The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 23, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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as you never thought
could be is .yours
command quick as
you buy some Prince
Albert and fire-up a
pipe or a home-made
cigarette !
Prince Albert gives
you every tobacco sat
isfaction your smoke
appetite ever hankered
for. That's because
it's made by a patented
process that cuts out
bite and parch! Prince Albert has always
been sold without coupons or premiums.
We prefer to give quality !
? T?
fAe national joy smoke
has a flavor as different as it is delightful. You never
And that isn't strange, either.
D::y Prince Albert every
where tobacco is sctd in
toppy red bags, 5c; tidy red
tins, 10c; handsome pound
and half-pound tin humi
dors and that corking flm
pound crystal-glass humi
dor with sponge-moist
top that keeps tlie tobacco
in such clever trim always!
h & fach, Tiia Dentists
BBk BBBftW a. V
ThA largest and best eauirrcd dental offices in Omaha. Special
char-re of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Pricea. Porcelain fillingi,
just lik? tooth. Instruments carefully btermed auer u;ing. I
Serd for free sample of Sani-Pyr Pyorrhea Treatment.
n S m-M 9 B NU b. , tl
" 3
Urotherhood I.tadors Ste Wiison
C'omplctc Their Working
I hn
AVa, I). C, Nv. 20. I leads
oi" the railroad eir.r.Ioye.-;' brotherhoods
vti.. are determined that the Adam.-on
tijrht-hour law shall net he broken
down, conferred here today with Presi
dent Wilson. Attorney General Greg
ory ;nd their legislative representa
tives, declared their purpose to aid
, the jrnvernmcnt every way in fijrht
T intr injunction .suits apainst the law
and made further plans for perfecting
a working agreement with their allies,
the railroad men of the American
3'ede' ation of Labor.
When the government attorneys, G.
Carroll Todd, assistant to the attorney
general; Assistant Attorney General
Underwood and Frank llagerman ap
pear in the federal court at Kansas
City next Thursday to oppose the
Union Pacific and Atchison, Topeka &
S-r.nta Fe sv.-ts against the Adamson
f Jiw they will be flanked by repre-fH-rtaiivcs
of the brotherhoods.
It is probable that the four brothcr
i!d heads themselves will be there.
Messrs. Todd and Underwood left for
Kansas City tonight.
Two Labor Functions Friendly.
Significance is attached to the fact
tl .sf the brotherhood beads will ad
dress the American Federation of
Labor convention in Raltimore tomor
row. Never before in the history of
the two organizations have any of
their members met in a joint session,
but their meeting at Baltimore will be
the result of a carefully worked out
agreement that the two forces hall
join hands in working for the general
betterment of the organized railway
After receiving the brotherhood
b ads and Chairman Adamson, author
of the eight-hour law, President Wil
son virtually. finished-his message to
- - j iniia sysi-em oi ireaimeni, inai cures sriies, x-isiuia anu omct
Rectal Diseases ia a short time, without a surgical operation. .o Chloroform
Ether or other general anasthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac
cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Writs for. book ca
Eectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been permanently
DR. TAftRY Cec Building Omaha.
''s itn i: ' r' yQX ... ji ! if
f iT WWoS"" b Reynold fe ; " : ; a
V-i" Tobacco Co. I y I'j
On the reverse side
of this tidy red tin
you will read: "Pro
cess Patented July
30th. 1907." which
has made three men
moke pipes where
one smoked before!
Men who think they can't smoke a pipe or roll a ciga
rette can smoke and will smoke if they use Prince
Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try
out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment
coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply.
Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story !
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C.
3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA
congress in which he will recommend
completion of the railway legislative
program outlined by him at the last
session. These recommendations in
clude provisions for the enlargement
of the Interstate Commerce commis
sion and for compulsory investigation
of proposed strikes. The latter is
bitterly opposed by the brotherhood
leaders. ,
Railroads to Speak First.
Railroad. executives figured only in
conspicuously in today's activities
here. Their representatives appeared
before the senate interstate commerce
cemmittee and learned that their
spokesmen would be heard first on the
railroad problem generally on next
Brotherhood representatives may
appear before the committee later, but
so far have not indicated formally
their intention to do so.
