The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 23, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4.
Cbc plattsmoutb journal
Eatre4 at Potofflce at Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
.-....- .VmUV, 2.T.
Virtue is in a manner contag-
ious; more especially by the
K-;V. .-Irtnnc l-nnwn n nnf riot-
ism, or love of country. Dick-
It is easy to be good when you get
Another fine shower and snow, that
helps some.
A poet is born, but anybody can
learn to run for office.
A girl's face is her fortune, if she
doesn't look like thirty cents.
Anyway, Noah saved the ark, and
he was not much of a politician at
Large feet must be fashionable now.
More girls are wearing them than
; The reason why the bakers raised
the 'price of bread is because they need
the dough.
:o: 1
If women continue to be ' mannish
much longer they will soon be wear
ing whiskers.
They arc all anxious to do the right
thing at the right time if it puts
money in their iockets.
John Murtcy, the democratic candi
date for the legislature, is becoming
more popular. every day, and "will get
there with both feet" on the 7th day
of November. Mark that!
The search for a submarine base
along the Atlantic coast is like hunt
ing a needle in a haystack.
:o: .
Inquiry as to whether Mars is in
habited gives way to speculation on
whether the earth is to be depopu
lated. :o:-
If all campaign stories were really
true there wouldn't be enough honest
men left to do guard duty at the
A Spokane woman who refused to
buy her husband a coffin, even after
she" knew that he had left her a for
tune, is certainly in a class all by her
self. :o:-
A New York judge has held that
creditors cannot take a wedding ring
for a debt. That ought to be some
satisfaction to those who contemplate
. :o:
Betting don't never carry an elec
tion, and the voter is never swayed
by such business. A "fool and his
money soon parted" on something he
knows nothing about.
1 :o:
The office-hunter who devotes his
time to giving advice to the common
people how to vote, is losing time.
People who really need advice always
go to a lawyer or doctor, and pay
for it.
Keith Neville, democratic candidate
for governor, is certainly making u
.most effective campaign in the cen
tral and west pp.rt of the state, and
success is bound to crown ria untiring
efforts. He will be' In Plattsmouth
One republican party worker went
so far as to say that the Hughes
speech in Lincoln lost him 500 local
republican votes. Perhaps this is an
excessive estimate, although it is
cheerfully conceded that a Hughes
speech is a terrible dampener on re
publican enthusiasm Lincoln Star,
Straight Party Votes Do Not Count
This Year for Constitutional
Sample of the ballot. to be used at
the general election November 7th will
K cnhrmttnrl thi fr.rpr.non hv Sprrp-
tarv of State Pool to chairmen and
officers of the various political com-
mittees and others interested. The
law does not require the secretary of
state to prepare a sample ballot, but
it has been customary for many years
for that official to send a sample to
county clerks at the same time he
sends to the clerks his certificate con-
tainimr the names of the candidates
and ballot titles of initiative and ref-
erendum propositions. The custom of
nrennrin? a samnle ballot is consid-
ered a good one that ought to be con
tinued, but in many counties the bal
lots are printed and prepared with
little regard to law. Sometimes these
departures from the law results in
mandamus or iniunction suits Mo
change the printed ballots to conform
to law. 4 I
The state law and not the secretary
of state provides the form of the
ballot. When the legislature of 1915
made some changes it incorporated
in the law a sample ballot which
makes it easy for county clerks to
ascertain the correct form. The sec-
retaiy of state furnishes the names
of candidates who have been legally
nominated and entitled to a place on
the ballot, and county clerks do the
rest. Each county prints its own bal
lot and pays for the same.
The law specifically provides that
it is the duty of the county clerk of
ounh pnnntL- n.nvMo Koiitc Tio mn nmvirlp tho hnllnt nr.,1 thn I
sample ballots used at polling places.
A copy of the official ballot as ar
ranged by the county clerk shall be
published in two or more newspapers
of general circulation in each county
three to ten days before the election.
This law requiring publication of the
form of the official ballot in news
papers was enacted by the legislature
of 1915.
The left-handed ballot will be used
this year for the first time. It has
been said the form was prescribed for
the benefit of voters who write with
the left hand. The squares in which
voters are to make a cross have been
changed by the legislature from the
right side of the ballot to the left
side, immediately preceding the
names of candidates. The political
party designation remains at the right
side of the ballot. Persons who hunt
for political party names will find
them on the right side, and then it
will be necessary to carefully feel
one's way with a pencil to the left
side -of the ballot and search for a
square in which to mark.
The new form of the ballot pro
vides for not more than three columns
side by side. Referendum proposi
tions, if there are any, come first.
