The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 02, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Our blankets were purchased nine months ago, thus giving you the benefit
of an early buy and thereby saving you money were these blankets priced on the
present high cotton and woolen markets. Our blankets are of the highest grade,
combining quality, style and high-grade workmanship, resulting in clean, good; look
ing merchandise.
Cotton Blankets!
Grey, plain and fancy border, small size for single bed, 21 00
price "
Grey and tan, full sizes, fancy border, -fl TPfiT
prices .$1.25, $1.40, $1.50 and
"Wool Finished" blankets, grey with colored borders, O fll
full size, prices $2.00 and mJf HJf
Wool Nap blankets, plaid, beautiful patterns, fi- (H(H
full size, prices $3.25, $2.50, $4.25 and JmJfU
All Wool Blankets, Scotch Plaid and black and N iOjOv-
red check, prices $8.50 and PmJJ
Small batting, high grade cottons 12 l-2c, 15c, 17 l-2c, 20c, 25c
Large batting, full comfort size 72x90, ex-tra fine quality price $1.25
Large select batting, wool processed, 72x84, price $1.35
Pure white hygenic lamb wool comfort batting, full No. 2, 72x84, price. .. .$1.75
Fine Australian lambs wool comfort batting, full No. 2, 72x84, price $2.75
Cheese cloth covered and tied cotton batting, all ready for the cover, price. .$1.75
Cheese cloth covered and tied wool batting, all ready for the cover, price. . . .$2.75
Call Phones 53 and 54.
We like to serve
M is. J. E. McDaniel is one of the
happiest ladies in the city as the re
sult of the present received from her
hu.-!a:;-l Saturday. This present is a
line new Willys-Knight touring car of
the latest style and make, and was se
eiired by Mr. McDaniel through John
I'auer, the local aprent. There is no
necessity of sayinsr that the gift is
one that will he thoroughly appre
ciated by Mrs. McDaniel. who will now
be able to enjoy the delights of motor
ing: in her own automobile.
All saloon keepers are hereby noti
fied not to give John D. Schwartz any
intoxicating liquors whatsoever.
Offop supplies Rt trip Journal ofTire
Saturday evening there arrived at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Jelinek on South Sixth street, a fine
little daughter, and the advent of the
little one brought to the parents a
great happiness, and the little daugh
ter will be a source of much joy and
happiness to them in the years to
come. Both the mother and little one
are doing nicely, and Charley is about
the happiest man in town.
Boys, you will find anything you
want to eat, from 5c to a dollar.
Every Sunday Spring Chicken with
dinner 25c. Oyster stew 15c; coffee,
with pie, 5c; hot soup, 5c; hot cakes
and coffee, 10c. All kinds of sand
wiches, 5c and six for a quarter.
Vice President of United States
i tit-
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cur '. rm TV
will speak in Plattsmouth Tuesday, October 10,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Everybody
come out and hear this gifted orator.
George Ray and wife and Frank
Grauf and wife and daughter, Miss
Emma, of near Murray who have
been enjoying a visit several miles be
low Burlington Junction, Mo., have
returned home and were much pleased
with the outing. The trip was made
by auto and was without a mishap of
any kind and one of the most com
plete enjoyment as the route was
along the excellent roads of that local
itj While in Missouri the party were
the guests of Joe and Ernest Mont
gomery and it is stated that they
showed their hosts something about
playing cards. Frank states that a
series of games of pitch were staged
to settle the question of the supre
macy of Nebraska or Missouri and in
this the Nebraska boys proceeded to
show the Missouri lads most success
fully and got away with the honor of
winning the series.
i esterday a very serious runaway
occurred south of the city in the vi
cinity of Murray, that resulted very
seriously for John Lowther, one of
the leading farmers residing south of
this city. Mr. Lowther had been at
Murray to convey his son-in-law, Bei t
Root, there to catch a train, and was
bound for his home when the runaway
occurred. As Mr. Lowther was driv
ing along near the farm of Oscar
Gapen, an automobile passed him.
when the team became frightened and
started to run and, being a very high-
spirited team, soon got beyond control
of Mr. Lowther and tore madly along
the road, demolishing the buggy as
they ran. When near the farm of
D. A. Young the team completely de
molished the buggy and Mr. Lowthi-r
was hurled among the wreckage of
the vehicle. Aid was soon on the
scene and Dr. B. F. Brundel sum
moned from Murray, and on examina
tion it was found that Mr. Lowther
had suffered the loss of the scalp
from one side of his head and was
apparently suffering from a fracture
of the skull. He was brought by
automobile to this city and after :i
consultation it was decided to removt
him to the Presbyterian hospital in
Omaha, where he was hurried, and at
9 o'clock last night the injured head
was operated on. At last reports, re
ceived today, the victim of the run
away was reported as resting as easily
as possible, but owing to the serious
nature of the injuries it is feared it
will be some time before he will lie
out of danger.
