MONDAY,. NOVEMBER 27, 1916. TAGE 4. PLATTSMO UTTT SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL XZbz p(att9nioutb journal n-BUSUED SEMl-WEKKLT AT PLATTSMOtTH, NEBBASKA. Entered at rostofflce at Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-c'.asa mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher CB9CR1PTION IMUCEi $l-5 v THOUGHT FOR TODAY. THOUGHT FOR TODAY. . I heard the brlls on Christ- I- mas day. their r.M familiar tor- v al play. And wild and swwi ihcir words n-iu-at. :f 'Ti-ace on earth, good will t nun." I.onsfelio. r J Farmers are coming to town. Th'. : c are as many : o : loafers as ever Ti.i is t- le a hard winter. :o : V: . .i-n'Iv stolen sweets are hard - i -to UiCv'St. :o: A i-t;- tin' cim t he measured I v v. Jv.; it costs. which ?as Iieen intolerable f..r ;l.ty years. i no better to. lay. . :o: It i.- !..w a tiht race between ulna', and potatoes as u which will reach the $2 mark f,m. An eastern v.jr. La invented a nail le horselv e. t'. i reducing the men ace to auvr. Me tires-a trifle. :o : T) c J'a.-Mars are reported as al r. having engaged windows from t :o witness the celebration of l: y. :o: Darinr the strenuous times of pros .: ity a man v.T:o h is a strawberry M apjetite and a prune ircome p-eity hard luck. m s I hi n l over bet -. : ha - at last exttr. .' to President l:r. tion. Put b-tt':- : ' c ' r -. w The Rriti.-h "tar, '-:,' ' -. in an nr my's rr, jr. try, "v;a the .-am e I r I .: ; rr. ' r. ta!'.k.-" are in under tc: ' " cum stance? :o : A Plattsmoiith : -aloon keeper i- go ing t quit selling wet goods and start selling dry goods. You can't keep a man of that disposition down. Hast ings Tribune. :o: According to a health expert, a man can live for 250 years on bananas. A safe statement to make, because nobody would try to live that long on nothing but bananas. In order to make limberger inviting after the beer disappears, an eminent doctor has discovered that the lim burtrcr od'r can be extracted bv soak- ing the :-tu.T in buttermilk over night :o:-. Jack London, the noted author, died very suddenly at his home near Santa Po-a, Cal. Wednesday evening of P!en poisoning. We will read no more f Jack London's interesting stories Peace to his ashes. 'i It'.: a wonder to us that the farmers do not get wise to the cornstalk dis asc. Every day someone reports the loss of cattle by turning them in the cornfield. It is not only this year, but cattle are lost every year from this disease. At the price cattle are now selling it looks to a man up a tree as though they would stop turning th'-ir stock in the cornfield:-. :o: One great mistake of the nationa i (.'publican committee was to im Mgine they could formulate public opinion by full-page advertisement? in the metionolitan dailies. Every practical man knows that the metro politan dallies have very little influ ence in formulating public opinion The most effective in this way arc the smaller country dailies ai d t ie weakly press. National Tribune. . 1 .1 KIl VEAU IS ADVANCE wheat shortage and middle- 31 EX. The 1017 wheat prospects are caus ing alarm the world ever.- The area ct winter wheat sown is slightly larger than last year, but the spring wheat prospect is gloomy on account of scarcity of good seed. The same story conies from Canada a nil Russia, where on account of the cold climato only spring wheat can be raised. It is agreed that the war will probably continue through the next wheat har vest and that there will be short crops both in Russia and Rumania. The stories of disaster to the Argen tine wheat crop are not fully credited at Washington or in New York, but there is no doubt that there has been a great shortage there with a very gloomy outlook for next year's crop on account of the long continued drouths. The reports from Argentine are that the crop of wheat there amounted to only 3,000,000 bushels, whereas an average crop would have been three times as much. The investigation into food prices that the government is to make will ,take into consideration a new phase of the middlemen's profits. It is said that a bu-hel of potatoes should be handled at the same cost regardless of price, except a small additional amount for the use of increased cap ital. That is not the way it is done at present. If the middleman make? 10 per cent on a bu-htl of potatoes when they are ?1 a bu.-rv.-l, he now charge-20 wr ccr;. whon tr.c-y are ?2. ard th -re r.ri s'td-tior-al con except t r r. i - . t . r c- t-f r'l J ' r-rim tl'mixT. mat rr-1 , v. f-d in dealing rr.f "':) to th" ":-. t of living. With a v r. -.. -r. 'ji fx ''; h'j'.h a:; is feared, r --i ';- r.rt iSj--.'':)','Ay for lower jric?: of gooM is itiv, . World-Herald. Y'.-.'. n tf : v. - !.! will begin to go ,". '.',r.r'--. i mc-t-ts 3Ionday, De- rr r 1. :o ; Kis.