The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 09, 1916, Image 1

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    Neb State Hibtorical Soc
No. 117.
LiebershalL Pitz and Mike Tritsch
Have Good Show of Being Elect
ed All Democrats.
1 Jim Robertson Seems to Be a Winner
and Cole and Judge Beeson
Also All Republicans.
From Wednesday's Dally.
I'd to 3 o'clock this afternoon the
n n;o:lties of the cand'dtes witli Ne-
hawka, Mount Pleasant and Platts
mouth Third ward missing, are as
Dry 332
Wilson , 359
Kennedy 13
Neville" 114
Maguire 1G6
Strum 13S
Murtey 298
Todd 250
Libershal 350
Robertson 91
Tritsch 392
Quinton 386
Cole . 238
Farley 139
Johnson 41
The battle of the ballots in Cass
county yesterday resulted in many
surprises in the general result and es
pecially in the wet and dry proposi
tion as from the scattering returns the
county has landed in the dry column
with a decisive majority which will
range from 200 to 300 when all the
precincts are in and may perhaps
make it even greater from the outly
ing districts. The length of the bal
lot has made the count very difficult
and it will require all day before the
full result can be determined but the
fact that Nebraska is going dry is
clearly shown from all over the state
and it is also evident that the major
ity of President Wilson in the stave
will reach 20,000 at least. The elec
tion of senator and governor is still
in doubt with both parties claiming
the election of their candidates but the
indications seem to point to the re
publican candidates, Kennedy and
Sutton as the winners although
Senator Hitchcock is running strong
throughout the state and even the re
publican leaders concede that their
majority for S'fiator will be very
small if am
In the county election the result
seems to have made little change in
the personalle of the court house of
ficials as the present incumbents
seem to have all been returned to
cuice. In several cases the contests
have been very close and the can
didates hung well together in the
race. Plattsmouth city gave the dem
ocrats a strong majority and espe
cially Commissioner Julius Pitz who
will have in the neighborhood of 225
in the city. John Wunderlich, can
didate for sheri? made a fine run in
the city but his led was not sufficient
to overcome the republican vote in the
county and it seems to indicate the re
turn of Sheriff Quinton to office but
by a greatly reduced plurality over
the past years, tor county clerk, a
pretty race was staged in this city
petween County Clerk Libershall ana
Clarence Peal, his opponent, but the
city was carried by Mr. Libershall by
a good majority and in the republican
stronghold of Stove Creek precinct,
Deal was only able to secure twelve
majority while the other republican
candidates ran from 90 to 110 in that
In the race for treasurer it looks
decidedly like Mike Tritsch, the pres
ent deputy treasurer would be pro
moted and seems to bid fair to head
the democratic candidates in the ma
jorities received although this may
be changed by a later return. The city
gave a strong vote for Mr. Tritsch as
did the precincts in the northern part
of the county and especially in Eight
Mile Grove and Louisville.
For Clerk of the District Court,
James Robertson seems to have won
a re-election but by a much smaller
majority as Mr. Nemetz, his opponent
has made an effective campaign and
in his home here received a very hand
some vote. . .
On the legislative ticket it seems
that Sturm for senator has carried
the county by a majority on the re
publican ticket while on the democrat
ic ticket John Murtey and L. G. Todd
for representatives seems to have
been the winners.
The indications are that the rail
roads of Nebraska may resist the or
der of the state railway commission
requiring them to file monthly reports
of freight bills. The roads have put
in effect increased rates under an or
der of the interstate commerce com
mission. The increased rates are a
subject of litigation in the federal
court of Nebraska and that court has
required the railroads to give bond for
any damages that may be caused by
the increased charge in the event the
increased rates do not stand.
The state railway commission has
followed this with an order requiring
the railroads to report monthly to the
commission copies of all freight bills
This order was issued so that in the
event the increased rates are not final
ly found to be legal the shippers and
receivers of freight will have a firm
basis for the recovery of any over
charge in freight. The roads have not
announced whether they intend to
From "Wednesday's Dally.
