The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 30, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6
For I iianlcs wing For your Thanksgiving dinner at the Pure food store of aels Roque fort cheese. Neu Chatel cheese. Century cream cheese. Chile Cheese. Full cream cheese. Eelle and Bugle cranberries. Delicious apples. Fresh tomatoes. Head lettuce. Caliower. Leaf lettuce. Pascel celery. Long Jumbo celery. Grapes. Heinz mince meat. Olives. Mint Sauce. Grape fruit. Oranges. 2 quarts (small) cranberries 15c 3 lbs. macaroni .25c 5 lbs Oatmeal 25c 5 lbs. Rice 25c 2 large can Tomatoes 25c 2 1-2 Fancy Peaches in syrup 20c 2 1 -2 Fancy Pineapple . . . '. 20c TRINKKV dOLDEX CALENDAR. Trior's Wall Calendar for 1817 is a mat for eye and mind.'. Upon a polU-n background rises the majestic ffjre of Columbia with nine beauties in charming national costumes. Wash ington's portrait and five views (Rhine. Italian vineyard, Triner's lab oratory and two interiors) complete the beautiful picture. Send 10 cents to cover the mailing expenses. Jos. Triner. Manufacturer of American Elixir of Bitter Wine, -13:33-1339 S. Ahland Ave., Chicago, 111. ll-23-3twkly Mrs. Joseph Tubbs of near Mynard Itparted this morning for Tecumseh where she will spend a short time vis iting with her dauehter. Mrs. C. W. Jones in that citv. BOOSTING MELD FOR THE BOARD OF CONTROL A lazy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and constipation; weakens the whole system. Doan's Regulets (25c per box) act mildly on the liver and bowels. At all drug stores. An appointment to membership on the State Board of Control is what E. O. Mayfield is after, and he has a fine array of endorsers who are urg ing his claim upon Governor-elect Xeville. Mr. Mayfield is an old-time republican newspaper man well known all over Nebraska and is financially interested in the two weeklies con ducted by his brothers, one at Stanton and the other at Louisville. The board is made up of three commissioners, of which one must be a republican and no two from the same congressional district, and it is the one appointed a republican, Judge Kennedy, and who happens to be charged to this district, whose term is expiring. Omaha Dee. J CREAM, Plattsmouth 37c, at Dawson's store, 9-19-d&wtf Pi i Parmele Theatre! E one performance only MONDAY NIGHT, Dec. 41 Direct from the Boyd Theatre in Omaha HARVEY D. ORR'S Snssdiesl of all the Musical Comedies THE iflDH&r M jwuDBQlOn Biggest Novelty and Dance Show of the Year 30 -PEOPLE 30 3 ACTS Twenty-Two Tuneful Tunes Third Successful Season Everything New A Car Load of Special Scenery! Captivating Chorus! Most Beautiful and Expensive Gowns and Costumes Ever Carried With a Traveling Production! Imperial Quartette ( ) Pretty Girls Galore SPECIAL TUT DIP DIIMUAV Over the Heads of the Audience THE bib nUNWAl witn Twenty Pretty Girls Gaily Dancing Above. Something You .Don't Want to Miss. Everything New! Biggest Success in Years! Special Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Seats on Sale at Weyrich & Hadraba's Local Hews P. A. Meisinper of n?ar Cedar Creek was in the city today attending: to some trading with the 'merchants. E. C. Wigrfrenhorn of Ashland is in the city today for a short time at tending to some matters at the court house. John R. Meisinger came in this afternoon from his farm home and departed for Omaha over the Burling ton at 1:58. Will Rice of Murrnv was in the He Uses the Safe end Sure Thing at Home P A. EflrtJ. Conejo, Calif., writes as follows: 1 lave sold Foley's Honey and Tar Compounu tutu aiw timer lines of oouith medicines for a number of viarX on never use anything- but Koleys Honey and Tar Compound for tpV family or myself, as I find it pro duces the best results, always cures severe colds and sore chest and does not contain opiates or other harmful drug." Unthinking- and careless neonl nr. lect their coughs and colds, not realiz ing now iney weaKen tne system and lower the vital resistance to such grave diseases as bronchitis, pleurisy and even Dntumonla. For promptly averting serious suits from a cold, use Foley's H anil rTVi t . n r i . re- nnv It spreads a heal ing croup, whoop- T -- - -. " - . . Kiivye i-(JUKI'S. Txy nsr 1 Xrle&d. Sold Everywhere. SHORT COURSE AT WEEPING WATER A SPLENDID SUCCESS t u ., .Iqv nttendinjT I lne Foothlne inf?iiVnr- j- uu . ir nuui i . .. flamed nrfi filX.-'? 'M . , -J A-fnnfP nr. tne I " V" "V . ' . '. ami to some maiters oi ujij"'" i " rw-.-.