JL 7 '-v r v 4 1- I 1 I 4- a MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1916. fa 8f& (ml K one ) i1 ' .i'V-fcvStoHT. iis. tav i he w.K.-t.r coupon r I ; . : " U ' i n i ; , . v. . i i " " CHAPTER XIX. Setting the Stage. Ili'Iti; aic two interviews which should be mentioned here If lor no other reason than merely because they were both so entirely the outcome of Miss Sarah's Christmas party. Neither of them was lonjr. The last one which took jilace between Wiekershaui and the girl lie w;:s to marry was the brief er of the two. liut her prettily seri :r.s nrcrument that the 1st of May was too early a date for their woddiujr in view of the work which he had to lo and her own state f unprepa redness left hiin so white of face that she felt guiltily sorry for him for many days to follow felt faultier still at the relief she experienced when she had estab lished that reprieve. The other inter view was longer and took place days earlier, but it was no more of a delight to Archibald Wicker sham. Iexter Allison had returned home al most a week in advance of his daugh ter, pleading stress of business, but in trite of the demands upon his time and attention he had found it impossible to forget the ni-ht of the dinner, when he had watched his daughter's eyes upon Stephen o'Mara's face. He had been troubled more than a tittle .since his Christmas trip to Mor rison. The niht ;-: fore New Year's Wickersham was announced at 1. He was thinking of ISarbara's mother when he beckoned his guest to a chair, shook his head over his red cheeks and offered a cigar. "Devilish cold weather,", he grunted none too gia'iously, for he had not wanted to be disturbed just then. The younger man admitted that it was. His mind plainly was not upon the weather, but l.e found difficulty in introducing a topic of his own choos ing. Outspokenness had never been no of Archie Wickersham's boldest characteristics, so Allison assisted hini now. Allison liked a man to be out spoken. " "Well." he demanded, "let's hear it. What's on your mind?" There are times when hatred will be tray almost any man. Hatred now led Wickersham to speak not wisely, but with venom. "I want you to refuse to renew your name on the Hast Coast notes." he said. "They are duo on the second." Few men had ever said "I want you to' to IexUr Allison and. as he put it. "got away with it to any great ex tent." And of all nights this one in particular was the least likely to prove propitious for such an attempt. That was Wii'kersham's oversight. "So:"' said Dexter. "So! Well, now for your reason." Wickersham had not learned until after r.arbam's departure that she was spending the holidays in Morrison, for he had himself expected to be away. And it is only fair to the girl to say that' she had honestly forgotten to ap prise him of hor plan, in her real ex citement at going, but linding it out for himself had not made the fact any plcasanter to Wi -kersham. "It should be clear enough without explanation" he enunciated each word nicely 'if you want that road they are buiiding." Allison glanced up, surprised at the tone employed. "Meaning of course I do," he mused. "And yet and yet I don't know!" Tear burned in the tall, thin man's eyes that night fear that made his hatred for the absent man who was teaching him fear anything but a pret ty thing to watch. "I've tried to buy off their men." He was holding himself with an effort that irfndo hini tremble. "I've held up their supplies on every track that we con trol, but they've had the luck with them. They've made up lost time by working day and night. I've" "You've set a drunken fool to steal his plans," drawled the other with deadly sarcasm, "like :i second rate one night stand villain. Don't forget tr mention that tool" His lounging lrdy shifted a little. "Archie do you remember what I t 'ld you nlnuit that woods rat, as you called him once? Did I tell you that he would tight? Well, listen, and listen closely, while I repeat it for you. He han't even warmed to it yet!" Wickersham went yellow- at that, but his icy self control held firm. He did not break into vituperation this night, lis smiled, though his voice was only it whisper. Men have dropped out of sight be lore now in those woods," ho husked. ' I'll win or I'll see that he lies and rots in one of his own sink holes." A big at times voice is a wonderful weapon Allison's Looming bass made Wickersham's threat seem only mean :id -hollow when the heavy man leap ed to his feet and shook a finger under that high bridged nose. 4 "No, you won't!" he snapped. "No. you wou't! And if I didn't know, after hearing ou talk, that you tavea't stuff enough in you to dac;5rcu3 I'd fix you to you'd be in no condition to bushwhack anybody for the next six luontLs. I'm in a bad jnopd toniaht. lb! Drop "out dTsight.