From the returns on the school bond
proposition which was submitted to
the voters yesterday the latest returns
seem to indicate the carrying of the
bonds by five majority. There was
quite a heavy vote cast on this at all
the wards and all were greatly inter-
ester in the outcome of the struggle
to settle whether or not there should
be ? 15,000 additional given for the
new building that it is expected to
erect in this city. In all the wards a
arge number of women voted on the
proposition, but their vote was about
evenly divided between the two sides.
n the First, .Third and Fourth wards
there was 97 majority rolled up for
the bonds, while in the Second and
Fifth wards there was a majority of
ninety-two against the bonds, which
eaves the total for the bonds at five
majority. The closeness of the result
will make the official count watched
with interest to determine whether or
not the school board is to go ahead
and erect the building according to
their present plans and see that as
adequate a building as possible is fur
nished the city. The fight over this
question has been intense and a great
deal of discussion on both sides in
dulged in by the supporters and the
opponents of the bonds.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Why does a weather bureau ther
mometer show lower temperatures in
hot weather than the thermometer
at the corner drug store? asked the
Popular Science Monthly for Novem
ber. When discrepancies exist, they
are due chiefly to the fact that the
official thermometer is installed in
a wooden cage, where it is open to
the air, but screened from both direct
sunshine and the heat reflected from
surrounding buildings, etc. Only un
der such conditions does a thermo
meter measure accurately the temper
ature of the air. A thermometer in
the sunshine becomes much hotter
than the air around it, and its reading
simply tells us how hot the instru
ment is, not how hot the air is. In
large cities the weather ureau her
mometer is often installed on the roof
of a high building, where the tem
peratures differ somewhat from those
prevailing at the street level. Ti e
object sought in this arrangement is
to obtain a record of the natura tem
perature of the locality in general,
rather than the artificial temperatures
of the city.
We will enable the first five young
people who answer this advertisement
to earn board while attending business
college in Omaha, giving each a good
paying business position when com
petent. This is a rare opportunity,
so answer today before you are too
late. Catalogue and details free
Boyles' College, 1812 Harney St.,
Omaha, Neb. 10-26-2twkly.
- - t
'In Old Kentucky" Revives Memories
of Twenty Years Ago, and Gives
Rising Generation Opportu
nity to See a Truly
Southern Play.
It has been a season for melodrama
in the theaters and the poor word has
been tremendously strained to cover
all the different kinds of shows that
have had to be included in this all
embracing title. We have modern
detective melodrama, society melo
drama, English melodrama, humorous
melodrama and half a dozen varia
tions. It remains for "In Old Ken
tucky," however, to bring back the
real old-fashioned American melo
drama, the kind that packs the big
theaters, the kind that old people as
we of today call them go to see
again and wipe their eyes, not so
much at the pathos of the actors as
at the memories the old play revives.
But the newer generation of thea
ter-goers should not imagine for a
moment that "In Old Kentucky" is not
a delightful entertainment even in
these blase and cynical days. Doubt-
ess there are certain crudeneses of
construction that would not be toler
ated in a modern play; doubtless there
is often an overemphasis on certain
emotional situations; doubtless the
actors from necessity, and because it
is part of the play, disclaim certain
ines in a manner to make the world-
y-wise auditor smile at and not with
the speaker; but the love of excite
ment and the love of lovers is ever
present, and the couplet, "True hearts
are more than coronets," etc., always
gets its answering thrill, even from
the man who has never stopped to
think what the words mean. Many
people who have forgotten that a man
named W. D. Howells ever existed,
still read Fenimore Cooper. There are
plenty of women who openly admit
that their addiction to periodical doses
of Jane Eyre, and men who would do
the same if they told the truth.
And so Joe Lorey, the young moon
shiner, has the sympathy of the audi
ence when he makes love to Madge,
the flower of the mountains, even
though every one knows his suit is
hopeless. One waits in tense silence
while he shoots away the bridge over
which she must come to help young
Frank Layson, lying unconscious, and
there is a vast sigh of relief when
Madge swings herself across the
chasm by the severed rope and
throws the sputtering bomb into the
gulf before it explodes. It is hard
not to begin wondering what would
happen if she were ever too late and
the bomb burst in her hands.
And again, good old Colonel San
dusky Doolittle wins the hearts of
his auditors today as he did twenty
years ago, particularly when he for
swears attention to the race tracks
and limits himself to three juleps a
day "on the honah of a Kentuckian,
mam" at the behest of the lady it
took him twenty years to propose to.
And its the same with the homely
humors of Neb, the old family servant,
who dates "befo de wah," and the
villainy of Horace Holton, as black as
his whiskers.
