The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 30, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    ill -iiiiiitiS&feiai
r- "
It Happens In Books.
T is ti.iid remember
many l ! 1 1 n r- wlieu death i.-
ittifii!t..i.f .in.! fin d-ics: nurl
rC;J ila.vs soiiietl'ir.c: bad been dy
in:; bard in Stci'heii O'Mara's breast.
His step v as slow that afternoon when
lie drew sip-irt r take up bis position
alone upon a l it of ui-.'ier around, bis
iih ;:lw'. is heavy and drix-ping, yet Ids
brain wa feverishly active.
Tbf.v aiae slowly at l'.rst S'ieker
shim's loirs tbiiddinir beavily, one by
i. ne. irto the underpinnings of the
bridge, siidiujr free or lodsinir cross cur
rent, as the case mizht be. then in a
tlii -ker -jtml thicker tide that jrround
.".ml up ended and settled "with the
weight of the coffee colored flood be
hind it. In the Leghmins: the handful
of men who bad put those timbers into
place set themselves Jo'ired!y to save
their completed structure until tl man
who laid worked with them shoulder
to shoulder through the ni.cbt called
them with a nod back to the bank.
Obediently then they collected in a
small knot behind him. murmurous,
;:utturally gnimliliii-r.
The comin:; of Wickershauf s men
was not a thim; of decrees. They pour
ed into view tliror.-rh the brush frinc:;'
at the north ode of the marsh and
baited, but only for an instant
""Who is your friend at the time
when you need a friend? Ilarrhraii.
that's me:' '
"llarrisrnn. that's me!" . And there
camp a lull in the valley at Thirty
Mile, broken only by heavy breathing
ami the crunch of loirs jamminir be
neath the bridcre and the uidy swirl of
backed up water.
And then Ilarriiran stood forth. Jaivz
mius da n sling, palms back, almost to
Ids knees, that red headed one minced
forward on the balls of his feet. Har
ridan was redeeming a promise many
weeks overdue. It was spring, and
Ilarriunn bad oino back!
"I'm here." he spoke to that bowed
head, "if you are afthcr carin' to wel
come me!"
'I've been cxpeetiiur you. Ilarrigan."
Atrain that startlinir mildness.
There is little wonder that it deceiv
ed Ihe riverman. listening, "watching
O'Mara's slack form, even Fat Joe's
face burned, even Archie AYk-kersham's
dared flash in triumph. And Ilarrigan's
went savagely exultant.
"You talked out loud to me once." he
(minted. "Js it so diihcult you find
it now to speak up su I can hear'.'"
"Would you promise to listen to ar
Vililicaiion tore at the other's lips un
til friend and enemy marveled at what
Steve took in silence.
"Vou have beiruu many things in
this eounthry." the lomr tirade end
ed. "Vou came out of these woods
with rairs :i your back and started at
bcin" a gcntlcman'when we were only
blioys. You've mace a gr-reat suc
cess it with the ladies, we'll irr-rant
you that. Fm vou should have stuck
to your soft and lily white pastime, for
when you aimed to turn this river into
a gentleman's proposition you started
soniethiuir too nig for you f finish. I'm
takinir it off your hands r.cv7. Can't
T'-.-.i even talk back like a v
"Maybe you nre right. Ilarrigan."
Steve saifl. "Yen may be I do not
know. I have started bis: things ami
left them unfinished. Rut you ate
wronir for the rest of it. Ilarrigan. for
i am iroiair to finish yon!"
Like a blast of wrath O'Mara lifted
and struck him. Ilarrigan's hands had
nut left his hips before he met the
ground, and he was back on his feet
like a bounding ball, only to go down
again before the smashing impact of
, those blows. Caution he tried to use
in rising, and they searched out his
face, his chin, and drove Lira hither
and yon. Open tightin
was not the
river style of fighting, and he closed
tiiis time aud wrapped his gorilla arms
about this fury who fought witfi light
ning strokes to keep him off. His
greater weight o'crbore them both. lie
b-oke away, and his hobnailed boots
pishing out bit the flesh of O'Mara's
templo--thcy tore 't!-e turf where his
face had been.
There was "madness in Harrigau's
hideous roarings of hate, madness in
his blind rushes, and his bull strength
availed at first. He weathered destruc
fion and managed to close again. This
time the lighter man was ready for
Tie scuff of those, armed boots. He
t .vistcd and covered his face with his
e boulder, and only his shirt ripped open
to iPt blood stream from the rent. On
their feet they rocked to their knees!
Faces grindics into tlie "earth, they
k strained and broke away. And always
Harrigin came back and found him
blindly. Once his hairy hands search
ed O'Mara's face, and O'Mara's fore
head went wet with the agouy of fin
gers tearing at bis eyesockets. Drop
ping, be escaped that gouging grip.
