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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1916)
i l: m .PLATT5M0CTE srMi W EFK LT JOURNAL. THURSDAY. JOTKlBXi; i t 4 ) First ecurity . an CEDAR CREEK, NEBR. Sound, Conservative and Progressive THE BANK OF THE PEOPLE THE BANK BY THE PEOPLE j THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE We are anxious to assist the farmer .in feeding and handling his live stock for market i 18 ; Deoosits In This Bank a. are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska, which lias reached nearly $1, 000,000.0;) It is back of us and protects you! OFFICERS: - WM. SCHNEIDER, President V. H. LOHNES, Vice-President T. J SHANAHAN, Vice-President O. F. FOREMAN. Cashier LrtNdiftuit.ui lU DENT FOR President to Take Oath en March 1, Which Tails On Sun-day. rfe s ... as in To Impost Daily Fine on Railways Holding Cars From Another Line. AUSTRIAN LEA SEES PEACE 0 ftp Victory fcr Teutons Predicted in Ru mania, With Allies Then Will ing to Concede. KfSg .aajl LXl'L .il.'.U lWgflMB;ragLjq. w ri Tnr Washington. D. C, Nov. 15. There will he no lapse in the service of President Wilson because of the fact that March 4 next, inauguration day, falls on Sunday, according: to an opin ion reached at the State department. It became known today that on ac count of report ? that a lapse would occur and that Secretary Lansing would be acting president on March 4. a form letter explaining the law has been prepared by the State de pal tmer.t to be sent out in answer to inquiries on the question. While it is not e?:pectc:l that the formal inauguration of Mr. Wilson will be held until Monday, March 5, he will be advised by Secretary Lan- j sins: to take the oath of office on Sun- day. If Charles E. Hughes concedes the i re-election of President Wilson by next Friday, Var.ce C. McCcrmick, J chairman of the democratic national committee, probably will discuss plans for the president's inauguration with local democratic leaders when he comes to Washington on that day. Usually the chairman of the in augural committee, which has charge of the parade, and. other civic cere monies, is selected soon after the elec tion. It is taken for granted by offi cials that the n: evident, following out his plan of 1913, will have no inaugu ral ball. The people are wise who buy sta tioner y at the Journal. New York, Xov. 15. The American Railway association at its semi-annual meeting here today to consider the car shortage situation, adopted a per diem charge ranging from 45 cents to 1.25 for each freight car which any one road shall withhold from another, and decided to impose a demurrage penalty on any road which violates the association rules relating to car she i tage. The association also appointed a committee which will confer in Louis ville Friday with Interstate Com merce Commissioner McChord with a view of effecting co-operation with the government in the car shortage situa tion. The association announced that it was neutral in regard to the daylight saving plan which was also before it for consideration. It is the plan of the railroads to make the demurrage rules effective December 1, assuming the approval of the interstate Commerce commission. The new rides are declared by the association to provide exceptionally drastic penalties against railroads de taining on their lines freight cars be longing to another railroad. Follow ing ere the demurrage penalties pro posed, which