The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 23, 1916, Image 1

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Neb 8tato Historical Boc
you. xxxrv.
No. 142.
Officers Elected for the Ensuing Year
at the Session in Lincoln
This Week.
From Friday's Daily.
Below we give the list of officers in
both the grand lodges Odd Fellows
and Rebekahs as taken from the Lin
coln Evening News:
Grand Master Walter V. Hoagland,
North Platte.
Grand Deputy Master E. Arthur
Carr, Lincoln.
Grand Warden J. W. McKissick,
Grand Secretary I. P. Gage, Fre
Treasurer F. B. Bryant,
Grand Representative Sam K
Greenleaf, Omaha.
A big fight was on to defeat Grand
Secretary Gage, who is now celebrat
ing his silver jubilee as a grand lodge
officer. Gage was opposed by T. W.
Bass of Broken Bow, whose friends
made a vigorous'anvas for him. Gage
beat Bass by over 100 votes.
There was a lively contest of a
three-cornered kind for the position
of grand warden which is a stepping
stone through promotion to grand
master. - The candidates were Charles
Johnson, Fremont; Don Garber, Red
Cloud, and J. W. McKissick of Be
atrice. Grandsire Frank C. Goudy, who is in
the city visiting the grand lodge, was
given pji ovation when he reached the
auditorium with J. S. Hoagland. a
veteran Odd Fellow of North Platte.
The grandsire addressed a joint meet
ing of the two organizations at the
city auditorium at 1:30 o'clock.
The various committees named by
the chair made their reports to the
grand lodge. They were of an op
timistic nature. During the past year
it was reported that there had been
substantial gain inmembership among
the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs.
Took Five Ballots.
There were strenuous times over at
the Rebekah assembly Thursday
morning during the annual election of
officers, when it was necessary to take
five ballots to elect a grand warden.
The ladies worked so hard that they
were nearly out of breath when the
exciting contest was over and Mrs.
Iona Naylor of Chadron was declared
elected by a garrison finish. It was a
close race between Icna Naylor, the
successful officer, and Clara Hubbell of
York and Laura Knapp of York.
The complete list of new officers fol
lows: President, Mrs. Hattie Hoagland,
North Platte.
Vice president, Mrs. Dora Townsend,
Secretary, Mrs. Emma L. Talbot,
Treasurer, Mrs. Mary E. Stuht, Om
aha. Grand warden, Mrs. Iona Naylor,
Grand representative, Mrs. Florence
M. Wagner, Omaha.
f Mrs. Talbot has been secretary of
the Rebekah assembly for twelve
years and Mrs. Stuht, treasurer for
nineteen years. They had no opposi
tion to re-election.
Most of the morning the assembly
was engaged in hearing reports of the
various committees appointed by the
president to look into the state of the
order. Their reports indicated lodge
affairs to be in a prosperous condi
From Friday's Daily.
T. L. Amick, proprietor of the
Amick Garage, of this city, who took
up the Reo agency a few weeks ago,
is rapidly demonstrating his ability as
a salesman as well as the doctor of
ailes and troubles of the automobile.
Dave Eaton, from near Union, is now
driving one of these handsome little
fours, while Philip Ileil is proudly
handling the wheel of one of the Reo
sixes, both of which were bought
through the Amick agency. Mr.
Amick will be glad to give all pros
pective purchasers a demonstration
of these cars at any time.
The people are wise who buy sta
tionery at the Journal.
Prom Friday's Datlr.
J. II. Newlin and wife of Harrison
Sioux County, were in the city today
enjoying a visit with their old friends
here, Mr. and Mrs. John.McNurlin and
others of those whom they knew in
years gone by. Mr. Newlin is the
editor and publisher of the Sun, at
Harrison, and one of the live news
paper men in that section of the state.
Mr. Newlin has been at Lincoln as a
representative at the grand lodge of
the I. O. O. F. order and with his wife
took the opportunity of visiting with
the old friends in this localitv. From
here they go to Clarinda, la., for a
short visit before returning home.
Mrs. Newlin is a former Cass county
lady, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Connors, having resided for a number
of years in the vicinity of Cullom, and
she enjoys greatly the opportunity of
visiting the old friends. It has been
five years since Mr. and Mrs. Newlin
visited this vicinity and a great many
changes have taken place since that
time and many of those they had
known have passed on.
