PL A'XTSM O UTIT RIK-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 6. AL0 NEWS ITEMS r 1 8 VI 1 1 Y Zl Prepared in the Interest of the People ot Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reader, J JL-X. BOOK vtM C PC;-- Sentinels- of There is a deal of talk on preparedness. ARE YOU PREPARED ? This world is full of vicissitudes. Yon may be in the best of health today, with fine prospects in business. Thtr? si?.y come a siee of illness. There may Start a bank acrourt ! f l" Uf Tracy is sewi g for Mrs. J. A. ! 'er this wee!'. j ."..t dinrer ard surper at the' ristian church o Saturday, X'cv. - i Thomas Smith ax d grader gang are xir.g up the road south of Murray ; .vith the jrrader. Mr:-. John Llovd. who has been vis- i.i: ,wir. iter at r,eainee, re- umei home W ednesdav Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brendel, Mrs. Will Stybolt and Dr. :d Mrs. J. F. t - , . . Brer.ucl spent Tuesda m Avoca ! Dr. A. D. Dunn, of Om.cha. was .... . . , called ir cor.sulratio. '.vuh Dr. Gdrr.ore over the severe illness of Mrs. Bird D2V-,o'-' ":" , ;. .. , '. " . . , I Mr. and Mrs Nick Fr;ecrich are; this week over th arrival! r r r i . of a baby girl at their homo Wednes day evening. William and Dan Folf. of South Omaha, drove through here Wednes- day e n route to the Dawson home in! Mt. Pleasant precinct. The teachers of the Murray High School will take the last of this week to attend the Nebraska State Teach ers' Association at Omaha. Sam Patterson, of the treasury de- partment at Wasington, D. C., spent last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker, and Dr and Mrs. G. H Gdmore Mrs. Bird Dawson, a resident of Mt. Pleasant precinct, age forty years, died at her home Monday evening, after an illness of two weeks with pneumonia. Mrs. Dawson was born in Mt. Pleasant precinct, and was well and favorably known in eastern Cass county, and was the daughter of Charles Mateer, a pioneer of the county, who still resides at Elmwood. She leaves a husband, a son and two daughters to mourn her loss. She was well beloved by all who knew her, and her loss to the community will be greatly felt. c 1 worn 91 ii H MURRAY H Til trfflrmpm I 5 8 k a 1 3 j - jl tfa 1 come a les of position. Be prepared, j Account With Us fime deposits. i hy the State Guaranty Law. V STATE G. E. Xickles sj-ent Sunday with folks. Iv. R. Xickles was a Piattsmouth j visitor Saturday. Frank Duiray was visiting friends in Murray Sunday, Vi,it the janan?se booth at the ba zaar cn November 25th. Miss Etta M. Xickles was transact- bu3incss in Piattsmouth Friday. --, n i - i Gussie Pullcn and Wile have move;! cn tl Good fa,m recentIv pUrcl,a5cd. , . . , . Remember the bazaar at toe Cnns- , tian church on -November 2oth. cu , fi should attemt. Miss Pcarl Dugay crme up f'T Pel t Wednesday and will spend the v.-eek-en?l wfth Miss Etta Xickles. JIrs- Oregon Dodge, from Spencer, Neb., is visiting witn inencis ana re!