The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 09, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Cedar Creek Department
News that will be of Interest
in and near Cedar Creek
PS fjB
and can make you attractive prices on
Monitor and Superior
Press DriHs,
Heaimey Buggies,
ESirdsei Wagons and
Wagon Boxes,
Steel Wheel Trucks,
King and Hamilton Steel Grain Dumps,
Empire Cream Separators.
Lee Puncture Proof and Firestone Tires and Accessories
Studebaker Agents
rirsi Seciiritv panic
Sound, Conservative and Progressive
We are anxious to assist the farmer in feed nig
handling his live stock for market
w V 3 1 f
t 5 BV
gap nnmm
Infi resting Article From a Cass Coun
ty I5oy Who is Serving in That
Country With U. V. Forces.
The adventures of the 4th Retri-iru-nt,
U. S. Murine.-? in Santo Domin
go. iutludnethe lighting trip to the
i:.;i ; i'Ji- of the republic and the armed
occupation of Santiago de los Cabal
led . : re si t forth in a graphic man
ner. The fights they fought and the
deaths that some of them died during
the grilling battling march from San
to Domingo City to Santiago. D. R.,
the d faculties they met and sur
mounted vor. the long trip through
hostile country; all this and more u-
thrillingly related in the following, of
stirring accounts of bravery done by
Colore! Pendleton and his men.
The fourth regiment has irdeed
hud an eventful career since its de
parture from San Diego, Calif., but
the time at my disposal will permit
only a brief resume of its activities
during the past time since being in
this country.
Our journey to New Orleans was incident except that Colonel
Pendleton was obliged to change from
protests to threats in qrder to induce
the raihoau-oiiieials to keep the equip
ment train at the prescribed distance
from the troop train, but material and
personal reached our destination, ana
several days were passed in loadin
the U. S. S. Hancock. During our
stay at Xew Orleans an excited police
man, who's ignorance of the uniform
of hi-? country was equaled only by
his ignorance of the part in shooting
his pistol at one of the marines, who
it appears had engaged in a wordy
altercation with him, and while the
shot d'd not harm any one,' the oc
cuvrance was exaggerated by the
press of the city to the proportion of
a riot, and such is the poverty of
So Everyone Thought, But Is Nov;
Well And Stronger Than Ever,
Newton, Mo. "I can certainly
Bpeak a good word for Cardui, the
woman's- tonic," says Mrs. Jay
Rhoades, of this town. "I suffered for
12 years with my right side, and the
last three years, I would have a bad
spell with it about every three months.
I would get so bad off, every one
would think I could not live.
The first of July, I began taking
Cardui, the woman's tonic, and. I
haven't had a bad spell since socn
after I began taking it.
Before taking Cardui, I was so ir
regular, and, at times, I could hardly
stand on my feet. Now, I can clean
house, and do any kind of work with
out its hurting me in the least.
Cardui will surely do for other
women, what it did for me. I am tell
ing all my neighbors about it."
Cardui is a mild and effective tonic
for women, that has been found, by
actual use, during more than 50 years,
to relieve the ailments to which all
women are peculiarly liable.
Card-u-i has helped thousands.
Why cot you? Try it, ncb
Deposits In This Bank
are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the
State of Nebraska, which lias readied nearly 1,
000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you!
WM. SCHNEIDER. President
W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President T. J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President
J. F. FOREMAN, Cashier
news in their benighted town that
whole pages were devoted to the sub
ject. The voyage on the U. S. Ilan
cork brought us to Santo Domingo
City on the south of the island of the
same name where the Colonel was as
signed to the command of all the land
force:? operating on the island, much
of interest centers in this, the oldest
settlement in the new world, it having
been founded by Columbus in 14i)(, on
his second voyage, and tradition has
it that a huge tree which overhangs
the harbor and whose enormous trunk
indicates great age, was a mooring
place of his caravels.
The cononel's instruction directed
him to proceed to the north coast and
to occupy the important town of
Santiago de los caballeros, eighty
five miles inland, in which the rebel
leader Dcsiderio Arias, had installed
his government, confident that the re
notcness of his capital from the sea
vould insure him against bombard
ment bv a man-of-war. or attack bv a
landing force. Disembarking at
Monte Cristi, great preparations were
made for the march, and as suitable
facilities for transportation of stores,
water and ammunition were lacking,
every animal and vehicle that could be
found was purchased or impressed,
and at four o'clock on the morning of
June 2Gth, 1916, when the column set
forth, no stranger array ever moved
at the command of one man. The ad
vance guard composed of the second
battalion was preceded by the mounted
scouts, who scoured the cactus-ridden
country to the right and left of the
line of march, and the colonel and his
struT mounted, followed. Then came
the main body with the ponderous ar
tillery train, it's four guns hauled by
huge motor trucks in the lead, and the
first battalion and signal company
completing this division. A long wake
of trucks, Fords, mule carts, pack
burros and the caterpiller tractor
formed the column, which although
we were but eight hundred and fifty
strong, was from head to rear more
than two miles long. The road lead
ing to the almost unknown interior
of the island was excellent, but the
country through which it passed was
a waterless desert producing nothing
but the thorns and thistles of prophecy
which explains the necessiy of our
enormous supply train.