-eh?" You'll play this fair fair at least as I see it by my Standards, and they are better stand ards than yours. You've come dictat ing to me, ordering me to slip a knife into their backs. Are you that kind of a sneak? Did you think I was? Now. listen again, and listen well, for I mean "What I say! "I want that railroad if the man who is building it is too weak to keep me from taking it away from him. Hut if I don't get it on such a basis I'll know that there is a man at the head of it who is big enough to take care of my share of it. Have you got that? Very well. And now go back to your melodrama if you want to. Steal his it "It is wonderful wonderful wonder ful!" men if he will let you. Fight him every inch of his construction that is your job and I'll still insist that it is his fault if he is tardy on the 1st of May. But it's you and O'Mara from now on, Archie. I'll be a spectator now. And, by gad, don't you ever conic- aear me again with a .request' that 1 don't you ever let me bear you threaten that 7ju" Allison's face was suffused before he finished, and Wickersham, astounded past utterance, slid from hi chair away from that flourishing hand which had become a fist. It was no scene to take place between a man and his prospective son-in-law. liealizing that. Allison tried to laugh deprecatingly at his temper. "Go out and get him, Archie," he in vited. "I'll be watching, don't doubt that. And I know how much you want to win. It's a bigger stake than most folks realize!" The same day that more than half of O'Mara's men went on strike and de serted to the reserve company's pay roll the- news reached Allison that a trainload of laborers had been shot in to take their places thot-e very types of laborers which Steve him felf had warned Elliott would not last an hour in the event of trouble. For a week Allison wondered that there was no clash between the displ.u-ed men who believed that the river was theirs alone and this new corps which Garry Devereau was handling at the lower end of construction, not by phys ical prowess, as Fat Joe had ruled, but just as surely and all because, as Joe himself put it, he could damn a i man merely by bidding him good morn ing. "Honey crossed north today to have a look at his winter cut," Joe would observe to his chief at supper at Thirty Mile, and before the night was many hours older Allison, too, ii Man hattan, would have learned by wire in less picturesque phraseology that Archie Wickersham was missing no chances. "They have now finished hauling their logs to the river," Joe told Steve, one night after a prolonged scouting trip. "They are turning their atten tion to their float dams now." And when that news was relayed to the big man who never ceased to watch he understood why there had been no violence w hen the - rivermen went on strike. It was the bitterest January that the hill country had known in twenty years, but mile by mie that month the twin line of steel crept steadily into the north under the urgings of Garry's smooth voice. The snowfall for Feb ruary broke all records for half that period, but Steve, with his handful of men at Thirty Mite, put his piling down. Amlthen it rained it rained until small brooks ran torrents and th? tiver tumbled white and thunder ous its entire length. 1 The saow went off the last of March that spring, and the gorges could not carry away the water. The sun turn ed summer hot. It burned the higher ridges dry while the valleys still lar hidden in flood. It was August tem perature the third Sunday in April, when Stephen O'Mara stood and watched beneath the- glare of kero sene torches his bridge at Thirty Mil? go into position between dark and dawn. There was no man among them that day who did not show upon his face the strain they had been under. They were few, they were unshaven ami dirty and lean as hungry hounds, but they were the men whom Steve had once bidden Hardwick Elliott to watch, once they had begun to seeut combat. Fat Joe was no longer plump. Steve was worn down to actual thin ness. And it would have taken a care ful eye to have selected the chief from their ranks that Sunday. The huge timbers had dropped into place like bits of jig sawed puzzle. At 3 in the afternoon, too tired both in body and soul for elation, Steve watch ed them drive home the last spike and heart their hoarse