Coming up, be caught Harrigau's cbm
and turned him over backward.
llarrigau squandered bis strength in
drunken rushes, his breJth in screams
of hate. And now Steve was laughing
aloud, fie fccrSir that she was 'watch
i?5" W Fh -
ing, laiew what loathing was "in her
ej-es. And be he was a riverman!
Sobbing for air, dripping crimson from
forehead and shoulder, he set himself
and swung from the waist. Like a
pole axed ox Ilarrigan stopped as he
was lurching in. His mouth sagged;
his eyes flew wide in a fixed and stupid
stare. Then his legs folded under him
andJio swayed limply down. But that
blast of wrath would not lot him lie!
It raised him and beat him down
again; raised him and beat him down.
By his throat Steve swung him up by
throat and buckled belt. High over his
head he swung that bulk and lashed
forward from his heels. And Ilarri
gan went back to his panting follow
ers. Twisting and spinning, his body
swept Shayne and Fallon to the
Allison had not stirred, nor putty
faced Wickersham, nor the girl who
stood with hands nt breasts. And now
toward them Stephen O'Mara wheeled.
His legs "would fail him. and he
steadied them. Blood blinded him, and
he wiped it away. Swaying giddily,
he managed somehow a smile.
"Wickersham. I have met the roan
whom you hired to fight for you." he
called clearly, "and he has earned his
wage! Are you man enough to step
forward now and fight for yourself':"
Wickersham clucked drily in his
throat and lifted an elbow to shield his
face. Shrinking back behind the first
shelter that chance afforded him. he
put the girl between him and bis fear.
And then weakness seized upon that
sick and swaying man, but he spoke to
her to the unspeakable horror in her
"Barbara," he called thickly, "Bar
bara:" He groped toward her, and she cried
out and drew back from such hands
as those. Then a black wall rose be
fore him and shut her from his sight
Fat Joe caught him as be fell.
Like huddled sheep O'Mara's men
and Wickersham's watched Joe bear
He Set Himself and "Swung From the
him up the hill. Shayne and Fallon
were bending over Ilarrigan; by the
others he lay ignored. It was a mob
without a leader until, as is the way in
all crises, a new leader arose. Rig
Louie," stolid face no longer stolid,
strode between those two factious and
achieved the unknown heights for
which his eyes had always hungered.
"I work for no man but is a muni' he
boomed. "That bridge she still is
Steve had bidden Hard wick Flliott
j watch these men if their big moment
ever came. And Flliott and Allison
watched now. They were sheep no
longer nor malcontents nor misled tools
of cunning. Like wolves they followed
that nameless man who was out upon
the jam. Vickersham's men were
back on the river, but that bridge
would continue to hold. And while
they worked, while Elliott and her fa
ther watched spellbound, bliudly Bar
bara Allison turned, with no thought of
what she was doing, and walked into
the brush.
The river was running clear by dusk
when they raised the first hue and cry
for her. It was dark when a runner
borttoo news to the cabin on the hill
side ihat she was missiDg. Aud when
men had been beating the woods for
her for twelve hurs as best they could
iu the dark and no word came that she
was found Fat Joe no longer dared let
lie in sleep his friend, whose body he
had cleansed and bandaged. At day
break Joe waked bim and told him
Barbara was lost. They tried to argue
with him, for his knees were still un
steady. Lvcn Allison, whose jovial
body seemed to have shrunk during his
hours of waiting, tried to convince him
that the men now looking for her
would find her sor?n or had already
found her perhaps. But he brushed
them away, while he was dressing.. He
,t . .7
threw o:T the bands that tri.'d to'detain
Lim. And it was Steve who found' her,
as he bad known it would be, just be
fore a second night of dread was cios
lug iu upon her.
In circles of-ever increasing radius
he traveled at u fox trot, "which
thoughts of Fallon and Shayne and
He Carried Her Now to That Cabin
Which Stood on the Balsam Knoil.
Ilarrigan would not let him abandon.
But lie h:td run her down when ho
caught sight of her. for she fled like a
wild thing before him. Floundering in
a cedar swamp, soaked to the knes.
little blue befurred suit heavy with
black muck, be came up with her. Shu
was kneeling, shaking with terror, face
hidden by her loosened hair, when ho
bent over her and raised her to her
"l'lease," she whimpered, "ch,
Yet when be spoke her name her
head leaped back, and &he recognized
him insiantly.
"I tried to wait." she chattered v.ith
all the voice she had lefi. "I tried to
sit still until some one came for me,
but I thought I knew the way. I tried
not to listen to the noises. I remem
bered about the stars, and 1 knew 1
shouldn't run. Rut 1 thought you
were I thought you wore"
Remembered tern r choked Iicr. Con
sciousness slipped away.
Ry the same trail whiclmnce had lei
bim tv the "city" of Morrison 1 o car
ried hev now to that cabin wha-h stood
on the balsam knoll in the crook of the
wet 1 'ra.nch.
