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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1916)
mn TOL. XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4 1916 No. 1j I. THANKSGIV! i18 AS IT WAS Q 1 PLATTSMOOT Union Services at Presbyterian Church and Most of the Stores Closed in the Afternoon. From Frid.iy's Daily. The observance of the Thanksgiving season of 191 ( in this city was very quiet and in keeping with the old es tablished custom of the family feath erings as well as the worship hour when the residents of the city gath ered to return their thanks for the successes that has falcon to their lot in the past year. The day was one of great beauty and as balmy and mild as could possibly be asked for, and made the enjoyment of the day a jr. eat deal more than usual, as it was possible to get out and enjoy the day to the fullest extent. The union services were held at the Presbyterian church, where the mem bers of the Presbyterian, Methodist and Christian churches united in the Thanksgiving service, and a very large number were in attendance to take part and enjoy the excellent sermon prepaied on the spirit of the great American holiday and which was de livered by Rev. f. A. Truscott, pastor of the Methodist church, and was a very able and impressive discourse, carrying to the hearts of the mem bers of the congregation the lessons of the day and the feeling that the eo;de of America should have on this day, when they were the only great nation at peace. The offering at this service will be for the benefit of the Syrian sufferers in the old word and quite a neat sum was secured, that will be dispatched to the national re lief committee. Special rtlicrious services were also held at St. Luke' Episcopal church and the St. Paul's Evangelical church, that were both well attended. At the St. Luke's church there was a cele bration of the holy eucharest at 7:30 a. m., and also at ::J0, when the rec tor, Father W. S. Leete, gave a short sermon. At St. Paul's church the regular Thanksgiving service was held with the sermon by the paster, P.ev. .T. H. Steger, and which was very much enjoyed by the large congrega tion. THANKSGIVING FEAST AT LEWIST9N CHURCH Frmn Friday's Daily. The ladies of the K. N. K. society, who reside in the Ltwiston neighbor hood east cf Murray have in the pist few years made a feature of serving dinne r each Thanksgiving at the Lew iston church and their .splendid din ners certainly are appreciated as was shown yesterday when some 400 per rons gathered at the church to spend the day in celebrating the feast of Thanksgiving. In the morning the religious service was held, conducted by Rev. W. A. Taylor of Union and the churc-h was filled with a large con gregation c,f worshippers, who return ee d their thanks for the favors he stowed upon them during the past year. At the noon hour the ladies served their feast and it was one that would tempt the most jaded ap petite with a store of good things to cat that embraced everything from turkey to the delicious desserts and prepared in the manner that these ladies alone know how to arrange. For several hours the hundreds feast ed on the store of dainties and it is needless to say that the dinner will long .be very pleasantly remembered by everyone of the party as an event of more than usual enjoyment. Those in attendance were from nil over the eastern portion of the county and several motored down from this city to take part. VISITORS FROM MURDOCK. A. Zoz and Henry Guthman, from Murdock, and J. L. Goehry of Murphy, Idaho for the past few years, and is Saturday, coming in via the auto route for a few hours' visit with county seat friends. Mr. Goehry has been in Idaha for the past few years, and is associated with Chas Guthman at that point. The Journal acknowledges a pleasant call. from them during their visit here. SSERVED DEATH OF MRS. SAMAHTHA GATES OF SARPY COUNTY From Friday's Dai! v. The many friends in this locality of Mis. Samantha Gates, one of the pio neer residents of Sarpy county ami who has several times visited in this city, will regret very much to learn of her death at the home of her son Senator J. M. Gates, at Fort Crook on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Gates is the widow of Amos Gates, one of the early lesidenis of this section of the state and came here in 1855. Mrs. Gates had not been in the best of health for some time and her family have been quite "worried