The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 19, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, OCTOEER, 19, 1916.
Doctor and Patient.
AT JOE leaned over anl drew
a blanket a little klIier
across the sleeping cam's
shoulder, while Steve contin
ued silently to study parry's face.
II. on in unconsciousness a faintly
crooked smile of skepticism still dun?
to the lips.
"It was like him," Steve remarked
nt last very soberly." "Somehow the
minute he began to speak I knew it
was exactly tlie sort -j' thins: I expect
ed him to say. The probability of
death is h much more aniusins: pros
pect to some men. Joe. than the per
plexity of living."
Fat Joe flashed a swift, hnlf puzzled
glance at his chief's face. He started
to ask a question, then scowled and
checked himself and turned instead to
kindle a fire in the stove of the lean
to, kitchen of the cabiu. But a half
hour later he was still murmuring the
last phrase over to himself perplexed
ly when Steve came leading the horse
rr.irtinio nr to the onen door. Saddled
and with reins a-trall, the animal had !
been wandering throughout the night
about the upper end of the construc
tion camn clearing. At the sound of
hoofboati outside Fat Joe left the
Hove and the half cooked breakfast
he had set himself to prepare.
"So that's the way one of 'em come,"
Le murmured. "I was wondering
t-ome. Last night I didn't notice the
horse, being a mite too hurried to give
simple nttrntion to details, as it were,
r.ut ain't ain't this one of Allison's
"No. Joe." Steve answered heavily.
"He is from Allison's stables, but we
have him to thank, just the same,
along with Garry, for our blue prints
and estimates. It was Mr. Dcvereau
whom he brought up here last night
r.nd In fairly good time. I should judge,
teo, from the pace at which they set
out. Garry turned him into the hill
road, and he must have stuck to it
blindly until he struck our fork."
.And, after a longer pause, "The horse
U Miss Allison's own property." he
added quietly.
Joe pursed his lips. Instantly at the
mention of the girl's name he felt him
self better equipped to understand
lth the lack of immediate action and
the seeming- preoccupied indifference
of his superior which, in the face of
the night's development's, would have
locn otherwise utterly unaccountable
that morning.
The probable nearness of him who
had gone bounding away emty hand
ed from the lighted shack was of far
less moment than the possible identity
of the one who had furnished the in
spiration of that night raid. And to
Steve the need of assuring that tall
girl with the vivid lips and coppery
hair of Carry Devereau's safety bulk
ed quite as important as did the ad
visability of seeking immediately an
informal interview with I'exter Alli
son, such as the latter himself had so
genially suggested.
I happened to run into Ilarrigan
this morning," Fat Joe said in an un
concerned manner.
As disinterestedly as had Joe, Steve
now drained his coffee cup and waited.
"lie was down to the cook shanty,"
Fat Joe rambled on. "It's rn hour
since he'd ought to have been out there
with the powder squad in the north
cut, and when I aks him if he was
fceliu' indisposed this morning he says
no, but the supply teams was golnir out
and ore of the drivers had told him
that I was sending him along to help
with the loadin". He had such nice,
frank, open faced way of lying that I
vouldn't bring myself to correct him.
i I just let it stand that way and told
Liiu such was the arrangement." Joe
-:nv swift satisfaction play
( '.TOSS
Sieve's face. "He had a bandage
around his head not much different
from this one our friend here is wear
ing, r.ut lie said he was scratched by
a t wig."
The room was very quiet for a
breath. That thin note had crept into
J-'st Joe's tenor voice thin and chill
und menacing. And there as abruptly
:is he had assumed it he flung aside
his mask of disingenuous irrelevance.
Fat Joe wheeled, put. both elbows upon
the table edge and leaned forward
heavily. It was much as though he
were setting himself to shoulder by
sheer weight through the discourag
ing wall of indifference behind which
the other was apparently withdrawing
i:ice more.
"But as for me" his high voice rang
a little "but as for me, well. I always
l;d pride myself that I could shoot
some, whether it was by daylight or
And thi only result which that state
ment achieved was an answering, med
itative nod. Fat Joe subsided All
that he could say had been said, and
they finished breakfast as they had
icgun It, in absolute silence.
