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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1916)
4 i t ,1 PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THUR5D4Y, NOVEMEFP. It, lnlfi. r irst oecuntv can. CEDAR CREEK. NEER. Sound, Conservative and Progressive THE BANK OF THE PEOPLE THE BANK BY THE PEOPLE THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE W ;ire anxious to assist the farmer in feeding and handling his live stock lor market , eposits le mis Dan are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska, which has reached nearly $1, (M)l),()00.00 It is back of us and protects you! OFFICERS:- WM. SCHNEIDER. Pnssidsnt W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President T. J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President J. F. FOREMAN. Cashier THE an UUi COUNTY PROCEEDINGS Plattsmouth, Neb , Nov. 14, 101(3. Board met pursuant to adjournment, present, C. E. Heebner, Henry Snoke, and Julius A. Pit., county commis iorxrs and Frank J. Libershal, County Clerk. Minutes of previous .session lead and approved, when the following business was transacted in regular form : The matter of a petition signed by illenrv Thierolf and other residents and free holders of Eight .Mile Grove precinr-t, requesting to board to grant ) Han Geo E. S toner, do S I Compton, do and returns i E A Fisher, do J no M Fowler, do J II Thras.tcr, do and returns Plattsmouth 1st ward .... W I) Messeramith, do Wm JIassk-r, do John Cory, do Stanley Kuhns. do Wm Starkjohann, do 2d ward Claus Bcetel Sr., do and rets Wm Weber, do Janes Reb.d, elo James W Burnie, do P J Vallery, do 3d ward Gu? Johnson, do C E Whisker, do Cedar c reeis IVerh oysters at S. J. Reames. Otto Sprkck spent Tuesday in Omaha. J; nu'S Ilesserioow spent Monday in ( )maha. Mrs. Olive was shopping in Omaha Thursday. Fouls E. Myers spent Thursday in Omaha. Farm Loans, Insurance and Real Estate. See J. F. Foreman. Lloyd Schneider atterded the dance in Gieenwood Friday night. C. P. Meiir;.vr was visiting with I'l attsrooiiih friends Friday. Pete Sehiouer and family weie shopping in Omaha Tuesday. First Security hank pays 3 per cent on time deposits. John Busche looking after some business matters in Plattsmouth Tues day. Lloyd and Henry Schneider of Plattsmouth. drove to Lincoln, Mon day. The social dance given at Sayles' Hall Saturday even in;.; was well at tended. S. J. Reames and II. J. Kimber were the guests of Philip Sell after Sunday Mrs. Phillip Stochr spent Tucsday in Cullom with her daughter, Mrs. August Keil. For good, fresh Candy, Fruit and Nuts, see S. J. Reames. J. Schroeder a license to oper- m ate a billiard and pool hall in the ( I village of Cedar Creek, Cass County, ( Neb., came on for hearing and on motion of Commissioner Snoke a vole by ballot was ordered taken and re sulted as follows: Ananimous vole against granting of said liet-n::e. The following claims were allowed on the General fund: ! pcr- Plattsmouih First Security bank pays 3 per cent P F Venner, member elec- or. time deposits Clarence Busche and Richard San bloom drove to Plattsmouth Tues day mornirg where they took the early train for Omaha to spend the day. The Ladies Aid Society will give a Thanksgiving dinner at the church on Thursday, November 30. The pro-ce'-'ls go for the benefit of the church. Everybody is invited to attend. Adults 2c. children 13c. Mr. Kimber, of