i T . I journal. Neb Stal Hiftorit'al S.o you xxxiv. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1916. hMTji "er w No. !.(. SECRET MARRIAGE COMES TO LIGHT Young- Couple Married During State Fair and Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Tritsch Tender Thern a Reception. From Friday's T'nily. A wedding of two of the popular young people of this section of the country that occurred sometime a so has just been brought to light and as a result the young people are being showered with the best wishes of their many friends. It seems that Mr. William Macy ar.d Miss Nettie Richter while attending the state fair at Lincoln last Septem ber decided that life would be brighter if they took life's journey as one and accordingly on September Oth they were married in the capital city. This fact .vas kept in the dark until last week when the announcement was made of the happy event. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Tritsch tendered a very pleasant reception to the newly weds at their beautiful country home west of this city that will be Ions re membered by all those attending as one of the most enjoyable social events of the season in that locality. The rooms of the Tritsch home were deco nted in keepins with the spirit of the occasion and the settings were perfect for the delishtful time enjoyed by everyone. Mr. and Mrs. FreJ Macy received a large number of handsome Sifts from the numerous f 1 ieiids throughout the countryside that will in the future serve to remind them of the happy event and the dear kind friends that they possess. Delicious refreshments were served at a suit able hour by Mrs. Tritsch assisted by several other ladies while during the course of the evening punch was served by Miss Estelle Tritsch and Miss Grace Horn that served to add to the pleasures of the event. The company had one grand, good time until the we sma' hours of the morn ing when they departed showering the guests of honor with their best wishes. The groom is one of the enter prising young farmers of this local ity and possesses a large circle of warm friends whom he has won by his splendid traits of character. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Richter of near Murray and is a lady that possesses many friends who will join in wishing her a long and happy married life in the future. CASS COUNTY COURT HOUSE TO BE CLEARED AND RE-fjEGGRAtEB From Friday's Iaily. It seems as though at last the Cass county court house is to be cleaned up and redecorated after needing this attention for a great many years. This beautiful building is one of the best in the state and there are few counties that can boast of as substan tial and well build building as Cass county, and if it were to be put up at the present time it would cost at least SloO.000, and it is doubtful if this figi-re would cover the cost of the Lutliing, and to leave it neglected is something that should not be per mitted. The offices in the building have had their walls and ceiling covered with dust and dirt until it would be im possible to detect the original color of them, the woodwork has been neglect ed and the general condition of the building become such as to do injus tice to the interest of the citizens of the county who put up the building to be the future home of the county government. The board of commis sioners in taking up the proposition of having the rooms repainted and the wood work placed in proper shape, are doing something that they certain ly should be commended for, as it is badly needed and is in the long run a bir saviner for the taxpayers. The - r - owner of a house would not for a moment allow his home to run down and co neglected, and the county should take the same interest in their fine building, that will stand for years as one of the substantial county build ings of the state. CREAM, 37c, at Plattsmouth. Dawson's store, 9-19-d&wtf SENATOR JOHN MATTES VISITS HERE YESTERDAY From Pri.Jav's Pailw Yesterday afternoon Senator John Mattes and A. P. Young while en route home to Nebraska City from Omaha, stopped off here for a short visit with their friends. This is the first opovtunity Smator Mattes has had of visiting Plattsmouth since the election ar.d it proved a very pleas ant event for the friends of the able senator as it gave them the oppor tunity of congratulating him on his splendid victory. It is safe to say that the voters of the second district made no mistake in the selection of Senator Mattes and, that he will see that the district is properly repre sented in the coming session of the legislature at Lincoln, and the senator will be one of the leaders in the up per house of the Nebraska law-makers and be in a position to have a voice in the making of the legislation in the interest of the people. GEORGE OLDHAM CELEBRATES HIS 7QTH BIRTHDAY From Friday's Dally. Yesterday was the seventieth birth day anniversary oi oeorge uiunam. 