Everybody knows exactly just how
that race is going to come out and
everybody knows who the jockey is
and so forth, but it all holds its ex
citement and the man who doesn't find
it amusing and interesting and even
a bit touching is keeping himself blase
or "highbrow" out of pure obstinacy.
Then there is the piccaninny band
which is always welcome and which
plays as if it couldn't get out of
swing if the earth blew up, and the
skylarking of the "niggers" in the be
ginning of the second act which al
ways brings its roars of laughter.
"In Old Kentucky," along with a
few others very few of the old-time
plays, is an institution. It's some
thing like the "sulpher an 'lasses"
our grandmothers used to prescribe in
the spring. Perhaps we don't need it
every year, but its good for us to have
it. every once in a while and its still
better than many of the new-fangled
stage "cures for the blues."
The present production is well
staged and the piece is presented by
a cast of excellence, and will"rje seen
at the Parmele theater on Tuesday,
November 14.
From Wednesdays Daily.
Rev. II. G. McClusky last evening
received a message conveying the sad
news of the death of his father in
New York at his home in the northern
part of that state. The message did
not give the particulars of the illness
and death and came as a great shock
to Rev. McClusky, who departed last
night for the old home to be present
at the last services that will law away
the beloved father. In his loss Rev.
McClusky will have the deepest sym
pathy of the entire community.
tTrom Wednesday's Daily.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. held
one of the most delightful social meet
ings Monday afternoon at the charm
ing home of Mrs. J. E. Wiles on High
School hill. This meeting was the be
ginning of their new year's work and
was in the nature of a reception for
the new members that have joined
this organization during the past year.
For the occasion the pretty rooms of
the Wiles home had been very appro
priately and attractively decorated in
the national colors, the red, white and
blue. One of the pleasing features
of this afternoon's entertainment was
a splendid program consisting of read
ings by Mrs. William Baird, vocal se-
ections by Mrs. E. H. Wescott and
violin selections by Mss Genevieve
Whelen, which was most highly en
joyed by the large number in attend
ance, there being some sixty ladies
dainty luncheon was provided by the
hostess, ,which was likewise most thor
oughly enjoyed by the guests and
which materially added to the pleas
ures of the afternoon. After the
serving of the luncheon the ladies tar
ried for a few moments and indulged
in a very pleasant social time and
then dispersed, declaring this meeting
to be one of the best held for some
time and voted Mrs. Wiles a most ex
cellent entertainer.
Yesterday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. J. C. Peterson, jr., was the scene
of a very pleasant gathering when
she entertained a number of ladies at
a most delightful kensington. The
Peterson home rang with merriment
as the ladies passed the time in the
plying of the busy needle, a swell as
social conversation. Thus did the
time pass very rapidly, and it was
with regret that the members of the
party saw the hour for going home
draw near. Dainty and delicious re
freshments served by the hostess as
sisted by Mrs. J. C. Peterson, sr., and
Mrs. William Ballance, aided in the
general enjoyment of the members of
the party. The occasion will long be
very pleasantly remembered by every
one in the party and it was one most
thoroughly enjoyed. Those who en
joyed the occasion were: Mesdames
i. B. Egenberger, J. C. Peterson, sr.,
Val Burkle, P. F. Goos, Olga Cros-
kary, George Thomas, F. R. Guth-
mann, J. E. McDaniel, W. D. Smith,
William Ballance.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Followiner the storm of the ballots
which brought out the heaviest vote
recent years in the city and county,
close to 1.000 being cast, the com
munity was visited by a very heavy
rainfall that fell for the greater part
the evening and while the result
the election was decidedly dry the
rain was very much wet as those who
ere out in the storm found out. It
was very disagreeable in getting
around for those making the polling
aces to eather returns from the
election and was one of the old soak
ing storms that you read about.
J. T. Reynolds of Union came up
last evening from his home and spent
a few hours here with his friends, and
attended to a few matters of busi
ness, returning this morning to his
Democrats Get Treasurer, County
Clerk and Commissioner, With
John Murtey for the Leg
islature. Senator Mattes Re-Elected by a Good
Majority, and L. G. Todd Elected
For Float Representative.