effort at a elisor. He had turned to start toward his shack, not like a man who knows that the end of a well nigh hopeless task is in sight, but like a beaten man. The 1st of May meant more to Steve than any clause of the Last Coast compa ny's contract could convey. He had not had even one letter since he put her upon her train. Wickersham's iin pearance on horseback at the head of the valley, jacking his way around the flooded meadow, halted him in his heavy footed climb. A whistle shrill ed far to the south of them, down the completed track. And then, after ten years and more, they were face to face ayaiu. "That bridge will have to go down!"' Wickersham was breathing hard, for all that he had been riding. going through with day!" He had dismounted, him. "You're a whole my drive to- Steve smiled at week previous. Wickersham.'' he said wearily. "I'll be signaling for your first load of logs in less than sir.ty hours." Archibald Wickersham wished that he could have believed it impossible, for it would have given him couraue and lent conviction to his stand. I'.ut he knew just h v fast those few le maining miles of ojr.-n roadbed would be spanned. His eyes were furtive. There was no body to h'.s voire "My mer. are on the hanks, blu.-tored. "My first Load of log-: started down. It's too late to :i now too late for your promises none but foo's ever believed." sure irrevocability of what he v.v.s lie has rgue that The say- ing blanched his clunks. "1 cannoi o ruled. wait for a mlracl? to be 5 'jr Mv timber must come out on t:ns flood. v Stephen O'Mara had whipped hint once, but men had interfered. This day chance or d-.-siiny or fate what ever vou may choose- to call it saved him from destru weary mai: who tioii. The lean .'UK hail mt been out cf his ( lothes for three days and thr-. e nights, save for a plunge in the hy liver, had taken his first step forward when the w histle screamed a m ater Vv'arning. She had ' told him that sin? would come to see the lini-h of hi; ?i; he had long sin. o st pp:n ;.e ! but ving that. And now when she stocd and waved her hand at him from the brass railed observation platform of Ar son's private car which a switch en gine, out of patience with the gradu. was shunting across the lower end of the clearing he could only stand and stare dully, no faith in his eyes. The loud pi;1 id of her father's garb flashed behind her in the doorway. "Are you that kind of a sneak? you think I was?" Did Hardwick Elliott's line face .peered over his shoulder. And Wiekershaui. who had not seen his fiancee in a month, had started toward them, sthny erect in his immaculate habit. "You should not be here," was all Steve said to her. "This Is no place lor you." He shook hands with the men. me chanically. Allison quizzical. Elliott concerned. He went bac k to his bridge. The water had come up a half foot in the last few minutes some one Fat Joe, perhaps told him. It was suck ing greedily at the piles. And in the north the ominous murmur had be-" come a rhythmic- roar. Wickersham's men were driving the river. They were singing "Hanigin. That's Me!" (To Bo Continue. RED POLL REGISTERED .rroCIv. Those who bpoke for calves. r,i?asc call at my home between now and De cember 1st and get them Some are registered and some are grades. A. F. Nickels. ' ll-20-2twkly PITTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKT.Y JOUHNAE. ARREST iARS THE r1 T U OE&PJS mm rr m mrt K Rl B Btfc. - Mrs. Anna-Doyle-Davis Held in St. Louis as Companion of John J. Davis. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 24. The beau tiful dream ol Mrs. JS.nv.-j. Doyle-Davis of 2723 Douylas street, Omaha, that the would retrain her broken health by an open-air tour of eastern Kansas and Missouri in an iiutomobile. was shat- tered to lay when she was arrested in a room at .'5141 Washington avenue, as the companion of John Joseph Davis, 1512 Ncith Twenty-eighth street, Omaha, and Charles English, alias John Alfred Lewis, whose attempt to rob a drug store at 3201 Olive street ycsterclny rr.orninp: resulted in the death cf the former and the serious wounding cf his companion. Mrs. Davis was arrerted in a voi m which she raid had been occupied by her and English. In another room, which she said was used by Murphy, the police found a satchel containing a large coil of fuse, several dynamite caps, a bottle which had apparently contained r.iti oglycerin and sixteen cartridges of :'S caliber. Murphy was shot down in his tracks during the holdup by Sergeant John riaharty of the i.aclcde station, and English, alias Lewis, was ?eiiously wounded bv "Francis J. Curran, 20 vcars old, night clerk the drug: stor Although th.2 bandits reached St. Louis, according to the admission of English and Mrs. Davis, only last Sun cay afternoon, from the amount of ammunition found in Murphy's room the police believe their intention orig inally wa.; not to do any holdup work, but devote their attention to safes. No Relation to Dead Dandit. iIrs. Davi.