1 one of our most hkvhlv esteemed citi zens and in honor of this event a num ber of his friends were entertained in a very pleasant manner at dinner by Mrs. Dora Moore, a sisier of Mr. Old ham and Mrs. II. E. Snyder, cf Fair field, la., a nie-e, at noon yesterday. The table was very prettily decorated in a color scheme of yellow and white with a large floral centerpiece of yel low chrysanthemums forming the chief decorative feature. This was the gift of a nephew of Mr. Oldham from Sioux City and was a very charming feature of the occasion. The dinner which was most dainty and delicious was in four courses and was served by Mrs. Mrs. Snyder assisted by Mrs. Frank Shopp and Miss Dora Will, ar.d it is needless to say was thoroughly enioved bv everyone. The time was pent by the guests in visiting with thelrold friends and was indeed a most pleasant event for everyone pres- !t. Those who were invited to be present to enjoy the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Troop, Rev. and .Mrs. II. G. McClusky. Mrs. Henry Spangler and daughter, Miss Eliza beth, Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer, jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shopp, Mr. and Mrs Will Wehrbein. Dr and Mrs. T. P. Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. A. . Will and daughter. Miss Dora. Mrs. Lee Oldham and daughters. Misses Pauline and Pay of Murray. FARMER GRAIN DEALERS TO MEET. From Friday' Iaily. The Nebiaska Farmers Co-Opera -tive Grain and Live Stock State as sociation, the Farmers' Grain Dealers' Association of Nebraska, will hold its fourteenth annual convention at the Hotel Rome in Omaha, November 21st, 22d and 23d. Delegates are expected to be present from every farmers' ele vator company in the state of which there are about 325 at present. This convention will grapple with the car shortage problem and endeav or to do something to prevent a recur rence of it in the future, and espe cially to such an alarming degree. The car shortage matter is of con cern at present to every citizen of Nebraska and the desire for action is expected to bring a very large dele gation to the convention. Another matter of the -highest im portance to the people of Nebraska will be taken up at the convention. It is the probable proposition before congress when it convenes in Decem ber of an embargo on the exportation of wheat from this country. If such an emborgo would be placed it would demoralize the grain markets, and be cause of the car shortage grain men would be unable to protect themselves or move their grain, and the result would be a financial disaster to them since nearly all of the elevators of the state are full of grain and will be so all winter. FOR SALE Two steer calves, Red Poll stock; also milch cow, same stock. Phone 127-W. ll-20-2tdltwklv DnOC MfiD Meanwhile Democrats Are Discussing M'.rthead, Shallt-nbergi r and Retd As Possible Entries. The old guard of Nebraska ropubli cans who didn't like the independent attitude assumed in the senate by Sen ator Norris have- already started a campaign to defeat him in the primary two years hence.. At Omaha the other day 'it was civen out that the conser vatives and the l epublicans-at-all hours bovs were trying to decide whether Congressman Reavis or Con gressman Sloan was the man they would endeavor to entice into a race with Norris for the republican nomi nation. Reavis is the man who is under stood to be most favored. His progres sive tendencies are more marked than those of Sloan and that is what is at tracting their attention, as it would be useless to run a conservative like . W. Jefferies against Norris. The chances of getting either Reavis or Sloan into the race against Norris are believed in Lincoln to be rather slim. Reavis lias served but a little over a year as a representative from the First district and is just getting well settled in the house. Leader Mann thinks he is a corner and with the re publicans in control at the coming session Reavis is certain to get some good assignments. He has just been re-elected and the majority he secured is a fairly good guarantee that he has a long carter ahead of him in the lower house. His friend-; here think it unlikely that he would place it on the hazard of a fight with Norris, where the iaitial handicap would be against him. With Congressman Sloan the Norris opposition might have better success in getting his consent. He is now rounding out his sixth term of service and has been re-elected a fourth time. He has his district sewed up so tight that ttobody has a chance to get it away from him. and while this might dd to his strength as a senatorial candidate it also operates to hold him to a seat in the lower house because of the assurance of staying there as long as he desires. Mr. Sloan also more nearly approaches the conserva tive ideal, being a strong standpatter on the tariff. lie is not likely to run for senator until he tires of service in the house. Two certain and two uncertain en tries are visible on the democratic side. Governor Morehead and Attor ney General Reed will be in the con test without any doubt. The governor was desired as a candidate against Hilchcfcck, but he was canny and backed away from it. During the campaign he kept out of the factional row and is in good position to harvest a lot of votes. Mr. Reed is credited with having senatorial aspirations since he was a boy in high school. He began running six years ago, when he was comparatively unknown, and the big vote he received in the recent elec tion has not dimmed his hope in his