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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1916)
A THURSDAY, OCTOELIi. 10. lulrt. PJ.ATTSMOTTTR S F.M I . WEEK I.Y JOURNAE. PAV.t: t- i Cedar WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF IMPLEMENTS and can make you Monitor and Superior Press Drills, Henrsey Buggies Birdsei Wagons and Wagon Boxes, Steel Wheel Trucks, King and Hamilton Steel Grain Dumps, Empire Cream Separators. WOLFF Lee Puncture Proof and Firestone Tires ard Accessories Studebaker Agents CEDAR CREEK, NEBRASKA First Security bank pays 3 per cent on time deposits. First Secuiity bank pays o per cent on time deposits. Mr. an J Mrs. John Wolff spent last Saturday in Plattsmouth. Walter Schneider aiv! family were Omaha visitors la?t Friday. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meisinger is reported on the sick list thL--. week. Mrs. Keil of Plattsmouth was visit ing with Cedar Cieek friends and rela tives Monday. Mrs. Aithur Stander and children, from n3ar Louisville, spent Tuesday at the Metzger home. Carl Schneider of Plattsmouth vis ited at the Win. Schneider home in Cedar Creek last Sunday. Remember that S. J. Reames sells the latest-books published. Harold Bell Wright's latest works. County Commissioner Julius Pitz was visiting' with his numerous Cedar Creek friends for a short time Mon day. Mrs. Elmer Meisinger carne in Tues day evening to spend a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gauer. Miss Honor Seybert of Cullom spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Thomson, in Cedar Creek. Wm. Meisinger and family of Sarpy county, visited over last Saturday and Sunday with Cedar Creek friends and relatives. Earl Kline has joined the corn husk ing crew and commenced work snap ping eff the big ears for Ed Meisinger last Monday. Lcuie Henning? has commenced the erection of his new farm residence south of Cedar Creek. The excavation is almost completed. Miss Gregory, who has been visit ing with friends and relatives in Om aha for the past week, returned hom? Wednesday evening. Rev. Rinehart came down from Om aha last Sunday to fill his legular ap pointment at the church. He deliv eied a very interesting sermon. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gauer went to Pmaha Tuesday, spending the day a the Immanuel hospital, where thei daughter, Mrs. Solbeig, wu:; operate? upon. Mr. Stivers of Glenwood, la., ar rived in Cedar desk Tuesday even ing for a visit of a few days with his son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stivers and family. C. A. Gauer went to Mynard Sun day and accompanied his daughter, Mis. S.dberg, to Omaha Monday, where the underwent an operation at the hospital Tuesday. Jerry Schroeder has just completed a fine new substantial concrete bridge across the creek at his home, doing all the work himself. It is a dandy, and one that will stand for many years to come. The farmers of this community are into the corn husking business up to their eyes during the past few days, r.nd in consequence thereof the small lewns are rather quiet from a business r.andpoint. The trustees and members of the German Presbyterian church of Cedar Creek, met at the church Monday and p. oceeded to make some decided im provements about the premises. A new coal house was also erected. Creek Department attractive prices on First Security bank pays ." per cent on. time deposits. Henry Dasher was a Greenwood vis itor last Saturday. Be at the dance in Cedar Creek, next Saturday evening. Henry Thierolf drove to Platts mouth Monday afternoon. For good, fresh Candy, Fruit and Nuts, see S. J. Reames. Farm Loans, Insurance and Real Estate. See J. F. Foreman. When you want some good reading don't forget Reames. Library. G. P. Meisinger was looking after ome matters cf business in Platts mouth Monday. J. F. Foieman was looking after tome business matters in Plattsmouth Monday evening. Clarence Whitr.ker and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stivers. Don't forget S. J. Reames when you are in need of paper napkins, paper plates, ice cream dishes and all kinds of crepe paper-. Gentle But Sure. Billiousness, sick headache, sour stomach, gas, bloating, constipation, dyspepsia all these distressing con sequences of retaining a mass of undi gested and fermenting food in the "tcmach are avoided if the bowels are kept open and regular. Foley Ca thartic Tablets are first aid to good health. Do not gripe. Sold every where. FOR SALE Two Poland-China male hogs, ped igreed. George Perry. 