the association hopes will piomote the prompt unloading of freight cars by shippers. At expiration of free time $2 for the first day; $3 for the second day; S4 for the third day, and ?5 for the fourth and each succeeding day. Berlin, Nov. 13. (Via London, Nov. 15.) Delayed. The opening of peace negotiations may peihaps be expected with fair prcspovts of success in the course of the coming winter, accord ing to Count Albert Apponyi, who 5s visiting Germany to deliver two ad dresses cn Hungarian history, ex pressed his views in an interview given to a correspondent of the Asso ciated Press in which he discussed the general European situation. "We cannot expect," ho said, "to see peace negotiations opened within the next few weeks, while the Ruman ian campaign is rtill undecided. How ever, I legard our chances for success there as excellent and once Rumania willing to consider the question of peace. Rumania was the entente's i j last card and is proving a losing one. j p We are massing a big army against ; rjj the Rumanians and I think that theic end will come shortly. Of course our ft pi egress on the Transylvania front is a bit slow, owing the the great difTi-! culties of the country and particularly . Sj to the deficiency in rearward commu- r ideations. These communication? are far poorer than in the west or even in Galieia and Rumania. However, the fillip liui:u;n:a ii:iu 111c n i : 1.1 many respects really been advantag- j ecus to us." pi i To im ticn Sales bills done quickly at the lournal. Farm Loans, Insurance and Real Estate. See J. F. Foreman. First Security bank pays 5 per cent on time deposits. Don't forget S. J. Reames when you are in need of paper napkins, paper plates, ice cream dishes and all kinds of crepe paper. Read the Evening Journal. Only 10 ?nts a week. Tirst Security bank pays 3 per cent on time deposits. For good, fresh Candy, Fruit and Nuts, see S. J. Reames. When you want some good reading don't forget Reames, Library. WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF Hp 0f3 HAND and can make you attractive prices on yjo&isior and Superior Press DriSis, Henney Buggies, Birdsei Wagons and Wagon Boxes, Steel Wheel Trucks, King and Hamilton Steel Crain Dumps, Empire Cream Separators. 1 f "12 pT35 Lee Puncture Proof and Firestone Tiies and Accessories Studebaker Agents CEDAR CREEK, NEBRASKA LsJ ILa E3 ees tnfmy living. ;y To illusrate what he regards as the j h proving chances for peace negotia- , Q Count Arponvi referred to re cent speeches of statesmen in the op- j posing camps. "Not Lloyd George, of J course," he interjected parenthetically. but such as Lord Gicy and Cnanceilor von Bethmann-IIollweg for example." H He suggested a comparison between the utterances of these leaders a year j t ago and at present. 'Then,' he said, -il 'their respective standpoints were nlw far apart as the poles, but now, ai- j f though there are still wide difference" i pj between them, they have most appre- ciably drawn nearer. The joy has been pi eliminated frcrn the Rritish pronounce- j 1 mtMits and the agitation for annexa tion is dwindling in Germany. "Chancellor von Bethmann-IIoll weg," he went on, "has pointed out in ' M his last speech that he has njver I f J demanded the annexation of Belgium, ill ! iii Such instances as these show, in my j opinion, that there are now no realiy j j inseparable obstacles to the opening ; U of a tliscussion on future peace. Ci S3 course, the