star. Congressman Shalienberger is also credited with senatorial ambitions. Norris took him to a trimming four years ago when he was the democratic candidate, and last spring the demo crats say he acted as tho he wouldn't mind getting into the primary. His re-election as congressman by a good majority may induce him to stay with in the. safe limits of his'district. R. L. Metcalfe is credited with a desire to try again. This seems to be based more upon the fact that he took ex ceeding pains to stay regular during the campaign while being dry as a bone rather than on anything he has said. Arthur F. Mullen is suspected of entertaining ambitions to wear a toga, but he made no move to in dicate his intention of entering. Lin coln News. FEELING SOME BETTER. From Saturday's Daily. Mrs. Dora Moore, who has been feel ing very poorly at her home in the south part of the city for the past few days, is reported as showing some improvement and has been able to be up and around the house some. This fact will be learned of with much pleasure by the many friends through out the country and they will trust that she may continue to improve. MORE MEN ON JOB AND PAVIN6 IS PROGRESSING From Frhlnv's Tail The paving work on Washington avenue is progressing in very goot. shape as the v Monarch company has secured additional men for the work and with the improving weather condi Lions they are able to rush thv work along, and will soon have several of the streets readv for ue. The use of asphalt filler on the paving has been a great improvement over the sand filler and will result in giving the people of the city a much nicer pave mcnt than would be possible other wise. It makes a solid surface and is waterproof, and much more sanitary and clean than other methods of filler used on paving work. With favorable weather conditions it will be only a short time now until the paving is completed and the splendid highway thrown upon for the use of the public for travel, and it certainly will be a va.t improvement over the street in the past, when it was impassable rt times for mud. ;0URT HOUSE GiRLS TENDER MISS BEESON PRE-NUPTIAL DINNER Fi'-m Fiitlav's Iaily. Last evening the young ladies em ployed at the court house tendered to Miss Gertrude Beesoh a most delight ful pre-nuptial dinner at the beautiful Gering home on North Sixth street, in lonor of the forthcoming marriage of Miss Beeson, which will occur on Wednesday, November 22d. The ap- ointments of the dinner were most artistic and the decorations consisted of bride roses in profusion, and the centerpiece was formed Ty a large bouquet of these roses, while at each place dainty cards with tiny cupids indicated the seats of the guests. The dinner was in five courses and was served by Miss Barbara Gering. One of the pleasing features of the dinner was the dessert of ice cream served in learts and which were pierced by a ir.y arrow, carrying out the spirit of the happy occasion. Following the dinner the bride was presented with the handsome roses as a remembrance of the event, while a number of the guests gave toasts in honor of the ride-to-be. During the evening Miss Eda Marquardt gave two very pleas ing vocal numbers, while Mrs. A. J. Beeson favored the gathering with two delightful readings. Those in at tendance were: Misses Opal Fitzger ald, Eda Marquardt, Florence White, Marie Sveboda, Bernice Newell, Ellen Leyda, Gertrude Morgan, Jessie Rob ertson, Mia Gering, Mrs. Allen Bee son, Mrs. A. J. Beeson and Miss Bee son, the guest of honor. RS. ENYART WINS IN THE SUPREME COURT mm Saturday's )aily. The rights of Mrs. Katherine En- yart of Nebraska City, widow of Cap tain Em-art, one of the wealthiest men of the Otoe county city, in the estate of her husband, were rejudged by the state supreme court at Lin coln yesterday and by action of the court the widowo gains upward of $100,000. A contract providing for twenty annual payments of $500 each, in lieu of her share in the estate, was nnulled by. the high court, and claims cf other relatives were scaled down to give the widow her share of the estate of her late husband. This estate has been subjected to a great deal of litigation and some thing like $500,000 was involved in the suits that have been tried be tween the heirs of the estate and the greater parti of the leaders of the Nebraska legal profession have been interested in the suit as attorneys for one side or the other. The case was first tried in the district court at Nebraska City before Judge Begley and was later appealed to the supreme court by the widow. The case is fa miliar to the residents of this locality and many of the parties interested are well known in this city. Will Rummell came in this morning from his farm home to spend a few hours looking after some trading with the merchants. ONION MEN NOW 0PP08S PART PLAN Objects to Making Strike Illegal That Is Called Prior to In- Baltimore. Md.. Nov. 17. The American Federation of Labor by a unanimous vcte today declared against that provision of President Wilson's legislative program, making illegal any railroad strike or lockout effec tive prior to the investigation of the merits of the case." The committee report, which was adopted, recommended the convention take an unequivocal