-ir.g a lady on the check is all right, if you don't get more powder than you want. :o: IJefore you forget it do your Christmas shopping early and get the pick of the offerings. :o: During these happy, prosperous times some men wake up famous, while a heep more wake up dead broke. :o:- When a man heralds the loss of hi valuable dog in print and finds nin curs camping on his doorstop next morning, he wonders whether it really pays to advertise. :o: Other cities and towns are prepar ing for a municipal Christmas tree, and why not Plattsmouth? Last Christmas a number of towns had them and they proved of great interest to the children as well as to the par paient:-., and in every instance proved a success. -:o:- Thcre is the bitterest recrimination going on in California as to the re sponsibility for the loss of that great state to the democrats. Such regular republicans as General Harrison Grey Otis openly charge Governor Iohnson with selling ou,t the republican party for Johnson's benefit. Johnson retorts by saying that the old guard in Cali fornia drove the progressives into sup porting Wilson. They managed it so that no progressive could get near Hughes at his visit. Hughes made no mention of Johnson's candidacy in any cf his speeches, and did not mcc Johnsoniat all during his tour of Cali fornia. This was taken as a direc affront to Johnson and to the progres sive leaders, and was resented as such STRENGTHENING THE PRESIDENT. A cable dispatch from Rome to the New York Herald bears upon the claim so often advanced during the campaign 'that under President Wilson the United States had lost standing throughout the world. Thomas Nelson Page, our embassador to Italy, is not only in position to "know the feeling of the government to which he is ac- credited, but he has been able to learn much at .first hand regarding the view tivat is held of us by the governments j of other warring countries. During his visit to this country not long' be fore election 3Ir. Page said that the J notion that the leading men of Europe did not respect the government of this country was "the sheerest inven tion of the imagination." It is evident' that what he has since learned has only reinforced that opinion, for Em bassador Page now says in an inter view with the World correspondent at Rome: "America never stood higher in the opinion of foreign governments than at this moment. I have heard it said that President Wilson's policy is to be regarded hereafter as the last expres- sion in international law; that the second Lusitanift note deserves to be written in letters of gold; that so far from weakening American policy the president's altitude has caused stead ily the tlnited States to become more powerful. Men who think without passion or prejudice recognise the oundness of President Wilson's for eign policy." After the heat and discussion that attend upon a national election have passed away, it is likely to be said that the greatest national- value of the verdict which the people have just rendered lies in the message carried to other nations that the American people are standing behind their chief magistrate in matters that concern not only the present, but even more the future of the world. In so far as Mr. Page correctly understands and interprets the feeling of European governments, it must be recognized that ground which has been gained was worth keeping. However citizens may have disagreed regarding candi- later, there is occasion for satisfac tion that the people of this country uivo declared themselves clearly on matters which affect our international relationships. The effort to influence the election verdict in behajf of any interests outside of our own utterly failed, and it is clear from the com ments in foreign newspapers that this is accepted as strengthening the hands of the president. That is seen to be the thing of most consequence. Springfield Republican. :o: THE PRESS ASSOCIATION. At the meeting of the Nebraska Press association in Lincoln last Sat urday, they adopted a reoragnized scheme, which, in the future will pro vide for a paid secretary and increase the dues to active members to an amount to be set bv the executive board. The membership fee will be SI. 00, and the honorary memberships, $5.00, to which will be added 2 for social functions. Active member must be editors, proprietors or busi ness managers of papers. An hon orary membership goes to reporters and others connected with papers, and others who seek preferment for of fice Plattsmouth Journal. While we are not disposed to quar rel with the members of the organi zation it seems that some are dis poed to make entire change in the management of the association. The original intention of the Nebraska Editorial. association was for the edi tors to meet, have a social time, get acquainted and talk "shop." Now it intcnd.3 to have a meeting once year, and place the dues so high that the younger and weaker paper will be frozen out. It would be better to stick to the social fide, because in counties where there is strong com petition the "gentleman's agreement' will not amount to much. Nebraska City News. :o: Why not try a municipal Christmas tree? VENTILATING RAILROADS. There was begun the other day in Washington an investigation of the railroad business of this country that promises much to those who profes-j but slight comprehension of the subtle ties of railroad management and rail road manipulation, but who are com pelled to feel in their everyday lives the burdens that railroads impose up on the consuming world. joint commission of congress, cre ated at the request of the president, will conduct, the most comprehensive ventilation of the railroad business ever undertaken. It will bear upon every phase of railroading, rates, capi talization, profits, all details of opera tion, watering of stocks, wages and strikes and even government owner ship. Calamity howling has become so fashionable among those who profit from railroad ownership that the peo ple coujd not help but hold them un der suspicion. Lack of expert knowl edge among the masses has enabled the managers to get away with their plaints and excite some credence with them, although the public has main tained a sullen conviction that it has been getting the worst of it. Assuming that the members of the commission will act in good faith, and will zealously safeguard the public in terests, the people may repose some confidence in the thought