His head was spinning from fatigue
and the throb of the jagged tear above
his temple when the b g hubding.
streaked white with clay chinking,
loomed up ahead, and yet involuntarily
he stpiKd there a moment with his
lie bad pk ture d 'many times a night
when be should brief- her there, with
both of them watching the moon in
the rapids and listening to the waves
lip!-ng the hanks. This was net that
night. That night would never be. Rut
the ro'o'.Ho!i "and bitlern-ss were gone
from his heart. After he had removed
her wet shoes and stockings and brush
whipped suit and sheer b!a--.k blouse
r.iid she slept the sleep of exhaustion
into which she had slipped from un
consciousness without even openiug
her eyes he built a tirjj and sat befure
it until morning came. And when it
dawned and she waked dazedly while
he was preparing breakfast he bad fin
ished reconstructing many things.
Her eyes went from wall to Avail,
frightened still and juestioninir t first,
so he merely nodded and went outside
and left her to remember alone. Re
turning with wood on Ins aim. h
found recollection of much in her ga.e.
She was looking at the thru heeled,
buttoned boots before the fireplace, the
stockings and furred garments cleaned
of mud and dried on the 1 nicks Oi
chairs. A cloud of color stole up from
the blanket edge at her throat to the
line of her hair.
"Vou Avcre wet," he explained s im
ply . "and you were too spent to help
yourself. I could not let you sleep in
,"1 understand," her answer faltered
a little. "I was just thinking. I knew
such things happened, but I thought it
was only in books."
Drowsily she watched him bending
over frying pan and coffeepot, content
herself to lie and rest. Rut after a
time, with fuller awakening, the band
ace about his head claimed her atten
tion. To her it seemed impossible that
this smoothly shaven man in clean blue
shirt could b the same one who had
emerged from a struggle still sicken
higly brutish to her. involuntarily she
shuddered a little without knowing
that he watched.
"I am going to the spring for fresh
water," he told her then. "There will
be time for you to dress, and breakfast
will be ready when I come back."
Submissive before his tone she re
plied that she was hungry; that she
would be ready too. She bad donned
blouse and skirt and stockings and
id iocs and finished braiding her hair
when be re-entered. He showed her a
ti bashi outside filled with ic;v water
for her face and hands. And then lhcy
Fat down iu siienre t breakfast.
"1 told you you would find out
some day," Barbara mv.rmute 1 finally.
"I warned you you v.ouid wal:e sud
denly and see how shallow I am."
"Waking has been no sud:!cn thing
with me. 1 finished with dreams a
long time back, but you are what you
have bojui always iu my thoughts. It's
conditions i've waked to. not you!"
i With unwitting ' gi-ud'iiess he had
sometimes tpokeu to her. but never
with such coulraiiied vehemence.
"Why should I find' fault in anything
you hare df;xie cr failed to do?" he
demanded of both her and himself.
" Why shouid you be apologetic or xs-
two davs ago has heia ,, , to ?
your worni aim m-u-i ocv.Hl hut I '
can't find it in myseir to be ui;ol j
eitber, because it is a part of iQiUe- j
again any day. It was a vulgar brawl
to you: to me"
"Not just a brawl." she contradicted
quickly, anxious to be understood:
Just oh, so needlessly brutal. At
first it left me only dazed and nause
ated, but after I had had time to think
I made myself see your side of it.
You must crush insubordination. And
still it seems r.s though there might
have been a less horrible way."
"He had balked my work," he told
her sternly. "He has fired upon me
from cover when he dared not come
out into the open. lie has been taking
money for his vork from a man who
was bent on boating me at any cost.
Could I in k him please not to spoii my
bridge V Is that jour idea of a man's
way? This is my work, and while I
continue in it men who oppose me with
their brains I Aviil light with my brain.
Rut men who force me to meet them
with fi-ts I must beat with Ifke weap
ons. There is no alternative. I have
no choice unless I quit. And that is
the reason I know that this is the end
for you aud me,I My ways would have
had to be c.v.r ways, and we have
learned at last what I have feared for
long and long. They lie too far apart
for them ever to meet.
"I promised to teach you to love me.
and I've failed. And knowing that
my failure is not all my own fault is
not going to make it any easier for me.
You've taught mo loneliness I'm never
going to forget as long as I live, but I
don't love you any the less for thak I
dreamed big dreams for both of us."
His voice was dreary of a sudden. "I
promised I'd make these dreams come
true, because I thought my bfe could
be your life. I've not done so. That
thing could never bo. I've talked big
ger than I could practice, and that is
not going to help my self confidence
any. but as it stands now I can earn it
b'ck. I couldn't have done that if I
had married you and waked some day
to find you shrinking from me. It
would have killed it and my self re
spect, too, to have learned too late that
you believed stiil in your own greater
' I tell you it is not that!" she cried
out. "Can't I make you understand"
"You have made me understand till
I am sure,' he slated. "I am no longer
vexing myself with trivial things. You
have been unoer'ain. I have seen that.