over her condition She was S3 years of age at the time of her death. AUTOMOBILE TURNS OVER AND HURTS MAN From Friday's Dailv. On last Friday evening about 7:00 o'clock an automobile accident oc cur red near the Henry IIa-es farm when an automobile in which Mr Gillespie, the liveryman of Murdock was driving and Ed. James and Aug ust Wendt were passengers. Thev had been in the vicinity of Avoca driving with Tom Cromwell, who was buying horses. In some manner they had lost the presto tank on the car and had not noticetl that it was gone until they had gotten pretty well on their way to Elmwood; so were forced to drive without lights. It is claimed that near the Henry Hayes place they met a team and in turning out the car turned over. This was probably due to the fact that the turn was made so quickly. ' The occu pants were thrown from the auto mobile with considerable force. Mr. James and Mr. Gillespie were badly skinned up and bruised, but Mr. Wendt did not escape so fortunately. He had his collar bone broken, besides many scratches and bruises. A phy si'i.m was called, they were brought to town and their injuries attended to. In conversation with Mr. Gillispie he stated that in all of his eight years of automobile driving he had never had an accident bo for?. He says that he is unable to account how it hap pened for it all happened so quickly. The chief cause, however, was that 4 they had no lights and were forced to run without them hoping to get to Elmwood where theyT could sret a pies to tank. The body of the car was badly damaged and Mr. Gillispie has ordered a new one. The car is now being run. Mr. Wendt at last re ports was getting along nicely. Elm wood Leader-Echo. NEHAVVKA FLOURING MILLS DOING WELL From Friday's Daily. One of the growing industries of the county is that of the Nehawka flour ing mills, which is owned by C. D. St. John and is operated under the ciiieetion of Joseph Malcolm as the milier. Mr. Malcolm has delivered the goods in the splendid "Letter Roll" brand. of flour and this make of Hour is now fmd.'ng its way into a great many of the homes of the eoivty as cr-.e of the best that is on Vn.1 market today. He has devoted much ti m-i 1o the study of the milling business and is able to the best possible f! u r lor his customers. Th.'s fact is demonstrated wb.-i is sev: that thf ceir:':.i tor thi- :;.ur is constantly incrcanj. and iho orders tlowin; i.- shews t: t the hou-e wives of the com munity appreciate the lino of flour that Mr. Malcolm is turning cut. All of the merchants who havi handled the "Letter Roll" flour are sending in larger orders rnd the demand grows will: each :rder. Mr. Mai. )lm was in the city Wednesday for a shorS time calling on the merchants and fcund that his flour was making its usual big Lit with the housewives of this locality. The "Letter Roll" flour is handed at Murray by tha firm of Puis & Gansmer and Hiatt & Tutt and in Plattsmouth, by A. G. Bach & Co., and Hatt & Son. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Fitch and son, Eugene, of the vicinity of Ne hawka, motored to this city Saturday afternoon for a short visit with friends and to attend to some business mat ters. Mr. Fitch was a pleasant caller at this office. CHARMING WED DING IN LINCOLN Miss Catherine At wood United in Mar riage to Mr. Charles Howard Gardiner, at. the Home of the Bride Parents. From Friday's Daily. The marriage of Miss Catherine At- wood to Charles Howard Gardiner which took place at 8:30 o'clock Thanksgiving evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H Atwood, 740 South Seventeenth street, was one of the most brilliant social affairs of the day. The company which assembled between 8 and 8:30 o'clock numbered three hundred and included the active chapters of Kappa Alpha Theta find Phi Kappa Psi and many alumni oi tne two organizations, icev. S. Mills Hayes, rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity, read the Episco pal service. A program of orchestral music was given during tne gathering ot tne guests and at the hour the "Lohen grin" bridal music announced the com ing of the party. Rev. Mr. Hayes en tered the music room where the wed ding was solemnized first and was followed by Mr. Gardiner and his best man, his brother, James St. Clair Gar diner. Mrs. Elliott C. Cobb of Sioux City, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Miss Atwood walked with her father. The "Lohengrin" music was heard during tne