The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 30, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Insure the mmM
Mappmess ot.
Yoisr Little
Any parent charged with neglect of his children naturally will be
come indignant. Still there are some parents who, through carelessness,
neglect to provide for their welfare.
The little ones must be protected. There is no better protection than
a bank account.
If You Haven't an Account Open One Today
For the Children's Sake
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Puis were Omaha
visitors Monday.
Offer 100.00 for your car if stolen,
if you are insured by J. W. Holmes.
Dr. J. W. Brendel and wife of
Avoca were Sunday visitors with
friends and relatives in Murray.
Tom Cromwell, the rustling land,
cattle and grain man. was in Murray
for a few days this week, visiting at
the Frank Vallery home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Puis and W. II.
Puis and family, spent the day last
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Herren on the old Puis home
stead, west of Murray.
Ed Gansemer, from west of Murray,
was in town Tuesday with a very
sore thumb, from the effects of hav
ing: it caught in a clothes wringer or
washing- machine.
Arthur Freize, who has been here
for the past few weeks husking corn
at the Frank Little farm, returned
to his home in Fairplay, Mo., the lat
ter part of last week.
The annual bazaar given by the
ladies of the Christian church last
Saturday was well attended, and ev
erything1 sold well and brought good
pr ices. The ladies took in almost $90,
which will be turned into the church
Dr. P.. O. Young, who has been in
Chicago for the past few months tak
ing a post graduate course in medi
cine, will return to Murray this week,
and after a few weeks' visit with
home folks expects to locate some
where in the western part of the state
for the practice of his profession.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barrows of
Omaha, came down Saturday evening
and spent Sunday with their brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Barrows, returning
to Omaha Sunday. They came down
in their auto and Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Barrows made the trip with them, re
turning on the midnight train.
'Thanksgiving Eates
California Asparagus
Sweet Potatoes
Egg Noodles
Peanut Butter
Vesper Peas
Vesper Corn
Vesper Kraut
Vesper Beets
Vesper Cut Wax eans-
Chase and Sanborn
For Insurance of all kinds see J. W.
II. C. Long returned home last Sat
urday from a business trip to his
farm lands in the western part of the
These are just the evenings for
reading that book that you have
wanted all during the heated sum
mer months. Good selections at the
Cards have been received here from
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lyman, of Vale,
S. I)., announcing the birth of their
daughter, Mary Duran, on November
Sth. Mrs. Lyman was formerly Miss
Lena Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Young of Murray.
Word has been received here to the
effect that Miss Kate Nye, member of
the Nye family, long years residents
of this community, but now of Wash
ington, was re-elected county clerk, at
the recent election. Miss Nye was a
very popular candidate and seems to
have "made good" in the office.
Mr. and Mrs. John Porter, who have
been living in Minnesota for the past
few years, returned to Cass county
the latter part of last week, having
sold their goods at sale a few days
Ago. We have not learned where Mr.
Porter will locate for the future, but
understand that he will make his
home in Nebraska City for the winter.
Thanksgiving services will be held
in the United Presbyterian church at
10:00 Thursday. Rev. W. M. Jack
son, of Topeka, Kas., will preach the
sermon. He is assisting the pastor,
his father, in evangelistic services,
and preached each evening except Sat
urday since Wednesday of last week.
He also preached last Sunday morning
and will preach each evening this week
up to Friday, when he will leave for
his home. Communion services will
be held in this church next Sunday,
the pastor preaching both morning
and evening.
G rapes
Nuts all kinds
Del Monte Peaches
Del Monte Strawberries
Del Monte Raspberries
Del Monte Black Berries
Best Coffees and Teas.
. Tutt,
Mrs. Chas Carroll was an Omaha
visitor Wednesday.
Mr. Anderson Davis has been sick
for the past few days.
Mrs. Glen Campbell has been quite;
sick for the past few days.
Phil Lambert and George Gibor
were Omaha visitors Sunday.
Dr. G'Imore and Frank Vallery
were Plattsmouth visitors Monday.
Murray was well rep reserved at the
Clarence sale at Union Tuesday.
Mrs. Tracy was an over Sunday vis
itor at the D. A. Young home in Mur
Albert Young and carpenters are
remodelling the Puis garage build
ing. Mrs. Lulu Lough lidge is engaged
as nurse at the Ales Rhoden home
this week.