--, who claims to be no re lation to the dead bandit, said she did not know the men were engaged in anv unlawful business. She ;aid uc had. met Lngnsh about two rr.omns ' T. ago in a chop-suey resort in Omaha, and had seen him two or three times since. "We left Omaha a week ago last Friday,"' said Mrs. Davis. "At the time English a.d:ed me if I would like to take an automobile ride to Kansas City. I had bec-nn poor health, hav ing gotten out of the hospital only a short time b?fore, and I thought the trip would do me ?rood. "We arrived i?i Kansas City Sunday evening". English had $:0 when we left Omaha, and we f-pent four days in Kansas City. I did not have any reason to believe that the men were robbers. English was with me most of the time and thy never talked anything like crime before me. "After remaining in Kansas City for four days it was suggested that we go to St. Louis, and we took the overland trip here, arriving last Sun day. "We obtained rooms at 3241 Wash ington avenue. "When I reached here I decided that I had made a mistake, and English told me to go home. I had packed up my clothes and was ready to depart Wednesday night, when he induced me to remain with him a w hile longer. I did remain over last night, but had fully made up my mind that I would go today or tomorrow." T.Irs. Davis said she was 'married, but estranged from her husband for the last two years, during which time she and her 4-year-old child lived with her parent-. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doyle. She declared that she had not the faintest idea of the profession of her companions, believing English to be the son of wealthy father, who had promised to "set him up' in busi ness, as he put it to her. English remained at the city hos pital today, a pri?oner. The hotly of Murphy was unelaimen at the morgue. Tho police will endeavor to have the men identified through the Ucrtillion bureau. Lewis was shot in the back and is in a serious condition. Left Omaha Three Weeks Ago. Mrs. Anna Doyle-Davis left Omaha three weeks ago. She packed her trunk and sent it to. the Union depot, inttndmg, according to relative?, to leave for Hot Springs, Ark., on an evening train. The next the relatives heard of her was last Saturday, when her mother, Mrs. Edward Doyle, received a regis tered letter from Kanras City. In the letter were the trunk check and some money to pay storage charges on the trunk. The mother had the trunk taken to her home. In the letter to her mother, Mrs. Davis wrote that she had taken the trip by automobile at the last minute, snd after arriving at Kansas City had decided not to go on to 'Hot Springs. F OMAHA WOMAN She wrote that she would be home in ' a few days. Mrs. Davis has been ill forseveral years. Only last September she under went an operation at the Lister hos pital, arroidincj to her father. Davis Was Neighbor. "I am sure my daughter did not Know that the automobile was stolen," -m ner lathe- last nignt. She did not hnuw John Davis, who was killed, al though he lived only a block from here. She has not been able to climb up the hill from the car line for a long time, and I have not seen her here for more than a year." John Joseph Davis, the man who l.ilirn, but if "- loose it is called was killed, has nine brothers and sis ters living in Omaha, and his mother, Mi-s. Hannah Davis, 1512 North Twentv-eighth street. Charles Kling- i er, Dodge street saloonkeeper and brother-in-law oi me siain man, nas t f i i i gone to St. Louis to bring the body here for burial. Davis was arrested in Omaha last April on suspicion of being connected with a gang of horse and automobile thieves, but was released because of lack of evidence. He went to Mon tana. Neighbors of the Davis family say that they saw him in Omaha three weeks ago. the day that Mrs. Anna Davis left. WORLD-HERALD IS IN ANOTHER LAUD ABLE MOVEMENT The famous old "tow line" of the Omaha World-Herald that has so ofte: served to aid many good movements is now extended in an effort to secui a CniiMmas treat for the boys o the Fourth and Fifth regiments doing patrol dut" on the Mexican border an already is meeting with a very" gener