exenange oi vows ana tne .ueideissonn weaning. march while congratulations were of fered. The priedieu, entwined with smilax and with its white satin kneeling cush ions, was placed before a chancel of southern smilax which occupied nearly half the large room. Two standards, Dresden baskets with tall bouquets of white chrysanthemums, were at each side of the kneeling bench while rows of palms marked the outer edges of the chancel itself. Silver candalabra holding four candles were at each side. ,' Miss Atwood made a charming pic ture in her bridal gown of tulle and silver lace. It was decollette with a bodice of silver lace and sleeves of shirred tulle. The short skirt with its flesh-colored satin foundation was edged with deep silver lace and veiled with white tulle. Silver ribbon with overs' knot bok ends reaching nearly to the top of the lace were half con cealed in the chiffon. The tulle veil which came to the bottom of the skirt was of many folds of the material and I made with Juliet cap of tulle and threads of silver. The short face veil was in one with the longer one. The whole was completed with a narrow hand of silver ribbon tied at each side, the ends being lost in thdfolds of the material. Lilies-of-the-valley, orchids and swansonia were in the boquet from which depended a shower of sil ver ribbon and lilies. Mrs. Cobb wore a gown of water melon pink crepe de chine embroidered with silver and made in simple style. A contrasting color note was the nar row band of Prussian blue ribbon about the waist. The bouquet was of Ward roses and violets with an orchid center. From it fell a shower of vio- ets. A reception followed the ceremony, the guests greeting the bridal couple as they stood before the smilax bower. Mrs. C. G. Crittenden was in chargB in the dining room and was assisted by Mrs. Ray Crancer, Mrs. Richard Ferguson, Mrs. Howard Harvey, Miss Lillian Chapin, Miss Alice Proudiff, Miss Cornelia Crittenden, Miss Mar- jorie Agnew and Miss Lulu Mitchell. The colors in the room were pink, lav ender, yellow and green. The table was pretty with its silver service and candles in the four colors, each holder being almost hidden by the large bows of vari-colored tulle. The individual cakes and the candy and ices were in the same colors. Among the out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Atwood and son. sam, ana aaugnter, ivianon, .Liberty, Mo.; Mrs. N. P. Agnew and daughter, Marjorie; Mr. and Mrs. George Dovey and Pollock Parmele, Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Lehmer, Mrs. Irene Lehmer, Omaha; Dr. and Mrs. Elliott C.Cobb of Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner will reside at Clin ton, Md., White Oak farm near Wash ington, D. C, where they will go after a wedding trip. State Journal.' HAS LOST SEVENTEEN HEAD OF GATTE LATELY August Bornemier has been very unfortunate in losing cattle during the last month. He has lost seventeen head, all dying with the new disease that has been prevalent in many parts of the state. This is quite a loss when you stop to consider the price o cattle at the present time and all that can be gotten in return is the hides which costs about ail they are worth :o handle. J his disease is hard to handle but efforts are being made check it. Elmwood Leader-Echo. to TWO YOUNG CASS COUNTY PEOPLE WERE MARRIED YESTERDAY FYom Fridav's Daily. Dan Cupid is one of the marksmen wno is always at his post, lie is a sly archer and when least expected raises his bow, takes aim and lo! an other couple is smitten with the mat rimonial microbe. One of the latest couples on which ne trained nis ar- ows is Miss May Vallerv and DeFor- est Cunningham. At the home of the bride's parents, Jacob R. Vallery and wife, the marriage lines were read by- Rev. H. S. McClusky of the Presbv- erian church of Plattsmouth, at C o'clock p. m. November 30, 1910. The wedding was a very quiet af fair, with onlv immediate families 7 present, and menus ot tne nuptial pair were completely surprised as the news traveled around lrom announce ment cards, as no formal announce ment had been made. The bride wore er traveling suit of blue broadcloth. trimmed in fur, with black vogue hat trimmed with normandv. The groom wore conventional biacx. me bride is Cass county girl, having liveel here all her life under the parential roof and has a host of friends in her par ticular set, for it is given to few to gain a higher place in everyone's re gard as Mrs. Cunningham for her harm of personality, combining with , depth and beauty of character to A 11 1 . 