The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 09, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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PACE 7,.
Slip a few Prince Albert
smokes into your system!
Copyright 19I by
R. J. Keyuoic lobacco C.
You've heard many an earful about the Prince Albert
patented process that curs out bite and parch and lets you
smoke your fill without a comeback 1 Stake your bank roll that
proves out every hour of the day.
Prince Albert has always been sold
without coupons or premiums. We
to give quality!
There's sport smoking a pipe or rolling
your own, but you know that you've got
to have the right tobacco! We tell you
Prince Albert will bang the. doors wide
open for you to come in on a good time
firing up every little so often, without a
regret! You'll
the national joy smoke
W I I'
feel like your smoke past
has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot
back up for a fresh start.
You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a
thoifsand-dollar bill ! It's worth that in happi
ness and contentment to you, to every man
who knows what can be
gotten out of a chummy
jimmy pipe or a makin's
cigarette with
Prince Albert for
Wuutoo-Salen. N. C.
Thli is the reverse
aide of the tidy
rea tin
THE Prince
Albert tidy
red tin, and in
fact, every Prince
Albert packace. has
a real message-to-you
on its reverse side. You'll
read: "Process Patented
July 30th. 1907." That means
that the United States Govern
ment has granted a patent on the
process by which Prince Albert is
made. And by which tongue bite and
throat parch are cut out ! Kvery-
obacco is sold you'll find
:e Albert awaiting you
toppy red bags, 5c: tidy
red tins. 10c: handsome
pound and half-pound
tin humidors and in
that clever crystal
glass humidor, with
nge - moistener "
i, that keeps the
bacco in such
me condition
Legends of Days f Old That Read
Like Komanre and Yet
Are True.
Cum -crning the early history of
-American about-to-be possession?, the
Danish West Indies, the National
(Jeorgraphic society issues the follow-in?-
from Washington:
"Of the three small islands on the
northeastern edge of the Carribean
sea. for which the United States ex
pects to pay Denmark ?r,oon.0()0. St.
Thomas and Sa. Jo, both smaller and
less densely populated than St. Croix,
have been the scenes of many thrill
in. ir episodes. Here white colonists of
four nations followed each orther with
bewildering perplexity during the sev
enteenth and eighteenth centuries.
"More than a hundred years after
the discovery of St. Thomas by Co
lumbus in 1 193, the island was unin
habited, although its excellent harbor
had been a port of refuse for Dutch
navigators during rcanv decades.
When a handful of French colonists,
survivors of a massacre on Crab Is
land, perpetrated by a band of Span
iards from Porto Rico, reached its
shores in a dugout in 1(47, they found
evidences of an earlier settlement, but
no clews as to the nationality of their
predecessors or of their fate. These
French wanderers were not disposed
to brave a similar mysterious end, so
they sailed on.
"At about the time that Peter Stuy
vesant was established a representa
tive form of government on Manhat
tan Island, some of his fellow coun
trymen were establishing the first re
corded settlement on St. Thomas.
These hardy colonists met the same
fate which overtook their brother Hol
landers of 'New Amsterdam,' for three
years after the town on the Hudson
became New York the St. Thomas
ice every Sunday in Christian's fort
when the drum beats, and on failure
of doing so is to pay a fine of 25
pounds of tobacco. Persons of all
other nations are bound to attend
service every Sunday afternoon at the
same place, under the same penalty.'
"As to armament the order was:
'For the defense and good of the coun
try every householder shall keep in
his house for himself and every man
the English also. - The latter soon de- j jn hjs service, a sword with belt, and
serted the island and turned to the
more fertile lands of St. Martin's and
pioneers were foi'ced to surrender to
St. Eustatias, so .thtit in 1671, when
the Danes, wishing to shore in the
colonial prosperity of other European
nations, chartered the West Indes and
Guinea company, St. Thomas, unin
habitated again, was awaiting the ad
vent of settlers who were to establish
Denmark's right in the island. With
has been maintained from that day
up to the present time.