Stephen O'Mara touched a match to
t'ac dry grains of tobacco which he
Lad been tamping into the bowl of his
repe. He swung slowly around toward
- Will
the inert figure on the bunk.
"HeMl sleep the day through. 1
think." he said, "and the night per
haps, r.ut I'd advise you to look in on
him now and then, just the same. He
did us a good turn last night. It's the
second good turn he's done for me,
Joe. And now perhaps the chance
has come to even up the score a little.
You would know, wouldn't you, Joe,
Just how many drinks to prescribe for
a man who has been as as ill as Gar
ry has?"
Fat Joe's face commenced to shiae,
and at that he was only beginnins to
"Ain't I the doctor?" he demanded
j aggrievedly. "You don't have to go do
j deeper into technicalities with me.
j And I told you last night anyway,
j didn't T. that it would have to be his
last little celebration unless he was
figuriu on 'a longer journey than he's
ever took before. Well. I've handled
so many cases just like his that there
ain't even a little enjoyable novelty in
'em any more for me."
Steve received the statement with
another nod.
"That's it," he mused. "That's it ex
actly. It would have to be his last
unless he is figuring on a longer jour
ney than he has ever taken before."
He crossed and leaned over the thin
and motionless form of his friend. He
laid one hand gently upon the sleeping
man's shoulder.
"He did that for me ouce, Joe." he
spoke quietly. "lie dropped his hand
on my shoulder like that, and I never
forgot the weigiit of it. Yon watch
him. Joe watch him closely for
awhile, because because, you see. a
man does stray along once in sc often
who's so badly bewildered and trail
weary, so tired of trying and and hurt
in soul that the thought of such a
journey as you speak of begins to seem
the shortest route after all to an end
of thoughts which even alcohol can't
wipe out. You take care of him. aud if
he wakes before I get back explain to
him a littTe just how he came here,
and thank him a lot for what he did.
Ask him to wait until I come back
from Morrison, will you?"
For a moment Joe just stood and
blinked, dumfounded.
"nuhl'' he blurted at last. "Huh!
So that's what you been hintin' at all
the time. Is it? I didn't just get you
right until now. But do you know it
did seem to me once or twice while we
were working over him once or twice
when the goin' was pretty bad that
his spirit wasn't heaving real hearty
into the traces. And, say, ain't that
a poor idea for a guy to get into his
head? Xow, ain't it?' And then, as
the purport of the rest of Steve's words
struck home. "Io you mean you arc
going to Morrison to have a"
Steve recrossed to the door and be
gan to unfasten the feed bag from
Bagtime's nose. no leaned over to
lengthen a stirrup, stopped again to
light his pipe.
"Watch things!" he called as he
swung to the saddle and put Ragtime
to the slope. "Welch things!" nis
voice drifted up from below clear and
eager. "And drive 'ere. Joe drive 'em
drive 'cm from daylight till dark!"
From the threshold Fat Joe watched
bin! until horse and rider disappeared
beyond the line of timber.
Barbara Allison's presence upon the
dusty hill road that morning was
more thrm the result of a merely casual
whim, even though when she turned
her mount north into that mountain
highway a scant two hours before the
choice had been made without actual
thought for the route she was select
ing. The night before as soon as she had
re-entered hurriedly the glowing lodge
n-sprawl upon the hill the impulse had
f srt.4. ,nnin 4n 1 1 o T o -n-ff anil f.1,-wtc4-
blind desire to turn and escape, if only
for a little while, from the roomful of
chatter and laughter and bright eyed
badinage loosed upon her immediately
after the unmasking by Dexter Alli
son's perfectly cadenced announcement
of his daughter's engagement. All in
a breath the huge room had become
stiflingly oppressive, the gayety un
bearable. And yet afterward, alone in her
room, when the last treble note had
died away and she had dismissed Ce
cile, her sleepy eyed maid, the sense
of oppression had returned redoubled.
