The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 05, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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iur Hundred Listeners Present,
Among Vhom Were a Large
Number of German-Americans,
and Meeting En
thusiastic. From Wednesday's Dally.
The visit to this city lat evening
.f Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock was
the occasion of much pleasure to his
many frit-mis who have not met the
iistinguished senator for the last two
years, anil afforded every one an op
portunity of hearing the issues of the
lay ami the record of the legislation
.-ecured by the democratic president
arid congress given by Nebraska's
u preventative in the upper house of
congress, where he has been one of
the iir.portant factors in the bringing
out of the administration's program
t.f reform and legislative achieve
ments. St nator, Hitchcock and party, com
1 of Mrs. Hitchcock, Harvey E.
Newbranch, editor of the World
Hi ra'.d; Earl B. Gaddis and Mr. Smith
f the World-Herald staff arrived in
the city shortly after (J o'clock from
Omaha and were entertained at din-iu-r
at the Hotel Riley, where Senator
Hitchcock held a short reception from
7 to 8 o'clock and was able to meet
a large number of Cass county demo
crats, as well as republicans, who
called to pay their respects to our
iible representative in the senate.
The speaking was held in the Par
mele theater and the meeting was
called to order promptly at 8 o'clock
by Dr. J. S. Livingston, who in a few
remarks introduced the senator. On
the platform were seated G. R. Jor
dan and John Murtey,of Alvo, Henry
Snoke of Eagle and Colonel J. H.
Thrasher. The audience was one that
was thoroughly and deeply interested
in the speech and numbered some 400
pel ons.
Senator Hitchcock in his opening
remarks stated that this campaign
was embarrassing in that the demo
crats had so many issues to take up
iind point to while the republicans
had not a single issue on which to
pin their campaign. He pointed out
the weakness of the republicans as
compared with the democratic pro
gram of reforms and legislation that
had been carried out. The senator re
iterated a number of the platform
pledges made by the democratic party
four years ago, and showed by dem
onstration how they had been carried
"Ut by President Wilson and congress.
Since the party hail come into power
three and a half years ago, peace, sat
isfaction and prosperity had reigned
over the country and this, despite the
direful predictions made by the re
publicans in the campaign of 1012 as
t what would happen to the country
if the democrats were placed in power.
The1 first pledge taken up was that
f the tariff, and in this Senator
Hitchcock pointed out that the demo
crats had lowered the tariff and that
the ca'mity predicted had failed to
corr.e, but instead, the American far
mer today is receiving higher prices
than ever before for his products. He
then read a postal card belonging to
a farmer near Bloomfield, Neb., in;
which the republican predictions of
low prices were read, and compared
them with the prices received for the
farm products today.
The second pledge was that of the
income tax, and in pushing this adop
tion of the amendment to the federal
constitution the democratic party had
been in the forefront, and shortly
after assuming control of the govern
ment it had been placed on the law:
of the land and today the great wealth
of the country, for the first time, was
paying more of its part of the bur
den of government which, under re
publican rule, had been allowed to
rest upon the great common mass of
the people, and this had been secured
through the efforts of the democratic
president and congress. With this
was the inheritance tax on the great
fortunes of the country, which com
pelled the payment into the treasury
of the tax on the swollen inheritances
of wealth.
The third promise had been that of
a safe bank and currency act that
would be a guarantee to the people
of the United States against bank
panics such' as liad swept over the
country in 1007, 1893 and in 1873, and
which had brought ruin and desolation
in their wake. On this proposition
Senator Hitchcock, who was one of
the members of the senate committee
on banking and currency, was able
torsive a clear statement of the bill
from the time it was received from
the house until it had been returned
to conference and finally became a
law of the land. The senator stated
that in the committee he . had : made j
contentions for several changes in the
bill that he thought to be for the best
interests of the people of the entire
country, and give the west an equal
opportunity with the east in the bene
fits of the bill. The senator stated
a great many understood that he had
opposed the bill and that it was
against the wishes of the administra
tion, but such was not the case as
President Wilson was at no time op
posed in the preparation of the meas
ure, but it was contended that the
changes were necessary to make the
law more perfect in its operations.