You are certain now. Aud the funda
mental thing remains unchanged. In
me there is that man who once man
handled Ilarrigan and you didn't
want me to touch you! You don't have
to te'l me any more that you can't love
me. When you drew away from me,
that was enough."
She sat and watched him put the
room in order, and that hurt her more
than anything else, for be would not
let her help. He made her change her
high heeled hoojs for moccasins, which
he brought and laced upon her feet.
Rut the remainder of the day it was
the old Steve who helped her over the
bad bits of going and talked discon
nectedly of many things meanwhile.
And yet no longer the old Steve, who
had been so entirely her own. Hers
was the sad face when they entered
the clearing at Thirty Mite', and a
hoarse shout saluted her return. In
her father's embrace she clung and
wondered that she did not cry. And
two pages had turned for her that day,
for she scut "Wickersham. back his ring
the same night the private car rolled
down to Morrison.
Ila.rrigan was with Archibald Wick
ersham when the package, unaccom-
pameu Py explanation, reached the lat-
.or in h
tor in his hotel room in town.
"Go out and get him," said Wicker
sham. "And see that you get him
for good."
(To Be Continued. "
Quanantire Yard and Inoculate Live
Stock; More Caltie Appear
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 27.-
toms of the infection for which federal
and state live stock experts have quar
antined tbcTl-ical stock yards, fearing
that the condition might develop into
the fcot and mouth disease, has
s.prcad to two steers, other than the
cT-igirnl herd shipped here from
Wp.uneta, Neb., Dr. James Fleming,
local head" of the federal bureau of
animal industry announced tonight.
The calves, hogs and horses which
have been inoculated with virus taken
frorri the suspected cattle have as yet
;:hw)i no effects of the serum. IIow
"ver, veterinarians declared results
were not expected nl this early date
nd it probably would be Wednesday
before the. infection would, make it
fclf evident.
Doubt on Salina, Kan., Cass.
A report, that foot and mouth dis
ease, had been found in the herd of
John Schmidt, near Tescott, Kan.,
was shown Dr. Fleming:. The cattle
were purchnscd in the Kansas City
yards zzt Thursday and the farm has
been quarantined after a government
veterinarian had inspected the herd,
Dr. Fleming paid:
'Thc inspection of the Schmidt
meant to kill him-wanted to uUl Mm j tion in his report said ,typicaJ esions
-because I was certain of our seorn! of the foot and mouth disease have ta? of Hans c: Nielsen, deceased.
Tbif avis vindictive: that was foolish i - , , , . ,,ve lou are hereby not tied that a peti-
That was Vinu.ctne u t ' " been found.' It is possible that al- tion has been tiled in the County Court
for a man. Rut as for the rest or it- lh . , . of Cass county, Nebraska, m-aying for
I know I xnav have it all to do over .,ou-n the tatt'e were in part from the allowance and admission to pro-
herd was made ilt m' order, after
mcic oiici i
their purchase in Kansas City. Dr.
P. I. Kischner, who made the inspec-
' same herd which is iinHfi inmf- I
tion ;n .v,,. i -i i
luc iwlcu jams, me disease
iav ai sumed stacr, vi-Wh Viavo I
u.neu biagcs nicn nave I
not bo-n observed here
To disinfect K. C. Yard
However, I n, :i; , ... , ,. I
4W -bo ..nnillii uti..vC
that Lne conditions at Tescott parallel
tho-e existing here -,l
L-.ot. ck.-lmi iltIv. amj wm nQt term
the Tescott herd affected with b.-i.-f
...luucu to ueueve
attected with hoof
i ,,Vi Jrooco inM
2nd rrouth urease until more conclu-
sivc evidence is obtained."
Kansas City and St. Joseph markets
Welt: Ljicioui icsi.riCt.eU
- . .- r- -i-.-i Ttnf, i:nnir -1 . . i i
ouarar.tine tcday. Incoming Khip
ments were permitted only in cases of
cattle fcr immediate slaughter. N'0
developments have been noticed at St
Joseph where the Wauneta herd was
f rfl ji n A watered on their way from
An order which will go into effect
tomorrow morning and via mciuae
the disinfecting of the stockyards,
- 1 1 i i
even to the live stock exchange build
ing, the office and trading center.
(iovcrnintnt Makes Tests.
Washington, I). C, Nov. 27. It will
be several days before federal ex
perts can determine whether cattle
held at Kansas Citv have foot and
mcuth disease, said a department of
agricuitine statement issued late to-
dav. Innoculation tests are beinj at Kansas City and here.