ous response. In order that tne riattsmouth people may have an op pert unity to get in on the good work Mr. M. S. I'riggs, the local rep re sentative of the World-Herald 13 authorized to take care of all con tributions that raav be made in the aid of the Christmas fund. The boy cn the border should have a big Christmas dinner as a gift from the great, state of Nebraska and its citi ;:er.s from their abundance can wcl fi'ord to contribute a small sum to push the good work along. Tbes l.T'.'d young men have given up thei home life, their business as bieat winners and their comforts to go to the front to defend their country am protect those at home and it is fitting that thev should be given this little tribute of affection and good cheer If you have any sum that you may do sire to add to the fund that the Worh ii.r.dd is preparing, call on Mr. Uriggs'and add your amount to the list. Henry Kchne, one of the old resi dents of the vicinity of Manley, camcj in this morning on No. 4 to spend -.the day here visiting with his many friends in the county scat and to look after some matters at the court house. While here Ivlr. Kline found time to call at the Journal office and renew his subscription, as well as to enjoy a short visit with the publisher. fill N TV i t'. i ijt ok c ss m:iiiivsk. I:: re; estates of Iv.ckial W. AlmeJa Ke-iiri'd , dee-eaxed. Kennedy, Order l'er lle-nrin. Now on phis 1Mb day of November. A. !.. trip!, comes Charles U. Kennedy and files his petition in llii.-i e-ourt al-le-.j-j-i , j .,, -.ekial W. K"nn"iiy, a resi dent aa.l inhabitant of 'ia 1 1 smou I h, Cavs eounty. Nebraska, ilied intestate on the I'lth day of January. 1!'", seuz'-d of the lie simple title- to b three ii!), block twejUv c'0. Citv of riattsmouth, of the vaiio- ef il.sd'1.00 which was the l orn -s-e-nd e(" said deceased and 1 is fp.mUy. and that ti e said deceased left survivinj? him as bis sole and only licir.i at taw his widow, Almeda Ken nedy, and three children known as f.. r;iincb Nortlx-utt. Bertha I.. Crabill and Charle:- il. Kennedy, all now if leral as?, end that "no application has oy.-r been made in the State of Ne braska, or e-tse-where, for the appoint ment of an administrator of said es tate, and that more than two years have ejaeseil since the de-ath of said Kekial W. Kennedy: that on the l.".th. day of September, 1 !')!!, for a valuable consideration, the three children above mentioned quit-ela itned all their risrht ai'fl inl--re-st in the above described real estate to Almeda Kennedy: that on the J'.th day of April. l!li. AInie.ia Ken nedv died intesrate, seized in fee simple of the above described real estate, ;nd left, surviving her as her sole and only heirs, at law tie- three children above named, wliieli said children upon the death of said Almeda Kennedy be came vested with the e-ntire owenersi in of said nbove described premises: that the said real estate above described is wholly exempt from attachment, execu tion or other mesne process, and is not liftble for the payment of the elebts of sa'd decedents, or either of them. He piavs the court for an eirder fix inrr time and place for a liearinic upon raid petition: that the regular ad oi i p i .-1 rn t i'l'i of said estates, and each of them, may he dispensed with, and for findings 'of facts upon the alle-f-cit!of's in said petition cjntuined, and for a decree of heirship. oi:ii-:k Whereupon if i erdered and adjudged that said cause be set down for hearing or. the UOtii 'ay of I'ecember. A. !., 191f. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the County Court Room in th City rf I'lattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, sind that all persons interested in said estates mav be untitled of such hearin,? bv publication of tlds order fer three sroeessive week-" pi iej.- to said day if hearinp in the lMattsmouth Journal, a r published in said lcyral newspaper Count v and s-tate. a ml that if tliey rait to appear anel e-ontest said petition, the Ce'Tt may enter a eiecre as abked. Bv the court. ALT. EN J. BEESON, Judre of County Court cf Cass County. Ne l.raska. GERALD M. DrtKW. Attorney for Petitioner, 1021 W. O. W. Bids-, Omaha. Mirici; or- ntmt vTK ttv wii.i.. In the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Instate of Hans C. Nielsen, deceased. o William Nielsen, Sophia Nielsen, and II other persons interested in the es tate of Hans C. Nielsen, dec-eased. i on are hereby notified that a petl- ion lias, been filed in the Count v Court of Cass eoiir.ty.