"The legend that St. Thomas was at
dme time the headquarters of the ruth
less buccaneers who terrorized the
Spanish Main for so many years, is
perpetuated in the names given to
two towers still standing on the
heights back of the seaport of Char
lotte Amalie. On one hill is 'Blue
beard's Castle,' while on an adjacent
height rises 'Blackbeard's Castle.'
j History does not substantiate the ro
mantic tradition, and it is extremely
doubtful if the buccaneers were ever
in possession here.
"When the Danes arrived they were
under very strict orders as to religious
observances and with respect to a
'preparedness' program against rival
colonists. The first order issued by
the governor was: 'Every person who
speaks Danish is bound to attend serv-
The Plefoawka ClSiils
arc now Rolling and Manufacturing the
i mm
The Popular Cass County Brand off Flour
Also a Full Line off By Products!
C D. ST. JOHN, Prop.
JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller.
For Sale by Hatt & Son, Plattsmouth, Neb.
and Puis & Ganserner, Murray, Neb.
hundred slaves were surrounded and
wllen they realized that escape was
impossible they held a great feast of
death. Tradition says that they then
plunged over a cliff, but the historian
Hort says that they shot one another
and that when they were found at
Brim's Bay they were lying in a
Vast Sums Spent for Postage, Tele
grams, Advertising,
Etc., Etc.
a gun with sufficient powder and ball;
and also each householder shall have
two pounds of powder, or more if he
pleases. Every person neglecting this
duty shall pay 100 pounds of tobacco.
"The order for the citi.en army ran
thus: 'Every Saturday afternoon the
drum beats, all persons who can use
a gun shall meet at the parade ground
fully armed. Any person absent, in
favorable weather, shall forfeit every
time twenty-five pounds of tobacco,
which is to be paid at the end of the
year for the benefit of thote who meet,
'The shortage of labor during te
first year er two of Danish occupa
tion w:is overcome by the importation
of many slaves from the Cold Co:u t
of Atric :. The laws governing thso
human chattels were extremely severe.
'Drum dances' and feasts were for
bidden and all slaves were required to
be at home by sunset on Sundays. A
slave transgressing such regulations
was for the first offense whipped, for
the second his ears were cut off and
for a third he was hanged and his
head placed on a stake.
"In the neighboring island of St.
John the slave laws were even more
drastic. Here are some of the penal
ties which brought about a bloody in
surrection in 1733, costing the lives
of many white planters-, their wives
and children: 'The leader of runaway
slaves shall be pinched three times
with red-hot iron, and then hung. .
" 'Each other runaway slave shall
lose or.e leg, or it ins owner snvii
pardon him shall lose one ear and re
ceive 1-30 stripes.
" 'A slave who runs away for eight
days fhail have 150 stripes;, twelve
weeks, shall lose one leg, and six
months, shall forfeit his life, un
less the owner pardons him with the
loss of one leg.
"A slave who lifts his hand to
strike a white person or threaten
him with violence shall be pinched
and hung, should the white person de
mand it, if not to lose his right hand.'
"In the terrible insurrection one of
the victime was a Judge Soctman,
who was murdered and decapitated in
the presence of his beautiful 12-year
old daughter, and while a council was
being held to determine what should
be done with her the ' child, ' over
whelmed with grief, .entreated, them
to take her life also, to which plea
they gleefully acceded, laying her
mangled body across that of her
"The insurrection was put down
only after the aid of the French in
Martinque had been invoked
New l oi k, Nov. 7. Elections mis
fall will cost $o0.000,000. Such is the
concensus of conservative estimates
by political leaders here. Some place
the figures twice as- high.
Only a small part of this expense
goes toward electing a president and a
vice president. About 75,000 state,
county, city and other offices will be
filled or, in the case of a few states,
have been filled this fall.
Two hundred thousand men and
women are running for office.
Of the fifty millions, about half
will be spent by the candidates and
their supporters and the other half
by the state .and municipal govern
ments in preparing for and holding
the elections and counting the ballot.
In New York state alone the cost
of registering voters and conducting
the elections will be about $2,500,000.
25.000,000 spent in furthering the
campaigns will be divided among post
age, telegraph and telephone service,
advertising, press agent publicity,
speakers' pay and expenses, bands,
rent of halls and theatres, clearical
help, campaign buttons, badges and
banners, rallies and conventions,
printing and engraving, and sums
larce in the aggregate given to the
hundreds of thousands of minor work
ers." It is estimated here the republican
national committee will spend over
$2,000,000 and the democratic national
committee over $1,500,000.