The dcpr.ttment advices covered one rusnecled case cf the disease,
i m f x , t nr a I
a :-nij oi caiue iit.un twiuutia,
ilv). Reports of local quarantines im-
pesed in cities in the mid lie west
drew from tlie department this state
"On the twentv-first instant there
wrro vpfpivn nt Kanrns f ltv stock
i ci cattle snipped trom wan
, . .
ncta, Neb., unloaded and fed at St
Jc?eph on the 20th. Part of these
cattle rhowed !esicns in the mouth
strongly resembling foot and mouth
disease. Fifty-seven were slaugh
tered. Twenty had been shipped to
Tescott. Kr.n., for feeding. Balance
are held under 'lock in Kansas . City
slock yards pens.
An inspection ol the animals on
the farm at Wauncta showed a large
number of horses affected with
mouth lesions, but 700 hogs showing
no lerions. No foot lesions have beep
found in anv of the animals. Kansas
and Nebraska authorities have been
requested to quarantine premises and
shipping pens. Inspectors instructed
to locate and request disinfection of
, i
Ul u:s Uivuntu.
"Ircnpftnrs Stt Joerdi .nrl Kmji-
sac Citv report all OUteroing Shipments
J ," i .. 1 t i a-
fiom these yards stopped. Inoculation
tests are being made at Kansas City
Fcverr.l davs before diagnosis can be
arrived r.t."
Do You Have Sour Stomach?
If you are troubled with sour stom
ach you should eat slowly and masti
cate your food thoroughly, then take
one of Chamberlain's Tablets immedi
ately after supper. Obtainable every
id! ATI
"N Klilt ASK A.
In re estates of Kxekial W. Kennedy
.Mtneda Kennedy, deceased.
Order for Hearing.
Now on this isth d.iy of November.
A. I.. 1 :!. comes Charles )l. Kennedy
ani files I. is petition in this court a
levins: t! at K-ekial W. Kennedy, a resi-
dc-nt and inhabitant of f lattsmouth.
C:i: copntv, Nebraska, died intestate
on tlie L'lth dav tf January, l!i.", seized
of the fee simple title to bt three (".
block tv.entv rai. Citv of i'lattsmoutl
of the value "f Sl.MIO.OO vhich was the
horn. s!cad of said deceased and hi
farnilv. and that the said deceased 4eft
::-.;-vivinp: him as his sole and only
heirs at law his widow. Alineda Ken
Tiedv, and U'I-t children known as L.
flaiiche Nortbeutt. Ilertlia L. Craldll
and Charles K. Kennedy, all now Of
b-"-'l ;iKe, and that n appli-ati'n has
ever been 'T.aoc in tie s.;tte ot ;e
braskji, or eisewheit-. f'r tlie appoint
ment of an administrator of said es
tate, and that more than two years
have e'atsed since the death of said
ks-ckial W. Kennedy: that on the 1.1th
flay of September, f.'OIl, for a valuable
con-idera l ion. the tl-ree children above
mentioned (-nit-claimed all their ripht
and Interest in the above described real
estate to Almeda Kennedj-: that on I he
HMh dav of April. 1 0 1 . Almeda Ken
:,edv di-d intestate, seized in fee simple
of the al ive described real estate, and
left surviving: her as her sole and
oalv bei.-s ai law the thre children
above ni-riifd. which said children upon
the death of said Almeda Kennedy !e
eame vested with I lie entire owenership
of said above described premises: that
tlie said real estate above, described is
whollv exempt from attachment, execu
tion or otiier mesne process, and is not
liable for the payment of the debts of
tiiid decedents, or either of them.
lie pravs the court for an order lix
ine time and place Tor a hearinu: upon
f;iid petition: that the regular ad-r,iin'--i
i -at t"M of said estates, and each
of them, mav be dispensed with, and
for findings of facts upon tiie alte
rations in said petition contained, and
for a decree of heirship.
Whereupon it is ordered and adjudged
th?t said caus" be set down for hearing
on "the -Oth day of Iiecember, A. IX.
l'Jlfi, at the boor of 10 o'clock A. M.
at the County Court lloom in the City
i f f la te tnmii h. Cass County, Nebraska,
arid that all persons interested in said
estates mav be notified of such hearing
bv pub! lent fon of this order for three
successive week pi -ioi in said day f
bearing in the I'lattsmouth Journal, a
lc'-rat newspaper published in said
Countv and State, and that if they fail
to appear and contest said petition, the
Court may enter a uccre as asked.
73v the court.
Judse of. Courity Court of Cass County,
Attorney for Petitioner, 1021 W. O.