-Nebraska. itrayintr for he allowance, and admission to pro- ale, of a certain written instrument. now on tile in said Court, purporting to the lasst will and testament fo said loceast'd: that a hearing: will be tad upon said petition, before f.ild Court. n the County Court Uooin. at Platts- mouth. in said County, on the 2"ttli day f November, 191, at the hour of ten clot k in the forenoon, and if vou fail appear at said time and place, and how cause, if anv there be. whv said iistrument should not bp moved nl- owed and admitted to probate, as the m win ami testament ot said de eascd. arid to show cause, if anv th re e, why the execution of naid will ml the administiation of said estate should ",L ce granted, and letters testa mentary issued to William Nielsen, who iiuiinm.ie.i in said will, as- executor ttiei-eot the Court may allow and admit !-all Will tO Tll-flhnln !r,,l 1.. VieVir.r!,,a,iy f""""". to said William said estate .-c-im-nu-isi oi 1'atcd this 4th day of November T.tlC Al.l.KN .1. HKKSON, Seal.) u in y .1 mi e. 11-6-:: v.ks weekly. i-:kkhi Id the UiMtrlct rrl f -Neliraxku. C'smn Coil iily. Adolpli Wesch I'l-Ontiir -i- Teipel, et al.. defendants Kath" v-.:, . 1Xo,''' f Sale.' " ce la iieieny ITlVen. t)i;lt by virtue i "i uii vitn-i eiiivieo ,)o tin October. 11C, bv tl. e i ijst Cass County, Nebraska S'oiiiK' en titleel cause. 1. ti' ,. sole referee appointe-d wiil on the 27th day ef .' ' 1Mb dav of rict Court of in the fore-undersine-il, said Court, v e mber. 1!il; at 10 o clock. A. Al. at of the Ctiurt J louse tl'e South door III ti e I'il v ,. j ..I l i ii. M i ii, in as eounev, -Nebraska offer for sale, to the highest bidder' for cash, all of Lots One (1) and Two i i in block Kiprhteen ft 8) in Yuuns "& iiayK -otiamon to riausmoutli, Cass county, AeorasKa. Dated: Plattsmouth, October 21. 131C Wm. A. KOIUSKTSON, Iieferee. JNO. M. LCVDA, Atty. for Plaintiff. 10-2u 5 weeks. i tiii: cdiMi ro i ii r or Tin: (dl TV !' NhillltskA. In the matter ef the estate of James Jl. Cassity, dee-easeet. -soticp is hereby yive-n to all per sons interested in the above entitle'd estate that the administratrix eif said estate filed her petition asking the court ta enter its order ascertaining wlio all ot the heirs of said estate art-, and also e nte-r its oreler allowing and approv ins; her final account hle-el with saiel petition, and for the distribution of the residue- of the estate in her hands to such persons us are by law entitled thereto. A hearing on said petitien and ao eount will be hael at the office of the County Jndare, I'lattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, on the 7th day of November, lUKi, at the hour of ter) o'clock A. M. Pated this 17th e'av of November, 19 Pi. Hy the Court. ALLEN J. HKKSON. County Judtre. C. A. UAWLS, At torney. First publication, Monelay, November .0. 1H Pi. i week. T1IK KUATV I 111 Iff OI' TISI-: CO I MV OK C SS. MOIlIt ASK , in Ke Estate of John Kelly, deceased. Ule. To Mil rv Kelly, wideiw. M;ia ui ' S!ie'. hnn. John Kelly. Edward Kelly. Nellie Kelly, William Kelly anel to all persons int e res ted : You are hereby notified that a pe tition has been tiled in the above court alleging that Jedin Kelly, a resident n-id inhabitant of the Countv of Cass, Ne braska, died teyfate eiri (letohor ti. P'Ti. and i oi.uest in:; that an i est rn men t died therewith be allowe-d as the last will and testarne-nt of said deceased, and ad mitted to probate and that Letters testamentary Issue to Alary Kelly and William Sheehan. respectively namei executrix ar.d executor thereof: that a hearing will be had upon said petition at the office- eif t lie County Judjre, Court House. Pin. tt smou t h, - Cass County, Ne braska, em Iiecember Jltli. 1916, at o'clock A. M. before which hour all ob jections thereto must be filed and at which time orders will be entered in a- eoroanee with the findings ef the e-ourt thereon. Hy the court this 10th day of Novem ber, a. i)., iyp;. ALLEN J. HHESON. County Jtnlfre W. A. Hobe-i (soon, - ttorne-y. First publication. Nov. '0, 1916. .". wks. i.i;;i, Minn:. In the Ctimity inrl. State- ef Nebraska, ss. County "f Cass. In the Matter of the Kurtz, ''ecease-d. Estate of Adam Neillee of I'liuil Svt t Irriien I. All persons interesteei in said estate are hereby notified that o-i the- lttl day of November, lit Hi, Adam M. Kurtz tio-o his petition in said County Court, praying that bis final administration aceeoint filed herein be- setl'ed and al-lotti-il, that he be discharued from his trust as administrator, and that the real estate and the residue- of the pe-r-sonal property be asitrn"d to tl per sons