Avalon, Mo., who has been visiting at the home of S. J ninio. .n. neames accompanied mm as far as Plattsmouth, where he at tended the lodge in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Schneider and daughter. Miss Verla, and son, Henry, motored 'to Plattsmouth Friday after noon for a short visit with friends. While here Mrs. Schneider called at the Journal office and ordered the Plattsmouth Journal sent , to Fred Creaver at San Jose, Cal. First Security bank pays 3 per cent cn time deposits. There will be a big trap shoot at Cedar Creek, Neb., on Tuesday, Nov. 21. The grounds have been put in shape and two sets cf traps will be in operation, for the accommodation of amateurs and beginners. Some thing doing every minute of the day. Shoot begins at 10 a. in. sharp. A large quantity of .game has been se cured and plenty of shells, leaders, repeaters and arrows will be on hand. Big hall heated and equipped to handle crowd after shoot for accommodation I Clyde Lyle and family spent the of those who do not shoot for game. latter part of last week with their parents in Waco, Neb. Mr. Harm is looking after the rail road business here this week during the absence of Mr. L le. Mr. and Mrs. John Gauer ar.d fam- ilv vrsited at the home of Mr. ard ! Mis. Pete Meisinger last Sunday. The Ladies' Aid society of the tion beard $ R C Wenzel. do and returns. . Fred Muenthau, do M McFali, do Will Latrom, do Harry Applcman, do. Green wood precinct F E Cook, do and returns. . . . C G Anderson, do R M Coatman, do J B Skinner, do Aaron E Failing, do Salt Creek D L Talcott. do Reames, departed Tuesday for his; p" jtieco ,j0 J C Lemon do and returns . . W E Hand, do Guy Ckments, do. Stova Creek Ed Dorr, do and returns .... Geo Otherking, do Wm Atchison Jr, do II G Penterman, do W L Ilornbeck. do Elmwood.. II P Hinds, do E H Miller, do Chas 1. Long, do Harold W Tool, do and returns O W Zaar, do South Bend E N Greer, do Henry Slander, do John Wagner, do Fred Weaver, do and returns Earl Tow'e. do Weeping Water precinct Chris Johnson, do W C Wcllen, do E C Mohr, do Edward A Power, do and rets Thos F Kecklcr, tlo Center pet Chas Grvlach, do Wm Stohlman. do John Tighe, do and returns.. W L Capron, do C G May field, do -Louisville.. E V Palmer, do . '. Jnoo C Spangler, do and rets C W Merriam. do James Stantk-r, do M M Straub. do Avoca pet.. J S Rough, do and rets.... J II F Ruhge, do R E Norris. do W II Thiele d Trap Shooting at Cedar Creek. J M Vondran. do Chas Jelintk, do and rets .... A J Triiety, do 4t!i ward II L Messer.-.n.iih, do A G Tartseh, do and rets.... Joint Leilgway. do J C Pe-lcrson, do J B Higloy, do 3ih ward .... Ceo Scliar-z, do and rets Fri'z I'ieni kh, do J B Rumrnei -field, do Pay Sav;.ev, do Avoca Town Hall Co, room for election Avoca Geo Sehanz, do 3th ward Treas School Dist 83, do, Weeping Water pet M W A No 18-17, do So Bend pet and care of booths.... Ed Penterman. treas, do, Stove Creel: pet Will Latrom, do. Tipton pet.. Louisville Village Treas., do Louisville School List No. 88, do, Eight Mile grove . . . School Dist No. 3, room for primary and general election 2d R. B W E Hand, room for election, Salt Creek S G Care of election booths, W. W. City A C Tartseh, do Plattsmouth city . . t Geo II Olive, room for election W. W. y-ty V M Ma'lis. member of can- issir:g board E A Frk-ke, do Opal Fitzgerald, clerk hire Co. Alty. and Co. Sunt Amick Garage, iivery to com- Mi-siorers Dr. I. D. Jones, medical attten- tion, Mr. Kothman Frank J, saly and expense 7.20, Hans Seiver, saly and laundry 7.20 ' H M Soennichscn. report of .) uirtns aim tieatns A R Star.der. do YV E Hand, do Mrs. I D Jones, do 7.r.0 B Clement-, do 7. CO J V" H Lyman, do 12.30 L R Upton, do fr.n'L Muir, d 9.00 10.0) 0O 0 (.) '..l1.') (t.1'0 15.30 O.iM) o.ri) 0.90 7 20 7.20 7.20 13.10 7 20 8.10 14 10 8.10 7.20 7.20 7 2i 7.2( 1 1.00 0.3!' 