For Sale Just one extra good
spring male hog left at the Oldham
Stock Farm.
Miss Pitman, of California, is vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.
J. Pitman, Murray this week.
Mrs. D. A. Young departed last
week for a few days' visit with her
mother over near Moorehead, la
Light Brahmas I have about thir
ty Light Brahma roosters for sale. G.
S. Ray. Murray, Neb., R. F. D.. No. 1.
Phone 1H24
John E. Gilmore celebrated his sec
ond birthday Saturday by inviting his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Walker, to take dinner with him.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rhoden are re
joicing over the arrival of a new baby
girl at their home last Sunday morn
ing. Mother and little babe are doing
There were several auto loads of
Murray young people and some of the
old ones too, that attended the dance
in Plattsmouth lat. Saturday eve
ning. Mrs. Wm. Hull, of Big Cabin, Okla.,
her mother, Mrs. Beins and daughter.
Mrs. Leonard, spent Tuesday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Long in
M u rray .
Born to Mr. and Mrs. WW Wiles,
last week, a fine baby girl. Will
boasts of one of the finest girls in the
county, also does grandfather Lau.
who resides near Manley.
John Stones purchased one dozen
Light Brahma roosters of G. S. Ray
this week. They are well pleased
with them and Mr. and Mrs. Stone
say they are the finest chickens they
have ever had on their place.
Cromwell & Vallery, the rustling
real estate men, sold a section of land
in Perkins county to the Zimmerer
Brothers, bankers of Avoca, this week.
It was not the able salesmanship, so
Mr. Vallery says, but the goods that
closed the deal.
Searle Davis passed through Mur
ray Monday evening from his home
in Lincoln en route to New York City,
where he will attend the Public Speak
ing Association. He will also visit in
Boston, Baltimore, and other cities of
note in the east before returning home.
This lad is "from Missouri" and
wants to be showed' Orville Bobbins
shucked 55 bushels of corn one day
last week He will not be twelve years
old until his next birthday. He is not
from Missouri, but if any eleven year
old boy can beat this Orville saj-s,
"come on boys, you'll have to show
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Countryman
loaded their household goods here last
Wednesday and departed for theii
new home near Lewellen, Neb. We re
gret very much to see such families
leave our midst, but at the same time
wish them happiness and continued
prosperity in their new location.
Mrs. Edith Taney was taken to the
hospital in Omaha la3t Wednesday by
Dr. B. F. Brendel, where she was
operated on for an abcess. Her
mother, Mrs. Wm. LaRue accompa
nied her daughter, and remained With
her up to Monday of this week, when
she returned home leaving Mrs. Taney
resting well, with every indication
for a speedy recovery.
J. W. Holmes, of Plattsmouth, was '
visiting with Murray frends Tuesday. !
and for the first time in all his automo- ' I
bile career he came very near getting
in where he was unable to get out He
was looking after some business mat
ters over east of Murray and travel
ing where the roads were rather slip
pery with ice and snow and he slip
ped off to the side of the highway,:
where it looked for some time as
though he would be compelled to call
for assistance. By the aid of chains,
a small bit of perseverence, and no
doubt a mild and even temperament he
succeeded in landing the car on safe
and sound terra firma and came on his
way rejoicing with no bad effects ex
cept an injured eye, received by some
flying missle that acidentally came his
way. Where Jim gets in bad with a
car the other fellow might never get
out. ,
If any of the readers ot tb
Journal know or any social
event or item of iiitrr-st i
this vicinity, and will man
same to this office, it will ao
pear under this Leading. We
want alluewsiietts Editoh
Mrs. Frank Dill has been numbered
with the sick for the past few days.
Sheriff Quinton was looking after
some legal matters in Murray Tues
day. Mr. and Mis. I. D. Hiatt Sundayed
with friends and relatives in Platts
mouth. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Ruby has been on the sick list for the
past week.
Omar Yardley was looking after
some matter of business in Omaha
W. E. Countryman shipped three
cars of sheep to the South Omaha
market Monday.
Minford & Creamer shipped a car
load of hogs to the South Omaha mar
ket Monday evening.