that this weeping investigation may result in better service and more equitable rates. If it does not its work must in the end be regarded as a waste of talent and energy. The president has disclosed evi dences of a deep comprehension of railroad problems as they involve the public. He has shown no disposition to be unfair with the great corpora tions, but evidenced his determination to restrain avaracious exactions from the people. He will hardly do any thing, or permit anything to be done by this commission, that will shake the confidence the masses repose in Jiim. Lincoln Star. :o: It is always the losing side that has the most to say about election frauds. :o: A self-made man acts as though he believed all the good material had been used up. :o: The price of paper is rising so high that it will soon be too valuable to print money on. Let's quit this "dry" and "wet" dis tinction. Wre are all "dry. ' Please pass the grape juice! :o: Just when you think you are doine somebody a kind act something turns up to put a different view on it. -:o: Gus Hyers will remove to eastern Colorado as soon as his term of of fice expires as sheriff of Lancaster county, and engage in the real es tate and loan business. :o: Some Nebraska editors arc chronic pleasure seekers. Maybe that's the reason they don't get out any better papers than they do. We believe in business before pleasure. :o: A careful check has been made of all precincts throughout California and there is no possihilily of Wilson losing that state. If you have not paid your election bets prepare to do so now. -:o:- This paper advocated a chautauqua several years ago, and kept on doing so for some time after, and we are glad to sec the Commercial club' take up the matter even at this late date. But better late than never, however. :o: Saur kraut has even advanced 100 per cent. Kraut was once a whole some food that everybody could masti catc, but wo suppose now we will have to use it savingly as with other high-priced food. :o: No one man, or any two or three men are responsible for the great vic tory won by the democrats of Ne braska, but to the noble and faithful democrats of the state and the popu larity of President Wilson, is where the credit is due. Give credit to whom credit is due, and stop all this bosh about boosting some one or two men who "want to go up higher." LABOR AND BIGUSINESS. It would be well for the world of big business to acknowledge that all the brains, statesmanship and patriot ism are not confined within its mem bership and then act accordingly. There was a large meeting held in New Yrork the other day to consider plans "to reduce Jhe friction between lahor and capital to a point where the prostration of industry will not be caused or threatened." Now that is a very important thing to consider but there was not a representative of labor there. The principal persons present were Henry Clews, Frederick D. Un derwood, George Foster "Peabody. GeSrge W. Perkins, Jacob II. Schiff. Henry P. Davidson, Frank A. Vander lip, William R. Willcox, Charles M. Schwab, Frank W. Woolworth, Felix 31. Warburg, Isaac Seligman and rhil ip T. Dodge. . There is just as much brains and just as much statesmanship among the producers of this land as there is among the traders and bankers. When it is constantly declared that the busi ness men must get together, as it was declared at this meeting, and set tle this dispute between capital and labor, with no consultation with those representing the other sicle of the question, it may be said in advance that the effort will be a failure. The Federation of Labor declares that "The rapid increase in prices of all necessities of life has brought suf fering into the homes of millions of wage earners. Every day this suffer ing becomes more acute." On th; other hand there are millions of prof its being laid away by the traders, transportation interests and bankers. It will require the brains of both sides of this contest to find a remedy. The two sides are being lined up in larger force than ever before. A few men of big business, who act as if they thought the western line of the United States was somewhere in the neigh borhood of Pittsburgh, may imagine that they can furnish a plan of set tlement, but they are very much mis taken. The state that decided the presidential election against them lies on the Pacific coast and there are thirty-seven other states between P. and Wall street that were of the same opinion. World-Herald. -:o:- The man who is prominent with suggestions generally does the least work. :o:- Food Commissioner Harman is now mad at everybody but himself and Morehead, and will not be an appli cant for re-appointment. Good! :o:- If there is anything left after meet ing the grocer and the butcher and settling the coal bill, it is excellent ad vice to do your shopping early. -:o: Usually at'this season of the year there are plenty of rabbits on the market, but from some cause or other they are sure scare upon the market :o:- Sarpy county elected a lady county superintendent at the late election When the Journal proposed Miss "Fos ter for this position in Cass county some eight years ago, the idea was hooted at. Now there arc quite u number of lady superintendents in Ne braska, from the start made in this county through the Journal. :o: This county seat moving business i: not so easy as it is cracked up to be A few weeks ago Norfolk tried to get the county seat away from Madi son, and failed, and then comes the failure of an effort to move the county seat of Polk county from Osceola to Stromsburg, which was defeated by a large vote of the taxpayers. :o: Try Plattsmouth before you go to Omaha to buy Christmas goods. Your own merchants always accommodate you when you need accommodations, so return these favors by spending your cash with the home merchants instead of the Omaha merchants, who have no interests in Plattsmouth ex cept to get your money. No credit goes with them, and you know it. Then spend your money with those morchants who accommodate you the year round, when you havep't got the i money. ... Children Cry iiiVira XJ J J J 111 i g Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought, and ivljieh has been ia use for over SO years, lias borno the signature of and has been made under his pcr- C&&Ttf?