They will appear at the top of the
first column, followed by the party
circles. Then comes the constitution
al amendments, then the presidential
electors, candidates for United States
tickets. The order of political parties,
senator, state and county and local
entitled to party circles is regulated
by law. The democratic party circle
takes precedence this year. The or
der of precedence is based on the to
tal number of votes cast by each po
litical party, the party casting the
highest number of votes at the last
election coming first, and the second
highest second, and so on. This or
der governs not only the arrangement
of party circles, but the arrangement
of the names of candidates on the
There arc three ways to mark a bal
lot. The voter can vote his party
ticket straight by making a cross in
the party circle, but such method of
voting will not carry a vote either for
or against either of the two consti
tutional amendments because the
amendments are submitted by the ini
tiative process and cannot be en
dorsed by political parties in conven
tion or at primary elections.
Proposed constitutional amend
ments become a part of the constitu
tion when approved, by a majority of
the vote cast in favor of an initiative
amendment shall constitute - 35 per
cent of the total vote cast at the elec
To vote for or against the prohibi
tory amendment or for or against
Food Commissioner Harmon's consti
tutionai amendment wnicn ensures
him reappointment for sixty years, one
must make a cross in the proper
square at the left of the amendments
These squares will be labelled "Yes"
and "No."
The second way to mark a ballot
is to vote the straight ticket with
exceptions. To do this a voter must
make a cross in his party circle and
then go down the ballot and make a
cress opposite the names of the can
didates of other political parties for
whom the voter desires to vote
The third way to mark a ballot is
the good, old-fashioned way that has
much prevailed ever since the Austra
lian ballot was adopted in Nebraska
tnat is to make a cross in a square
opposite each candidate whom the
voter desires to keep in office, as the
case may be. This method is consid
ered the surest and safest against
miscounting, but since the ballot has
grown to be six to ten teet long it
has become too laborious for the ordi-
naiT voter.
vvnere tnere are groups ot candi
dates, sucn as presidential electors, a
Party circle at the side is provided
D' aw so tlla vter may cast his
vote lor eigfct electors with one lull
SW0P of the backward stroke of the
M" - "" - " tu AU1'" a
At the general election a voter is
?iven the utmost freedom in the mat-
ter of voting for any one he pleases to
bestow'his favors upon. He can write
in the name of his worst enemy or his
best friend and the judges and clerks
of election are in duty bound to count
Voters may be dismayed when they
see the length and breadth of the gen-
I .1.1. A".. 1.11 A Jll i .
erai eiecuon Danot, dui tnat is not an
There are two separate ballots for vot-
ers to mark at the coming election
Tne second i a small but important
non-partisan judiciary ballot. Upon
this Piece of Paper will be found the
names Qf candidates for the supreme
court- district court and county court
There is one chit,f justice and three
J"uffcs ot the supreme court to elect
The number of district judges varies
in different judicial districts.
Chief Justice Morrissey and Judge
Fawcett are running for the office of
chief justice of the supreme court.
One chief justice is to be elected.
Three judges of the court are to be
elected, but under the non-partisan
judiciary ballot there are twice as
many candidates as there are ollices
to be filled, so there are six candi
dates for judges of the court. The
candidates are: Judge S. II. Sedg
wick, Judge J. B. Barnes, both candi
dates for re-election; Judge James R.
Dean of Broken Bow, Judge Albert J.
Cornish of Lincoln, L. S. Hastings of
David City and John C. Martin of
Central City.
In some cities or counties there may
be a third ballot containing bond prop
ositions submitted to a vote of the
qualified electors of the political sub
division or territory. State Journal.
It is a very warm night in August
when an auditorium with a seating
capacity of 8,000 auditors can't be
filled to overflowing in a city with
over 200,000 population to hear a can
didate for president of the United
States. So we see nothing to brag
about in the Hughes, meeting in
The voters of Cass county are very
well satisfied with the stewardship of
Frank Libershall as county clerk. He
fhas made one of the most competent
officials the county has ever had, and
there can be no just cause for a
change. The people in this instance
believe in "letting well enough alone."
Announcement that garlic strength
ens and improves the teeth, suggests
the observation that it also strength
ens but docs not improve the
A news dispatch from Cleveland, O.,
says that John D. Rockefeller gave a
child 'SO cents the other day. Gee, but
John is getting generous.
It is a mighty easy thing for a
candidate to get an abundance of en
couragement, but it's votes he needs.
Beware of the fellow who slaps you
on the back. He may be the first one
to slap you in the face.
' :o: -
Cleaning snow off the sidewalks on
the 19th of October is a new vrinkle
in this couitry.