Chester Shrader is spending
Thanksgiving week with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Rob't Shrader. at South
Side, Omaha.
M. C. Baker, who has been here for
the past ten days, visiting with his
son, A L. Baker, departed Monday
for his home in Clay Center.
Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Smith aie the
proud and happy parents of a fine
new girl baby, arriving at their home
on Thursday of last week.
Attend the Bazaar at the Presby
terian church on Saturday, December
9th. Dinner and supper will also L
served in connection with the baznar.
J. W. Burton was looking after
some business matters in the cur.ty
rent Saturday afternoon. He was a
pleasant caller at the Journal cilice.
Mrs. Anna White and son, Fran
cis, of Winters, Calif., have arrived in
Muiray and will make their home for
the winter with Mis. White's mother,
Mrs. F. M. Young.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Ramge drove
to Plattsmouth Saturday for a short
visit with relatives and to attend to
some bus' es?, matters. Mr. Ramge
was a pUasp.nt caller at this office.
For the present there seems to be
a complete standstill in the corn shell
ing business in this locality owing to
the fact that the railroad company
cannot or will not furnish the elevator
cars for moving the same. The shell
ers have all stopped.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hi!d, Louie
Puis and Chas. Read were Omaha vis
itors Monday of this week, driving up
in Mr. Read's Velie car and Mr. and
Mrs. Hild returned home with a fine
new Hudson Super-Six that was pur
chased through the Louie Puis agency.
This is one of the finest cars made.
and Mr. Puis has placed a number of
them in his territory during the past
few months.
Christian Church Notes.
Bible school at 10:00 a. m., preach
ing and communion at 11:00 a. m.
Sermon, "God's Dealings with a Dis
couraged Man." The subject of the
evening sermon will be "An Honest
Remember the Bazaar at the Pres
byterian church on Saturday, Dec
9th. Dinner and supper will be served
Come and secure your fancy articles
for Christmas and take dinner and
supper with the ladies.
Itch. Itch! Itch! Scratch! Scratch!
Scratch! The more you scratch, the
worse you itch. Try Doan's Ointment.
For eczema, any skin itching. 50c a
CSTVf U ---7J.'J.TH'-'--! wilt
Peg 0' the Ring
the 10th episode of this
great serial.
"Never Again
a Nestor comedy
ti ri n ft
iuc raise uem
a Laemmle drama
Saturday Evening,
Show Starts at 7:45 Sharp
It would be impossible for presi
dent or governor to write a joyous
Thanksgiving Day proclamation, as it
is impossible for anyone to look for
ward to the day as one to be observed
with lightness of heart.
This is ruot because we have been
"-Leu wuh famine or nestilencp or
"'"iVKab e riisnsror Tkn , 1.,,. n
tie ntid;?j it is true hag been of
than usual miQ:.. u... , .
1-nuiJ, uui us vaiue nas
been more than usual. For a larei
part of the people the time is nn
extraordinary prosperity. It is not
because the past year has not been
rich in blessings to us as a people, but
it is because, as the president says,
"the whole face of the world has been
darkened by war."
The president had not written ten
lines of his proclamation before that
awful thought had to be expressed.!
We could not have a joyous Thanks
giving in 1914. VVe hoped the strug
gle would be ended in another year,
but it was the same in 1915. Then we
did rather expect that the exhausting
conflict could not last much longer,
but here the last. Thursday of Novem
ber in 1910 is at hand, and we are
still under the pall of the direst visi
tation that ever has fell upon human
ity, and are less bold to predict, even
indefinitely, when the end will corre.
Some students of the catastrophe are
telling us that it may not be half
We cannot be glad under such ter
rifying and dismaying circumstances
as these, with a constant danger that
ve 'Uirselves may yet be drawn into
the whirlwind of fire and blood. We
are indeed grateful to Divine Provi
dence that ;n the ordering of the af
fairs of this world we have been
spared the manifold curses of war,
but our gratitude, is exceedingly
solemn. It is with fear and tremb
ling. We beware of feeling that we
are a people chosen of fortune or of
Providence, or of deceiving ourselves
with a sense of security founded on
sentiment of self-righteousness. We
hear the old voice, "Bring forth, there
fore, fruits worthy of repentence," and
fancy it paraphrased into, "Bring
forth, therefore, fruits worthy of
We do not need the suggestion of
the president as to how to do that,
though he has expressed what the
hearts of all must dictate. We do in
deed know that it is our duty in this,
a day of peace and abundance, "to
think in deep sympathy of the stricken
peoples of the world upon whom the
curse and terror of war have so piti
lessly fallen and to contribute out of
our abundant means to the relief of
their sufferings."