One of the things for which Senator
Hitchcock had contended was that al
lowing federal reserve banks to take
farm loans as securities from their
member banks which had not been in
cluded in the house bill and these pro
visions had been for the benefit of the
west and south, as the house bill
would allow only short time notes to
be offered as securities, such as manu
facturer and jobbers' notes, which
would not permit the great farming
states to be a benefactor from the
law. The adoption of the farm loan
securities clause had been one of the
things contended for by Mr. Hitch
cock and had been made a part of the
law. The banking and currency bill
had even been recognized by the re
publicans as one of the greatest meas
ures of the last fifty years.
The senator also touched on a num
ber of other measures of the demo
cratic congress, including the Philip
pine independence bill, which gives the
people of these Pacific islands the
right of self-government, and also the
child labor law just passed and which
gives to the children of the country
the hope of a chance in life instead
of days passed in the dark recesses
of mines or in the toil of the fac
tories of the east and south.
Senator Hitchcock stated that the
record showed clearly there was only
one real progressive party in the
country and this was the democratic
party, that had laid these laws on the
statute books of the country.
In closing the senator paid a tribute
to Keith Neville, candidate for gov
ernor, who had been made the target
of the vicious mud-slinging attacks of
the republicans, stating that in North
Platte, where Mr. Nville resides,
there is a universal sentiment of re
spect for this young man whose pri
vate life has been an open book, un
sullied in any way, ai.d with his keen
business ability he would make a good
governor for the state.
He also touched for a shoit time on
the record of the foreign policy of
President Wilson and pointed out that
at all costs to himself the President
had maintained the national honor
and at the same time had kept peace
when all the world was dripping with
the blood of millions of men killed in
a great conflict, and had it not been
for President Wilson this country
would long-since have been involved
in war, and should a change be made
in the office of the president the en
trance of this country might still be
possible ere the war closes. He stat
ed that the cards of President Wilson
were all on the table, and that only
one man knew what was held in
Hughes hand, and this was Theodore
Roosevelt, who had denounced Wilson
for not declaring war on Germany
when Belgium was invaded, and it
would not be surprising if Mr. Roose
velt were not made the secretary of
war if Hughes were elected as presi
dent of the United States, and those
who opposed the foreign policy of Mr
Wilson might find that they had
jumped from the frying pan into the
fire by swallowing Hughes and Roose
After the close of the address the
Senator and party motored back to
Omaha, where Senator Hitchcock will
remain until after the visit of Presi
dent Wilson to Omaha on Thursday
From Wednesday's Dally.
This morning John Busche, John
Gauer, Ldte Likewise and Chris
Gauer returned home from Moorfield,
Neb., where they went Sunday eve
ning called by the death of Eert In
heldcr, an uncle of the four gentlemen,
who died last Friday at the home of
his brother, Henry Inhelder, near
that place. Mr. Inhelder has been
sick for some time and the death was
not unexpected by the members of
the family. He resided in Cass
county for a number of years during
his boyhood days and will be well re
membered by the residents of Eight
Mile Grove. The deceased was a
brother of Mrs. Catherine Busche and
Mrs. George Schoemann of this city,
and of Henry Inhelder of Moorfield,
with whom he has been making his
home for the past few years. The
funeral was held Monday afternoon
at Moorfield.
$1.00 per bushel at Orchard. Phone
No. -2011, Murray, or see Joe Beil.
From Wednesday's Dally.
This village and vicinity mourns the
sad affliction that visited J.he JiQme of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boldah on Friday,
September 29, when their little daugh
ter, Faith Evelyn Boldan, was called
to the arms of the Creator. The little
girl was ill only one week, but the
illness was such that her tender con
stitution could not withstand, and she
bade a last farewell to her sorrowing
parents and little brothers and de
parted from this life to await the re
union with them in the other world.
