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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1916)
t 1 PLATTSMOUTJI SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1916. TAGE ?. Cbe plattsmoy tb fournal ' PUBLISHED SEMLWEEKLT AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBHASKA. Catered at Postofflce at Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PKICEi PER VKAK 12 AOVAXCK Governor Neville, is a sure thing. :o:- "Win with Wilson!-' Well, I should smile to snicker. - , :o: It's good-bye whiskers; a partial pair and pointed pair. -:o: . m m m THOUGHT I'OU TODAY. V If graft continues in the man- V agement of public affairs in America, what is to become of the men who labor, ar4d the hon et men of the country? An ! I- Original. V :o: Senator Hitchcock will help him. Sure thing and no doubt. -:o:- :o:- Dn't burn leaves too close to the house. -:o:- X, man stands higher than Senator Hitchcock in Nebraska. :o:- Sutton! Sutton! Oh, where was :utton when the lights went out? -:o: Salt Creek (Greenwood) done nobly for the democratic ticket from top to bottom. How is it now about Wilson "being the wort heat man that ever ran for president?" :o: Some , people can clear their con science easier than other people can clear their throats. President Wilson four more years. President Wilson four more years. :o: Pay your bets like little men. :o: Senator Hitchcock will remain in the United States senate six more years. :o: Mr. Harman's pet amendment has been defeated, and this will put him out, beyond a doubt. It is hard for the Omaha Bee to die, but it dies pretty hard, just the same; -:o: -:o: Entire democratic state ticket elect ed, including, probably, two members of the supreme court. -:o If you are a winner you bet on your judgment. If you are a loser you backed your sentiment. -:o:- And that splendid young man, Keith Neville, will guide the destinies of Nebraska for the next two years. Anybody can be grouchy, but it takes a good man to keep gloom away. 1 101 Theie was no hypocrisy displayed by either Senator Hitchcock or Keith Neville. :o: Now that the election really is over, we demand that the curfew law be rigidly enforced. :o: It costs more to live and it costs more to die. After a man is once born there is no escape. :o: Senator Hitchcock is the greatest democrat in Nebraska today. This was proven in the election Tuesday. - :o: Only twenty days until Thanksgiv ing. The democrats have much to feel very thankful for, but how about the turkey? KEITH NEVILLE :o: -:o: Do your Christmas shopping early, and be sure you buy what you need in Plattsmouth, instead of Omaha. -:o:- -::- The election of president is pretty close, but not close enough for the republicans to steal it. :o: Roosevelt can go in his hole and pulj the hole in after him. He is now a back number for sure. :o: There would be a lot moe wisdom in most rr.ens heads if they did not let it leak out through their mouths. when a bachelor loses his heart to a married woman he can console him self with the thought that he still has a heart. :o: .lust because a girl stays up nearly all night taking in the election returns is no si?n she is interested in the out come of the election. :o: Some persons ask advice only be cause they want some one on whom to place the blame if a venture that they have in mind goes wrong. Chris Grunthey was re-elected clerk of the district court without opposi tion. We congratulate this noble democrat. :o:- :o:- The Omaha Dee s-houM take in its sijrn, and prive credit to whom credit is due. Kennedy is not bip; enough to leprtsent Nebraska in the United States senate; neither is Sutton big cnoujrh to be governor of Nebraska. :o: The American people should feel proud of the fact that Woodrow Wil son will be at the head of the gov ernment, and will steer the .ship of stale as it should be steered for the common people for four more years. The people are to be congratulated upon four more years of rule of one of the greatest presidents this coun try ever boasted. :o: Charles Evasive Hughes is not the tight kind of a man to run America. The company he keeps is not of the "Star Spangled IJanner'' stripe. Am ericans are for America and not for Penrose. Smoot. Roosevelt and the gang who want to destroy American institutions. An American is f)r Am erica first, last and all of the time Wrap that in the American flag. :o: We congratulate our old friend, for mer U. S. Senator Allen upon his elec tion as judge in the Ninth judicial distiict. He has a safe majority of 1,'JOO to 1,500. Senator Allen was elected to' the United States senate some twenty years ago, and was born in Madison county, Ohio, the same county in which the writer was born, "and. it is our privilege and right to congratulate the old hero of many po litical battles. A California woman has left her husband because he lacked conversa tional powers. No husband ever left his wife for a similar reason. : o : Attorney General Reed and State Treasurer HaJ! pulled through like all good and faithful officials ought to. They are friends of the taxpapers and have proved