Our course parrelled the Yaqua
river, but at a. distance of live miles
through impassable cactus growth,
and at the close of the first day, after
a march of sixteen miles, we made
camp, and a large motor truck which t -Jii:tJ-liy
was sent to the river for water, was
attacked by the enemy, and was
obliged to return with one man of its
guard wounded. Next morning the
enemy was discovered about two hun
dred and fifty strong, well entrenched
in a position which commanded the
road ror a distance or nitcen nunurca
vards along which our approach must
be made. The trenches seemed to
offer an opportunity for the favorable of the artillery, and the battery
was hauled in place by hand and the
bombardment began. Forty rounds
smoke through which the flashes of
rifles constantly stabbed like light
ning through a cloud. Suddenly the
edge of the basque blazed with a long
line of bajor.ets gleaming in the
morning sifn. with a wild cheer the
ger. Disregarding the advice cf his
chief -of-staff to remain at his proper
station with the artillery he had ad
vanced to the firing line with the auto
matics, and now with men falling all
around him, lie calmly surveyed the
first battalion swept up the slope so j position of the enemy, and imperturb
f sharpnel were fired while the first
battalion supported by the second ad
vanced slowly through the swamp (the
first water we had seen) and then
the artillery fire was suspended owing
to the near approach of our infantry
to the objective. Meanwhile the enemy,
ignoring the artillery which was work
ing some havoc among them, concen
trated a heavy fire on the advancing
ranks which were still invisible in the
jungle, and presently the whole hill
side was surrounded in a pall of
closely followed by the second that the
men of both commands were inter
mingled as they entered the enemv's
works. Thus ended the engagement
of Las Trincheras, with a loss of one
man killed (Private John J. Awkcr
man. 27th company) and five men
wounded. The jungle was litered wi;h
the enemy's dead, many of them killed
by the machine guns' fire which
searched the undergrowth as they lied
The march next day was somewhat
delayed by burnt bridges, which the
retreating enemy had destroyed to
impede our progress, and by small
parties of concealed snipers who
would make no stand, but kept the
advanced guard on the qui vive during
the day. Our train contained nearly
everything necessary for bridge con
struction, and the ingenuity and pro
verbial resourses of the marines sup
plied what was lacking, and one revir.e
where a two hundred foot bridge had
been demolished was passed on an
improvised trestle, constructed in three
hours' time, over which the heavy
guns and trucks were moved in per
fect safety.
Four days' march brought us to a
beautiful savanna, hundreds of acres
in extent, and stretching along the
bank of the Yaqui river, with the
grass five feet high in the fields, and
every evidence of fertility and pro
ductiveness. As. men and animals had
undergone much distress, though ro
real suffering, through the scarcity o:
water, the Colonel, in spite of his
anxiety to push on, insisted on a two
days' halt, during which the men had
every opportunity to rest and bathe.
And the horses and mules to feed and
drink, as they had not done since the
march began. A couple of abortive
night attacks in which one man was
wounded, and a sharp skirmish, where
Private Klen Milles was killed, were
the only incidents since the engage
ment at Las Trincheras. This same
day the 34th company was sent out
from the main body on a scouting
party (alone), with expectations of
coming in contact with the main body
of the column in one half hour's
march. We went for at least one hour
and never even as much as sighted the
main body.
After a shcrt halt to rest the men
we "were attacked by the enemy, hav
ing an engagement with them for at
least an hour, at a place called San
Antoru'a or Ilautillo. The main body
heard the firing and came to our as
sistance, but were too late, as the 31th
had gained control of the
enemy, making them retreat.
Approaching the yilcige of Guay-aec-nes,
destired to be commerntcd in
the annals of the marine corps, the
advance guard encountered the or.-'
emy's outposts, and in the exchange
of shots, one of our men was wounded.
The enemy retreated through 'the
town disputing our advance until they
reached their defense works on the !
farther side, where they made a stub
born stand, in a position so well con
cealed that we were long in locating
it, and then were unable to bring the
But before we had fairly made camp
at Xavarrete, an automobile bearing
a body of representative citizens of
Santiago, entered our lines, seeking
an interview with the American com
mander. They assured the colonel the
desire for war was all gone, that their
mission was to arrange peace terms
ar.d they asked what they could ex
pect at the hands of the invaders.
