The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 02, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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plattsmouth semi-weeklt journal.
A Wolf -
- vi
k Sheep's rGlothmg'
Very accurately describes slate-wide prohibition. Be not
deceived. V
The claim that the proposed prohibition amendment will
make Nebraska "dry" is a fraud.
Those who propose a law that is to be submitted to a
vote of the people are expected to file with the Secretary of
State an explanation of what the law undertakes to accom
plish. ....
Over the signature of the Nebraska "Dry" Federation
appears this explanation:
"The proposed amendment does not at
tempt to deal with the habits and appetites of
our citizens." "
This is the naked fraud that is put before the unsuspect
ing voters of Nebraska.
1 In plain language, addressed to the drunkard, the boot
legger, to the boy and to the young man, the actual promise
of the amendment is:
"Buy a money order. Mail-order any
quantity of beverage from Chicago, St. Joseph,
or Kansas City. Our so-called prohibition law
permits you to be as intemperate as you like so
long as you purchase outside of your own state."
There can be no denial of the fact that these are the
conditions offered Nebraska under the fraudulent prohibition
law we are to vote on.
The Yoke of Prohibition
Is Heavy
300 Q
Men Feel Tired, Too.
While much is said about tired
women it must be remembered that
men also pay the penalty of overwork.
When the kidneys are weak, inactive
or sluprgish, when one feels tired out
and miserable, has the "blues," lacks
enerpy and ambition, Foley Kidney
Tills are tonic and strengthening.
They act quickly. Sold everywhere.
For Sale eleven pood calve?. Mrs.
C. Beverage, Pi2.ttsrr.0uth.
- 0.'ice supplies at the Journal office
For if this amendment is adopted, it will fasten on Nebraska
the demoralizing conditions now prevailing in other prohibi
tion states. v.
In Kansas this fraudulent brand of prohibition has
prevailed for thirty-five years, and has made the vile, un
speakable alley-joint a fixture in nearly every community. In
the past two years Kansas sent 85 murderers to prison,
Nebraska, in comparison, sending only 29 in the same period.
On June 30, 1916, the number of convicted felons confined
in state prisons in Kansas was three times the number
imprisoned in Nebraska. It cost Kansas taxpayers over
$701,000 in the two years to guard and maintain her convicted
felons, as against a cost of $325,000 in Nebraska.
This is what the fraudulent prohibitory amendment is
offering Nebraska, instead of a Nebraska "dry." Look these
facts square in the face and decide if you want these con
ditions to prevail in Nebraska. Think it over! jf
How to Vote Against Prohibition
These squares appear at the TOP of the
general election ballot. An lj marked in the
.square opposite number 301 is a vote Against
Shall the above and foregoing
amendment to the Constitution
be adopted?!
Miss Marie Svoboda, who for some
time was employed as stenographer in
the office of C. H. Taylor,during his
occupancy of the office of County at
torney, has taken up the position of
clerk in County Judge Beeson's office,
to take the place of Miss Gertrude
Beeson, resigned. Miss Svoboda is a
most accomplished young lady : and
welf qualified for -the position in the
office the county judge, and will be
found very accommodating to those
who have business in the office of the
Rheumr.ti&m and neuralgia cause in
these months excruciating pains only
to those sufferers who do not use
Triner's Liniment. Refuse cheap imi
tations, because only Triner's Lini
ment can give you safe relief. Price
25 and 50c at drugstores, 35 and 60c
by mail. This season brings also
colds, coughs, sore throats and asthma
for which Triner's Cough Sedative.js
without equal. Price the same. ' Jos
eph Triner, Mfg. Chemist, 1333-1339
S. Ashland ave, Chicago.
A want ad will bring you a buyer.
How It Hclpf Ceagfcss4 Cc!-i
Bur y FUy' Hw f Tm
.. ..i ntriekl ton thm cuaks aW colds
Early fall brings cronp, : bronebltu,
asthmatic breathing-, 'onblewe-"Sr'
coughs, whooping coujh, and tifckUn. itrU
table throat. , .
