possible to help safeguard the car
owner, who makes it possible for the
former to have a business.
Many a IMattsmouth Header Will Feel
Grateful for This Information.
If your back gives out;
Becomes lame, weak or aching;
If urinary troubles set in,
Perhaps your kidneys arc "in a bad
Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak
Local evidence proves their merit.
Mrs. Hettie Cummings, Chicago
avenue, Plattsmouth, says: "I suf
fered so from my back at times thp.t
I could hardly get about. When I
got down, I had to take hold of some
thing before I could straighten up.
Sharp pains often caught me across
my kidneys and for a minute I
couldn't move, as they were so severe.
I couldn't rest well nights, as my back
acked so badly. I tried different rem
edies for kidney trouble, but nothing
did me any good until I began using
Doan's Kidney Pills. I took three
boxes and they overcame that awful
misery in my back and made me feel
like a different person."
Price 50 cents, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Cummings had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
We take this means of expressing
to ourkind friendsand neighbors our
deep appreciation of their kindness
and sympathy shown us during our
recent bereavement in the loss of our
wife and mother. May they meet
with the same loving sympathy when
sorrow comes to them.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
W. Hula in the west part of the city
was made very happy Saturday eve
ning when a little stranger giving the
name of Mr. Hula, jr., arrived and will
piaKe nis luiure Jiuuie nn nit-Hi.
The little son is a fine little man and
of the regulation size and weight ajnd
both the mother and the little one are
doing nicely. The arrival of the new
heir and the first child in the family
is the occasion of much pleasure to
the proud father and Charley is just
about the happiest man in the whole
state of Nebraska and his pleasure is
shared by the grand parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Q. K. Parmele, who are rejoicing
over the addition to their family.
The elevator at the foot of Winter
steen hill that for several years has
been one of the landmarks of that sec-
tion of the city, was completely de
troyed Saturday afternoon by fire,
which was discovered about 3 o'clock
when the residents of that locality no
ticed the smoke and flames issuing
from the roof of the building, and it
was only a few minutes until the top
of the structure was a regular mass
of flames. The doers of the clevato
were broken ui on to discover whether
or not there was anyone in the struc
ture and as soon as the draft hit the
flames the whole interior was a mass
cf flames that it was invoossible to
check, although the fire department
had two streams of water playing cn
the burning building. The structure
had been in -this location for the past
twenty-five years, being built by
Frank E. White, by whom it was sou
to the Dun drain company, but iov
some years past u nas not oe-:i
use, being left to- stand as an eyesore
and was a great hangout for the hobos
anil tramns that drifted through the
cfty. The lo-s of the buihur. will
take away a very dinagreer.blo spol
for the police as there is where a
greater portion of the hoboes loved to
j i a. i :
hang out while passing through here
and the police have often bce:i com
pelled to make trip. there to look them
up. It is supposed the fire originated
from sparks from a pa-ring locomo
When Edward P. Temple, "the Wiz
ard of the New York Hippodrome,"
wa.i engaged by Milton and Sargent
Aborn to make their famous twentieth
century production of '"The Bohemian
Girl," he began to search the records
of ancient Gyp--y lore in orucr to
visualise perfectly the life of these
maids who are so prominent in the
plot of this opera. Consequently there
are no'anarchonisms in the costumes,
habits, customs and appurtenances
Shown in the Bohemian Gypsy life in
the Abcm Opera company's prcsenta
tion of this splendid opera. There are
also several unique Gypsy ceremonials
shown, including the sylvan wedding
of Arline and Thaddeus, the climax cf
which is the breaking of jli stone jug
with a hammer, which corresponds to
the modern minister's words: "I pro
nounce you man and wife." This
only a simple incident, one of many
that heighten the realism of the per
formance quite as much as do the
elaborate and spectacular scenery, cos
tumes and effects to be seen in the
Aborn presentation of "The Bohemian
Girl" at the Parmele theater, Satur
day night, December 10.
January 1st, 1917, I will :end state
ments to all parties indebted to me
for medical services.
In all cases where positive settle
ment has not been arranged for by
February 1st, following, legal pro
ceedings will be employed.
It is not my desire to be unreason
able, but indifference to my friendly
requests for settlement will not be tol
erated any longer.
Cash settlements may be made at
any time before February 1st with Dr.