She did not want to sleep. She was
glad of her wide eyed wakefulness,
but in the darkness walls and ceiling
and floor seemed fairly to close in upon
her and hedge in soul and brain as well
as lA)dy. It was the first time the girl
had ever known the need the driving
tfesire to be alone out of doors, where
there was nothing but sky and sky
line to bound her thoughts. And at
last when her restlessness became no
longer bearable, while the remainder
of the house still slept behind drawn
curtains, she rose and slipped inio
boots and breeches and riding coat and
descended to order a not too wide
awake groom to saddle a horse. And
In the very middle of hli sensational
report of Ragtime's empty stall she
swung to tha saddle and turned to
ward the north.
Mile after mile, the roan mare plac
idly choosing the pace, she rode- with
one leg dangling over the pummel of
the saddle, everything else forgotten
in that preoccupied endeavor to review
each moment she had shared with him.
When the higher morning sun found
her far beyond the rolling pasture
"He did that for me once, Joe," he
spoke quietly.
land, miles in the heavy timber, she
had dismounted, there where the high
est loop in the road commanded its
breath taking sweep of country, and
was sitting cross legged upon the trunk
of a fallen tree at the road edge.
Then suddenly Stephen O'Mara in
the flesh appeared before her astride
. liagtiine and leading her roaii, which.
contentedly cropping the bush tops,
had disappeared a full quarter of an
hour before.
The girl gasped at the suddenness
of his coming. She half started to rise
before she remembered the instability
of her perch and then crouched even
j lower than before when she saw that
j he was not yet aware of her nearness.
; She waited, eyes gleefully bright, until
he was almost opposite her before she
coughed, ever so faintly. Then she
tilted her nose aloft . In enchanting
mimicry of his lean and forward thrust
"We never speak," she confided dole
fully to the empty air in front of her
"we never speak as we pass by."
lie whirled. So swiftly that it took
her breath he was out of the saddle
and across the road and standing knee
deep in the undergrowth beside her.
Only his profile had been visible to her
at iirst. Xow the white line of his
jaw and the light in the eyes that
.searched her face chilled her even as
they sent the blood singing in every
vein. Only a few hours . before she
had seen that same cold fear in Miriam
Burrells eyes, and yet not the same,
either, for hers. had been a panic of
lost hope, aud the gleam in the man's
eyes was already only partly dread of
disaster and partly a great and unmis
takable glow of thankfulness. Bar
bara remembered then, with a twinge
of guilt that she could have forgotten
it so completely, the black robed ligure
that had gone thundering off on the
same mount which Stephen O'Mara
was riding now. She half lifted both
hands to him apprenhensively.
"You aren't going to tell me. are
you," she asked, "that anything dread
ful lias happened to Garry?"
Dumbly, but most reassuringly, SteA e
shook his head. From the top of her
hatless, wind tossed, brown crowned
head to the tips of the absurdly small
boots tucked up beneath her he scan
ned her slim body, Itarbara realized
that he was trying to speak and find
ing the effort hard. Slowly he remov
ed his hat and passed one hand across
his forehead.
"Man," he ejaculated fervidly to him
self, "but that's the longest hundred
yards you've ever traveled on foot or
a-horseback!"' and abruptly, accusing
ly to her, "Do you know that I've been
months and years and ages rounding
that bend to to find you a little crum
pled up heap in the road?"
"I'm sorry," she murmured humbly.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you; but, you
see. I didn't know"
She laughed at him. Her lips curled,
petal-like, in a gurgling peal of enjoy
ment at his shamefaced grin.
"I found j-our horse rolling," he ex
plained, and his gravity was dogged in
the face of her brightness. "How 1
knew it was yours I don't know, but
I did just the same. I thought she had
thrown you, I'd already made up my
mind, if there was one scratch on your
body, to take that mare's head between
my nanus and break her neck! Y'ou
see, I believed I knew alreadv just
what it would mean to me If anything
ever napioned to rou. But it's a lot
different imagining the world without
you and and facing the actual possi
bility.of it. Was I fairly tragic?" .