kingdom of Poland must ' 3 stand, but I believe Russia can be j t brought to reconcile herself to this situation." To Welcome Neutral Mediation. Count Apnonvi was asked if h 1-3 thought the impulse to start peace ! j discussions could come within the 'H camps of the warring powers or j whether' an outside impetus, in the I form of a tender of good offices from a neutral personage or power would tl be necessary, lie repiieu tnat ne saw no reason why neutral mediation should not be welcomed when the on- ucrtune moment to which he had re- l ferred should arrive, and added, that he knew of no reason why President Wilson should not be acceptable as an intermediary. "We feel, of course," he said, "that President Wilson has not treated uj fairly and that he had departed from the way of strict neutrality, but even though one lioes not like a person, that is no reason for rejecting his services when these may be useful." Sees Russian Menace. The Hunganan statesman believes that the war should not only end be cause of what he regards as the fu tility of further hostilities, but be cause of his expressed conviction as to the menace of Russia. He declared that the western states of Europe bust band themselves together for eie fense against Russia, which country he characterized as the great menace to the future pence of Europe and the world. In his opinion, France's ef forts to regain Alsace-Lorraine are domed to failure and the republic may as well reconcile herself to peaceful and friendly relations with her eastern neighbors. He holds that Great Brit ain has made an abortive effort to crush Germany as a trade rival by appeal to arms, but that there is noth ing essential in the character of the three nations to prevent their union as friends. In respect to Russia, how ever, on the other hand, Count Ap ponyi declared that the organization cf the country contains the germs of war and that she is compelled by the very essence of her being to attempt to extend her domination at every op portunity over the nations with which she is in combat. "Once this war is finished," he said, fiiciaj V te of Cass County CAST AT GENERAL ELECTION HELD NOVEMBER 7, 1916 O ri CANDIDATES Amendment ::' (dsy) .'Ji-1 (wet) President Wilson i!em Hughes rep Rers-Mi sue L S. Senator Hitchcock de-ni Ke-nr.c dy rep Gilbert pro Governor , Neville (km Sutton 1 1 p T . . Miilikan soc Graves pro Lieutenant Gcxcrnor Howard dem Sh.uniway rep Brumbaugh sec Smith pro Secctarv of State Pool dem Wait, rep Hefner, soc Lamm pro A uditcr Smith (km Marsh rep , Baldwin soc Roberts pro State Treasurer Hall den Revnolds rep Weils soc Stoll pro State Superintendent Clemmons dem Thomas rep A Mi ell soc lino:: pro Attorney General Reed dem Dc-voe riT) Wright pro Land Commissioner Shuinway eiL'r.i Reckman. re p ' Chase soc Jenkins pro Raiiw ay Commissioner ' Wilson dem Clarke rep BisA-ii pro ' Beard cf Regents Had. dem Landis rep Seym ore rep Bar.sett, rep Aborly soc Taylor soc Gilbert pro Nesbitt pro Congress, 1st District Maguire deia rep Abel soc Senate r, 2d District Mattes dem S:urm rep Rep. 7lh District Muity dem Tyson, rep Le da soc Rep. Sth District Todd dem Harrison rep Ccuntv Clerk Liber&hal dc.n Bead rep Disf.ict Clerk Nemetz de:n Robertson rep Ccuntv Tier surer Tritsch dem Hall rep County Supt. Marquardt County Sheri.T Wundcrlich ele-m Quimou p County Attorney Capwe'l dem Cole rep Ccuntv Surveyor Patterson County A.jse-sor .107-141.124 204 10.') : SI 5t' 72 80 (: 1:12 117 .',(; 13'i SO. i :S I . t l 78. S8 lii-" 2; l i r l; s ! r:t , r:, . ; s( : : : j ! : : ' 1 t:" 'A- I ; ' '. i g" ' ' " I ' j ' 1 '. i 1 ''"id:" i : "z '. ; ! ' j j '. 