0.3 i o :; 0.3) 10."" I .J. 7 20 I Hotel running and a special din ner will be served at noon. 33c. Send your order to John Larsen for a reser vation of plates and get prompt serv ive at 12 o'clock. This will enable the proprietor to get a line on how many to expect for dinner and you will be served promptly. Oysters will be .-erved at hotel for supper. Come out and emov a dav with a lively Piesbyteiian church of Cedar Creek , bunch of .m, felIoWSi will serve Thanksgiving dinner at the church on Thanksgiving day, at the noon hour. Everybody invited. Don't forget S. J. Reames when you are in need of paper napkins, paper plates, ice cream dishes and all kinds of crepe paper. View the tine line of fancy station ery at the Journal. We can fill the bill. The local shooters invite our neigh boring towns to be represented with a 3-man team to enter for honors. Each club's winnings will be re ported in the following Saturday's issue of the county papers. This in vitation is especially urging vepre sentation from Plattsmouth, Louis ville, Greenwood, Murray. Murdock, Eagle and Manley as well as individ uals from the suvrovndintr country. WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF IHPLEU and can make you attractive prices on rorsstor and Superior Press Drilis, Henraey Bsjggsss, Qirdsel Wagons and Wagon Boxes, Steel Wheel Trucks, King and Hamilton Steel Grain Dumps, Empire Cream Separators- WOLFF JkULT Lee Puncture Proof and Firestone Tires and Accessories StudeL&ker Agents CEDAR CREEK, NEBRASKA do . . 8.10 i 8.H) 12.00 8.10 8.10 7 20 14.3.) 7.30 7.20 7.20 W II c night J W Murdock, do Mt Pleasant pet '. P C Walker, do Wilson Gilmore, do F M Massie, do and rets Z W Shratk'r, do Ernest Ahl, do Eight Mile G rove pet Lloyd Group, do W II Seybert. do J G Meisirgcr, do anel returns W J Schneider, do J J Pollard, do Nchawka .... J W Magney, do J M Stone, do D Steffens. do and returns . . R C Pollard, do J I) Bramblct, do Libert pet.. J T Reynolds, do and returns II M Frans, do Liberty pet. . G A Randall, do G W Cheney, tlo W G Bccdker, do and returs, 1st Rock Biuit pet 11.00 E S Tutt, do 8.10 W L Sejbolt, do T J Brendel, do Geo I Lloyd, do ! R A Troop, do 2d Rock Bluff pet E G McCuiloch, do Wm Wehrbein, do John L Smith, do Geo Reynolds, tlo and rets. . . . E II Spangler, do Plattsmouth pet 9 01 Philip Hirz, do 9.09 9.00 9.00 7 0 7 S 0 10.8 ) 7.S0 7.20 7 20 7.20 ! 11.3) 'Mrs Dora Dar.son. do 7.20 'Mrs. Edith Duckworth, do -Mrs Stella l'orsinger, (!o ... Mrs Edna Demon, tlo Mrs Virgie L Frady, do . . Mrs Ida Sthlieska, do .... 7.30 11.10 7.50 7.50 ! 7 -,; t Mrs Augusta Brandt, do 8.10 8 10 ! 8.10 G.30 G.30 G.30 6.30 9.10 3.40 12.10 3.10 3.40 0 20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 9.00 11.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.9U 11.90 9X0 9.G0 il.GO 9 00 9. GO 7.30 9.30 7.30 7.30 7.-0 G.0O G.OO 3 00 8.00 G.OO G.OO 3.00 3.00 12 00 3.00 1.30 (5.00 .".oil 3.40 3.