1 win lor nor a nign place in tne es teem of even the most casual ac quaintances. Her husband is to be congratulated upon winning such a helpmate. Mr. Cunningham is the oungest son of the late Mrs. Eliza beth Cunningham and engaged in business in Nehawka. He is a man of good character and standing in the community and his many friends will welcome his bride to the cozy home he has waiting ior ner. .-iter tne ceremony and felicitations dainty re freshments were served and the hap py couple motored to Plattsmouth, where theyr took the train for Omaha, and after a brief honeymoon in that city will be at home to their friends in Nehawka. DR. THOMSEN, DENTIST, GOES TO AINSLEY, NEB. From Friday's Daily. Yesterday D. II. Thomsen departed for Ainslej', Neb., where he will take up his work as a dentist in one of the offices in that city. Dr. Thomsen is closing his ofiice here for the present at least but his family will remain here until he makes final arrangements as to whether he will remain at Ains- ey permanently or not. . Dr. Thomsen is one of the ablest men in his profes- ion that has been in the city and has had a very nice practice from people all over the county but the offer re ceived from AinslejT was very flatter ing and the doctor decided to give it a trial. A pleasant genial gentleman, Dr. Thomsen is possessed of a large circle of warm friends in this city who will regret very much to have him leave them. HAS A FINE NEW MITCHELL. John Busche and son, Clarence, from near Cedar Creek, were, in Platts mouth last Saturday for a few hours looking after some business matters and visiting with county seat friends. The trip was made in their fine new Mitchell car that Mr. Busche pur chased a few days ago from the Gauer Cedar Creek agency. The Mitchell is one of the best. LDEST ODD ELLOW IS BEAD Henry Frederick Swanback, For Many Years a Resident of Cass Cour.ty, Passes Away at the Odd Fel lows' Home at York, Neb. From Saturday's Daily. Yesterday at the I. O. O. F. Home at York, Neb., Henry Frederick Swan back, for many years a resident of Greenwood, passed away at the great lge of 101 years and with the record of being the- oldest member of the Odd Fellows in the United States. Dr. Swanback had been in good health de spite hi advanced years and his last sickness was only of short duration Dr. Swanback was a native of Prus sia, where he was born March 9, 1815, during the time ot the great struggle jf the Eurcpe ir nation? against the wonderful genius of warfare, Napol eon, and it is a striking similarity that 100 years later he pases away while another great conflict is. involving the countries of the old .world. Nis life had been one of great experience and he had be?n given the opportunity of witnessing the wonders of the nine teenth and twentieth centuries re- vealeel that has completely changed the character of the world since the aay he was bo: Ti the little F'ussutn village. During hi.-, bovhood be !c- carne ihe close triend ot the eical Prince Bismarck who later was to stantl as the creating genius of the German empire and lay the founda- ons of the present powerful nation. In the war between Prussia and Den mark in 184S, Mr. Swanback served with great bravery, and as a recogni tion of his service was decorated with the iron cross of King Frederick IV. of Prus.ji, for capturing alone nine of the cnemv of a conflict and conveying lem back to the Prussian lines as prisoners. .Later, in coming to Amer ica to make his home, Dr. fciwanbacK reived the united btates in the civil war with the same bravery thot had :r.a facte: izc-d ris service in the old )ild. For more than seventy-two yejjrs ne nr.d i een a member ot tne Ovid Fellows and remained a member the Greenwood lodge up to the time cf his removing to the home for the aged members of the order at York, where he and his wife had spent their ast few years. The celebration of his 100th birthday on March ih 1915, at lis home in Greenwood wvs a great occavn ana many distinguished mem bers of the order from all over the t:-.te were present to take pvtr:. The funeral services will te held at Gre?nw. (! and the body laid to rest n the cemetery there. JOY AT MEISINGER HOME. From Friday's Daily. Wednesday evening, the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Meisinger, west of this city, was visited by the tork, who left them a