It aggravates the distressing eongh of
weak lan$. aad tha ehronia .eoogbf C
elderly people. . . .
It gives "snaffles" to infants id children
and provokes adenoids and sore, inflamed
throats. 1 "". -.
Give Foley's Honey and Tar freely, at 1
so soothing and curative, relieves hoarseness
and pnts a healing coating on the inflamed
mucous lining of the throat- It stops eoof n
ing easily and quickly and relieves cfonp be
fore tfcis dreaded thing base chance to realty
barm the children or scare .the Barents.
The last dose is Just as good as the first, aad
a less amount is needed tbaa of any other
cough syrup.
So see to it that too et only tht orji?
FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAB, for it la the (
only gtnuine. and contains no opiate.
' Sold Everywhere.
(Continued From Page 6.)
For Sale A few Duroc male hogs.
Oldham Stock Farm.
Frank Lillie and family visited with
relatives in Plattsmouth" last Sunday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Butler,
on Saturday, October 28th, a fine baby
Frank Moore was looking after
some business matters in the county
seat Wednesday of this week.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nickels,
an eight and one-half pound baby
boy, on November 1st. Mother and
little son are doing nicely. .
Mr. Ernie Harvey, who has been
visiting- at Che home of Dr. and Mrs.
B. F. Brendel, departed last Sunday
for his-home' in Zionville, Ind.
Mrs. Floyd Chalfant departed last
Thursday for her home near Burwell,
after an extended visit with T. J. Mc
Culloch and family, and . Mrs. John
Hendricks and family.
Mrs. Wm. LaRue went down to
Weeping Water this week where she
is spending the time with her daught
er, Mrs. Edith Taney, who is suffer
ing with rheumatism.
Chas. Herra'n, one of the rustling
and progressive farmers of this com
munity, was in Murray Wednesday,
Roasting of the fact'that he had fin
ished gathering, his prn- Charley is
right up to the minute when it comes
to looking after his farm work and we
believe he is one of the very first' to
complete the corn husking task. '-"
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will serve dinner ad supper
at the church on election day. Chicken
and noodles, how will this strike you
on busy election day? They will also
serve oysters in the evening. Take
dinner and supper and an oyster stew
in the evening with the ladies of - the
Miss Edna Morrison and pupils
made $19 at their box supper at the
Kenosha school ' last Friday evening.
Joseph Campbell received a necktie for
being the homeliest man present; he
couldn't help it; and Virgie Campbell
a box of bon-bons as the most popular
There was a very pleasant social
gathering at the Wagner farm home,
east of Murray Saturday evening, the
occasion being the birthday anniver
sary of Miss Anna Wagner. There
were a large number of young friends
invited in to assist Miss Anna in cele
brating the occasion. There was also
plenty of good eats, games and amuse
ments to make the evening one of a
great deal of pleasure for all.
There was a very pleasant birth
day party given at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Lutz last Wednesday
evening. The affair was given, in
honor of the birthday anniversary of
Mr. Lutz and was a complete surprise
to him. Well filled baskets had been
prepared by the visitors, and at the
customary hour an excellent luncheon
consisting of all the good things
of the season was spread. There
were quite a number of. Murray peo
ple present. '
Miss Leora Brown, who is attend
ing Cotner college, came down Tues
day evening with a party of her
classmates for the purpose of enjoy
ing a Hallowe'en party at the home
of Miss Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Brown, south of Murray. There
were ten in the party and the trip
was made via the auto route, return
ing to Cotner after the enjoyment of
the .evening. . .They were treated, to
a, fine chicken supper at the ..Brown
home and the . evening was one of
great pleasure to all the. young peo-
Services at the Christian Church.
- The usual . services will be held at
the Christian church next , Sunday.
Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching -at
11 a. , m.; sermon . topic, "The New
Testament Church." In the evening
the pastor will preach on "A Success
ful Young Man' -young men
pecially , invited to hear this sermon.