The result of the election in the
state and county indicates that the
people are very independent in their
thoughts and action at the ballot box
and display their citizenship in the
selection of officers with true Ne
braska fearlessness, and especially so
is this true in the state, where Sen
ator Hitchcock has an apparent good
lead for re-election. He was fought
by a great many of the dry boosters
but the people have apparently acted
as they deemed best regardless of the
In the county there were a number
of close contests, and especially in the
office of the clerk of the district court
and county commissioner. John Ne
metz, democratic candidate for dis
trict clerk, made a great race and
,vas only defeated in the final result
by a majority of something like
eighty in the whole county, and he
was able to carry the city by an ex
tremely large vote. Mr. Robertson
received a good vote in the country
districts, which gave him a safe lead.
In the commissioner race, Julius A.
Pitz, present commissioner, was re
elected by 79 majority over Joseph J.
Johnson, the republican candidate. W.
D. Wheeler, who was a candidate for
the office on the socialist ticket polled
a splendid scattering vote over the
county, but not sufficient to have any
bearing on the result.
This county will have a solid demo
ratic delegation to the legislature
this session, which will be headed by
Senator John Mattes of Nebraska
City. Mr. Mattes was defeated in this
county by less than 200, and in Otoe
county received a majority of 500,
which put him over the wire. For
representative, John Murtey of Alvo
received a large majority, as did L.
G. Todd, float representative for Cass
and Otoe counties, as his majority
here was large enough to overcome
that of Marshall T. Harrison in Otoe
The high man on the list of candi
dates in the county was Mike Tritsch,
who was selected by the voters to be
county treasurer for the coming two
years. He secured an enormous vote
in his old home at Louisville, where he
received 208 to 68 for his opponent,
and in this city was also given a
heavy vote.
County Clerk Frank Libershal was
a close second to Mr. Tritsch in the
ist of the candidates, as his majority
was very heavy, and he secured an
especially large vote in the country
precincts, although in this city his op
ponent secured a very pleasing vote
from his personal friends.
For sheriff, the present occupant, C.
D. Quinton, was returned to office, but
by a greatly reduced majority, and
Mr. Wunderlich, the democratic can
didate was able to carry this city by
a handsome majority.
County Attorney Cole secured a re
election by a vote of 395 over J. A.
Capwell of Elmwood, his opponent. J
The assessor race was a very Keen i
one, and George L. Farley, the repub-
lican candidate was able to secure
only 181 majority over P. E. Ruffner,
the democratic candidate for the of
fice. Mr. Ruffner made a very strong
race in the country precincts.
The Majorities in Cass County.
Dry Amendment 625
Wilson 503
Hitchcock (dem) 70
Sutton (rep) 65
Maguire (dem) 90
Sturm (rep) 15c
Murtey (dem) 329
.Todd (dem) 559
Libershal (dem) 43G
Robertson (rep) 8C
Tritsch (dem) 489
Quinton (rep) 270
Cole (rep) 395
Farley (rep) 181
Pitz (dem) 79
Last evening Mrs. Thomas Wiles
has just returned from a visit to Ok
lahoma, reaching here Sunday even
ing, and at the time she left her
received a message from Midford,
Okla., announcing the death of her
brother, T. J. Palmer, who passed
away at his home in Medford on
Tuesday afternoon last. Mrs. Wiles
brother he was showing more im
provement than he had for some time
and his death came unexpectedly. He
had been suffering from paralysis,
that had affected his brain, and for
the past few months had not been
able to aid himself and required con
stant care. For several years Mr.
Palmer was the editor of the Med
ford Star, one of the leading news
papers of that section, and was well
known in the state as a man of much
ability. Mr. Palmer leaves to mourn
his death two daughters and one son,
as well as two sisters, Mrs. Thomas
Wiles and Mrs. II. C. VanHorn of this
city. This is the third brother of
Mrs. Wiles and Mrs. H. C. VanHorn
to pass away in the last two years
and the loss comes as a severe blow
to the sisters. :-.
One of the hard workers of the cam
paign just closed has been Dr. G. H.
Gil more of Murray, vice-chairman of
the democratic county committee, and
who guided the battle in Cass county
with remarkable success. Dr. Gilmore
is deserving of a great deal of credit
for the victory and was assessed in this
city by the live workers of the city
committee and F. M. Bestor as city
chairman, and the hard work and time
expended by the doctor certainly has
borne good fruit. It can be stated
that the work for the ticket is shown
in the returns on all candidates and
where the republicans were chosen it
was by much smaller majorities than
has been the rule for years gone by,
while the heaviest votes were received
by the democrats. It has clearly
demonstrated that Dr. Gilmore was
the right man in the right place, and
while hampered in the campaign in
many ways secured a notable victory.