V. Bldg., Omaha.
OF AN 1 1. 1.
in me county coui
NeIbnro,llaM,(tnr nf .i
In the County Court of Cass County,
le Kstate of Hans
c - Nielsen, deceased.
it. of a t?rtyjn written instr'inint.
now on file in said Court, purporting to
'e the last will and testament fo soio
ut ceasefl 1,11,1 a "earing win i.e Had
ii,K.n .s.-nu ti.titiin i... t,i,i rnn-t
in the County Court Room, at Platts-
nouith, in said County, on the "9th dav
November. 1910. at the hour of ten
eft - lock in the forenoon, and if vou fail
j,, appear at said time and place,
sllou' -"ue. if any there be, whv
instrument should not be proved.
!oWeU al(1 atlmjtted to I)ro,;ate ps
Ii,st win aml testament of said
lo appear at said time and place, and
L".' V" 1 i1M" testament of said te-
1 ,' l" cause, lr any tune
'.' execution of said w.ii. and
p a( rmnisiration of said estate HmulJ
entai y issued to win-am Nielsen, who
is nominated in said will, ns ovnor
i , . . . -
cheroot, tlie Court may allow and admit
said will to probate, and issue letters
t' stamentai y then-on, to said William
s- i l .'"' 4,."U l,,'"-t-t,l I" a .settlement of
fated this 4 1 1 dav of November. 1P1G
I 1
(Seal i ' uniy juoe.
1 !-(-:! wks weekly.
in the iirut
Olirt of r-na ('......
A,1nlr.l, H-...l ."TI !
nel 'Vt , V 1 vs. Katherine
. ,-tiee of .sa!e.
of an order entei ed o ' , M"Vv ? y T. !'.tl1
Ottober. 1!1. bv the 1 it . i A' .' .
Cass County. Nebraska, "1
going entitled cause. I. ti. nnde, L ,i
sob- referee appointed by said l. nit'
will on the L'Ttli day of November' rnr'
at 10 o'clock. A. M. at the S..uih d'oo'r
of the Court lioiise in the Citv of
flat tsmouth, in Cass Countv, N-braska
offer for sale, to the highest bidder' for
cash, all of Lots One (t) and Two '
Hays' Addition to I'lattsmouth, Cass
Itef eree.
Atty. for flaintilT.
fO-l'l 5 weeks.
( (di TI colli 'I' ' Till-:
i ti
ie matter or the estate of James
JI. Cassity, deeeased.
Notice is hereby driven to all per
sons interested in the above entitled
estate that the administratrix of said
estate filed tier petition asking the court
to enter its order ascertaining who all
of the heirs of said estate are. and also
I f iner us oroer allowing: and approv
I , ., I , n, .i ... i. i. . . : .,
i iii uri iiiiai turuiim mru llll aiu
petition, and for the distribution of the
residue of the est;ite in lier hands to
such persons as are by law entitled
A hearins: on said petition and ac
count will be had at the office of the
County Jude, f lattsmouth, Ca,ss
County, Nebraska, on the 7th dav of
November, 1916, at tlie hour of ten
o'clock A. M.
Hated this 17th dav of November,
By the Court!
County JihIkc.
C. A. 71 AWLS.
A 1 1 orney.
First puMieat ion, AHoidav, November
ro, l'Jlti. 1 week.
Tin: nu ATI coi ht oi- tiii:
CO I Ml OI-' CASS. MllllltSKA.
In JJe Instate of .John Kelly, deceased.
To Mary Kelly, widow. Mavrsrij Shee-
I. an. .7ohn Kelly. IMwaifl Kelly, Nellie
Keiiy, wiinam Kelly and to all persons
lt!l t-rest en :
You it re 1iot1iv vtotlfio.l 1 Lot -i
Itition has been tiled in the above court ii:ul uonii rfiiy, a resiuent antl
I .,11....-:...- .1.... T.-i. t - ii . - .
I inhabitant of the Countv of Cass. Ne-
'raska. died testate o:i October !!!:
therewith be allowed as the last will
and testament of naid deceased, and ad-
mitted to prtdiate ami that Letters
lC-7l,a,!"nti.,!i'i;.'U,e V'.U' "IVl
I it i 1 1 1 i-iitt ii, ' " .- u ci iiaiuru
executrix' and executor thereof: tbat a
"fin inn win of iiiii iim shim petition
at the office of the County .ludfje. Court
House, f lattsmouth. Cass County, Ne
braska, on Ieeember 11th. 1916. at 9
o'clock A. M. before which hour all ob
jection thereto must be filed and at
vhich time orders will lie entered in ac
cordance with the rindiniTH of the court
liy the court this 10th day of Novem
ber, A. I)., lltlfi.
County Judrre.
W. A. Kobeitsoon.
First publication, Nov. L'O, 11)16. 3 wks.
i.i-:;al aotici:.
Iu the County Court.
State of Nebraska,
County of Cas.
In the Matter of the
Estate of Adam
Kurt z, deceased.
olice nt Finnl Sell lenient.
