The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 23, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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of al! kinds for your potted plants. We have a nice
assortment in a wide range of prices.
7 Inch Blend Jardiniere
8 Inch Blend Jardiniere
S Inch Blend Jardiniere
5 Inch Dull Finished Green Art Jardinieres.
6 Inch Dull Finished Green Art Jardinieres.
8 Inch Dull Finished Green Art Jardinieres.
9 Inch Dull Finished Green Art Jardinieres.
Venetian Jardinieres, different sizes, prices 60c, 75c
and 30
Claywood Jardinieres, prices 90c and $1.25
.$ .60 r
. .85 I
. 1.85
10 I
Tulips, Hyacinths, Crocus, Narcissus, Chinese Water
Lilies. Now is the time to plant them.
We have flower pots of all kinds, sizes ranging from
4 inch to 12 inches.
We like to serve.
Call Phones 53 and 54.
The woik of shelving the books in
the r.ew Caineyie library will be com-p'eU-d
in time for the opening, Novem
ber 1-t. The work has progressed
viy lapMly. due to the efficient as
; given by the boys of the pub
lic .--. hf.o! and the Hoy Scouts. The
f. lo wing ramed boys carried books
all tiny Monday: Claire Hudson, Rol
lar.d Sutton. James Persinger, Miles
Altmon, Victor Krivanek, Joseph Mc
Carthy. Paul Winseot. Friday and
Tutstiay the following boys carried:
I.e!ie Hall. Solomon Herold, Raymond
Rebal. Carl Schneider, Newell Roberts,
.John Svoboda, Victor Krivanek, Dean
I ucl:i. Ro.-coe Hill, James Persinger,
Fled Warren; and Saturday, the Roy
Souts were out in force as scouts and
worked all day. The librarian and
board are indeed grateful for this vol
ur.tvcr service.
Lottie Maurer, who has been seri
ously ill with appendicitis for the past
two weeks, is slowly improving;. We
desire to express our most heartfelt
appreciation for the beautiful flowers
sent by the Farmers' Social Workers
and we, also, wish to thank our neigh
bors who have so kindly assisted us
in caring; for our daughter during; her
illness ar.d assure them their kindness
will not be forgotten.
Mr. and Mrs. John Maurer and daugh
ter, Lottie."
The home of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Lair
was the scene of a most delightful so
cial event Saturday evening when
number of young people were very
pleasantly entertained in honor of
their son, Ralph Lair. For the oc
casion the rooms of the Lair home had
been made very attractive with deco
rations of autumn leaves. Various
games and amusements were indulged
in by the young people which afforded
them much pleasure and made the
hours pass quite rapidly. At a suita
ble hour the jolly company were treat
ed to a delicious luncheon, which was
served by Mrs. Lair and to which al
did ample justice. Those in attend
ance were: Misses Elsie Tiekoter,
Gladys Lowe, Gladys Cotner, Gertrude
Newlon, Alma Hoffman, Frieda Satt
ler, Esther Fight, Clara Rinker, Fern
Lair; Messrs. Elwood Buttery, Ernest
Buttery, Albert Miller, Charles Lowe,
Clyde Craig, Dewey Duffield.
A want ad will bring what you want.
The members of the public library
board and the librarian desire to take
this method of thanking the boys who
have assisted in the moving of the
books from the old library building to
the new Carnegie building, and assure
the young men that their aid has been
greatly appreciated.
The meeting held at the court
house Saturday evening under the
auspices of the Cass County Dry Fed
eration was attended by quite a large
number of the residents of the city
to hear the able address given by Rev.
Samuel Z. Batton, of Lincoln, one of
the leading orators in the dry "cause
in the state. It had been intended
to have the meeting in the nature of
great open air demonstration with
the members of the team from Union
participating, but the weather not
permitting it was found necessary to
nold the session in the court room.
The address was one that was straight
from the shoulder and was verv pleas
ing to the adherents of the cause of
The Cosmopolitan club will give a
dance on Saturday evening, October
2Sth, at Coates' hall, and to which the
public is cordially invited to be pres
ent. A good time assured to all and
a fine enjoyable dance.
You to get our prices on corn, al
falfa hay, stock hogs and cattle of all
kinds, before selling.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Victrolas $15 to $150.
needles. J. W. Crabill.
Records and
s 1
rhat the Liquor Traffic is Doing
in Nebraska Right Now!
Drunk and Shot at Officers.
Omaha, Neb., Oct. 21. Frank Stacey, of Lincoln, fdled with red liquor, (
pulled a revolver and proceeded to bombard Officers Goss and Nichols. Ne
braska State Journal.
Shot iri a Saloon Brawl.
Thomas Logan, a special officer, was .shot and probably fatally wounded
shortly after 3 o'clock this afternoon in P. P. II alley's saloon, 1724' West
Ninth street by John P. Pozzowich. Lincoln Journal.