The modern stage darky is so thor
oughly identified with "In Old Ken
tucky" that it is scarcely necessary
to refer to the origin of this novel
fratuie. Prior to the advent of this
si; ccssful play it is doubtful if half
a dozen of these frolicsome youngsters
had ever set foot beyond a stag'j door.
Pit with "In Old Kentucky" came
the new world-famed Piccaninny
Brass band, and the wide-spread in
terest these dusky comedians created
can best be judged by the statement
that there are now, perhaps, no loss
than 5,000 colored actors struggiirg
for fame. It has remained, however,
for "In Old Kentucky's" celebrated
band to first introduce the buck and
king dancing, cake walking,and other
diversions peculiar to the race, and
maintain against all competitirs the
proud distinction of excelling in the
execution of each accomplishment.
"In Old Kentucky" will be seen at the
Parmele theater on Tuesday, Novem
ber 14.
Miss Rachael Livingston departed
this morning for Omaha, where she
will visit at the Immanuel hospital
with her sister, Miss Helen Livingston.
Was Member of the Sixty-third Con
gress Metcalfe's Son-in-Law.
From Wednesdays Daily.
Silas R. Barton, member of the sixty-third
congress and congressional
candidate from the Fifth district, died
at hu home in Grand Inland at II ::;)
o'clock yesterday morning of acu'.e
pneumonia. He was 4") years old.
Mr. Barton closed his campaign in
his home city Monday evening with an
open-air meeting. Intimate friends
knew that severities of the campak-i
had previously affected his health,
causing him to lcmain at home on
several occasions during the past few
weeks: Monday r-:cht he stood bjre
headed for seveial hours whi' lie ad
dressed the crowds at Grand Island.
The exposure is said to have caused
his death.
Surviving Mr. Barton is his wife,
the daughter of Mr. and rs. Richard
L. Metcalfe of Omaha, and one son,
Silas R. Barton, jr. Upon returnir;;
from a campaign through the siuti.
Mr. Metcalfe was advised yesterday
of his son-in-law's critical condition.
-Accompanied by Mrs. Metcalfe, he left
immediately for Grand Island.
Born near New London, la., on May
31, 1871, Mr. Barton was brouirht to
Nebraska one year later by his par
ents who settled on a homestead in
Hamilton county near Aurora. He
was educated in the county schools
there and the Aurora High school,
later taking a course in the state
normal school at Peru.
After teaching school for a while,
he was in 1897 elected deputy treas
urer of Hamilton county, serving for
three years. In 1901, he was ap
pointed grand recorder of the Ancient
Order of United Workman and moved
to Grand Island.
In 1909 he was elected auditor of
public accounts, of the state, serving
two terms.
As congressman from the Fifth dis
trict, he held the record for the most
continuous attendance at the session,
neglecting his campaign because he
did not wish to leave his duties. Later
he attributed his defeat in 1914 to the
fact that he did not give his close per
sonal attention to the campaign.
The death of Mr. Barton gives rise
to a peculiar situation. There is pro
vision for the calling of a special elec
tion where a vacancy ocurs in the
office of congressman, but the ques
tion has been raised whether votes
cast for Mr. Barton could be counted
for him since his death occurred yes
terday morning before a great many
ballots were marked.
In the event the greater number of
votes are cast for Mr. Baron r. fd it
is held that these must be counted for
him, though dead, there will be a va
cancy which must be filled by a spe
cial election to be called by the go--ernor.
from Wednesday's DallT,
Those who were .cave ir the ?
duct of the prohibition camp-i rn
this county are now planning fo- 1
formation of a law enforcement le
that will assist in the work of e
that the dry laws are enforced w
on May 1st next the state goes fro
the present local option system into
statewide prohibition. If the pro
jected league is organized it is hoped
to deal with the bootleggers and
others who might seek to conduct an
unlawful sale of liquor in this city
and county. Now that the people, of
the state have registered their wish
that the territory in its confines be
dry it certainly should be the object
of the officials to see that the laws are
enforced in regard to the operations
of bootleggers as far as is possible to
do so. The plan is just being formed
by the more active of the dry leaders
and will be taken up later by them in
interesting the citizens of the city and
county in the work.
CREAM, 37c, at Dawson's store,
Plattsmouth. 9-19-d&wtf