The funeral services were held in the
M. E. church in Murdock at 2 o'clock
Sunday afternoon, Rev. W. A. Taylor
of Union officiating. The'pali bearers
were four little girls in white, symbo
lizing the purity of the soul that had
returned to its Maker, Intermtnt was
in th Wabash cemetery.
Faith Evelyn Boldan was bom De
cember 19, 1912, in Mardock, and died
at 11. o'clock p. m. on September 9,
1916, aged 3 years 9 months and 10
days. She was an exceptionally bright
little girl, dearly loved by all her com
panions, and her death is indeed a
very sad blow to the parents in whose
home this little flower bloomed for
only too short a time( then transplant
ed to add its fragrance to the bright
cluster in the Lord's garden of the
pure and innocent. Her death is
mourned by the parents and two lit
tle brothers, and the sincere sympa
thy of the community goes out to the
sorrowing relatives. A very large
congregation attended the funeral
services and many beautiful floral off
erings covered the little casket.
Will Porter, from near Union, was
in Plattsmouth Tuesday of this week
looking after some matters of busi
ness. He was a pleasant caller at the
Journal office.
The Bellaire: You may find this dressy type of overcoat very dis
tinguished and becoming You admire it on other men- why don't you try it on yourself ?
Shapely waist, converging buttons, knee-length, shghtly bell-shaped at the bottom. One
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Specialty of Fractional Sizes and the Foreword Model, originated by this Bouse CHICAGO Get our
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Car hart Overalls ..
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From Wedneaday'a Dally.
Last evening the . members of the
Methodist church held a reception in
the parlors of the church in honor of
the new pastor, Rev. Thomas C.
Truscott and family and a very large
number of the residents of the city
took the opportunity to attend and
take part in the pleasant event. The
parlors were very handsomely ar
ranged with the use of potted plants
and large rugs making the parlors a
most delightful spot. The guests were
received at the door by R. B. Hayes
and introduced to the members of the
receiving party consisting of John W.
Crabill, Mrs. R. W. Hayes, Rev. T.
C. Truscott, Mrs. J. W. Crabill, Mrs.
T C Truscott, Miss Truscott and Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Hill. The evening was
purely informal and made very pleas
ant by a most interesting program
consisting of a piano solo by A. Les
lie Cockle, a vocal duet by Misses
Gladys Hall and Delia Frans, a read
ing by Miss Helen Grace Beeson, a
Selection by the Plattsmouth Male
quartet composed of Messrs. Cloidt,
York, Seivers and Brooks, a reading
by Miss Alice Crabill, a vocal solo by
Miss Clara Mae Morgan, all of which
was greatly enjoyed by the rocbvs
of the party. Attorney A. L. Tidd in
a few well chosen words on behalf of
the members of the church extended to
the pastor and his family a cordial
welcome to their new home and as
sured them of hearty co-operation
from the membership in the work of
the church. Rev. H. G. McClusky of
the Presbyterian church on behalf of
the pastors of the city extended to
the family and Rev. Truscott a hearty
welcome from the members of the
other churches and the feeling of
good fellowship among the ministers
was demonstrated in the address.
Rev. Truscott responded in a most
feeling manner to the addresses of
welcome and stated that the reception
Book, Styles for Men, from your dealer or
Ste 'ion Hats
which he end his family had re
ceived from the people of Plattsmouth
had been most appreciated and that
it opened their work in the church
in a most pleasant manner.
Following the program dainty re
freshments were served by the ladies
of the church which added greatly to
the delights of the . evening.
frnm YWrirtesdav'g Dally.
Mrs. Henry Born returned home
Friday evening from Wausa, Neb.,
where she was called by the death of
her uncle, A. B. Walradt, who died in
that place on Thursday at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. Born remained until after the
funeral, and in her loss of the uncle
will receive the deepest -sympathy of
the community.
Never can tell when you'll mash a
finger or suffer a cut, bruise or scald.
Be prepared. Thousands rely on Dr.
Thomas' Electric Oil. Your druggist
sells it. 25c and 50c.
Read the want ads in the Journal.
send your name to tis
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