Stabbing Affray in Saloon.
During an altercation in John Krajicek's saloon, 2202 South 13th street,
C. M. Docekal stabbed Ruben Masilka with a pocket knife, inflicting severe
wounds in the abdomen and back. Omaha World-Herald.
Badly Cut by Glass in Saloon.
Jack Vues, of South Omaha, was badly cut on the neck in a North lGth
street saloon, when some person hit him with a beer glass. Omaha News.
Fighting Spirit from Booze.
L. Welch, of the Midland Hotel, was fined $100 for an attempted assault
with a knife on a conductor on the Dodge street line. ,Welch said he was in
toxicated and did not know what he was' doing. Omaha Bee.
Liquor and Prostitution.
Mina Evans and Myrtle Langhorn, both colored, pleaded guilty and were
fined. They were taken in a raid, a quantity of beer was confiscated and
several men were found drinking in the place. Lincoln Star.
Drunken Rowdies Attack Woman.
Drunken rowdies brutally attacked Miss Alice Snyder at the Bathing
Beach at Sandy Point. They kicked her in the stomach and left her un
conscious. After forty-five minutes work she was brought to her senses.
Omaha World-Herald.
Plattsmouth Prosperity League,
State Association Will Meet in Omaha
On November 8, 9 and 10.
Th? Nebraska State Teachers' as
sociation will hold its fifty-first an
nual session at Omaha, November &
9 and 10. The plans for the reception
of the teachers at that time are about
completed and the preliminary pro
grams have been printed.
T'vf headquarters for the asso
ciation while the meetings continue
will be at the Rome hotel. Sixteenth
and Jockson streets. The general ses
sions will be held in the city Audi
torium, and the doors will bo closed at
the scheduled time of opening a meet
ing to all who eorrie late. Only mem
bers will be allowed to attend the
meetings and membership is governed
by the payment of registrat or, fees.
Ballots for the offices Li be fillet
are to be given with the registration
slips and the high five candidates for
each office will be the candidates for
the final election. All enrollments vi!
be held at the Rome hotel. Informa
lien bureaus will be opened at the
Pon:e hotel, the Auditorium, the high
school and at the Y. M. C. A.
Artists on Program.
Resolutions to be presented must
be approved by the exeeu'.;.e com
mittee before offering them to the as
sociation and there will be no buii-
ness sessions in tne evening.-, sec
tion presidents have been notified that
they must make all requests for
equipment and details at least ten
days before the session opens. For a
program Friday night the bureau of
publicity of the Omaha Commercial
club has arranged to have Miss Helen
Stanley, prima donna soprano and
Francis Macmillen, a famous violinist
for a concert for the members onlv.
Practically every Nebraska school
and college will maintain headquar
ters in Omaha to welcome old stu
dents from among their alumni. Chi
cago university is the only school
outside of the state scheduled to
maintain headquarters. Among the
speakers brought to Omaha from col-
eges and universities all owr the
country for this meeting is Chancel-
or Samuel Avery of Lincoln, who
speaks Friday morning on "Educa
tional Tendencies." The general ses
sions begin Wednesday evening. They
will be held Thursday evening Friday
morning and Friday evening for the
concert. The rest of the time is taken
up with departmental work and pro-
giams, a complete temporary program
of which is already made up.
G. W. A. Luckey of Lincoln is presi
dent of the association, A. P. Ilillyer
of Beatrice is vice president; John F.
Matthews of Grand Island is treasurer
and E. U. Graff of Omaha is secretarv.
Mr. Graff is also on the local com
mittee. A large number of sub-com
mittees have been appointed to attend
to the detail work under the general
supervision of the executive committee.
Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Steinhaus and
two little sons of Gordon, Neb.; Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Haynie of North
boro, la.; Mrs. Ed Fox of Waterloo,
a.; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Steinhaus and
two little daughters of Omaha, and
Miss Viola Haynie of Louisville spent
the day at the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. WV Haynie, in this
city yesterday. This is the first time
the children and parents have been to
gether for eight years and the oc
casion was most delightful to all of
My express delivery horse. Cheap
f taken at once. G. W. Olson.
Good used Ford car, well worth the
price asked for it. Also one six-hole
Waterloo Boy gasoline engine on
ruck. Amick Garage.
The Loyal Workers, formerly the
lelpers of the Christian church, will
meet with Mrs. Miller Wednesday
afternon at 2:C0. 10-23-2td.
-I I '""""i
John L- Kennedy
Republican Candidate for
U. S. Senator
Experienced as a Congressman.
Closely associated with State and Na
tional affairs.
Knows the needs of Nebraska people.
The logical candidate to elect.