- atives at her old home near Union. O. T. Lydia drove to Phittsmouth Saturday afternoon to attend to so ne important business matters ard was a pleasant caller at the Journal cilice. Miss Grace Jameson, of Weeping Water spent the week end in Murray. Mrs. Chas Read. Mrs. Rcbt. Eurr. Mrs. Traeev Levda and Mrs. Wm. Rice were new members of the Murray 1 -Add Society Tho d;nner at the Presbvterian j church on t.ic.ct;on d;:y was -von I'rcnized, and was a money maker' for ' 'o lathes. They always serve a good dinner and in return receive good patronage. Our old friend Billy Wheeler, Soc ialist candidate for county commis sioner, was in Murray Tuesday nijcht to hear the election returns. lie is, well pleased with the vote he received throughout the county. Benson, the Socialist candidate for president, re ceived eleven voes in West Rock Bluffs, and Wheeler, Socialist candi date for commissioner, received twen ' ty votes, a gain of thirteen over the I head of the ticket. f. l !ine of ladies' collars and iff ets, 25 to 65c a big 1 from. carfs rge sizes, $1.00 s and Hoods t- st shades and styles tor ls-s and children, 50c, ad$2.50. Here First! Tutt5 NEBRASKA 4- B rt n g WJL.1 8 M SI !i For of all kinds see J. W. Holmes. For Sale A few Dnice mrdo hogs. Oldham .Stock Farm. Mr.-:. Charles Ca: roll was an Omaha visitor Wednesday of this week. Service at Low i, ton Sunday after noon, at 3 p. rn. Everyone cordially invited. Don't forget that the Murray Movie Show will start Saturday night at 7: to o'c io-d: pre m pt 1 y . Charles Carroll came up from WVephig Water and lomaii.ed ovr Irundav at his home J. A. Sectl; who has h-'en visit iit;. with o:.- part nts c.o'.vii in 2 Iis.ouri, iv turned heme Tuesday evening. P. A. ilild and family weic at the home cf Iir. and Mrs. Alfred Canseriier in Muriay one day thi ? . C . Kcmemoer i' movies -vut at the Pais Gan-enit'i- hall Satuidav evening ri T:!" ol-.v: harp. The I.ewiston ladies have about completed the feast arrangements for the annual Thank-giving dinner at Lewioton. The coffee at the library on ntxt Saturday afternoon will be served by Mosdames Boedeker and Cihnore. Be sure and attend. Fiank Vallery, the ru.-thnjv Mi:rr:iy ; hind. mar., was looking after nmf j bi slnss matters in the county seat ! Wcdntvdav evening. - j The new book? at the library seem to be very populai. The ofiLvrs; oi the ar.soeie.tion cl.iim that many more rould be used very nicely. The coffee given at the horary lnt Saturday evening was well atteu led. Rc-member tluit or. each Saturday aft ernoon and evening dining the winter the ladles will serve these toffees. M:s. Maiia McDonald and Mrs. Frank Feed entertained the Ladle-. Aid society on November 1st. The v was a large crowd p.c-or.t and a ;.".! many cotpct rags sewed. A nee va:; served. The M ai ray Hardware and Irapic- n.ent compunv dolivo: one ' t.i it iV.mcus Titan gas enfino-; nt! cv-ra- rheel'ers to Fian:: Mi-a.-o!c tnd Pat:! iueHer, weet of ?Iurray, tills week. This is or e of tae good mat bine-, and vi i. b used in shelling on'- the h::,e:e ciop of com in their eoram unity tiiis fall. L. II. Puis, the Mu.i ray auto ar.d light man, is installing one of now up-to-date Alamo boat plants in the farm home of II. G. Todd. s..;tli ot Mr.tray. Electric: ly i-s fast beccm ing the only light for the farm a ; woil -ts the city and tho fi-mers, of Cds Cvvmnii-nity are insiaili:-g them .