The most idyllic play since Denman
Thompson's "The Old Homestead,"
was presented to the public, and in
a way even more full of charm than
that classic of the bucolic drama, is
'Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" which
Gaskell & MacVitty (Inc.) will pre-
ent at the Parmele Theatre on
Thursday night, October 27. Here is
a comedy in which the more beautiful
side of New England life is presented,
showing the childhood of her people.
The play is a dramatization of Kate
Douglas Wiggin's book of the same
name and the stage version of the
story has been made by the author
with the assistance of Charlotte
Thompson. The presentation at the
'armele of this grand idyllic play
will be one of the events of the season
for Gaskell & MacVitty have gathered
a superb company to present the piece
and are giving it a picturesque ,and
altogether delightful production.
From Tuesday's Dally,
This morning Pat Foley and John
O'Neill, both claiming to be quarry
men from near Cedar Creek, were in
Judge Archer's court to answer to the
charge of being drunk and to this
charge they entered a plea of guilty,
and were accordingly given a fine of
$4 each, which they settled and were
allowed to depart for their place of
employment, sadder and wiser. Frank
Coleman, also claiming to be a quarry
man, had his name on the docket for
being drunk and disturbing the peace
by using vile and insulting language
to Chief Barclay when he was re
quested to come to the city bastile,
and despite his hostile attitude to
ward the representative of the law he
was lodged in jail and, this morning,
was given the trimmings for his mis
demeanor by a fine and costs amount
ing to $13 and which he was com
pelled to settle before being allowed
to go on his way.
This morning E. Sturzenneger, the
South Bend merchant, accompanied by
V. II. Kitrell, one of the leading resi
dents of that little city were here at
tending to some matters at the court
house and visiting with county seat
friends. The report that affairs at
South Bend are progressing nicely
and while the village is not a large
one or densely populated it has more
permanent walks than any other town
of its size in the state and a number of
other additions are projected for the
next few months. This is a splendid
advertisement for our neighbor and
they should see that the good work is
From Saturday's Daily.
Thursday afternoon at the farm
home of C. W. Sack near Springfield
Neb., John W. Kinser of this city met
with a painful and serious accident
while he was engaged in doing some
plastering at the residence of Mr
Sack. Mr. Kinser has been there for
some time, and while at his work
Tuesday fell from the scaffolding in
such a manner as to break the right
leg. Drs. Wortman and Polk were
summoned from Louisville to attend
Mr. Kinser and dressed the injured
member. The patient has not shown
as favorable condition as had been
hoped and it is thought he will be
taken to the Immanuel hospital in
Omaha to be cared for there. Mr
Kinser carries an accident policy m
the Woodman and also the Redmen
and this will certainly be a very handy
thing to the injured man in his juf
fiiction. The news of the acident came
as a great shock to the many friends
in this city and they will anxiously
await word from his bedside, trust
ing that he may soon be on the high
way to recovery.
From Tuesday's Dairy
John Flint and wife, former resi
dents of Cass county, but at present
residing at Fowler, California, who
have been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Mark White and with
Mrs. I. S. White, near old Rock
luff, was in the city today enroute to
Omaha where they expect to visit
for a short time before returning to
their home on the coast. Mr. and
Mrs. Flint were for a number of
years residents near Rock Bluffs and
were married there fifty years ago
and resided there for ten years fol-
owing the marriage, leaving Cass
county forty years ago for the west
and have since been residing on the
coast. They were visiting near Beth
any, Mo., with their relatives and
friends and decided to stop off and
visit Grandma White and family en-
oute to the west. The occasion has
been a most deiignttui one to every
one of the old friends and Mr. and
Mrs. Flint enjoyed the sojourn in the
old home immensely and in renewing
the days long gone by when they
were here in Cass county in their
A sample non-partisan judiciary
ballot containing the names of can
didates for chief justice of the su
preme court, judges of the supreme
court and candidates for judge in the
arious districts has been prepared by
Secretary of State Pool as a guide
for county clerks which are by law
charged with the duty of preparing
official ballots. The non-partisan ju
diciary law provides that the candi
dates for judges of all courts shall ap
pear on a separate ballot.
Two years ago it was alleged elec
tion officials in a few precincts failed
to give voters the judiciary ballot but
on the contrary destroyed the ballots.
ains will be taken this year to have
election officers inform voters that
there are two ballots, one the general
election ballot and the other a non
partisan judiciary ballot.
