Cedar Creek Department WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF WPLEKflEWT HAND and can make you attractive prices on Monitor and Superior Press Drills, Henney Buggies, Birdsei Wagons and Wagon Boxes, Steel Wheel Trucks, King and Hamilton Steel Grain Dumps, Empire Cream Separators. Lee Puncture Proof and Firestone Tires and Accessories Studebaker Agents CEDAR CREEK, NEBRASKA Mrs. Lylo v.i. an Omaha visitor last Wednesday. IVtf Core was a Plattsmouth vis itor last Friday. First Security bank pays ." per cent on time deposits. France.-; Pace was a Plattsmouth visitor last Friday. Hans Schroeder was a Plattsmouth visitor last Saturday. Miss Morrison spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. For good, fresh Candy, Fruit and Nuts, see S. J. Reames. Remeir.her the dance at Sayles' hall on Friday evening, October 7. P. II. Roberts made a trip to Platts mouth last ThursJr.v evening. Clarance Busche visited with friends in Plattsmouth lat Friday evening. Erai! Ptek of Plattsmouth was call ing on the Cedar Creek business men last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Gauer and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schafev drove to j Plattsmouth last Thursday. j William Keil and family took in the j i i.l, -T41 play at the l'arniele tneater in i iatb- ; mouth last Saturday evening. j Jake Fornoff, who has been visiting in Plain view for the past few days, teturned home last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson of Omaha arrived in Cedar Creek last Saturday evening to spend Sunday with friends. Don't forget S. J. Reames when you are in need cf paper napkins, paper plates, ice cream dishes and all kinds of crepe paper. Mrs. Duff, who was called to Wausa, Xeb., a few days on account of the reath of her brother, Abe Walrod, re turned home last Friday. Mrs. Elmer Meisinger of Platts mouth, depaited for her home last Saturday, after spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gauer. Frank Ardale of Omaha was visiting with Cedar Creek friends for a few hours Monday morning, en route home from a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ragocs. Johnnie Wolff, the rustling general merchant of this place, was looking j alter some matters ot business in me unty seat last Saturday, making the xrip in one of those fine Studebaker cars that he holds the agency for in this locality. 5 MI W C 'mum - I have opened up my Ice Cream Parlor and invite all who enjoy some thing fine in the way of Ice Cream to call and see what we :'.e serving out to satisfy the hunger in the vray of Harding Ice Cream S. J. Reames. Cedar Creek. , L 60O tlSST , . J Get your ice cream soda at S. J. Reames. First Security bank pays 5 per cent on time deposits. Farm Loans, Insurance and Real Estate. See J. F. Foreman. Irven Meisinger was a Plattsmouth visitor last Sunday evening. When you want some pood reading don't forget Reames. Library. Jake Tritsch shipped his stock to the Omaha market last Thursday. Ed Gobelman and Clarence Busche weie Plattsmouth visitors last Sun day. Mr. Dunbar of Omaha spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wolff. Mrs. George Sayles was visiting with her son in Plattsmouth last Thursday. Gus Keil and family spent last-Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schroeder. Mrs. Fvprrt arrived in Cprlnr C!reek last Wednesday for a visit with her Jahter, Mrs. Lyle. Mr. and Mrs Phiiip stoehr were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. nr,,i rrc pto KhmAr- Remember that S. J. Reames sells the latest books published. Harold Bell Wright's latest works. William Seybert and family of Cul lcm, spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Thomsen. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albert and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Albert spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mra. John Albert. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wagner on Sunday evening, October 1, a baby girl. Mother and little one are get ting along nicely. C. E. Metzger of Omaha was a Cedar Creek visitor last Sunday, spending the day with his mother and sisters, east of town. J. M. Roberts of Plattsmouth was visiting in Cedar Creek last Thurs day at the home of nis son, Paul, manager of the Cedar Creek Lumber company. Says He Likes the Mitchell. For the past two years George Stoehr, residing south of Cedar Creek, has been in the market for an auto mobile, and he has carefully looked the field over and had a great many cars demonstrated to him during that time, but none seems to -win favor with him like the Mitchell car, and during the past few days he pur chased one through the agency of John Gauer, who has been selling a large number of these cars this sum mer and fall. The Mitchell is no doubt one of the good ones, and Mr. Stoehr has made no mistake in his selection. He is also just completing a fine new garage on his farm, 12x18, with a concrete floor, and constructed in every way right to the minute. Mr. Stoehr not only believes in buying a good car, but wants a good place to house it. He is one of the prosperous farmers of this locality and the best is none too good for him. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to return our most sin cere thanks to the friends and neigh bors who assisted us with their loving sympathy at the time of the death of our loved one. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hayworth, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. FitcLorn, Mrs. Joseph Hayworth. TT1 ft rirst Security oanK CEDAR CREEK. NEBR. Sound, Conservative and Progressive THE BANK OF THE PEOPLE THE BANK BY THE PEOPLE THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE Wb are anxious to assist the farmer in feeding and handling his live stock for market Deposits In This Bank are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska, which has reached nearly $1, 000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you! OFFICERS:- WM. SCHNEIDER, President W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President T. J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President J. F. FOREMAN, Cashier - Hotel Cedar Creek- JOHN LARSEN, Proprietor Under New Management Board by the Day or Week! Your Patronafie Solicited AN AMUSING EXPERIENCE OF PLATTSMOUTH BOY From Tusdav's Dally. A rather amusing:, story is related of the experiences of a Plattsmouth young man in Omaha a few days aero. It seems that he was walking from the Burlington station north, in the1 direction of the Union Station, and in front of him was a lady with several small children and a great excess of baggage. One of the little boys was carrying a heavy'-suitcase, and the young man from Plattsmouth offered to take the ca-e and carry it, thinking that they were going over to the Union Station, and he failed to see the glances of suspicion that were given him by the lady. As they passed the Union Station the young man started on inside, and immediately the ex citement broke fourth as the lady let out several cries for the police, and drew a large crowd before it dawned on the Plattsmouth young man that he was viewed as a suitcase lifter, and it required several minutes before the mixup could be settled, when the lady proceeded on her way t6 the Pullman hotel, where she was heafied for, while the young man with the recollection of his escape from a ride in the pa trol wagon came on home. He says "never again" will he help anyone. Easier to Stop Now. It is easier to check a bronchial cough now than later. Coughs grow worse the longer they continue. Fo ley's Honey and Tar stops tickling in the throat, allays inflammation and irritation, restores sore and discharg ing membranes to healthy condition, opens congested air passages, and af fords longed for relief. Sold every where. 18 YEARS OF LIVER TROUBLE Finally Relieved by the Old Reli able Thedford's Black-Draught. Traverse City, Mich. Mrs. J. W. Edwards, of thi3 town, says: "I suf fered for about 18 years with liver trouble, and doctored with many dif ferent remedies. At last, I was told that an operation was the only thing that would help me, but I heard of Thedford's Black-Draught, and took six 25-cent packages and it cured me. can recommend it to all who suffer from liver troubles. I have influenced several of my neighbors to take Black-Draught Liver Medicine, and I give it to my grandchildren. I can safely say that I owe my life to Black-Draught, as it put me on my feet after everything else had failed." You know that you can depend upon Black-Draught Liver Medicine for quick and permanent relief in all dis orders of the liver, stomach and bow els, such as indigestion, constipation, biliousness, headache, sour stomach, tired feeling, and many other common ailments, because, in the past 75 years, it has helped so many thou sands of people, whose troubles were similar to these. Safe, gentle in action, and without bad after-effects, Black-Draught is sure to benefit both young and old. Bold everywhere. 25c a package. Costs only one cent a dose. ncb 4 News that will be of Interest in and near Cedar Creek 1 THOUANDS GO TO OMAHA TO THE BIG PARADE The electrical parade in Omaha last evening drew a very large crowd from this city to the metropolis and made this city quite in evidence in the at tendance. The afternoon Burlington and Missouri Pacific trains carried a large number of the passengers, and the special over the Burlington last evening took the few' remaining resi dents to the big feature of the Ak-Sai-Ben. The special train of seven coaches was loaded to the very ca pacity of the train, platforms were crowded, as well as standing room being taken in the coaches. The crowd by train was in the neighbor hod of 1,500 per.