- -. ey .apioly. At the Christian church, "Christ, the Church Goer,"' will be the sermon topic for next Sunday morning. In the evening the pastor will pi-each on the character of Ruth, and will tell of the lessons taught to yuung women from her beautiful life. The attend ance and interest at the evening serv ices continue to increase. The Bible school meets promptly at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Will Oliver on Thursday after noon very pleasantly entertained at her home, east of Murray, the K. N. K. of Lewiston, when a very import ant business session was held and complete arrangements were made for V. 1 Tl l i: iiiiiiuiii ui:;i:it.rii;if; dinner to be held at the Lewiston church. Mrs. Oliver srrvod n b.bitv tu-n. course luncheon, which added very J raach to the pleasure of the occasion. FOR SALE. My new bungalow, modern resi dence, and 4 lots, with .-!fp. J. E. Mason. ll-S-2wkr,d Mrs. Frank Buttery departed on the early -Burlington train this morning- for .Omaha, where she will enjoy a j f',zi in n;i-, 1 .5 tuat, titj .ivii net tjautmier, I r-j Mrs. Paul Outland and family for a j V'ictrol needles. J. Wk Crabill. 10-17-d5:v.'. i Used Cars for sis! 1917, 6-cylinder45-H. P. BUIOEC slightly used, a bargain. 3 u H ' -2L -a METZ 22-H. P. Roadster good condition, $175.00 T. II. Pollock Auto Company ,lr ar,y of tl,e rondo's of llie Ji '.! i ii a 1 k now of any stwiul e -i:: .r iifin of inuitM. :n this v i.-ii'it y. ;util .vol niuil sumo to 1 Wis oilier, it will :i i I'fiir ii 1 1 i t -1- no i i Wo waiit all in NVsiteu.r 1.lit):: i C W ,7?. fi m ;pri. r-r z?- , 0. . O cj I 5sf ' 5 'o vi..' v i. V? J Mining Company Agrnt I;!!m d Sharpshooters' Ch.ase .ui; El Paso, Nov. 7.- Sixty-"even iar- j oi :i:vtr In Joneer-g to an ..mtriea:i ; n.inin- c r.ipany at Pa e-i. Ch ih"ahoH, arc tcpoiieu to nao b i n tafvtu lan. i.,:;var au"i. an ag-nt me cor-i- r'V"iy, by Villa bunult'? at La:i:.o Rosa lie c,i Oetv her L. Tiie s'r.c- wa-- sai l to have be en valued at ::(, : and i -vas i't ing brougiit f:xn Parral to the j . i . . . . 4 I e . . v.. e . ....... . cur.; !!.; aeent at lV.-r::k Oiveei - c f the raining com ty he;e ' -y they have had no c: oirmatlen of Lhe renorted - e ! i t : v. Nt thlrvr fur- 1 :i- h:.-- been li.-ae.: : the Am.o: :ea:i.s who wfo in Per' -il wir-a Vil'a bandits a-e said to have tahon tlie L-a iui i town. ( ha see! by Bandits. Tuescn. Ariz... X.v. 7. Arthur Wil- rent fo- a-i aalomol ile ply house :rt Chih-aahu:-., rene'vec h.vtl he: 1 .-mobile ' Vt er a enase witn :'.;a oanei! sV-jrp- hi o:t-:s in another c -, in t!'e ce'ir-e wh.ieh a woman whose n.amo is e T 1. . 1 tl'-lt" l ..H'V. l - nor. tor were kilkd. W'i.ilems wife ; l-,..i, r ods 1 - a fa i v as killed in Chiheahr.a befotv ;'-ejNv.i - i.o v iii ta :;.o cha: c t . , 1 -.est n::g a' d c.: i'o K. S. GliihS' DANCE. The vouno- Lukes of lk. K. S. Tarn- Girls' cla. .; will al tie .r Saturday evening, i.v.e.v;aber lith, t the K. S. hall on west Locust .greet. cordial invitation is e.t;n led to the w:b!ie. An Acco-nmcdatino Storm. While a ;'!if.'i i i i rancher wa pu? zliutr over how to harver b's :-i walnuK. st'irm c:uvo and ?':' !. down ?;r..i!i:: wt:tli fr hit i. Is Wilson's Doub'e. Tlie I..-.