The law provides that the names of
candidates on the judiciary ballot
shall be rotated. The order of the
names must be different in each vot
ing precinct, but the order need not
be changed in any one precinct. This
provision of the law may give some
one candidate the advantage of first
place on the ballot in a large precinct,
while another candidate might have
first place in a precinct where there
are few votes. All such arrangements
are left to the county clerk.
Paul Wurl and wife, who have been
here visiting with their relatives in
this city, departed this afternoon for
their home in Byron. Mr. and Mrs.
Wurl are returning home from an it was decided that an operation
automobile trip to the Pacific coast, would be necessary to give her re
and while there visited with Ernest lief and this was accordingly per
Wurl and family at Long Beach, Cal. formed Monday at the hospital.
John Kelly of Manley Dies Following
Lingering Illness.
TTVnTTi Satiirflfiv's Dallv
The funeral of John Kelly, sr., which
occurred Monday of last week, was
attended by an unusuallj- large con
course of friends arid neighbors, who
came to pay their last respects to the
c'oad. Requiem high mabs was s'-.rg
by Rev. W. L. D. Higgins, assisted
by the church choir, nVsr which ihe
funeral procession foi'incu and pro
ceeded to the Colleg? liill cemeterv
northeast, of town, where interment
was made. Mr. Ke1';.' had beon in
failing h'ealth for several years, hav
ing rurfered several u.vnguous hc:nf.
-.ttii'ks, ending with the one whicn in
sulted in his death. He was sur
rounded at the last by his pastor.
Father Higgins, his wife and family,
the nurse who attend, u, and several
friends. Mr. Kelly was a man of ster
ling integrity, and who commanded
the respect of all who came in contact
with him. His rather stern mariner
concealed a heart full of genuine kind
ness and goodness and a moral nature
of uncompromising honor and honesty.
The sincere esteem in which he was
held by all who knew him was attested
by the great number cf old acquaint
ances who came from n distance to be
present at his funeral, or to drop a
word or tear of regret is his body lay
waiting the last solemn rites. Mr.
Kelly leaves to mourn his loss, besides
innumerable friends already men
tioned, his wife and five children, three
sons, John, jr., Edward, and William,
and two daughters, Mrs. William
Shechan, and Miss Nellie Kelly. The
deep and sincere sympathy of the
community is extended to them rill in
their bereavement.
Among those from out of the parish
who attended Mr. Kelly 'a funeral were
noted, James Carper and wife of Col-
ege View, Ed Tighe, tr.f Council
Bluffs; Patrick Bourke and wife of
Omaha, Mrs. Nellie Smith, Tuley Wall
and wife of Elmwood, Mrs. John Fitz
gerald, Miss Ruth Fitzgerald, Pau
Fitzgerald, Louisville; Jacob Tritsch
and wife, Eight Mile Grove; John
Fight and wife, Plattsmi-uth; James
Terryberry and wife, CeJar Creek:
Frank McNurlin and wife and daugh
ter, Dora, the latter old neighbors cf
the deceased when he lived on his
farm eight miles northeast of town.
Louisville Courier.
Fmm Saturday's Dally.
The voters of Cass county who have
a desire to get a clear understanding
of the political issues of the day
should not fail to attend the meetings
of Robert Herrick of Wisconsin, who
will be in this county on next Thurs
day, October 20th, to hold meetings
at Louisville and Plattsmouth. Mr.
Herrick will arrive in Louisville on
Thursday morning and will address
the voters of that locality at 2 p. m.
on the same day and at Plattsmouth
at 8 o'clock in the evening. Mr. Her
rick is a progressive from the word
go and was very active in political
life in Wisconsin when as a member
of the following of Senator Robert M.
LaFollett he assisted in the defeat of
the standpat republican ring in that
state. He is now on the stump in
support of Wilson and the reform
measures that has made the demo
cratic party's record in the last three
3ears a most glorious one. Mr. Her
rick" is German by birth and has the
greatest faith in the fairness of the
policy our our president,
From Friday's Dally.
Late reports from the Immanuel
'.hospital in Omaha indicate that Mrs.
Jeff Salsburg who is there recovering
from an operation is doing nicely and
her condition is much better apparent
ly. Mrs. Salsburg has been in poor
health for the past year and has been
'taking treatment for some time until
From Saturday's Da!ly.