position against compulsory instructions and in favor of maintenance of the institutions and opportunities for freedom.' The convention had before it that section of the executive council's re port dealing with the railroad brother hood's threatened strike. Referring to the bill introduced in congress for the purpose of preventing strikes and interruptions of transportation, mod- e'ed after the Canadian compulsory investigations act, the report says: ''This effort to again subject wage earners to involuntary servitude has aroused the determined resistance of wage earners generally. To their dec- arations against involuntary servi tude the proponents of the legislation have replied that although a strike would be made illegal under the pro posed law and strikers, criminals, yet individual workers were not deprived of the right to quit work. "It is pure sophistry that only aug ments the sense of the injustice that wage earners may feel for industrial wrings to allow them by law the right of individuals to quit work and to declare that they cannot agree with fellow workers, that conditions are so bad that their only hope of justice and fair dealings lies in agreeing together to quit work, that is, to refuse to per from their usual tasks, to strike." Problems of industrial justice and redress for individual wrongs, the re- poit concluded, cannot be worked out by laws. The creation of a federal commis sion to investigate all phases of the increased cost of living and recom mend to congress "measures designed to remedy this situation and to pre vent its recurrence," was demanded in a tesolution adopted by the convention today. The resolution declared that "among the chief beneficiaries of this abnor mal situation are the bitterest enemies of organized labor." SPECIAL FEATURE AT THE GEM SATURDAY EVENING At the Gem theater Saturday even ing a special feature was given the patrons in the showing of a thrilling motorcycle hill climbing contest be tween several different makes of mo torcycles over the hills along the Cali fornia coast, and in which the Excel sior motorcycle was the winner. This film was in 400 feet and was most pleasing in the dash and go of the machines speeding over the hills at a death defying speed. The film was shown by the local representatives of the Excelsior company, Henry Stein hauer and son, H. E. Steinhauer, who have had the handling of these me- chines for the past few years and have been quite successful in this line. It had been intended to have the film shown some time ago, but owing to the non-delivery of the picture it was necessary to postpone it. EDITOR RUTLEDGE NOW HOME. We note that Glenn Rutledge, ed itor of the Nehawka News, who has for some time been at a hospital in Omaha recovering from the effects of an operation for appendicitis, has so far recovered as to be able to return to his home and once more launch into the work of the craft. This fact will be very pleasing to the friends cf this estimable young man through cut the county, and it is -to be hoped that he may now enjoy the best of health and be able to add his part to the excellent paper he is publishing. WILSON'S TO ATTEND FUNERAL. l'-m Sat unlay V- Il;lilv Attorney V. L. Graves of TTnmn v.'us in thfc city for a few hours ves , -v afternoon enroute from his '!:?u t0, C' wheiv he was called v oeatn oi J. M. M i Her. a brother-"-mw, who pa,d away in that citv tho fu"r M'-'(;es wil! attend Glenwood M r AHM ' from : , K Ml!ler well known , .rV .imy -" made his home for a greut many years and he possesses a grtut mam-" r..;. .' ., .' . . . IV1IU.-5 Dill 1 n Mills county and in this Polity He was eighty years of a,,e and' f ' '. several years past has been a gvnt sufferer from cancer of the stomu-'h Mr. Miller leaves to mourn his death the widow who is quite well advanced in years. PLATTSMOUTH BOY FYiim Siitiirilny's laily. From the last issue of the Nebraska Union Farmer, the official publication of the Farmers' Union of the state, we clip a very pleasing little article writ ten by Max Kohnke, a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Kahnke, formerly of this city, and a grandson of John Svoboda, sr. The young man has been greatly interested in the potato industry in Sheridan county, and his article is quite interesting to the friends of the family in this city and vicinity, and is as follows: "From a Bright Farmer Lad." ' When are you going to write to the Union Paper again? This I have been asked many a time, so I guess it is time to wake up. How are you all getting along? The Farmer- Union out here has been going along by jumps. About a month ago they shipped in two carloads of peaches and pears, also some honey, but the only fault we found was, they didn't last long enough. I have been so busy going to school and trying to dig my potatoes to complete the reports to the State Potato club, that I could hardly find time to write to the Union Paper. Guess I must be like the little boy that his grandpa said, he should get up with the chickens, but if I had to stand all night on a roost hanging on by my toe's to keep from falling, well, I would get up early, too. I did not have much luck with my potatoes this year, because of dry weather and frequent washouts, and