A regular blizzard on the 19th day
of October. How is that for weather
in Nebraska?
Since life was given for abuse, don'
abuse it.
Was it cold enough for you ? Please
don't shoot.
Where there is smoke, one is sure
to know which way the wind is blow
Optimism is that thing which makes
a trader think everyone but himself is
Villa nTenioviner life once more. He
hasn't been killed for more than two
lhe finest institution that ever
walked on two legs is a pretty , girl
who don't know it.
Do your own thinking and draw
your own conclusions and you will
know what you are talking about.
. :o:
A Springfield. O., mother gave birth
to her thirteenth child, on the thir.
teenth day of last month. That is
what we would call giving the hoodoo
the double cross.
Who will be the republican candi
date for float representative? The
report is that Marshall T. Harrison
declines to go on the ticket. He re
fuses to serve as a tool.
A. L. Sutton, the republican candi
date for governor, served two terms
in the state legislature, and in one
session of that body .voted against a
woman suffrage measure, and against
memorializing congress in favor of
suffrage in another session.
Our old associate, Charley Crimes.
who is conected with the Rock Island
railway, at Fort Worth, is now tour-
ng the eastern states, writes us from
WashingtoiVthat "there is lots of poli
tics; Wilson's chances much improved
and looks to win." lie has been to
Chicago, Buffalo, Albany, Philadel
phia, Baltimore and Washington.
Ira Bond, Minneapolis broker, has
been arcsted for the third time, on
the charge of auto theft. A man with
a name like that ought not be obliged
to steal autos for a living, so we as
sume that he is innocent, it is sur
prising that the Minnesota authorities
should even suspect him. Perhaps
they've learned that a name i easily
"The republicans are out and they
want in," Mr. Marsnall said; "that is
the only thing in the way of an issue
have been able to find in this cam
paign. When we democrats were out
We promised you a definite program
of remedial legislation and kept the
promise, lne republicans are prom
ising nothing and are trying to win by
scolding Wilson. I don't believe
scolding can win an election. I know
the democrats have tried it in the
past and failed."
Hon. John Mattes is a hustler, wher
ever you find him, at home or attend
ing to business abroad. In the state
senate he had more friends than any
man in that body. He was genial
to everybody, a good talker, and al
ways wielded great influence. He
was not like a knat on a log. ins
work speaks for itself, and speaks
good and loud, and his work should be
commended by his re-election oh the
7th day of November, that he may
continue to represent Otoe and Cass
counties as they deserve to be repre
sented by a gentleman of great abil
ity. :o:
John L. Kennedy, the republican
candidate for United States senator.
said at Pender last Tuesday night, that
ic "wanted to go to the senate to
lelp to enact a new tariff law that
would keep German goods out of this
country after the war. He showed his
unneutral spirit when he called atten
tion to the fact that when hostilities
ceased in Europe Germany would not
have a neighbor she could trade with;
that the only nation worth while that
would trade with her-would be the
United States, and that we should
have a tariff wall to keep her goods.
off the market," Now, we would like
to know how the German-Americans
ike such talk as this from a man who
is praying for their votes.
Creed Harris is going to give his
house and barn a new coat of paint.
About a dozen prairie schooners
have passed through here during the
past week.
The Royal Neighbors took their
play to Nehawka last Thursday night
where they showed to a large house.
Elmer Morton, who has' been visit
ing here for more than three months,
left for his home last Thursday.
Vance Harris loaded his household
goods the latter part of last week and
left for his new home near Ft. Dodge,
No report on band meeting this
week. Come on boys, let's see if we
have not just a little spark of lire
left in us, to light the world a little
Matt McQuin will move into the
iouse recently occupied by Chas.
Niday. Mr. Niday will move his
family to Wahoo, where tbev will
Mrs. M. J. Schafter and son, Mar-
make their home.
ian, who have been visiting her sister,
Mrs. W. T. Wilson, south of Union,
have returned to their heme at Au
Iburn. E. L. Shoemaker was called to Lodge
Pole, Neb., the latter part of last week
to audit some books for the Farmers1
Union there, and did not get back
until Monday morning. .
Mr. Bennison, "The Oil King," of
Nebraska City, was in town Friday
looking after the interests of the
Standard Oil Co. Mr. Bennison was so
unfortunate as to be confined to his
ed for almost sfx month, a sufferer
from rheumatism.
George Williams and wife are vi
ng relatives at St. Joseph, Mo.
Ella and Harry Ewerth are enjoy-
ng country air tins week at their
brother's farm south of Eaule.