entitled thereto by law. Th:tt a hi-arinfr will be had upejn said re-'Mt ami petition befeoe- this Court in the Court House, at Plattsmo-.ith. in said County, on the 11th day of Iiecember, Ptpi, and that if yon fail t' appear be fore said Court on said llth eliy of December. P.Uei. at ten o'e-lock A. M. and contest saiel petition, the Court mav arrant the- prayer ef said petition and make sue h either and further orders, allowances and decrees as t'i this Court may seem proper, te the end that all matters perta In iiK te srald estate may be finally settled and determined. Witness m band and the seal of the Countv Court ef said Countv this pith day eif November, A. 1 1.. Hi Pi. ALLEN J. P.EESO.V. County Jude. ( Seal, i First publication November I'O, 1 D Hi. wks. Milk in Winter. Why do your cows give less milk in winter than they do in summer? Just because nature doe3 not sup ply them with grasses and "jreen food. But we have come to the as sistance of Dame Nature with B. A. Thomas' Stock Remedy which con tains the very ingredients that the Krcen feed supplies in season, only, of course, in a more highly concen trated form. .We guarantee that this remedy will make your cows give more mjij- and better milk with the same j ' t teed. H. M. Soennichsen. Puis & Gansemer. CREAM. 37c, Plattsmouth. at Dawson's sore, 9-19-d&wtf TAGE s. Mi rn i; in ici:iiii iit. of Nebraska, State Ca- County, In County our. In tie mutter of l he estate of Harmon Best or, deceased. Notice is heieby uiven to tie- clcdil ors of s;i id deceased that In ai iims will be lu.ii inion claim Tib-d dtrainst mid estate, before me. County .linie of ';ts County. Nebraska, at the County t'-oirt room in I'iattsmoiM h. in said t'oinitv. on the Jtith da' i f Ixiembt i. 1'.U;, ami on the L'-it!i day of .lime. 11)17. at M O'clock a. m.. cadi e'ac for e :i :o i n a -tior. adjustment ami allowance. All e-lalms 1'iest be tiled in said o ut on or before said last l.oar of healing. Witness mv ha ml and s'-al of seel Coiintv Court, at Plat tsinoul b. Nchi.is Ua, tb'is L'Tth oav of November. i. a i.i.i :n .1. i ;i:r:s"N. ( vie ) "o 1 1 M t y .1 ud o. First publication 1 1 - -T -1 '. I i- I wk-. m:;ai. Mini i: To Kbenexer (3. Laiil.lin and Alice Lauhlin. his wife, llad.lv Johnson, widower, 1 'ove Johnson and .Myrtle Johnson, his vifV, S-th Johnson and Neva Johnson, his wile. Simon Jolm-s-on. wiibo.-e', Kmma Coleman and W il liam Coleman, her husband. Mury Pear son, wido.v: and Nancy llyslatn and Villi J. Ilvsl.am. her husband. Anol'a Carter and Tiler fatter, her hu-'..ind, William S. Ibllcl and llallie P.clii.l. his wife, i: le. Paul, widow, liny Paul and Mrs. liny Paul, ir-al name un known! his wife, 1 bo.' Il iwm. II and Mr::. i;y 1 In w m ; tl ileal i ui t 1 1 un known! his wife. Kate .eit'ler ami Alva Zeinler. 1 or hu.!al d. Amelia 15. Clark, widow, Mar.ua; e ' aik. single. Lulu .'laI"k Cook and P. M. Cook, her husband. P.eitha Clnk I.v.n and T. I .. il.vo.ii, ler husband. Francis II Lomi, lohri l.iomis, widower. Prank lblh'l id Mrs. Frank l.clhel ire il nam- im- knowni. his wif-; 'i11iam Pant. Wil- ' i ; I ' h;i r... Ill Ilic and his heir..-, ovisoes. legate e-s, Ihim'ImI repres-tit a - ti.s and a '. 1 i-ei'voiis iiili.U"t.il in 1 is ite, I i. c. pcaYson. aho hn iwii as na C. lealsnn. I'. Matilda Pearson, ahi.ka IS. Piaison. l:oa IS Pe.iivon. ami if I e'.rs. llejs(CS. I. -late.-; . !,.; - -o,;i i i ,.pr, s. nt t i i ihteresu , in i -aid 1 . C. Pe.ir:-on. 1 Ada'.a-ka IS. l'e:.i.o; '"'i. iiiiO the ui.kn ciiii::-..: r,t' if the ii '' 1 -ta;.-, ti-wii : and ti. ;.oith of : southwest Ti.Ml.-l' 'i'.iii O r of S(. -it.,,, i'.ial ler of 1 1,,. .,, lion i; ,. i .... . .OI, l ! -:. M,;:,,-., . lUil I! I 1 of the .. . , see-lion -jn, ti ... - e t ion -' 1 , I I e : o ;t llvll t heas 1 e i i I . r . the- north w-.-t Mm. -, in ton ns hip " j, i ., :, Neliruskn, and ela iniin-r to ha e ; , terest therein, 1 ' Vou. ami eae-h oi ;' I.. ! .ill oiler pe I - 1 : i .1 1 i of i I.e. . M.i I ,1.1a I a rso:,. and lsi IS. I'cjii- w n o w i i i and 'I'lV i 11 de.-i 1 i I.e.J . . I ail of .1 -1 :-l n I of lets 'J. 'i eek, in t ! e :-.eM i I i." e :-.e'.l i e.i-t .' 1 1 ! 1 1 :t r-1 !.l! 1 . I' of . ei - a I I.'... lit of I t. I of . oi i e-t ., 1 i ll.l ! I - t : .1. and I i n . 1 . a : I - Co. I . i 1 it oi ' nee: that Otto F 1. P t i u:s fileil an action a; i b of you, with others, i Court for Cass Countv. il I ol.iect and purpose ,',f v. ,. y uuiet and e-onfirm in the- p.,, title- to jind possession ( ,,, describe-d real estule-, lo-wit: lots 1', u, -4. a atnl 0 north of si:i ; 1 1 'I t ! 