1 ' '. ' ' I ' ' ' '. i : : ; : M i : ' i ! ; ' 3 5 r i - 3 ! I P2 107 10(i l."8 1 1 12S 10 l:J0 12L111 S7; Kt2; S'.l HMi Ml i: i; 4, :;: SS 110 98 84 113 JJS 202 14S 1: 1 :j; 2 4. :i 9.) 123 120; 89; DS 8-" 17010; i 1 2 5' -1 - r- 7 . j i i : l:J9'' 110 117 i 10 121 12.', 104 00 80 177 125; 2 1 2 2 2 0 0 7; 08 124 147 100 00 S2 l.",7 12'' :; 1 2 4; 0 3 0, OS 124 147:100 00 82 157 120 2 2 4 o: o: 87 km; 121 12 80 85 100 149 2 n: 5 0 5 5 12:M05 110 113, 02 130 01' 88 181 1C0 o i o 12 05 02 88-04 si; 07 i u 74: 80 : 07! 81 co: 80 .70 80 70 o l! 81! 00 1 1; 80' 70; 84 71 151,110 72 00 i)!t 01 ; 54 12:; 103 12.", 50' 110 0,1,148 78 .-,4 01 112 82 1 i:j 1- 00 102 120 54 Cj; 1(, 14M 110 81 100 141 100 KS l-j;;ifi an -, ;o 12::' 15 70 71; 0; 01 7u i(.; 1 2 1 : 78 11 2 4' 77 104 133 80. 00 80 122 1051 3 2 10 l; 73 1 10 mi 102 10! 71, 00 122 132 07 1 4 - 1 f.2 1 1 78 107, 130, 71; 80 132! . 05 1 1 103 134! 78,114! 5; 2 12; 75 108 130' 03 1. 88; 57: 85: 57; i 110 i 13I 03, 0 84, 97; 87: 150: 01 04 0'1 0,4! 110 140, Id,; 1; 1 2 0 ,lr 5 2 5 87 1371 9G 109 100 58: 71 113 127 88 li II 2 4 10 4i .V 0 i:i 138 0,1 13V, 30 ;im 2 11 0-. 31 0b 1 A) 0 1 1 10 71 1 17 71 1 o:-; 1 10 1 1 4 t.. 13 172 81 20 no 8.5 17' ISO 01 21 !i7 04 . ir.3 1'2 11- 00 4 2 102 1 i 121 0,7 10 ' 1 IK 8-'i 177 57 84 11 '23 1 172 10 i 10 1 103' 7 4 1 2501: 52 180.-,: ok" 257 1! 47 1925 5' 133: 0:) 2 337! 43 22-3 00 2322 47 23:"' 5 '.'7 2 05 07 2143 4 5 2 1 ! 1 0 130 020 0) 91 111, 03 115 105 07 141 8 1 17! 1" 10, 87 140 100; 05"107, Si, : 5; 1! lj 14i 4 1 i ! 87 140 100. 95 '107i 84: i 5' 1 li: 07:100 122! 09: 81 125 ! 1: 1 0; 11 2 14, 2 a 78:103 143! 0.1 78 102 2 10; no 130 o 1 . o (' mi) 145 120 110. 119 t .1 . 4 155 ill: 1; 12:' 91 119 lOo! 79 97 80 102 145 1 1 3 4 3 7 r, s 72 li 1 70 70 90, 124 98 115' i ! l: 15 II 4, I 90; 1 88' 94 4; f'2 87! 57! 72 111 115 91' 2S' 89 52 01 2"- " 1- lo3 0.2 45 2; ' 1 i; 2 (; 8: 2; 9 2 12 25 23 22 0, 138 4 5' 5 4 1 1 3 1 1 1-8," 1 ! 89 139: 91 114 115 01.145 48. 29 2P 82 175 17 1 07 0.5 2 12 1 0.15 58i 70 113 123' 82 31: S7l 47 50 27 5-". sj in:; ol 13 2l.i i -J 1 5i 10 :i, 9 1 12 24 21 2" 7 14 J 5 2 4 2 1! 2. 4 4 2: 0, 2 1 2 112 89 139! 94114!115l 01145i 48' ?:' 2li 82 17- 174 07 0,5 2557 520 58! 70 113 123 82' 3H 87, 47.: 50' 27 i 50 1,103 01 43 2-f.l wf " li 5 10 3 9' 1 1 12' 24 21 21 7' 141 o 2, 4; 2 1! 2 j 4! 41 2 . 0. 2 1 2 s5 ; j I ! I ! i i ; 1 i i i ; 84 140 82 110 1041 50 129 30 23 19 80 107 157 93 03 233' 130 0-, 711124 121: 90 33. 97' 59, 011 28 01! 88 113, 04, 13 222 I 31 i 3; 12' 3 ll! 1 ; 11 24 24 20, 8 15a 5 3 7: 2' l; 1, I 4 5; 3 ; 7: 4. 1, 2. V'J ! :' i i ; ! i ! : : ! : ' : 87 111,' 89 109 1071 0l!l39 29 22: 1: 95 170 178 10- 70 24.-1 3 ,o 00; C0.:117:i23: 88 32 93; 08. 02 31 1L 80 112 02; 41211'- 4! 4' 4 4 5 2 3: 2 5 2 1 G 5 1 7 lit; 84 130' 81 107 108, 59: 75 119 12 85 ll 4' 2 3 13 0' 3; 4! 4 2, 01 130: 47 981 3 1! i t 2L 58 ; 2K 71 104 157 0,0 : 90 B7 13 23 20 ' 5: 0! 9u, oh' 2L 1; 05 22.00, 42 219'. 7: 151 4 101; 100 l 80 82 75 100 125 95 S4 133 79 118 112, 01 132: 12 19 72 178;i82 110' 70 240-"j.'51 101 87; 83 1 175 137, 0G; 59 -80 HGi 85 Gli 76:120 120 88' 32: 55, 57' 28: OS 85 108; 04 40 2152 7, 9 2; 1 10 3 4! 1 5' 3: 4 3 2 3 4 2 . 