-i ,!..u.l.p f Pro-': -- at Wi'son in !';:; !. i; :i ni::n nr!tiel ll':et:'s a J it-iivor p"-t'!ii'-e inspe'-ter. You may need an Auctioneer if so is 5 till in the rinji Ycu vill find cn the Murray Exchange. Satisfaction Guaranteed Rates Reasonable Address Route No. 1 LI j M j ?-'! . 3 Ei - AT" MURRAY - k : . , i ,.i !..... i r i : 3 t: r 'A h the 7thp scc?e i fihis great serial. Love and Brass Battens a (Wstor comedy J j " " 11 I Code oFhis A castors a one reel Rex drama U vn JFk n H 1 Saturday Evening, Show Starts at 8:30 Sharp Bern To Mr. an.! M;v. Ft an): H. , . V . , ...... v.!.).;., November i, i:;jf., n son. Vs ( !l !1 Kii'K O i!i: . i- V lt1o?devr with Mr. and .k. Ccrgo i n::;n. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rouse spent Sun day with Mr. and M Bon Apple man. Mrs. Joe ParsoH and iaughter, Laura, were in Lincoln between trains. Sat urday. 'i lio Misse- G.-tu-c B.iii'-y and l,-!.r-f : Me'Kinney won: : 'rot, ping in I.In c; in Monday. M;. and Mr::. K. Jo:i;.;on and oh,!. hen i-pcnt Sunday with riu!iv..: a' liennctl, Nob. By'i.-u Freeman and Mis. Foreman, jr., were visiting Sunday at the Goo. i 1;. Foreman borne. - ,. 5 , s r ,jr.r,isn ,r,pnt Suni! r :,vith Me. and Mrs. L. K5ie n:r,x.v at E!rinv-j d r u:!;i - M. (' .' and oiii!-I'l-i' S'.audav hv (if naVt,-, ;v ve ;u , witn ro.rtivos no .M : e. L:;vr nee oir a';(i c iiihh-en ,v;th :ir i;rv! M ioiiii I. lack ,;:T,t.;,, iu.t v.-eek. ;-s v i n n ' 1M 1 ' ' i 1 ' '. ; yo i.r.e Y." vith Mrs. Geo; ee , C ; ve:, a,uj other relative . j a;.. VT)f yti.. iy.:iv:- Rarivtt and I i. ..r Tr.,,.,.i,.,.r ,e;-.. i l-1 u-.. l uri av and Sunday. Mi -. Laura Sr. dl i-'': n-. d to I in- j t..;;, v,;n j..,. ;;ftll.. -::ixi.:.: visited he.-, . .-. Charles Kiilqal' iek. Mr. an t '. W. A. Knietlv and .; i. o:! a--d Mi .. Clerk of Omaha .i.-U'i lie ir si i.r, irs. Dr. L. Mul--a 1 fami'j ov. r S'-.u 'ay. P.oy A mis', v ig had tt".e r: is foe i.ur.0 o ;:r-:in hi--, enkie bv ('.iii":e ; l,:m! r lt:,v oo-e- bis:. Mo!,l - If, 1 1 j,- ;;. ;,: u., . ,.n err..ehe-: at :.ii i ... . it.;. m; ed his houe e.or r A. id --v it-;": 'i'uesd.t..- til-v '" I ;t . v ; " -eoui ;. m . t 1 e 1 Mr. r.n 1 Mr-. Chas iJer.m tt and i '- 1,1 ' 1 --'t 'o a. 1 ;:y ane'oti up ! Srn-hiy an-l spei.t the day thi-ii c; nsias, r i : (Loiu-. Fc-i'inn;. Mrs. Se.m Ce. -'r.'vee an.l Fi'd Pijuty and. family. Mr. ; . d Mrs C onic ShaTor spem S.-e.rd...-.- in Lir. !: v.-'o re the'- attend ed a fa. rev. id! o. .'. et o 1 't 1 1 !', '.' hit-to.-V, l-i'tio. C. . T- ": V. ':f. Will dc pa -t ie i t s r fu.ure for S "atl Mr. -.-.:'; ei;s. Ve: 1 T.i .ei: of Faller '. u, lnii.ii., te.n.e in Sen- ev to vi.-it the inrio folk.-; a few dans. Mr. Linch e r.ttr.d ti:e State T he; sro- cietloa at Omaha f !-'.-m WednestUiy to i-'i " iey. Fred Th m; s of Pi;':1 oil ';' v'sit with. Ids parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Horry Tlu-mas the' last of iht v. i. (.-':. Be was acron paidod home bj. Ii i.- Utile dauel er. ida, who has hcei le iv for soni.'time. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boyles attended the Nebraska-Ames football t.