10-1'J-Swd. H. M. Barker of Holdrege, Neb.. : who has been"' visiting at the A. C. j Carey homo near Mynard for the past I few weeks, departed this morning for i his home in the west. Mr. Cary came ! in with him to see him off on his jour ! ney. A want ad in the Journal will bring results. GOULD NOT WALK And For Four Years, Could Nol Stand Yi&cui Support. Chillicothe, Ohio "Nothing pleases me more than to speak a word cf praise for Cardui, the woman's tonic," Bays Mrs. Ed Davis, of this town, "for I firmly believe that it snatched me from the grave. I have been married 14 years, and had two children. After the youngest was born, I was not able to walk, and for four years, I was not strong enough to stand on my feet five minutes at the time, without something to support me. Nothing seemed to do me any good, until, finally, I commenced using Cardui, the woman's tonic. I only used about four bottles, but, today I am well, can do my work, and walk as far as I want to. I can never praise Cardui enough, and my neighbors cannot get done wondering at the change in me." You, too, can depend on Cardui, be cause Cardui is a gentle, harmless, vegetable tonic, that can do you noth ing but good. Prepared from vegetable herbs, Car dui has a specific effect cn the woman ly constitution, and puts strength where it is needed. Try Card-u-i. NCBi security frirst CEDAR CREEK, NEBR. Sound, Conservative and Progressive THE BANK OF THE PEOPLE THE BANK BY THE PEOPLE THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE We are anxious to assist the farmer in feeding and handling his live stock for market Deposits In are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska, which has reached nearly $1, 000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you! OFFICERS: WM. SCHNEIDER, President W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President T. J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President J. F. FOREMAN, Cashier f M . . i. L. A. TYSON, ELM WOOD, NE3., Candidate for Representative Seventh District ATTORNEY GEORGE COVELL OF OMAHA DIED YESTERO 'rom Wednesday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon at his home in Omaha George W. Covell, one of the old and prominent members of the bar of Nebraska, passed away after an attack of congestion of the brain and other causes incident to old age. Mr. Covell was for a number of years one of the leading attorneys of this city and. during his residence in the state has always been in close touch with the old friends in this city. Geoi.cre W. Covell was born 'April 2, 1S35, in llocsic, N. Y., and was for .-everal years an instructor in Genesee college, prior to coming to the west in 1S57. He then located at Maryville, Mo., and for a number of years en gaged in teaching, later taking up the practice of law and rapidly forging to the front in this profession. He later came to Nebraska City, where he re sided for a short time, and in the early eighties came to Plattsmouth, where he engaged in the practice of law. While in this city Mr. Covell was a partner of the late Judge Sam uel M. Chapman, and while here was one of the forceful members of the bar. Mr. Covell was a man of rare attainments and his friends here were limited only by those who met him. He leaves to mourn his death, Mrs. Elizabeth Covell and a daughter, Anna Covell. Mrs. Covell has been one cf the prominent ladies in the temper ance work in the state in the last few years. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express to our kind friends and neighbors our deepest ap preciation of their loving kindness and assistance to us at the time of the death of our beloved husband and father, John Kelly, sr., of Manley, and we also desire to thank the friends for the beautiful floral remembrances at the funeral. May these kind friends be treated as generously and kindly in their hour of grief. Mrs. John Kelley and family. The people are wise who buy sta tionery at the Journal. News that will be of Interest in and near Cedar Creek TIi ank Jj. -is. -'-v.,.- : . :v v. OR. J. S. SR0K TO REMAIN lis MYNARD FOFI HIS HEALTH Dr. J. L. Brown arrived in Mynard Sat'irday morning and will remain with his daughters, in hopes of regain ing his health, which has been failing for some time. Dr. Brown was op erated on in March at the Nicholas Senn hospital in Omaha, but failed to get the desired relief frorr, his suffer ings, and has been confined to his bed at his home in Burwell for the past five weeks, and was very weak from his tvip. At present he is under the care of a South Omaha physician, i.r.d it is to be hoped that he will again be restore-! to his former health. Mr;. L'-or.aid oT Soulh Omaha accompanied the (lector to Mynard. Mrs. J. L. Brown arrived Sunday afternoon on No. 2 from Omaha and will assist in the care of Dr. Brown, who is still in a very critical condition. FKOM NEAR WEEPING WATER. Wm.' Spangler, one of the Journal's mighty good friends from near Weep ing Water, was in the city for a few hours last Saturday, visiting with old county seat friends. He was accom panied by his daughter, Miss Stella. The Journal acknowledges a pleasant call from him. Attorney William Delles Dernier of Elmwcod accompanied by "Ted" Jeary came up last evening and visited here for several