Last evening a number of the re
publican candidates consisting of
Sheriff Quinton, County Attorney
Cole, Dr. E. W. Cook, county chair
man: -Clarence Beal, candidate for
county clerk, and George L. Farley
candidate for assessor, started for
Weeping Water to attend a meeting
of the G. O. P. held there and enroute
found it necessary several times to
get out and push the automobiles
through the drifts but they arrived in
time for the speaking. The boys
found the snow quite heavy all the
way but it will not be a patching to
the storm of ballots that will snow
Hughes and Fairbanks under in Ne
From Saturday's Dally.
II. E. Pankonin met with an acci
dent last Saturday that will put his
eft hand out of commission for some
time. He was making some repairs on
a windmill out at Jim Terryberry 's
farm and was working on the tower at
a height of fifty feet. In some way
his left hand became fastened in the
gear of the wheel just as a gust of
wind came up and started the wheel
in motion. He had presence of mind
enough to grab the wheel and stop
it, but not before it had lacerated his
hand in a frightful manner. He was
hurried to town and it required four
teen stitches to patch up the wound.
Mr. Pankonin is an old experienced
hand at this line of work, and said
that the accident was purely careless
ness on his part in not tightening the
wheel so that it could not turn while
he was 'at work. While no bones were
broken the wound was a most painful
one. Louisville Courier.
From Saturday's Dally.
Cass County seems to have been at
the front on the hog market at the
South Omaha Live Stock exchange
yesterday, when two enterprising
farmers pulled down two of the top
notch prices that have been registered
so far this month on the market. A.
F. Schafer of Cedar Creek, who was
on the market with a car of good
butcherweights, secured the highest
pi ice paid for hogs this month, $10, as
the animals were of the very best and
were quickly grabbed up by the pur
chasers at the high price. P. E.
Tritsch had a number of fine hogs at
the market that brought $9.90 at the
sale yesterday at the exchange. This
looks like the Cass county farmers
were right on the job on the produc
tion of fine hogs and are able to meet
the best farmers in the i:tate in this
line. Both Mr. Schafer and Mr.
Tritsch are extensive raisers of fine
hogs and their skill in handling their
animals certainly has been demon
strated in the excellent prices secured
by them for their hogs.
Saturday evening a very pleasant
Hallowe'en, party was enjoyed at the
pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Albert on Pearl street when their
daughters, Misses Emma and Mar
garet Albert entertained the members
of the Luther League of the St. Paul's
church. The evening was one of the
rarest enjoyment and the young peo
ple, twenty-three in number spent
the time in playing games of all
kinds and in the enjoyment of a num
ber of piano numbers contributed by
different members of the party and
which proved an entertaining feature
of the evening. -During the course of
the evening dainty refreshments in
keeping with the Hallowe'en season
were served and which were certainly
appreciated by the members of the
jolly party. It was a late hour when
the young people journeyed homeward
voting the Misses Albert royal en
tertainers and their appreciation of
the delightful hospitality afforded
Saturday evening Mr. J. Drtina, of
Denver, gave a very pleasing lecture
at the T. J. Sokol hall and which was
attended by a large number of the
members of this order and of the
Z. C. B. J. lodge of which Mr. Drtina
is one of the national organizers and
in whose interest he is touring the
with a large number of slides, show
ing scenes in the lands over the sea
as well as in our own country and this
feature of the entertainment made a
great impression upon the audience,
and especially were the scenes from
the land of Bohemia enjoyed as many
were familiar to those in the audience
and the views gave the others an op
portunity'of seeing what that country
was really like. As a result of th
personal work of Mr. Drtina and the
meetine a renewed interest was
created among the members of th
order that will prove of much benefit
to the lodge locally. After the close
(of the address the audience spent
several hours most delightfully in
dancing and enjoying a good socia
time among themselves and it was
with great regret that they saw the
hour for homecoming draw near and
feel that the opportunity of hearing
Dr. Drtina was certainly a rare treat
There is one man at the University
of Nebraska that has the solid back
ing of every member in the school.
Head Coach Stewart.
He had the task of making a win
ning team out of the Husker squad
without such material as Chamberlain,
lalligan and some other famous
ground getters. He set out to do it.