8; 5 : 2i 00 : f ,' i 1 ! : ; i 1 I I ! ; ! i ; : : i ! ! l-'s 93 S0 79 103 1351 90 88 13G 86 110 110 00 133, 45; 21, 18 8-1 100 173 99, 09.2407. 453 U4: 79' 71 -08 90 120 77' 70 129: 74.'l07? 95 57 124: 34 19 17 78 150 103 85 03 2224 370 103 128 07; 58; 81 103 90 00 711113,111 81; 30 92' 51 58 30 54 83 101 0) 40 2011 152 120 0,3! 52' 78-104 84 50 70 104 110: 8P 29 87; 40 57 28 55 78; 99. 00 43 104 1 1 ll 5; 3 1! 1 i 2 4 12 41 10, 1! l; 11; 23 18 22 O 131 l! 4 ' I 3 3 2i 5; 3 4' 12 2! Ill l! 11 1U. IS; 20 22 5 130 o! 1(0 3 21 1 10' 2i 4 3' 0, 0 1 2 4 5! 7, 3; i 8; 7, 2 4 122 4 7: ; 3' 1 lgl 4' 4 2, 9 1 1! lj 3; 4; 7 3 18 4 2 3 13 :' ' 1' 1 : 1 i i I I i i i i ! I I 100 77 84 00 83 134 82 90 141! 90,115 100 03 137 33 21: 10 (59 107 104 92 OS 2385 75 180 150 07 77 101 120 1'jG' 04' 73 122 124: 96, 31; 94' 05 67, 30, 71, G8 120: 72 -is 2305 3 4 '1 l 4 i 2 11 3 5; 8 3 8, 3; 1; 10 22, 17; 20, 8 120 . i .' 1 j : ' i I ! ' ; i ! : : i 1 107 7J 3 79 07-V9'' 90 75 144: G7i 90 87! 02 131 2P 18, 13 82-172.101 103 ! 01.2280 MOI05 88 180;i58: 76, CO 87 131; 99 OS: 150:119 117 180 153 129 lo7 92 ; 87 47; 85 190 130 2: 1 1 4; 8 ; I 1 I 98 118 110 88. 90' 91 170 130 132 120 81 08: 1, 78' 09 70 4' 78 04 96 136. 85 108 i, 4 105 7 i 143: 109 82: 78 133: 85.113 101 98 73 73: 121 118! 90 3, 5 5; 3 7 16 ; i' i I ! ! 94 105 143103 133 132 841 51, 05: 106 111! 73, 151 10S 133 145 119. 93 110, .!. 80 150 118 59 81 110 151! 65' 74 109, 99 SO; 310 80 115 106; 70! 115 107. 05 1971GS '25. 91 124 141!108 89 97! 113' 212,124' 8"; 08 07; 82 92 115 84 89 146 lOO: 86 155! 98 126 1 98 03 01,113 114 114 1 ! i . ! 86 141! 74 114; 99, 64 82 127 205 05 59. 68: 96 90: 75 140 ; 124 ; 1 09 1 1 i 1 ; 92 116 103 31 104 i 1 ! 56 125' 34! 9 4 6 2i; 00, 151! 30 78 I ! 05 158 34 87, I 1 55 145: 41 95 9 05. 07 1 - 5 8 ; 7 , 45 52; 31 08 40 57 20 55 22 02 21 07 1 SO 57! 190 54 147: 39 13 31 10 31 13 37! i 17 IS 79 150 144. 50 85 111: 2l' 37 42: 71 04 02 30 2115 15.1 93 179 184 lOo' 49 80 108 ! 08 83 177 150 05 108 119 ! I ! 77,100,183 71 113 110 91 87 I 99 ; 00 27! 125, 129, lO-i: 40 103, 01 0", 31 94 188 172. 103; 54 93 127, 70 02 2131 47 20 80 11 2r,3 72 2 " 17 47:2033 692011 55 2170 ! i 70 2318 50 2 130 I 07 2051 51 2179' 411 112 492 212 183 203 287 228 139 148 177.246 176 146 210, 195'20S;i9S : i 1 f i : :' ! I ! I II 02; 82 105 68! 1 178 101 103 10G 92 58' 92 9J 112 202.147; 94 90 106 166 123; : I : I ! ! I i' I 134. 82 122 186! 98 76 03 90 11G 82. 125 113 80. 118; 135' 81; 70' 89; 143 105 !:;!!!! 75 125; 128 101 100, 78 92! 89 142 110 i I ; ! ! 77,121! 75' 87: 90. 7G 95 140 151 115 ; ! I 83 222' 98 79; 50 155 179,280 161 110 4380 1 5722 10 00 2002, 54 21 5o' 00 2572 61 130' 39 117, 02 110 33 131! 50' 71! 3: 00 15 70 I is: 09 i . : 1 15 70 152 138, 82 35 08 130 101' 97, : I 16" 47,122 117" 07; 34 101 148 180 VX, I : i ! 1 : i : ! 238 175 170 285 220 139 132 172 216.1721145 203' 193 201 190 l 88 222 86, 78, 41 122 218 281 102 108 410 Rultner dem 1113 85 122 109 i 88' 76 Farley rep !1441oo b7190 110: 76 Ccunty Ccmmisf.ioner ' T I ! ' I 1'itv jcrn 135 7r lxJ 92! 65; 04! clem !108:101' 88 194:149 76! Wheeler soc '. . . 1 16 18 0 151 24 10' Chief Justice ! 1 ! ! M01 risiev t in.-;: 00 124 132 105; 51' I'a.v.-jetL " ; 94' 82 56;i45!117 73: Suprerre Judges III'!1': Bar- es '. 121' 09 70' 91109, 34! Martin I 94: 99 78 135 82, 85' Co-iiish 140.118: 94 195 130; 87; S.-d'-wick ' 97, 97 59 1741 90; 76! H-stin-'s ! 99! 00 07! 06;103' 25i m.-hp '. . !103' 72' 115' 124! 113, 27; District Jud-e III!!'1 Barley 207. 