W. E. Rosencrans will depart this
evening at 7:40 over the ?Iissouri Pa
cific for Omaha with a party of land
seekcrs and they will go from that
city to Imperial, Neb., where they will
enjoy an auto trip over the, fine land
of Chase county. Mr. Rosencrans is
also expecting to conduct another ex
cursion to Chase county on next Mon
dav evening, October 30th.
If you are away from home and one
of your horses lakes the colic your
wife can treat him if she has Farris'
Colic Remedy in the house. It Is ea.-y
to u?e. Just drop it on the horse's
tongue and in thirty mTnutes he is
relieved. Get it today. You may need
it tomorrow.
II. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Gansemer.
J. P. Falter and wife were over
Sunday visitors at Falls City, where
they spent the day with their son,
George II. Falter and family.
B. W. Livingston and wife and
daughter, Miss Helen, were among
those going to Omaha this afternoon,
where they will spend a few hours
consulting a specialist in regard to the
health of Miss Livingston.
Dr. G. II. Gilmore was in the city
today enroute to Murray from Omaha,
'.vhere he had accompanied the little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fan-is,
residing south of Murray, and who
was operated on there for an afflic
tion of the tonsils.
Why don't your hens lay when eggs
are high? They, do not get the
chemical ingredients that the
grasses and green feed supply in sea
son. B. A. Thomas' Poultry Remedy
supplies these very ingredients, only
in a more concentrated form. We sell
t and guarantee you to get eggs.
II. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Gansemer.
Poultry Wanted
Iff raMiiY4;r'
i r
Woodmen Circle meeting tomorrow
(Tuesday) evening at .7:30 sharp.
Please note the change in time. There
will be initiation and all members are
urged to be present.
' For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
9'i rSr'
A car load of live poultry, to be
delivered at car near Burlington
freight depot, Plattsmouth, Neb., on
Tuesday, October 24th, one day only,
for which we will pay in cash:
Hens .....13c
Springs 15c
Turkeys 15c
Ducks ....12c
Geese He
Old Cox 8c
Cow hides 16c
Large Horse or Mule hides, each $5.00
We will be on hand, rain or shine,
and take all poultry offered.
Yy CCiniow
the Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets arc the
best. They are the most complete and
up-to-date. The Hoosier Co. manufac
ture about five times as many cabinets
as the next largest concern. See their
ad in all the leading journals for this
month. Stop at our store and look them
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 22. Efforts to
change the name of the Protestant
Episcopal church have been aban
doned in the convention in session
here, leaders of the wing of the church
advocating the change announced to
day. This follows the action of the
house of deputies of the convention
yesterday adopting, without debate, a
title page for a new hymnal which re
ailirmed the present name of 'the
A change of name has been advo
cated by some upon the ground that
the word "protestant" in the title ap
parently allies it with those denomi
nations having their origin with the
reformat ion. The Protestant Episco
pal church traces its history to the
time of Christ, they assert.
Tens of thousands of unchurched
people in the United States today, per
sons of excellent character and re
ligious parentage, are to be won back
to the church by fair play, a sense of
justice and a life of willing sacrifice
on the part of the clergy, the Rt. Rev.
William Lawrence, bishop of Mass
achusetts, said in the ofiicial sermon of
the general convention here today.
Speaking of social justice the bish
op has urged a larger consideration
for a man touched with "the spirit of
When such a man rises up, the
church, or Christian people, may not
condemn without hearing,' he continued.
Mrs. Thomas E. Jennings, who has
been at the Presbyterian hospital in
Omaha for the past few weeks, re
covering from an operation was oper
ated on for the second time today at
the hospital. Mrs. Jennings' im
provement has not been as rapid as
it should have been and it was thought
necessary to perform the second oper
ation in order to assist her recovery.
It is to be hoped that this operation
will prove successful and that Mrs.
Jennings will soon be restored to her
family and in her usual good health.
Mr. Jennings and Mrs. B. C. Hyde, a
sister of Mrs. Jennings, were at the
hospital today during the operation.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Olmstead of
Carroll, Neb., who have been visiting
at Lincoln in attendance at the grand
lodge of the I. O. O. F. and the Re
bekahs, departed today for their home.
While here they spent a few days at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Man
ners, and also with Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Young. Mrs. Olmstead is a sister of
Mr. Young and an aunt of Mrs. Man
ners. They made the trip by automo
bile and enjoyed to the utmost the
outing and the opportunity of meeting
the old friends and the relatives in
this section of the state.
F. G. Dawson was a business visitor
in Omaha today, going to that city on
the afternoon Burlington train.
Next Excursion
to egmsg coumrv
onday, October 30
Touring Car $382.05
Roadster $367.05
Ford Paris! Ford Sorvico!
Automobile Supplies
Goodyear and Firestone Tires
T. H. Pollock Auto Co.,
Tel. No. 1. Street, PUtttmoulh
nr .
k 1-
Always bears
Signature of