fine little laughter. The little Miss Meisinger and the mother are both doing nicely and John is mighty well pleased with the new adition to the family circle. The many friends throughout this section of the county will extend their heartiest best wishes for the welfare of the little one, and they trust that in the years to come she may be a joy and comfort to the parents. VISITS IN THE CITY. From Saturdav s Daily. A party consisting of the Misses Beulah Parker, Rith Gilchrist, Messrs. Arthur Echolm and Frank Slorak, jr., motored from Omaha to this city for Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Miss Parker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Parker. After dinner they con tinued their journey to Lincoln to witness the Notre Dame-Nebraska football game. Miss Parker formerly of this city has made her home in Omaha for the past three years, and is now employed by the firm of Orchard & Wilhelm, but has not for gotten her home town. VISITORS IN THE CITY. From Friday's Daily. Charles Campbell and wife and son, Paul and babe, Charles, of South Bend; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Porter, jr., and son. Jack, of Mynard, were in the city to visit over Thanksgiving with E. S. Leesley and wife and Mrs. Lessley and to enjoy the pleas ures of the fine dinner at the Lessley home. THE 0 IRA BATES WINS HIS CASEIN COUNTY COURT WEDNESDAY From Friday's Da ilv. The case of Mrs. Mary Burnett vs. Ira Bates which was tried Wednes day in the county court hf-fm .TurK. iBeeson, was brought to a close Wed nesday evening when the jury com- V ,7 01 l" Wurl, II. F. Goos and ' Thrasher returned a verdict in favor of the defendant. The plaintiff was suing for the sum of $1?0())) dam ages for injuries received in an auto mobile accident The case has been attracting considerable attention and its trial consumed the entire day with quite a number of witnesses appearing in the case for both sides. The ac cident from which the suit was started occurred on May 1, 1915. Both Dir ties to the suit have resided for the past few years south of this city in he Rock Bluff neighborhood. JUDGE ARCHER TELLS OF A BIG BLIZZARD SIXTY YEARS AGO "Do you know what occurred in this part of the country on December 1st, sixty years ago?" Judge M. Archer inquired of the reporter this morning when at the city hall, and of course it was necessary to confess our ig norance of the event that the judge was alluding to. "Well, it was the date of one of the worst blizzards that I have ever experienced," the court remarked. "At that time, in com pany with several other men, I was engaged in cutting timber in the woods on the Iowa side of the Missouri river in the locality just south of the then thriving town of Rock Bluffs and up to that date the weather had been fine with a balmy breeze blowing, when suddenly the cold wave came on them with a driving snow that made it im- ossible to see any distance and com pelled the men "to retire to shelter. For three days the snow continued with unabated fury and in the woods the snowfall averaged three feet while out in the open the drifts were of enormous depth and caused a large number of cattle to freeze from the exposure and all communication was cut off between the farmers who had their claims scattered miles apart on the prairies of Iowa and Nebraska." The judge states that after the storm passed the woodmen came out of their shelter and indulged in a deer hunt as the woods were full of them and over the deep and thickly packed snow the hunters and the hunted raced, both breaking through the crust of the snow at every step. The use of dogs allowed the hunters to secure a arge number of deer as the dogs could travel over the snow without breaking through and were able to down the deer. It was several weeks before the woodmen were able to re turn to their home on the Nebraska side of the river. This story certainly makes the pres ent climate of Nebraska take on a much more pleasing aspect as there has not been any such storm in this ocality for many years. MISS BUTTERY IMPROVING. From Saturday's Daily. The many friends of Miss Lssie Buttery will be well pleased to learn that she is getting along nicely from the effects of her operation on Tues day for appendicitis at the Immanuel hospital in Omaha. The patient has stood the ordeal in fine shape and seems to be progressing nicely on the lighway to recovery and her con dition is such as to encourage the