All persons interested in said estate
are hereby notified that on the 14th
day of November, lOtr,, Adarn-M. Kurtz
filed bis petition in said County Court,
pray im? that his final administration
account filed herein le settled and al
lowed, that he be discharged from his
trust as administrator, and that the
real estate and the residue of the per
sona.! property he assigned to the per
sons entitled "thereto by law. That a
hearing will be bail upon said report
and petition before this Court in tlie
Court House, at f lattsmouth. in s-aid
Count v, on the 11 th day oi Iiecember,
101K, and that if you fail to appear be
fore said Court oi said 11th day of
December. lfJlfi. at ten o'clock A. M. fuiN
contest said petition, the Court may
grant tlie prayer of said petition and
make such other and further orders,
allowances and lecre s as to this
Court may seem proper, to the end that
all matters pertaining to said estate
may be finally settled and determined.
Witness my hand and the seal of the
County Court of said County this Kith
dav of November, A. I ..
x. County Judge.
First publication November 20, 19 16. S
Milk in Winter.
Why do your cows give less milk
in winter than they do in summer?
Just because nature does not sup
ply them with grasses and green
food. But we have come to the as
sistance of Dame Nature with 1?. A.
Thomas' Stock Remedy which con
tains the very ingredients that the
green feed supplies in season, only,
of course, in a more highly concen
trated form. We guarantee that this
remedy will make your cows give more
milk, and better milk with the same
II. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Gansemcr.
CREAM, 37c,
at Dawson's store,
Tt( t: of i-hoiivtl:
NOTici: to ui:iiiToni.
State of Nebraska,
Cass County,
Iu iuiily Court.
In tlie matter of the estate of Harmon
LJestor, ueceased.
Vol ire is betebf iriven to the credit
ors of aid deceased that heurinfs.s will
be had upon claims tiled against saio
estate, before me. County jieige m t --s
County. Nebraska, at the County Court
room in I Ma ttsmout h. in said oimlv.
on tee .tmi iay or iecemoer. ij". im
on tlu I'Htli lav ot .June. in. ai in
o'clock a. m.. eat h day for examiaa
tio.a. adjustment and allowance.
All claims must le iiieu in sam i-ouil
en or oeiore sum last uoui m in-
"Witness my hand ami seal ;l sai'i
Countv Court, at flat t smou t li, .-ei.ias-
ka, this 2"th day of November, imh.
Al,Li;. J. lil.l.M..
(Seal) County ,lud;e.
Firsit publication 1 1 -L'T -1 V 1 -4 wks.
i.i;;.i. MiTicii
To Ebenezer G. Laugblin and Alice
Lauglilin, his wife, HaddV Johnson,
widower, Fove Johnson and Myrtle
Johnson, his wife, Setli Johnson ami
Neva Johnson, his wife. Simon John-.-111.
widowci, Ktimia Coleman and Wil
liam Coleman, her husband. Mary fear
son. wiilo.v: and Nancy Hysbam and
Vein J. llvsham. her husband. Amelia
Cuter ami Tler Carter, her husband.
William S. Hetbel and Jlattie Helbel.
b:s wife, Kstev fanl, widow, liny fan I
and Mis.Mtoy Paul, (real name un
known his wife. Key Howman ami
Mr:-. lloy IlowuiMi (real name un
known bis wife, Kate Zeiitler mil
Alva Zelglc-r, her husband. Amelia I!.
Clark, widow, Margaret Clark, single.
Lulu Clark Cook and I' M. Cook, her
husband, itertha Clark Lyon and T. L.
Lyon, her husband. Francis H. Loom is,
John Luomis, widower, Frank Iletlicl
ami Mrs. l-'rank Hetbel (real name un
known 1. l is wife; William I'au.. wid
ower; Charles l'.etbel and bis heirs,
devisc.y, lealees, personal representa
tives and all persons interested in bis
slate, I), c. IVarsou, als-i known as
I 'ana C. lV;irson. . Matilda feaison,
Adalaska 1!. Pearson, Ijota I!. Pearson,
and tl.eir heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all oilier per
sons interested in tlie estates of the.
said I. C. IVarsnn. 1 . Matilda Pearson.
Adaiaska 1:. Pearson and Rosa 15. i'ear-s'-n.
and the unknown owners and
claimants -f the following described
real estate, to-wit: All of lots L'. :;, 4
and ;. north or Salt Creek, in the.
southwest imaiter of the southeast
iuarier ol section the northeast
Miarter ol the southeast oiiarler of .
tion .'I.
'he tlOitiiV.'st I'l.'t' ' t'i..
on I beast
piarier l l he soiu h- a-.l.
the Hi I ! - it :i t I 1 i :i I I i. ,f
iiiai'!t r of
section 2i, the so,,;i., .piatter of
sect ion 21, tic : ouu.w. st .uarl. r or I h..
n.u tbeast ooarl. i io" s. i ii,,,, -
the northwest m-i;.!I.; of section '1 all
in township i any.. ;.. cilss i,u',av.