That is the only way to make a
proper Thanksgiving Day out of it.
e can t observe it aright with a
gratitude that is subjective and selfish
Thanksgiving Day is an American in
stitution, but for once, at least, our
eyes must be on other lands rather
than our own, our hearts must be at
other tables rather than our own.
Lincoln, Nov. 28. Keith Neville's
plurality for governor was increased
by 102 by revised official returns re
ceived by secretary of State Pool's of.
fice Monday. His lead over Judge A
L. Sutton, with this correction, was
The state canvassing board met yes
terday at the secretary of state's of
fice, as required by law, and officially
signed the certificates attesting the
tabulation of the official vote.
Certificates of election will be issued
by Governor Morehead and Secretary
of State Pool to the successful candi
dates for supreme and district court
judges and for university regents. On
all other state offices, as well as on
presidential electors, the congressmen
and United States senators, the legis
lature will canvass the vote and de
clare the results on January 3 or 4,
after which certificates of election will
be issued by the governor and secre
tary of state.
Members of the legislature will re
ceive their election certificates from
county clerks in their respective dis
There will be a box social given at
the Cullom school house in School Dis
trict 30, on Saturday evening, Decem
ber 16. Everybody invited.
Ethel Seybert, Teacher.
This and Five Cents!
Don't Miss This. Cut out this slip,
enclose five cents to Foley & Co., 2835
Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing
your name and address clearly. You
will receive in return a trial package
containing Foley's Honey and Tar
: Compound, for coughs, colds and
croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley
Catholic Tablets. Sold everywhere.
That's a sure combination.
Thousands upon thousands, tens upon tens of
thousands of perfectly browned Thanksgiving Turkeys
will come out of air-tight MONARCH Ovens to grace
the festive boards of happy families this coming Thanks
giving Day.
If you want to insure the success of your Thanks
giving Dinner, replace that old range now with a MONARCH.
Hardware and
Miss Marigold Gano, late star of
Hammerstein's "High Jinks company,"
heads the big musical comedy success,
'The Million Dollar Doll," which plays
here at the Parmele theater on Mon
day evening, December 4. The Du
buque Telegraph-Herald in speaking
of Miss Gano's work says "her ap
pearance, singing and dancing, and
all round cleverness makes her work
delightful and she is destined to be
come a big little star before long.
The "Million Dollar Doll" is this sea
son's greatest musical attraction. Pa
trons are urged to reserve their seats
early. Seats on sale at Weyrich &
Hadraba's drug store.
For baby's croup, Willie's daily
cuts and bruises, mamma's sore throat,
grandma's lameness Dr. Thomas'
Electric Oil the household remedy.
25c and 50c.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
in order to cure it you must take an
internal remedy Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is taken internally and acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed by one of the best physicians
in this country for years. It is com
posed of some of the best tonics known,
combined with some of the best blood
purifiers. The perfect combination of
the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is what produces such wonderful
results in catarrhal conditions. Send for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo. O.
All Druggists, 7Gc.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Watch This
Big Holiday Goods
We have a large and complete line and
want you to see them before buying.
Puis & Gansemer,
Implement Gq,
Stop! Look! Listen!
You may need an Auctioneer
if so
is still in the ring You will find
on the Murray Exchange.
Reverse AH Galls!
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Rates Reasonable
Plattsmouth, Hebraslca
Route No. 1
Metz roadster, in good condition,'
$175. Buick, 1917 model, 5-passenger
six, slightly used; bargain. T. H. Pol
lock. Doing the Work.
W. T. Nanney, Noel, Mo., writes,
"Your B. A. Thomas' Hog Powder
is doing the work down in this part
of the world. It proved to be what
we needed to prevent and cure hog
cholera and expel worms."
H. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Gansemer.
Remember that S. J. Rcames sells
the latest books published. Harold
Bell Wright's latest works.
Space for Our