1 in the southwest ouarter of tlt. r.' east iiuarter of see-tjoa 0; u,0 east uuarter eif the- soiuheat iuaio of section L'O; tlie- northwest Muart.r eif the southeast ouarle-r apil the south east iuarter of the southeast iuarter of section "0; the southwest ouarter of section 21: the senitiiwest iuarier of th nerth east uuarter of section lit. ami the liort h we-st iiuarter of section 21: all in township 12. ra:m- ih 'as County. Ne-braska ; to currt i I e'-rtain irn-Kn. huitie-s in the- re-c'ird title- In said i ea I estate-, to re move- clouds cast upon tho title to said real estate-, and to pi i -potual'y enjfHU you, and each of you. and anyone claiming by, ll.tnuli under yu, ejr any of you, limii i-vciv claiming or assort in;; any i i ir Ir t to or int.'-re-sl in said ie.il e-Matc, or anv pa t tlu-reof, en- the posse-ssiori thereof, and lor srcnerul e-iuitalde re-lief. Tluit service' upon yoa. an! e-ach of you, was authorized by an order of il.o Histrict Court for Cass Cojiity,- Ne braska. Vou are reuulre-d to answer said pe tition on or before Monday. I ii-ceiii bi-r J.". Hi lei, or said title- will l.e iiiiiete-d ami the l clie-f grunted as pi a e-d OTTO F. l'iOTEHS. PI a lot nr. H. E. II ENI iUICKS. Att y.. Wahoo, Ne-b. First puhlieiitiori 1 1 -1 :;-Hilti. 1 Weeks. MITK K TO KHDIIOItS. Stale- eif Nebraska, ss. Cass Ceuinty, In the matter e.f t Stanillcv, e I e e a s d . tap' eif Laura In th- County Court. Nnlii " is here by ivi n to tie- e redit of Miid elecease-d that hearings will is be- h.ad upon e laims f i I 1 aiiinst said s-tate-, before- me-, ('eeiintv Judxe if Cass County. Ne-bt:isk;i, at the- County Court room in I'lattsmouth. in saiel County, en the- llth elay eif I -ce rn be-r. Hi Hi and on the PJth elay of June, Hi 1 7 at P o'eloek A. M., i-ae h day for e-a m ilia t ion, adjustment and a I leiwa nee-. .ll claims must be- tile d in said i unit em en- before saiel last hour of hearing. Witness my haiul and seal i f sa el County CouM, at PlatPmouth. N bia. -ka this H)th elay eif No-i ruber, p.ipi. allen J. i:i;i;so.v. (Se.-al.) County Judif First puo'uation 11 h;-pjp;. IN uii: t in n on ht or tiii: ( lltMl l-" S?, Mdllt sk . I n t he ma Her eif t lie tale e.f Willi. .in M. Stari'lle-y, ele '-e-a.-e-ei. . Te all pe rsons inte-re--te-d in s ii-l e-. . tale, creeiitors, arid In ii.s, lake- ieil that l.'lysses . St a rel b-y, I, a- liN-d !.. petilion, alb-nin tliat l.'illiam StaneJIey, eU-d intestate in Cas., Co.n,' . Nebraska, on oi- about the lilh o.iy e,f (le tobe r, Hli"., be-in- a icsident and n -iliibitant eif Cass Co'irity. Ne hra-ka. a' -l the owne-r of ff e 1 o I Jo v I n ele.aii he ! leal estiite, to-wit: Southwest etiatter e.f e(tiou II. nt :;i.ll township te-n ( pi i rane- nine c i east fith P. M. Cass eimnty. Ne-b-a.-k i; Le-avins' as his -nle- and mih l.e-irs ;il law, the- fnlleiwirnr namel p i s .n , to wit: his widow, Laura Starulb-v, ri I the following ii.itr.i'l h i Id ! . n ; ' 1 ;i. ,. J. Standley, now Ea e- .1. I.'ille.n; 'ht'lirhte-r; I ; 1 1 1 ii M. Srantevt .or.; l-'lor e-ne-e- H. St. indie; , row i-loi. j' Shaw, elatirhte-r ; I i -1 H. Star die., :..!.-I'lys.-es ;. S'.iindley. sou; all e.f wh'.oi are now ..f lawful a--, ;.rnl pi .ink' i"i eie-e re-e birrriiiK elaim-; That sai'l ileer-eler. 1 died iMe;,.,; That ne a;.plie--itien for .-ulmiii si i , i j.,-,' has been mad--, arol th- e-state of ;, o nce-e.lent Tias not be-e-.i ailm i ti u t .. r...i ... ti. State of Nebraska, and that II.. heir.s at law of said ch ee-ibnt as l eu ,,, se-t forth shoubt he de-i-( ed to . p ,. ow ners in fee simple of the- a ben e -srribeel real estate, which 1,.-. i ... , ror hearing on the tth diiy eif Dec-cm b i. l y 1 1. l'y the Court: ALLEN J. It EPSON. County .!id publbaliori. ll-Pi-J-jp;. - First ce.s.si e w- eks. CIIVITEL MOICl; t;i; ..; Nedbe is "iven that t.v iiri,,.. Chattel XIorlSiiKP. elated Aoe.iJi e.f ! HiL". onei file.! in jfii. or t.7.'...' Clei-K of Cass County, Nebraskii e,,i 1 1 ., same date, executeel ,v (;,.,.,.,. e- M. sen and wife anel now due ' , 'j'.i.r,',: Iiefault has been nii.,1.. .. .... rnent of said sura anel no suii u t !.,- ! . . Ireen instituted Hej ree-over v.ii.i a..r - thjiefore I win sell the pre.pcitv' therein elescribeel, viz: 1 bav n are ate in years, weight iubl i. minis ,. 'Nellie." 1 Express wairon ml uiro.i harness, at public- auction at Oti ami .Main ssireeis in t'lattsiiiouth on the sr i jay -ot uecemoei-, l'JJt,, at 1 o clock P. m. D. O. DWYEE. Mortiiagee. Dated November 15. 1916. 'First publication, Nov. 16, 191C. 3 wka.