faithful to their trusts. :o: It Hughes' picture on the front page Wednesday morning, but now the place is occupied by the picture of our noble president, Senator Hitch- cock and our young governor, Keith Neville. :o: Keith Neville God bless him! made a noble race and demonstrated to the voters of Nebraska that he was a true man and not a hypocrite. He is a man of the people, and he will prove a good man for the people of Nebraska. :o: The democrats of L slcr county elected their entire ticket. Among the defeated republicans are Edwin Jeary, fcr the senate, and Gus Hyers. for sheriff, two former Cass county citizens. With the farmers still holding their wheat, it is no wonder that the specu lators think wheat will hit the two dollar mark. :o: The Journal extends congiatula- tions to Chief Justice Morrissey, and may he do his duty thoroughly, as he has ever done. :o: Edgar Howard, democratic candi date for lieutenant governor, received a majority of 1,53G in his own county of riatte. Good enough, Edgar, fihake! -:o: -:o:- Thc republicans are liable to make an effort to count Wilson out as they did Samuel J. Tildcn in 187G. But the people are in no condition to stand for any of that kind of work at the present time. "Wilson, Peace and Prosperity" will go onward and up ward. i :o: Dan V. Stevens is an easy winner for re-election to congress in thr; Third district by over 3,00f majority Good enough, Dan. Considerable in terest was attached to the race in this district, as the republican na tional headquarters put a great deal of hard cash in this district to defeat Mr. Stephens. :o: A WARNING. I he authorities of the county scat have been notified of the drunken brawls that are being carried on here on the public stieets every now and then, and there is going to be some thing doing in the way of arrests and fines if the nuisance is not stopped Some people are willing to stand for just so much and then the end must come. If the fellows are bound to quench their thirst the place to do it in the future will be along the creek bank where no one will be disturbed from their slumbers. Union Ledger, With shoes at twenty dollars a pair in Russia it is quite, evident that those Russian soldiers have been do ing a great deal of running over pret ty rough ground. It looks now as though the sufTs hr.d loatfin South Dakota and West Vir ginia. v ell, we won t nave to worry about the "new vote" in those states in 1120 anyhow. :o: That the democrats of the nation do not have to depend upon New York in presidential elections for suc cess, was demonstrated in the election Tuesday, beyond a doubt. :o: Those who "misunderstood and sought to punish Keith Neville will now find that in return he will give them the most honest, capable and up right service it is possible for a man to give. -:o:- Vith all of the guns trained upon him, Senator Hitchcock emerges from the smoke of battle, unscarred and a bigger man in the nation than ever be fore. He has been given the acid test and stood it well. We are delighted to know thai Willis Reed is re-tketed attorney geneial by a very comfortable ma jority. There is not a more 'ieserving man in the ranks of the democratic party of Nebraska. And onward and upward is his destiny. :o: There is one thing ..certain. Next elccti on the New '"York newspapers, which usually have -the idea they con trol the destinies of the nation, will at least wait until the polls close in the western states before they begin conceding and celebrating. :o: Penrose, Smoot and one or two oth er 'discredited reactionaries have picked themselves out of the ash-pile and are being quoted in the political dispatches as though their opinions on current topics had suddenly assumed tremendous importance. For a while it really looked as if this were going to be a great year for Penrose, Smoot and company. This crowd got it in the neck pretty badly last Tuesday, and it will, perhaps, settle them for all time to come, while Governor Johnson, of California, is one of the coming leaders in the United States senate. If ever a candidate deserved elec tion because of the kind of campaign he made that candidate was Keith Neville. Indications at this writing arc all to the effect that Mr. Neville will be the next governor of Nebraska. The World-Herald sincerely hopes these indications will be sustained by the completed returns, and it congrat ulates both Nebraska and Mr. Neville on this highly probable outcome. Mr. Neville grew in the favor of the people with every day of the cam paign. No one met and heard him but gained a hearty respect for him. No one knew hirii but liked him. His campaign was as clean and vigorous as Mr. Neville himself. This young man, aspiring to the governorship of his native state, throughout the hard light kept his good temper and cheer ful disposition. He abused nobody. f spoke no unkind word of any man. He did no pettifogging. He dodged no issue and exaggerated none. He kept his sense cf proportion and of values unimpaired. lie shewed him self to be sane, level-headed r.nd en tirely trustworthy. As the campaign progressed the