(To Be Continued.)
FOR SALE A No.-l fresh milch cow.
" Inquire at the J. R. Vallery farm.
n rn i i
East nf Riley HoteL
. Coates' Block,
Second Floor
Lacking Man's Physical Strength,
They Possess High Courage
Suffer Silently.
The story is told of a sixteen-year
eld jrirl. who when the village m
which she lived was attacked by an
enemy at war, stayed in her burning
home and by means of a telephone
manaired to signal the artillery of her
countrymen. They were thus enabled
to get the range and retake the vil
lage, but not until the brave girl had
been discovered by the enemy. She
was taken prisoner and later court
martialed end shotrv
This is a true story and happened
during the early part of the European
war. It shows the important part that
women play in the affairs of the
world, but more than that, it proves
their bravery.
Despite the fact that women arc
the weaker sex, when it comes to suf
fering, they are more courageous in
heart than men.
Women suffer in silence. How
many women are there who would
give almost anything to say, "I have
stopped having headaches?" Thou
sands and thousands of women say, "I
am nervous and all run down," "Life
Is just a misery." They go on suf
fering because they shrink from mak
ing known their ills. The subject of
the ills of women is a delicate one,
but it is perfectly proper to say that
in most cases women suffer from lack
of vitality, which brings on nervous
breakdown and often affects the stom
Tanlac is a tonic. It is specially
designed to 'overcome these so-called
"Modern Maladies" and it is so highly
endorsed by women because it acts so
favorably upon the women suffering
from a general breakdown peculiar to
their sex.
Tanlac is being specially introduced
in Plattsmouth at the Mauzey Drug
Tanlac mav also be obtained in
Springfield, at H. Fiegenbaum's store,
and in Weeping Water at the Meier
Drug Co.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Among those , killed in the Burling
ton wreck between Elwood and
Smithfield on Sunday morning 'last
was Benjamin Crawley of Maywood, a
former resident of this locality and a
cousin of S. H. Shoemaker of this city.
Mr. Crawley while a resident of Cass
county was engaged in farming a few
miles southwest of this city, and will
be remembered by a large number of
the former residents of this section.
Mr. Crawley as well as his fellow
travelers were en route on the freight
to Omaha with a large shipment of
stock, and the caboose in which they
were riding was completely demolished
by a rear-end collision with a second
section of the stock train. The list of
dead numbered ten and the injured
twice that number. Mr. Crawley had
been engaged in farming near May
wood for some years.
'roni Tuesday's Dally.
This morning in police court James
Biggs was fined $10 and costs for be
ing drunk and creating a disturbance
at his home. The court found on
hearing the evidence that there was
sufficient to hold the young man
guilty and accordingly imposed the
fine. He was remanded to the custody
of the chief of police to remain until
the amount of the fine had been satis
fied. If you have anything for sale adver
tise in the Journal.
Terrible Croup Attack
Quickly Repulsed
By Old Reliable Remedy
WeD Icaovm Georgia stare keeper hu ma
tarad craop and colds for his family mf tea witb
The minute that hoarse terrifying1
croupy congh Is heard in the home of
T. J. Barber of Jefferson, Ga., out
.comes Foley's Honey and Tar Com
poundthere's always a bottle ready.
Here's what he says: "Two of my
children, one boy and a girl, aged
eight and six years respectively, had
terrible attacks of croup last winter
and I completely cured them with
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. I
have ten In family and for years I've
tised Foley's-Honey and -Tar Compound
and. It never .fails."
Banish worry and save doctor bills
keep Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound always on hand. In your home.
Ona bottle laeta a long tima it's reliable and
cafe and the last dose . is as good
as the first. Get the genuine.
Sold Everywhere.
-T..T..T!. ,T.....
Uncle Stephen Hobsen has fifteen
varieties of fine apples preserved by
his own method.
Just go down to the court house and
see Bil'ue Well's new corner cupboard
with round edges.