-ons, and in return ing this number was swelled by oth ers who had spent the day in the me tropolis and waited for the parade. On No. 10, the passenger reaching here at 1:40, a special coach was at tached for the benefit of the Platts mouth delegation who had remained until late in the metropolis. Make the Mtst of Prosperity. Every man should keep fit these days and make the most of his op portunities. No man can work his best handicapped 'Td'Y" disordered kid neys and bladder, aching back, swollen joints, stiff muscles or rheumatic pains. Foley Kidney Pills pay for themselves a hundred times over in health improvement. Sold everywhere. FOR SALE NEBRASKA FARMS. SOUTHWESTERN NEBRASKA. DUNDY COUNTY STILL IN THE LEAD. The Pringle ranch produced wheat that yielded as much as 62 bushels per acre, one field of -0 acres averaging over ."0 bushels. TWO FOOLS MET. Last fall we offered to sell a quarter section having 110 acres in wheat for ! $2,500. The wheat was marketed last 'week and brought $4,400.50. We are offering a few farms that are excellent values and prospects and will double in price in less th an one year note the following: 48" acres, well improved, ;00 acres of good plow land, ample supply of water; ideal farm for cattle and grain; price $12,000. This place is worth much more. j 840 acres, 200 deeded ar.d C40 ; school land, good improvements, plenty of good farm land; price, including assignment of lease, $5,500. Splendid for the man with small capital. GOO acres, small set of improve ments, close to town, 160 acres bot- tom land; ideal for alfalfa or grain; ;440 acres upland, of which 2i0 is ; splendid for wheat and corn; all I fenced and a money maker; price .$12,000. You can't beat it for mixed farming. J 1,680 acres, the best big ranch in I the county for the money, one good crop would pay for it, 1,200 acres fine black soil, balance good grazing, splendid for grain and cattle; price ; $20,000 until September 1; fair set oi improvements; good locality. A few smaller tracts at $10 to $25 per acre and worth the money. Mr. Renter, if you have a few head of stock it will pay you to investigate and learn what others have dime. Good terms to a real farmer. Information free, but better let us show you the land. Now is the time to get action, as the heavy rains have put ground in fine shape for fall seed ing. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., Lincoln, Neb., 300 Little Bldg. 1089J; ALVO NEWS ITEMS C. R. Jordan went to Plattsmouth Tuesday. George P. Foreman was in Lincoln Wednesday. A h is Cashner wont to Lincoln Sun day evening. George Swacker and family visited over Sunday in Elmwood. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Glau bit", October 1, J916, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Castle Shaffer motored to Lincoln on business Monday. Miss Cecil Newkirk is working in the lumber office as bookkeeper. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kirkpatrick left Wednesday for a trip to Plattville, Wis. Joe Foreman left Friday for At kinson, Neb., wh'-re he will live on hi laiich. Ed Cassey returned Wednesday from Omaha, where he visited his mother. Albeit Toland returned Monday from Colorado, where he has been with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Kitzel spent a few days last week with relatives at Cambridge, Neb. The members of the Farmers' union were pleasantly surprised Monday evening by their wives. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jo"hnson left Sat urday for a visit in Oklahoma with Mr. Johnson's mother and uncle. Ed Stroemer and family of Barnes- ton, Neb., came in Saturday by the auto route to visit relatives and friends. Lafe Mullen and family were pas sengers for Sutton, Neb., Friday even ing, where they go to visit Mrs. Mul len's cousin. Sheriff Quinton, County Attorney Cole. Clarance L. Beal and Major Hall. candidates on the republican ticket, were in town Saturday. The Misses Genevieve Lowry anJ Fio Boyle? gave a picii5 ne-ir Green- M..-,d Saturday even in?" in the nature ' f a beefs cak fry. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles and Mrs. Dale Eoyles were among those attend ing the great electrical pageant at Omaha Wednesday. Miss Marguerite Roper of Univer sity Place, came down Friday even ing and visited with Miss Aureal Fore man till Sunday evening. Byron Foreman, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Foreman of Val paraiso, . motored down Saturday and visited with relatives over Sunday. Joe Foreman returned from Atkin son Tuesday and went to Valparaiso Wednesday. He will be at home for a few weeks before returning to his ranch. The fine new school wagons to be used in the Alvo consolidated schools have at last arrived and the school children are much pleased, as also are all concerned. Sam Cashner returned home Mon day evening from an extended visit with relatives in phio and a week spent with his daughter, Mrs. Jesse Stone, at Morehead, Kan. Mrs. Lizzie Lewis and son, Glenn, and brother, Chris Dreamer, returned Monday evening from Chappell, Neb. They were pleased with the country, but, so far, have not invested. Ed Casey returned Friday from a ten