In liiOS the republican national com
mittee s;nt $70,000 for printing.
,.0,(i00 for advertising, over $i0,()00
for campaign lithographs and $10,000
for buttons. This year these items
will be much larger. For one reason,
the cost of almost everything to be
bought has doubled or tripled.
In I'JuS William J. Bryan had his
national treasurer try a plan of solic
iting dollar contributions. This plan
was a failure, because it was found
the cost of getting the dollar ate up
all but a few of the hundred cents.
Cornelius N. Bliss, jr., republican
national treasurer, has been success
ful this year with a campaign for $10
contributions however. This scheme
has increased largely the number of
individual contributors.
Wilbur W. Maish, the democratic
national treasurer, has used the
"every member canvass" idea, said to
have been invented originally as a
scheme to ' raise church mortgages.
He has built up a wonderful country
wide organization to carry out the
plan, with local committees every
where. The local committees send
out teams of two men each. A team
outnumbers the democrat attack and
heu?ually capitulates for some sum,
according to his means.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Last evening Mrs. E. P. Stewart
entertained at her home at a very
charming miscellaneous shower in
honor of Miss Gertrude Beeson whose
marriage to Mr. II. H. Cotton is to
take place on Wednesday, November
29th. The evening was one of rare
enjoyment and the guest of honor re
ceived a large number of beautiful
presents from the friends that will be
cherished by her in the years to come.
lhe shower was arranged in a very
pleasing way, the gifts being fastened
to a large silk Japanese parasol and
the bride to be requested to gather up
the numerous gifts that had been pro
vided. A number of games were en
joyed and in the bridal flower contest
Mrs. A. J. Beeson was awarded the
first prize .a beautiful china plate.
The guests also enjoyed a questioning
game in which each one was permit
ted to ask the guest of honor a ques
tion and this afforded a good deal of
amusement. Refreshments were
served during the evening that proved
a pleasing feature of the occasion,
Mrs. Stewart being assisted in serving
by Mrs. John Beeson. Those who
were in attendance were Misses Opal
and Marie Fitzgerald, Florence White,
Eda Marquardt, Jessie Robertson,
Ellen Leyda, Leona Brady, Florence
Balser, Gertrude Morgan, Garnet
Cory, Edith Johnson, Muriel-Barthold,
Marie Svoboda. Mesdames A. J. Bee
son, W. G. Brooks, Bert Coleman, E.
C. Hill and the guest of honor, Miss
jgm imm rffu
I For. Men
L3A2 t
From Tuesday's Dally.
This morning at the Holy Rosary
church in this city occurred the mar
riage of Mr. Joseph J. Spicka of
Omaha and Miss Lillian Agnes Lipert
of this city. The beautiful nuptial
mass of the church was celebrated by
Rev. Father John Vleck, and the cere
mony was witnessed by a large num
ber of the relatives and friends of the
contracting parties who gathered to
assist in the happy event. The groom
is a very estimable young man resid
iner in the meti'onolis where he has
a good position and is a young man
held in the'highe:f, esteem by all those
whom he has been associated with.
The bride is the daughter of Frank
Lipert, one of the enterprising farm
ers Residing south of the city, and is
a young lady whose friends are a
legion in this community, where she
has spent her lifetime. By her pleas
ant personality the bride has made
a great many friends that all join
in wishing her a long and happy mar
ried life and one free from all care
and sorrow. Mr. and Mrs.; Spicka
will make their home in Omaha in the
George Becker departed this morn
ing for Glenwood, where he will en
joy a short visit there with relatives
Three I and friends.
Success of Tanlac is a Boon to Hun
dreds of Thousands of
Men and women who suffer with
.... i
improper digestion are nervous anu
it t f a 1 7 T
very irritable because oi ineir misery.
They lack energy and ambition to do
their work, are easily discouraged
and become melancholy over slight
They suffer with unsound sleep,
peor memory, uackacne, irregular cir
culation of the blood, dizziness and
the common ailments of the stomach,
liver r.nd kidneys, many of which
arise Horn a weakened condition or
the mucus membranes called catarrh.