family and friends in hoping that she may soon be able to return home to this city restored to her usual good health. DIVORCE SUIT TRIED. rnm Saturday's Dally. Yesterday in the district court oc curred the trial of the divorce suit of Stella Marshall vs. Walter Marshall. "The parties to the suit reside in the icinity of Alvo, and the suit was filed esterday, the matter being taken up at once by Judge J. T. Begley, who after hearing the evidence in the case submitted by the plaintiff and defend ant, took the matter under advisement before rendering a decision in the suit. The plaintiff was accompanied to this ty by her father, G. W. Schwaker of Alvo. , FUNERAL OF MRS. N, !(. PEOPLES FRI DAY AFTERNOON The Remains of Thi Good Lady Were Conveyed to her Old Home at Watson, Mo., for Interment. 1-..i.. Saturday's Daily. The funeral of Mrs. N. K. Peoples was held yesterday afternoon from the late home where s-he had been called from just a few brief days ago, and the many friends in the commu nity joined in paying their last tribute of love and lespect to the memory of this estimable lady. The body was taken this morning on No. 4 to Pacific Junction, and from there over the Buv Hnfe'ton to Watson, Mo., where the in terment was made this afternoon. At the heme the services were in charge or Rev. T. A. Tru-eott. of the Methodist church, with which the departed lady had long been a most faithful and devout mt mh. i . :n I jiuji.ui in renuu r. s hioairht t' the family a sense of f':-iL!!:aU"Il 1:1 the loss that had been i-l'.C.l UIinM them. During the ser ire t f t l"i . rdl fumllln- V. vi . in. ijiim e;' j.ri( 1 by a quartet composed of Mi . M;. Morgan, Miss Le-ona Brady, .b .. Perry and Don C. York, while A . York gave a sole, "lie Leadeth Me. ' as the minister read the beaut it'o! burial service. The floral remem brances were beautiful and expressed the feelings of regret that the death of this lady- lias occasioned. Rev. Truscott accompanied the family and the body to Watson for the services there. Ella Adeline RummerfieM was born in Sonora, Atchison county, Missouri. April 28, '1873. She died in Platts mouth, Neb., November lDKI at the age of 43 years 7 months and 1 day. She united with the Methodist Episco pal church when she was but 1" years of age and remained a sincere and devoted Christian during her life. She was united in marriage to N. K. Peo ples at Watson, Mo., on August 10, 18i2. To this happy union were born four son and four daughters. Five cf the children God has called home to be with Him. There remain to mourn the loss of the mother but three, Anna Adaline, Norris King, and Ruth Elizabeth. These with the father will surely greatly miss the mother that was always good, and so patient. As mourners, there are but two other near relatives besides the husband and children, they are a brother and a sister of the deceased. The brother is Joseph R. Rummei field of this city. The sister is Mrs. M. A. Havens, who lives in Seneca; Kan. After Mrs. Peoples took to her bed. one day she called her hu.ban 1 and told him she thought she was going to die. She said she was not afraid to die but dreaded the ordeal. She made all the necessary arrangements for her own funeral, even directing her hus band as to how the children should be dressed. She said she would like to have been spared to raise the children. but she committed them to the tare of God and her husband. She advised ner husband that he could only raise the children properly by trusting in God. She regretted much that her fail ing health prevented her from attend ing church and helping as she would like to do and used to do. Her sweet voice had often been usetl at funerals to soften the blow to the bereaved and point them to God for comfort. She Rests. She resteth now. No more her breat Heaves with its weary breath; Pain sits no longer on the brow Where lies the calm of death. Sunk to her rest like a tired child, She lies in slumber deep, Soft folded in the arms of Him, Who "giveth His beloved sleep." Nay, doth she rest? No: day nor night She resteth not from praise; Her spirit, wing'd with rapture, knows No more earth's weary ways; But ever toward the Infinite Her flight on, upward, does she keep. For He gives active tirelessness Who giveth His beloved sleep. Mrs. Wilson, the charming wife of our president, was kind enough to send a lovely handkerchief to the Shop of St. Mary's Guild this will be for sale Dec. 8-9, Riley block.