Mr. T. J. Todd brings us some
splendid specimens of bearded wheat
which grew over four feet high.
The pile driver of the B. & M.
dropped through one of the bridges
at Salt creek on Tuesday and broke its
nose and things.
Samuel Richardson's team ran away
cn Monday and scattered a likely look
ing buggy all over creation and some
splinters dropped down in York state,
we heard.
Mr. Hubbard of the frm of Hubbard
& Tewksbury, millers near Weeping
Water, came along to see the Herald
the other day and a very welcome vis
itor he was.
Mr. C. H. Parmele has been putting
up a new bath house. Didn't take long
either. Ore flay did the business. A
bath house is" a mfghtly handy thing
to have these days.
We have been burning some rale
ould democratic wood lately from
Tom Smith and others. Won't some
good republicart bring in a little dry
wood now on subscription for a
change. We don't want to forage with
the enemy all the time.
Mr. J. G. Hayes, our old friend
Hayes, has returned from a visit to
Illinois during the winter. He re
ports the winter wet, the roads muddy,
and a loss of crops by wet and rain
in that region. Thinks grasshoppers
or no grasshoppers, Nebraska has a
fair chance, and more, with her neigh
bors. Either Mike Schnellbacher or Billy
Hasler must get married this fall or
winter and build a nice house on that
corner south east of the Herald. We
want a row of trees along those lots
and the street fixed up. We give them
until April 1st to do it in, and then
a committee of the common council
will be apointed to wait on Mike and
see why he don't many, and build and
fix up things. So!
Hon. Sam Barker, together with
the other members of the Legislature,
have all been subpoenaed to appear at
Lincoln on the 30th, to tell why they
shut Leroy Winters, Esq., up in a cold,
cold dungeon one pleasant Sunday
last winter. Winters sues for $30,000
and the attendant expenses will cost
the state $50,000 should Winters make
out a case. Sam B. says he must be
sueing for pedigree, for he doesn't
shew much biood himself.
A consultation of physicians con
sisting of Dr. Mercer of Omaha and
Drs. Livingston, Black and Donelan,
of Plattsmouth, was held on the case
of Mr. Lewis, the man whose leg was
smashed and broken by the railroad
accident, and it was decided to re
move the leg, which was accordingly
done on Tuesday, and we understand
Mr. Lewis is doing well. The leg was
taken off close to the body.
Burglars made an attempt to break
into Wm. Stadelman's store Sunday
evening. They got some of Joe Con
nor's sacks to deaden the sound, some
bits and a brace, and forced through
the door. Just then Colonel Vanatta,
who sleeps there, waked up and
shouted "Go way dar, I'm the colonel
that killed 2,000 Indians many years
ago, and I'll murder you 'uns as soon
as I get my pants on." They fled at
the first sound of his voice.
One of our oldest and most respected
public spirited citizens has gone and
left us. We mourn his departure, but
not for long. Soon we hope he'll re
turn, renewed and rc-animated for
life's trials and burdens. Some days
ago, during court week, Mr. Moore,
County Clerk, Mr. Jennings and
others who happened accidentally to
visit the Sheriff's room found there
a new suit of clothes, nice, handsome,
pretty clothes. Black broad, cloth
clothes, white vest, and so on. On
being questioned closely, vthe Sheriff
said he had an uncle about his height
and build, who was coming on soon
to go to California, and he had
bought the clothes for a present to
him. Many days last winter and this
spring have we missed our genial cor
dial sheriff,-Mr. Cutler and it was
noticed that he always disappeared
from riattsmouth vision about 9:30
mornings and returned at about 3:15
in the afternoon when he did return.
All these signs and evidences gave
good reason to the minds of his friends
for believing that one of thesg days
he would go and do something des
perate, pleasant as he always looks.
Nobody ever believed the clothes
story, at least the uncle part of it.
Tuesdav guess-work became facts.