people of Nebraska came to understand why he is so well liked and so genuinely respected in his home town. Mr. Neville was most unfairly at tacked. He was made the victim of conscienceless misrepresentation. Bat he paid no attention to it ail. lie just plowed steadily along, with coriidorce in himself and with the healthy con viction that the people would be able to distinguish the true from the false and return a just and intelligent ver dict. With the entrance of Keith Neville cf North Platte into public life Ne braska has gained a factor in her de- velopment and progress that will prove an increasing value as the years go by. lie is a real man. lie was a real candidate. He will be a real gov ernor. He will not only vindicate the confidence ot his friends but will win the esteem and support of many win; have chosen to account them -elves his enemies. Wo rid -I lerald. jJ3 , ll $ f is . .r:i li &!M Cleminuns Wins State Superintend dency and Shumway is Land Commissioner. It is all over, thank God! :o: Basket hull is now to be the mge the balance of the whiter. :: Mr. Hughes L; tiul only out of luck, but he is also ovt of a job. :o: When a doctor is operated on, how many ways are the fees split? : o: The democrats have won "the shout ing" in nation, state and county. :o: When you play politics, it alys pays to be half way honest about it. :o: "Crow" will be a favorite di. h for some fellows around here for a few days. :o: It is estimated five million dollars was lost in New York City on the election Tuesday. :o: Politicians and rabbits are a great deal alike, only the rabbit starts quicker and runs fa-:l r. :,): New York can no longer con' col the result of iwitional elections. This was fully demonstrated on last Tuesday. :o: Brcau o ;i pvni doesn't know his bindiM-n:; very well is no indication that he doe:-n't know all about yours. A:, a rani ; i ; - -: i manager Colonel Chi i:i Grunt her has no equals not in N hrad'.a. And the Journal extends congratulations to the genial Chris. :o : Tho , Thanksgiving proclamations would seem l be more in place if . . they were issued before election. Com ing as they will after the result is known, n considerable part of the peo ple will not he in a frame of mind to receive them in the proper spirit. , ;o: It will be a happy day when the auto drivers come to the conclusion that the pedestrian has just as much right in the road as the driver of a motor car, or anything else. In fact the courts have determined the super ior right belongs to a pedestrian and not to a person riding in a vehicle. With over 80 per cent of Nebraska's vote tabulated on all state' cilices, it it becomes apparent that the demo crats made a clean sweep of the en tire siate ticket. The' last doubtful oilices state su j erintc ndent and land commissioner fell into the democratic column yes terday when the belated returns .showed the defeat of State Superin tendent Thomas by W. II. Clemmons of Fremont and tire besting of. Land Commissioner Beekmann by G. L. Shumway of Scoitsbluu. It will be tho iirst lime in the his tory of Nebraska that the democratic paity has held practically every ofliec hous only repub- !P tne stale iicans in cilice after January 1 will be two railway commissioners. Ycste: day's returns also settled the contest for the third of the three as sociate justiceships of the supreme esui-l. Dean lead 4 Barnes by 2,300 votes in seventy-two countiesrtpre senti.'ig over SO per cent of the total vote. This makes his election certain. On the state superintendency Clcm mcr.s leads Thomas by 700 votes in seventy-live counties, and Shumway leads Beekmann by 12,700 in seventy four counties. The const itotionr.I amendment mak ing the fr-ad ommisslonshin a, six year cilice showed signs of vitality ov the first re turns yesterday, but is now headed, for defeat. In nineteen coun ties outside of Douglas it is running about even and still rests under the iiandicap of .7,000 adverse votes in Douglas. Kerth Neville's lead over Sutton for governor is now (5,5oO, bxu ing out the Wo j Id-Ik raid's early prediction that his final plurality will be about that figure. Following are the latest Nebraska fbrurcs : Prohibition. Sixty-nine counties For : Against ' President. Sixty-seven counties Wilson (dem) Hughes (rep) Senator. Seventy-nine count ios Hitchcock (deni) Kennedy (rep) Governor. S e v e n t y -1 i i r we counties Neville (ikm) Srltoii (rep) Feed Amendment. Tw enty co untie s For : Against Chief Justice. Seventy-nine counties Mon i : sey Fav.cett Associate Justices, Seventy-two coui-ties t Cornish fcC' i C V C ! 4 Dean Bain.s Hastings Martin Superintendent. Seventy -live counties Cier nr)!i ; (dem) Thomas ( rep) lnul Coin inrs- iouer. ' levi nt y-foiir counties Shumwiy. (dem ) Me kaiatm rep) ll.ulu ay i ' Seventy-four nuniUe.;--- Wil.