hours with friends, while Mr. Delles Dernier looked after some matters in court. The people are wise who buy sta tionery at the Journal. OLD RESIDENT HERE. PVotti TuBrtivi Dal ! Theobold Rhin, a former resident of this city and vicinity, was here yester day visiting with his old friend. Peter Madsen and other of the old asso ciates, as well as his son, Phil Rhin. Mr. Rhin is now living at Highland, 111., and is bound for Sidney, Neb., to look after some business affairs be fore returning to his home in the east. He left here seven years ago and was very much surprised to note the many improvements made here. Local News From Tuesday's Dally, Glen Perry drove in from his farm home this morning and spent a few hours here today looking after pome matters of business. William Heil came in this morning from his home, nine miles west of the city, and was among those going to Omaha to spend the day. Harvey Holloway, who is visiting with his old friends, was a passenger this morning for Omaha, where he will visit for the day with friends. George P. Meisinger of near Cedar Creek was in the city yesterday for a few. hours visiting with his friends pnd attending to some trading with the merchants. William Stavkjohn and Will Tritsch departed thh morning for Gothenberg. Neb., where they will visit for a short time looking after land interests in that section of the state. Mrs. William Ballance departed this afternoon for Hay Springs, Neb., where she will enjoy a visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Paul C. Morgan and family for a few days. Ed Parriott of Peru was in the city for a few hours today while enroute to Omaha where he goes to consult a specialist in thar city in regard to his health which has ben very poorly of late. John Lowther, who was injured so severely in a runaway several weeks ago, was able to return to his home this morning, and while still suffer ing from his injuries is showing marked improvement. George P. Heil, wife and daughter came in this morning from their farm home, accompanied by Mrs. Henry Urish, another daughter, and all de parted on the early Burlington 'train for Omaha to spend the day. Otto Bulin and wife came in last evening on No. 2 from Banner, Wyo., where they have been visiting, and will remain here for a week's visit be fore leaving for Arizona, where thej will go for the benefit of Mr. Bulin's health. Henry A. Guthmann, cashier of the Bank of Murdock, accompanied by Mrs. I. D. Jones and Miss Olga Olson of Omaha, were in the city for a few hours todaj motoring over to look after some matters in the county caurt. From Wednesfiaye Dally. Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water was here today looking after a few matters in the district court. Ben Beckman drove in yesterday afternoon from his home near Murray and spent a few hours looking after some business matters. Adam Meisinger drove in yesterday afternoon from his home near Cedar Creek to spend a few hours looking after some matters of business. Peter Meisinger and wife of near Cedar Creek, were in town today for a few hours looking after some matters of business with the merchants. John A. Whiteman, of Nehawka, was in the city last evening for a short time looking after some mat ters of business and calling on his friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Meisinger, jr., came in this morning from their farm I home to spend a few hours here with friends and departed on the early Bur lir.gton train for Omaha to spend the d..y. Thomas Murtey, the Weeping Water banker, was here for a short time this morning looking after some matters at the court house, and also found time to drop in for a call at the Jour nal office. Don Rhoden and George Ray mo tored up this morning from their home at Murray and spent a few hours in this city looking after some business matters, and Avhile here were visitors at the Journal office. Mrs. D. M. Polkand daughter, Miss Emma, of New Castle, Ind., arrived in the city yesterday to enjoy a short visit here with their old friends. They were en route home form Lincoln, where they have been visiting rela tives and friends. W. H. Puis and wife, Otto Puis and wife, Mrs. L. H. Puis and Mrs. Al fred Gansmer, all motored up this morning from their home 3t Murray f and departed on the early Burlington tram for Omaha where tney will spend the day in that city visiting. Mrs. A. M. Wright of Deadwood, S. D., who has been here enjoying a visit at the home of her brothers, C. H. and T. W. Vallery, departed this morning for her home. Mrs. Wright is quite well advanced in years and has made this trip from her home to Plattsmouth alone and greatly enjoj'ed the occasion. A lazy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and constipation weakens .he whole system. Doan's Regulets ocv per box) act mildly on the liver and bowels. At all drug stores. j - Combination Saie - OF BIG TYPE IMMUNE POLAND CHINA SIAJINE MARSHALL'S BARN, GLENWOOD, IOWA Saturday, October 28, '16 Commencing at 1 : 30 o'clock sharp. 