At 1):C0 as usual the sheriff left for
the west, and yesterday morning
bright and early the Herald got this
telegram from Lincoln: "Dear Tiptop:
Your Sheriff, Mart Cutler, Esq., is to
be married to Miss Gertie Borders
this morning at half past nine. Give
it to him old boy. S." We looked
for it, everybody felt for a week that
something was going to happen to
Mart. Now its all over we pause for
breath and wonder why he didn't
tend to this before, long ago, last
winter, say. It would- have been
handier and we could have helped him
get married. Oh, Mart, we'll remem
ber you to go and run off that way
and send the Herald back an old legal
notice from Lincoln signed "Yours
respectfully, M. B. Cutler, Married."
We suppose he was absent-minded and
the last word was a kruisus-ijenna and
then how cool': "Send me a paper to!
Depver and Salt Lake I want to
knew how they all Are at. home." j
Shucks, what does he care about the
folks at home. Whose folks? Where
is his home? All right Mr. Cutler the
Herald will publish the legal and send
the paper to Denver and Sale Lake
all O. K. and let you know about the
j)olks at home. Very respectfully,
Nebraska Herald. Later We re
ceived the following: "Married at
Lincoln Wednesday morning June 27
at the house of Hon. T. M. Marquette,
by Eider H. T. Davis, Mr. M. B. Cut
ler of Cass county, Neb, to Miss Ger
trude Borders of Lancaster county,
Neb." And the happy couple left
for Denver and the great west at
noon. Well old friend we're all real
glad at home; the folks will all wel
come the bride and groom back to
Plattsmouth and wish them a long,
long happy wedded course.
Ifrnm Tiipsrtav't DallV.
This morning Alexander Mcintosh
a foimer resident of Plattsmouth, but
now located at Decatur, 111., came in
for a brief visit here with his old
friends and to view the old home
town. Mr. Mcintosh was for a number
of years deputy county clerk of Cass
county under J. W. Jennings, and was
one of the popular members of the
court house force when here. He
spent the day pleasantly in visiting
with Kelly Fox and other of the old
associates in renewing old times. It
was a very pleasant occasion for all
of the former friends of Mr. Mcln
No More Backaches for Her.
Mrs. J. M. Gaskill, Etna Green, Ind.,
writes: T suffered from severe back
ache and sharp pains. I could not
stoop over. Foley Kidney Pills gave
me such relief that I cannot praise
them too highly." This standard rem
edy for kidney trauble and bladder
ailments can be taken with absolute
safety. Sold everywhere.
Notice is heieby f?iven that by virtue
of an order of sale issued by the clerk
of the district court of the third judi
cial district of Nebraska, within and
for Cass County, in an action
wherein Nathaniel li. Meeker is plain
tiff, and V"illiam M. Copes et al are de
1 win t 10 o'clock a. in. n the jotl
day of November, A. !., 191C, at the
Soctli loor of the Court House in the
Citv of Plattsmouth. (.'ass County, ,Nc
liraska, offer for sale at public auction
the following; described lands and tene
ments, to-wit:
L.ots 67::. tit I. t7". ti"i, H77. all of that
part of 1-ot !s east of a straight line
extendins- south on the east side of Kim
Street: L,ots li'.t. put. and 101; that part
of South Street lyintr south of and the
full length of Lot 07:!. all in the Vil-
1 " of Greenwood, Cass County,
(liven under my hand this l!Uh
of October, iyij.
Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska.
10-10ir, weeks.
In Ee Estate of David L. Amick, de
Notice to Creditors.
To all persons interested:
You are hereby notified that hear
ings upon claims against the above es
tate will be had at the office of the
County Judge, Court House, Platts
mouth, Nebraska, on the 14th day of
November A. D., 1916, and the 14th
day of May A. D., 1017, at 10 o'clock
A. M., on each of said days. All
claims not filed before said hour on
said last day of hearing will be for
ever barred. , '
By the Court this 11th day of Oc
tober, A. D.. 1916.
County Judge
W. A. Robertson,
Attorney. 10-16-4 wks.