-ar;ie i: Lir.ct :: u'-f.e.v. Ti'ev we i e ac- ; .. ii'.ied liomo hy Judge V. C. llas c.:U ar.i wife of Oir.rth.e. who visited with them ow r Suialay. lire I.e.iiies' Aid society wishes to ti ank all who so kindly and willingly helped, with the election dinner and supper, and all who partook of ame ! f'r lhl,ir ui'P"rt, and csiieeially than! Mr. R. W. Stewart for the use of hi: big f.toie and kitchen, which was in deed a veiy fine place to serve such dinners. The ledics r.etled the nvat sum of $('". 00. The second regular meeting of the AIvo Community club was held Wed nesday evenia-r in Jordan hall with a rve.j'.n itv of the menibcss present. At G:Z0 an ovster surper was served rs;aU;v a nome talent minst hi show amused tho audience. Followi home talent minstrel rwing tiu the business session was 3 : hi :;:!d. A class of thirtv-eiedit new mcmbe s were voted in. The club is con-due: :ng!.ing a stock com narv and instrdling an electric lieht e'lot hieii, hope, will be aecom a:i- bed. The next meetin'r will be '! I ig-ecrnlie.- (',, and every member : - i"' a'cd to attend. Farewell Surprise. Monday evening the W. K. C. and hf 'y husbands m. t at the home tif M'.-. an.l Mrs. W. E. C.r-ey, planning 'o .;:ve them u farewell surprise, sis they v. '11 soon leave to icside in South Siee, Omaha, but upon arriving there thev found the true: ts of lienor ab sent as they had motored to Lincoln for tho evening, whereupon the Wr. It. C. took poS'?ion of the home and L 1 entertained themselves. Late in the evening they served a f umptuous re nast. When Mr. and Mrs. Casey re tained traces' of the merry-makers tjjwero found here and then Kcyally Entertained. The members of the Royal Neigh- i bors of the Alvo Camp were, royally ! entertained at the home of Mr. and 13 li Mrs. W. E. Casey last Friday evening. A 3 During the evening several musieaL, before buying your Fall goods. We announce the arrival oi our complete line of Fall goods. We bought most of our goods before the advance of the high cost of cotton and woolen goods, and vre are go ing to give our customers the benefit of the same. Bed Blankets from $1.30 to $5.00 Sweater Coats from $1.50 to $4.50; Sheep Lined Coats Sfi.OO to 67.50; Jersey Sweaters $1.50 to $2.50. Also a full line of Underwear for Men, Women and Chil dren. Also a complete line of Husking Gloves, Alitts, Husking Pgs and Wristlets' Make Cur Store Your Headquarters You're Welcome Puis ii Ganseme Murray, -umbers were rendered to the dcli-iht of all -pit. seat. A tempting lunch, was ctved. A mong those presenc were Messrs. amf L. B. Applo ,',jn, 1. H. Clark, L. D. Mullen, Lin coin Dio.-.raitt, Augu.-.t Jolinson. Carl J.unson. S. C. Doyle.--, Jn ". Kiliott ard .I'lUghter. Miss De.n Willieur.s. Mrs. Kile. Prouty and daughter, Bes sie, Mrs. IL A. ikiiley and Mrs. Dora Sin. ii'e r. OIIITl'AltY Lewis E. Bobbitl was born June 1, VJ, -,n -lie hc.raesioal two miles -ath of Alvo. lie live.! at this rku-e ur.til 21 yea is of age. He attended 1 c- Weeping Water academy, where o reheated, and at the age of 2-1 vas united in marriage to Miss Min nie A. Fort man of .Vivo, Neb., Deecm i:er if., IS;'-;. To this uircn was bo in w children, Marian D. an 1 Hazel, ut at the age of 7 years and 2 Tenths- Marian iied. In the year J ) . Bobl-.ltt movet! to University Pia.ce, Neb. Mr. ' Ihbbilt receive-i an -piointmr.i as clerk in the post oil ice it Lincoln, Neb. In BUI. he and hi,: family moved to Lincoln, their pres r.t home. M' P- bbitt is survived by his wife and dauehter. Hazel; his t'ather. T. X. Bubbitt; two brothers, F' of Lireoln and Wm. M. Bobbltt of Modal- la., am! G. D. Bob- dtt of Mfoehta.l. Kan. Hie mother went tt, her rest in 1011. Mr. Brbhitt was a good Christian man, having been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for many veal s. DLUFL CO. LAND. The host in vestment in the state. Write for irices anl terms. Bitchey Lnnd Co., Clmipell, York, Alvo, Neb. THOUGHT FOB TODAY. We cannot look around i;s . without being struck by the stir- prising variety and multiplicity -I- of the sources of beauty cf ere- ; cttcn, produced by form and J color, or by both united. Mc- l Cuiloch. -!!- -E25E Base Burners n Whtit cun you got more enjoyment and comfort out of than a good liase Uurner or Heater on those winter days that will soon be here? We can show you a complete line of Round Oak heaters, Monitor Base Burners and the Old Reliable Monarch Ranges, at prices that are absolutely right. Vh.ile we handle other brands of stoves, we mention the above makes, as our choice of the whole bunch, and we do not be lieve vou cnu buv b3tter stoves no matter what price you pay. Come in and look them over, then tell us what you think. MURRAY urn aWdB 0 Ajiu MURRAY, 3 332 r Prices Nebraska. Local PSews u'ror.i Tuesday's Daily. Jus. Lou eh ridge was in the city to day for a few houis en route from Murray to Fo 1 Dodge, la. He had been back home to cast his vote. Charles Iliatt, jr., departed this mornine; for E.iLson, Neb., where he .v ill spend the winter with relatives in that locality and attend school. G. L. Krae'eer of the vicinity of Myr.arii wr.s attending to some busi ness matters in this city today ami while here gave this oliice a very pleasant calk Nat Huston of LaPlatte was in the city for a few hours, today, coming frtm his fam home at LaPlatte, looh inr after some matters of business with the merchants. A. F. Nickels of near Murray was an t ng tho-e going to Omaha this aft ernoon, where h ' will visit for a few days with friends and look after some matters of business. II. W. Cory, who has been here vis- ! itin wilh U thcr. John Cory, de- j yesterday for California, where j 'mU"' in th:;t 'state j the hope of benefitting his health, which is quite poorly. 7hk McBride of Cedar Creek was attending to some important business matters in this city yesterday a.nd while here called at this ofjice and ordered the Piattsmouth Journal sent to his address, in order that he mieht be kept posted on happenings through out the county. From Wednesday's Daly. Mont Bobb, of Union, was in the city today locking after the election returns from the county. J. G. Koukal of Othello, Wash., is making an extended visit with rela tives and friends in this vicinity. L. A. Meisinger was in the city to day for a few hours looking after some trading with the merchants and calling on his fiiends. James Robertson was among those going to Omaha this afternoon, where he will attend a meeting of the board of contiol of the Nebraska Masonic Home association. j: 'j.'ie.'-iLJwiLaiJSSsm 3 and Heaters! emJaliil!diil uU) NEBRASKA ;jb' j.'LHLJi '.it.a.....-!.l-Ail-f SJ