Nebraska, and any and all persons
claiming to have s-n nuht. titi.. or in
terest therein. Defendants.
Vou. and each of you aie h rehv noti
fied that Otto F. IVf.i,. as plaintiff,
las tiled an action onanist oM and . a. b
of you. wit'i others, in the Iiti .t
Court for Cass County, Nebraska u.
object and purpose of winch a re to
iUict and confirm In the plaudit! lie
title to and possession of the foh-v
described real estate, to-wlt: All i!r
lots 2, :t, A. 5 and i north of Salt Cn-.
in the southwest nnarter or the suuti -east
quaiter of section 20; the north
east quarter of tlie southeast quarter
of section 20; the northwest quarter
of tlie southeast quarter and the south
east quarter of the southeast quarter of
section 20; tlie southwest quarter of
section 21: the southwest quarter of the
north east quarter of section 21, and
the northwest quarter of section 21: all
In township 12, range 5. Cass County,
Nebraska; to correct certain Irregu
larities in the record title to said real
estate, to remove clouds tast upon tho
title in said real estate, and to per
petually enjoin you, and each of you.
and anyone claiming by, through or
under you, or any of you, from every
claiming or asserting any right to or
interest in said real estate, or any part
thereof, or the possession thereof, ati'l
lor general equitable relief.
That service upon you, and each of
you, was authorized by an order o lbt
District Court lor Cass County, Ne
braska. Vou are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday, December
2.".. 1!1. or said title will be quieted ami
tlie lelief granted as prayed.
J 'iaiiitifT.
li. I-:. HENHKICKS, Att y..
' Wa boo. Neb.
First publication 1 1 -1 -1 !i J . 4 Weeks.
notici: to rucDirtms.
State of Nebraska,
Cass County,
In the natter of the estate of Laura
Standley, deceased.
In the County Court.
Notice is hereby given to the creditor
of afrt deceased that bearinus will Ik;
had upon claims tiled against said es
tate, before me. County Judne of Cass
County, Nebraska, at the County Court
room in I'lattsmouth, in said County,
on the 11th day of December. 1!tl and
on the 1 2 1 1 1 day of June, 1 ! 1 7 at 1
o'clock A. M., each day for examination,
adjustme-it and allowance.
Al! claims must be tiled in said court
on or before said last hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at i'lattsmouth, Nebras
ka this 10th day of November, l'Mfi.
(Seal.) County Judge.
First publication ll-13-llt.
ix the rorvrv coikt or tiiij
tdl.M'V IF CASS, -N 10 II It A Mi A.
In the matter of the estate of William
M. Standley, deceased.
To all persons interested in said es
tate, creditors, and heirs, take notice
that Flysses (i. Standb y, has lib d Iih
petition, alleging that William M.
Standley, died intestate in ('ass County.
Nebraska, on or about the lit t day fit'
October, JH IO, being a resident and in
habitant of Cass County, Nebraska, and
the owner of the following described
real estate, to-wit:
Southwest quarter of section thirlv
CiO township ten 10i range nine Ci
east th P. M. Cass county, Nebraska;
Leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law, the following named persons, to
wit: his widow, Laura Standley, and
the following named children;" Eflic
J. Standley, now EfTie J. Dillon;
daughter; Elihu M. Standley, kmh;
Florence II. Standley, now Florence II.
Siiaw. daughter: Dick It. Standley, sot-;
t'ly.sses ;. Standley, son: all of "whom
are now of hiwful hk'-. uuiI prying for a
decree barring claims;
That said decedent died Intestate;
That no application for administration
has b-en made, and the estate of said
decedent lias not been administered in
the State of Nebraska, and that the
heirs at law of said dei edt nt ti.i herein
set forth should be decreed to la; tin
owners in fee simple of the above tie
scribed real estate, which has been set
lor hearing on the illi clay of .Decern tM,
By the Court:
(Minty Ju'j-i
publication, n-n-me. a -ri7,.J
cessiv e
Notice is iriven that bv viriu.. ..
Chattel Mortgage, dated Aucim -.-.
191 a and tiled i.- office Of fin r t
Clerk of Chkh Court y. Nebraska, on tb
same date, executed by George W. oi
sen and wife anl now due- tbe'rou
$03.r."i : Default lias been'matle in pay
ment of said sum and no suit at law Ims
oeen instituted io recover sad dol.t -
therefore 1 will nell the ni ooeri J
therein described, viz: 1 bay mate kk'i
10 years, weight 000 pounds.
"Nellie." 1 Express watton and Klniri.
harness, at public auction at ntl. u,..i
Main streets in Plattsmouth on tlie Mb
day of December, 1916, at 1 o'clock u
. Mortgagee.
Dated November Ij. 1916.
First publication, Nov. 16, 1916. 2 wks.