President Wilson told members of a
committee of the Evansville, Ind.,
Chamber of Commerce, who called
d.uring the day to tell him there would
be a , middle states conference on the
railroad situation in their city early in
December, that he l.op,? there -would
le similar discussions of the problem
in other sections of the United States
and that he wished all business men
would investigate the question in an
open minded way.
Not Certain About Strike.
After their fifteen-minute confer-1
ence with the president the brother
hood heads would admit only that they
had congratulated Mr. Wilson on his
re-election. W. S. Stone, head of the
engineers, declared that he could not
tell now whether a strike would be
called if the eight-hour law was not
put into effect January 1.
Representative Adamson went over
jdans for railroad legislation fully
with the president. Afterward he said
that he had no doubt that the eight
hour law would be upheld by the
courts as constitutional, contending
that the measure was very carefully
framed by lawyers fully familiar with
the situation and with the constitu
tion. Amendments for Bill.
'"I have a bill prepared for addi
tional legislation to meet the situation
which I probably will introduce as
soon as congress convenes," he said.
He added that he believed the inter
state commerce commission, under ex-
FISTULA Pay After You Are Cured
. . . T" 1 . . 1 J -iL
ii7 D
106 CUKNING Pipe ANg
-rr.---Z k
H 13
tasted the like of it!
East of Riley HoteL
Coates' Block,
Second Floor.
isting laws, already had the power to
take wages into consideration in fix
ing freight rates. President Wilson
embodied a recommendation for legis
lation giving this power when address
ing congress on a threatened strike,
but the Georgia representative said he
believed the president would agree
with him in the end.
. 4'I do not think there is anything
in the talk that the railroad men will
call a strike if the eight-hour law is
pending in the courts," said Mr. Ad
amson. "In doing so they would be
running directly contrary to public
opinion and that no man or body of
men can afford to do."
Freight Rates Concerned.
Mr. Adamson also declared it was
his personal opinion that the suits to
test the constitutionality of the eight
hour law were I brought in a further
effort to secure advances in freight
rates and that if any definite assur
ances of increased rates were given
the cases would not be pressed.
The brotherhood heads, still quite
as uncommunicative and mysterious as
they were at the time of the confer
ences which resulted in enactment of
the Adamson law, appeared well
pleased with the situation tonight.
They were particularly elated over
their talk with the president, and the
prospects of addressing mejnbers of
the federation in Baltimore tomor
'0f course we said nothing to the
president but a few words about his
re-election," W. G. Lee, head of the
trainmen, said with a laugh. "Natur
ally, coming from Ohio as I do, I had
some things to say about how Ohio
came to go democratic as largely as
it did."
What to do when
Backache comes on
"I fonafl immediate relief in the nu
of Toley Kidney nave rsccm-
xaecaed them, and do not know of a
ingle instance when they failed to
give relief."
C. TJ. I-iandrum, a travel int? salesman,
writes from San Anj?elo, Te?tas: "Driv
ing over rough roads and in all kinds
of weather gave me acute pair.s in the
back and I suffered great'v. I found
relief in the use of Foley liidney Pills,
and before the . first bottle wis i-.wrt
the pain in my back had entirely, disap-'.
iieureu ana x nave naa no recurrence' or
hose pains which frequently Amounted
o almost neuralgic proportions.'.'
When backache comes 'on? and it
seems as if you can't stand the pain
and pressure in your back, you will find
quick and grateful relief comes with
the use of Foley Kidney Pills. Thev
t-top th cause of the pain, ease the
stiff aching joints and muscles, and
clear the poisons out of your svstem
by helping your kidneys aiid bladder to
normal healthy action.
Sold Everywhere.
1 EnJ
?. ..,.,.t- ryTtTM..T...
-1-4' 'Ivrrw"' ' wviv
Mrs. Solomon is still in very poor
health, although improved since she
came here. ' '
Mr. Silas Crosser delivered a fine
fat cow in town on Monday. Weight,
1,630 pounds. She takes the red rib
bon. Judge Linch has left us and gone
to New Orleans, to reside permanent
ly. We are sorry to lose the judge, he
was a gentleman in every respect and
a thorough republican to boot.