157, 129 228! 180. 112! Ccrntv Judfre i j ! 1 i v.of-.ou 100 177 121'1-18'122' 75 Lcfisr : 08; 60; 49il30j 97i 49. I I ! 77;102'132 03 79 123; ! I i 58: 79,13a 80 102 121 j 8! 3. 71 84' 99; ! 86 ; 94! 1 I ! i ! 77 147: 8810S: 97 G9; 67:il8 123'107; '! 79 153 82 99,102; 1 64! 59, j 02; 111 5 . .o: 25; 79 135' 48: 75 77 117 ! I ! 61 110 74 00: 97, 68 97,199; 72 78! 811115 65 01' 5S 74 100 81 i' i ' 03 10, 93' 42 36 125 123; 87, 8 8! 16' 24i 95 i 83 ; . 1 ; 86 121! 75 ' 65 118 79 56,104 79: 72 108, 93142' 49' 91 j 80 98: a 70 50 si 87! 83 109, oO 68 92 53 1 I 99, i 98; 53, 36 1 05 02 124: 35 US, ! ! 01:157 22 70 15 10 1 t 43,' 90 38 lot; 33 00 i 29' Ol' 7, 19; 7o 1 24: 71 32: 74 01! 95 38 121; 03 42' 79 jo in:? 28; 39 04! 34! 40; 20 so: is; 02 4' j: 42 28! 49 58, 29! 351 17 31 3 i 19' 20, 21 22 17 17' 14 03 1".5 130 88 83 115 101' 87 ' i i I 85 100 170 105 5 4 '100 111 05 10 11 10 15 ; i , I 82 119 130 100 47, 90 113 49 03 1. 97 53 80 120 80 147 140' 07,111 118 01 115 113 52 77!13i; 8 82 9o; 03; 41 58! I J7; 73 107! 76' 03! 78 ' 1 1 3 1 3 8 ! 1 09 1 0 S ; 1 29 1 4 5 1 3 6 1 25 ! 45; 40; 71; 52; 38 59, 36; 81; 42. 53 161 36 48 47, li: 58: 15! 35 112 185 219 127: I ; I I i 92 106 181 119 10 31 ; 54 64 351 60 2273 02 2115 I 07 2291 T3 2218 5 281 I 49 20;5 35 1910 48 1 1 51 2505 42 1978 41 14X 31 1S79! 70 3 450 302 422 132 ..05 133 28 55 2791 1502 20,1289' "Europe will probably have at least twenty-five or thirty years of peace, until the generation which has passed throujrh this conflict has departed i: on, the statre. This should ive time and opportunity to a wise and far seeing diplomacy by which the west ern states of Europe can arrange for protection ajrainst the disturbing ele ment in the east." Count Apponyi says that his views are sharod by all leading Hungarians and with the possible exception of csrtain Slavonic elements in Austria, are also held by the leaders in that country. The people are wise who buy sta tionery at the Journal. You can cure that cold in a day. Take CASCARA QUtNIN The eld family remedy in tablet form safe, sure, easy to take. No opiates no unpleasant after effects. Cures colds in 24 hours Grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. Get he Pennine box with Red Top and Mr. Hill's picture on it 25 cents. At Any Drug Store c HEALTHY AT LAST. "My wife was sick for years in con sequence of the change of life, and no medicine could help her. Thsn she began to take Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine and recovered rapidly,' so informs us Mr. John Mil ler from Royalton, 111 cleans the intestines, strengthens the body and restores the nerves. In ! cases of constipation, flatulence, nerv ousness or general weakness its ef fects are wonderful. Price $1.00. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, Manufactur ing Chemist, 1333-1339 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. CITROLAX. CITR OL AX. C I T R () L A X. ltd 1 . - - HMMaaBaBMMHMMB mhhmmJ Best thing for constipation, sour stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow els. Stops a sick headache almost at once. Gives a most thorough and sat- This remedy ; isfactory flushing no pain, no nausea. Keeps your system cleansed, sweet and wholesome. Ask for Citrolax. Sold everywhere. Office supplies at the Journal office View the tine Hne of fancy station ery at the Journal. We can fill the bill. Fiesh sweet cider on tap, 35c per gallon at Lorenz Eros. 11-2-tfd. r1 V