40 FORTY HEAD 40 12 Fall Yearling Males. 16 Spring Males. 12 Spring Gilts. A bunch of useful age and size. IMMUNE Everything immvned by double or simultaneous treatment. PEDI GREES Pedigrees viil be civen to buvers on the tLiv of r.ale. I TERMS Cash cr rpn-.)v:l note for 6 inert r.t 8 per cent. ;For catalog scad to A. B. Cu:nrr.i:s, TrLc Z. V. O.vies, Tab or. Cumings -&- Davies Auctioneers Col. E. H. Matthews, Tabor; Col. T. G. Byers, Glenwood. Clerk A. J. Gettler, Glenwood. FARMERS' CON- ' GRESS MEETS AT INDIANAPOLIS Commends Administration for Hand ling of Mexican Situation Eight-Hour Law. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 17. Gover nor Ralston and Mayor Bell delivered addresses of welcome to the 1,500 farmers and delegates interested in the advancement of agriculture when the Farmers' National congress con vened today for its thirty-sixth an nual meeting. Every section of the United States is represented. Men of national reputation in agricultural circles are listed as speakers. Prosperity, preparedness and condi tions, including the Adamson eight hour law, were among the subjects discussed by H. E. Stockbridge of At lanta, Ga., president of the congress. In part he said: "The American farmer has never seen so general or widespread a period of agricultural prosperity as that of the present year. Though the farmer may still fail to receive his fair share of the consumer's dollar, the milk pro ducers of New York, the wheat grow ers of Minnesota, the hog raisers of the corn belt and the cotton growers of the south are too busy counting profits to worry much over the other fact. "We are told by misinformed par ties that the farmer is a mere inci dental beneficiary from the general prosperity resulting from the foreign war demand for American products. Careful study, however, shows no jus tification for such assertion. "It is primarily the products of our soil which have made profits for our merchants, and have overburdened our transportation facilities. Those who argued to the contrary have sim ply mistaken effort for cause." Mr. Stockbridge in speakirg of the danger of war for this country re ferred to Mex:co an: raiJ: "I con ceive that the threat of incst immi nent danger lies with our neighbor south of the Rio Grande," He praised the administration for its manner in Parmele Theatre! one performance only THURSDAY NIGHT, i L mm. A Delightful Comedy, Full of Tears and Smiles! I Year in N. Y. City. 6 Months in Boston and Chicago Not a Moving Picture Seats on Sale at Weyrich & Hadraba's Tuesday Morning. Prices 25c 50c, 75c and $1.00. handling the situation, but took oc casion to condemn the poor facilities for mobilizing and equipping an army." Referring to the recent railroad strike situation, Mr. Stockbridge said the farmers must be considered as employers of labor, and economically the farmer is not a laboring man. Calling attention to the assertions that the eight-hour work day is a non-arbitrable principle, he said no at tempt as yet had been made to apply it to form labor, "yet the farmer was the chief immediate sufferer from the recent attempt at enforcing this prin ciple in another industry. "I believe that there is no industrial or commercial disagreement which may not be equitablj' settled by arbi tration. I believe that provision for enforced arbitration should be made for such disputes as cannot be ad judicated by mutual agreement. I urge this body to memoralize the fed eral congress to enact laws toward this and with provision for eliminat ing the objectionable delays allowed under the similar law of Canada." ARE MARRIED IN OMAHA. Prom Tuesday's DrM The Journal has received notice of the marriage in Omaha on Saturday, October 14th, of William Albin of Union, Cass county, and Mrs. Mable Williams of Florence, Neb. The wed ding was a very quiet one and came as a great surprise to the relatives and friends throughout the county. Mr. Albin has resided near Union for the greater part of his lifetime and is well known to a large circle of fi lends in that community. 329 ACRES FOR SALE. Twenty-three miles east of North Platte, Neb., on Lincoln highway-. Three miles to good town, all in the bottom, the best of black loan and every foot of it fine alfalfa land. Plenty of fine prairie hay and alfalfa on it now. Must be sold quick, $35 per acre, only for thirty days. Terms. C. B. Schleicher, 3110 South 1G st., Omaha. Nob. Telephone Tyler 003. 2t a wee:: in i! t f ; It w. Fed !:;r"r-: I, vvr.'-:, run down ? Headache? ?:o?. ch -i-lfr A po.d remedy is BurJcn lc BI: od Bitters. Ask yojr dri'ggist. IVLc S1.00. BY ARRANGEMENT With Klaw & Erlanger GARKELL & MacVITTY (Inc.) offer REBECCA , SUWBROQK FARM Founded on Mrs. Wiggin's Famous Rebecca Books. Retireshlnjr as the Breeze Tliat Plays Over a Main M endow in June. Oof