The following1 officers .have been elect
ed for the Bible school for the coming
year: K. 'L. Kniss, - superintendent;
Miss Clara Young, assistant superin-
pendent: Oliver Gapen. secretary
treasurer; Chester Sporer, assistant;
Miss Opha. Barker, organist: Mrs.
Margaret Brendel, enrolling secretary;
Mrs. Myra McDonald, temperance
superintendent;' MrsB.. Root, mis
sionary superintendent.
Library Doings.
, The Murray Library association met
at the library rooms Tuesday evening
to listen to the "paper and talks "given
by Miss . Verda Thorpe and O. A.
Davis! The suB ject chosen ' by Miss
Thorpe was "The Relation of the Li
brary to the School." Her talk was
certainly welP worth' thV' effort", "and
should have been heard by many more
of our citizens. Mr. Davis' talk was
also very interesting on the subject of
"Relation of the Library to the Far
mer," and pointed out. the many ad
vantages they. both might gain with
co-operation. The new books of the
association are now on the shelves, all
of which will have a. seven-day limit
on 'them for three months. In this
way all members will have an oppor
tunity of securing them as early as
possible, all being able to read them
during the winter. Miss Thorpe has
very graciously condescended to act
as librarian for the winter, and will
catalog the library and put it on a
basis with the larger, towns. Mes
dames Minford and Gapen and Miss
Pauline Oldham served the refresh
ments. Birthday Anniversary Surprise.
Miss Anna Wagner, daughter of
Mrs. George Wagner, was greatly
surprised Saturday evening when a
large number of her friends gathered
at her home east of Murray to cele
brate her birthday anniversary. This
surely was a gTeat surprise to Miss
Wagner and the many gifts she re
ceived will always be a remembrance
to her of her thoughtful friends.
The' evening was passed very hap
pily, which consisted in singing, dan
cing and music furnished by members
of the party.
At a late hour a delicious luncheon
was served and the many friends
wished Miss Wagner many more such
happy birthdays and they desired to
again be able to celebrate them with
her, and again have such a delightful
time as they had on this evening.
Those present were: Henrietta Cream
er, Theresa Wagner, Opha Baker, Ma
tilda M. Donat of Plattsmouth, Eva
Larue, Anna Wagner, Laura Puis, Em
ma Grauf, Violet Keil, Mary Creamer,
Grace Wagner, Sofa Wagner, Marie
Wagner; Messrs. Jack West, Chester
Mineer, Otto Lutz, Jim Tigner, Frank
Dugay, Joe West, Fred Tigner, Ray
mond Creamer, Alvador Nickels, Geo.
Wagner, Clarence Keil, Albert Wag
ner, George Green of Union, Perry
Nickels, Jesse Kohrell, Frank Good,
Aithur Baker, Oscar Shrader, Alois
Bierl, Otto Welzmuller, Jim Hall,
Herbert Burbee, Walter Chambers and
Claude Hayes; Mr. and Mrs. William
Wehrbein and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Keil and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Grauf and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Gansemer and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Barrows, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Grauf and family, Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Boedeker and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Kohrell, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Bierl of Mynard, Mrs. Mamie Hanson
and Mrs. George Wagner.
From Wednesday's Dallv.
Another of the top notch records in
the corn shucking line which has been
reported is held by Louie Baumgart,
who yesterday, at the farm of P. T.
Becker, west of this city, shucked and
cribbed 133 bushels of corn in ten
hours. Louie not only got away with
this splendid showing yesterday, but
up to noon today had shucked sixty
six bushels and was in a fair way to
beat his record of yesterday. This is
the best one of the corn shucking rec
ords so far this season, and will be
hard to beat.
November Weather.
Early cold snaps, storms and sleet,
snow and slush, cause coughs and
colds. Foley's Honey and Tar acts
quickly, cuts the phlegm, opens air
passages, allays irritation, heals in
flammation and enables the sufferer to
breathe easily and naturally so that
sleep is not disturbed by hacking
cough. Sold everywhere.