If the catarrhal condition is long un-
clieckcd the vital organs are affected.
These people will find tanlac the
tonic, tissue builder and appetizer de
signed to overcome these ills.
The success of Tanlac has been so
great wherever it has been introduced
that it is called The National Tonic.
The production of the Tanlac La
boratories is now over five million
bottles per year. Over a quarter of a
million people have voluntarily given
signed statements telling how Tanlac
has relieved them of nervousness, how
it has restoi-ed their appetites, in
creased their weight, rid them of dys
pepsia, bad blood, constipation and
man" other ailments which arise
irem a broken clown condition ot me
body tissues.
Tanlac is being specially introduced
by the Mauzey Drug Company at
Tanlac may also be obtained in
Springfield, at II. Fiegenbaum's store,
nd in Weeping Water at the Meier
Drug Co.
Had a fire,
Left town,
Sold a farm,
Had a baby,
Been arrested,
Come to town,
Bought a heme,
Cracked a safe,
Robbed a house,
Killed an officer,
Been assassinated,
Fallen from an aeroplane,
Telephone the Journal.
The Truth About Cancer.
A valuable book giving a most com
prehensive explanation of Cancer and
its successful treatment without the
knife will be sent free to anyone in
terested Address O. A. Johnson, M
D., Suite 528, 1320 Main St., Kansas
City, Mo.
The Florsheim Shoa is for men
for the particular man the man
who cares. W earing Florsheims ives
you the comfort of "Natural Shape5
lasts without sacrificing style and
finish for your individual taste.
Every day we are showim& more
men the advantages of wearing
Florsheims we'll add you to our
list if iven the opportunity. They're
the best men's shoes made priced at
$5.50 and up.
eizer Dnoe
Better Shoes
&PA&0 Vq term it
lrr'VfV ; a Classic -i;Vi:uft-;..:::;i;v::Vn
i you will, too
From Tuesday's Dally.
A mighty good Hallowe'cTi story
comes from the vicinity of Cullom
and the victim of the joke, W. II. Sey
bcrt, takes pleasure in acknowledging
that it was put over on him in good
shape. It seems that W. II. arose as
usual on the morning after Hal
lowe'en, with his hired man, hastened
out to the barn to harness up the
horses for the day's work. As they
enteredr the barn they found it filled
with a fine array of the farming tools
of all description, that required some
time to clear away, and then it was
found that the harness was missing
from its accustomed place. The farm
was searched in the neighborhood of
the barn for the missing harness and
not a trace was to be seen of the long
looked for article. It was finally de
cided that the search was useless and
Mr. Seybert resignedly took up the.
milk pail and started out to do the
milking, and his surprise may be im
agined when, on entering the cow
barn, he discovered one of the placid
eyed bovines all harnessed up and
ready to go. Bill, seeing the joke of
the affair, enjoyed it as much as any
one, and while suspicious of who did
the plotting of the affair appreciates
that it was cleverly carried out. John
McXurlin, who is staying at the Sey
bert home gives the story to the public.
From Tuesday's Dailv.
Cornelius Bengen was in the
today from his farm home near
nard and came in with his fine
Overland auto which he has purchased
of John Bauer, the local agent. The
car is a "six" and provided with the
latest equipment that has made the
Overland famous the country over as
one of the best cars on the market.
Mr. Bengen is very proud of his ma
chine and justly so as it is a beauty
in every way.
Hew to Make Labor Light.
You are buying labor-saving appli
ances, typewriters, sewing machines,
etc. No need to praise1 such wisdom.
But to make your work permanently
easy and highly efficient, use Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine, which
will brighten your mind and stimulate
you to work. It clears out your bow
els and removes the source of indiges
tion, nervousness, sleeplessness, gen
eral weakness and dullness. Price ?1.
At drug stores. Jos. Triner Mfg.
Chemist, 1333-1339 S. Ashland Ave.,
Chicago, 111.
R. W.. Knoor of the Variety store
was among those going to Omaha this
morning, where he was called to spend
a few hours looking after some mat
ters of business.
Touring car completely equipped.
Self-starter, electric lights, storage system.
Reduction in Price from