F. L. Cummins, who is authorized to
receipt for same.
I will be in Plattsmouth at my for
mer office December 12th, January
12th and January 31st to arrange set
tlements. E. D. CUMMINS, M.' D.,
525 Terminal Bldg., Lincoln, Neb.
"Sweets to the sweet, is what I
would say. In giving my friend this
little sachet." You may find "just
what you want" at the Riley block
Dec. 8-0; St. Mary's Guild Shop.
Perfect Assurance
of value, style, service and satisfaction and the most of each
for your money has won popular favor for
These $20
-Hand tailored models of latest designs in Scoteh tweeds, blue
serges and all the new colored stripes. They combine ad
mirable elegence with economy.
New ties
. E. Wescott's
"Everybody's Store'
A Large Attendance Both Saturday
Afternoon and at Night, and
Play Gives Satisfaction.
In accordance with the custom of
opening the winter "Story Hour" sea
son with a Thanksgiving entertain
ment, the play "Little Women" was
given Saturday afternoon under the
direction of Miss Annu Heisel, and
was one of the most enjoyable enter
tainments that the children have had
the pleasure of- attending. In the
evening the play was repeated in or
der to give the parents and fiiends of
the people in the cast an opportunity
to hear them. Everyone in the cast
did themselves proud, Alice Pollock as
the mischievous, impulsive "Jo," the
rever to be forgotten character cre
ated by Miss Alcott, and in a quaint
costume of the period, locked the part.
Eva Co'-k as the little ambitious
"-'.;r.y," v. as exceptionally good. Fein
y.ihlc a.; th- gentie. frigale "Beth"
.ie'.. i'.Ai- oifucuil role we'll. Fern Neil
as "3.1rs. March"" with her excellent
ir...'.;.i;p in a costume of the time of
i he piay, with her sweet voice made all
wish she had more lines. "Hannah,"
as played by Marjorie Chrisinger was
depicted with dash and abandon. Fern
Thomson as "Meg," the elder sister,
took the part with girlish dignity.
Jack McCarty as "Laurie" was a
typical light-hearted boy, and Herald
Fitt as "Mr. Laurence" presented an
amusing and kindly old gentleman.
Tho specialties between acts were
all pleasing; recitations by Clara May
Moigan and Marie were well given and
much enjoyed by the audience, and the
aesthetic dancing by Mary Catherine
Parmele was delightful in its charm
ing gracefulness. The Indian dance
by six girls was well received, and
the "Folk Dance" directed by Miss
Martin was a great favoiite. The
boys' orchestra, composed of Mildred
Lee, Piano; Miles Altman, violin;
John Ledgway, cornet; Glen Mendel -hall,
trap drummer, added much to the
pleasure 'of the evening. Miles Alt
man, the leader of the orchestra, gave
a pleasing violin solo.
The library board and libratian sin
cerely thank Miss Heisel, Miss Martin,
the boys' orchestra and all taking part
in the entertainment; also, Mr. Fields
for so kindly taking charge of making
up the players. The play netted the
library a nice little sum and will be
used for the benefit of the Story Hour
The rtotv hour diriing the season
will be held on Wednesday aftci
school; the next one will be Wednes
day afternoon at 3:30, December 13
under the direction of Miss Crete
Briggs, to which all children are cor
dially invited.
East of Riley HoteL
Coates' Block,
Second Floor
Money in Eggs.
JC friz's are not bankable but the
money from their sale is. This money
is yours for the effort. How do you
treat the hen that lays the Uolden
Eggs? Dr. B. A. Thomas' rouitry
Remedy will keep the poultry in good
condition and increase the yield in
'p-s. We guarantee this and refund
your money if not satisfied:
H. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Gansemer.
Suits of
every week!
I lews
Handkerchiefs of all kinds, sizes,
and for every use will be found at the
Christmas Shop of St. Mary's Guild,
Dec. 8-9.
J. II. and I. H. Meisinger were in
the citv for a few hours today lookiner
after some business matters with the j
L. D. Hiatt and wife of Murray
were in the city yesterday fo1- a short
lime visiting with their relatives and
friends in the city.
Frank Finkle of Union, was in the
city for a few hours yesterday en-
route to Omaha where he was called
on some business matters.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore of Murray was
among the visitors in the city today
looking after some professional mat
ters for a few hours.