-e-n (dem) Clarke ( rep) Lieutenant Gov ci nor, Fi f ty-sc ( n count ies Howard (dem ) . . Shumway. (nf ) Slate Treasurer. Fifty-seven counties - Hall (dem) Reynolds (rep) Auditor. F i f I y - s e v c n c o 1 1 n I i e s - sSmilh (dem) Marsh ( rep) Attorney General. Fi f I y- s e v e n cc unties Reed (dem) Devoo (rep) Secretary of State. Fifty-eight counties Pool, (deni) Wait (rep) , University Regents. Forty-nine counties Hall (dem) , Landis (dem) , Seymour (i ep) Bassett (rep) 11-1,311 07,075 121,218 0 ,0it 130,010 11S,:;32 120,101 lRJ.OOo S0.M71 o7,l(io .n,H0 Dl,02e o.,;;2 SX,12-i 80,!)1 8 !,:0'.' 8J.71S 70,201 1I0.SU 1 10,1 r7 1 OO.r77 J 03, S0-! t I I, It lOT.OC.C 101.171 o7,i:?2 !0:5,:ilf SO.OOu . !:,! '98 88, ISO 103,200 89,000 109,817 85,373 83,914 7G.8G4 09,712 05,781 Bisons sis mm i CREAM, 37c, at Plattsmouth. Dawson's store, J-19-d&wt Net Contents 15 Fluid Draciigj 'At : f. ' Tor." ... ...1 M V .J 2 20, JO gv :-4 1 , ."C-4 S I JvLCOlIOL-STEIlCEyE AWctaLkrrcparau'onlatAs- pixauaLuio uii- iuuuuuuu---tiiirf the S(onL-ctsandEffl5 ' ProinolcsDesUoii.Cliccrr J XIOT AMY t JtxSfrwajy Jpptrpdirt llnnruaSngar v JacSi:tu1cnatreot III ..-'' - Illf IV 1 U U -M EU UI1U For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of ft . ft- .IM 'J'J U liiil.n,-4r'?' Exact Cory of Wrapper. In Use or Over Thirty Years 19) TMC CCNTAUR COWMNT, NCV TOdlt CITY. 'MS Uh MI 'SHIRE L'noiIIcial Figures Favcr Wilson by Plurality of Seventy Votes. Coueoid, X. II., Xov. 10. Discovery ;f errors in official returns further loudcd the outcome of the New Hampshire vote for presidential elec xrs. Secretary Bean announced in his inal statement of the day that with live of the 291 precincts missing the certified count was: Hughes, 43,122, Wilson 43,093, a Hughes lead of 324. He pointed out, however, that these igcires included the Hughes vote in .wo precincts, the clerks of which had 'ailed to credit Wilson electors with any votes in their certificates. In each instance the clerks later admitted :hat an error had been made. The clerk of ward 2, Dover, said he hould have reported 298 votes for Wilson, and the clerk of ward 2, Keene, said he had omitted 135 Wil son votes inadvertantly. Both offi cials say they would correct their re turns on substitute blanks forwarded by the secretary of state tomorrow. The live precincts not accounted for :n the certified returns are shown by press figures to have cast an aggre rale vote of 293 for Hughes and 203 'or Wilson. Unofficially, the secretary f state said those figures indicated i Wilson lead in the state of seventy v oU s. The combined total of certified and press reports was: Hughes, 43, 7ir,; Wilson, 43,785. Preparations for the recount de manded by the republican leaders yes terday brought ballot boxes from many places to the state capital to jjay. All were placed in a special vault, to be held for the inspection which the law states shall not begin until fifteen days after the filing of notice. The democratic state committee is sued the following statement tonight: "We accept as apparently correct the tabulations showing a plurality in this state of seventy for W'ilson. That Wilson has carried the state admits of no doubt. No inspection of the ballots can show a material change. If there is an change at all it will be favor able to the president." Sufferer From Indigestion Relieved. "Before taking Chamberlain's Tab lets my husband suffered for several years from indigestion, causing him to have pains in the stomach and distress after eating. Chamberlain's Tablets relieved him of those spells' right away," writes Mrs. Thomas Sasey, Geneva, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere. Doing the Work. W. T. Nanney, Noel, Mo., writes, "Your B. A. Thomas' Hog Powder is doing the work down in this part of the world. It proved to be what we needed to prevent and cure hog cholera and expel worms." II. M. Soennichsen. Puis & Gansemer. And Jerry Howard goes back to the legislature. Hurrah for Jerry! With some an ounce of graft is worth more than two pounds of honesty. Drs. EViacSi .& Ma'ch, The The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Specialist! in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices. Porcelain fillings, just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized alter using. Send for free sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment. 3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA THI iS WDK1T mm All the principal Southern Gulf and Cuban cities are included in the general arrangement of attractive Winter excursion fares. Many circuit ours of the historic South are offered that include Washington, D. C., in one lirection. A .scheme of diverse-route tours embracing a most comprehensive tour of he whole Southeast is effective during the winter months. Then there is always Southern California. Ask the undersigned for the Burlington's Winter Excursions leaflet and Southern1 Kesort literature. Burlington high class train service from the West and Northwest to any of the Southern gateways St. Louis, Kansas City, Chicago. BIG FOOTBALL GAMES. Magnificent football, Lincoln; sec one or all of these great 'Varsity HUM games: November 18th, with Kansas Universitv (Grads Homecoming) ; November 30th, with famou.3 Notre Dame. R. W, CLEMENT, Ticket Agent L. W. WAKFLEY, General Passenger Agent, 1004 Farnatn St., Omaha, Neb. J t ; If- il