Two good young-Shorthorn bulls
Price is right.- Andrew Stohlman,
i'H - ! -I "M II I I I I 1 'H'-H-
4 . ' Lawyer.
East of Riley Hotel.
Ceates' Block,
Second Floor
v ; f r . .
4 nutate , I
Democratic Candidate for
"And so I. want you to remember that a President without a Congress
that is heart and soul for the things that he represents, is absolutely as use
less as a figurehead." PRESIDENT WILSON.
"I plead with you to elect John A. Maguire to Congress. He is in full
sympathy with President Wilson and stands for all Wilson stands for.
Better beat Wilson than put him in the hands of his enemies in congress."
"It is a pleasure at this time to be able to say to the people of your dis
trict that I enthusiastically endorse your splendid, conscientious service in
Congress and I most sincerely hope you will be returned by a handsome
majority in November." CHAMP CLARK.
"""You have a splendid candidate in John A. Maguire. I know him well.
He was a clean, strong, capable and efficient public servant. He represents
the highest standards in our public life and he will not fail to reflect on the
district and the people who. trust him." CONGRESSMAN DOREMUS.
FOR RENT Merchants Hotel in
Union, Neb.; doing a good business,
and rent reasonable. Inquire of W.
B. Banning, Union, Neb. -
FOUND A cover for an automobile
top. Owner may have same by call
ing at this office and paying fpr this
advertisement. 10-27-tfd
LOST A 32x3 Va Goodrich tire. Find
er please leave at Am'ick's garage
and receive reward. 10-30-2tdltwk
In Re Estate of David L. Amick, de
ceased. Notice to Creditors.
To all persons interested:
You are hereby notified that hear
ings upon claims the above es
tate will be had at the office of the
County Judge, Court House, Platts
mouth, Nebraska, on the 14th day of
November A. D 191G, and the l4th
day of May A. D., 1917, at 10 o'clock
A. M., on each of said days. All
claims not filed before said hour on
said last day of hearing will be for
ever barred.
By the Court this 11th day of Oc
tober, A. D., 1916.
County Judge.
W. A. Robertson,
Attorney. 10-16-4 wks.
ttU'STY OF C.iSX, KllltASKA.
In the matter of the estate of Henry
W. Katon, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
claims and demands of all persons
against Henry W. Eaton, deceased, late
of (Ireenwood in Cass County, Ne
braska, will be received, examined and
adjusted by the County Court, Cass
County, Nebraska, at the office of the
County Judge in the Court Ilonm,
Plattsmouth in said county on the 6th
day of November. 1916, and on the 8th
dav of May, 1917 at the hour of ten
o'clock A. M. Also that six months
from and after the 1st dav of October,
1916, Is the time limited for the cred
itors of said deceased to present their
claims for examination axl allowance.
Dated this 4th day of October, 1916,
By the Court,
County Judge.
William J. Scott, if living, if de
ceased, the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all persons interested in the estate of
William J. Scott; Otho Scott, ir liv
ing, if deceased, the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all persons Interested in
the estate of Otho Scott: Josephine
Scott, if living, if deceased, the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and- all -persons
interested In the estate of Josephine
Scott: Lucy Scott, if living, if de
ceased, the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal represenati ves and
all persons interested in the estate of
Lucy Scott: Eliza E. Scott, if living,
if deceased, the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all persons interested in the
estate of Eliza E. Scott; Ithman Starr,
if living, if deceased, the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all persons interested
In the estate of Ithman Starr; Jairus
E. Neal, if living, if deceased, the un
known Jieirs. devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all persons
nterested in the estate or jairus ti,
iou and each of you are hereby noti
fied that Asgil S. Will, as plaintiff, on
the 9th day of September, 1916, tiled
his petition in the District Court of
claiming or asserting any right, title,
interet-t or estate in and to aald real
estate or any part thereof, and for such
Cass County. Nebraska, wherein you '
and all of you ere defendants; the ob
ject and prayer of which petition Is
that the claim, interest, right, title and
interest or each and every one of you
in anJ to the:
The Southeast Quarter of Section
one (1); the Northeast QuHrte-rt of
Section twelve (12); all in TbWnahlp
eleven (11 North Range twelve 12 6th P. M.. Cast County, Nebraska,
and West half NopthWt Quarter ui
hection seven iff,' Township eleven
(U; North IJange thirteen 13; Uust
6th I. M., Cas County, NebraKka.