-10 40.00 '.) ).(.) v allerv. t o 1 . t7r-i " ' OI.I.J A A Wetenkamp, do 1 1 9,0 W J Partridge, do 13 nO The following claims were allowed on .the Dragging fund: Autr X reel low, dragging dist No. 8 John II. Busche, tlo 2 W J Partridge, tlo 13 , On motion the board adjourned to meet Wednesday, November 13. 1910. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, County Clerk. 17.23 30.22 2.23 18. A Tulene, do F Kropp, do E Wesco-t's Sons, shirt for Marshall Win Brinkman, assigned W K Fox. shoveling snow at C II Plattsmouth Water Co. water to C II. Sept, 1916 K B Printing co, supplies claim No. 21 !.I F Brendel. sal Co. Phy dist 7.20 j No. 2, 3d otr 7.20 i The University Pub. Co., sup 7 20 ' plies to Co. Supt 211.84 78.00 11.13 3.23 3.00 1.73 2 .30 G.GO 1.00 .30 2.10 .10 1.00 8.21 ',2.10 9.93 10.90 John D Ly-'.n, care of Emmons 7.20 ! ' family while under quaran- tine 7.') ' Douglas County Hospital, keep ar.d care Wesley Burnett.. John P Saltier, burial of Mrs. Fr. Svobda . , John Kopia. mdse to Fr. Svo- boda Mrs Margaret Leland, care of dep. children, November. . . . Fr. C E Hartford, coal to Svoboda, and farm ........ D II Best, damages to car, claim refused F G Fricke & Co, drugs to county poo: C F Valleiy. treas school dist No. 37, room i'oi election, dist No. 37 and care -"o. booths 8.3 : 3.00 33.00 30.81 10.00 20.00 23.00 23.00 23.(n 20.00 23.o: 23.00 18.00 12.83 03.83 S.00 Roy O Cole, do B W Livingston, do F W Nolting, do and rets 11.40 on the Road fund: The following claims were allowed cn the Commissioner load fund: W II Porter, R W dist 11, Commr. Dist 2 89.00 R S McClcery, cement culvert dist 2 2SG.S6 The following claims were allowed I W Teegarden, do Weeping Water 1st ward Jesse Davis, do R D McNurlin, do and returns P F Cherry, do A J Patterson, do Andrew C Johnson, do 2d ward J M Teegarden, do C S Newlon, do and returns . . N C Halmes, do W W Jameson, do H P HaslanV, do 3d ward .... jTom Smith, R W, R D 12 59.20 5.-40 II C Creamer, do 10 81.65 Plattsmouth, Neb., Nov. 15, 191G. Board met pursuant to apjournment with all members present when the following business was transacted in regular form: Judge Allen J. Beeson, filed orders wih the Clerk directing the Boaid of Commissioners to pay .Mrs. Clara Matzke the sum of .$2500 per month. Mrs. Martha A. Haddon, the r;:m of $25.00 per month and Mrs. Emu C. Miller the sum of ?13 per month for the care and maintenance of their dependent children for a pe liod not exceeding six months. On jMv.lio.--i the above amounts were al lowed as per orders of the court. County Judge Allen J. Beeson filed an oider with the County Clerk di recting the Board of Commissioners to pay Mis. Sigrid Schmarder the sum of $10 per month for the care and maintenance of her two dependent children for a period not exceeding si c months. On motion said amount was allowed as per orders of the court. County treasurer this day instructed to refund Joe Tucek the sum of $31.59 being a part of his 191G, personal taxes doubly assessed in 5th ward of Plattsmouth. The following claims were allowed General fund: A W White, mdse to Mrs Owens 10.00 Remington Typewriter Co, felt mat-register of deeds .75 Plattsmouth Water Co, water to C. H. Oct Mrs Edwin Metcalf, mdse to ?.i iss Allen .' J I Hok-omb Mfg Co, mops to C II Warga .vT Schuklice, labor and material D C Morgan, postal supplies.. B C Marquardt Co, mdse to Mrs Cottingham