The colonel informed them that his
orders were to occupy Santiago, which
he intended to do at any cost, and that
his treatment of the inhabitants
would be governed by their own con
duct towards us. With much silent
speculation as to our numbers, and j
with many a dubious glance at our ar
tillery, the peace commission assured!
us of an unopposed entry and de-j
parted, wondering no doubt that the
cor.auerer of their city could find noj
mere imposing throne, from which to ;
dictate terms to them, than an up-j
turned bucket under a spreading
mango tree. At eight o'clock the next
morning as the sun was breaking
through the mists of the hills, our topped a rise in the roadway,
ar.d with white walls of Santiago with
its cathedral towers and ancient fort
ress burst cn cur view. A wire lead
ing into the citv was tapped to which
Captain Ramsey attached a field tele
phone and an astonished man indeed
was the governor of Santiago at find
ing himself summoned to meet the in
vaders in this bizarre manner.
At three o'clock in the afternoon of
July Oth, li10, exactly one month
after our departure from San Diego,
Cal., and ten days after commencing
our march from Monte Cristi, we
entered Santiago, and never before
had the wondering denizens looked on
such display of horse, foot, artillery
and impediments, as the host wound
their way through their streets, and
occupied the fort and castle upon
whose site the eyes of Columbus and
his brother had rested more than four
centuries ago. A strong undercurrent
of opposition to our presence exists,
and the colonel lias found it advisable
u'fly issued instructions tor an en
veloping movement, as he saw that thy
front of the defenses was impregnable
to a direct attack. Companies from
the first and second battalion worked
their passage through the almost im
penetrable jungle on our right and
left and presently attained a position
from which they were able to dislodge
the enemy. Hero the rebel gereral, to supress one or two inflamatory news
Maximo Gabreul. a prominent Domin
ican leader, was killed.
An automatic gun in our center,
where the action was the thickest, bo-
papers, and no one leaves his quarters
What the future has in store for us
no one knows but the Fourth Regiment
me jammed and three men were 1 has borne itself well and has added
shot in turn as they attempted to re
pair it, meanwhile the din of the bat
tle had become terrific all the auto
matics were barking in the center, the
infantry poured in a heuy lire from
the flanks and the cremy no longer
able to withstand a" Vain of bullets,
which in places had mowed the ram
parts of the redoubt to a level, sud- !
mother page of glory to the history
of the Marine Corps. Ar.d now many
an anxious heart in our ranks looks towards the setting sun and
wonders when the colors of the Fourth
Regiment will again float in the pur
ple shadows of the Good Old U. S. A.
Yours truly,
denly gave ground and bearing their; 31 Co. 4th Reg.. U. S. Marine Corps,
wounded to automobiles which werejSanio Lomingo.
waiting in the rear of the filing lines,
abandoned the field, on which veiv
i'ourd twenty-seven of their dead.
Corporal George F razee, of the 2Sth
company, who was shot early in the
engagement, died shortly after its
close, and was buried on the battle
field. Chaplain Taylor performed the j
last service for the dead, and the men
stood with bared heads while the fun
eral rites were offered over a gallant
soldier, who had given his life for
his Hag.
Loading our fourteen wounded into
the wagon train, the column was
again put in motion, and in two days
wo reached Navarrete, where a junc
tion was effected with Major Beares
who, under Colonel Pendleton's orders,
had proceeded from Puertu Plata, a
town about eighty miles east of Monte
Cristi. our own starting point. This
route was much shorter than our own
but was over a destroyed railroad
track, which would have been im
passable for our great supply train.
As Major Bearcss had but 200
men, he effected thi journey with
some fighting, and putting the rail
road into operation as he advanced,
was ready to unite witn us lor the
final stage of the campaign, the cap
ture of Santiago now but eighteen
miles away.
The people are wise who buy sta
tionery at the Journal.
Farm Loans, Insurance and
Cstate. See J. F. Foreman.
First Security bank pays 3 per cent
on time deposits.
bills done quickly at the
Don't forget S. J. Reames when you
are in need of paper napkins, paper
plates, ice cream dishes and all kinds
of crepe paper.
Read the Evening Journal. Only 10
rents a week.
First Security bank pays 5 per cent
cn time deposits.
For good, fresh Candy, Fruit and
NTuts, see S. J. Reames.
When you want some good reading
don't forget Reames, Library.
Remember that S. J. Reames sells
the latest books published. Harold
Bell Wright's latest works.
Parmele Theatre!
one performance only
3 p
Rowland-CIifford-Gatts (Inc.) Presents
An Entire fsw PrG&jciian of llm Ornrl
Oil American Play
ll'tek Iszla If!