It is -reported that Sheriff Hyers
took George Gyger, living near Weep
ing Water, to the insane asy lum last
week. He seems to be crazy on poli
tics partly.
Report comes to us that Billy
Shryock, in traveling over the western
part of the county, got badly frost
bitten. Cold water is good, Billy
put it on gradual; the red ribbon may
Heisel's mill exploded last Saturday
noon, fortunately all hands were gone
to dinner and no one was hurt. It
tore up the boiler, furnace, engine,
etc., badly.
Mr. Frank Skinner has settled at
Corning, la., in the jewelry business
and has good prospects before him.
David and Henry Ashmun were up
from Weeping Water Sunday. Guests
of their brother-in-law, Mr. Ashley,
our deputy sheriff.
Some parties out near Louisville had
a little muss over stealing timber in
which a man named Livingston got
his head mashed slightly. The offend
ing parties being unable to pay the
fine of $15 imposed, were brought up
here and incarcerated, but someone
here in town paid their fine and they
were released.
Among the 'notable doings of the
week has been the union of the two
Masonic lodges of this place, which
was consummated on Monday evening
last. It seems to have been the opin
ion of many members of the frater
nity that, considering the pressure of
hard times, the fact that many cf the
founders of both lodges have either
passed away or left town, it would be
more conducive to harmony and lessen
expenses, to unite the two lodges in
one strong, united body. Under a dis
pensation from the grand master, Ma
coy lodge surrendered its charter and
the members thereof almost in a body
were made merbers of Flattsmouth
lodge No. (?. The reason given why
it was for Macoy to surrender its
charter in preference to No. G was
because No. G owns t the property
known as Masonic block, and it seemed
advantageous in every way that they
should retain this property and the
whole bodv of resident Masons became
interested therein. i
This afternoon Chief of Police Bar
clay rounded up a sneak thief at the
Burlington station just before time for
the departure of the eastbound train,
No. 2-!, and on which the gentleman
was preparing to make his getaway.
This stranger, who apparently was a
hoboe, was discovered in the act of
lifting a hunting coat from the office
of W. W. Wasley, the automobile
man, in the Wetenkamp building, by
Herbert Ransom, who was driving
past on a wagon at the time, when
he saw the stranger conceal the hunt
ing coat beneath his other coat and
start down in the direction tof the
depot. Just about this time Chief
Barclay came along and Mr. Ransom
related the circumstances of the case
to the chief, who hastened down to
the depot and landed the light-fingered
gentleman and pieced him in jail. The
stolen coat was discovered on his per
son. It was certainly quick work or.
the part of both Mr. Ransom and the
chief of police in landing the man.
There are few persons who can com
mit any offense and get away from
Chief Barclay when he starts after
them, as he most always has them
safe in jail before many minutes
Money in Eggs.
Eggs are not bankable ' but the
money from their sale is. This monej
is yours for the elfort. How do you
treat the hen that lays the Golder
Eggs? Dr. B. A. Thomas' Poultrj
Remedy will keep the poultry in gooc
condition - and increase the yield in
eggs. We guarantee this and refund
your money if not satisfied.
H. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Gansemer.
FOR SALE Two steer calves. Red
Poll stock; also milch cow, same stock.
Phone 127-W. ll-20-2tdltwkly
Ron Down Health Makes Body
More Liafc'2 to Disease.
Human Machine Fails When Diges
tive and Eliminative Processes Get
Out of Order, Yielding Poisonou3
Waste Instead of Strength-Building
Nutriment Tan'ac Expert Talks.
Many ills to -which people are es
pecially liable at this time of the year
are direct results of a disordered stom
ach and deranged digestion, accoruin
to the Taniac health expert.
"In a majority" of cases those who
suffer irom sickness must Llame their
stomachs." he said. "We must remem
ber that the strength of the body
comes from the digestive system.
Food Becomes Poison.
"When the supply of nutriment
needed to keep the human machine
fails, the food which should have giv
"en strength becomes poisonous waste.