E T Comer, fee State V. Meteer Allen J Bctson, fees. Mothers' pension cases Allen J Beeson, State vs. Edw McDonald C D Quinton, do Wm Langhorst, fee, State vs. Meteer Allen J Beeson, State vs. Wm Davis James F Wilsdn, tlo. constable L Rotter, labor at C II Ailen J Beeson, State vs. R Denson C D Ouinton, do Allen J Beeson. do Bashus et al C I) Quinton, tlo 9.40 Hammond Stephens, supplies to Co Supt Mogenscn & Hart, mdse to Nichols. S10"; Fowler. . $12 R I) McNurlin, bringing Chas Brown to Co farm C rosier Bros, mdse Miss Mc Ginnis Kee Lox Mfg, ribbons and car bon to county Eda Marquardt, salary and expense Lincoln Telephone & Tele graph co, rents and tolls.. J II Thrasher, bailiff's cert.. II P Sheldon, sewer work at farm J II Tarns, salary for Oct.... Dr J H Hall, 3d qtr saly. Co phy.- Dist. 1 Tlattsmouth Lodge No. 7, D. of II., room for election; 3d ward Plattsmouth J il McMaken, ft and cartage Geo Perry, male hog to Co farm ; II M Soennichsen, mdse to C II .r4 50, Collinr, S3, Kushin sky $3, Worden S3, Rinker So.Meisel SI, Rakes $10 Fred Patterson, office work.. A G Cole, salary and expense. . Plattsmouth Journal, printing, supplies and ballots Mrs. Lillian B. Baker, care dep children Remington Typewriter Co., . rent of machine to Co. Judge Waterman Lbr & Coal Co., coal to KushinskyT X & B Printing Co., election supplies 166 25 John Miller, assigned to C. D. Quinton, guarding Oscar El ridge 2.50 Hatt S Son, mdse to Mrs. Lam bert 10.20 C D Quinton, boarding prison ers, Oct 28.50 46.50 35.20 16.00 2.50 GO. 18 repairs to. 14 3 50 10.00 8.00 11.40 G.OO 4.10 5.15 100.40 10.00 5. CO ;. i . 11.00 5.00 ! 4.00 4.36 2 00 4.00 2.20 11.40 elec to county 32.92 Mrs Emma C Miller, care dep children, November 15.01) Mrs Clare Matzke, do 25.00 Mrs Sigrid Schmarder, do .... 10.00 Martha A Hatlden, do 25.00 The following claims were allowed on the Road fund: icii-uu rroniicn, K W, R D 16 R F Hurlbut, do 6 J II Lnthrom, hdw 10 E T Tool, lumber R I) 4 -I D Adams & Co, repairs for grader Ji I) io Frank Mai lt r, grading R I) m i 1 Adams & Co J? ruder, dist 2 Chas II Spohn, R W, R D J A Riser, do 1 Village Treasurer South Bend, proportion road fund, R D 19 Henry J Ruhga, J VV, R I) 7 G W Ilarshman Jr, do i: J M Hoover, do :; v-eo r Uehlerking, co 15 J M Hoover, do A A Wallinger do 15 C II Nold Lbr Co, posts, R I) No. 5 Coatman Hdw Co. nails R D 16 J II Foreman, R D 6 G P Cook, do C II Nold Lbr Co, lbr 6 Coatman Hdw Co, nails R D 6 Neb & la Steel Tank Co, cul vers, R I) 9 Do, 11 Do, 7 Walter J Clause, R W, R 1) 4 Wm Peters, do 13 Fred Spencer, do 11 Wm Shoemaker, do 12 Geo Homer, assigned J M Tee garden, work, dist 14, Com. Dist 3 C II Gibson, material do .... Neb Sogard & Co, coal, do . . Avoca Lbr Co, lumber do Johnson Hdw Co, nails, do . . . Johnson & Jones, blocksmith work do Cascade Threshing Co, oil and grease, do 6.33 Keystone Pipe Co, cement pipe Dist 11 Commrs Dist 2 331.60 The following claims were allowed on the Dragging fund: Fred Spencer, dragging Dist 14 3.75 E F Hurlbut, do 6 6.00 Geo Oehlerking, do 15 5.00 Walter J Clouse, do 4 8.25 A Wetenkamp, do 1 13.10 F W Nolting, do 12.00 G L Kraeger, do 10.50 Earl Cole, do 4.50 C L Wiles, do 10.50 II C Creamer, do 10 8.50 J M Hoover, do 3 17.G0 J II Foreman, do 6 32.70 R L Propsf, do 1 37 87 Ed Ranard. tlo 27 0.75 Geo Reynolds, tlo 27 A W Propst, do 1 G P Cook, do 6 Walter Byers, do 27 1.50 O W Marshall, do 5 10.50 ( On motion the Board adjourned to meet Thursday, November 1G, 1916. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, County Clerk. of Dist Court 10.50 Belle D Grassman, care of de pendent children, Nov .... lo.oO Dr J S Livineston, medi il ut- tention, Wm Owens 51. 00 Tiie following claims were allowed on the Road fund of the county: Neb & la Steel Tank Co, cul verts, R 1) 1 F W Nolting, R W. R D, 1 . Joseph Lindsay, do 12 R Kt-tt lhut, do 12 Norman Deles Dernier, do... T t V ;t) 10 1 1 r rans, t!o J Adams, material, R D 16. The following claims were on tiie Dragging fund: R Ketelhut, dragging dkt 12 Win. lvt"!s. do J3 10 50.00 8. 60 i 15.O0 l.oo 4.00 tl 87 a!I,.rd 40.00 .50.65 1.60 179.00 10.40 21.10 7K.20 .30 38.00 28.00 15.90 7.25 93.60 25.50 .'"P. on 157.10 G.OO 84.50 4.00 13.00 1.50 21.05 45.43 . i 7.00 25. 05 2.00 M G Lime, do 2 6 io R L Whitman, do 12.75 The following chiims wt re allo-.-rd on the in io'.-i fi.:! i f I'.., ,.,,.. K . - -ue- iv ((: John .1 ov. brid' II Bu-che !.. M II ; .-. I red Clark, 'e Wo IK, 1: A .1 Oo , do 1up:;,t Coal ,v. In:,, r,. do. .1. II l I 1 '1 ool, luiii Ge W Vo c, Pied Clark. h: Walter J CI u Aug Kre -k!'. .v. 0 H Cib-on. do A i-.tfrnia; !.!,. bridge ii.r Geo W V,,,., Co, br'dgv C II Spohn. bridge y aternvm LI, r v. C teria! C F Vaik-ry. work Johnsoon Hdw & bridge snikes . Yates lbr & Coal Co 15. 3 1. 12. 10 95 ' 9 0 1 ' iiati-rial lbr ... Work. e. do iaa:, do work . . materia! . . ' oa rial i C, lbr v.-nl: al Co. nia- Inipl C Il iad Banning & Nichols. 1, Edwin Shoemaker, I, rid C L Ileebner, biii'ge .donarch EnginCeriiv bridge work, Avoca i meeting lbr lbr ndge won; 1. 3 1.35 2 1 M .76 s.ou 7.20 7.05 :: 9 !7. jo l::..3o 6.S11 1.5 1 I no 5 :;5 1 2.79 (..on :;o.ihi Monarch Eng Co.. -e i 1 1 ci Co tlo, reinforcing for i...r.i. Monarch Engineering ,, do, Nehawka precinct Monarch Engireei ing (0 repairs, West Rock Bluff. . Monarch Engineering Co., bridge work, do Monarch Engineering Co., tlo. Plattsmouth precinct . , Monarch Engineering Co., do, West Rock Bluff :','i5 -J', io.v :. 84.70 057.66 1 02.20 io.m Monarch Engineering Co. do, Mt. Pleasant precinct. . 1201.62 Monarch Engineering (V., do, Liberty precinct Monarch Engireerig Co., do, Avoca precinct Monarch Engineering Co., do, Elmwood, precinct 3.75 Monarch Engineering Co., 72.30 i Rast Rock Bluff 1 1.45 ' Monarch Ennirccring Co.. 476. r 363.89 1 72.28 0::p.n9 11.67 22.00 G.!0 00 12.50 156.71 37.25 6.00 3.00 97.50 66.00 8.00 25.00 36.50 25.00 104.00 554.82 20.00 3.00 7.00 221. 12 36s S6 Tom Smith, do 10 84.80 , C D Quinton, jailer fees, Oct B B Everett, do 11 94.75 ' W R Egenberger, coal and 123 70! wood, Worden $; rat- ton, 83 50, Monroe -1 fx t o c ! 5.40 12 10 5.40 Fred Clark, do 11'.. 5.40 waiter layers, ao 21 loi.oji 5.40 J C Lomeyer, do 5 42.40 Frank J Libershal, expense, der 5.40 W II Porter, do 11 13.50; livering election supplies... 12.10 John H Busche, do 2 206.40 j John W Crabill, care of C II 5.40 ' Aug Krecklow, do 8 90 00 j clock, yr ending Oct, 1916 5.40 ' C F Vallery, do 1 44.S0 K D Clark, mdse Wave Allen. . 5.40 John P Meisinger, do 1 14.50 Nebraska Lighting Co., gas 1 1 Plattsmouth, Neb., Nov. 1G, 1916. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, with all members present, when the following business was transacted in regular form: Petition and affidavit received from the Trustees of the Independent Church of Christ, showing the Board of Commissioners that the church is owner of lot l,block 4, So. Park, Plattsmouth City, and asked to have same stricken from the tax list, of said county. On motion the clerk was ordered to take same off of the tax rolls of the county. County Judge Allen J. Beeson. filed an order with the County Clerk di recting the Board of Commissioners to pay Belle D. Grassman the sum of $10.00 per month for the care and maintenance of her two depend ent children for a period of six months, on motion the board allowed said amount to be naid as ier order of the court. The following claims were allowed on the General fund: Zuckweiler and Lutz, mdse to county, Patton and Baker. . John P. Sattler Treas, room for election, Platts 2d dist Hillyrard Disinfectant Co., scrubbing compound Wraterman Lbr & Coal Co, coal to C II 101.95 Plattsmouth Ice & Cold Stor age Co, ice to C II 2.25 N Cummings, hauling rubbish Western Mach & Foundry Co, repairs to radiators at C H Peters & Richards, labor a C II Dr P J Flynn, medical services Wes Burnett Ilillyard Disinfectant Co, dis infectant to Co farm W C Grebe, care of Davis at jail A G Bach & Co, mdse to Co $38.26 Newland, $17.00 Dil- lehay 58.26 E J Richev, material Co farm 13.65 R B Printing Co, supplies to j Co, claim No. 25 23.50 C E, saly and mileage Henry Snoke, do 38.85 40.00 Julius A Pitz, do 45.52 5.00 C E Heenber, toll calls D C Morgan, envelopes, oleik i: do. Weeping Water precinct 162.63 Monarch Co., do, Plattsmouth precinct. . . . Monarch Engineering Co.. do, Liberty precinct Monarch Engineering Co., do, Avoca precinct Monarch Engineering Co.. bridge lumber I'rar.don Bros Lbr Co., bridge lumber E J Richev, bridge lumber ... On motion the board adjourned io meet Friday, November 17, 1916. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, Count v Clerk. 31.30 0.15 2.15 1: 11.88 9.00 G3.00 1.00 15.60 9.00 4.50 ao.oo 2.50 ro 7.09 52.50 3.82 Plattsmouth, Neb.. Nov. 17. 1916. J Board met pursuant to adjournment, j all members pre. t nt, w nen the lohov. -ing business was transacted in regu lar form: The following resolution was adopt--il ed b vthe board : A Vli.ic!K tlifoi' is :in unexpended , , . i balance in. the General fund of Cass Ji countv in the sum of eighteen thou .sand ($18,000) dollars, and Whereas the interests of the county ij seem to demand that a transfer of. the sum of six thousand ($6.0;;o) ill- lars, to be made to the Bridge fund of said county. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Coinmis-yj sionors of Cass county, that the .sumj"j of six thousand ($6,000) dollars, be 4I . . - . 3 and is County Bridge fund. Dated at Neb., this 17th day of I)., 1916. hereby transferred from the General iund in the t oounts 6 't .9 Platt.smouth.3f2 November, A. Attest- il ru t-'A T F2 C. E. HEEBNER, HENRY SNOKE, JULIUS A. PITZ. Board of Commissioners rr?A'i: t t.tijf.tjsh ai. The following claim was allowed on the Bridge fund: A F Sturm, bridge lumber $268.05 The following claims were allowed on the General fund: Wm Holly, mdse to paupers and jail $ 20.05 State Journal, suplies to sheriff 29.00 Plattsmouth Steam Laundry to jail, June to Oct, inclusive 22.65 On motion board adjourned to meet Tuesday, December 5, 1916. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, County Clerk. Remember that S. J. Reames sells the latest books published. Bell Wright's lit est vrkp. Hnrold I 1 V