Eg (The Thoroughbred Queen
i fcsess Win the Derby.
5? A The famous silver band
of inimitable darkies.
Large Company of Excellent Ability!
Don't FHiss the Big Street Parado
Seats on sale at Weyrich 6c Hadraba's Saturday 1 0 a. in.
Prices 25c, 35c, 50c 75c and $1.00
'In Old Kentucky" the Attraction
Tuesday Night, November 14,
at Parmele Theater.
e.-t and excitement of the great horse
race, on which the hero's fortunes (le
per:. 1, with its pnduock, and t
i i re
sistible comely of the race it:-elf as it
is watched by the colonel up a tree,
and Aunt Alathr-u dancing in frantic
excitement be fee a convenient knot
hole in the fence. All the pa?:-ion.-,
hate, love, jealousy, revenge, are con
sistently L'hown in the development
of the plot and all are woven toother
in a logical .and harmless conclu-i"n
that sends the audience hone with
that thoroughly sati.- i'ied fccTin.T udven
by so few plays of the modern stave.
There is also another feature not
less important. The managers of "In
Old Kentucky,'' recognizing its per
ennial qualities, have wisely kept up
the standard of pioduction, so that
thfc; beautiful picture of southern life
is never marred by a faulty presenta
tion, but is given with the same care
and attention to detail that mark-.!
its first presentation years ago. The
consequence is that "In Old Kentucky"
I is1 today, and will doubtless long r
i ....
mam, tne most cnduringly popular
play of the American stage.
The company and jirodu-jtion sched
uled for. appcaranre hejo is the same
big organization that closed a phe-
The ordinary play is regarded as
highly successful if it has to its credit
two or three prosperous seasons, or,
at the most, five or six. "In Old Ken
tucky" was first produced in 1898, and
during all the years since then, it has
never been shelved for a single season,
but has gone on season after season,
delighting audiences and packing
theaters to the doors from the At
lantic to the Pacific. So far from
showing any signs of decrcptitude, it
seems to wax lustier and stronger, as
the years roll by, until it has come
to be regarded as the most popular
drama in America.
What is the secret of this perennial
popularity? What elements have en
trenched it so firmly in the affections
F F fc ... 1 nomenally success f id engagement at
agam ana uBam a u thc 5ostcn theater la-t Mav.
same pleasure and ueiigrit : inese
elements are necessarily subtle and
complex, yet perhaps moie easy to
define than to duplicate.
In the first place, the atmosphere
of one of the most romantic and in
teresting states of the Union has been
reproduced with absolute fidelity. The
characters, drawn from life by the
author, are necessarily human beings,
into thoughts and emotions one
enters with the same understanding
and interest that is felt for friends
with whom one has spent his life.
Then there is the deep sympathy
aroused by the little mountain girl,
handicapped by poverty and ignorance,
but with a heart so true and brave
that she knows no fear, regards no
danger when love leads the way.
There is that dear delightful old
Aunt Alathea, and the gallant Ken
tucky colonel; torn by two conflicting
passions, his love for Alathea and his
passionate devotion to the race track.
Then, there is that wonderful re
production of the barnyard life of the
plantation, the cute little piccannies
with their dances, their frolics and
their marvelous playing on musical
instruments as the Wangdoodle Brass
There is also the tremendous inter-
Chicago, 111., Nov. 8. Oliver W.
Stewart, national prohibition ceun
pi.ign manager, expressed gratifica
tion over the remit of wet ar.d dry
fights in states today.
"Returns indicate that the drys
have added four stales Michigan..
South Dakota, Nebraska and Montana
to the dry column." said Mr. Stew
art. "We saved Arkansas to the array
of nineteen dry states with which ve
entered the campaign. The election
of Pambcrger, as governor of Utah,
a democrat favoring prohibition, I
think means prohibition by statute cut
We are planning to have a Junior'
woman suffrage in South Dakota, for
that means the election of official ;
who will make the prohibition law."
thore visiting in Omaha today, return
ing home on No. 21 this afternoon,
while in the metropolis she was visit
ing at the home of he r son, Chailes
artillery to bear. It consisted of a
trench on each side of the road on
commanding ground, inaccessible ex
cept from the front which the growth
had been cleaied away to aiFord a
clear field of lire. The automatic ma
chine guns were brought into action
up to a point of five hundred yards
from the trenches, but the fire was so
hot that in ten minutes' time ten men
were shot down at their guns. At this
juncture Colonel Pendleton displayed
a fine example of indifference to dan-
. .. .. .
One of the Scenes "In Old Kentucky" at the Parmele Theatre, Tuesday, November 14