"The stomach has been called 'the
cLcrakal laboratory .of the body.'
There the material taken into the body
s rendered into blood, bone and mus
cle -for permanent health, vigor aud
"Ti)e success of Taniac as an ail
to digestion, assimilation and the func
tions which dispose of waste matter
has been proclaimed by thousands.
Restores to Normal.
"Taniac is a vegetable remedy, de
signed to feed whilo it hoais sick,
sore stonu:eh. and toi brir.g back the
d:ge?tivo to i's normal, natural
work. Tn-!s health is restored, yic-ld-ir
energy, ambition and vitality, and
giving tliat feeling of complete
being necesfary to the full enjoyment
of life by every man and woman.
"With th? health and strength tiiat
Tan'ac pives. people are less subject
to d;.-ca e. Thousands v.iio have tak
en Teniae are grateful because it
made th"m v.el! and kept them well."
Taniac is being specially introduced
in Plattsmouth at the Mauzey Drug
Tarmac may also be obtained in
p; ingfit-Id, at II. Fiegenbaum's store,
md in Weeping Water at the Meier
Drug Company.
Atlantic City, X. J., Nov. 21. A pian cf border patrol and with-
diawal of the American punitive force
ow in Mexico, backed by President
Wilson's approval, will be presented
o the Mexican members of the Amcr-can-Mcxican
commission today, with
:he statement that the administration
it Washington expects it to be ac
cepted without further wrangling.
The plans are contingent upon sev
eral concessions by General Carranza,
which have not yet been made public.
President Wilson expects to put into
.ipei ation plans of his own regarding
bandit operations in Mexico unless
.he suggestions of the American com
mission are adopted.
Those who spoke for calves, please
:all at my home between now and De
cember 1st and get then. Some are
registered and some are grades. A.
F. Nickels. ll-20-2tvkly
Finally Relieved by the Old Reli
able Thedford's Black-Draught.
Traverse City, Mich. Mrs. J. W.
Edwards, of this town, says: "I suf
fered for about 18 years with liver
trouble, and doctored with many dif
ferent remedies. At last, I was told
that an operation was the only thing
that would help me, but I heard of
Thedford's Black-Draught, and took
six 25-cent packages and it cured me.
I can recommend it to all who sufler
from liver troubles.
I have influenced several of my
neighbors to take Black-Draught
Liver Medicine, and I give it to my
I can safely say that I owe my life
to Black-Draught, as it put me on my
feet after everything else had failed."
You know that ycu can depend upon
Black-Draught Liver Medicine for
quick and permanent relief in all dis
orders cf the liver, stomach and bow
els, such as indigestion, constipation,
biliousness, headache, sour stomach,
tired feeling, and many other common
adr.ients, because, in ' the past; 75
rears, it lias helped so many thousands-of
people, whose troubles were
jimilar to these.
Safe, gentle in action,' and without
bad after-effects, Black-Draught 13
cure to benefit both young and old.
Sold everywhere. 25c a package.
Costs only one cenW dese. NCB4
The Nehawka Rftills
arc now Rolling and Manufacturing the
Letter leDl
The Popular Cass County Brand off Flour
Also a Full Line of By Products!
C. D. ST. JOHN, Prop.
JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller.
For Sale by Hatt & Son, Plattsmouth, Neb.
and Puis a Gansemer, Murray, Neb.
- i
Death Occurs at Schoenbrunn Castle
in Vianna, Says Dispatch
to London.
London, Nov. 22. (:J:41 a. m.) Em
peror Francis Joseph died last ni.q;ht
at i) o'clock at Schoenbrunn castle,
according: to a Reuter dispatch from
Vienna, by way of Amsterdam.
The first intimation received here
that Empercr Francis Joseph's health
was again the subject of solicitation
was contained in a dispatch dated
November 12, emanating from a
Vienna newspaper agency, which re
ported that the emperor had been
suffering for some days from a slight
catarrhal affection. Subsequent re
ports from various sources, more or
less conflicting, represented that his
condition was becoming worse, but
none of them indicated that his ill
ness threatened to reach a critical
stage, and from Vienna came assur
ances that he was still able to give
audience to one or more ministers
Hint of Grave Condition.