- untrMi, neips court house. ThiliD Stoehr of Cedar Creek was attending to some business matters in the city Friday and was a pleasant caller at this office. v.,ar- Meisinerer of near Cedar Creek, was here today for a few hours lokinff after a lew matters oi dusi- ness with the merchants. J. A. Kiser of Mynard was attend ing to some business matters in this I The short course in agriculture and city Saturday, and while here gave I domestic science which was held in this oflice a pleasant call. I Weeping Water last week was a suc- Henry A. Guthmann was in the city cess r every point of view. There today visiting his relatives and were about eighty boys and girls en- friends, motoring over from his home rolled and the interest they took in at Murdock to SDend a few hours. I their work more than satisfied those M T. Furlnno- Hmvp Jn frnm h! m charge, that the effort was worth farm home south of the city Monday, to attend the Burnett-Bates trial. He was a pleasant caller at this office. Miss Myrtle Elliott, of St. Joseph, Mo., will arrive in this city this eve ning and will spend her Thanksgiv ing vacation the guest of Miss Maurine Hughes at the McClusky home. William Nelson of Murdock, accom panied by Nels Jepperson of Malcolm, Neb., were in the city for a short time while. The expense of the course was met by federal and state appro priation, and the small fee charged was to cover the local expenses of the course. On Friday there was a dem onstration of the work done during the week. The girls had on display the kensington bags which they com pleted, showing the excellent work done in sewing. In the potato peeling contest Gladys McNurlin won first place, while Hazel Pool won second. today and departed on the afternoon M first , . h " train for Omaha, from where they re turned home. Miss Bertha Hild of Brady, Neb., came in last evening to enjoy a visit for a short time at the farm home of her sister, Mrs. L. A. Meisinger, west of this city, as well as with other friends in this locality. Dr. B: F. Brendel of Murray was in the city for a short time today en route from his home to Omaha, where he will spend a few hours with one rope tying contest. Ernest Norris won second and Glenn Dunbar and Stewart Lyle tied for third place. EDA MARUARDT, County Superintendent. The Delights of Life. The delights of life are lost, if rheumatism or neuralgia begin to fill your days with tormenting pains. But here is the blessed message: Triner's of his patients, Miss LaRue, at the St. J Liniment will give you quick relief. Joseph hospital. it is very efficient also in sprains, C. S. Wortman of Claremore, Okla., I strains, ewellings, etc. Price 25 and came in this afternoon from South Bend and will spend a short time here looking after some matters in connec- 50 cents at drug stores, by mail, 35c and 60c. To think nothing of colds and coughs is a common error which tion with the closing of the estate of has caused much sorrow to many fam- his father, the late Charles Wortman of South Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNurlin and daughter, Miss Nora, from south of Louisville, were visiting with Platts mouth friends and relatives for a few hours last Saturday, and while here paid the Journal office a brief call. ilies. Triner's Cough Sedative is a reliable remedy for colds, coughs, sore throat, asthma. Price the same. Jos. Triner, Mfg. Chemist, 1S33-1331) S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Took the Hurt Out of Her Back. .Mrs. Anna Byrd, Tuscumbia, Ala., Frank has been one of our mighty writes: J'l was down with my back so good friends during all the years that I could hot stand up more than half we have resided in Cass county, and the time. Foley Kidney Pills took all he is always a welcome visitor around of the hurt out." Rheumatic pains, these "diggens. I--I"I"I"M'M' M'I'M' I..f,.X..I..I..I..I..I..I..IMMl.I..I.M..M. swollen ankles, backache, stiff joints and sleep disturbing bladder ailments indicate disordered kidneys and blad der trouble. Sold everywhere. W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. East nf Riley HoteL Coates' Block, Second Floor When you are in search of some thing that will make an acceptable Christmas gift call at the Christmas shop of St. Mary's Guild in the Hotel Riley block and select your present from their stock of fine needlework. Remember the date, Friday and Sat urday, December 8th and 9th. FOR SALF, New upright piano; will take second-hand upright as part payment. Inquire at Electric Shoe Store. 10-21-tfd&w FOR SALE. A Parmele Theatre! ONE NIGHT ONLY Monday, December 4 Million Dollar Doll! (Direct from the Boyd Theatre in Omaha) A Musical Bubble with a Swarm of Fun and . Music Dispensers! 3rd Successful Season and Everything New! Special The Big Run way over the heads of the audience. Prices 25c 50c, 75c, $1 Seat Sale Friday A. M. 14-H. International Gas Engine, mounted; 1 Keystone 2-hole sheller, mounted. All in good running order. Inquire at The Journal office. ll-29-2twkly Box Social In District No. 97. There will be a Box Social and pro gram at the school house in school district No. 97,., two miles east of Cedar Creek, Saturday eve., Decem ber 2d. Everybody invited. MISS SOPHIA JIROUSEK, Teacher. FOR SALE. Hot water heating plant for 7 or 8- room house; in good condition; bar gain. T. H. Pollock. A good smoke is a satisfaction to a man and this can be found in the use of "Acorns" the cigar that is .the best in the . world for 5c. Call for "Acorns" to secure smoke satisfaction. Have you examined our line of Christinas Cards? The largest and most complete assortment ever dis played in Plattsmouth. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Uco For Over 30 Years Always bears ... the Signature at NEW SERIAL STARTS AT THE GEM FRIDAY On Friday evening at the Gem theatre will be preser-ted the last epi sode of the great feature play, "res. of the Ring" which has attracted thn closest attention from hundreds of the movie fans and it will also be the com mencement of the great serial, 'Libt1' ty" presenting the opening reel, "Fangs of the Wolf." Both of these nre well worth seeing and should bo taken in by the lovers of good up-to- date pictures. The Fangs of the Wolf James Horton, a wealthy land owner in Mex ico dies at his hacienda in that coun try, leaving a will which makes Major Richard Winton and Senor Pancho Leon the trustees of Horton's vast estate, and they are created guardians of his daughter and only child, Liberty Horton, aged seventeen, the will com manding that Anita mu?t not marry before reaching the age of twenty-one without the written approval of both trustees. Liberty spends a year at the Winton home and then goes to her late father's estate in Mexico, being es corted there by Major Winston and Captain Rutledge. They are made welcome by Pancho Leon and his son. Manuel. Captain Rutledge is in love with Liberty and she has much affection for him, but Trustee Loons son, Manuel, becomes Rutledge's rival for Liber ty's hand despite Manuel's amour with the jealous Theresa. A grand ball concludes the fiesta and here Pancho Lopez secretly plots to abduct Libert y to the mountains and hold her for ransom, the pros pective money to be used to finance a revolution against the Mexican gov ernment. The plan succeeds and Lopez and his vaqueros seize Liberty late at right and carry her away to hiding place, where she is held cap- llVP Pedro escapes from his captavity with the Lopez band and hurries back' to the Horton estate, where he tells j Captain Rutledge and Major Winston of the abduction of Liberty and they summon their crew of Texas Rangers to go to the rescue of Libertj. The Lopez gang succeeds in carry ing Liberty to a high mountain fast ness and tli row a mammoth rock down to block the trail. Rutledee and his band are stopped by the hugs rock and he sends a ranger back to tne ranch for dynamite to blast out the rock. The man returns and while the t explosive is being placed a message ! s found demanding $10,000 as ransom to release Liberty. Rutledge shouts up the mountain side that if Liberty is harmed all the Lopez gang will be punished bv death when caucht. Lopez, from his mountain lair, sends word to an insurrecto chief, Alvira, to prepare for an attack on an America'- own near the border. Pedro, the serv- ant, manages to creep ink) the Lopez j camp, finds Liberty and aids her to j escape from the gang, Pedro hurling some sticks of dynamite into the Lopez j encampment and causing them to seek cover. RETURNS FROM MISSOURI. E. M. Mooreland, who has been down at his old home in Worth county, Missouri, for the past few weeks, re turned home a few days ago. He was visiting with Plattsmouth friends for few hours Tuesday evening, and vas a very pleasant caller at the Journal office. We enjoyed a few moments chat with him of the people and the conditions surrounding our old Worth county home. Enoch tells that while in Missouri he sold the old Mooreland homestead of 160 acres, of which he was one of the heirs. Mr. Mooreland says that he intends to ocate in Nebraska, and may buy a small tract of land in this county. A. A. Wetenkamp and W. S. Weten- kamp departed this morning for Om aha, where they will visit for the day. They were accompanied to the metrop- is by Bertis Schultz, who has been isiting at the A. A. Wetenkamp home for a few days and who is returning home. ol Money in Eggs. Eggs are not bankable but the money from their sale is. This money is yours for the effort. How do you treat the hen that laj-s the Golden leers? Dr. B. A. Thomas' Poultry Remedy will keep the poultry in good condition and increase the yield in . t .1 eggs. We guarantee this and reiunu your money if not satisfied. H. M. Soennichsen. Puis & Gansemer. The handkerchief booth at the Christmas shop of the ladies of St. Mary's Guild will be one of rare at traction. Dainty and beautiful gifts from all over the United States will be offered for sale including a beauti- ul handkerchief sent by Mrs. Wood ow Wilson. You will find a very nice assortment of at our store. Get one to roast your Thanksgiving dinner. iunOCx OCQSl GIVEN AT THE T O i? O ma; Oil ivsning. DECEMBER 2 EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED MUSIC BY HOLLY'S ORCHESTRA Touring Car $360 Runabout $345 Sedan $645 Coupelet $505 with $22.05 freight added. We have adopt oil the Fonl schedule of charges for all repair and overhauling jol and have engaged Ray Hitch man and Guy Rec.-e to look after that branch of our business which insures to all Ford owners prompt and efficient service. We carry a complete stock of Ford parts, automobile Supplies, Tires, Tubes, Chains and Radiator Covers! BRING York FORDS TO ITS FOR R FPAIRS AND OVERHAULING. "Buy your Ford now and pay for it as you use it if you wish. Call and investigate our plan. We can make immediate deliveries of Ford cars. T. H. POLLOCK, FORD DEALER, Office Tel. No 1. Shop Tel. No. 58 Plattsmouth AT THE Gorman Hue- Saturday Evening, DECEMBER 2 Everybody Welcome Gentlemen 25c Ladies Free I.1usic by the Plallsmoulh Orchestra