Statu of Nebraska
County of Cass
1.5y virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by .lames 1'obertsoti Clerk of the IMs
ttict Court within and for Cass county,
Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on
the SOth day of October. A. 1., 1!U6 at
PJ o'clock A. M. of said day nt the
South loor of the Court House in said
tounty. ell at public atrction to the
iiis-hest bidder for cash the following;
personal property towlt: Lots 67.0., 674,
tJ75. 67, 677. all of that part of Lot
98 east of a straight line extending
south on the east side of 121m Street:
iot yy, iou ana iui: mat part or Hotitn
Street lying South of and the full
length of Lot. 67:!, all in the Village of
Greenwood, ("ass County, Nebraska;
The same beinr levied upon and taken
?s the property of William M. Cope r.nd
Matilda F. Cope, defendants, to satisfy
a judgment of said court recovered by
Nathaniel H. Meeker, plain till', again-:
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, September
20th, A. D., 1916.
Sheriff Cass County Nebraska.
First nwMicatlon, Thursday, Septem
ber 28, 1916.
Kstate of Charles 1J.
ceaned, in the county
Campbell, "lo
co u r t of CUJ" s
count'. Nebraska.
The -Hate of Nebraska, -to all per
sons intero.stcMl in ;ail rstatf. crtfitovH
iind heirs take notice, that Id M.
Campbell ha filed her petition al-les-inpr
that Charles D. Cumpbell died
intestate in Casa county. Nebraska, on
or about March .'3rd, 1907. being a resi
de.!. ;ir l inhabitant of said county and
the owner of the following described
real estate, towit:
Lots thief and four 4. block, thir
teen (l:i, in Young & Hays" addition
to the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. us his sole and onlj heirs at
law the iollowiritr named persons, to
wlt: Ida M. Campbell, widow, and
Phillip Thomas Campbell. on, aud
praying for u decree barring claims;
that said decedent died intestate; that
no implication lor administration nas
been made and the estate of said ac
eUent i-i't been administered .'a
the Mate of Nebraska, and thai the
?!r sit lav f said de'dent a herein
set forth shall be decreed to be the
owners in tee simple of the above de
scribed real estate, which lias been set
for hearing on. the 1st day of Novem
ber A. IJ.. 1M16.
latcd at l'lattsmouth. Nebraska, this
2Sth day of September A. I. 1916.
County Judge.
10-9-3 weeks.
To whom It may concern:
Notice is hereby iriven that the under
signed. Hans Schroeder on the 3rd day
ot October. A. IX. 1H16 hied his petition
before the Uoard of County Commis
sioners of Cass County, Nebraska, pray
ing said Hoard tor a permit and license
to conduct and operate a pool and bil
liard hall In the illape of t'edar Creek
in l.iKht iiile I'recinct. Cass County.
Notice is further triven that th-
undersigned applicant for such license
and permit, will apply to said Board
t County Commissioners of Cass
County, for said license, and the fcranl
i ii of the prayer of his said petition
on tl'.e 14th dav of November. A. 1.,
1 9 1 ; at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. rn.
of said day, or as soon thereafter an I
may be heard by said Uoard of Com
missioners. To all of which you will
take due notice.
In the matter of the estate of Henry
W. Eaton, deceased.
Notice. : , " '
Notice is hereby piven that the
claims and demands of all persons
aprainst Henry V. Eaton, deceased, late
of Greenwood in Cass County, Ne
braska, will be received, examined and
adjusted by the Counlv Court. Chk
j County, Nebraska, at the office of th
County Jude in the Court Koom.
Plattsmouth in said cnuntv on the 6th
day of November. 1916, and on the ktl
day of May. 1917 at the hour of t-ri
o'clock A. M. Also that six months
from and after the 1st day of October,
1916. is the time limited for the cred
itors of said deceased to present their
claims for examination and allowance.
Dated this 4th day ot October,' 191ft.
Uy the Court,
.. County Ju'Jgc.
In the matter of the estate of Alvara
A. Fish, deceased.
Vol ice of Flunl Srttlcmrnf.