What gave some credence to the
suspicion that his condition was
much graver than the official bul
letins indicated was the report, which
still lacks official confirmation, that
it had been decided to associate the
heir to the throne, Arch Duke Charles
Francis, in the government of the
country and that he was to assume
the position December 2d, the' GSth
anniversary of the emperor's ascen
sion to the throne.
So far as is known here Arch Duke
Charles is still at the front, in com
mand of the army.
Retreating Rumanians, Outflanked,
Appear Now to Ie Trapped
in Vise.
London, Nov. 21. Autro-Uerman
forces in southwest Rumania have
captured Craiova and the Rumanians
are retreating, according to the an
nouncement of the Berlin war office.
In the Jiul valley Rumanians are
outflanked at Craiova, and seemingly
must be caught in the vise of the Aus-tro-Germans
from the north and south.
The Teutonic allies are advancing in
the Alt valley, where Petrograd ad
mits the Rumanians are retiring
According to Paris, the entente al
lied troops north of Monastir are still
pressing the Germans and Bulgarians.
West of Monastir Italians have re
pulsed counter attacks delivered by
the Teutonic allies. An unofficial dis
patch from Saloniki says the Serbians
have captured seven villages west and
northwest of Monastir.
No Doubt in London.
The occupation of the Rumanian
town of Craiova, reported by German
official headquarters tonight, has not
yet been confirmed from the entente
side, but the fact that no Rumanian
official report has been issued since
Sunday leaves little reason to doubt
its correctness.
The official reports from both Ger
man and Russian headquarters 'the
ast two days had prepared the pub
lic for this news of the success of
the central powers' thrust at Rumania,
but it had been hoped that Russia,
which was known to be sending rein
forcements into Rumania as fast as
possible, might be in time to avert
the blow.
Craiova is an impoitant town in the
center of a Rreat grain di-trkt on tho
dKe of the Wallachian plain and is
an important railway junction. Its
possession by the -central powers cuts
tne railway, communications of tb.
Rumanian- armies hoi Jin- the Orsova
region to the west
In Critical Position.
As the lines from Turgu Jiu vMi
of Vulcan pass and from the DaW-e
frontier opposite Vidin, Pass thl(,Jh
Craiova, the position of the Rumanian
forces in Orsova now are extremely
critical and they may be compellc-ii
to evacuate the Orsova region, the
holding of which has up to the pres
ent barred the Teutonic allies from the
use of the Danube.
Yesterday afternoon County Judge
Beeson issued a marriage license in
Mr. L. F. Gable of Valentine, Neb.,
and Miss Ruby McDonald of Murdock.
The young people will be wedded at
the home of the parents of the bride
at Murdock, the last of the week.
Doing the 'Work.
W. T. Nanney, Noel, M., wiites,
"Your B. A. Thomas' Hog Powder
is doing the work down in this part
of the world. It proved to be what
we needed to prevent and cure hog
cholera and expe! worms.''
II. M. Soennichsen.
Tuls & Gansemer.
A half million dollars worth
of perfectly good farm ma
chinery is thrown in the scrap
pile every year in Nebraska.
Farm work is the hardest
work there is on machinery.
Castings break, liearing;
wyar out, shafts bend and
break. Things get dull and
pull hard, gears rattle, sma.-h,
bang and crash, paint gets dull.
Many farmers throw away
machinery and buy new, be
cause they are not aware that
we can in nearly every case
re-make such machinery equal,
and in many respects bcltir
than new.
" We do not care how bad your
machinery is smashed or worn,
they all look alike to us; wc u
make them as good as new and
save you money.
A dollar saved is a dollar
earned, keep your money at
home and you may get it back
again besides it helps us to em
ploy home labor.
Put your machinery trouble?
up to us, we have the be.-t
equipped machine sb.fp in tie
country; if you don't believe it.
call and see us. Visitors aic
always welcome.
We make everything in metal.
Now is a good time to over
haul things for the' spring ru !i.
L. C. Shaft.
Plattsmouth - - Nebraska