He declared invalid and of no force
and effect; and that the Ille of said
plaintiff in and to said real estate and
every part thereof be quited as against
you and each and every one of you,
and against -any and all clalma Of each
and all of you, and agalnxt the claim
of each and all of any person -claiming
under, through or by you, and that it
be adjudged and decreed that eacli-and
all of you whose names are above ner.
forth, if living-, and if dead, the helrfc.
uevisees. legatee and personal rep
resentatives and other pervons inter
ested in the estate of each and every
one of you, have no right, title, clafTIi
or interest in or to said real estate, or
any part thereof, and that each and ail
of said defendant, those named ami
those whose names are unknown, and
not stated, be forever barred from
other and further relief as to the court
may seem just and equitable. .
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before the iltt
day of December, 1916.
4 wks in weekly beginning October 22.
To whom it may concern:
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed, Hans fcjehroeder on the 3rd day
of October, A. U.. 1916 filed his petition
before the Board of County Commis
sioners of Cass County, Nebraska, pray
ing said Board for a permit and license
to conduct and operate a pool and bil
liard hall in the Village of Cedar Creek
in Eight Mile Precinct, Cass County.
Nebraska. ' '
Notice is . further given that the
undersigned applicant for such license
and permit, will apply to said Board
of County Commissioners of CasH
County, for said license, and the grant
ing of the prayer of his said petition
on the Hth day of November, A. D..
1916 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m.
of said. day. or as soon thereafter as I
may be heard by said Board of Com
missioners. To all of which you will
take due notice.
' S11UH1FFS 8 A LIS.
State of Nebraska
County of Cass
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by James (Robertson Clerk of the Dis
trict Court within and for Cass county.
Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on
the 30th day of October. A. D.. 1916 at
10 o'clock A. M. of said day at the
South Door of the- Court House in said
county, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash the following
personal property towit: Lots 673. 674,
C75, 676, 677. all of that part of Lot
98 east of a straight line extending
south on the. east side of Elm Street;
lAt 99, 100 and 101; that part of South
Street lying South of and the full
length of Jot 67.1, all In the Village of
Greenwood, Cass County, Nebraska;
The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of William M. Cope find
Matilda F. Cope, defendants, to satisfy
a judgment of said court recovered by
Nathaniel II. Meeker, plalntlfl.', a gal tit";
Defendants. - '
PlattsmouNi. Nebraska, September
20th, A. D.. 1916.
Sheriff Cass County Nebraska.
First publication, Thursday, Septem
ber 28. 1916.
la the DlHlrlct Cnrt of Vmmm C'aty.
Adolph Wescli, Plaintiff vs. , Katharine
Notice QfSale. ,
Vot li'P fit ItPrhVtrlfAti thot
of an order entered on the 1 8 tli day of
October. 1916. bv th District
- . j i hid iwi s
(roinir entitled miiup I ih
Cass Cimnfi' o lir-u cb u in , i , A
sole referee appointed by said Court!
IV 111 til. Vltli.Wni. ' 1 -. . ft
. mi. .mi ub ui .luvcniuer, Jtfin,
at 10 o clock. A. M. at-the 'South door
of the Court House In- the City of
Plattsmouth. in fairy fnnntv V. h r u a
offer for wale, .to the highest bidder for
cash, all of Lot One U) and-Two (2
in diuck r.iRiiieen tiv) .m Young &
Havs' Addition, tn Putt
County. Nebraska. . -
Dated: Plattsmouth; October 21, 1916.
. Atty. for Plaintiff, f ' ;
IO-L'3 5 weeks. . . ' ' .
Sales bills 'don3 quickly 'at tht
Journal. ,