To all persons Interested in the estate
of Alvara A. Fish, deceased:
You are hereby notified that on Mon
day, the 16th day of October. 181t. at
the hour of ten o'clock a. ni.. there will
be a hearinsr on the petition of Fannie
E. Cuile. administratrix of said estate
for the allowance of her final Recount,
and distribution of the residue in her
hands to such persons as are by law
entitled thereto, and for such other
matters as may properly come beforo
the court at said time.
If no objections are filed on or t--fore
said date the prayer of said pe
tition will be prafited.
Dated this 7th day of October, 191C.
By the Court,
County JudR-c.
In the matter of the estate of Laura
Standley, deceased.
You ate hereby notified that a hear
ing' will be had on the petition of
Ulysses CJ. Standley filed In said cause,
asking for the appointment of Thomaa
Walling:, as administrator of said es
tate and finding as to all the heirs or
Laura Standley are, will be had at the
office of the County Jude in Platttt
moutli. Cass County. Nebraska, on the
1st day of November. 1916, at the hour
of ten o'clock, A. M.
Objections to the allowance of nald
petition must be on hie on or before
said date.
By the Court.
County Ji'dffe.
First publication Monday, OctoUer ;,
1916. "J wks.
In the matter of the estate of William
M. Standley, deceased.
To all persons interested in said es
tate, creditors, and helia, take notice;
that t'lysses ti. Standley, has filed bin
petition, allegrinK that William M.
Standley, died intestate in Cass County.
Nebraska, on or about the 14th day of
October, 1 90.1. beinpr a resident and in
habitant of Cass County. Nebraska, and
the owner of the following describeil
real estate, to wit:
Southwest Quarter of Section thirtv
V.0). Township ten M0. Kunjie nine
CJ. East 6th P. St.. Cass County. Ne
braska. Leaving as his sole and only
heirs at law the following named per
sons, to wit: his widow, Laura Stand
ley, and the following: named children;
Effie .1. .Standley, row Effle J. Dillon;
daughter; Elihu M. Standley. son;
Florence If. Standley. now Florence H.
Shaw; daughter; Dick 11. Standley, son;
LTlyysses ti. Standley. son; all of whom
ale now of lawful age and praying for
a decree barring claims.
That said decedent died intestate.
That no application for administration,
has been made, und the estate of saiJ
decedent has not been administered in
the State of Nebraska, and that tbt
heirs at law of said decedent an hei-eiu
set forth should be decreed to be the
scribed real estate, wlii.-h bus been sft
owners in ree simple of the above de
for hearing on the 1st day of Novem
ber. 1916.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Uilu
2Sth day of September, 1916.
By the Court.
County Judge.
First publication Monday. October "
1916. a weeks.
In the matter of the Guardianship vC
iiiiu-J j iHMiitir U.IUJMHJI1, iUIItOr.
Now on th in !Wth dav of
1:1th. IIiIm fuiiKn eurvi. fh, I.......;
nrton the net it ion nf Ilu M c i...n
guardian, praying therein for a licence
to aell 1a1 Four; In Block Thirteen, Jn
Young Hi Hays Addition to the City of
f '1 11 1 1 smoil I li Nebruvk u unl.l...t , ,. .
estate and homestead rights of Ida M.
iiii.iiii i, lur me purpose or reinvest
ing the proceed thereof to a better ad
vantage for said minor.
It is therefore ordered that tin; next
of kin find nil tipi-uahu 4 t ...-.... .i i .
, , . "viWanjU III
said matter appear before mt at the
district court room on li. .i
October. 1916. at ten u'cluAk A. M. to
" " - itfv iijf a. ncunre tsnouiu not
be trranted to ku1I friinr.iii .... .. i
That notice of t he flint. .!-, .
said hearing be given-to all persons 1n-
l(TPSlAll llV li1ll!lulil,.o. .. .... " ... .
j - ' - ki v uuj ui r 11118
order in the I'lt.f t vm,., , 1 1, x. .. V ll '
ett?n prior tw --1st .lay ut
First publlcatiou Thursday, Sept. 26tn.