days' trip to Colorado and Wyom ing, and western Nebraska. He is much pleased with the country near Holyoke, where he owns property. William Uptegrove returned home Let Us Assist You in Planning Your New Residence! You are no doubt in the same position that a great many others of this city and community are in. You want a new home, and if you had a little assistance in the way of plans, cost of material and a partial estimate on the cost of your new home you might build now We have just received a most complete line of plans, specifications, estimate of lumber bills for each and every structure in this great volume, all of which will be of great aid to you in planning a new home, all free to you by calling at our lumber office. This volume also contains the plans of combination barns and silos, garages, outbuildings of numerous kinds, which we will be glad to show prospective building of these sort of structures. This is Our Line and We Will Be Glad to Help You! Our Lumber and Building Line is Complete I mlAB onrl ? ilrllno' j tm Children Cry The Kind You Have Always in use lor over Ll years, - and lias been made under his por 4"v7"7 sonal supervision since its i::fa::ry, X yCCCC Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ".Tust-as-good " are hut Experiments that trifle with and emlanger the health of liiiants and Children Experience against Experiment- What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harml ess substitute for Castor Oil, Pare" oric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Jt is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, 3Iorphino ncr other .Narcotic substance, its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of C onstipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething- Troubles and Iiarrh;a. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. from Defiance, la., Wednesday for a couple of days visit with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Upteprove and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Waldschlajrer of Missouri. The Ladies' Aid society met Tues day afternoon with Mrs. S. C. Boyles with a pood attendance. The society decided to serve a chicken dinner and supper cn election day, the place to be decided on later. Mr. and Mrs. George Towle and daughter, Miss Rhena, of Lincoln, who have been visiting: their daughtei-, Mrs. Jerry McIIugh at Murdock, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. John Murtey Wed nesday en route to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Art Klyver enter tained at their home Sunday the fol- J lowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Grove and children of Havelock, Mrs. Dan McCurdy, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stout and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kliver. Mr. ani ?.Trs. Harry Arj.-lcman wore passenger.-, for Omaha Wednesday rfnng to take in the Ak-Sar-Ben fect!vlties and see Pre Icivn Wilson. Among othe s w- John Mur ¬ tey, John " - ner, Alb. --. Toland and Joe Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eird took their son, Wesk-y, to Lincoln Saturday morning, where he had his tonsils and adenoids removed. They returned Sat urday afternoon, and on Tuesday morning Wesley was back in school and is recovering nicely. A Community club was organized here last Wednesday evening with a goodly number of charter members. Superintendent Bradford of the State Farm delivered the address of the evening. The next meeting will be held October 4th, in Jordan's hall. Jo i3 i 3 IV! sat finl SIn ' -" r -' for Fletcher's Bought, and which has hern has borne the signature of Sicrnature of tt T iv irir i TTt- -fifc'iiiiiVMu Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hdii m turned home from Morehead. K;m., wluie they visited their daughter, Mrs. CU-i. Bobhitt. Mrs. Ralph Uhley, who companied them, remained at Verdon. Mr. Uhley is now traveling auditor on the Falls City division of the Mis souri Pacific railroad with headquar ters at Falls City. Henry Heebner, manager of the Cedar Creek elevator, was among those going to Omaha this morning to greet President Wilson and spend the day. James McCullough and son from near Murray, drove in this morning from their home and visited for the day in the metropolis, taking in the. Ak-Sar-Ben. George Smith came up this morning from Rock Bluffs and departed on the early Burlington train for Omaha, where he goes to attend the Wib-on meeting in that city. Fancy stationery in different vari-tie-3 at the Journal office. Come and . is whn vou want stationery. Cut This Out It is Worth Money. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., Chi cago, 111., writing your name and ad dress clearly. You will receive in re turn a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for bron- chial coughs, colds and croup; Foley j Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tab ! lets. Specially comforting to stout persons. Sold everywhere. St? ffcrmnuth Nphracka