came near giving up. Thanks to a few encouraging words from Mr. Skin ner of the state university. The field was poor, but the price is very high, so I guess I will come out on top yet. "Sometime ago, though I am a little slow, we had a rare treat, which is too good to keep." It was a surprise party on my father in which he was presented with a fine "Rocker" and an excellent speech presented and com posed by Mrs. Brownell, one of our best friends and a member of the Farmers' Union. The speech is as follows: On the eve of your birthday, Your friends and neighbors have come to say, Words of greeting, kind and true, And the bond of friendship to renew; We deem it an honor to be here, Having a part in this good cheer, Trusting that your future years Bring untold joys to you and yours, Not only as neighbors and friends, Greeting to you de we extend, But to "our president" make a bow, For 'twas you, you told us how, The middle man we could turn down, When our "spuds" we take to town; And the Farmers' Union soon would be, A mighty force in the land of the free, If by each other the Locals stand, Shoulder to shoulder, hand to hand. I trust you'll pardon this effusion, Also the "surprise" and slight con fusion. We must confess the plot worked fine. How did they keep you off the line? We offer as our only excuse, For perpetrating this little ruse, "Farmers' Union" and your birthday." Long may they continue we all say." MAX F. KOHNKE, Age 13, . Sheridan County. P. T. Becker and C. T. Vallery came in this afternoon from their farm homes and departed for Omaha to spend a few hours looking after some business matters. ODDEN DEATH OF ESTEEMED Mm J. If. Killing Passes Awey Alter an Il'ues of PracikalU Only a l't-w Houis. Tt was a great shod; to the commun ity Saturday evening when the Word wu.n received that .) . II. Kulms had passed away sit his home in the ,orth part of the city, after an illrass of p:acti.-ally only a lew hours, and r as utmost, imnossibli. f.n- ,,.,,. mends to realize that th.-b- r. ;...! Vo-uUl W v,rh them no n,.,.-,.. ...I ... 1 i. . . . n iry wile th. blow can:' siid- y and in h . -eiiMiy brought a hht'r'h ot It man but the critical r-i.-l; thought to be at handb,tt::;,;;;;:, !'. 1 V .s me patient yvdd.-r.b worse and ck...n.. ..r. " passed away before mod ca luA ..T, reach his side. Mr. Kuhns was one of th - i.r,.,v... ent men of the city and one ,,f ,v' most popular and highly esteem d V everyone with whom he hud come in touch as he possessed the most stable characteristics and when he made friend it was one in the truest mean ing of the word as he would do any thing in the world for those whom he called by the name of friend. Firm in his devotion to duty and outspoken for the ideals that he believed to be right he was a man of force among those with whom lie was associated and did not hesitate to stand for the things that he believed were for the best interests of his fellow man. At the time of his death Mr. Kuhns was Exalted Ruler of Plattsmouth lodge No. 7:19 B. P. O. E., and has for years been one of the active members. He was also foreman of the Burling ton lumber yard at the shops and one of the prominent figures in this line of the railroad service Mr. Kuhns was also a member of the Masonic frater nity for many years and of the Knight Templar and Shriners. lie leaves to mourn his death the widow and one son, Stanley Kuhns, residing in this city, and a son and daughter, residing in California. In the bitterest hour of life the sorrowing wife will receive the heart felt sympathy of the entire community in her loss and it is a grief to the entiie city that this splendid hu.-bar.d, father and friend should be taken away while yet in the prime of life, and each one who had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Kuhns feels a personal loss in his passing. Men like- .lot Kuhns leave in their parsing a inot sorrowful regret but the kindly actions and firm devotion to home and family is a most worthy example to tin en tire community. The definite arrangements for the funeral have not as yet been fully decided upon by the family as they are awaiting the arival of the son from Los Angeles, but it is thought there will be no funeral held in this city, the body being taken to the old home in Los Angeles for burial. The body will leave here Thursday or Fri day for the west for burial. An un: le, "Will Hovey of Chicago, arrived this morning to remain until after the funeral party starts for the west. CASE FILED IN COURT. From FroTay's I.'iily. A suit has been filed in the office of the clerk of the district court en titled the Bank of Commerce vs. Mary Beland, et al., in which the plaintiff seeks to recover on a promissory note $1,590, executed in March, 1913, and which was due in March 191G. A part of the note has been paid and the plaintiff seeks to recover the bal ance due and to have the property of the defendants, in the city of Weep ing Water, sold to cover the amount due. C. A. Rawls of this city ap pears as attorney for the plaintiff in the case. RED POLL REGISTERED STOCK. Those who spoke for calves, please call at my home between now and De cember 1st and get them. Some are registered and some are grades. A. F. Nickels. ll-20-2tvkly