Mrs. Joseph Droege was among
those going to Omaha this morning
to spend a few hours in that city, look
ing after some business matters.
Mrs. W. G. Bcedeker and Mrs. J. W.
Ilclmes departed this afternoon for
Omaha, where they will attend the
"Bird of Paradise" this evening.
Miss Helen Harp, who has been
visiting Miss Eda Marquardt for tho
past two weeks, returned to her home
at Prairie City, la., this morning.
Take your Christmas worries to the
ladies of St. Mary's Guild they will
assist you in making your selections
of gifts for everyone in the family.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heil, jr., and
children and Mrs. Wendell Ileil drove
in from thelrxhcme r.cav Cedar Creek
last Saturday for a few hours' visit
with county seat friends.
I). E. Jardine drove in from his farm
home Saturday afternoon to attend
to some business matters and visit
friends for a s'r.ort time. lie was a
pleasant caller at this oirice.
Adam Mohr, a former resident of
this county, but now located near Pa
pillion, was in the city over Sunday
enjoying a short visit with the old
friends in this city and vicinity.
Mrs. John Carmack and little son,
John Carl, returned to Omaha yes
terday afternoon after a visit here
over Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Kunsniann, parents of Mrs. Car
mack. Mrs. F. E. Ilawkenbery was a vis
itor in Omaha yesterday spending the
day with her sister, Miss Florence
't regulate the
weather, but we can pre
pare you for it
When frosty mornings and
cold nights make your blood
tingle, it's good to be out
doors. Thats when a good
sweater adds to your pleasure
by making you comfortable.
. We have a variety of sweat
ers and sweater coats with
V-neck and shawl collars in
mixtures and plain colors.
Prices $1.25 to $7
Also a full line of boys' and
men's pure worsted jerseys.
Stetson Hats
Manhattan Shirts
Falser at l!ie hosnital where she
the effects of an
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Towlo and Mrs.
.A. N Sullivan, of Omuhr-, mot-red to
this citv yesterday afternoon and vis
ited friends for a snort time. Mr.
rr.d Ivli-rf. Standiford returned to Oma-
i ha with them.
W. S. Smith and wife cf Munay
were in the city yesterday for a fe v
hens visiting with their relatives and
friends and enjoying the delightfid
springlike day in motoring up from
their home.
Miss Marie Kaurl'man rolur;;i'd
home this mornirg from Red Cloud.
Neb., where she has been ever Thanks
giving as a guest of Miss Alpha Pet
erson, who is teaching in the public
school in that city.
Miss LaYaughn Lehr.holf and litl'.j
sister- of Om:dia who have been spend
ing their Thanksgiving vacation with
thtir grandmother, Mrs. F. 1). Lehn
hofT, Sr., and aunt, Miss Tillie Lehn
hoff, returned homo yesterday after
noon. Miss Gk.dys McMacken who has
been enjoying her Thanksgiving va
cation in this city at home with her
parents. Mr. 'and .Mrs. J. II. McMack
en, departed jesterday morning for
Wymoro where she is engaged in
August Steppatt cf rear Grogary,
South Dakota, came in yesterday f;r
an overnight visit with his relatives
and frei ds in this locality, going to
Omaha this morning in company with
his brother-in-law, Fred Noltir.g wlce
he .vi!l look after the sale of some cat
tle on the stock market.
John Bauer, E. J. Richey, Mike IiiM
and Ed Tritsch departed yesterday
afternoon for Omaha, wlwre they
bearded the special train conveying
the Overland automobile agents to To
ledo, O., where they will be enter
tained by the Overland auto people at
a great demonstration cf these line
cars that is being held there.
""Mike Warga and son, Harry, canir:
down Saturday evenirv,- f rem tins' r
home at Havelock to enjoy an oer
Sunday viit h?rc with .Mi' e War.'.-;.,
jr., and family. Mrs. Warga, a-, has
not been feeling in the best of healt'i
for some time and is still feeling veiy
poorly, which will be greatly regretted
bv many old friends here.
"Sohan'.'y" bag St. Mary's Christ
mas Shop, Saturday and Friday, De
cember 8-t1.
m 4K.
' 3
' V X
: .
Hansen Gloves P
Car hart Overalls t
i '