-,' sonal supervision since Its infancy. arjfjr. Allow no one to dec eive you in t!i:3. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good ' are brfc Kxperiiuents that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against I-spcrisicut,. What is CASTOR! A Cnsforia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. Ifc contains neither Opium, JWorphino nor oCht .'::rcnt;ri substance, its a so is its guarantee. It destroys Vor:i:.j and allays l'cvcrishness. For more than thirty years ifc has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. genuine CASTOR! A always 'Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CCNTAUF1 COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, THE PROPER COURSE Information of Priceless Value to Every Plattsmouth Citizen How to act in an emergency is knowledge of inestimable worth, and this is particulaily true of the disease and ills of the human body. If you suffer with kidney backache, urinary trouble, the advice contained in the following statement should add a valuable asset to your store of knowl edge. What could be more convincing proof of the efficiency of Doan's Kid ney Pills than the statement of a Plattsmouth woman who used them and who publicly tells of the benefit dcrrived? Jlrs. Harry Kuhney, Eighth and Pearl Sts., Plattsmouth, saysf "1 couldn't say anything but good in praise of Doan's Kidney Pills for I know from personal experience that they are all that is claimed of them. I use Doan's Kidney Tills whenever my back aches and my kidneys are not acting as they should and they never fail to give quick relief. We use Doan's Kidney Pills in our home whenever necessary for kidney trouble and they always give good satisfaction." Trice 50c,' at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Tills the same that Mrs. Kuhney had.v Foster-Milburn Co., Prop., Buffalo, N. Y. A. B. FornotT of near Cullom was in the city today Ivoking after some business matters and enjoying a visit With his friends. W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. East of.Kiley Hotel. Coates' Block, Second Floor A want ad will bring what you want. m UESTOM fi Are you or your sons using proper trial or professional opportunities in throusrh Wyoming, Western Nebraska, Montana? I can put you in touch sections. Mondell lands are going fast so are the irrigated lands. Deed lands in Western Nebraska are steadily increasing in value. The towns the North Platte Valley and the Big irood business chances. The oil industry of Central Wyoming and the Bi Horn Basin is very extensive All scope t)f business openings., The Burlington now.has through service betwee Nebraska and Casper, Central Wyoming via Alliance and Wendover. If you future, either help you. . S. B. HOWARD, 1004 for Fletcher's W.XVSXVVVVVVVWVIJ L V . -V Signature of TRANSPORTATION AT THE BASE OF DEFENSE Washington, Nov. 23. Alfred P. Thorn, counsel for the railway execu tives, Saturday pointed to lessons learned from rigid regulation of rail roads by European belligerents as proof that "transportation lies at the base" of an efficient system of national defense. Thorn made the declaration before the joint congressional committee in vestigating public utilities. His chief plea was for greater centralization of regulation of railroads. He reiterated his declaration that much of the power held by state commissions should be given to a centralized federal body. Thorn suggested the following "chief features," which the railroads believe should be incorporated into any sys tem of regulation adopted by the gov ernment. The entire power and duty of regu lation should be in the hands of the national government, except as to matters essentially local and in cidental. As one of the means of accomplish ing this, a system of federal incorpora tion should be adopted into which should be brought all railroad corpora tions engaged in interstate or foreign commerce. Regulation of the interstate com mission and creation of a new federal railroad commission and regional commission subordinated to it. Interstate commerce commission should be given power t prescribe minimum rates. Thp nnwpr nf the commission to sus- .1 i ,.U.,1,1 l i.nnfinnH tr 1 1 V t V 7 peilU lillCa MIUU1U UU lumnii-u w, days from the time the tariff is fded instead, of ten months as at present. The federal government should have exclusive governmental power to su pervise issuance of securities by inter state carriers. CORN SHELLING. I am now ready to do all kinds of corn shelling and wood sawing, ('alb Murray Tel. Exchange. Omar yjJfdj lcy ll-208twk!y energies towards finding land, induf localities adjacent to the Burlington Im Northeastern Colorado or Southcc with excellent prospects in any of the! Horn Basin are all growing and offc this new money is greatly widening tha have before you the problem of th for yourself or for your sons, let m Immigration Agent, C. B. & Q, R. R. Farnam 3t., Omaha, Neb.