Having received the nomination for
the office of sheriff of Cass county, on
the democratic ticket, and in connec
tion with announcing my candidacy
for said office, I wish also to express
my appreciation for the loyal support
given me at the primaries, and trust
that you will be able to give the saint
loyal support at the general election
November 7th. With the promise of
faithfulness to all the duties of the
office, I solicit the support of the vot
ers of Cass county.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of county attorney on
the democratic ticket, and solicit the
support of the voters, and if elected
will see that the laws are enforced,
and will appreciate any support given
As the democratic candidate for
state senator from the Second district,
composed of Casstind Otoe counties,
I solicit the support of the voters and
promise to see that my time will be
devoted to the best interests of the
taxpayers of the district and state.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of clerk of the district
court on the republican ticket, sub
ject to the choice of the voters at the
general election, Tuesday, November
7th. Your support solicited.
, The first dry meeting of the fall
campaign was held in this city Sat
urday evening at the corner of Fifth
and Main streets where the band
stand was stationed and from which
the speaker of the evening, Attorney
C. A. Rawls, delivered 'his address in
advocacy of the adoption of the pro
hibition amendment to the constitution
of the state. A number of school
children were seated on the platform
and gave a number of the campaign
songs of the dry forces including
"Dry Clean Nebraska," and other se
lections which have been used quite
extensively by the adherents of the
prohibition cause. Mr. Rawls in his
remarks pointed out the betterment
that would follow the adoption of the
prohibition amendment. The address
was litstened to by a large number of
the workers in the prohibition and
considering the numerous other at
tractions going on in the city drew a
very satisfactory crowd. It is the in
tention of the dry federation of the
county to hold these meetings each
Saturday evening from now until
election and speakers and workers
from all sections of the county will be to participate in the meetings and
in that manner divide the work be
tween the teamsf romthe different
towns of the county.
At 12:25 yesterday morning at her
home in Havelock, occurred the death
of Mrj. Mary Fogeity, wife of James
Fogerty, and a former resident of
this city. Mrs. Fogerty had been
quite sick for some time, but her
death was not expected and came as
quite a severe blow to the relatives,
as her sisters from this city had vis-
ted her Saturday, and she seemed to
be showing some improvement. The
body will be brought to this city for
burial and will-arrive in this city at
1:12 Tuesday afternoon, and will taken
to the home of her sister, Mrs. Joseph
Hiber, where it will remain for the
present. The funeral arrangements
will not be completed until the brother
in Ohio can be heard from.
Mary Janda, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Anton Janda, was born in Platts
mouth November 25, 1881, and was
reared to womanhood here and mar
ried to Mr. James Fogerty on Septem
ber 22, 1913, and since their marriage
Mr. and Mrs. Fogerty have made
their home in Havelock. She leaves
besides the husband, the aged father,
Anton Janda, sr., and the following
brothers and sisters: James Janda,
Springfield, O.; Anton Janda, jr.,
Plattsmouth; Thomas and Louis Jan
da of Havelock, Mrs. Joseph Hiber,
Mrs. J. J. Svoboda and Mrs. Thomas
Svoboda of Plattsmouth.
For Representative 7th District
Democratic Ticket
AIvo, Nebraska.
Your support respectfully solicited
I am your friend,
I announce my candidacy for the
office of float representative from the
eighth district, comprising Cass and
Otoe counties and will appreciate your
Having received the nomination for
the office of county commissioner for
the First district, on the republican
ticket, I solicit the support of the
voters of Cass county, and in return
for such support I pledge myself to
the faithful performance of the duties
of said office.