Mrs. Wm. Althouse. who has been
critically ill at Green Gables sanitar-
utn. Lincoln, is recovering nicclv.
Mrs. A. II. Vanlandingliani went
o me v o:iege lew sanitarium hun-
day for a week's treatment for rheu
matism. Mrs. Hodtwalker returned last Mon
ay from Ilaveiock where she has been
visiting with her daughter. Mrs. Cleo.
Mr. and Mrs. M. (I. Munson and
riday of last week and visited until
hildren of Irwin. Ia.. arrived here
ister. Mrs. John Peterson.
.Airs. August cpahnle underwent an
operation for appendicitis at the St.
Elizabeth hospital Tn Linroln early
Wednesday morning. She is reported
o be getting along nicely.
C. Harris, who recently moved To
this place from Lang-don. Mo., re
ceived a telegram last r rirtav an
nouncing the death of his father, and
with his family left for that place to
attend the funeral.
The north Lutheran congregation is
erecting a handsome parsonage direct
ly west of the church. If the weather
remains favorable it will be completed
within a few weeks and the pastor
will have a moving day.
C. W. Crabtree visited between
trains Saturday with relatives and
friends at Eagle. Mrs. Edna Crab
tree accompanied him to his home
at Hastings and visited there Sunday
and Monday. Will Crabtree, of Ab
bott, also spent Sunday with them.
M. L. Hursh seems to be having
more than his share of trouble dur
ing the past year. Mr. Hursh is con
fined to his home with sickness, and
Wednesday-Jus cow escaped from the
pasture getting into a nearby corn
field and loading up on green corn
which will likely kill her and a new
born calf. Mr. Hursh recently lost
a horse, a calf, and had a barn de
stroyed by fire within the past year.
From Baturday's raliy.
Leonard .1. Austin of Union and
Miss Markaret M. Klimm, residing
near here, were married in Nebraska
City Monday by Judge Bischof. The
ceremony was performed before only
the immediate relatives of the bride.
Len and his bride are well u-nd favor
ably known in this community and the
best of wishes are accorded them by
their many friends. Len passed the
cigars Wednesday and we all had one
for good luck. Union Ledger.
P. M. Meisinger "came down from
Benson Saturday evening to visit over
Sunday with his brothers, L. A., G. G.
and W. G. Meisinger at their homes,
and returning home accompanied by
his.wife and family, who. have been
I-here for a week visiting with rela
Het extents i5 Fluid Pracli
f.r.oiroL- 3 rER CEN"E
p-Qrrf -s UieestiGD,u!cenai-ncssdCcsl-CoiitoKUto
JSoi" Naiicotic.
'Hin.t Sfffi -.inTiif.'ai'rr
,.,tH'(i tit
Exert Cor-v
i-' r. ' v
. v. T-if
r. 1
1 1
Democratic Candidate for Representative of
Cass County
The proper man to represent Cass county in the State Leg
islature. A gentleman and a scholar, and one abundantly well
qualified to look after the interests of the tax-payers.
At the meeting of the Cass County
Siyulay School association held at
Murdoch Friday last, the delegates be
stowed a well deserved honor upon
Jesfc P. Perry of this city in selecting
him as the president for the next year
of the association. Mr. Terry .is one
of the faithful workers in the Sunday
schools of the county and the recogni
tion of his services is certainly de
Watch for the expected announcement this Autumn of the opening by
the Government "of its 12,0U() acre Fannie tract in the Dig Horn Uasin. P'l
reliably irrigated farms. No agents. No commissions. Direct to you from
Uncle Sam, free homestead land and actual cost of perpetual water-right.
2') years' time, no interest and no payment between the first and fifth year.
If you want to know the future value of these farms, visit the adjacent
locality of Powell, Wyiming, in the heart of 10,000 acres of irrigated land
under this same -Government Canal. The Government has now on file more
applications than it has farms to allot, but we believe it our duty to let you
know of this chance.
Write me
inform you as
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
T)ic ctNTr.un eowNK'. new vork city.
served by this gentleman for his long
and hard work for the benefiit of the
William Kice who has been here
visiting with his relatives and friends,
departed this morning for Omaha,
where he will consult a specialist in
regard to his health which has f lot
been of the best of late.
A want ad will bring you a buyer.
and I will keep your name on file, to
to the date of this opening.
Immigration Agent, C. B. & Q. R. R.
Fanidni St.. Omalifl, Neb.
fv jk in
U For Over
Thirty Y
w!r f u s. h r n ii ia m
t 1 Km Kit? lit 4 11 Pw;, II IIKJT1
r- f(j v 7. s j r L'r. a ri b4