He eliminated the position of quar
ter and established his plays around
two fullbacks. He switched backfield
men to ends and ends to backfield. He
reorganized the whole team and way
of practice. He had the rooters in the
school watching his every move. He
simply couldn't fail. The win of the
team over the Oregon Aggies settled
all doubt in the minds of the students
as to whether or not Stewart knew his
When the Huskers won over Drake
and the Kansas Aggies, there was
ittle comment, such games being ex
pected to go into the victory bag of
the Nebraskans. But the Oregon
game was a different matter. It was
to make or break Stewart. Had he
lost, it is thought that foot ball at the
university would have been a dead
sport this year.
Now all the school is looking for
ward to the battle with Notre Dame
on November 30. Home coming day,
November 18, will be a big day in foot
ball. The team meets Kansas and
will in all probability decide the
ownership of the Missouri valley title
in that fray. The game with Ames is
another of the frays which will be
worth watching.
Team work won the game for the
Huskers Saturday. The score of 17
to 7 was the result of starless play
as far as the individual was con
cerned. The whole team worked as
one and put the win across. The two
touchdowns made by Carey were only
made because the ends of the Oregon
Aggies were turned in and kept in
until Carey got past them. Omaha
From Friday's Dally.
Despite the storm raging yesterday
and the very disagreeable weather,
the stork made a flying visit to this
community yesterday and at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Mayabb west
of the city left a fine little son and
heir who arrived about 10 o'clock last
evening. Both the mother and little
one are doing nicely and Claud is feel
ing greatly elated over his new happi
ness and the fine little son. The many
friends of the family will extend to
the parents their heartiest congrat
ulations and best wishes for the wel
fare of the little man.
The people are wise "who buy sta
tionery at the JournaL
Two Hundred and Twenty-One on the
Burlington Road Can't Hold
Any More.
Two hundred and twenty-one eleva
tors on the Burlington railroad in Ne
braska were reported Saturday as be
ing blocked that is, crammed full of
grain, unable to receive any more, and
shut down for that reason. The Bur
lington has not been able to f urr.ish
cars to haul the grain to market, and
so the elevators cannot operate until
the present congestion is relieved.
The number of blockaded elevators
was distributed as follows over the
different railroad divisions: Omaha,
G; Lincoln, 97; Wymore, 10; McCook,
88; Alliance, 1; Sterling, Colo, 19.
From this it would appear that the
northern and eastern divisions are
faring considerably better than the
southern in the distribution of cars.
State Loses 300 Cars.
During the past few days, the Bur
lington has sent out orders to its divi
sion headquarters and station agents
in Nebraska for the withdrawal of
fifty cars from each division, to be
turned over to the Northern Pacific
and Great Northern roads, making 300
in all taken out of Nebraska. It is
said that two weeks ago the Burling
ton had a balance of 8,000 cars against
it in its exchanges with those two
lines, which are related parts of the
Hill system.
Many complaints regarding the re
fusal of the Burlington to permit the
oading of empty cars at Nebraska sta
tions have come to the state railway
commission, especially from potato
shippers, who say that it is resulting
in seriously retarding the movement
of thejr products to market. The com
mission, however, thinks potato ship
pers must be satisfied if they get as
good treatment as grain shippers in
the distribution of cars.
The county board of insanity was
called to meet yesterday to take up
the examination of Oscar Elledge who
was before them charged with being
in a state where it would be best to
have him removed to the hospital for
care. It seems that the voung man ar
rived in the city Friday from St.
Joseph, Mo., and Saturday developed
the signs of insanity that led to the
complaint being filed and he was in
quite bad shape when the board met
to pass on the case. He was first
noticed Saturday afternoon on Vine
street near the new library when his
strange actions attracted the attention
of the passers by and he demanded
protection from several parties claim
ing that someone was after him and
that he was in danger. He was placed
in jail and yesterday was up before
the official board to determine his con
dition and after hearing the facts in
the case the members of the board
decided that he was a suitable patient
for the state hospital. He was ap
parently quite demented at the hear
ing but this morning was showing
signs of improvement and it may be
possible that it will not be necessary
to have him taken away.
From Saturday" Dally.
The residents from out in the county
and particularly those residing west
of the city who visited here today, re
port that the snowfall in their locality
to have been quite heavy and a great
deal more of it than was found in this
city. In a great many places the
roads were filled with quite heavy
drifts and the high wind prevailing
had aided in making the travel quite
difficult and even this morning it was
a hard proposition to get through with
a team and buggy, while an automo
bile experienced even greater diffi
culty. While the snow was heavy
here in the city it did not last long and
did not drift or bank as it did on the
country roads.
A want ad will bring what you want.