Buy a Perfection Smoklcss Oil Heater
for these cool mornings. The burner on the
Perfection is simplicity itself nothing to get
out of order. Smoking made absolutely im
possible by the patented lock flame spread
er. The window frame of the Perfection
Heater contains brass wire gauze not the
ordinary mica.
The Perfection Heater is a "thing of
beauty," particularly in the turquoise
enamel finish, which never rusts out, and Is
fit to grace the finest home. Just call 151
and it will be delivered to your door.
Three Poland-China young male
hogs, also one Duroc male hog. Phone
quickly at the
The following prices on Ford Cars and Chassis,
f. o. b. Detroit, becomes effective August 1st:
Ford Chassis.... $325.00
Ford RunaVjout. 34.00
Ford Touring Car 360.00
Ford Coupelet.. 505.00
Ford Town Car 595.00
Ford Sedan Car 645.00
We guarantee there will be no reduction in the
above prices prior to August 1, 1917, but can not as
sure whatever against an advance in price any time.
Call at The Journal office for your
Dennison Hallowe'en party decora
tions. We have the finest line ever
before shown by us. Call and make
your selections early.
Found A bunch of keys on the
Rock Bluff road south of the city.
Owner can have same by calling on
Charles Warjra and paying for this
The Burlington will have a special
train to Omaha on Wednesday even
ing, October 4th, on the occasion of
the Ak-Sar-Ben electrical parade. The
train will leave Plattsmouth at 7 p
m. and on the return will leave Omaha
at 11 p. m. This will give all an op
portunity of witnessing the electrical
parade which will be on a larger
scale than ever this year.
If you enjoy a good social dance,
a good time and good music, do not
fail to attend the dance at Coates' hall
on Saturday evening, September 30th.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure catarrhal deafness,
and that is by a constitutional remedy.
Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im
perfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed. Deafness is the result. Unless the
inflammation can be reduced and this tube
restored to its normal condition, hearine
will bs destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafness are caused by catarrh, which la
an inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by -Hall's Catarrh Medicine,. . Ci -CUlara
free. ' AlTrurKistst '75c. . .
. J.CHE;EX. &.CC. Toledo. O.
Does the Open Saloon Produce Prosperity?
Does Regulations Regulate the Open Saloon?
Practically every court in the United States, with one accorcJ, have answered these
questrons. Below are given the answers from a few of the Courts of the several
States and the United States Supreme Court:
JSupreme Court of Illinois, says: r
"Wo presume do one would have the hardihood to contend that the retail sale of
intoxicating drinks does not tend, in a large degree, to demoralize the community, to
foster vice, produce crime and beggary, want and misery."
Schwuchow v. Chicago. C8 111. 444
Supreme Court of Iowa, says:
"An enumeration of all the evils arising from the use of intoxicating liquors nee'l
not be attempted. They are numerous and affect the people collectively and in
dividually. Idleness, poverty, pauperism, crime, insanity, disease, and the destruction
of human life, follow indulgence in the habit of using intoxicating drinks. Millions of
our fellow-countrymen are addicted to this habit, and of these, millions become drunk
ards. Homes are broken up and domestic peace is destroyed by drunkenness. The
prisons, almshouses, and institutions for the care of orphans, insanity and afflicted, are
largely filled by the vice." "Thinking men of this day concur in the opinion that the in
fluence of saloon, and the idelness and vice of the multitude of its clientage, constitute the
great peril of American institutions. We think none will deny that nothing but evil
flows from this source." Pearson v. International Distillery, 72 la. 348
Supreme Court of Indiana, says:
"The evils which attend ancj inhere in the business of handling and selling intoxi
cating liquor are universally recognized, and the danger therefrom to the peace and
good order of the community everywhere necessitates the exercises of the police power."
Schmidt v. City, 80 N. E. G.'!2
Supreme Court of the United States, says:
"By the general concurrence of opinion of every civilized and christian communi
ty, there are few sources of crime and misery to society equal to the dram shop, where,
intoxicating liquors in small quantities, to be drunk at the time are sold indiscriminately
to all parties applying. The statistics of every State show a greater amount of crime and
misery attributable to the use of ardent spirits obtianed at these retail liquor saloons
than to any other source." Crowley v. Christensen, 137 U. S. 86
The U. S. Census Report 1910, shows:
Delinquents committed to prison, in Nebraska 5,888
Delinquents committed to prison, in Kansas 3,594
attsmouth Prosperity League